Monday, May 31, 2010

Patriotism 2010

My driver pointed out a sign in front of a mega-church recently, it said “a new type of Christianity”. If you have not realized it yet, the world has gone completely crazy. Insanity has replaced sanity. I suppose, that in the new Christianity, Sin and Christ's redemption, is no longer important.

Perhaps pastor Rick Warren (The Purpose Driven Church) was right when he said “the preachers should just throw softballs.” He, like so many pastors and pew-warmers think they are just playing games with God. The Robert Schullers, Rick Warrens, Joel Osteens, Brian McLarens and others completely ignorant of God's word, will remember their “emerging church”, a new-age religion at “pay-day some day”.

In Hindu temples, I witnessed Hindu mothers sacrificially throwing their babies from tops of the temples...this is what they call “religion”. In Buddhist temples, I saw the worship of monkeys...monkeys all over the place being fed food which would have satisfied the hunger of children in nearby villages... this is what they call “religion”. On a South Pacific island, where they still fight with bows and arrows, and use polished pebbles for money, I saw young girls behind fences prostituting themselves to the “gods” who walked around in white robes...this is what they called “religion”.

Survival of our constitutional republic depends on a virtuous people. Look at your newspaper headlines, is all virtue gone? Evil takes over when good people do nothing. Evil people know that this nation must be “flooded” with illegal, undocumented aliens taking over the vote, the public schools, the health-care systems, the welfare systems in order that our constitutional first amendment (free speech) and second amendment (self-protection with weapons) rights can be taken over. We must lose our freedom of speech and our ability to carry weapons to fall completely under government control.

In all voting, at the top of the ballet, there should be one question, determining your vote: Do you trust your government? Anyone who votes yes, their ballot should be immediately thrown out. They do not have sense enough to vote for anything else.

For instance, in the Katrina hurricane disaster, drowning, dying, starving people were denied food and water until government force came through the city and removed all guns. The government lies, first words, people were firing their guns at recovery forces just as in Kuwait Saddam were throwing babies from incubators. We know this was all lies, and we could give many more.

In Bolivia, I saw the feeding of a 12-foot Boa constrictor with large rats. If you had a boa constrictor around you and he was squeezing you to death, and the constrictor said to “I will lighten up if you promise to give me everything you own.” Would you have any assurance that the boa constrictor would keep his word? This is the position Americans find themselves in in 2010, squeezed, squeezed, and then squeezed again with increased taxation: local, state, federal and soon international. Increased squeeze with licenses and fees, increased squeeze with controls on every area of your life, including your most private: health-care...all with the promise that “hope and change” are here and “happy days” are here again.

We do what we do because we believe what we believe, and most of our beliefs come from “stinking thinking”. In this time of political correctness, sorcery and spoilage, parents of children who will live through it should start thinking. We older people, many of us lived through the Great Depression, have “been there and done that”.

Patriotism 2010 means turning your children over to useless public schools where now it is alright for cross-dressing, sexually-confused teachers to appear as role models. At least one-fourth of all US school districts have dealt with the sexual abuse of children by teachers in the past ten years. Locally, several teachers have already been fired for sexual activity or pedophilia. We laugh at the so-called “sex offender list”, next to the local university campus, four sex offenders live in one apartment complex...evidently all living with section-8 housing assistance, food stamps, and other support from the taxpayers.

Patriotism 2010 means subservience to international, financial crooks. If you want to get seriously ill, study Goldman-Sachs and other international financial bankers. These crooks are totally in charge of international finance. To add insult to injury, they get large bonuses for their thievery, such as the 200 million bonus to Henry Paulson, former Secretary of the Treasury and C.E.O of Goldman-Sachs. Bernie Madoff, one of their pals, now in prison because he would not share his cocaine drugs (SEC knew his office was referred to as the North Pole), founded Nasdaq. He and wife Ruth, like Paulson, Rubin, Snow, O'Neill, Summers all living in penthouses looking down at the peasants trying to survive on the streets of New York City. Has the new patriotism degenerated to the place that a Greenspan or a Bernanke through words can magically make currency from thin air. Control not only on the world's money supply, but the destiny of hard-working, god-fearing, tax-paying citizens. Has this patriotism actually degenerated to the place that tax cheats like Geithner, Holder and Rangel can avoid taxes while being listed among the ten of most corrupt Washington politicians (judicial watch).

Patriotism 2010 means “don't ask don't tell” has evolved into “let everyone know you are queer”. Just a small percentage (Homosexuals comprise 3% to 4% of the total population, Blacks 13%, Disabled persons32%) disrupting the entire military at a time when cohesion is needed. Recently, my driver had taken me to my bank at midday, he said “You would not believe what is walking down the street: A 40-year-old man in drag”. We went into the local McDonalds, lo and behold, this same example of decadence came into the fast-food place, must to the amusement and disgust of the customers. Can one even imagine what military, esprit de corp, will be like when real warriors expected to perform in patriotic service of their county will endure with such accidents of nature, interfering. Why not just ask our enemies to walk in and take over? We seem intent on treason.

Patriotism 2010 mean leaving thousands of P.O.W behind in an unpopular war. We know this happened in Vietnam, veterans tried to bring their comrades home. Such politicians as Senator McCain hindered the process because he was more interested in his wife, Cindy, one of the world's richest beer distributors, getting the distributorship for vietnam. This is just one example of how and why America loses because of lost, once sacred principles of right and wrong.

We have bargained away our freedoms, America was great because America was free. Freedom does not come cheap, and we have cheapened patriotism in the year 2010. We went through slavery, child-labor, tenet-farmers, mill-workers, the sweat and tears of warfare, to wind up giving it all away to a gay agenda and liberal communist philosophy promoted by those who have paid little for the experiment.

Message to Sharpton

Addition by Dr. Morris:

I have lived through 13 presidents, some pitiful, we often wonder if any of the losers could be as bad as the winners. Think of Jimmy Carter, communist religionist, compared to Al Gore, socialist ecologist, think of Jesse Jackson and John Edwards...fathering children of mistresses while still married to their wives. Now comes presidential candidate Al Sharpton, famed for the Tawana Brawley fiasco, the belial befuddled Bushs, both 41 and 43, the pervert Clinton, and worst of all, the Orwellian Obama from which the country will never recover. In the last chapter of Shakespeare's Macbeth, the doctor said “God help us all”.

Lost Our Way

In an another commentary, I discussed getting lost in Bangladesh, my frightened guide had found me in police headquarters. Another time, after crossing the English channel from Dover to Calais, I got on the wrong train going to Paris. Of course, I was supposed to be in a first class train, but in the madness-multitude of school children returning from a day-trip to England, I found myself totally blind in a carriage full of small children. When the conductor came through checking tickets, they told him “he is with us”. Miraculously, I wound up at the right hotel in Paris.

I still remember, and it was almost 80 years ago, the day my uneducated but well-learned mother taught me to pay attention and stay with her while we were in town. Living in the country, we did not get into town very often, the stores and all the beautiful things in the stores intrigued me, a 3-year-old inventive boy. One time when I was running around, not paying attention, she hid behind a counter and watched me trying to find her, she had no other problem with me wandering off after that.

What has happened to our republicanism, the conservative principles which make this country great? We are not a democracy, when did we ever think that two wolves and one sheep could vote for what would be on the table for dinner? When did we ever think that people who have their noses in the trough would ever want to leave the trough and get a job? When did we ever think that welfare recipients, bureaucrats, elected politicians, would ever NOT vote to tax those who work and pay taxes? As the french writer, Alexis de Tocqueville, said when he visited America for the first time in 1835, “America will be great as long as its people are good”. When certain Americans decide they can live off of the work of others, America will fail. The great British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher raised in a loft above her father's butchers shop in Grantham, England said, “Socialism is great, until the people with money, who pay the taxes, run out of money”. I have lived through 13 presidents, a few good, some decent, some evil...the very worst in the White House at the present time, and from whose presidency this country will never recover.

What has happened to the republicanism of Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon, or even Reagan? They were real government, limited taxation, making America proud before the world with its superiority, industrial inventiveness, output, and its sound financial integrity. Its superior military might used, not only for this great country, but the rights of liberty seeking people around the world. In two great world wars, tyranny was defeated. But because of corruption and love of riches, particularly relating to the military-industrial conglomerates: a mish-mash, loony toons, evil-conspiracy of liberal academics supporting a gay agenda, we have not been able to win a war since. Real men fought and died for the constitutional precepts of this blessed nation. The women, mothers, wives, and girlfriends were content to stay at home and raise the children of these fine young men and support the war effort in every way possible. It is the liberated (cigarette smoking, tattooed, sexually loose) women who insisted on going to the battlefield, flying the jets, driving the tanks, and now maneuvering nuclear submarines.

