Moses, in his second meeting with God (first meeting, back of desert, burning bush, no record of any contact of God with Moses previous 40 years, but God knew where Moses was, and Moses did not have to ask, “is that you God?”) Moses came down from Sinai with tablets hand written by the hand of God. You find three things in all religions...Pagan religions of South America or Egypt...prayer, adoration, sacrifice.
Cecil B. DeMille, portrayer of great Bible movies said, of the Ten Commandments, “the most difficult commandment to visualize is the first commandment, about the worshiping of idols.”
It is obvious that the producer, DeMille, did not know much about idols, the idol of money, the idol of power, the idol of prestige, and most of all, the idol of appearance. Any child, almost any home, can tell you which idol his parents worship...the one they sit in front of almost constantly...the one they bow down to daily as they change the channel, brighten the color etc., the idol of the television set. In a high school poll, it is discovered that most television sets in most homes are never turned off...that most children sit in front of a television set three to seven hours a day. At least, in ancient idol worship, where they carved out an idol from a piece of wood, at least the scraps of wood could be used in a fire.
For many, bank accounts have become a God. For some, the green government check has become an idol. A Pentecostal preacher told me about a sick member of the church. He offered to pray for his healing, he said, “you can pray but remember I get a check”.
I was in Argentina during the Juan Peron reign. Argentina had the world's fourth largest GNP...only exceeded by USA, UK, Japan. Peron ruled Argentina with an iron hand turning this once prosperous country into a sociological socialist nightmare. I still remember soldiers on the streets with machine guns. His wife Evita, an actress, brought the finishing touches with her welfare culture involving the poor. He had two wives, Eva (Evita) and Isabelle and both of them brought the once prosperous Argentina into the depths of slavery. I was once there when inflation was so bad that prices were going up every day. Each item in a store, would have just one price after another written on it with previous ones marked through. On planes, they took the real wealth, gold and artwork of Argentina, to foreign countries and, as Marco Polo before them, and Genghis Khan before him, they signed their names on fiat paper money which rapidly became worthless. We are heading in the same direction in America.
19 of the world's countries are on the brink of bankruptcy including USA and the UK. We are spending five billion dollars a day just servicing our national debt. Pension funds and Social Security will become a part of the great American financial disaster. We will see municipal and other bonds in default. In California the pension debt is 60 to 90 billion with no way to pay it.
Seldom is the truth told on the state controlled news. As in the Iraq war, throwing babies out of bassinets. Depleted uranium or agent orange, one does not know what to believe anymore. When you see the soap opera drama of Obama and Netanyahu, you know it is fakery leading to an attack of Israel on Iran. America will say, “we told them not to do it, they are so mean”. When, as in most things, it is all approved ahead of time by the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tri-lateral Commission, the Bilderbergs, Goldman Sachs, and the other globalists who rule the world. David Rockefeller said, “some men are born to rule, most are born to be ruled”.
With Israel, everything is a soap opera. I remember crossing the Allenby bridge from Jordan into Israel. There was no problem at the Jordan side but on the Israeli side, a van of “stupid” and bewildered American tourists, armed Israeli soldiers, pointing weapons at you...even an old blind man...taking out of my camera bag...my “hair brush” saying they must X-ray the item...all drama...all deceit. As if, I have not paid enough taxes each year for the ten million Israel gets each day from US tax payers.
Since 1850, the average depression has lasted about 8 years. Japan has been in a deep depression for 10 years.
The New American Century, 1997/98 operated by neoconservatives, Paul Wolfowitz said, “we are heading into an age of globalism where everything will be in the control of one world government”. We are already there, only pushed by a non-conservative, very much a left wing radical, Communist Obama and his czars.
Everything is planned ahead of time even to the desert uniforms Americans were to wear in the first Gulf War. Industry and wealth has moved overseas but Americans can no longer put money in Swiss or other foreign bank accounts. Federal, state and all municipalities are cutting workers. Scare tactics are being well controlled. The media is so anxious for you to despise Christians that they always point out “Christian” militias, and “Christian” pedophile Priests. It is reported, that in many Wall Street firms, Bear-Sterns etc. SEC was present most of the time and never recognized a problem. It is reported that everyone knew about the Madoff scheme except SEC regulators. It is known that everyone knew about the House Ways and Means Chairman Rangel's problems counting money, except fellow Democrats.
Your government thinks you are very stupid...sent you two notices that you would be getting a census form. But, you have proved over and over, that you do not mind paying this excessive postage particularly to a post office which must now close on Saturdays...just to save money...a new thought process for government. There are three certainties, death, taxes, and a lying, deceiving government.