Friday, March 30, 2012

Heart Trouble

Fifty years ago, health history of patients, the most common complaint, heart trouble. Still today, the three leading causes of death in America, heart trouble, cancer, stroke. Little has changed, although billions spent (supposedly, searching for answers) - ($4.9 billion, cancer research) This doctor would say to the patients, “What kind of heart trouble?” Many of us have romantic heart trouble, more have spiritual heart trouble. Those two are much easier to handle. It is that pump inside your chest, sending a blood supply two thousand miles through vessels, to every cell of your body, that is the most important component-aspect of your existence. The first thing you measure to determine death is blood pressure. I check my blood pressure once a week, this morning, 120/75.

Many years ago, when I could see, I was a shopping cart voyeur... looking to see the junk people were eating, the cardboard containers many times had more nutrition than the food in the containers. You can eat 75% less if you eat nutritious food. For you to survive, the cells-mitochondria of your body, must have nutrition. The body which God gave you, unlike any other in the world, is a temple, not a dumpster.

The most magnificent creation in God's creation, his creatures, made in his image, made to magnify Him. Darwin's book would never catch on today... we are too well informed, we know the magnificence of the animal body, particularly the human body, with it's crowning glory, it's nervous system. The bird has better eyes, the cat, better musculature, the dog, a better nose, the horse, a better digestive system.

Once, I was talking with Dr. W.C. George, long time professor of Anatomy, UNC-CH medical school. I was talking about hard farm life. He said, “You poor thing, all those berries growing on ditch banks, fresh fruit from trees-eggs-garden produce. There is no healthier life than life on the farm... fresh raw milk, fresh well water.

Education, permits, licenses, FDA, EOC, etc., etc. are killing us. Even the average uneducated citizen knows that food grown without benefit of chemicals, is better for you. You can be sure that a cow eating radiated grass, tested with radiated milk, is producing radiated meat when butchered. You can be sure that chemicals in fertilizers, pesticides, will show up on your plate. Pharmaceuticals have never cured anything, just delay death. Chemicals, regardless of how they get in your body, accumulate. The most important thing in your healthcare is detoxification.

A California organic farmer, James Stewart, faces 40 years in prison for selling raw milk and other metabolic foods. The alternatives, holistic, informed scientists and others know that foods grown and prepared with purity are better for you. We know that Garlic is God's medicine-antibiotic. We know that the body should be supplemented with Cur-cumin, (Turmeric) Fennel, Cinnamon, Cayenne Pepper. It is past time for the individual to become interested in his own body, his own survival. Under government health plans, particularly Obama's plan, care will be scarce. The average practitioner cannot survive on government payment. (medicare, medicaid) I remember very well that my welfare patients were free. It cost me more than the two dollars I received to do the paperwork. After years of having, next to your spiritual dealings, the best relationship in the world, doctor-patient, the doctor in the horse and buggy or otherwise, Marxist governments has destroyed this also. It started with assembly line care, insurance for everything although health insurance was once just for large ticket hospitalization. Then comes Big Pharma, even diagnosing on television, a once great Western medical system is now history.

When I was in school, we were embarrassed to speak of abortion, euthanasia. Cancer, diabetes were rare. Autism has doubled in the past five years. The scientific quacks on television blame everything except the cause, vaccinations. The CEO of any pharmaceutical corporation, president of any hospital, would jump from the nearest window, if approached with the fifteen vaccines given a newborn baby. We really do have heart trouble.


And when I should remember the paragons of Hellas

I think instead

Of the crooks, the adventurers, the opportunists,

The careless athletes and the fancy boys,

The hair-splitters, the pedants, the hard-boiled sceptics

And the Agora and the noise

Of the demagogues and the quacks; and the women pouring

Libations over graves

And the trimmers at Delphi and the dummies at Sparta and lastly

I think of the slaves.

This is no river of the dead or Lethe,

Tonight we sleep

On the banks of the Rubicon – the die is cast;

There will be time to audit

The accounts later, there will be sunlight later

And the equation will come out at last.’

  • Katie Fleming

This writer has traveled around the world 8 times, every continent, passport stamped in 157 countries, many countries several times.

On the nightly BBC radio broadcasts, weather reports are given from certain cities around the world. I have never heard the weather from a city I have not visited. I remember crossing the Rubicon, the river which Julius Caesar crossed in 49BC, Northern Italy. Several trips, I probably traveled Italy more than any other country.

Rubicon, the Damascus gate at Jerusalem, Agora in India, the great wall of China, a myriad of other places, I would often slap myself on the head, and say, “am I really here?” This blind veteran, born in poverty, knowing as very few have known, discipline in obtaining my education.

