Will Rogers has said “A man is truly ignorant until he realizes his ignorance.” Sir Williams Stewart, scientific advisor to Margaret Thatcher, made the following statements, “It's amazing for someone to go into the decorative arts and revive it. He has carved out a niche that really wasn't there.” , “When you come to giving mobile phones to a 3- to 8-year-old, that can't possibly be right.” Every time you see a small child with a cell phone you can understand how crazy the world has become.
Older people were reared at a time when in the countryside, their was only one telephone for many miles. Many businesses, in a city, operated without a telephone. Ralph Nader operated one of the worlds largest consumer organizations without a telephone. He would use a payphone to make important calls. Ralph Nader, like your writer, purchased his clothing from thrift stores, he was interested in the welfare of the taxpaying public. His assistant, a medical doctor, Dr. Sidney Wolf, brought to the attention to the public, the scams of the drug industry. But, people do not want to know the truth, they would rather have the band aide approach by certain infidels, like president Obama, or even worse, the rich heir, fraternity boy approach of George W. Bush.
William Wilberforce, who alone, stopped the repugnant slave trade in England, by putting fellow members of parliament in a boat and taking it along side a slave ship in the river Thames and letting them smell the stench of death and disease coming from the slave ship. After 200 years, free slaves (Descendants of Emancipated American slaves) and philanthropist in this country, “do gooders” who have built magnificent cathedrals (St. Patrick’s, Riverside, “Crystal”) in the name of a God of love have finally discovered the death and desolation from the neglect of Africa, as well as other poverty in the world below the 30th parallel where thousands of black children die of malaria every year (3,000 a day by malaria alone). 3 million African children never know what it is like to have a cup of clean water. The world bank, (your tax dollars) just propped up the corrupt government of Zimbabwe of Robert Mugabe, one of the worlds most corrupt genocide killers, with a 2 billion dollar “bailout”. This going on, one of Mr. Obama’s band aide solutions, when mosquito nets, clean water, pesticides, could be furnished by the Christian and political philanthropy of this and other countries.
Bailouts” or “band aides” which ever you want to call them are poor substitutes for moral solutions bought and paid for by hard working, taxpaying citizens, who have made this country the envy of the world. You would never be able to convince the 126,000 of our finest Americans who lay buried on foreign soil defending this republic (I have stood in the great cemetery in the Philippines where 17,000 are buried and Normandy where 9,200 are buried) that the generation of my lifetime have given up so easily the liberty and free enterprise system, the capitalist philosophy, which has made this nation a place where people all over the world have told me they would like to visit and would like to live. (I have traveled through 157 countries most several times) A group of university students at a university in China where I spoke, begged me to send them books, which they would like to read from such American authors as Faulkner and Hemingway. Christians, all over the world, have singled me out to thank me for the largess of this nation. Character determines destination. History will dictate the words for future generations that when gays came out of the closet preachers and patriots went in the closet. And the moral fiber that had kept this a “good land” has yielded to the homosexual agenda of abortion, same-sex marriage, and the communist collectivist system of life and government which has meant death to every republic in history. Years ago, a young black male in South Africa, said to a missionary, “Why does God allow these terrible things to happen?” The missionary said, “God is depending on you.” The black male to whom the missionary was speaking became the first black Anglican bishop in the world, Desmond Tutu.
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