In a few days, we will celebrate the second greatest event in the history of the world, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the day specified as Easter. Of course, the greatest event in the history of the world was the birth of Christ, a day specified as Christmas. Christmas was marked by a borrowed manger, Easter is marked by a borrowed tomb. He was rich yet for our sakes became poor, that we, through his poverty, might become rich. Most children know little about the meaning of Easter. The day has been castigated to rabbits laying eggs, bonnets and bouquets. Most church people, who claim the name of Christ, know little about the blessed meaning of the day. Christians are good for captivating heathen holidays and festivals. Easter originally came from the Pagan goddess Eostre. Like Christmas, which should be the holiest day of the year, it has become a holiday of browsing and brewing, shopping and selling, and Easter, gorging and gourmet. Church people see a table in the front of the church in which the words are carved, “In remembrance of me.” The only time we were instructed to celebrate his life, was the “blessed” event of his death. His death marked by mockery and mercilessness.
Seven hundred years before his birth, the Prophet Isaiah told us about his death. (Isaiah 53) Early in the morning, every day of my life, I remember what our Blessed Lord did for me on Calvary by having my time of communion when I eat a small piece of bread representing his body, broken for me, and have a small sip of wine representing his shed blood given for me in forgiveness of my sins. You see, I believe there is healing in the broken body of Our Lord represented by the bread and I know there is forgiveness in the blood of Our Lord represented by the wine. It is tragic indeed, that even at this time of year, this day of the year, so few Christians do not have this time of remembrance.
Recently, a pastor told me that his church routinely observed the Lord’s Supper during the week at a prayer service two or three times a year. With government checks, most needy people are starving to death for God’s care. I am convinced, most do not believe in prayer any more as shown by the few who go to a prayer service. So, one Sunday morning, he announced that they would have a communion service. He said, “Many there had never participated in a communion service and some not since baptism.” He said, “I have never seen so many tears. All of a sudden they realized what their salvation was all about.” This is the true meaning of Easter.
Recently, listening to the 11 o’clock church service on a local radio station, the pastor said, “ We were supposed to celebrate our Lord’s Supper this morning but the great juice we were going to use has spoiled so we will have to put it off.” The question occurred to me, are the deacons and others so lazy and unconcerned with this wonderful observance that they cannot check the elements ahead of time? And, since it is a symbol, water or soda, or some other type juice could be used. Unlike the Catholics, where the Eucharist is celebrated, non-Catholics use a symbol. Since we are all priest, if we have the Holy Spirit of God possessing our body, we can celebrate the Lord’s Supper anywhere, anytime. The most blessed time of renewal you can spend, I think it should be done daily, is remembering what he did for us on Calvary asking for healing through his broken body and forgiveness through his shed blood. This time of communion, commitment and prayer can keep you going when you want to quit, I say this especially to the disabled and the despondent.
Eight hundred miles off the West Coast of Chili, in the pacific, is Easter Island. I spent one week there many years ago simply because a plane went to the island one time a week. Now if I had not been able to leave on that plane the following week, I would have done some crying, also. After all, how many of these Moai statues can you study. (Moai statues are monolithic human figures carved from rock and stand on the perimeter of the island. They date between 1250 CE and 1500 CE.) Most weigh around 75 tons and are about 30 feet high. Almost all moai have oversized heads and it is still a mystery of their carving and transportation. The people of Easter Island are beautiful and healthy, probably due to their seafood diet. They wanted me to see their hospital, there was not one patient in the hospital.
I live in a remarkably beautiful part of the world, coastal eastern NC. God was particularly good to the people of this area because we have tree and plant beauty unsurpassed anywhere else in the world. It has been about 50 years since I have been able to see anything, but I can remember the colors of the azaleas, cut flowers, dogwoods, and other floral of the artistry of God. Few people mention the beauty to me because honestly, I think they see very little. Helen Keller in her 1904 book said, “ I have friends who go out and see flowers and birds, and returning home I ask them what they saw. Most say, “I didn’t see anything.”” As my friend Dr. Helen Robinson of University of Chicago said, “ I would give anything to walk from one room to another with out running into something.”
Next to life, your most valuable possession is your eyesight. Put some adhesive tape over your eyes, try living each day as do the blind, preparing your food, getting dressed to go somewhere, etc, just the simple things of life and then think what you miss by not being able to see the floral and fauna around you. There is a children’s museum a short distance from my house, when I go out to my car, the most beautiful sound in the world, more beautiful then any symphony, are the voices of the laughter of those children. There are trees and bushes in my backyard and other places I hear birds, more beautiful than an earthly choir. The grape had to die to make the wine which we use in the resurrection celebration. The kernel of wheat had to die in order to make the bread we use in the celebration of the resurrection. Easter is a time for renewal, the putting seed in the ground for garden vegetables and garden flowers.
Christ died to give us an abundant life, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) More then words, Christianity is a way of life, “Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
Dr. Paul Tillich, Union Theological Seminary, one of the four most influential theologians of the 20th century said, “I hope for the day when everyone can speak again of God without embarrassment.”
Dr. Morris wishes all his family, friends and followers a Happy Easter for 2019.