In the study of physiology, we learn early that a stimulus to a muscle fibre responds 100% or not at all, this is called the “all or none” principle. A 'soft' rule in behavioral studies, which refers to the observation that a behavioral stimulus will produce either a complete response or none at all. All-or-none response Cardiac physiology The property of cardiac muscle in which stimulation from a single myocyte travels to the atrium and ventricle before contracting, resulting in a coherent and coordinated pump activity. The high school chemistry student learns early in his study of elements that a chemical reaction responds completely or not at all.
Nature and science are very specific in the directions God imposed in creation. This is true not only in physics and mathematics, but in the absolutes of photosynthesis, the clotting of blood, the acoustical resonance of music (middle C, F sharp, etc, staying in all music scores anywhere, in the world), science is very cruel, not politically correct. We think we can pick and choose, as at a buffet table, what we want to believe from God’s word, from the mathematical tables book, from the laws of physics, but the more you study, the more you will find, the laws of God carefully calculated in His creation are “ALL OR NONE.”
Man thinks he is so smart: natural selection, gene therapy, racial color discrimination, but if you want a case of schizophrenia, try breaking the omnipotent, omniscience, inherent laws of God. You will find, as did Nietzsche, before he went to the insane asylum, just how real God is. God laughs when people doubt Him, He requires only one thing, trust.
God is no respecter of persons. You may eat on gold plates the finest food obtainable by the best chefs of the world. You may ride in the world’s finest limousine, dressed in the finest materials designed by the world’s greatest clothe makers, like the former president of Tyco (Dennis Kozlowski sentenced to 25 years in prison for stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from the company) who gave lavish parties costing millions of dollars, when a large part of the worlds population goes to bed hungry, can so easily come in contact with one disease that can result in a horrible death.
In this time of the swine flu, when a corrupt government, protected by a more corrupt media, is telling people to wash their hands when, in everyday, in every way, just by touching a doorknob or handrail or breathing the air in which any other human being has come in contact you can immediately be sentenced to death.
We live in a world of infiltration, the enemy has infiltrated our borders, the enemy has infiltrated all areas of government protection. The enemy has infiltrated all areas of financial security. The enemy has infiltrated and almost destroyed the academic systems of this nation. The enemy has infiltrated all entertainment (TV programs considered pornographic 40 years ago are now watched by the entire family). The enemy has infiltrated and almost taken over the spiritual fortresses of the world (The Joel Osteens, the Rick Warrens, the Schullers, the Benny Hinns, and the other religious compromisers and prostitutes), have brought the last refuge from the enemy right to the closet door where we cling, in the closet, to the promises of prayer, our only deliverance from the enemy.
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12:1-2)
Many of you, will account to God for your vote (in this romanticism for “change”) when you voted for and supported a political party of abortion, same-sex marriage, and godless socialist takeover of this nation, whose founding fathers and thousands of patriots since have given life and limb in the securing of liberty. God did not instruct us to compromise or change, rather He told us to be transformed by His spirit. It is easy to conform to the sin of the world. Satan and his demons will give you all the assistance you need in conforming to the godless, satanic, immoral, schizoid pretensions of Satan domination. Certainly, any human being with two purkinje brain cells still functioning, can understand that God established an all or none principle governing human beings. (In the laboratory, we have discovered that dogs who could do tricks, after being injected with blood from a schizophrenic human being, forgot all their training)
Half-way houses are very popular in the psychology community, in the re-adaptation of people who need socializing in the world. Spirit-filled, born again, saints of God know that this is not a half way world, it is all or none. God will not allow sin, half saved into His heaven.
Out of Mind, Out of Sight
They've locked me in this cage,
Not in a hospital room,
For them, my mind is an open stage,
But they won't let it bloom.
They trapped me inside my own head,
By saying what I see is strange,
And people whose voices I hear are dead,
So to hear them must make me deranged.
I'm not a danger to society,
I'm too much of a wuss to hurt myself,
So they let me continue to walk free,
But my brain is now locked on a shelf.
They give me pills to make me calm,
"They'll help" the doctor said,
I think they're doing less good than harm,
I can no longer be bothered to get out of bed.
They took away my motivation, my will,
I know if it continues I cannot stay,
They did this to me with that little pill,
And they'll use it as an excuse to lock me away.
It's just a matter of time now,
They'll soon be at my door,
They worked towards this, they knew just how,
And I'll be 'free' no more.
by Onionducks
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