"Of all the views of this law [for public education], none is more important, none more legitimate, than that of rendering the people the safety as they are the ultimate guardians of their own liberty." --Thomas Jefferson
In the 1799 Supreme Court ruling “ By our form of government, the Christian religion is the established religion, and all sects and denominations of Christians are placed on the same equal footing.” (Justice Samuel Chase)
In 1892, when there were only 44 states, the 1799 Supreme Court ruling was reaffirmed as follows: " These and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation."
"Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian."
In 1962, the Supreme court gave us the 11th commandment, concerning an innocuous 22 word prayer, which removed prayer from our schools, “was a landmark United States Supreme Court case that determined that it is unconstitutional for state officials to compose an official school prayer and require its recitation in public schools.” (Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 1962).
10 years later in 1973 in Roe V. Wade was “ a United States Supreme Court case that resulted in a landmark decision regarding abortion.” This has resulted in the slaughter of 63 million of the most innocent of human life in this country. Removing prayer from the schools, giving the killing of human life in its most innocent form judicial approval, has resulted in the creation of government schools whose main purpose in education seems to be socialism and the acceptance of socialism in America.
Many loyal, patriotic Americans were astounded at the recent election of the most pro abortion politician in this country. And one, who if he has any religious faith at all, is not confident in it. He has been schooled as a Muslim and participated for many years in a black nationalistic church. The only encouraging act he has made as President involved Gaza. Where the Muslim hordes in the 48 Muslim countries of the world expected him to defend the Palestinians in Gaza, even after Israel had given Gaza to the Palestinians, and even after the Muslims had destroyed 25 Jewish synagogues in Gaza. (Genesis 12:1-2, Romans 10:11)
The crisis in America education and the tragedy in the government schools is the undisputed fact that until the 4th grade, your children are more or less protected from the blasphemy of John Dewey’s political indoctrination. The parents who can tolerate preschool and early school education of their children usually come into contact with the bullying and political correct indoctrination, leading to the acceptance and the marketing of evil, that politicized teacher's unions and politicized school boards, can inseminate young minds.
To the parents, your most precious possession (and I find very few mothers and fathers who do not love their children), the ones who has enough genes and DNA of your ancestors to fill thousands of pages and who, in most cases, even resembles you in appearance, are subjected to the greatest cruelty known to man. Not just the molestation of a child’s body, but the pollution and molestation of a child’s mind.
When parents have recognized the fact that their precious possessions are being so abused by the government school system, and they can afford to do so, they place their children in private or Christian schools where they are exposed to the best ideas and wisdom of life, not a cauldron of insipid demonic degradation. Many parents are home schooling, and in my opinion, this is the most rewarding education possible and this has been well established by every criteria.
In my lifetime, I have seen public education become government non-education and indoctrination. Our founding fathers, the great minds of this nation, who were the leaders in government, literature, academia, and business, came from small schools where along with the essentials of education, their success was marked by their appetite for reading.
I was fortunate enough to have attended for twelve years a rural school with grades from 1 to 12. Where the school board, the principal, and as far as I could tell, for the entire twelve years teaching was a calling, and the school was a happy place of learning. When the teacher's colleges and the universities decided that indoctrination was more important than the fundamentals of education and the greatest question in education was set aside by the John Dewey, Columbia teacher's college, philosophy “the ends justifies the means.”
The historic question, as well as the question when I was in school, which should be the question of today’s school is this, “ARE YOUR CHILDREN FLOURISHING IN SCHOOL?” If your children are not flourishing in school, are not being taught the foundation of character on which they must depend.You can educate your children at home and prepare them for any college or university.
I am told by college and university officials, that students from the government schools who have a diploma of graduation, but can barely read and write and fill out the necessary forms, spend most of their first year in college doing preparatory study. Your child may experience some discrimination because you did not choose to allow the legions of Satan to pollute their mind in a government school. But remember this, “GOD IS FAITHFUL” he will give you the knowledge you need and the sources for help which you might need in educating your child.
In spite of the satanic problems with the internet, the internet is the greatest source in the world for the home schooled. Set your sights on directing your child down the right road, in the right direction, with the all encompassing philosophy of the INTENTIONAL life. In the intentional life, we only have room for excellence. The depravity in the minds, clearly shown in the court records in any locality, should be impetus enough to desire the best for your finest. As one plumber, who was working in one of my buildings said to me, “I work night and day to keep my children out of a government school, I love them too much.”
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