Karl Menninger, who died in 1990, is perhaps the most famous psychiatrist in the 20th century, founder of Menninger clinic in Topeka KS, said, "It is hard for a free fish to understand what is happening to a hooked one..." So it is with Americans since the last election. Ignorant and misguided young people, so intent on “change” decided to elect a Muslim socialist, ideologue, bereft of any knowledge of capitalism and free enterprise, (once free, we are hooked) since he has been launched onto the political scene by the Chicago mafia intent on taking over the sound principles which had made this republic great, which had caused masses from all parts of the world to arrive here for opportunity.
Restructuring ideas such as robbing Peter to pay Paul “when Peter is robbed the voters are always on the side of Paul”. Overtaxed, hard-working taxpayers are forced to “bailout” failures in the corporate ( GM, Chrysler, Ford, AIG, etc), banking (CityCorp, Wachovia, etc), wall street (Merrill Lynch, etc), states, cities and towns, all of which have been reckless in their dealings, “payouts”, bonuses, and other corrupt practices such as the appointments of directors only because of political influences. With the housing market and the investment market, (annuities, retirement systems), their was not enough intelligence in the 535 members of the elected representatives and senators to understand that their political contributors were being paid off on the backs of future generations, enslaved by corruption.
The restructuring has extended to the point that the government can replace corporate CEO’s, interfere with contract obligations of legal corporations and we will see, with the meeting in London of financial leaders of the world the establishment of a global monetary system, restructured as a replica of the Euro currency.
Once in history, we have had an example of the type decimation that this country is facing today. When the 4600 captives of Israel were taken to Babylon (Jeremiah 29), in their despair at restructuring, these captives of enslavement, were told to build houses, take wives, have sons and daughters, to plant gardens, and seek the peace of the city. In other words, keep doing the natural things which made you a great nation from the beginning and you will be a great nation again, in spite of everything. The walls of Babylon were so high and wide that there were chariot races on top of the walls, the hanging gardens of the city were one of the wonders of the ancient world.
Instead of kneeling to the encapsulation and enslavement of their lives, they held on to the faith that had given them and their ancestors confidence. In a recent history geographical, geologic archeological discovery from ancient Babylon, made possible because of the worst drought in history. The Euphrates which had been dammed by Saddam Hussein in order to provide a 120 mile lake next to the border of Syria has now shrunk 90% revealing ancient Jewish settlements over 3,000 years of age. Along with other archeological and historical “finds”, these housing units were probably the housing for the Jewish slaves while in their captivity during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar.
Another example which specifies our political condition at present is found in the Gospel of John in the fifth chapter. At the garden of Bethesda, a disabled man had been laying thirty-eight years awaiting his opportunity for healing in the waters. Christ’s question seems strange “When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?” (John 5:6) This seems a strange question to us, but Christ knew human nature, there are those who enjoy poor health who rely on their disability. A black woman preacher told me recently, ”I offered to pray for the healing of a man in my church”, he said, “you can pray for me but remember I get a check”.We agreed that he was more interested in his government check then in God’s healing. She told me that she went to a nursing home to visit one lady who told her, in the beginning, when she offered to pray for her, “I don’t have time for prayer I must watch my “story“”. “We sown to the wind, and we have reaped a whirlwind”. (Hosea 8:7) Our country which in the past had faith in the abundance of God, now only has confidence in government checks and is pursuing the nightmare of socialist control.
Richard Dawkins, born in 1941 is a famous British biologist mostly for promoting Darwin’s theory of evolution without going into the failures of his theories. In his book “The Blind Watchmaker” the preface states the following "to persuade the reader, not just that the Darwinian world-view happens to be true, but that it is the only known theory that could, in principle, solve the mystery of our existence." Dr. Dawkins, like resident Obama, will learn as will the power brokers, political leaders, political appointees who support them, that the restructuring of the economic, political, and sociological foundations of this country are dependent on the mercies of God rather then the reconstituted, restructured ideologues from the unmeasured perversions of Satan. Aldous Leonard Huxley died in 1963, wrote an essay entitled “Science, Liberty and Peace”, said that he “did not want this world to have any meaning“. Carl Sagan in his TV program Cosmos said, “this is all there is to it, there is nothing more”.
How tragic it is, that the political leaders and the leaders of academia in this country, believe these atheists. This is not new “news” for the Christian, the last people for persecution in the world. We have known for centuries “light has come into the world and men prefer darkness to light”. (John 3:18) Madeline Mary O’Hare, atheist lawyer, spent her life filing one lawsuit after another to take God out of American life. Dr. Michael Newdow, physician and lawyer, since Ms. O’Hare has disappeared from the face of the earth, is spending his time and wealth to get “In God We Trust” removed from every government emblem.
Yes, there are millions of Americans not covered by healthcare insurance, but this is no reason to destroy the American healthcare system with a system of socialized care which has not worked out very well anyplace it is used. Castro’s Cuba has a socialized healthcare system and an excess of healthcare practitioners, but we have never known any scientific discoveries to come out of Cuba and we do not know of any citizens of the world going there for healthcare, nor to China, nor to Russia. In our judicial system, in our system of economics, in our healthcare system, with all the “warts”, there has not been a better system in the world.
I am the first to talk about an inept veterans administration, an inept banking system, an inept FDA system, but this country has been blessed with a stability that has given the American citizen the best standard of living in the world. My passport has been stamped in 157 countries, I have seen the best and the worst of human life conditions throughout the world. I have made no preparations to move anywhere else. (I am a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran) I have in my closet one army uniform which I can still wear, as a medical officer with a rank of lieutenant colonel, even though I will have to have someone to lead me around, I am still ready for orders.
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