Queen Victoria of England, one of England’s longest reigning monarchs,after her husband's death, Prince Albert, had not left Buckingham palace for 25 years, but Wild Bill Hickok’s Wild West show was coming to Covenant Gardens and her son, Prince Edward, persuaded her to go and watch the great American performance. At the grand finale of the show, Wild Bill Hickok came riding his horse around the arena carrying an American flag along with the other Indians and cowboys who participated in this extravaganza. For the first time in history, the reigning monarch of England stood and bowed to the American flag. Later she asked to go behind the sets and meet some of the performers. This monarch, upon who’s empire the sun never set, who had under her rule dark skinned people by the millions in India, the Middle East, Africa, said the American Indians were the most beautiful people she had ever seen.
We don’t know why former prime minister Tony Blair decided to travel thousands of miles from his home in England to teach a course entitled “Faith in Globalization,” at Yale University, to a group of 25 elitist, intelligentsia graduate students. One, a Muslim scholar, said he wanted to learn a new system of values (perhaps he has repented from the religion of cutting off heads, fingers, hands, and the stoning of women). When Tony Blair was prime minister, before he became Catholic, and before his failure as a Middle East envoy to stimulate peace between the Arabs and Jews, he had said, “We don’t do God.”
It is repugnant to blood bought, born again, real Christians, to see the commercialization of our faith by the nouveau-riche, nouveau-faith politicians who could never accommodate the Christian church with the pollution of partisan politics. Even George W. Bush and his failed “faith initiative” was more a system of certain patronizing preachers putting their hands in Uncle Sam’s pockets. News is out, that the former president is about to convert to Catholicism also.
Of course the great theologian, Rick Levin, president of Yale University, states that the practice of religion “is a force for good and a force for evil.” These highly paid politicians, flaunting their name recognition, teachers of faith that must have body guards, need a real experience with the man who died on the cross before stumbling around at the foot of the cross. The modern teaching of faith according to Mr. Blair, is that the world is not tolerant of those who have not had opportunity, poverty, education, et cetera. The Tony Blair Faith Foundation is working their experiments in Mali, Africa trying to bring understanding between the world’s religions and therein see the harmony that will help solve war, the ailing global economy and epidemics such as malaria.
Having visited Mali, the Dogon country, the last place that needs to be concerned about globalization, is a peaceful nation. Philanthropists have finally discovered mosquitoes, those of us that slept under mosquito nets all over the world, as well as the thousands of missionaries who have gone throughout the world proclaiming the “good news” of the gospel of Christ are better prepared, then Mr. Blair and his newly converted, “do gooder” agents and accidents to bring the message. George Greenfield, British missionary, buried a wife and three children on the banks of the Congo river, evangelizing the 3000 mile Congo all the way to Goma, at the head of the Congo, where a choir of ten thousand natives sang “All hail the power of Jesus' name,” at his funeral in 1907. Traveling through the area of Goma in 1984, I can attest that the ideas and ideals of Mr. Blair, if genuine, are still needed.
In the Yale-Blair class, there is an effort to rationalize abortion, same-sex marriage and even euthanasia in line with modernistic beliefs of the faith and practices demoralizing most communions of faith. “What communion hath light with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14)
Many of the world's philanthropists and even religious groups have expressed concern about disease and disaster. How many are willing to submit to God’s plan “of action”. Does the Bilderberg group actually start their sessions with prayer. (The Bilderberg Group is an unofficial annual invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are persons of influence in the fields of politics, business, and banking). I wander what would happen at one of these luxury hotels if by any chance Jesus got past the doorman and went into the room and sat next to the queen of Holland or one of the others of the world’s wealthiest elitist “do gooders.” Mr. Blair and his little group, failing completely in the Middle east, like some TV evangelist, dressed in thousand dollar suits and hundred dollar haircuts, actually think God was joking when He said, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8)
Another great British citizen, Prince of Preachers, Charles Spurgeon once said, “You do not have to point out a person's faithlessness anymore then you have to point out a crooked stick. Just lay a straight stick next to the crooked stick.” The world is besieged by those who, having tried everything else, decide to walk down the highway of religion trying to hold on to the prince of darkness with one hand and grasping at the Christ of redemption with the other.
Oh but to tell you, Oh but to express
The joy of serving Jesus, the fount of happiness
The one who never fails me, who loves me when I’m wrong
He leads me by the hand, and then will take me home
-1965 Dr. T.R. Morris
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