Friday, July 30, 2010

Warning Shots

In the old western movies, often a warning shot was fired. This let the enemy know that you would shoot, in today's world. There is no time for warning shots, often not time enough for a second shot, the enemy may think you too scared to shoot, so you better get your one shot. I was never a hunter, my only familiarity with firearms was military, from 1959 until 1968 the army used the M14 rifle, the only one I ever fired, and although replaced by the M16, the M14 is still considered the best, Mr. Clinton destroyed most of the M14s. Once, on my several trips to the middle east, I was in the so-called “no man's land” between Pakistan and Afghanistan, near the Khyber pass, it was where the famous Khyber rifles were built, bolt-action rifles still used after 200 years by the tribesmen, these men with the blackest eyes I have seen, explained the building of the rifle to me.

The longest war in American history, now going on 9 years, 188 Americans have been killed by these tribal sharpshooters. A rag-tag military trained and supplied 25 years ago by Americans, now, called the Taliban, led by Osama bin Laden, instead of fighting Russia, now they are fighting us.

I correspond with my Republican senator very often, I bring many things to his attention, this morning he said, “the national debt is now 14 trillion dollars”. A trillion is a million million dollars, so that is 14 with twelve zeros: 14,000,000,000,000. That is a real warning shot, for those sane enough to care. All this debt was not all brought on by the Sunni Muslim, Marxist, Hussein Obama, but his administration has certainly spurred it on. At the beginning of 2010, every man, woman, child was in debt to the government for 40,000 dollars. Today, six months later, each one is debt 45,000 dollars. Some actually believed him when he said he would bring spending under control.

McCain might not have done any better, his record is liberal, we probably would have had the same type socialized healthcare plan, perhaps bailouts. I do not believe we would have the same type end-of-life issues in the healthcare plan, rationing. The one phrase which passed the Obama plan, a plan which the country cannot afford: preexisting conditions. Insurance companies are not crazy enough to cover preexisting conditions, only the government will care for your illness regardless of conditions. They may put on a piece of paper that they cover preexisting conditions, but loopholes may move them out of the coverage, if nothing else, rationing and end-of-life issues. You can be sure that scarce money will not be spent on old people. Dr. Donald Berwick is Obama's Czar controlling all healthcare, a recess appointment, he would have never been approved because his record is clear: he is a devotee of socialized care, particularly that of England.

The ACLU, the most communist organization in America, founder Roger Baldwin said, “the aim is communism.” The ACLU blames Obama for continuing the Bush wars, they should know that the third World War has already begun, in the middle east, three fronts: Iran, Syria, Afghanistan. America is depending on China to keep North Korea in line.

I have traveled the world, I have never heard BBC radio speak of a city I have not visited. There is poverty in every city, only in America do you see street people eating out of garbage cans, because it is only in America that people throw food away. In Raleigh, Arizona, Washington DC, you have busloads of people protesting, most of us are at work while they are protesting. Where do they get the money for travel, for surviving as they protest?

There are 77 million baby-boomers who will expect to draw social security. Social security, like everything else in government is broke. The Google outfit on your computer has become your worst nightmare, Google is now the NSA (National Security Administration), working with the CIA and FBI, your government knows what you are doing at all times, everything about you. The Google trucks patrol the world, snooping on every continent. You can search any building, anywhere, you can find the tax paid on any building, anywhere. I am a rare book collector, yesterday me and an assistant were looking for a rare book. It was in one library (University of Kentucky), it had never been checked out. Another assistant asked me about my NYC address, he said, “I'm looking at the building right now.” This is the amount of privacy you have left in your life: Facebook, Twitter, all your research, it is all a matter of international knowledge. According to records, the people who sign in most at the White House are Google executives. Top lobbyists from Google meet with the National Security Council. Stalin, Hitler, Mao could only dream of such control.

Google is known to spy on every Congressmen, they have the goods on all of them. You can be assured that the Obama, Pelosi duo will get any vote they want because as we have certainly learned with Mr. Wrangle and others, many have much to hide. You hide nothing from Google, it is the biggest spy scandal in the world, and most people do not have a clue. The congresspeople in charge of intelligence oversight get thousands in political contributions from Google lobbyists. The thing that should keep Americans awake, shadow government, Google knowing everything about you, your business, your health, your estate.

Georg Hegel, teacher of Marx and John Dewey, instilled the ideas of nationalism and socialism which brings in to play every evil of eugenics, plant and animal control. His was the philosophy of slavery, Stalin, Mao, even Bokassa and Castro tried it. No one have been able to accomplish the total enslavement of a people. The human spirit is too strong, the desire to be free, with total control, it has taken a long time and certain sick individuals. He might succeed, because Americans have been dumbed down as no other society in history.

Topsy Turvy

I often wonder what our ancestors would say, even those who passed on just 100 years ago. If they could miraculously return and see what is going on in this country today. They would never believe the filled grocery (and other) stores, self-help shopping carts, restaurants with buffets piled high with food and electronic existence. Perhaps the most basic change in culture would be our staying in a hurry all the time, a rapid topsy-turvy existence.

I will never forget the grief, just one couple, who had one child. They were doing very well, beautiful home on acreage out in the country, she, chief clerk at the courthouse, he, at the top in auto sales, one precious son, nine years of age. The mother had already gone to work, and the boy had missed the school bus. The father always in a hurry, angry because it was necessary for him to take his son to school, still fussing at him, speeding down the highway, he passed one slow car, with his truck, the door on the passengers side came open, the son fell out and the slow car behind hit and killed him.

One of the best cartoons I ever saw, a farmer, standing with a blow torch in his hand, the huge barn, still smoking from the fire, his wife saying to him, “I hope you got the hornet's nest.” Our attempt to solve a problem so quickly often ends in distress, we all know the feeling. The get-rick-quick bug has bitten all of us, and we have all scratched the itch many times, “if only I could win the lottery”, “if only I could find a letter written by Abraham Lincoln,” “my problems could be solved by getting a big win.”

My doctor friend supported the vote on the state lottery, which I was against. Like the state-controlled liquor stores, I did not feel the state should be involved in gambling. He said, “I cannot take hope away from people.” The only people in the world who have reason to hope, many of them pretending Christians (baptists, methodists, pentecostal) ran in lock-step to the polls to vote for gambling, believing it would help educate their children, after all, it was called the education lottery. The legislation had passed because of the votes of two local Republican Christians (Rep. Justice and Rep. Stiller), Satan is such a deceiver. A state that runs its own lottery and is home to a Native American tribe that runs a casino can hardly claim the moral high ground when it comes to regulating gambling, but if we value our communities, the line has to be drawn somewhere.

Much of the last session of the legislature was taken up trying to regulate video poker machines found in internet cafes. The town in which I live, Wilmington NC, there are 53 “cyber-gambling” cafes with over 300 video-poker machines. These private businesses employ thousands, the state is in a topsy-turvy quandary. The state does not get the profits from these machines like it does from the lottery and liquor stores, after all, it is the job of state government to make money from sin.

As one communist official told me in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia at one of the world's largest gambling casinos, “if the people have any money left, we want it one way or another.” This is the attitude of communist Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, and we can see how quickly Marxism has taken over North Carolina. Sgt. Morgan of the Sheriff's Department told me that a woman called him crying because her husband had lost all his paycheck at a video poker establishment, he told her that all he could do was arrest him for gambling if he would turn himself in, the county cannot afford to enforce these laws.

The next big thing in America is internet gambling, this is more addictive to children than to adults. The officials know they can make 70 billion a year in this form of taxation, you can already play poker online. The US Congress Bill H.R. 2906 amends the Public Health Service Act concerning gambling, among many things it requires the President to consider the National Gambling Impact Study Commission's recommendations. It will take 14 billion to initiate this study, I can tell them what to do for one dollar: “close down all casinos, all forms of gambling.” The great hotels in Las Vegas and Atlantic City were built by losers. One of my employees, ex-husband, spent his money on lottery tickets while his children were at home hungry, could tell you about the chances of winning in gambling. My great grandfather, prominent, wealthy land-owner, horse and buggy preacher of the gospel, wrote 100 years agoe that he traveled throughout eastern North Carolina, impassable paths, rivers at a time before telephones, bathrooms, combustion engines (he never saw a car), because he could hear the cries of people in hell. It is only when politicians can hear the cries of hungry children, food money used for gambling that changes will take place.

The Geneva Conventions, 1949, just after World War II, gives rules for the behavior of nations in time of war. The Ten Commandments, books of the law written by Moses, give the rules for the lifestyles of the Jewish people. The American Constitution, and indeed, the Constitution of all 50 states, give the laws and statutes, behavior based on sanity, not the insanity of irresponsible behavior. Destroy your immune system and your body will not have defense against disease. Destroy the morality of a nation, and we are left at the mercy of our enemies. Abraham Lincoln said, “when people have the truth, the people and the nation will survive.”

