Sonny Bono, born in Detroit in 1935, never graduated from high school, began his musical career in 1960’s, married Cher in 1969, and enjoyed a musical TV career for over three decades. Bono was elected to Congress in 1994, but was not considered very important in the congressional hierarchy, but because of his popularity, his name recognition, the fact that he had a never ending zeal for MIAs and POWs, he was speaking out, asking some embarrassing questions of the CIA and Pentagon, was heading for the house intelligence committee, when very suddenly in 1998, he died in a reported “ski accident” in Nevada by “reportedly” running into a tree.
There seems to be a classic cover up of his death, his wife Mary, who was appointed to fill his un-expired term, stated he used many prescription drugs, but none were found in his body. It is very strange that for someone who “ran into a tree”, a experienced skier, that there were none of the abrasions one would expect at the front of the body, but only what appeared to be administered wounds at the back of his neck. Little was done as far as investigation and examination of the scene, his cap and goggles continue to be missing and many consider his death, like that of John F Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, General George Patton, political homicides. As was the case with JFK’s assassination, questions continue to be asked and the government continues its cover-up, “and the beat goes on”. (the words found on congressman Sonny Bono’s tombstone)
Most Americans live in a state of self deception. Firstly, we are deceived to think that our government is taking care of us, or will take care of us. Mark Twain said one time that the most beautiful sight in the world is an American flag flying on a ship in a foreign port. In my world travels, it was always a sort of consolation to enter an American embassy or to see an American ship in port, or to visit an American naval ship, as I did once on Christmas on the island Majorca. ( I saw an American ship in port on Christmas day and I went down to the ship, showed my military ID, and was welcomed aboard by the duty officer who evidently looked me up in a military directory, and as a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, was shown every courtesy of the men and officers of the ship. I believe it made the Christmas for all much better).
There was a time, an American in trouble on foreign soil, could expect help from the American government, starting with Carter and the Iran hostages in the 70’s, this is no longer true. We deceive ourselves if we think that the government will rescue us at anytime. It is believed that many Vietnam veterans, (MIA’s, POW’s) were taken from Vietnam by the North Korean communists and are still alive in some God forsaken prison camp. I have reported, to the government, what a Russian told me about the prisoners taken from the shooting down of the South Korean airliner and that they are in a prison camp on the Russian west coast near Vladivostok. Many veterans have been deceived into thinking that they would receive, not only medical care, but other assistance in any city in the USA. You will find veterans and their families on food stamps, sleeping under bridges, treated as second class citizens, while illegal immigrants are enjoying the “picking of flowers which they did not plant”.
Many of us, have paid tremendous insurance premiums, over and over, year after year, thinking we had protection for health or property, when, if a claim were made we found just how worthless the insurance is. Insurance policies are written by lawyers for lawyers to understand. There are usually “loopholes” in any insurance policy to keep a company from paying a claim unless you have pockets deep enough to challenge them in a court of law.
Most lawyer's businesses, recently, have lost clients because businesses are insuring themselves in-house (No insurance with a large company, only the retainer of a lawyer to initially fight any claim and then the hiring of more lawyers to fight a court action since they saw this work so well with the large insurance corporations, they had rather pay the lawyer when needed then to shell out large insurance premiums, over and over, year after year.) I have never made an insurance claim (and I own considerable real estate) which was not initially denied and which, in order to collect, did not involve the hiring of legal representation. As we have seen with AIG, insurance is the biggest racket known to the American
citizens and we as citizens, are stupid enough with our self deceit, to keep paying for it.
On January 28 1986, The Challenger blew apart 73 seconds after launch, killing the 7 aboard including the first teacher to go into flight, Sharon Christa McAuliffe from Concord, NH. She was a college roommate of a friend of mine from Boston and was a superior person in every regard. One of the countries large newspaper reported that the authorities at the launch site knew there was a problem with the launching, but were so anxious to get the vehicle into space that they disregarded some safe guards, and the deception surrounding the tragedy was perpetuated by media and government.
There is much deception in this country and in the world today. Satan is the great deceiver and has deceived most of the world into eternal damnation. Every 24 hours, 64,800 people become followers of Islam, a false prophet following a false God. There is little we can do about the Muslim entrapment of the world's population. For 2,000 years, in spite of thousands of Christian missionaries going throughout the world proclaiming God’s redemption’ people continue to choose darkness rather than light. “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)
The most spectacular deception affecting today’s world is the amount of money being spent on education, and the poor product obtained for the money spent. Even at our nations capitol, Washington DC, more tax funds are spent on individual student education than any other place in our country ,$17,000 per student when the national average is $8,700 per student. Our scores show that in a country that spends more on public education than any other country in the world, we continue to rank towards the bottom in achievement.
I never cease to be amazed, when employing high school graduates who were given a diploma even though they cannot read and write. It is much like one of my church friends, an older lady who had been in church all her life, said, ” Golgotha was the disciple who killed the apostle David”. We want to believe, and many times we have the right to be deceived, that our government is honest, that the news reporters (television news, radio news, newspaper news), government agencies ( CIA,SEC, FTC, FCC, etc), are not deceiving us in their reports, that our school boards, academic institutions are not deceiving us in their ability to educate our youth. That the banks, drug corporations, finance corporations, instead of buying up one another to lessen their competition are intent on taking care of the needs of the citizens of the country.
We should be aware as never before, our young people know the meaning of deception, know the methods of deception, know the hypocrisy of deception, know about the corruption of deception, and this is more to deal with than bankrupt national and local governments. The deception of political and spiritual leaders, the “stinking thinking” that leads only to disaster in individual lives and the life of a nation.
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