I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected, medical officer veteran. My last night as duty officer in an Army hospital, I sent an ambulance to a WAC (woman's army corps) barracks at Fort McClellan Alabama to pick up an overweight woman who had given birth to a baby in her bed. She had kept her pregnancy completely hidden for the whole gestation period. At least, during my stay at this army hospital, on the parade ground, these women soldiers marched in dresses. Now I understand, that like the women all over communist China, the women are dressed in pants, shirts, caps and shoes, just like the men. They even expect to be treated like men. Don't get me wrong, women have a place serving their country, I have worked side-by-side with women officers, nurses, dieticians, therapists, who have served with honor even in WW2.

Now, to add insult to injury, this communist president and his liberal congressional fellow travelers are anxious to put the “don't ask, don't tell” gays into the services, mixing them up with the real men and real women. I have traveled the world, every continent, been exposed to every type of culture, everywhere there are two evils which all civilized and uncivilized people recognize, the evils of abortion and homosexuality. It is only when the world, the flesh, the devil takes over completely, that a nation will submit to these evils without a fight. Similarly, from the very beginning of time, the history of every civilization, boundary lines separating tribes, states, cities, countries have always been recognized. You don't cross the borders of another man or nation's property without permission. When people or armies cross over national, or even private property lines, this an act of invasion. My passport has been stamped in 157 countries in the world, I have submitted to every customs requirement. If a country cannot protect its borders, it ceases to be a nation. This country, and every one of its states have been invaded by undocumented aliens...people who have just crossed over, seeking a better life since conditions in their own country are such a disaster.

In order to defeat this nation from within, the globalists, proponents of a new world order have decided to financially bankrupt us through the invasion of people from other nations, mostly Latin America. One third of all prisoners are illegal, illegals have almost “shut down” our schools, hospitals and welfare facilities.

The disaster, the impending doom from our invasion, the third world war, which has already started in the middle east, it's second front of which will probably begin on the Korean peninsula are not all the foolishness of liberal control in Congress, the Judiciary, and the White House. Much of the blame can be laid upon two of the most despised presidents in history, who wear the “charade cloak” of Christianity and Conservationism, I speak of the elitist, RINO, liberal, non-conservative, non-christian Bushs, 41 and 43. They, along with their cohorts, neocons...Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney, Karl Rowe, and others have been co-conspirators with the far-left in bringing us to this pending, Spartacus-type uprising against the American people. Americans are spoiled to the good life, blessed because of the industriousness, hard work ethic, inventiveness, god-fearing faith of their ancestors. We are accustomed to the blight of those who hate this country, shown in their support of evil (99% of the black population, 78% of the Jewish population, 54% of the Catholic population voted for communist Obama). This one-time Christian nation hangs on to the promises of trust in god, knowing that evil will never prevail. Even the supreme court, from 1799 to 1892, declared this to be a Christian nation. With three Jews now on the supreme court, along with 6 Catholics...not one Protestant, and the new-age religions of Oprah and her ilk, God will probably withdraw his hedge of protection around this great nation.

There are 75 trillion cells in the human body, so complex each cell, that when it divides it is like Manhattan Island dividing, each division containing every possession of each of the 8 million inhabitants, accurate down to the location of the frying pan in their kitchen. We accept this, we know the chemistry of the blood clots, photosynthesis, the dangers involved in genetic manipulation of plants, yet we accept the foolishness of Evolution. WITH ALL OUR STUDY, THERE IS NO LEARNING. Academics, even teachers of small children, believe that from a tornado going through an airliner junkyard, eventually a 747 will self-assemble. How many junkyards? How many million tornadoes? But they actually believe this foolishness.

We do what we do because we believe what we believe. Only conservatism, only sticking to the concepts of our blood-bought principles, enhanced in our constitution, stalwarts of a republic, can we get back to where we were going. We had headed into greatness, greatness that our founding fathers could not have comprehended. HOW DID WE LOSE OUR WAY?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Malignant or Benign

Malignant or Benign

Any time an excised biopsy tissue from your body goes to the pathologist you wait to hear, in these days of cancer scares if the diseased tissue is malignant or benign.

I have not forgotten the casual, callous practitioner whose name just happens to be Cashman who sent my tissue to the pathologist. He called me on the phone and told me that my tissue was malignant. Obviously, he missed his school class when doctors are instructed to bring a patient in and present bad news in a quiet, private manner. Knowing my condition, old, totally blind, living alone, would it not have made sense for him to make this diagnosis in a professional way? For a non believer it would be so easy to just end it all (suicide) after such a phone call.

For the Christian, you know that your health like everything else, is in the hands of the great physician. Even Christ's disciples could not comprehend. On a ship, in the Sea of Galilee, a body of water I have been around several times (a sea about 39 miles long, 17 miles across), there was a great storm. Our blessed Lord was asleep in the boat. The disciples were scared to death. They awakened Him and asked Him if he did not care if the perished. All He had to do was say, “be still” and the sea became calm (Matthew 8:24). The blessedness of putting everything into God's omnipotent hands is the inheritance of believers...all problems. This does not mean that we can not exercise the free will of seeking problems solutions with His help, regardless of type and, we know, that he is the great healer. HE IS BOSS. We trust in him. The miracle of faith is trusting in his promises. We can say with the disciples on the ship, “what manner of man is this that even the winds obey him” (Matthew 8:27). At Joppa, they were too busy with their shipping to listen to Him. At Copernican at the base of the Mount of the Beatitudes, near the same Sea of Galilee they did not LISTEN to Him. In Jerusalem, just 5 miles from where He was born in Bethlehem and where He was crucified and buried, they did not LISTEN to Him. Today's young people are rebels, too busy with their technology, too spoiled by indulging parents, to LISTEN to anybody...certainly not God. Women today, liberated, too busy in the rat race of career, children and the suicidal culture to LISTEN. Today's man, wanting to give his family better than his family gave him, confused and distorted, in the rat race, of golf, civic, political clubs and even a little time for church is too busy in the rat race to LISTEN.

In the early years of planned parenthood girls were told that the malignancy must be removed for their health. Now, instead of abortion the busy girl in the rat race wants the security of a child. One 22 year old single college graduate told me, “why bother unless I can have what I want. I don't need a husband, I want a male child with a certain IQ, a certain hair color, eye color and from a certain economic, DNA and culture strata. Why should I go through the process of child bearing and rearing unless I can do it my way”. She was too busy to LISTEN. On his way to hell, she had heard Sinatra sing “I did it my way”. She wanted something to love other than a pet. She believed The Beatles when they sang, “all you need is love”.

Chesterton said, “faith has been replaced by psychotherapy”. Today's culture lives just for the moment. I find few young people think about the past or the future. Their most precious inheritance is their DNA. Their most blessed hope is there eternal life. I find today's culture cares nothing about either...just what is happening now...and only to me...the me generation. Reality sets in when the pathologist states malignancy instead of benign.

Democrats in this county where I live were stupid enough to elect a lesbian woman as their Senator in the state legislature. She passed my car in her Mercedes traveling at at least 85 mph on her way to the capital, her Senate license plate on the rear of her car. Her significant other, another lesbian, produced a baby boy for them...they have just had a ferocious legal settlement over custody and property...illegal drugs and other ills. She is not a candidate again...thank God. This is modern America. Malignancy has taken over.

Deborah, first woman judge in Jewish history, wife of Lapidoth went against Sisera with 900 iron chariots, the wheels of which were like revolving blades. Under the horses hooves and the revolving blades, she chopped up the enemies. Always, God had it His way and will have it His way. 2000 B.C., He brought Abraham on the scene to father His chosen people. 1000 B.C., He taught David a few lessons. The Jews, a stiffed necked rebelling people, taken into captivity 740 B.C. and again into captivity in 586 B.C. have just refused to LISTEN. Even in April 33 A.D. when Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross, they refused to LISTEN and Christ died, rose again, and will return. Still, to this day, from the 3 and ¼ million who left Egypt, going to the Red Sea on dry land, there are now only 17 million Jews in the world including the 7 million in America. From the Jews, we have both Communism and the Masonic Order. Jewish intelligence has produced both Engal's and Einstein's...the world's greatest scientist's...the winners of more Nobel Prize's than any other group...always learning but never learning the truth. One of them, Jesus Christ, said, “I am the truth” (John 17:17, 14:6)



After the war, most of my young years were spent speaking before groups of every type, civic, church, political. I have told many pastors that I do not see how they stand in front of the same group week after week, year after year when they know full well their exhortations are not taken very seriously...that for many church people, attendance, is just a matter of habit.

An old pastor in one church asked me to speak at their homecoming. During the year he died. The new young pastor asked me to speak at the next homecoming because the people had requested him to do so. At the time, 50 years ago, I had a shadow of vision in one eye. As you lose one sense the others become more acute. I still remember, as it yesterday, the woman who sat on the right side of the church aisle seat, both services, and looked out the window the entire service. Have you noticed that people always sit in the same places church, clubs, whatever. Another thing of which you should become aware, the blind or deaf person is telegraphed your feelings in other ways. Through touch, voice, actions. I can tell just as good what one is thinking of me just through the inflection of their voice as if I could see their body language. God gives me a mental image of everyone and most of the time, when I ask a sighted person it is as I had imagined. The only time I have been really fooled in is Sarah Palin. I imagine her an attractive blonde. I am told she is an attractive brunette!