In the Looney Tunes cartoon series, the coyote was always chasing after the roadrunner, the roadrunner had the ability to stop right on the edge of the chasm, but the hurrying, rushing coyote would go right over the cliff. Take time to smell the flowers along the way.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cabal of Deceit

Jennifer Keeton is a young woman going for her counseling degree at Augusta State University, Georgia. Christian discrimination taking place at the school may keep her from realizing a dream she’s worked very hard for. You see, Keeton is a Christian and doesn’t agree with the homosexual lifestyle; the school says she needs to renounce her faith’s doctrine in order to obtain her degree.

Officials at the school told Keeton that her views about homosexuality may affect how she would counsel gay and lesbian clients in the future. They told her she needed to enter a remediation program or leave the school without her counseling degree. Jennifer Keeton is now suing Augusta State University.

In the first place the university has no business whatsoever telling any student that their ability to receive a degree is contingent upon them renouncing beliefs they hold on religious grounds. Augusta State University is not a private institution; they’re a publically funded school in Augusta, Ga.

Second, isn’t it Jennifer Keeton’s decision to make? If she wants to be a counselor and wants to run the risk of losing clients who may disagree with her religious views, that too is her prerogative. Augusta State University’s Christian discrimination is blatant in this case.

According to one report, one of Keeton’s teachers told her she couldn’t be a teacher let alone a counselor with beliefs like hers. In essence, the teacher was saying that only non-Christians or those who agree with homosexuality could hold those professions. And we are supposed to be the closed minded ones.

Last week, Jennifer Keeton with the help of the Alliance Defense Fund, filed a civil complaint outlining Augusta State University’s Christian discrimination. In the complaint Keeton says that her first amendment rights to free speech and freedom of religion have been violated. Clearly they have.
(Shannon Bell –

Of course, “Reverend” Barry Lynn, separation of state and church fame, who jumps on every atheist-ACLU horse he can find to degrade real Christians, is leading the cheering squad against this student of principle. Just as evil prevails when “good men do nothing”, evil thrives when students submit to a cabal of deceit. Recently, someone was telling me about one of his relatives, who was working in the White House during the Clinton years. The subject came up because he was interested in many of the antiques in my house. He said, “there was not much news about it, but my relatives said, Hillary Clinton destroyed many of the priceless antiques in the White House in her rage after learning of the morality lapses in the presidential office.” When will America awaken to the fact, that we have more to fear from those in power, than from the terrorists out of power? We probably need terrorists from abroad to protect our country from the likes of the Chicago mafia, cabal of deceit, headed by Rom Emmanuel, Governor Blogoravich, Reverend Wright, or even the Obamas and their quilting party of deceptors. Only after the quilt is ripped, the threads exposed, will Americans know the pit in which we have sunk. Pray that there is an escape, a ladder, giving decent politicians, the constitutional guts needed to restore this country to rule of law.

Once deceitful act after another comes out of this administration. There is no way the American people can capitulate to the Obama healthcare. The three largest employers in the world, people who get a check from the same employer...the Chinese army, the railroad system of India (most travel in India is by train, few highways, few vehicles; trains, train-tracks, train stations everywhere, all these people working for the Indian railroad system), the third largest employer is the British socialized healthcare system.

In England, one time, a violent cold, I went to British doctor, the place was madness. He said to me, “Doctor, do you think I would have gone through what I went through, so many years in school, such an investment, such risk to participate in this dilemma?” The latest fiasco, the 1099 form fiasco, every person having to report to the government any person or business that they have paid more than $600. It will take 2.4 billion more 1099 forms, imagine the paperwork morass, each American has paid at least 30 people or businesses at least $600: grocery stores, service stations, utilities, repair, rents, etc.

About 60 million Americans do not file their income taxes, they have just given up. Besides, half the population does not pay income tax at all, the jails are full. Income tax is voluntary taxation and they are volunteering not to be pestered anymore by it. If we could believe that our taxes were being used for good, just the opposite is true: overpaid government workers, elected politicians who do not pay taxes (Wrangle, Geitner, Kerry, etc.), we often feel that the government is doing all it can to destroy the faith that our young people have in our country. There was a time when Americans honored their political leaders, their veterans, their doctors, their judiciary, their teachers, their spiritual leaders. I remember, as a child, my father holding me up to meet Governor Clyde Hoey (1937-1941), I remember his limousine, my father put me in the limousine with him, the carnation he was wearing on his lapel. Today, you keep your children away from preachers, politicians would you want your son to meet Representative Barney Franks, your daughter to meet President Bill Clinton? Think of what irascible catholic priests have caused the catholic church...sorcery, deceit, hypocrisy, bringing America's respect for Congress and the President to all time lows.

When will the scientific community, the doctors of our country, stand up against monosodium glutanates (MSGs) poisons found in almost every food. No worse thing to go in the human body, remember it is not the 95% corn meal that the bothers the rat, but rather the 5% arsenic. I have written for years about the water systems of our country, the poisons in the water. I have written for years about staph infections in our hospitals. When I was in school, diabetes was a rare disease, now it is epidemic, and the scientific world is in silence.

Everything the church needs to know concerning living above a cabal of deceit was written by the apostle Paul and is found in the books of Romans through Philemon, almost two thousands years ago to his fellow minister, Timothy: This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Here is a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
- Don't Worry, Be Happy, Bobby McFerrin

20 years after McFerrin wrote this song, we should all start singing it again. Because, there is little information on the state controlled news broadcasts to make anyone happy.

I was on a gorilla safari in the Congo. I have described this safari in other blogs, I have marvelous photos of the gorillas. My Congolese guide asked me, “do you know how to capture a monkey?” It seems the entrapment of a monkey is the same as the entrapment of a rabbit, a human being. He said, “get a net to throw over the monkey, hide behind a bush, put some thing the monkey likes such as fruit or nuts in a large container, preferably a large jar where he can see the food. Tie the container down so he cannot move it, he will put one of his arms into the container, grabbing the food. When you come out with the net, he will not let go of the food, so as to free his hand from the jar, he will not fight or run. From the first “no-no” tree in the garden, Eve, yielded to temptation, Adam, the first hen-pecked husband, blaming her for the entrapment, all genus fauna, man or animal, has fall into the same trap, forbidden fruit. We can not let go.

There is a many-specied animal called the salamander, with variety of morphology that allows it to live in water or sand. When the pond dries up, the salamander can, with it's hard head, burrow down deep into the dirt until it finds water. Pour water into the pond and the salamander will come to the surface. Again, very much like the hard-headed homo sapiens, who just stick their heads in the sand, instead of facing what goes on in the real world.

Many years ago, after the Korean war, believe it or not, I was a very active Democrat, knowing that the Democrats controlled the state of North Carolina. Family and friends, knowing my ambitions, told me I would never go anywhere in the state with regards to profession, business, or anything else unless I was a member of the Democrat party. Back then, like Helms and Reagan, both Democrats, Democrats were conservative in the south. I became state president of the young Democrats. One day, the governor and a congressman (Sanford, Fountain) told me that the Democrats would always rule the state of North Carolina because they would always get the liberal vote.

I was born a conservative, conservative in everything I do, every thought. At a meeting, I made the following statement, “if the Democrat bosses in North Carolina were to tell the blacks, the unionists, the school teachers, those who draw a government check, those who always vote the “big D”, to go jump in the river, we would hear water splash. If the liberal Democrat party bosses were to tell these same Democrats to go jump in a fire, we would smell clothes burning.” The Democrats asked me to leave their party. The truth will set you free (John 8:32).

For many years, I always attended the southern baptist convention: Dallas, Atlanta, LA, etc. The last SBC convention I attended, mind you I was a well-known baptist speaker, board member; The First Baptist Church, Wilmington, asked me to speak about the convention. I said, “it always amazes me how concerned southern baptist are about people of color across the ocean, but how unconcerned we are about the many who walk by the doors of this church, every day, even on Sunday...our church services, the most segregated time in America.” Mind you, I knew the worst of segregation, bigotry. The ruler of the church, a man by the name of Parker, public health director, asked me to leave the church. I left the church and have never been back. My opinion has not changed about this elitist congregation, or the SBC.

Christianity has been marked by paradox, how well I remember the baptist church in which I was reared, built by my ancestors in 1874. It's still there, a choice, holy ground on Earth. When I was a child, the lines still went down the midpoint of the church, even though by that time, things had changed, the women sat on the left hand side, the men on the right hand side, the black people who worked on the farms in the back or in the balcony. Same as southern movie theaters, until 50 years ago. The only time men, women, blacks sat together was at a funeral. People always come together in times of sorrow, and often in times of joy.

