Albert Einstein said the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible. Aristotle said the mind “is a vast cosmos“. From everything I have read, everything I have experienced in a long life, the most incomprehensible fact of life is the incomprehensible human mind. The difference in the human mind and the brain of the lower animals is our ability to reason and think. The trillions of neurons in the human brain, our ability to comprehend, to negotiate life through our senses, would fill many books.
In 1964, Justice Potter Stewart tried to explain "hard-core" pornography, or what is obscene, by saying, "I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced, but I know it when I see it. “ The morality of pornography is as debatable as the sanctity of life. There are those who compromise with abortion or euthanasia the same way that a sighted sophisticate questions ones evaluation of what is and what is not pornographic. There was some debate in the Catholic church in the 1500’s when Pope Julius II commissioned Michelangelo to paint 12,000 feet of the ceiling of the Sistine chapel, and the Last Judgment, considered his best work, was considered by some to be pornographic. So it has been with most of the art world in the great galleries of Europe. But there is a direct and distinct difference in art and pornography. Great works of art have not stayed in my sight memory bank, but I can well remember the first pornographic picture I ever saw.
I believe pornography has an addictive control much like that of a drug. The addiction of pornography is well documented. 2.84 billion dollars a year on pornography is spent just advertised online. 89 dollars a second is spent on porn. Of 26,000 college students interviewed in a recent poll, 69% spend time online looking at pornography. 260 new porn sites go online each day. 89% of all pornography is created in the United States. San Fernando valley, California, is the porn capitol of the world.
Just a few years ago, in most cities of any size, usually in the inner city, alongside the strip clubs and low class bars, you would find some “dirty book” stores where you could easily buy pornography in the form of magazines, books, films, etc. Now, today, without you realizing it all of you who own a computer have a dirty book store with every evil, obscene, item of trash Satan can create available to you and your children right in your living room. Such is available not only in your house, but at the courthouse, the schoolhouse, the church house, anyone who owns a computer. One young man, who worked for me, and who also was the technical person for computers at Circuit City said, “Amazed at the pornography watched by ministers and people of prominence in the city.” It is addictive and this is an addiction which will harm your children more then illegal drugs. They have a chance of recovery from illegal drugs. The pornography registering on the retina’s of the eyes, traveling through the optic chiasm and registering in the calcarine cortex in the brain at the back of the head where all vision takes place right along with all learning, cannot be erased.
The most blessed thought known to the mind of man, is the love of God. Why would anyone, mix pornography with the message of redemption from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Why would anyone mix good nourishing food with garbage from the sewer and in the digestive system of the body still expect health. Pornography is just as unhealthy for the mind as sewer refuse for the digestive system.
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14)
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