A Broadway play which opened in 1961, one of the first I ever saw, was entitled “Stop the World, I Want to Get Off.” Most of us who lived through the greater part of the last century, who have witnessed the indulgence, decadence, and excesses of that century now feel, in the beginning of this century, we have had enough, we just want to get off. From day to day, we can hardly imagine the decadence to which we are constantly bombarded. The homosexual agenda, the socialist agenda, the agenda of a Godless, garbage dump being forced on us through every form of communication, newsprint, radio, television, computers, and systems to which I am not familiar such as pod casts.
One day recently, I said to one of my assistance,” I sent you an email.” He actually looked at his telephone in his pocket and read the email I had sent him to his home. Now with this same small instrument he can take pictures, record video, download music and watch TV, all with an instrument small enough to have in his pocket.
You see, I was reared at a time when a telephone, radio, even an old 78 RPM record was a miracle. Their were “running boards” on cars, all cars were the same color, black, and the most sophisticated electronic on the car was the cigarette lighter. Here in my office, I have the old kerosene lamp which gave light in our house, at night, for me to study. Here in my office, I have the old iron fireplace cooking pot which my ancestors used hanging in the big fireplace to cook their food. My mother and grandmother, had to build a fire in a wood cook stove to cook a meal. How amazed our ancestors would be with microwaves, blenders, zip bags, electric scooters, technology has changed the world, but human nature has not improved.
The evolutionist cannot understand why mutations, people and things, do not evolve into something better. But, everything wears out, it makes no difference how much you spend on a vehicle with all its electronics which the “shade tree mechanic” can no longer repair, everything wears out. We spend most of our time and money paying the repair person.
Only a specialized physician or lawyer can handle a problem. An insurance policy is written by lawyers, for lawyers, so that there is a “back out provision” and there is so much emphasis on defensive medicine and defensive lawyering, so much emphasis on defensive construction work, the average hard working client or customer has little reason to trust anyone about anything anymore.
The most amusing, so called news recital recently has been that there will be a “listening tour” by politicians. I can show you filing cabinets full of letters with supporting evidence which I have sent to politicians and government agencies who will not pay any attention to a constituent when the information is right in front of them. Each congressman and senator has a staff of at least 50 assistants and having known some of these assistants, I fully realize that the politicians time is spent just trying to get re-elected, raising money, courting the lobbyist and corrupted officials who got them their in the first place. I truly believe there are hired PR specialist who in the first weeks of a politicians term prepare generic answers to every problem anyone could write about and then by one computer key can send to any constituent an answer that says absolutely nothing about the problem for which they wrote, but has enough acceptable rhetoric to make the constituent feel a little better.
One of my good friends, a chief congressional assistant, explained the entire crooked, decadent system to me. So, I fully realize what goes on, but what else is their to do? I suppose we just hope, by the grace of God, that one letter, one situation might just hit the right person which might lead to some change. He told me (Robert Girly, lawyer, killed in plane crash), that the congress person and all assistants days were punctuated by lobbyist buffets, extravagant excursions to golf courses etc, trips to gymnasiums for work outs, and cocktail parties provided by the elitist (Pearl Mesta types) where sex, and ambitious future opportunities in the world of business corruption could be arranged.
He told me further, that the work out gyms for house members were more like gay bathhouses and your only chance for legislative developments was who you knew.
Years ago, their was a famous Broadway play, “The best Little Whorehouse in Texas.” I learned, as a young man, that the best little whorehouse in North Carolina was on Jones St in Raleigh, the NC legislative building. In recent years, just a short glimpse in the keyhole of NC democrat party machinery has shown the passing of payoff money in bathrooms, historically brown paper bags in the governors office. The political patronage which at one time only went to elitist white democrats, which now have gained their un-fledging support from the black democrats they kept in subservience.
I was in Duke hospital at 9:30 on that Sunday morning when governor Umstead died and Luther Hodges was not notified until he had returned home from church. This gave some folks, who I will not discuss, time to clean up some things in Raleigh. Instead of things getting better, corrupt politics, the homosexual agenda (gay marriage), the godless socialist agenda (attention to the 49% North Carolinians who do not pay state or federal income tax), just worsens as the hypocrisy continues.
Most of our politicians today, lawyers, like Madeline Mary O’Hare, lawyer, communist, who spent her entire life trying to neutralize and repudiate every principal involved, “In God We Trust.” Once said to me in a debate, “I have no use for your or belief in your God.” I said, “If at the end of the road, at the grave, my belief in almighty God was folly, what have I lost, but I have an eternity of splendor to enjoy. If your unbelief ends at the grave you have nothing.” Like those who believe in flying saucers, I have never known one who is a born again Christian. Richard Dawkins, famed British atheist, in one of his most famous presentations in this country said, “Their is nothing following this life, get used to it.”
It is obvious to me, that these politicians, on their listening tour, will hear nothing because their world is a black hole of disbelief. The last person they want to hear is one who is possessed by the Holy Spirit of Almighty God who is indwelled by divine instruction of the absolutes of right and wrong. They cannot reconcile their atheistic attitudes, minds that have been conquered by money and compromise. They might listen all day, politely, but will hear nothing.
“And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.” (John 6:25)
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