This old soldier remembers the time, when at the military movie theater, we all came to attention for the playing of the national anthem. Something was wrong with the sound system, the anthem abruptly stopped. Someone shouted “at ease”, so we were no longer at attention, enlisted, as well as officers, and we all finished the anthem by singing it. This was real patriotism. I attended many plays in London, even at Stratford-upon-Avon (Shakespeare's home and theater). Always in the British empire, at every performance, they always sing “God Save the Queen”, this is a real spirit of stability.

If there is one society or culture of people who should not worry, who should be happy, it is the Christians of the world. We have a faith, not only to live by, but one to die with. We are winners because the price has already been paid. Christ himself said we can be happy and content in spite of the world, the flesh, the devil. These things I command you, that ye love one another. If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also. But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me. (John 15:17-21)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

An interesting study for any student, the men who have been president of the United States, all 44 are interesting in their own right, three of the worst in my lifetime: Carter, Clinton and worst of all, Obama (a man who should have never become president). Perhaps our greatest president, Thomas Jefferson said it best, ”I fear for my country when I think of the justice of God.” What would he say now, when a plurality of stupid people, put such a creature, not even born in this country, into the White House. We will never recover from this presidency.

George Washington was without a doubt a great man, the wealthiest president. He once said he'd rather be on his farm than be emperor of the world. Woodrow Wilson was probably the most egotistical president, it was written that he had such an ego he always wanted to be the center of attention. If he went to a funeral, he wanted to be the corpse, if he went to a wedding, he wanted to be the bride. He always had the details of a conversation in mind before he talked with one, once at a conference, he was slow getting out of the car. He told the guard he was still arranging his thought. He was the only PhD to occupy president's chair, he was the clog that messed up things at conferences. However, towards the end, stroke victim, was doing little, as his wife ran the country.

President Thomas Jefferson, third president, wanted on his tombstone only his date of birth and his death, and that he had been president of the University of Virginia, his instructions were that it was not to be note that he was president or vice-president of the United States or governor of Virginia. Such a mind, writer of the Constitution, violinist, speaking French, Latin and Greek, avid curiosity in all fields and who frequently studied 15 hours a day. His brilliant mind did not allow him to believe everything in God's word, most of us remember the Jefferson Bible. He cut from his bible, the verses with which he did not agree. We wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness (Isaiah 59:9)

History has been good to mankind, giving us brilliant minds that have penetrated science and philosophy. God talked directly to several of them, Abraham, Moses and Paul. History has proven that men prefer darkness to light. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil (John 3:19). People know that eating and drinking garbage will make them sick, they know that thinking garbage will make them wicked...they continue to do so anyhow.

Foolish people will always get behind an unnecessary war, it is happening right now, those who have never been to war think it is exciting...fireworks, television documentaries are not real, just excitement for the nervous system, a product of illusion. It has not occurred to many Americans yet, that 500,000 innocent children were killed during the Iraq war, we get word back that Americans are being killed in Afghanistan. Think of the hundreds killed, killed by drones or robots, bombs dropped out of planes in a very impersonal way...mothers of babies who go to bed hungry, sick from the ravages of disease. There is an elitist group in the world, rich beyond compare, self-centered, selfish, wicked, members of the brotherhood of darkness. These promoters of eugenics, want a world system just for them and their few friends. For the first time in the history of the world, just a few people are able to get control of the world. Marco Polo, Alexander the Great, Cyrus, Napoleon, Hitler, perhaps even Hirohito may have had designs on the world, never saw a piece of real estate they did not want. Greed beyond compare, but it is now the 21st century, that it is actually possible to conquer the world.

Now, we have the trilateral commission, the Bilderbergers, the commission on foreign relations, rich power-dealers, munitions dealers, dealers in the trafficking of human beings who belong to a brotherhood of darkness and actually believe that it is their destiny to rule the world. In the biography of David Rockefeller on page 405, he specifically advocates the brotherhood of darkness, the elitists of the world, controlling everything, a one-world government, . He said, “some men are born to rule, most are born to be ruled.”

The American state-controlled news media, academia, totally controlled by the state because of funding, corporations controlled by the state because of taxation, fraternal groups, denominations, all mired in political correctness, afraid to speak out. Those of us who have traveled, studied, been exposed to maze minutia of world politics recognize the consistency of inconsistencies, please explain how a third world country like Pakistan can produce nuclear weapons when they do not have the ability to produce a bicycle. Please explain how a benevolent society like the western world can stand by and see a country like Ethiopia (77 million population) starve because of drought. We hear much talk about entitlements, only 20% of the world's population has electric power and a competent supply of water. Every human is entitled to the supplying of the most basic human need, water. Every time I think of poverty, I think of the women I have seen on every continent spending their days just trying to find drinking water. God has a day of reckoning ahead for America and other nations controlling the world's wealth. These people of darkness, who do not believe in light, certainly not the light of God's love, have a day of reckoning ahead. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, toward the end of the play, the doctor said, “God have mercy on us all.”


When you get my age, life goes by so fast, it seems like everyday is Friday. If you do not have routine in your life, something is very wrong. Every morning, 5 am, I observe the lord's supper in my kitchen: small piece of bread, small sip of wine, thanking our blessed lord for sins forgiven and his healing through his strifes (Isaiah 53). I do not know how one survives this sin-disease cursed world, without this assurance. Every Friday night, I write down all the blessed activities of the week, and ask for help for the next week. This is my Friday routine.

During the Depression, a Kentucky school teacher, Fern Rives, wrote a book entitled, Friday, Thank God!, in the book she goes over all her activities involving students in the school for one week. We can understand why a teacher is glad for Friday to come, this little known writer, three books to her credit, probably never made very much money, and had little notoriety in life, but from the book title has come an epigram: “Thank God It's Friday” heard around the world every week. The author was older than me, but I well remember the activities at the end of the week. Saturday was the big day in any southern town, streets crowded with shoppers and visitors. Country people, working hard the entire week, “went” to town on Saturday. You could see them visiting friends up and down the streets. It was a time for love and laughter to and with one another.

Stores did a tremendous amount of business on Saturday, were open late on Saturday night, because to everyone, Friday and Saturday were payday. The American spirit was alive and well, new clothes for Sunday, food for the after-church spread. The people who worked hard during the week, on the farm, in the cotton mills, in the sawmills, in every area of activity for which they were paid, knew the joy of responsibility, earned pay, the thrill of accomplishment.

I am sorry to say that today's youth are glad to see Friday, Thank God It's Friday, but simply because they can escape the drudgery of the soft, spoiled life to which they have become accustomed, to spend the entire weekend in “party-mode”. Grown up males and females, who at one time were glad to have the commerce of the weekend, stores were always closed on Sunday in observance of Lord's day, are now found lounging at the golf course, the country club, the watering holes around town, sports events (watching millionaires play ball, or drive vehicles). Stores are now open on Sunday, Walmarts are crowded, the descendants of the parents and grandparents, who found comfort and inspiration at worship services on Sunday, gave them reason for living, assurance in dying, now are in the stores, shopping for things. Who needs God and church when there are some many things in the world to make us happy? Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. (1 John 2:15) Who needs God when the government has gobs of money, when the creature, not the creator can supply your every need?

I have a hankering for the good old days, but I tell every young person to enjoy every day. At best, we have been promised 3 score and 10 year, which would put most of us expecting to live to about the age of 70. Some of us may make 80 or more, if you are 75 and want 80, you have 1825 days left. If you have reached 70 you have 3650 days left until you reach 80. I am 79, I have 51 days left until my 80th birthday, if I were to “graduate” on my 80th birthday.

I have heard many ask the question, if you only had one day left, what would you do? If you were to be executed by government, your life taken away at a certain time on a certain day, the government would provide you with a chaplain, a last meal of your favorite food, and a chance to tell your loved ones good bye. The same government does not care whether you eat or not, cares nothing about your relationship with your relatives, is doing everything possible, with the help of a controlled news media, to destroy your spiritual relationship. You really do not know if you have behaved yourself, if you are not in the government's death row (we are all on death row, just what second, what minute, what day: last breath here, first breath there).

Live every minute as if it is your last, I can say with all sincerity, all assurance, that there is nothing whatsoever I would change or do if my last breath were today or tomorrow, or whenever. I can say with eternal security, I look forward to leaving any time, there is nothing I would change in my daily routine.

