One of the first books introduced to most young people, a book which has lived through time as a rendition of stories easily applied to life in any era is Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Written in 1870, the most famous character in the book is Uncle Remis who tells the story of Br’er Rabbit a story which can be traced back to African folklore, because the hare always represented a trickster. But even earlier, the Cherokee Advocate printed in 1845 related the Tar Baby story.
One cannot help but think about this when considering the SUBTERFUGE of the new President. At least, in the Br’er Rabbit story he made an act of not wanting to be thrown into the briar patch. Br’er Rabbit was good at pretending. Our President is blatant, no pretending at all about his intentions and ideology of his future for this country. In two months, he has managed to undo everything Pro-Life Christians have been able to accomplish for many years. In 60 days, he has created more debt than all previous Presidents combined. In 60 days, he has managed to destroy the business climate of corporate America, the envy of the world, which took two centuries to produce through trial and error. In 60 days, he has managed to throw out every textbook item of business law. There is no pretending, no hypocrisy because he had stipulated ahead of time that he was going to “change” everything.
If Karl Marx or Gus Hall were alive, one would think they were his chief advisers. His Chief of Staff, another Chicago political figure Roam Emanuel said, “National dilemma cannot be wasted.” Since, a most inept President, George W. Bush, and a more inept Congress had made such a mess of things, on the wings of national disgust, corruption on every hand, bewildered voters, global recession, he and his liberal, socialist, disgruntled, tax-dodging supporters are using no subterfuge in turning this into a Communist nation. You safely say about Democrats, they have an agenda. They have a carefully planned program for turning this into a totalitarian collectivist society in which the government takes care of all your needs, you can spend your money on your wants and then the control ideology stipulated by Marx will take care of your needs.
The playing field is leveled, you take from the haves and give to the have-nots. As Roger Baldwin, Communist, founder of the ACLU, said, “There are no borders, no contracts, no marriage unions.” We are supposed to be just animals in a pen, dogs in an alley, no morals.
It is a miracle that the Republican Party, and indeed, conservatism has been able to survive this long. Republican pretenders such as Chaffe, Snow, Collins, could never be depended on for Conservative votes. General MacArthur told us long ago “There is no substitute for victory.” Republicans do not mind losing and even when winning are too lazy to stay on the job.
The Christian Church would have won the world to Christ long ago, if Christians lived their faith before the world. Conservative principles in life and in politics have always been right, but even Conservatives no longer believe in absolutes. Republicans no longer believe that abortion is absolutely wrong, that high taxation is absolutely wrong, that a ridiculous national debt is absolutely wrong, that the enslavement of a people of liberty and the enslavement of their children and grandchildren is absolutely wrong, that the protection of national borders, a fight for national morality is absolutely wrong. The Republican Party has compromised in the acceptance of Republican political leaders and legislation, federal and state, which by every measurement known to man is absolutely wrong.
George W. Bush, like his father before him, like the Democrat Carter, will go down in history as a very weak President. Much legislation which he should have vetoed if he had been a Conservative and Christian (which he claimed to be) would have kept many Republicans in office at a time in history of desperate need. The election of Obama, the defeat of many Republicans (not just McCain) can be put directly at the feet of George W. Bush. Except for the Blacks, I do not believe most of the Obama voters supported him so much because of Obama’s liberalism, but the Bush tribalism (encircling himself with incompetence which he refused to fire).
At St. John’s Church in Richmond, Virginia on March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty, or give me death!” With muskets and pitchforks, our Founding Fathers established a Democratic Republic. We have been thrilled over the years to read about the founders and defenders of this Republic. 125,000 of our finest lay buried in military cemeteries on foreign soil who believed this country was worth defending. At this very hour, young men and women are keeping terrorists busy in foreign lands so they are not terrorizing this country and are giving humanitarian relief to people who want freedom. The world is not perfect, nor will it ever be, but as one who has traveled through every continent, I can say without fear of contradiction that this great Democratic Republic is still desired and respected by people old and young, rich and poor, regardless of skin color throughout the world.
One sound I will never forget, raised in the wide expanses of the countryside, at each country home, there was a large iron dinner bell. Around noon, mother would go outside and ring the bell, then, the family, the hired help, all would leave the plows in the field, young men would ride on the backs of the mules as everyone headed towards the dinner table. The mules, though tired from a long morning of work, walked sprightly because they were headed to a stable where water and food awaited. After a good meal, a good nap, everyone returned to work. In every Muslim country, and I have visited most of them, there is not much honest work going on, but from the tall minarets (tall spires) of the mosque, you hear the calls to prayer. In silence, with our hands on the plows, pray that America will still hear the dinner bell.
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