Thursday, February 18, 2010

Vacation from convictions

Vacation from convictions

God calls us to be what we are no matter where we are. The definition of a Christian is one who behaves the same way at midday in his home town where everybody knows him as he does in a strange city at midnight where nobody knows him. Many religious fundamentalist are know using the mantra that as long as they are saved they can do what they please, but we know this is not true. We are told, in no uncertain words “what you “each drink or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God.” ( 1 Corinthians 10:31)

I was hoping that representative Pelosi would get straightened out by the Pope on her recent trip to Rome. Catholic Pelosi, caused me to faint, when I heard her say on TV that she did not think a child was conceived at conception. Every Christian is a walking advertisement and the unbeliever is more influenced by are walk then are talk. Dedrick Bonhoeffer, Lutheran minister, went to the Nazi Gallows walking erect because he had already proclaimed in his writings, “ a Christian is born to die.” The Christian does not fear death. The Christian bares good fruit, you do not pick grapes or berries from thorn bushes.( John 15). We cannot have a vacations from convictions, character or chastity, (Galatians 5:22) regardless of our location or our associations. We are told that the average adult spends 5 hrs a day watching TV. Does the average adult Christian spend 5 hrs a week in services or study? The most scary words to any “professing Christian” should be Matthew 7:21, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.”

At the end of each day, after I have entered my expenses and activities that day in my daily “daybook,” I go over the activities of the day because I know only to well, after having 100s of employees as assistants that once they walk off the job they give no more interest in my work and there primary incentive for everything is their paycheck. Once in a long while, I will have an employee who actually does something on his own to help me but that is a rare happening and, I know that they have their own lives.

In my study of Bio ethics, I have learned that 50% of all young people never read a book. Their entire world revolves around electronics and the great hallmarks of literature, books that have influenced the thinking of men for centuries, are completely unknown to them. Why should we be surprised they know nothing about Gods word. Yet, if you ask any young person, “do you think you will go to heaven when you die?” Every time , you will get the answer “yes.” This shows the ignorance, and the dummying down of all young people thanks largely to permissive parents and the prostitution of the school systems.

There was a famous Broadway play and movie some years ago, “the best little whorehouse in Texas.” It is my sincere belief that the best little “whorehouse” in NC is on Jones street in Raleigh (state legislative building) where the education of students have been sold out by legislatures and local school boards. But, it does not stop their, statistics show that 50% of students in “Christian schools” do not believe in God and that 80% of college and university students do not believe in God ( and many come from church going homes). It is a known fact that¼ of the professors at colleges and universities are atheist and you should prepare your students for that ahead of time.

Polycarp, early martyr Bishop of Smyrna friend of the Apostle John, before he was burned at the stake made the following statement:

“ Among them may I be accepted before you today, as a rich and acceptable sacrifice, just as you, the faithful and true God, have prepared and foreshown and brought about. For this reason and for all things I praise you, I bless you, I glorify you, through the eternal
heavenly high priest Jesus Christ, your beloved child, through whom be glory to you, with him and the Holy Spirit, now and for the ages to come. Amen.”

One of the worlds great missionaries George Greenfield, who buried a wife and 4 children as he fought the head hunters up the Congo river to present day Goma ( I visited Goma and that area of the Congo in 1985, evangelize most of the Congo and at his funeral in 1907 10,000 natives sang “ O hail the power of Jesus name.”

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” ( Proverbs 29:18).

I learned to walk by faith, not by sight ( 100% blind disabled service connected veteran)
More than anytime in my lifetime, and I am a product of the great depression, the Christian must have “the blessed assurance” that his faith will get him through these tough times. Don’t look to the hypocrites “puppets and perverts” of Washington or wall street to “bail you out.” The worlds largest company, AIG, was given 150 billion to bail them out. These high living executives immediately spent much of the money on a big party and bonuses and now are back looking for more. Your country is worth defending, 125,000 lie in foreign cemeteries and they thought it was worth defending. The power of are convictions will be tested as never before. Dr Franklin said, "When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."

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