There is nothing I can do to make God love me any more. There is nothing I can do to make God love me any less. There is nothing I can do with the world, the flesh, the devil even relatives, neighbors, friends, that would cause them or God to love me more or less. God allowed Moses to live to the age of 120, he was still in good health, still had good eye sight, in fact, God allowed him to go up on a mountain and look over at the promised land, to which he would not allow him to go. One of the most wonderful chapters in the Bible is the 32nd chapter of Deuteronomy in which Moses described what would happen to the Jews in this world. God had talked directly to Moses, and there were no surprises. If you have the holy spirit of God in your life, there will be no surprises. What the justice of God demands for sin, the love of God provides in judgment.

I have been blessed to give many thousands of dollars in awards and scholarships, two awards go to outstanding pastors (2,500 dollars each) in honor of my great grandfather Elder P.T. Lucas who preached and pastored throughout eastern North Carolina. He was born in 1854, and died at age 58 in 1912. He was a father of 12 children, two died young, the others, including my grandmother were left nice estates. Can we even imagine a man, entirely on horse and buggy, no electric power lines anywhere, accomplishing what he did in wealth and Christian influence at that time in history. Just think what it was like, the destruction of the civil war, education facilities, the large farms which he owned. The responsibilities of raising that many children. He was bedridden for one year before his death, his funeral held in a large family church which he built...and we think we have a hard time, I even get sorry for my self cause I have been totally blind most of my life.

I doubt if any of our hard-working, taxpaying, patriotic, god-fearing ancestors complained about life, the day of the week, or anything else, most lived and died without ever having seen a hard surfaced road, telephone. They knew the loss of children to nefarious disease, theirs was a faith not only to live with but one to die by. Because thy loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee (Psalm 63:3)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

World's Largest Church

In Seoul, South Korea, you can find the world's largest mega church with 830,000 members, the Yoido Full Gospel Church, founded and led by David Yonggi Cho in 1958. My only son, my only child, Dr. John Morris and his wife were SBC missionaries in South Korea for many years, they were very familiar with this mega-church.

There are many mega-congregations in America, the Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, with Joel Osteen as pastor, has 43,000 members. Osteen also has a large television audience. One of the fastest growing churches in America, which I attended while a student in Memphis, Tennessee is Bellevue Baptist Church, it's membership around 7,000. But, add all the mega churches together, and you will still not have the size of the world's largest church, the “church of Oprah”. Oprah Winfrey, writer of the “fifth gospel” (the gospel of Oprah), more dominant in world religion than all other preachers combined, influences more people than all others with her new age religious belief.

Her worship of new-age religions comes with the publication of any book pertaining to new-age philosophy. At the head of the list is Edward Tolle, and his book A New Earth which promotes the idea that God is a “feeling experience, not a believing experience.” Second on her list is Rhonda Burns, The Secret, Burns promotes the idea that it is all about you, that you are God, a new “positive thinking” philosophy. Third on the list is Marianne Williamson, A Course in Miracles, a philosophy of forgiveness in daily life. Oprah, one of the world's richest women, who lives in 7 homes, who lives with a man to whom she is not married, only has to recommend a book and it becomes an instant bestseller.

Oprah, whose money and influence helped put a Sunni Muslim, Obama, in the White House is a profitess who would make ancient Diana of Ephesus (Acts 19) or Jezebel of Jezreel (1 Kings 19) envious. The world is still impressed by numbers, especially in church it is better to make numbers count, instead of counting numbers.

I find that most people have reached a place in life that they doubt everything. The world, the flesh, the devil has so penetrated our being that we question the veracity of everything. You can put no truth at all in news reports, more fiction than fact. When did you hear a politician that you actually believed, one who would give a direct answer? When you meet anyone, politician, salesperson, teacher, preacher, you immediately try to decide: is this person real, or a phony? Is this person interested in me, or what they can get out of me? You want so desperately to trust people, you want so desperately to find an employee who wants to give honest work for honest pay. The greatest disappointment in life is your disappointment with people, even family, friends, those with whom you do business.

I met a Jewish realtor, I had fired my last real estate adviser, now this Jew knew the history of the Jewish people, the only people on earth dispersed all over the world, yet never lost their language, their laws, their belief system. He knew the laws as laid down by Moses in Deuteronomy chapters 28 and 29, yet he was willing to take advantage of a friend, a blind, fellow army officer for the sake of a commission from one of my tenants, Kevin. He even aided and abetted this tenant in the thievery of items from my property, the breaking of a lease. He had been well paid to help me, not the tenant. But, he was willing to risk his career for a real estate commission, his professional name in a small town.

It does not require much confidence, much daring to rob a blind person. I do not own a refrigerator that could hold the money I have been shortchanged over the past 50 years. I am not proud that I have been so “taken in” by thievery, even in my own house. One woman, Sheree, possesses almost as much of my stuff as I do, just taking my things right out of my front door. While I am working at the bottom floor, she and her friends were working me over on the upper floors. She and her husband had been disowned by the Jehovah's Witnesses and obviously thought God no longer cared about their lives and what they did.

Whether expensive things or cheap things, compared to your eternal soul, it is all junk. Whether it is friends, family, business, or play, God does not “slumber or sleep” (Psalm 121:4) God keeps a perfect score card.

The Principle of [Con-]Contradiction is the second of the three classic laws of thought: contradictory statements cannot both be true at the same time. The world cannot be round and not round, Christ either rose from the dead or he did not rise from the dead, God is either truth or not the truth, right can never be wrong and wrong can never be right, evil can never be good, nor good evil. There are absolutes in life, the laws of motion are absolute, the atomic weights in the periodic tables are absolute, the notes of music are absolute whether you play a note on a piano in Moscow or Miami.

Atheists such as Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens (Hitchens now has throat cancer) would tell you that life is a matter of gray, not black or white. They still think you can put a square object into a round hole. Your handbook of chemistry and physics (CRC) is not a physician's diagnostic reference. God gave Moses, written in His own hands, tablets containing commandments, not suggestions.

Why make your relationship with God so complicated? It is so simple: sin's ruin and Christ's redemption, your only redemption, your only escape. Satan loves for people to use his ploys of lies, deceit and thievery/ God knows all about suffering, He knows all about thorns, He is boss, He allows what he wishes. Right now, in Russia, north of Moscow, the size of Portugal, the worst drought the country has even known. At the same time, in Peru (near Lima), 200 people froze to death, in China, the worst rain and landslides in history. One is walking on dangerous ground, breathing dangerous air, when he leaves God out of the equation of his life.


In the American experiment, next to slavery, the next greatest shame of this nation is it's treatment of disabled veterans and handicapped citizens. Most of the “normal” do not think anything bad will ever happen to them. Let me remind you, you may just be hours or minutes away from a disability that will change your life completely.

One of out every 5 Americans is disabled...19% of the population. The 1960s were punctuated by civil rights laws involving a much smaller percentage of the population (the population of African Americans is about 13%). In 1990, President George H. W. Bush signed into law, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Today is the 20th Anniversary of the ADA law, legislation “supposed” to assist the disabled in leading a more normal and productive life. The ADA law has been a total and complete failure, I speak as a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected, medical officer army veteran.

I cannot begin to tell you of the letters I have written to the ADA about discrimination towards the disabled. It is a total waste of time to contact the US Justice Dept. or ADA about anything. I once asked the county manager, New Hanover County, North Carolina, if he had ever read the ADA law. He said, “I have never read it, and do not intend on reading it.” This is the general attitude I have found at the attorney generals office in Raleigh and in talking with members of the state legislature, they simply do not care.

The very same attitude exists towards blind veterans. The veterans administration (VA) is the most inept agency in federal government, and, I might add, does nothing whatsoever for blind veterans. There is a blind veterans group (BVA), but this group is only interested in getting a membership fee from you. I speak as a totally blind veteran, not once...I repeat, not once, has VA, BVA, or any commission or agency pretending to be interested in blind people (NCCB, AMFB, etc.) done anything for this blind veteran. Your government does not care anything about a veteran once he is are on your own. I have been to the veteran's hospital, I made a suggestion to the chief of staff of the veteran's hospital. I said to him, “why not have volunteers to assist blind veterans here in the hospital as they maneuver through the maze of hallways to clinics, labs, and places must they go while here for treatment. He called me later, very angry about my suggestion, the very thing they do right across the street at Duke Eye Center, but he said, “we are just waiting for you to die.” This is how much your service is appreciated by your country.

The 20% who are disabled are mostly poor people, they do not make political contributions, they do not have a lobbyist, many of them do not have transportation to vote. I get many telephone calls from disabled people because they hear me on radio talk shows. They are completely intimidated by the socioeconomic engineers of government, their families, their friends. Many get a small check of some sort on which they must depend. They are so afraid they might make someone angry...some social worker or government entity and lose their only way of survival.

