In Greek mythology, Pandora's Box was the large jar that contained evils to be unleashed on mankind — ills, toils and sickness. But before the box is closed, there is hope. Anyone who has ever doubted the allegory truthfulness of Pandora’s Box is more blind than this writer. Nearly fifty years ago, I was president of a civic club in which several members of the Baptist church where I was a deacon and an active member, where church members also.
One, a member of the choir (his first name was Simon) one day was talking about how much money he spent on his pet dog, veterinary bills, and food. He did not know, that I knew, that his daughter was the recipient of an abortion. Information I had learned from the family of the daughters boyfriend. I said, “It amazes me how much money people will spend on pets and how little regard they have for God’s most precious creation, unborn babies.” He looked at me and he knew immediately that I knew - the secret with which he and his family tried to keep quiet in the community. He never spoke to me again. His wife died shortly thereafter. I truly believe from the stress of shame.
Like Pandora’s Box, we have “sown to the wind and we have reaped a whirlwind.” (Hosea 8:7) God’s permissive will is one of the most difficult theological doctrines to understand. Gregory B. Dill has written much on this subject, Rabbi Harold Kushner (Why Bad Thing Happen to Good People) has written an entire book on this subject and every time we see a Katrina, a tsunami, earthquake, or even a horrible motor vehicle crash, we again want to blame God for tragedy. We are very willing to accept His daily blessings without question but want to pick and choose the problems of daily living.
God was not joking when He gave His most precious possession as the atonement sacrifice for the sins of the world. He was not joking, when in His answer book, He gave us standard operating procedures for discipleship. It must be a stench in the nostrils of almighty God that the three most evil women in today’s world, Hillary Clinton, Janet Napolatano, and Kathleen Sebelius are members of the cabinet of the worlds super power now in command of the worlds greatest proponent of genocide. Obama’s first action, in his presidency, was to abolish the Mexico City agreement about abortion. Almost every action since then has been an effort towards the slaughter of babies. How many people are surprised that the Swine Flu (not called Mexican Flu for obvious reasons) is moving in pandemic force across these two countries intent on suicide.
Borders between Mexico and the USA have been discarded. Illegals from everywhere including the Middle East have flooded across. An estimated 50% of the black male population is unemployed due to the Mexicans taking their jobs and the government which is now in charge of the automobile manufacturing, banking, and investing, now states that the tide of immorality and disease from Pandora’s Box will lift all ships and make the playing field level. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7) The only thing left in Pandora’s Box was hope. “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” (John 3:17) We have seen the Hippi movement, the Hong Kong Flu (1 million died), Hoof and Mouth disease (in 2001 7 million sheep and cattle were killed), and in 1918, the same type Swine Flu called Spanish flu, just prior to WWI, between 20-100 million people died.
Christians, the only hope of the world, must muster the faith to live the redemption, purchased at such a tremendous price, before the world in testimony to a sin cursed world that God is still in control. And that for those who are saved by His marvelous grace, “Whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.” (Romans 14:8)
One of my friends, Dr. Ervin Lucer, Pastor of Moody church in Chicago, has a duel citizenship both USA and Canadian. His Canadian father just died at the age of 106. In preaching from the Moody pulpit in Chicago, he now reads his sermons so intent about the hate-crime legislation enacted in Canada where several ministers have been imprisoned. The same type legislation has just passed in the US House (HR 1913) by a vote of 249-175. The time is right around the corner when the minister in the pulpit, the writer, the commentator, none of us will be able to speak about abortion, same-sex marriage, or any of the anti-Christ moral liberal agenda items which will become part of the totalitarian government in which direction we are heading. God help us all.
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