One pastor told me that even his church members, can be in a group talking, and when he walks up everything gets quiet. I told him, get used to it. It has always been that way with me. More so now than ever because we are different. Gods man has little to share with those not interested in God. Disabled people have little to share with those who are normal. I truly believe the Christian must have a longsuffering heart (2 Corinthians 6:6)...a heart large enough, a brain wired well enough to understand that many walk in shoes we have not worn. I believe when we deal with others people of failure, people of disappointment, people of dispute, people of disability you telegraph to them in some manner, your thoughts toward them whether you express them or not. It takes a large heart to deal with people who have been in prison or in some way do not measure up to your standards. The poor person recognizes right away the disdain of the wealthy. I was never in a country club or a fraternity house where I felt wanted. The elitists in these places always let me know that they were better than me. This is the biggest lesson for the church. The scriptures warn us of these things...recognizing people who are dressed better, who are the big givers. In God's house, a place of worship, God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34).

In exhortations of any type we need to dwell on the positive. In order to reach people, they must be brought into the circumstance. Mechanics are interested in tools, mothers are interested in children. Christians should be interested in Heaven. I overheard two very old women talking in church. One said to the other, “it wont be long now”. The other, “I can hardly wait”.

Goodness in life expects us to accept people as they are not as we want them to be. This does not mean weak kneed compromise, we do not condone wrong doing. Rather, in finding the generosity of spirit with ourselves to work with people in spite of themselves. I would rather see a sermon any time than hear one. St Frances of Assis said, “preach every day, use words if you must”. It often takes a long time. I saw relatives, mostly aunts, drag lost, unbelieving husbands in and out of the church house year after year. Each time, their hearts being more hardened to the gospel. But, even though the preacher was putting water on rocks that just washed off, water will eventually cut through rocks...look at the Grand Canyon, and I could tell you about Petra in Jordan. We don't give up, it is up to God to give up and turn them over to a reprobate mind (Romans 1:28). Then, they are really in bad shape. I have very few relatives that I believe are truly saved. They go to church, can even talk the language (you can teach parrots to talk). But from what I have experienced, I wonder if God knows them. Believe me, I am not judging anyone...just inspecting fruit trees. I wish I could see how to inspect anything. Certainly food before I put it in my mouth. I get so tired of hearing people talk about fear of judging someone. Put some adhesive tape over your eyes, try blindness for a while. You will learn to judge everything any way possible...such as sounds, such as feeling the texture of walls, the texture of pavement or grass with your cane.

One morning, as I walked into church, a woman was sitting on a brick fence outside a bar waiting for it to open at noon. As I passed, she asked me if I would give her a dollar. I said' “sure, here is one I have for you”. I keep my money folded a certain way in my pocket. Over and over, people have asked me, why do you give people money? My reply, “I can afford to do so. I can not afford not to do so. I can not take the chance”. I was on the way to church. This woman knew her condition much more than those surrounding in the church house. I am not at all sure of the salvation of the man in the pulpit. One, pastor there for 24 years, I considered him a friend left town, left his wife and family, with a girl about the age of his daughter. He has taken up with her in a counseling session. The last time I was in that church, as our precious Lord's communion was being observed, one of the deacons still wobble from the country club activity of the previous Saturday night, was wobbling down the aisle trying to carry the elements. I am perfectly willing to let God do the judging in all of these cases, including my own. We find in God's word the word mercy used 267 times. I asked God for his mercy toward me...a chief sinner saved by his marvelous grace.

In all areas of life, political, financial, religion etc... there are just two groups, the traditionalists and the revisionists. Most are trying to revise history, banking, theology. I am a traditionalist. I believe in the integrity of government, the security of history, common sense and conservatism in finances, sins ruin and Christ's redemption in theology. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. Faith is a verb. Faith is action, based on belief, sustained by confidence. Confidence in God's sovereignty, His truth, His light, His love. We know that light has come into the world and that men prefer darkness to light (John 3:19). With all our doing, with all our exhortation, learn to hang on by trust to the promises of God. There are 1189 chapters in the Bible. The verse of scripture that is exactly halfway through the Bible is in Psalm 1:18. This verse tell us to trust in God and put no confidence in men.

God will always win the battle, if he wants the battle won. This should make us happy. I can not understand sad, bitter preaching. At the corner of Broadway and 47th Street in Manhattan there is a booth where you can buy, at a tremendous discount, theater tickets for the next performance that have not been sold. I could not see what was on the screen, I would have to listen to those around me talking to learn what was available, but never failed to get a ticket. Always, unless in bad weather, a woman preacher was trying to cajole those in line for tickets to listen to her tell them about God's love for their soul. She always had such a morose expression, bitter presentation. Who would be interested in this type of exhortation?



I almost fell out of my chair, the first time I heard George H W Bush (41) use the term, “New World Order”. It was on September 11, 1990 before a joint session of Congress. I am the staunchest republican you will ever meet but I had very little affection for Bush (41) or Bush (43). Neither did I have any affection for their father and grandfather, Senator Prescott Bush, the Nazi sympathizer. The Bush's, in my book, secret Skull and Bones, Barbara, Laura or whoever, just fraternity men elitist who spent most of their time on vacations and enjoying the presidency as a big country club event. The Bush's are globalists, backed by all the international elite...the worlds wealthiest most decadent en slavers of the masses...the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers. These rich beyond words people, promoters of eugenics are the epitome of everything God despised, the world, the devil...death and destruction.

Do you remember Bush (41) in the grocery store, he had never seen scanning at a cash register. He did not realize that more people are robbed at a cash register than anywhere else. Remember the bee that fertilized the flower robbed the flower of its pollen. Remember the storm after you see the rainbow. Elitists are unconcerned and unfamiliar with the real world. The world in which you and I must survive. The billionaire trust funds enjoyed by the Bush's and the Kennedy's, the Walton's and the Gates', the millions in bonuses paid to Wall Streeters such as Henry Paulson and their Washington enablers such as Nancy Pelosi and Barney Franks...all billionaires...all on the list of Washington's 10 most corrupt politicians (C. Dodd, J. Ensine, B. Franks, T. Geithner, E Holder, J. Jackon Jr, N. Pelosi, B. Obama, C. Rangel and J. Mertha, but dead) are spellbound by their own importance. God is going to break the spell as the ground bomber, Joe Lewis said, before every fight, “they can run but they can not hide”.

There was a time when fat women and tattooed women were only found in the circus. The worlds fastest growing religion is that of witchcraft. There was a time when real people dressed decently (Sunday clothes) to attend church and to attend a funeral. Pastors tell me they are degraded by the appearance of people at funerals “the corpse is often the only person well dressed”.

After our defeat in Vietnam, after we left Saigon, Godless communists Vietnam leaders said, “rid this city of western decadence”. It is hard for Americans to throw stones at any Godless nation considering activities in our own nations capital. Think of Monica Lewinsky in the Presidential office. Think of the Santeria Witches cleansing the White House before the Obama's would move in. Think of the Salahi's at the first state dinner of the Obama's and almost in the second state dinner of the Obama's. Think of Faisal Shahzad (Times Square Bomber), on the no fly list, coming into the country and almost leaving the country. Are the inmates truly running the asylum?

Much is learned just by living on a farm. For instance, in the chicken house the chickens are lined up on roosts. Chickens sleep with their head under a wing. One of the worst things that can happen in a chicken house, a possum getting into the chicken house. Reaching up and taking one of the chickens off the roost...immediately sucking the blood from the chicken. And then eating the entrails of the chicken. Usually, the chicken still had its head under its wing. Have Americans gone to sleep? Communists, Jewish Carl Marx thought so. Sir Winston Churchill, writing in a London newspaper in 1920, just 3 years after the Communist takeover in Russia in 1917 said, “the Russian people are sleeping while their fellow citizens are being destroyed”. I met Gus Hall, Chairman of the American Communist party, who died in Yonkers, NY at an advanced age of 90 in the year 2000. He said, “the American population will be taken over so easily”. In this time of political correctness with a news media subservient to Liberalism, and a population dumbed down by the very same experimental measures the Nazis used (fluoride and chloride in the water systems, the body is 80% water and man can not live without water, now treated with poisons) entanglements of academia and corporations bought off by government tax payer funds, all ideals of God inspired truth light and love have been forsaken. The Russian poet Pushkin, perhaps Russia's greatest poet, just before the Revolution said, “sleep on you grazing cattle and sheep”. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, author of Gulag Archipelago said, "you can have power over people as long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer your power". I have traveled through every totalitarian country (Russia, China etc...) and I can tell you without fear of contradiction that just like this mornings newspaper or news broadcast America is well on its way to humanist, socialist, God less takeover and no one seems to care.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

American Idol

American Idol

Sitting at a lunch table with some college officials recently, one said, “Dr Morris, when did you realize you were a good business man?” I said, “The day I was born.”