Disability is defined by the ADA as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. Under Title III, no individual may be discriminated against on the basis of disability with regards to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, or accommodations of any place of public accommodation by any person who owns, leases (or leases to), or operates a place of public accommodation. One of the definitions of "discrimination" under Title III of the ADA is a "failure to remove" architectural barriers in existing facilities. All new construction after the effective date of the ADA must be fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines. The law further states that when a disabled person goes into any type of business, they are to be assisted. If blind, assisted with descriptions, prices, etc.. Never once, in the past 50 years as a totally blind person, has any store owner or manager offered to assist me. It has been many year since I have been in a store, because I can afford to have someone shop for me. Most businesses feel that if they have a handicap parking space, a bathroom that is handicap accessible, they have done their part.

Living the life of the disabled is the nearest thing to death that any live person can experience. If you want to experience carelessness, callousness, fake disability and see what it is like, one young man, a graduate of Dupaul university, who worked for me, decided to see if he could handle things as well as I do. At age 80, I have been totally blind for 50 years. He put tape over his eyes and attempted to maneuver his house, his home activities as a blind person. Within one hour he was so frustrated he had to remove the tape. He said, “I just don't know how you do it.”
Just think, this one blind writer, born in absolute poverty working his way through 8 years of university schooling, commissioned as an army medical officer, traveled the world (8 round the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries). Started out at “zero” financially, but was a millionaire at age 40. Many disabled people have done even better, it is truly amazing what one person, plus God, can do. The disabled, like everyone else, only have one chance at life.

We think the life of the disabled is bad now, think of what it was like 100, or even 50 years ago. One of my great grandfathers had twelve children, one daughter, Aunt Lizzie, gave birth to three sons although she raised another son of a deceased sister who died in childbirth. Her husband had returned from WW1 having been gassed in France. He never recovered, died young, her oldest son, Alvin, was born retarded. Some “special” children die young, Alvin lived to age of 50. Aunt Lizzie had been left a track of land and a small house, some way, she survived with the children, they were the poorest people I had ever known. Another son, Joel, was in combat in World War 2, he came back, a neurological catastrophe. There had never been any type of government help because of her husband, or her children. Joel did get a small pension from his wound, and again, some way, they survived until they all died. Think of Alvin, without the mental ability to ever attend school, nothing in the home to give him any inspiration, just an animal surviving with barely enough food, and I don't suppose he ever saw a city street.

I once stood on the hill beside the Sea of Galilee where Jesus preached his sermon on the Mount, giving us the beatitudes. He had taught us to love one another, even the disabled: blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy, blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:7-8)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Jumping On A Sinking Ship

God alone knows what went on in bringing His Word to the eyes of the average man. The early Hebrew scriptures were written on a few parchments, the Jews would stand for long periods of time as the priests and prophets recited the scriptures from memory. There were a few parchments at the time of Christ. Paul's ministry to the gentiles, salvation by grace through faith, was to a people who knew nothing about Jewish history, or anything else. Christ was crucified by the modern calender, around 33 AD. It was at least 30 years later that Paul began his ministry, and the Bible was not completed until around 95 AD. There were very few early manuscripts. One monk found some nuns burning manuscripts at the Mount Sinai ministry, just trying to stay warm.

A monk by the name of Erasmus, divided the scripture into chapters and verses. William Tyndale wanted the public to be able to read the scripture. He was run out of England by King Henry, and continued his work of translating the Bible into English in Belgium. There he met Henry Phillips, who “supposedly” was assisting him. One night, Phillips assisted King Henry's gestapo in arresting Tyndale and dragging him back to England, there he was burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English, Tyndale was heard to say, “Lord! Open the King of England's eyes.” The ashes of Tyndale's body, washing into the Themes river went into the oceans, and the Tyndale Bible eventually went to every continent of the world. Because of the ministry and majesty of God, because of the sovereignty of God, King Henry became a believer of the Bible.

There are so many things we do not understand, how and why God gave us His inspired Word, and yet it has been so difficult, to give His Word to the world. I heard Dr. Vance Hapner preach many times, this marvelous, sensitive man, who because of crippled feet, walked with two canes said, “I do not understand electricity, but I will not sit around in the dark until I do understand it.” We will never understand why humans beings, supposedly of superior intelligence will jump on a sinking ship instead of a ship built and dedicated, perfect rudder, no anchor to hold, bound for assured eternity. The entire message so Romans 8:28-39 and learn the truth of your security, by being on a sound ship. A trip that makes all the sense in the world. Those who are lost, who have no sense of direction, will jump on just anything, many will grab at broom straw, if thrown at them, floundering in the sea.

There is no sales emblem in the world as familiar as the Ford emblem. Henry Ford, founder of the Ford motor company, made first the Model T. When he was giving the subcontractor his specifics for the chassis, he told him to ship the chassis in a wooden box, he told them exact measurement, the exact place to put holes. The subcontractor thought the old man was crazy, but he would humor him by doing it the way he wanted it done. Little did he know that Ford was using the wood crating, cut exactly to size for floorboards in his cars. It is essential, more than ever before in history, to have people in charge in government, business, military, education, even churches, who have some common sense, and who know what they are doing.

More so than ever before, it is time to get down to basics, our grandchildren cannot repay the debt America owes (estimated 118 trillion). It will be a miracle if most of the world's population survives the present turmoil of toxicity. When “old Gene” Talmage was running for Governor of Georgia, he once told a crowd at a gathering, “the people of Georgia only have three friends: me, Jesus Christ, and Sears and Roebuck”. The people of America only have Jesus Christ left.

In Washington, in the canyons of Wall Street, at your statehouse, at your courthouse, the time has come for you to recognize that just as with the peasants and rulers several centuries ago, the rulers are now of one class, just one political party, they want you think they are divided, almost equally: Democrat vs Republican. They are of the same breed, elitists.

As David Rockefeller, a half-breed government entity, banker oppressor, eugenics promoter said, “some men are born to rule, others are born to be ruled.” I have been in gatherings, incognito, with some of these elitists on rare occasions, they know that whichever party is in power, it makes no difference, they are always in power. They know who they are, and they know that they are not like the rest of us. These people would be bored to death in Heaven, because they have it so good here on earth. They know, without a shadow of a doubt, that whichever way the wind blows, come what may, they are going to come out on top. They belong to the elitist club, will always win one way or another.

These are the people who always get the choice seats in the synagogue (Luke 11:43), plush commission in board appointments, even if one regardless of political party, loses an election, he has a plush job as a lobbyist. These are the old families, their blood is blue, these are the people for whom university buildings are named, who at their country club say to one another, “I wonder what the poor folks are doing.” Most southern cities are afflicted with the virus of “big I, little [yo]u”, the town in which I live, one of the commissioner's mothers would walk around the Cape Fear country club, making such a statement. But, the descendants of tenant farmers, cotton mill workers, blacks who were not permitted to put their feet in the nearby ocean, will still vote for such elitists. The poor and the disenfranchised have always been the ones who gave their lives and limbs in the defense of this nation. Have you ever known a son or daughter of a poor family to be appointed to a military academy? It is truly unfortunate that the hard-working, taxpaying, god-fearing, real Americans have trusted their future on floating in a sinking ship.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Police State

After my father died, a farm, barns, houses full of memories from several generations, I asked about my father's ancient banjo acquired from his grandfather, who died in 1912. I understand his grandfather, bed ridden for a year before death, would pluck at the banjo singing old hymns, my father would do much of the same. I still have my mother's piano in my house, but would have liked to have his banjo.

Later, I got the story, the black shoeshine boy in the barbershop where my father worked on weekends, was given the banjo. My father had taken a tremendous interest in him, he asked him how much he was paid for each shoeshine, I believe at the time it was 50 cents. He told him that he wanted him to give 10% of everything he makes each week to his church, and he wanted him to put 10% of his money each week in an account at the bank. I understand that later, the young boy was one of the wealthiest men in the city, like my father, he had learned the power of compound interest.

My mother and sister had kept all the dolls she received at Christmas in a trunk because they wanted to keep them nice. Like the banjo, when my sister looked for the dolls, they were gone. He had given all the dolls to children in the community, who, as he told someone, enjoyed playing with them. They were not for keeping, they were for using and playing.

Americans have been asleep, incrementally, their freedoms eroded. Like the famous frogs in a pot, heat slowly turned up, then comes Obama, who really turns up the heat, boiling water, sirens, the half cooked frogs have jumped out of the pot. Now they realize that they were being cremated. Has the thought occurred to you, yet?