Why did God reach down and pick me out of a family, choose me to represent Him around the world? People take on the nature of the god they serve. Most take on the nature-values of their idols. I always knew that my relatives, decent people as they were and are, were just playing church, thinking that they were fooling God, actually praying, conniving-conjuring, a belief system more acceptable by the world than the Holiness of God.

I truly believe that it is the conflicting discipline in life of trying to rationalize the daily physical mediation involving the world-flesh-devil with the spiritual expectations of your soul's commitment. The hypocrite has it so easy, just go along to get along, no basic philosophy-value system.

Your personality becomes conflicted between the extrovert, which you want to be... happy go-lucky, everyone’s friend, fitting in everywhere or the introverted, serious-minded, basic values and rules of conduct. I probably became the AMBIVERT, very much at ease with myself, spiritually and professionally, yet knew how to circulate amongst those who did not know what they were or where they were going.

It has never been easy to live the “directed” life... you are called a nut, “different”, religious fanatic. After all, life is a matter of cutting corners, political-correctness, popularity...”the end justifies he means”.

When I prepared to enter the University, my mother said, “Thomas, things will be different there, but if you cannot adjust to the differences in people, you might as well stay home.” I knew she knew that God had chosen me and had been preparing me, as poor as the preparations were, to travel a different road, live a different life.

I was aware, even then, that there are genuine people in the world, that everyone is not a pretender, a masquerade or charade. In all the community, church house, school house, I had watched Mrs. Sophronia. Mr. Kinchin's wife had died, his children were all grown and married, a land owner at one time, he had lost all during the great depression. Against the wishes of his children, Mrs. Sophronia married him, was very good to him, made sure he was always at the church, comfortable. But, at the communion service, she would not participate, get up and walk out of the church, because she knew that his children were angry with her. It did not bother them, the fact that she had given up her life to care for their father, that she believed enough in the worthiness of the communion elements, (wine and bread representing the blood and body of Jesus) to participate if angry with people in the church. HER CHRISTIANITY WAS REAL.

The entire Bible is about One man, Jesus Christ, the son of God, the gold thread of Jesus winds through every verse of the Bible, even though some scriptures are historical, not entirely gospel. To show the value that God placed on His son, the entire creation of the world and everything in it is presented in just four chapters of Genesis. But, the tabernacle in the wilderness, built to God's exact specifications, the Holy of Holies-Ark of Covenant, all representing Jesus, covers twenty chapters of the Bible, Exodus 25 – 45. Serving the God of the Bible is serious business. Every word in the Bible, there for a reason.

Recent history, the world effeminized, the military, judicial, spiritual.

Ahab was Israel's most wicked King and I believe it was because of his wicked wife, Jezebel. There is a Jezebel spirit in today's world, that Jezebel spirit can take everything. The world is desperate for a “Nathan” spirit, husbands, fathers, uncles, leaders.

This Christian writer's greatest humility, contending with the Jezebel spirit in the opposite sex... the fact that I am a divorced man. This ambivert takes comfort from the man God loved, David, who, because of his sin with Uriah's wife, Bathsheba, produced Solomon. What would the world be like without King Solomon. God moves in “mysterious” ways. My son, the best features of his mother and I trust of me... the true ambivert and, of course, I have two special grandsons.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Did you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I
I will survive

The above 1978 hit song, I Will Survive, Gloria Gaynor, is the survival mode in which Americans should find themselves in 2012.

Most think life will go on as usual, but life in America will never be the same again as it was just a few months, few years ago. Financially, morally, spiritually, we have sown to the wind and we are reaping a whirlwind. (Hosea 8:7) Only those more blind than this writer could possibly be so deceived about what is going on, wars, protestors, threats, all over the world and, because of a state controlled news media, we know little about what is really happening. (Libya. Syria, Egypt, etc.) Open borders, pretenders and protestors of every stripe infiltrating every area of life, we can only imagine what is going on around us, our own community. Our demonition in the world is all protracted, amid the pretense of security. We have failed to recognize that our enemies hate us, want nothing but our demise. As we have claimed superpower status, and others have advised that there are hundreds of nuclear “accidents” just waiting to happen… in the confusion, enemies, foreign and domestic, just moving in. We were taught to “turn the other cheek”, but our enemies have been taught conquest. The politicians and beurocrats, super rich, including the Bush family who purchased 200,000 acres in South America, have bought escapes such as homes in Chile, Argentina, Island homes in the Pacific. For the masses here and everywhere as it has always been, a matter of survival.