I don't want anyone telling me he is a conservative unless he knows how to conserve, how to save. Whether it is money, food, water or even caring for his clothing. Abraham Lincoln polished his own shoes, even after he was in the White House. I never leave the house unless my shoes are shoes never wear out. I don't want anyone to tell me he is a Christian, unless he is Christ-like. I have known very few of them. Jesus Christ was either the biggest fraud ever, in the world, or he was who he said he was. All we are asked to do is believe in Him and follow Him. Once, in a large home improvement store there was a stack of gallons of paint reduced to a special price. Knowing I will always need paint, eventually, I usually buy any “on sale”. When we got to the line of cash registers with the cart containing my purchases the cashier did not charge me the sale price for the paint. You know there is a reason why most cash registers are covered with lewd magazines, razor blades etc... They don't want you to see what they are charging you. They want your eyes distracted to salacious headlines. This old man does not fall for these merchandising tricks. I pay attention to what I am charged. I said to the young girl, you are not charging me correctly for those 4 cans of paint. I went back to the display took down the sign, and brought it to the cash register showing the correct price which there were advertising in the store. I caused much commotion which caused the manager to come over and straighten out the entire matter. He said, “The price in the computer has not been changed.” I said, “Yes, I have encountered this type of merchandising before.” I said, “I rode into New Orleans once where I was on a speaking engagement one time with some shyster-merchandisers from this same store chain and they talked all the way in about their clever methods for making money off stupid people.” When I returned to the house, my young university student driver said, “You really embarrassed me at that store about the paint.” I said, “You are fixing to get embarrassed more right here in front of all my neighbors because I am about to beat your tail with my white cane.” Of course, he took off running. My young driver, like most of America's young people, thinks they are America's Idols. The reality of real living, real life, real people is about to hit them. They will realize that political correctness and popularity will not put food on the table or expensive gas in their car.

Everyone is betting their lives on something cheap, a good price on education, a gratuitous look, making money go as far as possible in everything. The most enticing four letter word in the human vocabulary is SALE. The second most enticing word in the human lexicon is FREE. In Manhattan, there are stores that have “going to of business sales” on their windows for many years. Each day, in the worlds great cities, New York, London, Paris, there are as many tourists as resident citizens. Stores know human nature and are willing to take advantage of anyone at least once.

You are the star of your own show. Everything about Jesus was based on perfection. He was the one and only God-man (God Incarnate, putting on a tent of human flesh, born as a baby, growing up and living among us, showing us the example of righteousness.) Then as now, people preferred a thief. The thief, Barrabus, returned to his thieving in the streets. But, Our Blessed Lord, was hung naked, beaten and bleeding on a cross, having been defiled by church leaders and church money.

Millions in the world worship Mohammad. If a mother names her male son Mohammad, the son is assured of Heaven (now you understand why so many Muslims are names Mohammad). Likewise, suicide bombers are assured of Heaven just by their willingness to destroy self in order to destroy others. Suicide bombers are honored as idols. Proverbs 20 tells us of the importance of dealing with wise men.

Conditions have changed, technology has changed the world, but human nature has never changed. Walk down any street, ask any number of people, 85% will tell you that they believe in God. It is like asking a person, “what is a Christian?”. You will get the answer every time, the Christian does not dance, drink liquor, smoke drugs. Most have no idea about the reality of Christianity or the reality of God. Even Adam and Eve made themselves some aprons of leaves. When asked why by God, “because we are naked”. God asked, “who told you you were naked?” (Genesis 3:11). God is omnipotent (all knowing), God is omniscient (always present), God is sovereign (in charge of everything). Why is is that people think they can play games with God? Church pews and even most pulpits are filled with believers who think they have God fooled. God despises idol worship. We have all heard the joke about the man who said, “my wife thinks I am an idol...she puts burned offerings in front of me each day”. The Ostein's and Obama's of the world thrive from their followers laughing, clapping from their every word, politicians and preachers thrilled by admiring glances. Humility is still one of mans greatest characteristics. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith (Galatians 5:22). Don't confuse celebrity with success. Think of Madonna and Helen Keller. Think of The Beatles and Fanny Crosby. Helen Keller, blind and deaf from birth traveled the world thrilling thousands through an interpreter since no one could understand her speech. Fanny Crosby, blind from birth wrote 8,000 of the world's greatest hymns. On Aunt Fanny's tombstone, these words from Christ, “She hath done what she could” (Mark 14:8). This, he said about the woman who poured the expensive ointment on him. We look for idols among those blessed with talent, opera, surgery, hitting a ball. But God looks for faithfulness (Hebrews 11), whether in a widows offering or in apostles willingness to walk over the Himalayas after the cataclysmic experience of the resurrection to carry the gospel to India (Disciple Thomas).

Memorial Day 2010 or Mud In The Hole

Memorial Day 2010
Mud In The Hole

To the millions of veterans who have worn their countries uniform on this Memorial Day, as many days, we think, what has happened to my country?

We are told that Washington takes advantage of every crisis...The 9/11 towers and now the nations worst oil spill.

From Secretary of War Stimpson's Diary and other historical facts, we know that F.D.R. and others were aware of the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. We know that J.F.K. was assassinated by his own country in Dallas. We know about the Bay of Tonkin lies during the Vietnam War. We know that there was no reason for Janet Reno and Bill Clinton to burn 85 women and children alive at Waco. We know that the Murrow Building in Oklahoma was destroyed in a most unusual explosion from a truck which went in only one direction. Little makes sense about the 9/11 Towers falling in Manhattan. Planes hit two of the towers, why did the third fall? Little makes sense about the plane going into the Pentagon...hole in the building smaller than that of a plane. What happened to the parts for all these planes? Little makes sense about the oil rig in the Gulf. Obama said yesterday that the media would probably forget about it real soon, as he trucked in many cleanup people not there previously. Evidently just for his photo opportunity, the usual control of media. Little makes sense about attempts to correct this spill. It has been 38 days with an estimated 15,000,000 gallons pouring into the Gulf, killing a fisheries industry and bringing much horror to the people depending on that coast for their living. We wonder why mud (commonly known as cement) was not put into the hole from the very beginning instead of trying certain siphoning measures. Attention to this disaster has been a disgusting embarrassment to the government and the big oil companies who mostly control the government.

On this Memorial Day, mud is an exacting description of what is happening around the world.

There seems to be mud in the eyes of the worlds financial community (international bankers) as we watch the crumbling of Greece, Spain and the European Union. There seems to be mud in the eyes of national defense officials as Israel, on Wednesday, had their largest civil defense 11 o'clock on Wednesday morning every citizen going to a bomb shelter. There seems to be little doubt that World War III has already begun, starting as everyone had expected, in the Middle East. In Lebanon, once a Christian nation, since the takeover by Hezbollah now is killing all Christians.

There seems to be mud in the eyes on the Asian continent as North Korea lines up defiantly 70,000 troops on the DMZ ready to attack South Korea.

There seems to be mud in the eyes of democrats in the American Congress as they gave applause and standing recognition to the President of Mexico as he defiled the American public. Which was worse, the statements of the Mexican President insulting American laws or American lawmakers, especially American Presidents, as they honored him both in Congress and at the White House?

Mud was in the eyes of the Europeans, as again, the acrylic-acidic ash of the Icelandic volcano dumped its toxic refuse across the European continent. Almost as bad as the chemical trails and chemical clouds which permeate the skies of the United States bringing toxic metallic poisons to agriculture and forestry. It was the poisons of the volcanic ash which brought starvation to Europe in the 1800's. It is the chemicals from the sky and we control chemicals sprayed in agriculture in this country bringing farming consequences to food production. We have heard of microbes that cannot be controlled by antibiotics. Such is true with weeds that become immune (giant weeds). We have yet to see the full effects of genetic manipulation of plants (seedless grapes etc...). We have yet to see the effects of chemicals in our water systems (the Nazi's discovered that fluoride like bromide would change brain tissue). Look in your grocery or drug stores, you will find fluoride as a poison in rat poisons and in toothpaste. Our public schools, at the behest of government control, has so dumbed-down young Americans that we do not realize we have a culture, a society of mud victims. I remember the mud people of Papua New Guinea (human beings covered in mud, men, women and children). These people were not as unfortunate, and I saw them up close on my trip to New Guinea, as those in the world whose mud filled eyes refuse to see what is going on.

About 2,000 years after God breathed life and a soul into Adam, the world had become so evil that God sent the great flood of about 5,000 B.C.. Today's world is not yet totally evil, but it is rapidly getting there The 150,000 Americans who are buried on foreign soil, fallen comrades having defended what they considered the greatest and most blessed nation on Earth. The multiplied thousands who lie buried in out national cemeteries, such as Arlington, believed they were dying for you so that you and and your descendents could have a good life. I stood at that great cemetery in Manilla, Philippines where 18,000 are buried. There were no satin lined caskets. They were just put in the ground wrapped in the flag that they loved.