I have been to most of the police states in the world: USSR, China, Yugoslavia, Middle Eastern, African, etc. Two women from Zimbabwe told me that it was all over before they realized what Robert Mugabe had done to them. I spent a week in the Seychelles Islands, a total police state, the most vicious law enforcement since Hitler's SS troops. The people were scared to death, none had ever known freedom, all lived or died at the behest of the government. Since these islands are an environmental paradise (Indian Ocean), beautiful wildlife (bird island, an island devoted entirely to birds), the inmates (citizens) were assigned work at the tourist hotels, I never saw one native woman or child smile the entire time I was there. The male employees had been beaten and so intimidated that were more like robots, much like the working man in America.

Life is for living, in my lifetime, I have seen life change from light into darkness. So little time and it is taken up just in survival. People have underestimated the dark side. Not knowing what they have lost until it is gone. There is a mystical union between heaven and earth. In the autonomic nervous system (fight or flight) attempt at survival, even Christians have forgotten that they have power beyond their imagination available: power that raised Lazarus from the dead, power that gave blind Bartimaeus sight, the same power that enabled a nation to cross a river and a sea on dry land...the power of God.

The mystical union becomes so apparent in communion with Christ at his table. The communion service should be more real to you than a stained glass window, reading of holy scripture to an anthem, prayer to a church supper. Many think that God moves because of a men's club, a woman's circle, a youth group, God desires the petitions. If you are fasting, praying, giving without it being an infusion of the holy spirit in your life, then you are still on the dark side. If you do not do so because it gives you joy, then something is very wrong and you are still on the dark side.

The Bible is silent about many things. Many things are “none of our business”, there is some mystery about heaven. Since there is no marrying or giving in marriage, I envision heaven has a place of sublime oneness and intimacy. Just as no disappointment about companions, no disappointment about family or friends who did not make it.

The soul and spirit are synonyms, we are who we are because of an invisible, weightless soul. Much is made of the dead body, but most at the funeral have no idea about death or the transition: last breath here, first breath there. We are accustomed to a world of pretending, not knowing the difference in the apostle's creed and the pledge of allegiance, not knowing the difference in the sights and sounds of this earth to the eternal security of eternal life. Like the people in the churches of revelation, lukewarm or just clubs or morgues with a steeple?

Almost as bad as the choice we have made with the dark side of the church, the dark side of democracy. Our ancestors wanted the government to leave them alone, having escaped the tyranny of a ruthless king. Their descendants want the government involved in every area of their life, telling them what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. While, at the same time, paying a large part of their hard-earned income for “nanny state guards”. If we were in prison, our food, our shelter, healthcare, entertainment, all would be furnished, free of charge. As disillusioned prisoners of the state, it is our responsibility to provide our own shelter, food, clothing, education, and then give most of our leftover money to the government for them to use for their friends and relatives.

We have the best politicians money can buy, the best government that money can buy, you deserve the government you have. I live in a county where the people actually voted for an increase in totally misinformed, so gullible. BP gave more money to Obama than any other contributors, BP controls the world's oil supply, and subsequently, the world's money supply. BP, a foreign corporation, actually controls much of our government. Much of the blame can be laid at the conference table of British Petroleum, the floor of the ocean is not stable. The knew the instability of the ocean floor, the chasms of oil and gas under the floor, the oil and gas pollution of the sea water resulting in chemical reactions which caused chemical burns to plant life, disease to fish and animal life, and much like ground water, crossing pasture land of manure or leaking old sewer pipes propelling sewage into groundwater, a happening of ecological and environmental disaster.

Don't tell me you are a Christian, you are a patriot, if you support a political party which promotes abortion and homosexuality. If you are Democrat, and support Democrats, when will you awaken?


Visiting the University of Moscow during the depths of the USSR, my question to my guide, "I have never seen such ostentatious buildings, such poor students. Everything about the place seems pretentious. Do any of these professors or administrators have any real professional standing?" My Russian guide said, "no, most are just apparatchiks, all in thier place of leadership, prominence because of their communist party affiliation. In the collectivist system, it is not ideas but ideology.” My friend told me that her husband went before the county Democrat “boss” in order to get a job driving a school bus, when will Americans awaken to the absolute fact that “apparatchiks” are now running our country.

The 97th Tour de France ends on Sunday, the 25th, there is just eight seconds between two top bicyclists. The total length of the bicycle race is 2,263 tortuous miles, as with all true athletic events, the winners get the reward, the yellow shirt, because they had the discipline, drive, character, have taken the risk to come out a winner, no matter who they knew. Justice demands that players performing on the real playing field of life have a level field. Americans, in particular, have no patience with players who use steroids, crooked umpires or referees, or preference shown because of money, family, looks or anything else. We want accomplishment to be real, earned, no slack or head-starts given.

95% of the world's archeological history is still underground, every time there is a new discovery of any type, I think of my professors who died not knowing about this new information. Think of what the developments of each 5 years bring, think of nanotechnology, and past scientists, who would have been so thrilled to know such. Just recently on the Northern coasts of Peru, ancient sacrificial temples were discovered, probably, prisoners of war were sacrificed there, about 2000 years ago. The artwork shows participation of spiritual as well as secular leadership. Nothing makes Satan happier than to know that spiritual leaders have compromised with political leaders, that all have been tarred with the same stick of greed and corruption, nepotism, hypocrisy. If you do not have an infusion of the Holy Spirit of God in your being, so that you are fasting, praying, giving with joy, there is something very wrong with your belief system. If you think you are Christian, yet compromise with the sin tactics of government, vote party instead of principle, you are lost.

I have been to many funerals, been around many families and friends, experiencing the loss of a loved one, most do not have a clue about what is going on. I have seen a heathen pastor in a pulpit eulogizing someone in a casket in the front of the church, who did not have a clue about what is going on. A worn out body, usually for an older person, laying in a casket, total value for the chemicals in a deceased body, 75 cents, the person (soul or spirit), no mass, invisible, now an eternity. Most do not understand the magical, powerful, sovereign, supernatural understanding of death, or even prayer. If the average person understood prayer, death, the gift of life, the gift of eternity, such earthly, inconsequential apparatchiks would cease to be important, we would be so intent on honesty, charity, the spirit of Christianity, soul salvation, not earthly, secular involvement.

When you give serious thought to the fragility of live, how easy it is for the oceans of earth to become polluted with oil, and even larger oil pollution in the yellow sea near China, polluted water producing polluted rainfall, water going into ponds, killing fish and plant-life, chemical water falling on agriculture. Remember Germany's black forest was killed with acidic water, as was much of Canada's forests. Nothing threatens agricultural production like air pollution, which kills the bees and birds. In the great depression, which I well remember, 7 million Americans died of starvation, at that time, 90% of the American population lived on farmland where food was obtainable. Today, 90% of the American population lives in cities, large sections of which expect the government to care for them.

Can we even imagine the futility of apparatchiks to care for their fellow man in time of a nuclear disaster when water, food, housing, everything is destroyed? When I was in New Delhi, India (the population of India, over 1 billion, poor beyond imagination) water was being harvested. Pipes and barrels were being used to retrieve all rainwater, they know the disaster which lies ahead. Think of what Port de Prince, Haiti is experiencing: just one city, millions still without shelter, food, or water.

I was on a train in India during one horrendous flood, dead bloated animals everywhere polluting the flood waters. Every time the train stopped, the bed for the train rails, high enough to be above the flood waters, perishing people lined up with containers trying to get some drinking water from the train. I have tried to forget this sight. Remember, anything you experience, especially anything you see with your eyes: pornographic or principled, terrible or tempting, can never be erased from the recesses of your memory. The plague of America, elected politicians and political appointees, responsible for the government, responsible for the welfare of the many, totally inexperienced in dealing with vagaries of life.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bad Now, Worse Later

This morning, a tenant in one of my buildings told me of his weight loss, his change in lifestyle, learning to eat healthy. I told him, “you must have been reading what I write. You have lost 30 pounds, you have added at least 15 years to your life.” Eating correctly, keeping junk out of your body, will encourage you to have a much better life later, because if you think things are bad now, they will be worse later. Has anything improved in your life so far? Are conditions in the world any better today than they were yesterday, last week, last year? I will assure you that nothing will improve, this country, this world is approaching doomsday, only you can control what happens to you.

There are more gyms now than ever before in history, people go in to work out, you see more people running and exercising than ever before. At the same time, more are becoming dope, alcohol, food addicts than ever before. Young people insist on throwing their lives away, there are more suicides now than ever before, especially among the young. There were 36,600 suicides last year, with young girls heading the list. The biggest problem in the military services involves suicides, classes are being held trying to reduce suicide in the military. We have no idea the true numbers, so many suicides are so carefully camouflaged.

