Those of us who are Christian know that the Messiah came two thousand years ago. God put on a tent of human flesh and dwelled among us, teaching us righteousness by demonstrating his holiness.
The recent election was a historical record that the majority of Americans think the Messiah has come in the year 2009 by his promises and his charisma. In the Broadway play, “Promises, Promises,” the play opens with an old man in an old bed with sheets of flour sacks. A well-dressed bureaucrat stands near the bed with a briefcase. In the first words of the play, the old man says, “Promises, promises. Here is another one with promises.”
After Nixon reopened China, I was one of the first Americans into the country. He sent over a planeload of doctors and lawyers, and I was selected to go. I was astounded by many things, but mostly how inhumane communism had made the people. For instance, in their communes, in their housing projects, four families would share one bathroom and one kitchen. The children stayed with the mother only a few days after birth. Then, all children went to what was called “childrens palaces,” where they were raised by the government. They were educated, taught work where the government determined their capabilities. The young boys were all militarized.
Collectivism, such as you find in Russia and China, always seems to be functional until you peel back the layers and see how the human psyche is left totally out of the process. As I asked one guide when observing women manufacturing some art projects, “What if one was truly artistic and made something different from the others?” She said, “It would be immediately destroyed.”
The Puritans experimented with a collectivist system early in our American history, but they soon found that while some were working hard, others were content to do nothing but live off the others’ hard work. Can anyone see the "symptom-ology" of collectivism being promulgated by our modern Messiah, President Obama, and his political cohorts?
Why should you work to pay your mortgage and the other matters necessary for your life, while others sit around watching trash on television, getting fatter and lazier, and living as well as you do from work? Rather, they are living off your work. This is called the spreading of the wealth. John Dewey, who set up the communist school system, a product of Columbia University's Teacher’s College, proclaimed, “The end justifies the means.” They mean to “communize” all of us, just as surely as it has been done in China, and other places in the world, but the former President of Russia said recently, “socialism will not be good for America.”
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