Today's young men and women, fighting on battlefields completely remote to anything they have ever seen before...fighting people herding goats, riding donkeys besieged by people as foreign as moon aliens. Our soldiers wonder where they are and why they are there. Our youngsters, see the results of drone destruction. Like those in this country unconcerned about the legal abortion holocaust of 53,000,000 babies since 1973. Mud must be taken out of eyes so that clearly we can have the transparency of evil taking over with less and less obstruction every day.

It is time to get away from mud and rather hang on to the promises of God by our ability to trust him...on this Memorial Day and every day.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hardcore Surrender


Hardcore Surrender

I was once interviewed on the radio and was asked a question, “What constitutes the successful life?” I said, “Most people confuse success with celebrity don't confuse Madonna with Helen Keller. Success is in living a surrendered life. One must have enough discipline to surrender. Full surrender to the glory of god Full surrender to doing your best regardless of your station in life or even your disability”. The apostle Paul tells us to present our bodies a “living sacrifice” (Romans 12:1). It is easy to live a loose, reckless life. The first couple on earth, the only two people without navels, could not keep one law... One commandment, and they walked personally everyday with god in the garden. Their offspring was so sinful that god, around 5,000 BC, killed all life on earth except 8 souls and animal life in the ark of salvation. Around 2,000 BC god called one man, Abraham, to leave all and go 600 miles north as He directed. The descendants of Abraham were given laws to follow and they could not keep the 613 laws of the Jewish nation. They two, all those before the cross and after the cross, one day, will kneel to god, all graves will open (Romans 8:26 / Revelation 20). It has always been a matter of discipline knowing that you are going to die, does not even make a difference. As one 6th grade school teacher, working for me, said recently, “Everyone I know is just indifferent”. I have said on the radio a thousand times, “People just don't care”... Don't care about their soul, don't care about their health, don't care about their future and don't care about their past. Why be blessed with a brain, the crowning glory of man, when you put yourself in the same category as the lower animals.

Everyday of your life, remember that today's children will take over government, your church, your schools, your socio-economic-health care facilities. For those of us in the sunset of life, it is hard not to be bitter when we have seen a better world.

Discipline is both physical and spiritual you will be surprised how quickly life goes by. At my age, it seems that everyday is Friday, we worked hard, went through the struggles and now others are picking the flowers which we planted.

The most expensive garment my mother ever wore was the one in which she was buried. I remember, as a child, “farm feed” (cows, hogs, and chickens) would come in printed sacks. Material that could be used for dresses. My mother would go in and pick out the bags for her dress because available money was used for her childrens clothing.

The new government in America is one of capitalist-communist. I found this type government in the USSR and other old communist societies. Elitest such as those on Walstreet and the power brokers in Washington controlled all the money and were anxious to see everyone else in a socialized system. These elitest, international bankers and their cohorts control the politicians like a puppeteer controls puppets.

In the new American culture we have two systems. The traditionalist and the revisionist. We traditionalist, conservatives, holding on to our god inspired-constitution believe in liberty. The revisionist, liberals, sectarian believe in the separation of god from man. Man is his own god... His belly, his addictions, his love of the world and the “things” in it, all that is important. The revisionist has lost contact with decency of yesterday but wallow in today's decadence.

Europe is gone... Center of western civilization, center of advanced philosophy and religion, two protestant churches are sold everyday. I am told that even catholic churches are locked on Sunday. Tourist, wanting to see the architecture of famed catholic cathedrals find the doors locked. The churches still in operation, much like the churches in America, sparsely filled with gray hair. Young people have written god off... And god will write them off as he has certainly promised in his precious word. How can anyone live a faithless life? There are 3 absolutes in living the Christ-Centered life. All have sinned (Romans 3:23), Only blood redeems from sin (Hebrews 4), Without faith you cannot see god (Hebrews 6). Don't cheat yourself, you are better than the lower animals but, it is just simple math. Unbelievers do not produce believers. You can be sure that if you live for the devil, your children will live like the devil

Incompetence in everything is the rule of the day and, it seems that no one cares. NOAH is responsible for hurricanes, earthquakes, tornado's even activity in the oceans such as the oil spill in the gulf of Mexico. The government tried to poo poo the whole thing while 80,000 barrels of oil was spewing into the ocean each day... Killing the life of this vital ocean.

The government pushes control of health care while 50,000 people die of Merca every year. One third of all Americans have no money saved. 75 million Americans have no retirement. 52% of all black babies are aborted, 70% of all children are born in homes without a father, 78% of all college graduates leaves college as atheist. One third of all federal prisoners are illegals and, you think you can live a faithless life.

I said in this radio interview, I surrendered my disability to god for him to use as he sees fit. God cannot lie (Titus 1:2).”Gods word is forever settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89). All to Jesus I surrender...All to him I freely give: I will ever love and trust him, In his presence daily live (Hem, I surrender all).

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cooking Frogs


Cooking Frogs

I doubt if there is an American living who has not heard the illustration concerning cultural changes as compared to putting a frog in a pan of hot water. If you put a frog in a pan of boiling water he will jump out, but, if you put a frog in a pan of cool water and slowly build up the heat to boiling, you will cook the frog and he will never realize whats happened.

So it is, with our country in my lifetime incremental changes until now we realize that we are living in a different country... A different world. Evil has become good unacceptable has become acceptable, bad manors are just expected the rare has become common place.

This morning, I went to my doctor for my regular appointment. Not even the old military hospital, the old veterans hospital, the old psychiatric hospital treated patients as shabbily as its common place in most doctors offices today. You are called at least twice ahead of time to make sure you will remember your appointment then, when you get there, check in, the most important thing... Not your well being, your health... Rather payment all office activity surrounds a identification card... Insurance government identifications etc. I have all my identification cards, military information, veterans information on sheets of paper which I leave everywhere. They never seem to keep information evidently they just throw such information away.

One of my employees must drive my car. One of these bright doctors assistants walked out and said, “Dr. Morris how did you get here?” It is obvious to anyone that has ever seen me that I am totally blind I said, “ I drove”. One, said to me recently, after she had helped me find a chair in the examining room, taking information, said, “do you still drive?” This morning, the doctor made a complete ass of himself in some of the questions that he asked, I told him about one of his fellow practitioners, a member of his same specialty who, before I came to him, had given me a “sham injection”(just sticking a needle in a person without any medication. Faking giving a shot) This happens more than most wants to realize. So many practices are just frauds... Getting good pay for nothing. I could go on and on about what I have experienced and what I have seen but, this is just another example of a gullible public accepting deteriorating health care practices... Perception becoming reality... But who cares, Insurance, government, someone else is paying the bill.

Even when you report malpractice to the group “supposedly” giving professional oversight and regulations. These “pier review” fellow practitioners (legal, medical, dental, pharmacy, nursing, etc) are just there to cover up their fellow practitioners mistakes. It has to be so egregious that law enforcement become involved such as recently, medical drug pushing from a legal office in this city. One time, there was much journalistic information about a surgeon leaving a patient on the table, open, while he went to lunch. One doctor said, “I can tell you much more”

When are we going to awaken to what has happened to our country... It's most important, fundamental practices and professions.

Some believe in the fraud (and he spent almost a million dollars trying to convince the public and get elected) of this new black president. He sold the idea of “hope and change” 99% of the black people voted for him, 78% of the Jews voted for him, 54% Catholics voted for him. It is rare to find a young person any color, any description, who did not vote for him.

Things get worse everyday... Bail outs, sell outs, move outs, war fare and health care. This years budget is 3.8 trillion dollars we will borrow 1.6 trillion or 42% of the budget, worthless fiat currency mostly from china but where ever possible. Money just made up from thin air. If the economy stays as bad as predicted, another trillion will be borrowed. This will make 68% of the budget. Borrowed money, more than the entire gross national product... Like Iceland, Ireland, Greece, Spain and Portugal, any way you look at it, bankruptcy slowly, with few headlines, every man, woman , and child in this country owes to the government 48,000 dollars. 75 million adults in America have no retirement. The foreclosure rate will double this summer. The federal reserve is shipping dollars to Europe thinking that the American tax payer must save Europe now, also.

Obama will not tell you that we are in crisis... Economy banking health care two wars which we are losing.

I have never known a person to regret saving money, I have never known a person to regret taking care of his health, I have never known a person to regret having a child (there are more abortions under Obama, the worlds greatest promoter of abortions, then ever before in the history of man), I have never known a person to regret living a clean life (illegal drug activity, adultery, fornication, and pornography, the greatest sins of this generation), I have never know a person to regret getting a adequate education, I have never known a person to regret serving in the uniform of his country even though, very few anymore, appreciate his service.

incrementally, Americans have defrauded themselves in physical as well as spiritual survival.

God will not forgive a country that does not repent of its sins of commission or omission. Multiple thousands of our finest lye buried believing they were defending a god fearing country. They would not believe what has happened to their country just in my lifetime.