Among the many commercial business rentals I have owned, several buildings were rented to night clubs. The largest night club had a capacity of 700, including three bars, a large game room with an arcade and pool tables, gift shops, a large outdoor patio with umbrella tables, a volleyball court, and one of the largest dance floors in the south. The manager was caught up in an affair which became so violent (shooting by his wife) that his family came and moved him out of the state. The assistant manager, a bartender, could perform only with careful direction, my bookkeeper came to me and told me that since it was my money involved, building license, risk, etc. that she would be there in the office, all the time, trying to keep things going until another manager could be found. But I need to be there to give the place the stability, the employees needed. Of course, I am not a nightclub person, but when I did go to one, which I owned, there was no doubt about who was the owner, and who was in charge. I have the gravitas, the bearing, know how to dress, etc. I could always handle things.

It was a Saturday night, the place was packed, I was standing in a hallway near the bathrooms for both men and women. As in most places, there was a line for the women's bathrooms. A black girl, about 21, was waiting in line, shaking and perspiring, such as I had only seen in hospitals, I don't know what type of drug she was using, I do not know what she was drinking, but I told her that she needed to go home. I walked outside with her, and waited until a taxi came. I asked her to come by my house, told her that I wanted to talk with her. I am not a counselor of dope addicts, as with everything else, I am just a thirsty animal telling other thirsty animals where they can find water. Surprisingly, she came by my house, and I talked with her at length about her life, her efforts to escape. I said, “if you think things are bad now, they are going to be worse later.” The only advice I knew to give her was from God's Word, I know the futility of anything else, rehabilitation seldom works...psychological, social engineering seldom works, loving anyone into maturity seldom works, trying to scare anyone into good sense seldom works.

I often give people a small book entitled Finding One's Way, I reached under the chair in which I was sitting and showed her a large print New Testament & Psalms. I said, “this was my grandmother's Bible, she read this every day. After she died, at the age of 85, it was given back to me, I had previously given it to her. I sold these Bibles all over eastern North Carolina to pay my way through school. I want you to read this book and then go to store and buy yourself a Bible, this is your only salvation, your only hope, your only chance.”

She said, “I can't understand why you own a nightclub, and are here talking to me like this.” I said, “I own many buildings, I cannot control what goes on in them any more than I can control what goes on in rental houses I own. All property, all investments are encircled by risk. It would be nice if everyone could be encircled by a cathedral or monastery. All businesses, all professional activity involves matters which not everyone accepts. I do not need the money paid to me by that nightclub, I hate to think what the taxes I pay on that property are used for, but this is not a perfect world. Everything about life is a challenge, many are looking for an escape: illegal drugs, legal drugs, alcohol, suicide. On my several trips to Russia, I was amazed at the alcoholism of the people. They were all trying to escape, visiting there, seeing the things that went on there, I can well understand their attempt to escape...Likewise, you are attempting to escape the realities of life through drugs and alcohol, as bad as things are now, they are only going to get worse. Your only escape, your only redemption is in this book I have given you.”

I never saw her again until, several years later, when my driver had stopped at Walmart to buy something for me. He came back to car and said, “there is a black woman in the store who wants to come out and see you.” He brought her out, a small boy was with her. She said, “Doctor, do you remember me?” Of course, I could barely see her previously. She said, “I took your advice, God change my life, I married and this is my child. I wanted to come by and see you many times, and finally I get the chance to thank you.” For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish. (Psalm 1:6)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I was walking down a street in Moscow, this was when it was the USSR, a collectivist, communist superpower. (Of course, it is my conviction that the USSR was never as “frightful” as our American leaders wanted us to believe. Russia is stronger militarily and financially today, than it ever was then.) All of a sudden, huge underground doors opened, sirens started blaring, large imported cars streaked out from underground...much like pictures in a comic book. Walking down the street in Manhattan, one cold day, the same thing happened. How much of our world is hidden from view? Intrigue at the taxpayer's expense.

Thirty-three new buildings have been built in Washington DC since 9/11, more space than the Pentagon. Buildings, with false/fake windows, all involved in intelligence, with everything we hear, a misnomer in the American political scene. I understand that 864,000 people are engaged in new intelligence work, more than the population of the city.

A Washington Post article stated recently, “The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work … These are some of the findings of a two-year investigation by The Washington Post that discovered what amounts to an alternative geography of the United States, a Top Secret America hidden from public view and lacking in thorough oversight. After nine years of unprecedented spending and growth, the result is that the system put in place to keep the United States safe is so massive that its effectiveness is impossible to determine. “

At a time when the national debt is increasing $3.87 billion each day, when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave Pakistan $7.5 billion yesterday, when the peasants in the field have been beaten down into the furrows of excessive taxation, ludicrous regulations, nanny-state tactics, abrasions from every side, just before they give up completely, many are going to shout, “what is wrong with this picture?”

People keep telling me that I am old, a member of the “old school”. I remember “wet” counties and “dry” counties, I was in a large hotel on Wrightsville Beach, when a prominent Methodist pastor came in and headed toward the dining room with his brown bag. Liquor could be carried into a bar or restaurant in a brown bag, it was called “brown-bagging”. I remember the legislative fights over “liquor by the drink” (North Carolina and Oklahoma were the last two states to legalize liquor by the drink). Like the lottery, there were some Christians who had the backbone to stand up against these sins of addiction, taxation at the cost of your weaker neighbor.

While a student at Chapel Hill, and this man had never tasted alcohol, 8 years of university, many years of military service. The “good ol'” fraternity boys would go to wet Durham country from dry Orange county to get their liquor, the devil's brew. Perhaps I missed that day of class, but I could never understand the hypocrisy of the state, making money, taxing those who least afford to pay for sin: alcohol, tobacco, gambling.

I could never understand church members (Methodists, Episcopal, Presbyterians) running at breakneck speed to the voting booths to vote for alcohol, knowing the degradation, dissolution it had brought into the lives of so many homes.

I could never understand how the Episcopal pastor, a church standing during the Civil war, could say to me, there is no more evil in drinking alcohol than in eating an ice cream cone. Do these hypocrites read the same Bible as the rest of us?

This past weekend, the Highway Patrol cited 117 drivers for driving while impaired in New Hanover and Brunswick county. They also charged 12 different underage drinkers, 98 license violations, 11 reckless drivers, 33 seat belt violations and 79 speeding tickets.

The spineless, corrupt county commissioners pretended they knew nothing about the recent ABC (Alcoholic Beverage Control) board's problems, they pretended they knew nothing about the incredulous salary of the local administrator. Around half a million dollars paid to him and his son in salaries and benefits for handling a shady, but profitable operation. It turns out that this type of thing goes on all over the state. Who cares, the state is making 250 million in profits from liquor sales in state-controlled liquor stores. What is wrong with this picture?

Traveling the world, I saw the inequities of the world...coming from the world's wealthiest country, seeing the world's poorest countries.

As a child, one man in the community was a “land hog” he wanted to own every farm, and the farm next to it. I remember so well, he would come steaming down the road on his big tractor, by us, while we were plowing mules. He would never speak to any of us “wee peasants”, he was the uncle of one of my aunts, my father's brother's wife. She said, “Uncle Bob is so tight, worth millions, his wife has never owned a new dress.” Recently, I asked a pastor, “please answer this question for me” I told him about Uncle Bob, “it so happened that every time there was a drought in the county, my father would gather all the farmers at the church and 'pray for rain'. This man, land hog, who never went to church otherwise, would always shows up at the prayer meeting for rain. Is this enough belief in our blessed Lord to save his soul?” Do those who vote for liquor, lottery, sin and then have our young people arrested for drunkenness, “darken” their soul”? Is there anything wrong with this picture?

Behind the Curtain

My college roommate's wife called me, she said, “I wanted you to know about Robert's death. He was found dead in his hotel room in Las Vegas, you know he had a marvelous medical practice, a marvelous family, two sons as doctors, but he could not resist gambling. He had become completely addicted to gambling. I remembered what he had said to me, 'most of us think we know one another, but we really do not, there is a difference in the outer man and the inner man', the inner man is known only unto God, the public, even one's family and friends, knows only the veneer, the outer man.” I think this is the reason many people are so addicted to their pets, the pet has nothing to hide, what you see in the pet is what you love, and the pet has an unconditional love.

On the farm, we had several barn cats, big cats, emperors of the barn. I pity the child who has never seen a large mother cat move her babies from one place to another, carrying them in her mouth. I pity the biologist who has never seen a large cat torture a small mouse. The genome of the mouse is not very different from that of man, only about 5%. This is the reason rats can be used in medical research; the physiology, neurology of the rat so akin to that of the human being.

