Prince Phillip, husband of the Queen of England, who is now in his 80s as is the Queen, the parents of 4 British Royal children Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward. Is perhaps more popular in the UK than is the Queen. On his 40th birthday, the media asked him what he wanted for his birthday, he said , “I want nothing but positive news on the front page of all the newspapers in Britain.” I wondered if this would be remotely possible today, they had a hard time then finding a front page of positive news.
Every morning of my life, when I get up early for my time of communion with bread, wine and prayer, I then get on the treadmill and listen to the radio. I often wonder, can things get any worse. There is nothing on the news but bad news especially in this time of financial depression.
Our nature from Gods word, which is a law book, where we are told to rest on the 7th day to let the land rest every 7th year, and to watch the animals such as ants and squirrels as they make preparations for winter or hard times, that we should likewise prepare for the times in our lives when we are not prosperous.
Traveling in the Cameroons (on the west coast of Africa), I noticed there were large baskets up in the trees and I asked my guide, “what are those large baskets (which measured about 4 feet across) in the trees?“ The guide said, “the farmers know that hard times will come eventually through droughts etc. but their animals must have something to eat so they prepare ahead of time.”
The free market has always worked in any country in which it is tried. The problem in this country is that the inmates are running the asylum. In the asylum, Washington DC, Alan Greenspan, an economist, did not put his money in the stock market but rather in instruments giving him a definite rate of interest. His successor Ben S. Bernanke said yesterday, “inflation seems to be under control” what a brilliant statement at a time when the country is in depression, the unemployment rate is increasing everyday.
As Judge Bork and other writers have said, “FDR only made the great depression worse by throwing money at government jobs.” From 1933 to 1941, the unemployment rate was always 18%. When you use government money to build a bridge you have given a few people a job, a short time, the same workers can cross the bridge in another direction looking for a job.
“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” (Daniel 12:4)
With the increased emphasis on education and we have more knowledge than ever before, people all over the world are still running up and down the streets looking for solutions to their problems. In 1932, automobile production had a decline of 90%. We have learned nothing. Throwing money at automobile manufacturing companies did not help then, nor will it now. (China is the world's largest automobile manufacturer, can you imagine that Detroit, the motor city, is a dead city? Officials in China have ordered the purchase of all automobile factories in Detroit. You nephews and nieces will drive Chinese made cars.) We never hear about changes on the board of directors of these corporations. For instance, Erskine Bowles well known democrat politician, Clinton's right hand man, now former president of the UNC system (a democrat political appointment), has been on the GM board for a long time.
When traveling through the African bush in the Congo, the native women would carry large jugs of water from the watering hole, to their homes on their heads. I overheard one lady say to another, “what are those women carrying on their heads,” the reply from the other lady, “I think it is their cosmetics.” To the uninitiated, everything is obscure.
When I was in the UNC system as a student, there were a few communist sympathizers, since generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek was falling in 1949, many were thrilled at his defeat by communist Mao, even though Mao had killed a reported 100 million Chinese to accomplish his purpose. Today, each of the schools in the university system is a cauldron of Marxism, a salad of groups promoting every communist ideology, from the gay agenda to abortion, euthanasia, and collectivism. The Sunni Muslim, Marxist President Obama has appointed perennial politician Bowles, along with gadfly Senator Simpson, formerly of Wyoming, as his advisers to bring life into this dead debauched and defrocked capitalist, democratic republic. We have all heard the song, “the times they are a-changing”. Yes, changing for the worst. See the USA in the Fiat Panda.
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