The most famous of all Russian poets, Alexander Pushkin, just before the Russian revolution said, “Graze on you sleeping cattle and sheep”.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Once upon a time


Once upon a time

Once, in Copenhagen, I walked through the house of Hans Christian Anderson. Like Lewis Carroll, and many other fairy tale writers. Stories were started in a didactic to excite the imaginations of children. 300 years ago, the story of the founding of the nation like America would have seemed like a fairy tale to those living under the drudgery and monarchy of European, African, and Asian enslavement. It was to these shores that dreamers fled clinging to the hope of the freedom of the human spirit, A determination for a better destiny. We have the mistaken impression that history is behind us, No, a thousand times no. History is in front of us. In the grandstand, watching the parade, we know what has gone on before, it is the mystery of what lies behind us that creates consternation. No person has ever had a physiological problem or committed suicide over what is happening today or what happened yesterday. It is only the unknown to which we must approach with faith. Our four fathers, those who braved the new world, once upon a time, knew the three absolutes of god, one. All have sinned (Romans 3:23), two forgiveness depends on the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22), three without faith you cannot please god (Hebrews 11:6).

Once upon a time earnest, pragmatic pilgrims landed in a place called the new world or America. Arriving by ship, many died on the way over, and others died during the first years establishing a colony.

Seeking to be free, free from the enslavement of the higharchy royal governing seeking religious liberty desiring just to be responsible for their own life. They envisioned just immediate subsistence could not have dreamed of this continents development 234 years later.

At one time, the sun never set on the British empire. I remember standing at the “gate to India”, Bombay, where the royal barge bringing King George and Queen Mary to India for the first royal visit. The British, now a fading, bankrupt monarchy sought to rule the American colonies. It was 56 fearless patriots who risked all to give us our constitution. One of my ancestors, wrote the preamble to the constitution. The freedom of worship, speech, to bare arms, to assemble, all freedoms coming from god were worth defending in many wars... Revolution, Spanish, Mexican, Indian, 630,000 killed in a civil war, 60 million killed in two World Wars. 100,000 killed in wars involving Korea and Vietnam... Thousands more being killed to preserve American honor and commerce even to this present day.

Once upon a time a continent, over 2,000 miles across protected on each side by the two great oceans of the world in harbors and strategic bends and points on rivers built cities.

Once upon a time, through their own annotative, their love for their fellow man... Their neighbors, they built, dedicated to god, colleges which became university's, great sanctuary's of worship, sent out from the shores of this nation. 90% of all the worlds Christian missionaries. No nation had such wealth, great farm lands which could easily feed the world. A great store house of energy (oil, natural gas, Cole, chemicals). This is the nation, first builder of the engine, automobile, air planes, farming equipment and Appliances of every type which made life easier. It is from this nation that most scientific discoveries took root... Medicines, surgery techniques, DNA, nana technology.

Once upon a time this great nation connected large beautiful farm lands with villages. In every small town, there were schools controlled by the people, denominational houses of worship, banks that encouraged investment even to the smallest, dealerships and franchises of every types. Giving to the American people, whether urban or rule the greatest lifestyle in the history for the world... Copied but not found in any other nation (your writer, a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer veteran of the Korean conflict has traveled every continent of the world, passport stamped in 157 countries. As I have stated in every graduation address that I have ever given, “ you young people do not have to travel the world as I have done, I can tell you without fear of contradiction that you live in the greatest country in the world. A country which opportunity is limited only by you..

Once upon a time, free American citizens exercised their own provecy in selecting their own doctor and hospital, whether the country doctor, in horse and buggy carrying for my grandparents or today's specialist found in specialized facilities, the envy of the world. It was a time of decent time of movies, first decent radio shows, then decent TV shows not today's decadence, a stench in the nostrils of all mighty god who has given us moral principals to live and die with and an embarrassment to parents who want their sensitive children to live God-Centered lives. There is nothing attractive about sin, sin does not contribute anything to anyone any where. God knew his first creations, (Adam and eve in a perfect setting) could not keep one commandment. 2000BC, god called the first Jew, and his chosen became a great multitude. They could not keep his 613 commandments god came himself, through his son, (the only way of salvation to man is through the trinity, and they killed him but, our four fathers died for our religious struggle until today, when, because of political correctness, the world and the sin of the world is now indistinguishable from gods people and gods church. From a few laws governing our four fathers, laws which were just common sense even to the natural man, law books of statutes now cover every lawyers office and, like the tax system, so simple in the beginning now, no one can comprehend. A country, which, once upon a time, as the french writer DE Tocqueville said, “When America seizes to be good America seizes to be great”.

Once upon a time, America was good. Our greatest joy and asset our children then, 1963, prayer was taken out of the school room which in early years had been the basis of education then, 1973, the killing of the unborn was made legal. Since, 53 million of the most innocent of gods creations, have been killed. A country so blessed, do we expect to escape the wrath of god?

Once upon a time, young people could hardly wait to finish school, educated taking on the responsibilities and spirituality of work then, from federal and other government in doctor nation many found they could live without work. Today, 60% of all Americans draw a government check. Money picked from the pockets of workers in the form of taxes to support those who don't work. 47% of all Americans pay no income tax. This year, the budget of this country is 3.8 trillion dollars. Of this, we must borrow 1.6 trillion and if taxes are as scarce as expected an additional trillion must be borrowed. Nothing is backing up these dollars... Fiat paper just made of thin air. The consolation in the last great depression, America owned 90% of the worlds gold reserves. Nixon closed the gold window in 1971... Selling what was left of out gold for 42 dollars and ounce. Today, gold sells for 1200 dollars an ounce. America is no longer the creditor nation of the world rather the debtor nation of the world. The two great world powers, china and India owned all the gold. So anxious to become a socialized, communist nation under the directions of democrats who have been in control most of my lifetime, like Iceland, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal we are a bankrupt, poverty stricken nation, just waiting for the gavel to fall on the demise of a nation which, once upon a time people from undeveloped countries risked life and limb to live here. The children of many Irish , Italians, Asians who migrated here for opportunity are now returning to the ethnic homelands of their ancestors.

Once upon a time a retired worker was happy for the reward of a reasonable pension. Living next door to me, a police officer, formally from west point, NY, now retired he is drawing 200,000 dollars a year in pension. He laughed at me, He said, “ you were a real fool to go through what you went through for an education, then lose it all in a war... Spending your years stumbling around in darkness for a few crumbs a penance, that the government drops your way from the table.”

Once of the biggest casualties on Wall Street, the California pension plan worth 260 billion now worth 186 billion. The average school teacher in California gets 100,000 dollars a year in pension. Even the director of the pension fund, sentenced in court for corruption involving the funds receives over 100,000 a year for the pension fund. All over the nation, pension funds are bankrupting states. The entitlement mentality of Americans has reached the unbelievable largess excess of 100 trillion dollars. Now that is 100, with twelve zeros.

Once upon a time Americans “solved” their problem, they did not shift their problems. Adults did not blame their problems on the “milk they drank as a child” “ All have sinned and come short of the glory of god”. (Romans 3:23) The seven pall bearers, involving the sins of people and country. Anger, pride, envy, laziness, lust, gluttony, and greed. The ten most corrupt officials in our nations capital include the president, the speaker of the house, the secretary of the treasury, and the secretary of justice. Most republics lasted a few hundred years, we can easily see our destiny because, character determines destination.

Once upon a time, Americans did what they did because they believed what they believed. Our beliefs system has gone the way of Saddam. Only the destiny of believers is secure.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Spirituality of Work


Spirituality of Work

Over a long and eventful life, I have owned many businesses, hired many personnel. Every life has a story and every person has a story to tell. With every year I find that prospective personnel become more interesting. Gone are the days of simple lives, simple lifestyles.

Yesterday, a young woman, answered to an advertisement for secretarial assistant initially interviewed by two people, came for her interview with me. In the course of the conversation, she told me she was a single mother with a young daughter... Many things she told me did not agree with her resume. I told her, “I must have people working for me, in my condition (totally blind), on whom I can depend, on whom I can trust. I could write books about employees over the years who thought they were smart enough to take advantage of me, stealing, lying, cheating, thinking their lack of integrity would never catch up with them. She said, “you can trust me. I am a very moral person. I said, “you have already betrayed your morals, you are living with a man to whom you are not married with whom you have a child. Your child deserves married parents, If this man cared for you or your child, he would marry you. There is a sanctity in marriage, the two greatest evils in the world, the two greatest evils recognized in every culture, every civilization, abortion and the homosexual lifestyle, neither of which honors the creator with the greatest creation the human being. She said, “We are going to get married eventually but I want my daughter old enough to be our flower girl at my wedding!” Later she said, we don't get along very well but cannot afford to live separately and support the child. This is just one example of things I run in to constantly involving today's work force.

