I have had many young women to ask me about a prospective boyfriend, “What do you think of him?” I always ask the same question, “What kind of condition does he keep his car?” It is a sorry man who does not take pride in his vehicle...truck, used car, whatever. You can write it down as Gospel, any man worth anything at all will take pride in his car. I have never known this one evaluation of a male to fail.
Even as a boy, I was intrigued by automobiles. I would admire any used car lot, any dealer's display, look at new cars in any magazine. I always kept the family car washed and cleaned, inside and out. My first personal car was a 1941 Plymouth...bought second hand for which I paid $85 dollars. It was a MARVELOUS automobile. My first new car was a 1952 Chevrolet Bel Air...light green in color, a MARVELOUS car. I had worked all Summer selling Bibles door to door in Eastern North Carolina (The hardest work anyone can imagine). I was the top salesman of the many thousands of Bible salesmen put on the roads each year by the Southwestern Publishing Company, Nashville Tennessee. Such great Americans as Senators Luther Hodges and Estes Kefauver were Bible salesmen.
I had made enough money to take care of my University expenses for the year plus working at night and I decided to buy a new car. This Chevrolet, at that time, cost 2,000 dollars. I will never forget my consternation when the dealer said to my father, who had come to check out the car, “Joe, where did this boy get the money for this car?” My father said, “He worked for it”. I have never forgiven Blalock Chevrolet, Fremont NC, for his attitude. Today, one might ask such a question because most young boys with that much money would have produced it from selling drugs or perhaps stolen it. Of course Mr. Blalock has died but it would do me good for him to know that since that time, I have owned 13 Cadillacs. Remember, don't disparage any young person because of where they start...YOU ARE NOT STUCK WHERE YOU START.
I remember when American cars were the symbol of America...Pearl Bailey representing Mercury, Dinah Shore representing Chevrolet...”see the USA in your Chevrolet”. But due to poor engineering, give-away policies of the automobile manufacturers with the all powerful unions, and stupid politicians sitting on the boards of the automobile companies, America lost it's automobile prestige to foreign competition. I was too much a patriot (I remember WWII) to buy a Japanese or German made car. But as I told a Vice President of General Motors, “You will be shut down, not because of government, but by Americans who will refuse to buy your product”. My recent new car is a Lincoln. I will never buy another General Motors product but, I was wrong, Mr. Obama and the Democrats have shut down General Motors and many other automobile producers. China is now the world's greatest automobile producer.
In 1957, Toyota began selling cars in this country, this company having started in 1937, survived WWII and from what I have been able to learn, has produced a car satisfying the public. The Obama General Motors corporation, is now trying to shut down foreign competition. More important than the Earthquake, the dire bankruptcy of our country has been the almost constant chatter in the news media about Toyota...now starting yesterday, Honda.
It is beyond all comprehension that a country which spends $100 billion a month just paying interest on the national debt shows expertise in automobile production. Whether true or not, the accelerator and the brakes are the reasons for recall of millions of Toyotas and Hondas. Have you noticed that in the political progression gripping the country our political regression is never mentioned? Have you noticed how many products produced in this country are recalled...everything from meat to prescription drugs?
Only one percent of all items recalled are ever returned...not bad business. Think of it, there is poison in the well of this Democracy, cancer is eating away at the Republic. In the indoctrination and brainwashing exploitation of our children in the public schools we have learned to accept anything and everything without question. Just as I will never buy another General Motors car, I have left the Baptist church because, they too, have lost all sense of value.
The Democrat party has been in complete control of North Carolina for over 140 years. The longest serving Senator in the legislature, known far and wide for his immorality, the speaker of the house in prison for corruption, other members of the house in prison for corruption including my Representative, Sheriff from an adjacent County just out of prison for corruption, recent Governor and his henchmen (indictments for corruption)...all Democrats. Not once have the numerous Baptist pastors and members who make up most of the electorate of North Carolina said one word about the conditions. As I told one well-known Baptist recently, how can Southern Baptists, Free Will Baptists, independent Baptists continue to support the Democrat party which promotes the killing of the unborn, the marriage of homosexuals, the lottery and ABC control which Baptists and fellow travelers have voted for in this state?
I supported John Anderson and Ross Perot, third party candidates, because they predicted the “big sucking sound” when jobs and opportunity would leave this country. Jobs and financial stability will never return. There are bleak days ahead. Don't look to the corrupt politicians in Washington, Raleigh or locally to make things any better. Like the Toyota, we have problems with the accelerator and the brakes. The only “hope and change” which NC Democrats and the national Democrat party will experience is when God gives a good “quake” as he is already doing in several places to awaken them and us to the absolutes of right and wrong once found in business, education, and the lifestyle of real Christians and real patriots.
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