A Chinese proverb states: “May you live in interesting times.” The first time I was in Russia, in 1967, the year of the Six Day War in Israel, as everywhere on the globe, an early riser, I was anxious to get outside to see life in the various countries of the world, early in the morning. I will never forget the sight of real old women dressed mostly in rags and ragged shoes with ragged brooms sweeping the streets. I later learned, that in these communist countries, the communist gods, are no respecters of persons. If you eat, you have a job, and you work, old or young. When you are to old too work, communist euthanasia puts you to death, if by no other means than through neglect.
It is rapidly getting that way right here under our noses, and we refuse to recognize it. Last evening, one of my cousins called me about another cousin, a woman in her 90’s who never married, worked her entire life, lived frugally, gave to her church, her family, her community, now in the hospital almost dead. This cousin who called had gone by her room while checking on another person, and there she was deathly ill, in her bed, her food had been brought in and left on a distant table. She mixed her some drink, she had had nothing to drink all day and had not been fed all day. Of course these stupid hospital attendants expected this 94 year old woman, barely alive, to feed herself. So, from neglect, or some other form of euthanasia, she will die and the hospital will collect from both her private insurance and Medicare, astronomical fees for her care.
I well remember, my one time in this awful, local hospital (New Hanover Medical Center), blind and medicated, the woman would just bring my food in and sit it on a table and walk out. A visiting pastor, came by, helped me with the food, and said, “Why don’t they know you are blind? Why don’t they have a sign on the door?” I mentioned this to the nurse and she put a sign in the bathroom, “Patient is blind.” If anyone wished to use my bathroom, they would make the discovery, otherwise things would remain the same, stupid attendants in a staph infected hospital, where I almost died of infection.
There was a time, when people could write letters to the newspaper or to the county authorities responsible for the hospital, but that time is gone forever. Freedom of speech and most of our civil rights disappeared with the onset of the disease of “political correctness.” Even church people, at one time, looked out for such problems. I am thoroughly convinced that this president Obama expects even the Catholics to respect his authority as Pope. 15% of all healthcare in this country is given in Catholic supported hospitals. In an effort to promote abortions by the most pro-abortion administration in history ( Former Governor Kathleen Sebelius, Kansas, new Chief Health and Human resources, reportedly received $200,000 from her chief political supporter Dr. George Tiller, famed abortion mill provider). No longer do Catholic doctors and hospital workers have the right to conscience objections. The question to ask any medical school now, “ Do you teach how to kill?”
In the “Communist Manifesto” written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel’s, Marx complained about having a daughter and not a son. Engel’s, who never married but kept an Irish cleaning woman on the side. It is amazing that members of NARAL and other pro-abortion women groups, are not in the forefront in the fight against forced abortions in China and inhumane treatment of women in Muslim countries (there are 48 countries in which Islam is the predominate religion). The policy of one child to a couple in China promoted by a 50 million dollar gift from the United States (your tax dollars) to the United Nations population fund to be used in forced abortions in China. The excess of male population in China, due to the one child law, has led to a Chinese scourge of homosexuality.
When I was first in China, in 1975, visiting hospitals where organs were being taken from prisoners, and the entire health scene was a Hitchcock horror story, I was told about streams being littered by newly born baby girls. Since the government frowned on girl births but wanted boy births for future military activity. I will never forget being in a large market (at that time I had a shadow of vision in one eye) and a proud Chinese father in his arms, carrying his Chinese daughter around who looked like a porcelain doll to the admiration of the public who seldom saw a baby girl.
In this country, with our pro-abortion, anti-life president and his administration of admiring disciples, 3,500 babies are slaughtered each day including 1,400 black babies (One of my black medical officer friends, right here in my house, said to me recently, “ The black race will be erased by abortion and AIDS.”). One cannot imagine black voters, in lock-step, voting for this man after the civil rights history they have endured and the knowledge of the castration of black males in the black institutions (Negro Hospital for the Insane now Cherry Hospital, Goldsboro NC).
In 1962, a movie “The Manchurian Candidate” dealt with a brainwashed political operative who seemed to have forgotten every concept of historical significance, just as Chamberlain in WWII as an example. A new love affair with dictators from Venezuela and Cuba who have done everything possible to destroy this nation, and this president Obama has the impossible notion that you cannot force a lawyer to defend anyone whom he does not want to defend, and yet force a Christian doctor to murder a child by abortion.
Yesterday, I received the news from Washington that I would get 250 dollars because at 79, I draw social security. I am getting this money from a bankrupt country, unable to pay its bills and for 50 years unable to provide a 100% disabled veteran with healthcare or security in his house. For most of these years, since there is no scarier noise for a blind person than to think someone is in the house, I have kept cement blocks to put against my doors. Yet this president, with his “bailout” of our largest financial institutions, banks, security firms, GM, GE, etc, will want my two grandsons to pay these funds with exorbitant taxes. And, if I am fortunate enough to live a few more years I will probably join many others in sweeping the streets.
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