I have talked with the largest employer in this city (regional hospital), the 2nd largest employer in this city (school system), large or small, every person will tell you... Including a staffing service in one of my buildings... That the greatest problem in America today, and one reason we are going through this depression is a lack of integrity in the work place. Everyone wants to get paid but very few accept the responsibilities of a job (watch the finger pointing at any congressional inquiry. Whether bankers or oil rig operators(BP etc.), without exception whether a CEO or specialist, like children on the play ground, they always blame someone else) . From the time of the caveman, through the industrial revolution, right on through the horror story of child labor practices and the in human practices of union bosses there have been inequities in the work place. David Rockefeller, world manipulator of the worlds money system, world manipulator of eugenics a member of every world power tribunal said, in his biography, “Some men are born to rule others to be ruled”.

I have traveled through every communist country, supposedly everyone on an equal playing field (conrads). Early, you find there, the bourgeois (poor and middle class) and the dictators who run things.

Mexico has been swallowed by an evil mindset, the country is an absolute disaster, wealthy beyond words in resources, because of crooked politics and insane drug trade, war fare among the people is bringing on disaster there as well as USA. The most dangerous city in the world is Juarez Mexico, even the mayors of border Mexican cities live in America traveling back and forth across the border each day. The sophistication of the tunneling systems above and under the 2000 mile border is beyond comprehension. The new saint in Mexico boreos is called the Grim Reaper. A recent movie called “ Machete”, a recent Arizona search law, a recent mantra of news involving illegal migration, the fact that 30% of all federal prisoners are illegal immigrants, and just looking down the streets in any town will cause any person with economic reasoning to know that something must be done about the “wetback problem” (a term used by President Eisenhower”).

For every need there is a seed. Do what is in front of you. There is nothing more honorable than work. There is not a civilization in the world that tolerates laziness... One of the seven deadly sins. Never once, Never have I heard a person brag about his father being lazy. Never once, never have I heard a man or woman brag about the sorriness of their mother. Their mother may have been a prostitute, their father may have been the village drunk, they chose to block this out of their thinking. It makes no difference where you came from, you are not stuck where you start. When you study the genealogy of Jesus, you will find that Rahab, the harlot, is in his genealogy. When DNA was discovered by Watson and Krick in 1953, I was in college. This greatest discovery of the 20th century gives every living person “a reason to bask” in the verisimilitude of his ancestry the quantum of knowing the trillions of cells comprising his body ( The Temple of God) gives one and exacting historical account, each cell with a potential of thousands of pages giving the marvelous 23 thousand genome in the experiment from god, invested in your creation.

There is not one minuet doubt in my mind that I was chosen of god before the very foundation of the universe. In his divine providence, he placed my unique DNA, into his divine caldron of Omnipotent perception. There are over six billion human beings living on earth today, and about 6 billion have lived previously since the great flood of 5,000BC. No two persons, with the same DNA, the same finger prints, the same iris flex in the eye, the same voice, the same inner man, mental wiring. Your are a unique individual, and if chosen by god, an internal being.

One day, in my office, a young man came in a pharmacist, who had been sent by someone at UNC CH. I said to him, After looking at his address and other vitals, you appear very familiar. Do I know any of your family”? He said, “my father died young, my mother remarried and I was adopted by her husband, now my father and I have his name”. I said, What was your biological fathers name? Where did he live? He told me, I went to school with your father, I knew your grandfather. I could tell you much about your great grand father from what I have been told. I have never recognized such stunned silence. He said, no one has ever talked to me about my fathers family, please tell me what you know. I told him about his father, what a fine hard working man he was. That his grand father was one of the finest men, anyone, anytime,any where anyone could ever know. I told him what I had been told about his great grandfather... large land owner...great church man. Before this young man left my office, he said, this is one of the greatest days of my life. My life will never be the same again. Sometime later, his wife called me that he had been killed on his own private plane. She said, “He so admired you, I wish you could participate in his funeral.

Every action, every attitude matters. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”( Romans 8:38-39). No more can we be separated from the love of God and Christ Jesus than we can be separated from our genealogy. There is honor in work just as there is honor in our servitude following our creator. The saints sang the old hem, “Work for the night is coming, when mans work is over”

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Contented Man


The Contented Man

At one time, I was supposed to be the most traveled man in America, eight trips around the world, covering every continent, past port stamped in 157 countries. In all this travel, more so in American than anywhere else, it is almost impossible to find a contented man. The drivers of my car tell me constantly how bad the traffic. Everyone rushing to get somewhere. Most traffic palatalizes occur just a few miles from destination. Most men, and I suppose most women, rush to get home in order to sit and do nothing. I find that most employees are more intent on “days off, then work days”. It is rare anyone who enjoys his work. I tell young people all the time to decide on a vocation or occupation which they enjoy. I can think of nothing worse than spending life in a job you do not enjoy regardless of the financial gain involved. Much more often, I hear the words, “I despise my job”, instead of the words, “I love my job”. The contented man is hard to find.
“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” (Philippians: 4 11-12) This is my own philosophy, the contented man, the happy man, goes to bed at night, thanking God for a good days work, anxious to get up in the morning and start all over again.

A man had an ant hill in his back yard. Scripture tells us to watch the ants (Proverbs 30). One day a neighbor came over and said, “what are you watching? I see you here staring at the ground often and then you bend down low?” the man said, “I'm watching these ants,” One smaller than the others comes up to the opening with a straw which he cannot get into the whole. I want to reach down and help him. The neighbor said, “ You cannot do anything to help him unless you are another ant”.

Another man, living on a farm, did not care for the CHURCH. One night, his wife and daughter went to church although the weather was threatening. After they had left, he heard ice hitting the windows, an ice storm had hit. He began to worry about his family getting home. About that time, a gaggle of geese, alarmed and scared by the ice, landed in his field. He thought, “these birds will freeze in the field, I will open my barn doors so they can go in the barn.” He went into the field and tried to wave and challenge the birds into the barn. He could not communicate with them. He thought to himself, “I would have to be a bird in order to lead the other birds into the barn.” It suddenly dawned on his putrid brain, as his automobile containing his family came into the driveway, that this is what CHURCH, SALVATION PROVIDED BY GOD, HUMAN RESOURCES ARE ALL ABOUT “CHRIST SENDING HIS ONLY SON, ENCARNATE, CHRIST PUTTING ON A TENT OF HUMAN FLESH, TO LIVE, DWELL AMONG US, SHOWING US THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE” (JOHN 14:6)

In traveling the world, I have found that mankind is very much the same all over the world. Skin color, cultural traditions, regimens of behavior, native regalia, language, and other forms of communication may differ but the inner man, the caressed should responds the same whether on the sandy beaches of a south pacific island, the vegetated jungle of Africa, or the bricked streets of a European timeless village.

In the south pacific New Hebrides, I thought of James Meissner & Dr. Samuel Johnson The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, (1786) as I met men who tried so hard to communicate with me. On all these islands, Fig i, Tahiti, Samoa the world had discovered them, western technology had changed their lives. But they still possess the same human qualities and intrinsic native cultural practices that gave their lives contentment. I do hope that these victors over “indulgence” will never get caught up in the “Rat Race” of “opulence.”

Walking through acres of sweet potato fields, crossing streams on logs, my guide and I, visited New Genie settlements where the natives, wearing “Bird of Paradise” feathers, still had time to sing, play games, nurture children, and show affection toward everyone, including their visitors. In remoteness, whether South Pacific Islands, villages in Africa, Mayan ruins in the Indies, you still find contented men who have time to look at the stars, to actually appreciate the basics of living...looking at flowers that they may or may not have planted.

I own a office plaza. There are many trees on the grounds. I am convinced, as I told my cousin recently, that every time I go over to the buildings to check on things the many birds in the trees greet me with a symphony. I think they want to show their appreciation for my owning the trees by just “showing off” with much singing. How important it is to appreciate these mysteries of God...trees, flowers, birds. Those of you with sight should UN-busy yourselves long enough to watch the splendider around you. The British poet Francis Thompson, said “love is a many splendor thing”. I found his tombstone in a cemetery in London. He learned late in life to appreciate life around him, including young children. Helen Keller, born deaf and blind in her 1905 biography said, “I can not understand how people with their senses can go through life not appreciating natures sites and sounds around them. How often at a traffic light a car will pull up blasting horrendous music. People enveloped in an artificial environment of rapped beat, rapped sounds, rapped lifestyle...most assuredly, leading to a rapid demise.

