Monday March 9th, 2009 will go down in history as a dark Monday. It was the day that the president of the US signed the documents to provide taxpayer money for experimentation and consequent death of embryonic stem cells, the most innocent of human life. When Mr. Obama was running for President he stated to pastor Rick Warren that “abortion was beyond his pay grade.” It was no secret to anyone who studied the matter that this was the most pro abortion politician in American history. In a mixture of rhetoric which only a Chicago-land corrupt politician could accomplish, he tried to mix morality with science and to the glee of atheists in the room some of which professed to be scientists, or even such a political hack as Nancy Reagan, these clowns could hardly wait to get their hands on these tax dollars at the universities, where the experimentation will continue.
Since, it has never stopped (private funds, non published agencies), as Pope John Paul said before his death, “any nation that will kill its own cannot be called a nation”. It was like spitting in the face of almighty God that a country so blessed, where 63 million of its innocent citizens have been slaughtered in the abortion holocaust, that now the most innocent human embryos will be subjected to experimentation and death (stem cells were first isolated in mice in 1980, experimentation with stem cells began with human beings in 1998).
I have been a disabled, totally blind person for most of my life and I would give much to have seen my parents, before they were put in the ground, or to see my two grandsons now. I would give much to be able to drive a car, or read a book, if only for one day, but I do not want to see anything enough to want the life of one innocent person sacrificed for my sight. I do not believe that any of the disabled patients of neurological diseases, muscular and mental diseases (such as Parkinson’s disease) want to be cured enough for the most innocent of life to be sacrificed to please the gods of paganism.
Human beings were taken to the apex of the Yucatan, Mexico Chichen Itza pyramids and sacrificed. When I stood at the base of these pyramids, I could sense the cries of horror and the blood running down those great pyramids. When I stood at the sacrificial alter in front of a temple in Merida, Yucatan Mexico, where the virgins were sacrificed to the pagan Aztec gods, I could sense the cries, such as I heard of burn victims in army hospitals.
Paganism will cause you to compromise every sense of human decency and this is what we are seeing with this President and his followers. Those of you who voted for him and supported him with your time and money, will give an account to the real Almighty God who mad heaven and earth, for your part in this atrocity.
Yesterday in the capital city of Guinea Bissau, Bissau, President Vieira received a military funeral after the military coup d'etat which deposed and shot him. It is significant that the same military who killed him, gave a 21 gun salute at his funeral. Yesterday, in an Italian northern town, Bolzano, a world class mummy museum was opened. More than 60 mummies from Ancient Egypt, Asia, South America and Oceania will be on display, the oldest one is 5,000 years old. The world's most important paleontologists will be there for a symposium. Yesterday, former president Clinton and secretary general of the united nations General Ban Ki Moon, arrived on the island nation of Haiti (the poorest country in the western hemisphere) with the objective to bringing prosperity to this very poor nation.
“Haiti is often considered a foreign policy success for President Clinton, however in the wake of Senate questioning of Anthony Lake (nominated as Director of Central Intelligence) some serious issues have arisen over the US and CIA’s role in Haiti. Patrick Elie (Head of the Office of National Drug Control Policy and Secretary of Defense in former President Aristeed’s Government) spoke with Amy Goodman about Michelle Francis' role in Haiti. Patrick Elie speaks from a jail in Virginia. Michelle Francis, a reported Haiti CIA agent and key leader in the coup regime that led Haiti, was recently indicted in Miami for smuggling thirty three tons of cocaine into the US. Elie describes Francis as one of the most oppressive figures in the Haitian regime, who was actively involved in the drug trade. Elie claims that Francis is a creation of the CIA, whose drug trafficking has been widely know to the US for a long time, but ignored due to his political usefulness to destroy the Haitian popular movement. Patrick Elie goes on to describe his own incarceration, he has been held in US custody for almost one year, without trial, on charges of impersonating a diplomat. Elie believes he is a ‘marked man’ upon his release from jail, due to his knowledge of US crimes in Haiti.” (This was written before the Port-de-Prince, Haiti earthquake which destroyed the city and killed 250,000) (http://www.democracynow.org/1997/3/11/us_policy_in_Haiti)
The people in Haiti are in worse condition now then they were before the Clinton interference, but since his presidency, his speaking fees have made him multimillionaire, he probably thinks the people of Haiti want to pay him to speak to them. The average income of a Haitian is $270 a year.
The Obama smoke and mirrors “bailout” philosophy of restoring the economy, is doomed for failure, “his arms are too short to box with God”. In our weakened economy, rippled by corruption, we are ill prepared to face the wrath of an Almighty God which can come through a terrorist attack, floods, droughts, or other disasters.
At a time when this country yearns for intelligence and stability, we find the most powerful executives of industry, banking, insurance, and academia, with their “begging bowls”, taking without any evidence of shame, the tax dollars of the hard working, frugal managing, enslaved people of this nation. These executives who are supposed to be smarter then the rest of us, who eat off gold plates, who are awarded with millions of dollars of bonuses for failure, should be sentenced and put in a federal prison for life. The directors of these large corporations (GM, Chrysler, Ford, AIG, Merrill Lynch, etc.) who enjoyed their prominence and their appointments to these boards because of their political astuteness, because they could not adequately manage and direct these corporations and financial institutions, should likewise be sentenced and put in federal prisons for the robbery of their fellow citizens.
When did we become a country of inferior intelligence where we reward failure? When did we become a world of inferior mortals, that we would put on display dead immortals? When did we become a country unable to handle our own problems of poverty that we would send the former head of this nations and former head of the united nations to a much poorer country to handle their poverty?
The first time I was in the communist USSR, I said to a fellow traveler, a personality on a well known NY radio station WOR, when we were talking about the drunkenness of the people. “If I had to live here I would become a drunk also“, perhaps this is the reason our young people have fallen into the drug culture.
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