When I was a college student at a very liberal university, the only rabid communist I knew there (I'm sure there were many more) was Dr. John Myers...who was forever promoting and praising the Columbia University professor John Dewey...self avowed communist, most famous for the phrase, "The end justifies the means". Dewey had visited and advised Russia concerning its public education. Many American educators believed then, as they do now, that public education should be completely divorced from the religious ideas of the founding fathers...complete humanists, secularization of education.
The world trying to normalize bad behavior is nothing new...it just worsens with each generation. "Don't ask, don't tell", same sex marriage, gay pastors and gay bishops, trivializing of Christian absolutes...the academic teaching of the myth of evolution as a fact...such disputed theories as global warming, international taxation, one world government, eugenics, would have caused an index of fear among the thinking protectors of this Republic and certainly some publicity in the journalistic community. With the slow but sure control of the mind through political correctness and the total take over of all investigative journalism in the state-controlled news media, we are suspect of every government entanglement.
Our lives and futures are punctuated by several indices including Consumer Price Index and Cost of Living Index. The one controlling our thinking, more than any other, is the "fear index". There seems to be a real effort in the control of the state-controlled media to put a hedge of ambiguity around the American people, to protect them from the realities confronting us. All indicators point to a second dip in the current "greatest" depression because this depression is greater than the "Great Depression" of 1929-1940. At least in the "Great Depression", before FDR collected and melted down all the gold in 1933 and Nixon closed the gold window in 1971 selling the countries gold for $42 an ounce and, Lyndon Johnson removed most of the silver from the "so-called" silver coins, and we were left with worthless fiat currency...something backed up our money. The specific gravity of gold and tungsten are about the same. We are supposed to have 251 million ounces of gold in our reserves "supposedly" at Fort Knox. Supposedly hundreds of thousands of the gold bars have been counterfeited with tungsten. It is further reported that the IMF, China and India have made the discovery. I listen intently to see if the crooks, Geithner or Bernanke, would face inquiry on this at their recent hearings before the oversight committees. Let's face it, the entire Congress is globalist...all involved in the "New World Order".
The Marxist President, Obama, as usual, is talking out of both sides of his mouth...fears imitating, fears of debt, while initiating more spending. It can get very close to home, family and neighbors who do not have jobs...under present financial conditions...no possibility of jobs. China manufacturing, and Wal-Mart selling all their production, have you attempted recently to buy anything made in this county?
I was on a plane load of the first Americans to visit China after the Nixon reopening. I saw the enslaved labor, their manufacturing everything possible, the totalitarian control of their lives...children in their schools of indoctrination and discipline...young people being prepared for work in the factories or military...old people being used for whatever with only the crematory at the end of their road in every commune. I came back and talked about the hospitals...which would have made Alfred Hitchcock cringe...prisoners strapped to tables as their vital organs were transplanted to sick people. A guide, who wanted to spill his "guts" about the horrors of communism...he had studied American free enterprise...told me that the sewers were clogged with dead female babies because in the forced abortion system in China and the one child policy. Most couples, with the insistence of the government who wants the largest standing army in the world, give life to a male child.
Of course now, we are seeing horrendous results of that policy. The population of China is the same as the United States plus one billion (1,300,000,000). Supposedly, China has 125,000 crack troops at the Panama Canal, which they took over. The Chinese soldiers, and the Chinese population, mostly male, those who are not gay, want a wife and as was the case with Australia being settled by male convicts from England, women from India and other Asian countries are becoming wives of the Chinese. It is a fearful situation and, like their 10% growth in GDP, most of the construction in the world going on there (70% of all the worlds construction cranes are now in China), the world's largest automobile manufacturers, the world's greatest attempts at space exploration, the almost complete takeover of the continent of Africa for its mineral and oil resources, the building of large tankers, aircraft carriers, submarines, in an effort to monopolize world commerce, we have fearful problems.
China controls America's future as far as debt is concerned. I can tell you without fear of contradiction that the great airports of the world, the great multi-laned highways of the world, the great industrial plants of the world, are all in China. It is no longer a matter of what we will do with Quemoy and Matsu (the two small islands between China and Taiwan), China is now the super power and China will do what it pleases. When you are at the mercy of a country, a bully, a wild animal, with any intelligence at all, you have fear.
Neither the Republicans or Democrats have any answers, just a bunch of clowns antagonizing one another. I supported both John Anderson and Ross Perot when they ran for President as third party candidates. This was a waste of my time and money. Like eating junk food (and junk food I include that sold in most grocery stores), you are a product of your own behavior. If you want a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a palm reader, some one to predict your future, those of you with eyes, look in the mirror. Jack LaLanne is now 96 years of age. On his own, he learned to eat wisely, to exercise wisely, and as an old man, is in good health and good mind. Your dollars have lost 10% of their value in the past 90 days. You should fear not only your financial future, your spiritual future but your health. The foods our grandparents ate one hundred years ago, are the same foods we should be eating today. Keep these chemically processed, genetically engineered, unclean foods out of your body. Measure very carefully your every action and as a good carpenter, measure twice so you will only cut once. "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" (2Timothy 1:7).
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