On one of my around the world trips I went to Reunion Island, in the Indian Ocean just east of Madagascar. I have never heard of this place previously and was told that it was controlled by the French. After checking into my room, I decided to go to the swimming pool and relax for awhile, before I started touring the island. I had on my bathing trunks but was shocked beyond words when I walked to the pool when I learned that everyone there was absolutely nude. I had once before run into this problem on island of the Tahiti. But since I am not a nudist, nor can I understand how any civilized person can walk around nude in public, I made a hasty retreat back to my room. At that time I was almost totally blind, but I could see enough to know it was not the place for me.
God did not have to tell Adam and Eve that they were naked. After the serpent had beguiled Eve and lied to Eve, and Eve had lied twice about God’s instructions, Adam had willingly eaten of the forbidden fruit. “And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.” (1 Timothy 2:14)
The goodness of God is something that constantly amazes me, as well as the compassion of Christ. But just as Adam was willing to bear the sin of his wife, so the second Adam, Christ, was willing to bear the sin of his bride, the church. The world of modern psychology would tell us that there is nothing wrong with nudity, or for not dressing in a modest way (even Adam and Eve strung some leaves and put them around their bodies, sin almost makes you aware of nakedness). Their was a time when pornography was confined to the dirty book stores in the inner city. It must make Satan very happy that the dirty book stores have now moved into every American home, because there is nothing you cannot find on the internet. The computer, like the television, could have been a great education medium for the world, but Satan controls the world and he has his methods of leading just as many people as possible into hell, HE HAS NOT GIVEN UP, believe me, SATAN IS STILL ON THE JOB..
We are not a product of chance. God knew what he was doing when he wrote Genesis as he did. The early students of scripture and even today’s students do not understand the scientific intricacies of creation, Adam's molecules, The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA, but most people can’t understand that evil came into the world and that nudity and immodesty have always been a sign of evil and unbelief. When Moses came down from mount Sinai with the ten commandments written by God's own hand, the very people he had led across the Red Sea by the mercy of God, were worshiping a golden calf and dancing around it naked.
“Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. “ (Galatians 5:19)
As you know, I am a veteran of the Korean conflict (100% disabled blind service connected veteran). When I was in South Korea last, this time staying at the hotel Chosun in Seoul, with the memories of the Chosun reservoir where so many Americans froze to death. I was up in a mountain location, and it was already very cold, I noticed all the children and most of the adults were barefooted. I asked one of the young people, “why don’t you wear shoes?” he said, “most of us do not have shoes,” I said, “ what do you do?” he said ,”most of us work in the factory.” I said, “what do you make in the factory.” He said, “ it is a shoe factory, we make shoes, but we cannot afford to buy the shoes we make, they are all shipped abroad.”
One of these days, either before Christ returns, or after he returns, the power brokers of the world, like the people on Reunion Island, are going to stand before God, absolutely naked, and give an account for there sins, not only for commission but omission. Naked, we enter this world and naked we will leave this world and those of us who have been blessed with warm clothing, shoes on our feet, and the knowledge of God’s plan of salvation, will be stripped bare.
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