I worked for John McCain in his Presidential bid. I sent him money although, in the past, I had agreed with him on very few things, I knew he was a better choice than the one you people selected. We will never recover from the Obama Presidency. Yesterday, I heard McCain's daughter, Meghan, on a national talk show say she is a “progressive Republican”. By progressive Republican she means, pro-choice (pro-abortion), pro-gay rights (gay marriage), and pro-welfare and health care for everyone. Like George W. Bush, “the compassionate Conservative”, neither the McCains or the Bushes...both families rich beyond dreams, have ever known what it is to work or want for anything.
A few real Christians have been in political office. The late Senator Jesse Helms was one. He told me once that the Social Security trust fund was just one big IOU. We know now that Social Security is bankrupt. Starting this year, there are no increases for the next two years and then, with the bankruptcy of the nation, Social Security will slowly disappear.
In the American experiment, debt is a new transition. I remember when there was little indebtedness...you had the layaway plan for merchandise and on the front porch of many black homes was an envelope where you put a quarter for your burial insurance. A collector came around each week to collect it. The promissory note you signed at the bank for your mortgage or anything else was debt property of the bank. But, with the Barney Franks of this world the banks sold these mortgages and promissory notes as bales of derivatives and now, if you are in financial trouble you have no idea who you owe. Of course, most banks will have these instruments recorded at the court house.
I remember the first credit cards. I could not imagine anything so dangerous. We have lived to learn of their danger. Just as the federal reserve took over the banks and all currency, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) took over the reserve banks and they are all instruments of the United Nations. We are now in a cauldron of financial stew involving the entire global “one world government”. The banks learned early to suck everyone into the cavern of debt. What better method than a credit card, mailed to everyone who is still room temperature...children, elderly, poverty stricken. One year, I got 59 credit cards from various sources. Each time one came in I would put it in a box and towards the end of the year I had my assistant photograph all of these credit cards, and then at my expense, I sent all of these credit cards to the North Carolina Attorney General and explained to him, since evidently they were too stupid to know, why the general public has so much trouble with ID theft and debt. There is an average 8,500 dollar credit card debt for every family.
I get so sick hearing rich, liberal Democrats as well as Republicans (McCain-Bush) talk about conservation or conservatism. Older Americans were reared at a time when you paid for your services, your needs, everything, those who went through the trauma of the Great Depression, 1930s-1940, (when the banks closed or only had services for the elitest few) will know the importance of the words of Paul in his letters to the Romans when he said, “Owe no man nothing but to love one another” (Romans 13:8). Neither a borrower nor a lender be;
For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. (Shakespeare's Hamlet)
Look at your children, your grand children. Don't you realize the parasites have taken over? Lies, promises, decadence beyond words to describe. There has been an invasion of intelligence that the profits or poets could never have predicted. The church has not escaped. We are approaching the second most important event in the world, Easter. If Jesus Christ had not risen from the dead, our faith would be in vain, life as we know it would be a waste yet, the world has so invaded the church that the resurrection story is represented by a rabbit laying colored eggs in a basket...almost as ridiculous as Santa Claus representing the greatest event in the history of the world...the savior of the world...the only reason for life or living. Richard Bauckham, in his book Jesus and the Eyewitnesses, reiterates the value of the personal testimony of the early Christians in describing Jesus and the early church.
The third most important book in Christianity is CS Lewis's The Case For Christianity in which he places his entire argument on morality. Humans cannot know to yearn for something that does not exist. Water is the only substance that will satisfy thirst. Only God can give Joy.
Both Cane and Esau were probably “nice guys”. Even these first creations of the Creator wanted life “their way”. It was thousands of years later that Sinatra went to hell singing, “I did it my way”.
Whether individually or as a nation, we are destined to learn of the omnipotence of God. We think we human beings are so smart, that we can get out of a hole by digging, that we can spit in the face of the very One who flung the stars into space, that we can deny His existence, His “so great salvation”. God does not accept an IOU.
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