Reared in the poverty, openness basic quantities and qualities of Eastern North Carolina, with all the connotations and denotations pertaining to basic farm life, I knew people, “the salt of the earth, contented to live the simple life not molested by wannabes or government regulations. It was nice to have things but contentment was more important. These people had never heard a great symphony, great choir, but their neurology was satisfied by the singing of old hymns of the faith. These people had never seen great wealth, great works of art, tasted gourmet food, but their taste buds enjoyed the wild berries, fruits and vegetables grown from unpolluted solid “soils throughout the central areas of America have become so polluted with chemical weed control, that now super weeds, like super microbes, undaunted by antibiotics, are taking over in this world of genetically engineered science”. These contented men and the women which they loved and loved them. Were content to have a cursory knowledge of world activities. To know that well behaved children were being educated not indoctrinated. Contentment lay at the end of a fishing pole, a child's laughter in learning to ride a bicycle, neighbors cheering at a community ball game. These contented men and women could follow a casket to a open grave knowing the celebration of home going, graduation of a soul from a life of toil. To celebrate its splendor in a heavenly home, because they believed in contentment...both in life and death.

Dr. Thomas R. Morris

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mothers Fish Sandwich


Mothers Fish Sandwich

One of my favorite foods at fast food restaurant is a fish sandwich. It always makes me think of the thoughtful mother who knew her young son would get hungry the day he went to hear our savior speak. So, she fixed him a lunch of 3 small loafs and 2 fishes. This, again, shows what we all know... A mothers love.

There were thousands in the audience, hungry, tired. Our blessed lord first asked if someone would could go and by food for the multitude. There was not enough money available. So, as always, doing everything in order, he had them all sit down in groups of 50 then, he took this one small boys lunch, blessed it, and fed thousands. Since I am a frugal man who never throws anything away I'm glad he gave us another lesson. They picked up many baskets of left overs. Like so many of His parables, His examples, many lessons can be gleamed from this story. It is amazing what god can do, what god can do with something small, what god instills in the heart of mothers.

One of my fathers friends turned an old run down farm into a agricultural paradise, through hard work and careful contour planning. One of his friends said, you should thank god for the abundance you get from this farm. He said, “And I don't want god to forget what the farm was like before I got a hold of it, while he still had it to himself.”

We are celebrating mothers day... Our thankfulness for the world of motherhood and what a loving mother was able to do with us.

I do not know the author of this poem, I memorized it in the fourth grade, and it is still in my mind;
The women was old and ragged and gray
and bent with the chill of the winters day
the streets were wet with the recent snow
and the woman's feet were aged and slow

She stood at the crossing and waited long
alone, uncared for, amid the throne
of human beings who passed her by.
Not one realized the fear in her ancient eyes
afraid the carriage wheels or the horses feet
would crowd her down in the slippery street

Along the street with laughter and shouts
laden the freedom of school letting out
came the children like a flock of sheep
hailing the snow piled high and deep
passed the old women, so old and gray
hastened the children on their way.

At last came one of the married troop
the gayest lad in all the group.
He paused beside her and whispered low
“I'll help you across if you wish to go”
Her aged hand on his young strong arm
She placed it without hurt or harm
he guided her trembling feet along
proud that his own were firm and strong

Then back again to his friends he went
his young heart happy and well content
she's “somebody's mother”, boys you know
shes old and slow and I hope some fellow will lend a hand
to help my mother you understand if ever shes poor and old and gray
and her own boy is far away.

And, “somebody's mother” bowed low her head
in her home that night, in her prayer she said
“God be kind to that noble boy who is some mothers pride and joy

There is no love like a mothers love, except the love above all love, the love shown by god to us... His chief creation. In the year 33AD, incarnate god, on a hill just outside of Jerusalem, we saw such love with Christ, on the cross, making sure, his mother, at the foot of the cross was cared for and, though all of his disciples except one had fled though the very ones that he had fed and healed, taught and now bought had fled, his mother was at the foot of the cross.

There is no evil, in any culture, any society, any language like the evil of abortion or homosexuality. Anyone, any place, any time, who supports such evil or politicians who supports such evil will face with shame the wrath of an omnipotent god. I know intercessory prayer works every time. I have some democrat relatives and friends. I have told them, I am praying for your repentance and the change in your life and politics . One said, “I don't want to be like you” I said, “It is to late now, you will either change or god will change you”.

Only parents understand what I am going to say now. A child is born, although with your genes, very much a blank sheet of paper. It is up to you to train and guide this child's development. You teach them to say words, to walk, to go to the bathroom, to hold a spoon but, especially with girls, by the time they are 13, they know more than you do... They want to tell you what to do... Both girls and boys know it all. This Sinatra attitude “I did it my way” continues in reacting against you and god right on, most of the time, through college. It is amazing how smart my parents became when I went to college! Relax fathers and particularly mothers if you do your job most will turn out better than you think. President John F. Kennedy said, “your children will not remember you for the material things you gave them but, for the fact that you loved them”.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fire Tower


Fire Tower

Something peculiar to Eastern North Carolina and something greatly noticed are FIRE TOWERS. The state forestry service would put a fire tower, 100 feet or so in the air at strategic locations throughout eastern North Carolina. The towers consisted of one small room with a roof, a top and an extended platform, with a ladder going up to the room. They had windows all around the room. A person with a telescope could watch for a fire outbreak for many miles in the surrounding area, call a district office and have forest fire fighters on the way. I'm sure it was not a high paying job like the light house keepers, in the many light houses along the coast. Theirs was a lonely but important job. The lighthouse keeper, keeping his light in service so the light would warn ocean ships to keep them off the shoals along the coast. The fire tower keeper to signal an early warning of a fire that could wipe away a large part of the states forestry. The fire tower keeper would signal an early warning to those responsible for the preservation's of the state forestry. Man kind pays little attention to warnings. Nearly 5000 years after the creation of the world and the creation of man, the earths surface was covered with water. Everyone and everything drowned except 8 human soles, 2 animals of every specie preserved by god, to replenish the earth after mans downfall through sin. Noah, Preacher of righteousness warning the people and even standing in the ark of salvation, begging them to come aboard and escape destruction.

On this side of the flood, several hundred years later, the senates of Noah attempted to build a tower going into the heavens, the tower of Babel (present day Babylon), still in existence largely restored by Saddam Hussein. Babylon is best known for the hanging gardens, one of the wonders of the world.

The year 2000 BC, Abraham, “father of a great multitude”, the first Jew, was called by god from his home near Babylon to travel 600 miles north to the land of cannan, burring on his way, outside the Damascus, his father Terrell... thus wiping away worship of idols.

No one can dispute the history of the Jewish people, not even, Christopher Hitchens or Richard Dawkins. Today's outstanding atheists. (so adamant are these atheists, god defying promoters, wanting to arrest Pope Benedict 16 on his trip to England) Abraham, Jacob, Moses, had direct contact with god, Christ appearing to them and other in types and shadows in the old testament it is on April 15, 33AD, when Christ is crucified that we, gentiles, the church, come into contact with grace through faith of Christ as taught by the apostle Paul always preached to gentile believers Christ, Jewish, as were his disciples , preached to the Jewish nation in the gospel of Christ, he talked about the tower of Siloam (Luke 13:4) in this, why the 18 who were killed with the falling of the tower were worse than those not killed. “think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?”. It is by grace, through faith, plus nothing that we are saved from anything and everything on earth. We often think of gods judgment in earth quakes, tornado, fires, but we must remember that god, and god alone, is all in all “he is boss” we have towers, warnings, but today's seekers of mans wisdom gained from the deception of the world, pay little attention to warnings as never before, in the history of the world, has modern health care been able to supply so many warnings about pathology even though life's expectancy has risen dramatically, few are enjoying disease free lifestyles DOCTORS AND HOSPITALS DO NOT MAKE MONEY OFF DEAD PEOPLE most are kept alive so the cash registers of expensive care can continue ringing. In this socialist system of “bail outs” and “handouts” and , god help us, “sell outs” to everyone in has a “handout” responsible people are working more and more for less and less.

In the 234 years of this democratic republic called united states of America, a nation for which thousands of our finest have given their life's (126,00 buried on foreign soil, many thousands lie buried in America, 250,000 in Arlington, millions visiting VA hospitals regularly).

The warning above every warning is the uncertainty of life I never talked with anyone who thinks he or she will die even though they pass cemetery's everyday. The 103 citizens of the world who died in triply libria. yesterday in the air afrique plane crash thought they would be alive today. Only one 8 year old child survived the crash years ago, I traveled air afrique the airline had 2 planes one flew transatlantic to new york the other transatlantic from Africa to Europe. I remember well, sitting in an airport all night while mechanics worked on the plane to which I was to fly over the deep Atlantic ocean to new york. Every sound of the mechanics was a warning to me of the unpredictability involving air flight. 5000 planes are in the air every minute of everyday in this world. European flights are making and 1200 mile detour around the volcanic ash remember, as I have told thousands of young people, speaking to them, around the world, “Live every minute, enjoy every minute we are not promised tomorrow” there were light houses along every coast when the titanic sank 100 years ago. There were fire trucks when Chicago burned 100 years ago. There was sensitive equipment when portal prince fell last year, killing over 200,000, leaving millions homeless without water or food. Someone put on his socks this morning, but a mortician will take them off tonight in spite of doctors, hospitals, big Pharma, vitamins, exercise and the 23 thousand which “supposedly” will keep us alive. Often, sirens do not warn us about anything.