You all did love him once, not without cause:
What cause withholds you then, to mourn for him?
O judgment! thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason. Bear with me;
My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,
And I must pause till it come back to me.
This is the end of Mark Antony’s funeral oration, a part of the narration to Julius Caesar. Perhaps it is the most famous funeral oration of all time, because it emphasizes again the whimsical hypocrisy we have all felt at the funeral orations of many leaders who stood by and saw a once great nation die. Integrity, like grace, hope, charity, are very difficult words to describe. I do not understand how anyone other than a Christian, can know the true meaning of integrity, grace, hope, or charity. You must have witnessed it to understand it.
Most of us, in my life time, have done our due diligence and voted in this democratic republic always for the lesser of two evils. Just once, before I die, I would like to cast my vote for a man or woman of integrity, not just a pretender who has joined the masquerade party of other politicians in saying the politically correct thing in order to get the money and the votes to win in a primary. And then compromise even further, even with their parties platform, to get elected. Is money so great, and power so sweet that you sell out all your inner integrity, all the grace extended to you by almighty God? All the signs of hope you see in the eyes of small children? All the basic charity that most human beings feel in their heart for the corrosive system of politics which has so corrupted a once blessed nation of destiny?
It is absolutely beyond my comprehension that the human mind can be so twisted that anyone can support a political party, or vote for a candidate who promotes the abortion of the most innocent of God’s creation. Certainly, knowing that one half of all Medicare tax dollars are spent in the last month of the life of old people, we know euthanasia is just around the corner. If 3,500 innocent babies are murdered each day, and we have nursing homes full of elderly, disabled, poor citizens, who are rapidly draining the already bankrupt government coffers, is anyone actually so naive as to think euthanasia is not next?
The media has certainly found, it is proved everyday, we will buy anything, whether electronic items or an epidemic. 400,000 citizens die in this country each year from smoking. 35,000 citizens die each year in this country from flu. Heart attack, cancer, stroke, take thousands of lives each year just from extravagant lifestyles. Yet, one small child, as important as that child is, was exposed to the so called swine flu, died, and with less then 300 cases in this country. We have been thrown into the bedlam of hand washing, face masks, cancellations, and other credulities, which on their own, are good but will not stop much contamination.
A capitalistic system of small government, private property, thrill of free enterprise is being replaced by expanded government regulations, a complete takeover of some of our largest manufacturing and financial institutions, with hardly a whimper of consternation from any direction. Even the passing of a so-called “fairness doctrine” (HR 1913) legislation by a 249 to 175 vote, which can limit the free expression of thought from the microphone in your local radio station, Christian or not. From the pulpit and college lectern, liberal, conservative, or independent, it seems to be of little interest to those who should be in the streets, in revolution, protecting these civil rights.
There are 300,000 churches in this nation, the most powerful force in the world, prayer, should be extolled every hour of everyday in the fight against the satanic forces of evil. (Abortion, same-sex marriage, pornography) Recent polls show that 49% of all church going Americans do not care if we have a socialist form of government. Recent polls show that 75% of the children of church going Americans leave the church as soon as they leave home.
I cannot believe that these Americans who so easily accept the atheist system of socialism, have never been exposed to the countries where it has been tried and failed so miserably. They have not seen the drab appearance of these communist countries, they have not seen the callus inept attitudes of these enslaved human beings who realize they have no opportunity.
Those 56 founding fathers who risked everything signing the Declaration of Independence and presented this nation with a Constitution based on the very Biblical principals given to us by God’s inspired word, would never believe that in 200 years, their descendants would choose a secular, humanistic, God-less, lifestyle. To this minute, not one promise, not one prophecy of God has ever been broken. How is it possible that people with normal intelligence will forsake every blessing of the grace, hope and charity of God for the liberal pabulum, satanic forces are force feeding us.
“Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.” (Isaiah 43:4)
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