The highlight of the Pagan year is Super Bowl Sunday...which happened yesterday. Don't we wish there could be as much excitement about our blessed Lord on his day as is shown on Satan's day when millions of Americans going through the worst depression in the history of the nation...and I predict that it will get much worse...get so excited about young millionaires running up and down a football field...knowing that millions will be watching...those who can pay the ludicrous amounts of money for seats in the stands and hotel rooms...as well as thousands gathered in beer joints around the country...I understand some “houses of worship” even have a Super Bowl party. Not since 2004 when Michael's sister, Janet Jackson, had a “supposed” accident and she showed the world her breast has there been so much excitement about an advertisement which reportedly cost hard working, God fearing, tax paying Americans who thought they were giving to God's work (2.3 million) through Focus on the Family and the enlightenment of the public about the abortion holocaust.
The liberated women of America...those who believe in a woman's right to murder her unborn and their supporting groups...have brought much pressure on CBS to squash the advertisement. I understand the advertisement was very innocuous...perhaps the money could have been better spent enticing preachers of the gospel to describe God's tears over this atrocity.
The advertisement involves Tim Tebow, a 6'3”, 245 pound Heisman Trophy winner who played for the Florida Gators. Tebow's parents were Catholic missionaries in the Philippines. His mother, pregnant with her fifth child, was advised to abort because of her illness. This may surprise most Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, even evangelicals but she chose to give birth to this child who grew up to be a healthy, wealthy, football player...a Christian willing to go before the world in spite of political incorrectness and testify to the world about the evils of baby killing. He even put scriptures on his face when playing. How long has it been since you saw these “pretenders” in the church house, at the school house, at the court house, and certainly at the White House even pretend to know one scripture? Here we have a young man and his parents, uncompromising, willing to face the world with an advertisement about the sanctity of life, yet the best statistician, here at the local University, tells us that 1.2 million babies are aborted each year.
The “Pagan Chatter” in the state controlled news media does not speak of these killings...nor that a child is sexually abused every 23 seconds in this country...that 100,000 children in America are on the streets, homeless, seeking gratification wherever they can find it...that there is greater slavery (12.3 million) in the world now than at the end of the Civil War. How do you penetrate the shell of debauchery shamelessly shown in the exuberance and extravagance of the American sociallyengineered and radically enslaved, entertained and indoctrinated with the news that the world is facing a dilemma not in the extortion of financial ruin but total denial of truth. In 1957, Romano Guardini wrote the book The End Of The Modern World in which he foresaw the decline and end of Western Civilization...with it's ideals of right and wrong, morality, spiritual and political influence, sink into the decadence of what we are seeing now...promotion of a eugenic system of abortion, euthanasia, and the homosexual agenda. I find very few people want to face this truth. Many, even those in the religious community, do not want to hear the truth of absolutes however when it comes to a surgeon, an airline pilot, an automobile mechanic, they want the truth.
The double standard between acceptance of pedophilia, homosexuality and abortion is beyond comprehension. Every vital valiant, young person I meet...and we need so many of them...I think how the world would have been cheated if this person had been aborted. Last month, January, exactly 37 years ago, the Supreme Court decided that America could survive without the 52 million aborted tax payers, doctors, nurses, mothers and fathers, who like the millions of citizens who planted the flowers we are now picking, boasted the greatness of this nation. Now all the citizens born in this nation have not exhibited good citizenship. We have the largest prison population of any industrial nation. We have our share of whores, thieves, traitors...even dope sellers but, God's Word reminds us that he sent the only perfect one who ever lived to redeem them.
We have people, with good intentions, even in the religious world, who do stupid things. Baptists have been generally embarrassed by a Southern Baptist Church in Idaho who, trying to help in the Haiti earthquake relief, sent some of their members who attempted to get some Haiti children to an orphanage...thinking they had accomplished all paperwork involved ...became the point of reference of all Pagan Chatter in the news media...and you will see they never missed the chance to use the word Baptist, the media, trying to make of this a child molestation or abduction charge. Those trained in seminaries, even those untrained but part of any religious group, should learn early and be warned often that Satan's world is just waiting to accuse you of something. Surely the Catholics learned that the Roman collar fits like a noose to hang any priest in the “Pagan Chatter” of despised Christianity.
For many years, the Catholics were the target of media criticism. Then the media became very anti-semitic...even today's pagan news chatter always depicts Israel as the aggressor. Get ready, Washington has within it's parameters the target (bulls eye) of shutting off the internet (censorship is the objective of Senator Rockefeller and other Democrats). Print media, radio and television, are already under the thumb of state control. Next will be your access to the unblemished news and events of the world through the internet.
General George S Patton died December 21st 1945 after being assassinated. All the people and records involved in this assassination have disappeared. It is well known that it was a combined elimination of this General by the OSS and KGB. Patton had seen and heard the atrocities of Communism. Only those of us who have seen the atrocities of Communism understand what it is like to have the government with its controls, enabling news media to take over everything. The “Pagan Chatter” and increasing control of our lives will continue and only get worse until real Americans, real Christians, real lovers of truth, stand up and say, enough is enough.
On November 25th 1980, in a famous fight between Sugar Ray Leonard and Roberto Duran, 16 seconds left in the eighth round, Roberto stayed in his corner refusing to come back out and fight Leonard. This machismo fighter is best known for his parting words at the fight and to the world, “No mas, no mas”. NO MORE.
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