Benjamin Rush (December 24, 1745 – April 19, 1813) was one of the Founding Father of the United States. Rush lived in the state of Pennsylvania and was a physician, writer, educator, humanitarian and a devout Christian, as well as the founder of Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Rush was a signatory of the Declaration of Independence and attended the Continental Congress. Later in life, he became a professor of medical theory and clinical practice at the University of Pennsylvania. Despite having a wide influence on the development of American government, he is not as widely known as many of his American contemporaries. Rush was also an early opponent of slavery and capital punishment.
We think some evangelicals and certainly some evangelist in the life of this democratic republic have been dogmatic in their Christian attitudes. But think of what this founder of our country, Christian educator, physician, advocated about the Bible and prayer. He advocated that the U.S. government require public schools to indoctrinate their students with the Christian religion using the Bible as a textbook, that the government furnish an American bible to every family at public expense and that the government require that the following sentence be inscribed in letters of gold over the door of every home in the United States: "The Son of Man Came into the World, Not To Destroy Men's Lives, But To Save Them." We think of our country as a super power, great ships, nuclear submarines, planes and space vehicles, but I maintain, on the authority, of God’s inerrant word and every scientific law known to man, that the greatest power at our disposal is the power of prayer.
Abraham, the first Jew, seeking a wife for his son Isaac, sent his trusted servant Eliezer
back to Abraham’s homeland for his trusted servant to find a wife for the son of the worlds wealthiest man, at that time, Eliezer, took with him many servants, much wealth including ten camels, and Eliezer, as did his master Abraham, knew the power of prayer. He prayed that God would direct him to the right place, the right family, the right wife for Isaac. When you read the account in Genesis, you are amazed to find that at the place where women in some countries, than as now, bring their vessels to obtain water. He found Rebecca, with all the circumstances already arranged in his prayer. She not only gave him water to drink, but she watered his ten camels. I have seen a camel drink water, can you even imagine how much water she had to draw from the well to water ten camels? The supremacy of prayer transports the Bible from a book of knowledge, to a source of faith.
Last week, the nation observed a day of prayer. For the first time, since Harry Truman, the present occupant of the White House had nothing to do with the day of prayer. In fact, on April 14, before going to Catholic Georgetown University to speak, all religious connotations had to be covered. This man gained popularity because he was going to “fix the economy.” Since enough uninformed and misinformed citizens voted for him the economy continues to worsen, but the radical views of socialism, which liberals have tried to legislate for many years, are now being promoted. In a very short time, more socialist, atheist, child slaughter ideology has been promoted and even legislated than we could have thought possible. Most of the pro-life gains since the devious January 23rd 1973 supreme court decision have been lost.
God works in mysterious ways, His power should never be questioned. Millions of Christians, around the world, have prayed for the deliverance and the binding of the Satanic forces of abortion. Just this past week, polls show that for the first time over one half of the citizens of this country polled (51%) are now pro-life. 42% of those polled still profess to be pro-choice or anti-life.
Much of the responsibility for the present administration and the radicalism it promotes along with a Pelosi congress is due to the fact that the most pro-life Christian denomination in this country which accounts for ¼ of all votes (Roman Catholic church) voted a plurality for Obama. When the catholic church, starts preaching the truth of life and denies church affiliation to the Bidens, Pelosi, Sebelius, Kennedy, and such fellow travelers democrat politicians who claim to be catholic who give embarrassment not only to Jesus Christ who died for them, but the catholic church that has supported them, a real cleansing of this country and its greatest sources of power, will have started. This can be accomplished through the power of prayer. The holy of holies available to every believer.
More astounding, the most anti-Israel administration in my lifetime, the Jews of America, voted 78% for the Obama abomination. I have never known how blacks who vote 99% Democrat, who endured the shame of slavery can vote for socialism, neither can I understand how Jews, whose history has been splotched by slavery can vote for socialism. The great editor Horace Greeley said long ago, “a Bible-reading public can never become enslaved.”
Our blessed Lord knew the power of prayer, whether in blessing a small boys lunch, which enabled him to feed thousands, calling his friend Lazarus, who had died, from his grave, or taking the place of thief on the cross, he prayed, “father forgive them for they know not what they do.” The thief, Barabbas, was turned back out to the streets to continue his thieving. How often, in our everyday life, politics, church, business, we see people who know the power of player diminished as we see others, who know nothing about the power of prayer, succeed...mostly because people still choose darkness rather than light. There is nothing more powerful than sunlight, cleansing, energizing, only excelled by Jesus Christ, light of the world. (John 8:12, John 9:5)
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