The cat always tortures the mouse for a while...never kills him immediately, the mouse is much tastier, desirable once his neurology has been excited. The autonomic nervous system of fight or flight takes effect, the mouse is more desirable after aggravation. Satan, the government, their persecution complex, thinks man is more adaptable and desirable after aggravation. The mouse will take off running, thinking he is escaping, the cat just reaches out with his paw and drags him back, the cat knows what goes on behind the curtain and gets a vicarious thrill from this “feline” activity. I have seen the same thing take place in the African bush, the Katahari, with large lions and wildebeests. The lions always enjoy torturing prey.

We learned long ago, first discovered with Arabian horses, that if a pedigreed animal were ever impregnated by an animal of lower genetics, there are certain “blood prints”, morphology remaining in the pedigreed animal so that signs of lesser pedigree always show up, even after many births with other pedigreed animals, this happens with dogs and many other pedigreed animals. Pedigree papers do not often tell the entire story. We are learning now that children do not like to find the word “donor” in their ancestry. Children get no thrill in knowing that some young man, old enough to have sperm, left sperm in a cup in a bathroom, then used to fertilize his biological mother. Children want an ancestry, God designed the family correctly, God designed the child correctly, not to be a product of science.

I am convinced that deep within the recesses of man, there are shadows in the biology, it is not just good genes, a good immune system, but very important, good intestines, that lead the road of a long life. It is so necessary to look behind the curtain in every life activity, no matter what your destiny becomes. President John F. Kennedy looked behind the curtain in Washington, and saw things which had been hid from him, pertaining to “shadow government”. Rothschild, Rockefeller, umbra over the oil and financial world, then penumbra of silver, gold, and fiat money transactions, I believe this led to his death. Admiral James Forrestal, Admiral Jeremy Boorda, General George Patten, and others looked behind the curtain, knew too much.

I will never understand, how and why anyone can live in this uncertain world without faith in God. Everything in our mental, logic system proves the genuineness, greatness, guarantor of our Creator. Every day, in some way, you escape death, a tree limb does not fall on you, lightning does not strike you, a chemical reaction in your body does not fell you. Driving down the four lane, or even two lane highway, certain death from an approaching, speeding car is just six feet away, if there is a mechanical defect. Think of the people who take statin drugs (cholesterol control), their temporary amnesia. I can think of nothing more dangerous for the human body than statin drugs, as an effort to control cholesterol, or aspartame (artificial sweeteners), preservatives, and other chemicals that “rot” the brain.

The three big ones: heart attack, cancer, stroke are almost superseded by those affected by Alzheimer's. The worse condition I have ever experienced, other than being totally blind, using a statin drug for control of cholesterol. Like many patients, such drugs really affect the mind...memory loss, amnesia. What you put in your mouth so affects your body, why is that so hard to understand? Worse than toxic, polluted food and drink, exotic chemicals from ”big pharma” not helping you, but making the doctor, pharmacist and manufacturer very rich. Look behind the curtain, you know your body more than anyone else. Never before in history, has the average man actually had the ability to research and study pathologies as well as treatments. The time you spend watching garbage, could be better spent studying, researching, praying. The average young person spends 53 hours a week watching electronic media. There is not one question about anything in life that the answer cannot be found in God's “love letter”, laws to his chief creation, mankind. God's design always works best.

Look behind the curtain, the exotic estranged chemicals you are putting in your body whether prescribed or otherwise, are slow death.

Look behind the curtain, the garbage you are being fed mentally by media and your children in their schools is slow death.

Look behind the curtain, the feel-good, “nothing is wrong with you or me”, “God is too picky”, “all you need is love”, the Bible is all mixed up, forms of religiosity, are slow and certain death. Has your church just become a morgue with a steeple?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Painting by the Number

I heard blind Dr. Helen Robinson of the University of Chicago say one time, “I wish I could see well enough just to walk from one room to another without walking into things.” Only a fellow blind person can understand this. God left me with a shadow of vision in one eye for many years, which enabled me to maneuver through airports and get around without walking into things. This was about 40 years ago, since then, it has been a world of blackness. I remember, when I could still see, visiting the world's great art museums, the Louvre in Paris, El Prado in Madrid, etc. When you look at the great works of art, those that sell for millions of dollars, analyzing brush strokes with a magnifier, you can hardly imagine one with the patience, talent, tenacity to give such majesty even to the smallest leaf. Later, someone gave me a painting for my office, painted by number, there is a tremendous difference. So it is with life and death.

It bothers me that some take life so casually, by the number, while others, every minute, every second is a challenge. I believe those that wear the “Roman collar” are not subjected to the same plateaus of indifference as the rest of us. As my father would say, “the preacher came riding up to the church in a nice car, well dressed, associating with the best people in the area, while on Sunday morning, about the time he got his Sunday shoes on, a cow jumped the fence, or hog rooted under a fence, and he had to get outside and get the animal back in. The preacher got paid whether the crops drowned or dried up. Everywhere the preacher went, people were on their best behavior, put the best flatware on the table, tastiest food on the platter.”

Every time I visited the Vatican, I was humbled by Catholics who were there for the first time, the tears that came so quickly. They didn't mind seeing all that opulence, gold, paintings, wealth beyond compare. Why would any member of the Catholic hierarchy want to die and go to heaven? In some of the poorest cities of the world, I always visited the cathedral, I would peek around some of the locked gates, and there were always limousines in the parking lot. Wealth inside the fenced grounds, absolute poverty among the people, young ragged Catholics begging from the tourists.

On July 18th, from his summer palace, Castel Gondolfo, Pope Benedict XVI spoke on essentials of life, he said, “[we must] rest from our daily labors so that we may give time to the one thing that is truly necessary in our lives -listening to the word of God in attentive stillness. God is that 'inner light of love and truth' that gives every action meaning, value, and joy.”

It is easy for a man to speak of joy who eats from golden utensils off of golden plates, the best food which high-paid chefs can prepare, unchallenged by the risk, deceits, decadence of world, who has people bowing to him all day long, kissing his ring, and a billion people in absolute servitude. Can you imagine Christ living in such splendor here on this earth? Christ, God incarnate, born in a borrowed stable, buried in a borrowed tomb.

I found Francis Thompson's grave site in London, this wonderful British poet wrote, “Love is a many splendored thing.” God is love, and Christ told us that he is truth. (John 17:17, John 14:6)

Our blessed Lord never owned a house, a bed, more than one pair of shoes, yet the cattle on a thousand hills were his (Psalm 50:10). All the gold, all the silver, every element in the earth, all made by Him (John 1). Is it not wonderful to know that we are His “workmanship” (Ephesians 2:10)? How we short change ourselves by loving the things of this world (1 John 2:15). Satan wants those who bear the name of Christ to love the world, and the things that are in the world. When you put your idols of technology, luxury living, self-aggrandizement, even insulated opulence of the church ahead of Him, God is jealous. Because He tells us that He is a jealous God (Exodus 34:14, Exodus 20:5).

The Rockefellers (Baptists), owners of Standard Oil, got rich selling oil for 10 cents a barrel. They built the great Riverside Church in New York, and have done much good, but that good will never erase the harm of “planned parenthood”, which they founded and financed.

The Saudis got rich selling oil for 1$ a barrel (5000 princes, royal family) and have given much of their wealth to many of the world's 2 billion member poor Muslim population. But amidst the conflicts involved, they do not mind killing one another (900,000 killed in Iraq-Iran War, 1988). There is no doubt in any one's mind that Iran is about to be involved in war again. The regime in power in Iran will be taken out, the three sects of Muslims: Sunni, Shi'ah, Khawarij will decide who dominates the world stage.

The world powers, including China and Russia, oil being the lubricant of all interests, (Russia interested in pipeline, China in energy supply) all have chosen sides...Israel has nothing to worry about (Genesis 12). World powers, including the Arabs, if they will read the Bible, will know that Israel's protection is predestined. There is a world coalition against Iran, Obama has already been bowing and scraping to the Saudis, this pending Middle East conflict is his trump card for reelection. It is only Americans who do not know what the world's Muslims know, that Obama is a Sunni Muslim. Democrats cannot read print, numbered paintings, or anything else because they are too busy with abortions and the gay agenda. Democrats pushed a communist-capitalist-Muslim into the White House, but many will survive to repent.

Crucial as the world stage, our national dilemma: bioethics, cloning, stem cells, biological warfare via germs, artificial and synthetic biology (hematology directed towards synthetic blood for use with pets and in warfare), cryogenics (not realizing that ice crystals so damage tissue). Scientists have so embarrassed themselves about many things (Global Warming, Gulf Oil, Recalled Drugs, etc.), many still believing that man is just a pile of chemicals, the injustice of killing one human being to save another. Thinking that the power who created the scientists, does not have the power to change everything. We too are looking for change, the change which the creator, not the creature, can make.