What do you say to those who do not have a faith to live by or die with. It is like the man, in a time of flood, vicious water current, hanging on to a tree stump. An angel comes to him and sas, “Do you want me to save you”, then, the angel said, “do you believe I can save you?” Looking at the muscular angel, the man said yes, please save me. The angel said, “then let go.”

We need to cling to our faith but not let go of our survival skills. I will never understand why, “in times like these”, survival is not taught in the public schools, clubs, churches. The bomb shelters of WWII, long discarded except in communist countries where they have an intricate maze of tunnels which would shelter thousands, for instance, Moscow and Beijing. Israel, probable target of a Middle East nuclear attack, shelters not only for bomb attacks but fallout.

High on the agenda of those preparing any country for enemy attack, should be preparation for biologicals. Nations learned their lesson in WWII, carpet bombings, rebuilding. We know how easy it is to “hatch-out” microbiology organisms, H1N1, Anthrax, (Toxins, viruses, fungi of biological warfare.) Mass deaths of human beings leaving behind their stuff.

Of vital interest to me, survival in the home, after an attack. Stay inside, act as if you had come in from wallowing in a mud puddle. Wash off totally all outside contamination, clothing in a plastic bag for discard. Cover the largest organ of your body, the skin, with a coating of cream. Breathe through a surgical mask, use duct tape over all cracks where air from the outside can come in. You must realize that you are ON YOUR OWN, there will be no help from anywhere. No need to call rescue, EMS, there is no one at the hospital to care for you. The police, fire, doctors and nurses are all at home attempting to survive also. There is no power and may not be for many months. You should have prepared ahead of time with water and food, first aid, emergency kit, needed medicine, supplements. You will now put flesh and blood on ancestors of the past, Bible patriots, military and civilians who built your country. They learned survival at a time when there was no electric power, water in pipes, survival books.

I Am the world’s greatest believer in herbal-mineral supplements. I believe that God put everything on earth that mankind needs to survive. It perplexes me to go to a health food store and find today’s young “marketeers” of health survival, victims of tattoos and piercings, the most unhealthy thing I can imagine.

This writer has traveled the world, peered into every area of health and survival facility… seen the witch doctors, (healers) at work. I was raised on a country farm, know the healing ability of turpentine, tar, oils. We know the healing potential of clay, magnets, coconut oil, poultices, such may not be available. Physically and spiritually, how does one face a time like this without a heavenly father, the comfort of the Holy Spirit of God. “I [am] the LORD that healeth thee.” (Exodus 15:26)

Jesus died to atone for your sins as well as your healing. (Isaiah 53) The apostle Peter looking back said, “by whose stripes ye were healed.” (1 Peter 2:24) In good times, bad times, peace times, war times, survival times. “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. (Hebrews 13:5)

Monday, March 26, 2012


This morning the winning ticket for the Mega Millions lottery is $356 million. Just think, one ticket, the winning of $356 million, an amount of money which very few people on earth have inherited, and under today's taxation, very few could ever earn. Many years ago, when the state of NC was promoting the lottery as an educational “project”, as this writer did when the sate was attempting to legalize liquor stores, a matter of Christian conviction, I worked against both... boozing and gambling. One of my professional friends said on the radio, “Dr. Morris is destroying hope, that such a gambling system was the only hope in this world of some people ever having money.”

This is probably true, that there is little hope for anyone ever accumulating such a fortune in dollars. If this totally blind veteran could only get across to people the fortune they have in their healthy body, good eyesight, hearing, and other senses, even the blessedness of being able to sleep at night, far more valuable than physical health, mental health, and far more valuable than physical and mental health, spiritual health. What man in his right mind would exchange $356 million for his redemption-salvation through Christ through eternal life... a gift.

The image is forever etched in my brain, the four WWII veterans, veterans hospital, Millingotn, TN, same room, special beds, all four without arms or legs. I was an intern in that hospital, those paid to take care of them did not last very long. What these four had given to their country, “got to their caregivers real fast.” Forever etched in my mind, a small child, with my father, visiting his friend who worked there, the asylum for the negro insane. (now Cherry Hospital) Goldsboro, NC. The black mental patients tied with ropes to buildings. (I have described this in another blog, the type buildings, the manner in which they were tied, those who could work-working in fields)

In love with God's word, God's book, you must put flesh and blood on historical-Bible characters. Saul was selected as first King of Israel because he was the tallest man in the nation and a valiant warrior. One of the most awesome stories, the conflict between King Saul and King David. After Saul's death, and the golden age of Israel with David as King, although Saul had tried to kill him, David asked if Saul had any heirs left. Ziba, a house servant of Saul, told him about a grandson, Mephibosheth (Jonathan's son, 2 Samuel 9)

We learn to love certain words, unfamiliar and not found in most vocabularies, such a word is “fetch”. I love the word probably because I heard my grandparents use it so many times. David instructed his servants to fetch Mephibosheth from Lodebar. (2 Samuel 9:5) Mephibosheth had been crippled since the age of five, when his nurse had dropped him. Lodebar means “no pastures” (2 Samuel 17:27) and probably means that the grandson of a King was just surviving, even though a King’s heir.

