One of the most famous songs of the 20th century is as follows:
This world is not my home, I'm just passing through.
My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue.
The angels beckon me from Heaven's open door
And I can't feel at home in this world anymore.
O Lord you know I have no friend like you
If Heaven's not my home, then Lord what will I do?
The angels beckon me from Heaven's open door
And I can't feel at home in this world anymore.
Scripture tells us that our citizenship is in heaven, that we are just foreigners here on this earth, strangers and pilgrims, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul” (1 Peter 2:11) Just moving through, but that we are to give allegiance to authority over us. This often becomes very difficult when we consider the character of the political leaders in charge of local, state, and federal government. I have watched the funerals of several past presidents, knowing their lifestyle and the political corruption with which they were elected. The first Christian church in Washington DC, was the sight of the funeral for Lyndon B. Johnson 36th president of the United states, before a church, filled with political dignitaries, Leontyne Price, the Metropolitan Opera sang “Precious Lord Take my Hand” and “Onward Christian soldiers,” at his burial. Under a tree at his ranch in Texas, Dr. Billy Graham eulogized him as a great man.
We saw murdered John F. Kennedy’s casket taken into St. Matthews Catholic cathedral in Washington DC, amid the pomp and circumstance of a catholic state funeral.
Franklin D. Roosevelt died in warm springs GA, his flag draped casket centered in one carriage of a train with many lights bringing him slowly up the eastern seaboard, slowing at every small town along the tracks as thousands lined the railroad tracks to get a glimpse of the casket as it proceeded to Washington for a state funeral in the east room of the White House. And then onto his final burial in hide park
Richard Nixon, like Ronald Reagan, was buried on the grounds of his library. Reagan, more popular, had a much larger state funeral than did Nixon, both of whom were buried at their libraries in California. The presidency is our closet aspiration to royalty. We have seen the great funerals of England at Westminster Abby and St. Paul. Perhaps one of the most spectacular funerals was that of Nicholas Mountbatten, admiral of the Royal Navy, last ruler of India, killed by the Irish, whose coffin on a caisson was pulled to St. Paul’s cathedral by several thousand sailors. Another spectacular sight in England was the casket of Winston Churchill on a barge going down the Thames river and all the cranes dipping or bowing as the barge passed.
Greatness does not come cheap, in this country, you must raise millions of dollars to buy the office as in the last election with President Obama. Recently, I heard a black college student interviewed on the radio who referred to President Obama as the black race having a god. He said, “Now we do not say God bless you when someone sneezes rather, Barack bless you.” He said, “ The white folks have had their white god, now they must honor our black god.” Politicians are like a coin. A coin has symbols on each side which makes it worth something. Eliminate the symbols on one side by an abrasion and the coin is worth nothing. The reason Abraham Lincoln is always at the top of the most important figures in political history is because he was a man of integrity. Anyway you turned him he had certain basic convictions and he stood by them. Ronald Reagan also makes the list of the 5 most important political figures in history. Even George W. Bush still makes the list though one of the most unpopular presidents in history, with the lowest poll rating because he had certain convictions and he stood by those convictions, such as opposition to abortion. One cannot be a proponent of the slaughter of babies without suffering the consequences of damnation by Satan and eventually the public.
Peter Drucker, author of 39 books, largely responsible for the rapid advances of Japan following WWII. Japan used the famous 3 legged Peter Drucker’s approach to government which “teaches that a "healthy" society is built upon three sectors: a public sector of government (State); a private sector of businesses (Corporations); and a social sector of community, church and charitable organizations. Each of these sectors must ultimately be accountable to the State. In countries where this has been tried, it was easy to control economics and education such as in Stalin’s Russia, Hitler’s Germany, Pol Pots Cambodia, and even Mao Zedong’s China. The reason most of these regime’s did not function well is they did not control religion. It is the objective of the Drucker followers in this country to control religion. It is significant that president Obama’s mentor, Saul Alinsky author of “Rules for Radicals “ and “Revelry for radicals” and is at close adherent of peter Drucker's theories.
It is amazing how rapidly Mr. Obama and his disciples are establishing these principals while slow thinking, lethargic acting, evangelicals, and even Christians including Catholics, with same sex marriage and emphasis on abortion, are complacently undisturbed. The two legs of the three legged stool, economics and education, as in the communist systems, were easily taken over. The absolute success of what Saul Alinsky calls the “target” is more difficult. In JFK’s “While England Slept,” in which he describes the failures of the British government to prevent WWII by not castigating appeasement. We seem to think that spirit filled “Children of God” can isolate themselves from this total communist takeover. When will we awaken to what is happening?
Many years ago, at a southern Baptist convention. I heard Dr Baker James Cauthen secretary of the foreign mission board, state that the greatest area for evangelicalism was the black people of United States. A prominent black minister told me, “most blacks go to church, just in case there is something to it.” Dr. Frederick K Price, famed black California preacher, founder and pastor of Crenshaw Christian Center, author of the book “How Faith Works”, has revealed these shallow pretensions of most black religionists. As president Obama, and pastor Reverend Jeremiah Wright, has said, “The chickens have come home to roost.” And with the threats of Janet Napolitano concerning right wing terrorists, and representative Barney Frank's attempt at “hate speech”, the course has been set.
President Obama, the most liberal senator in US history, the most pro-abortion politician in US history, has surrounded himself with radicals from every field: abortion, economics, affairs of state, education, etc. Would the most radical liberal ever have believed that Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius who received a reported $200,000 from the most radical abortion physician, Dr. George Tiller, would be selected for Director for Health and Human resources in a country that until a few years ago was considered “Christian.” (1799 to 1892, US supreme court declared this a Christian Nation) The liberal media who never discusses such disgusting Godless Ideas as the White House covering everything pertaining to Jesus Christ at Catholic George Washington University or the nearly ½ million Catholics who have expressed their displeasure with Obama’s commencement address at Notre Dame. Finds it imperative to talk about a disgusting homosexual subject such as same-sex marriage on every news broadcast.
The true Christian finds joy in the knowledge that his citizenship is not of this world, that we are just strangers and pilgrims passing through. We should rejoice in the fact that these Godless people will not only reap their rewards EVENTUALLY here on earth but will enjoy one another’s company forever with the prince of darkness in hell. How easily, as was Eve, these liberals have been beguiled, how easily, these liberals have thrown away their inheritance of integrity and decency. How easily, the Obama-Alinsky target of socialism has taken over. In my lifetime, I have seen education: elementary, high school, college, deteriorate beyond words to describe. If a foreign power had occupied this country and forced American citizens into madrassas for brain washing indoctrination we would have said it could not be done, certainly not so easily. Many Americans voted for change, the course has been set.
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