I am a lover of great music and I own thousands of the old 78 rpm recordings of the classics. But, the greatest music that thrills this old man's heart is the sound of laughter of children. Near my house, on the same block in which I live in the historic district, there is a children museum much of which is exterior, where the children enjoy playing. It is good to know that parents are still having children and that children, in their innocence, are still happy and laughing.
Since 1973, children have been the survivors of abortion. Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, will not hold this country guiltless for the slaughter of 63 million children. We expect such slaughter in Godless communist countries such as Russia and China. I was one of the first Americans into China after it reopened and among the other horrific medical procedures I found going on in the hospitals, was the forced abortion of children (God's greatest creation and the most innocent of life) as well as the limitation of families to one child. My guide told me how many baby girls were found drowned in the rivers around every commune.
I am an old man, I was raised at a time when children were a blessing to a home in spite of the responsibility of rearing them. My mother and her mother did not read Dr. Spock’s book “ Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care. “ Most of today’s problems can be traced directly to Dr. Spock.
The hippie movement of the 60's, the use of modern idol of television as the babysitter, and the fact that children of that generation are now the power brokers in government, industry, particularly academia.
We were taught the value of a dollar, the importance of demonstration (don’t be surprised if your child becomes a drunkard when he saw beer in the refrigerator his entire life), that rest and routine are important in life as well as eating nutritious food. In my home, my mother did the meal planning and we were not allowed to complain about food on the table or “I don’t like that.” Unlike today’s spoiled children, we often ate leftovers, food was not thrown away. The only time we had some thing special was when we came home from college, my smart mother knew our favorite food. And, on a special day such as a birthday, we enjoyed special desserts.
It is unfortunate that all children cannot be raised on a farm where they could learn about the care of young animals, gardening, and work. As soon as we were able to do anything, we had chores, but the greatest part of my rearing was the example set by my parents; self discipline, value of routine, the knowledge that animals depend on you for their food and water, and the value of work. The greatest value of having several children is that the older children train the younger. Just as in the military, the older sergeants train the new recruits, and in time of stress or warfare, leads to a more dependable unit.
Every scholastic evaluation shows that the coach is always the most popular faculty member of any school. The coach has rules and he coaches athletic games that depend entirely on rules. The coach makes sure you are dressed properly, that you show sportsman like conduct, and children from the lower grades through college always appreciate rules.
It is the parent that wants to be a friend to his child instead of the trainer of an untrained child that has the problem. But the same parent will take his dog to a kennel club for discipline training. When I have an employee that cannot show up to work on time, who does not know how to dress or talk to an older adult, I know more about the employees parents then I do about the employee.
We live in a very sanitized society, we spend more time with the conditions of a child’s surroundings, than we do with the sanitation of the influence of media sources that pollutes and contaminates their minds. The sanitation even extends to the more unpleasant areas of living such as death. Most children have never been to a funeral, their only contact with death is what they see on television or in the comic book. Children should be informed early in life that death is a reality. I can think of nothing with more grief than parents following a casket to an open grave containing a child who thought they were invincible.
The greatest education you can give your child is an appreciation for his ancestry. My mother would say, before we left home for a date or anything else, “remember who you are.”
The most satisfying part of my life has been the people who express their appreciation for my parents. Once, an effort to get home with my old car and get gas from my father's gas tank which he used for the farm vehicles, the gas gave out a few miles from home. I went to a house in a community which I was completely unfamiliar with. All I had to do was tell the man who came to the door who I was, that I was a student at Chapel Hill and my gas had given out. But as soon as he heard my fathers name he and his wife and everyone in the house went into action. He told me that their was no way he could do enough for my father.
My parents were great singers, they visited all the churches in the area. Many people would tell me the revival at their church never got started until my parents visited. As soon as they heard them singing in the audience the spirit changed in the church.
The greatest distance in the world is the distance between the brain and heart. This is the parents greatest challenge. Stephen Hawking, perhaps the worlds greatest mind and victim of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is totally paralyzed except for the movement of one finger in which he can move 3 millimeters. To understand that much motion the distance between the eyes of the average person is about 68 millimeters. But, with the understanding of a brilliant assistant, who understands and can interpret these motions. He has written and lectured to the most prestigious minds of the world. His greatest contribution was his lecture on “A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes.”
Parents have the obligation to discipline a child toward achievement, excellence, and to face the future with confidence, even if by some chance disabled. I will shout on the highest mountain top (and my disability is not to be compared to Stephen Hawking) that Satan’s greatest weapon in his arsenal is to defeat the disabled person by discouragement. ( I am a totally blind, 100% disabled service connected veteran for over 40 years).
I can count on the fingers on one hand how many times in these many years of disability that I have had any encouragement from anyone, particularly family. I have said in the media, as I repeat now, I will give 1000 dollars to anyone who can show that any veterans group, civic club, or church, has done anything for me in spite of the fact that I give a large part of my income to charity.
Disabled persons experience much exasperation, but think of the exasperation of children trying to raise themselves. I have nothing but contempt for the child abuser (those who survive the abortionist) who expect the child to have the knowledge and judgment of an adult.
We have all heard the expression, “ life is hell and then you die.” Those of us that survived the abortionist in spite of genetics or disability, only have one life, there are no trial runs.
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