Will Rogers was a Cherokee-American cowboy, comedian, humorist, social commentator, vaudeville performer and actor. He once said, “all I know is what I read in the newspapers“. Since I am totally blind and have not read a newspaper or anything else for over 50 years my knowledge comes from memory and listening to many radios, all day long, everyday. One of my good friends, an Army medical officer, psychiatrist, worked at the state mental hospital in Raleigh. He said, “ I never examined a mentally disabled person who thought they were insane. They all thought they were perfectly sane”. If our grandparents, those of the 19th and 20th centuries, could come back and observe this country for one day, they would certainly think the country is insane.
I feel we need to have two political parties, but not Democrat and Republican. In the last thirty years, they have become the same party, like a college fraternity house protecting one another and all involved in the same mantra, just getting re-elected, keeping the constituents fooled, making money the primary objective of their political life. It is hard to know which is more corrupt, the Republicans or the Democrats, just as it is hard to determine which was the worst president, Jimmy Carter or George W. Bush. With the dumbing down of the government schools, in a few years, there will be no one left who cares. It will be more important then ever to name the political parties the Sane and Insane.
Could one even imagine, in their wildest political imagination, that just a few years ago this country, having experienced the economic “swells” of scientific discovery, the highest security prices in history, that we would fall into the pit of financial depression led by our countries largest corporations? The entire financial structure and the global regurgitation of the inflicted woes from the energy market, money laundering, to the poorest communist tyrannical governments on earth and a collapse of coalitions was just a short time ago could have been solid (euro dollar, Japanese Yen).
Lying, cheating, and stealing - sins of the common man - have become everyday renditions of the most powerful, such as Senator Dodd, the President, and vice president. They cannot even remember their lies from week to week. Those in charge of tax collection, do not pay their own taxes. Those who condemn and vow to “change” and clean up the political electoral system, receive the most tainted contributions (Dodd, Obama, Biden, et cetera).
In the rotunda of the magnificent capitol building in which these senators and congress people meet, is a painting of the Baptism of Pocahontas. From 1799 to 1892, this was deemed a Christian nation by the Supreme Court. A Chaplin actually prays before the sessions and some members actually attend a prayer breakfast. What a mockery! The Democrat party, the party of the promotion of death, unashamedly supporting the abortion mills such as those in Kansas where the new Secretary of Human Resources Kathleen Sebelius did preside as Governor. Please explain how ranking Catholic Democrats, such as Pelosi, Biden, Kerry, and Kennedy can still go to communion and celebrate what Christ did for us on Calvary and support a political party which degrades itself with death. One crucifixion scene shows our blessed Lord with the cross, making the following statement: “For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?” (Luke 34:31)
Christ always referred to scripture and in this case the scripture found in Ezekiel 17:24 says, “And all the trees of the field shall know that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish: I the LORD have spoken and have done it.”.
It may come as a big surprise to the power broker, corrupt politicians , Democrat and Republican politicians who are maneuvering everyday to protect themselves and their elitist friends, like these pro-abortion Catholics in Congress and across the country (Catholics voted 54% for Obama). God will hold all of us responsible for our actions.
The insanity of enslaving the hard working tax paying citizens who are just trying to survive and their yet unborn children and grandchildren, with bailouts, bonuses, and contribution graft, is not going unnoticed by the same sane voters of this nation. Opening up the southern border to anyone who wants to cross, piling on trillions in debt load to people who are already enslaved, compromising with the care of veterans (I am a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran), masquerading as leaders while leaving the constituents drowning in despair, has gone on long enough. Enough is enough, just as was the case of the “Tea Party” in the harbor of Boston. The definition of insanity is one who does the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. When will the American voter leave the party of insanity and join the sane patriots who want a “change” from the change promoted by President Obama. So far, it has been a “change” for the worse.
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