I have sold my ancient slide rule. A slide rule was a show and sign of confidence and scientific accuracy when I was a student. It always amazed me that so many young students in today's world, had never seen a slide rule and knew nothing about it's mathematical ability. In 1933, and then completed in 1937, one of the marvels of the world, the Golden Gate Bridge was built. This 1.7 mile bridge spanning the San Francisco Bay was built at a cost of 23 million dollars. The concrete foundations on either side are sunk into bedrock and through mathematical calculations, on the slide rule, long before the computer, a side to side sway of over 20 feet was built into the construction of the bridge. The engineers of that time, could “predict” the quality of such construction.
Attached to this commentary is the copy of a letter from the NC Department of Justice concerning some complaints I have wanted to get out of my “crawl” for many years concerning local injustices. As I could have predicted when dictating the letter, I could easily have dictated the predicted reply. Most government agencies, are just going through the motions. As you can see from the letter from John J. Aldridge the buck does not stop there as far as justice in this state. But rather, he just passes the buck to others, if others wanted to solve problems of local injustice, I would have no reason to write him. He states that it is up to the local DA and local Sheriff to handle problems of injustice. In this area, this state, you can not even get a response from a District Attorney, Attorney General or a local Sheriff. These people are more corrupt than the criminals. The Sheriff in an adjoining county just got out of jail. I have known several in this county who should have gone to jail. Nothing short of murder will get the attention of the Chief of Police. Thievery, identity theft etc. are of little concern to the Police, the Sheriff, or the District Attorney.
Even elected politicians can be accurately predicted in their responses. Each congressmen and senator has a staff of 50 assistants. One time, I had my assistant circle the date on each response from those who are supposed to represent me (representative from this district) because I had gotten the very same response to any matter for which they had been written. They just have a generic reply to everything. I predict, that if you look at your responses from congress people and senators, legislators and even local officials, you will find the same. Even contributing to a political party has nothing to do with anything, particularly in North Carolina, totally controlled by Democrats for over 100 years. One Democrat worker told me ,”you can vote for these Republicans if you want to but it is the Democrat bureaucrats who are in charge.”
David Rockefeller, in his book, said, “some men are born to rule but all the rest are born to be ruled.” I have reached a place in wring letters to both elected and bureaucrat officials that I can accurately predict the response every time. This is the reason so many Americans have stopped protesting about anything. They have learned that it is a waste of time, that all you will get in reply is a generic message typed on an expensive computer by an over payed government employee on expensive stationary...all of which you pay for with your tax dollar.
Vince Lombardi said, “the only time success comes before work is in any dictionary”. We find that elected officials (DA, Sheriff, City Council, County Commissioners) are just interested in getting re-elected. It is an insult to this totally blind veteran who gets nothing from the state except a free license plate (a free license tag is given to every decorated veteran who is disabled) but expected to work and pay as much tax as anyone else even though most disabled citizens use few of the facilities which taxes support (jails, parks, University and other halls, most cases schools). It is an insult for the Chief Justice lawyer in the state (Mr. Roy Cooper) to tell this veteran who faces every day of existence in absolute blackness that it is up to a disinterested Sheriff, an unconcerned police department (using mostly bullies and thugs to keep the populous in control) to give some measure of relief or resolution to the thievery and other forms of corruption in this county of this state. Surely I would not have confronted you with the problem if any resolution had been found here. Can one imagine, that in my own house, Deputy Owens of the Sheriff's department and Police Officer Mays of the WPD, as well as others have told me in the cutting of telephone wires, break ins of my buildings and car, that only if I were “killed” would some investigation start. One person put five automobiles for sale on my online account, another stole my password and ordered merchandise on my online account. I reported all of this along with the evidence and nothing happened. This happens over and over and as was the case with ex Sheriff Causey, just “word” that nothing would be done...probably in all these cases because I have been...all my life...an outspoken Republican. You see Mr. Aldridge, as a lawyer from the most prestigious law firm in this town told me, “you must have political clout in this town if you get any justice.” Another lawyer from an equally prestigious law firm told me, “if a blind, totally disabled, veteran cannot get justice, what will happen to the rest of us?” I predict that because of your unconcern with justice in this county the state will soon be without justice.
It takes work but according to NCAG, “there is no agency to investigate complaints of a citizen”.
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