Mephibosheth was brought to the palace, ate at the King's table, however, he realized his disabled-pitied condition. And he bowed himself, and said, What is thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am? (2 Samuel 9:8) Chosen by the King, and here we must look upon David as God, with his feet under the King's table, there was no sign of disability.

There is nothing accidental with God, He planned it all. Those of us who are disabled are in His plans, at God's table, we sit with those of you who are normal. I'm sure God takes note of how we are treated.

For the liberals, the democrats, the communists, those who totally embrace equal wealth, equal housing-healthcare, equal everything. God did not make the world that way. “the poor you have with you always” (Mark 14:7) Jesus' greatest miracles involved the healing of the blind, crippled. Satan, liar, extraordinaire, would have you believe that God would have all, particularly His chosen, healthy, wealthy, and wise. It is not that way, there are Lodebars (no pastures) in many lives, both the just and the unjust. (Matthew 5:45) God is anxious to see what the disabled will do with their lives in affliction and the attitude of those not in affliction. This totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer veteran of the Korean War, HAS WATCHED to determine how disabled are treated by the normal, particularly at the church house. Laws have been enforced about the school house, courthouse, and even the out house. (handicapped rails-ramps in bathrooms) God must be amazed to see so few blind, crippled, poor, in His house, and how they are treated there

The poorest welfare citizen in America lives better than the wealthy Lodebars of the world. The poorest medicaid recipient in America, 2012, would have been considered rich, even in America, in 1712, 1812, or 1912. And, never forget, many millions, many zeroes, can never buy health, happiness, eyesight, or salvation through grace by faith in God.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Traveling the world (8 round the world trips, every continent, passport stamped in 157 countries, both Arctic and Antarctic) certain things, of the myriad of sights seen, stay in the mind. Every time, involving synchronization, harmony, accord, staying in step. Whether it is the great clock at Gothenburg, Sweden, which has kept perfect time for many centuries, the great ice sculptures in the valley of paradise, western peninsula of Antarctica, horses jumping off cliffs into the bay, hundreds of feet below at Acapulco, Mexico, or perhaps, the cake of soap in a North African synagogue, made from human flesh during the holocaust, you know that it is when human beings, animals, nature, are in synch or out of synch (in step or out of step, in line or out of line) that the expected or unexpected occurs. Human beings do not get out of synch, out of step unless they have lost their integrity. Nations get out of synch when they have forgotten demography-accurate road maps. Europe, once the lynchpin-keystone of western civilization, has totally changed, corroded, by an influx of African-Asian immigrants, socialism, and the forsaking their heritage of Christian faith. America seems intent on heading in the same direction.

Nations nor individuals hit bottom with one great leap, there are usually signposts on the way down. Surely, 2000 years of Christian history, has taught that Satan rules the world... nothing thrilling Satan more, nations and individuals, compromising right and wrong. The daily prayer should have been, “lead us not into temptation,” (Matthew 6) with a corollary, and help us not to put temptation in another's path.

Perhaps in all our systems of living, loss of synchronization, nowhere more evident than in healthcare. I still remember Dr. Margaret Swanton, professor of pathology, saying to me, “the body does not function the way it is written in books.” I have found that books are just a guide, so many scientists with little common sense.

I heard Dr. Russel Blaylock, neurosurgeon, writer of countless books-articles, lecturer all over the world, say, “the CEO of Merck-Monsanto, most corporations who manufacture drugs-vaccines, would jump out of their high headquarters window, if you tried to inoculate him with the 15 vaccines with which you insist on inoculating small babies.” Just think, vaccinating babies for Anthrax, Tetanus. There is nothing more important in human survival than the immune system. For thousands of years in the history of mankind, the system formed on it's on, ready to fight invasions. Now, compromised, autism, other complications. Out of synch, the human body, poisoned by synthetics... aspartame-plastics, (Aluminum in vaccines) to say nothing of GMOs, (Genetically Modified Organisms) MSGs, (Mono-sodium Glutamates) poisons in our drinking water (fluoride, chloride.) We are so observant, careful of our temple's (body) exterior, if we could only see what garbage has done to the interior of our body.

Birds do not defecate in their own nests, dogs do not defecate in their own yard. If there is ever a time for concern, one human being to another, it is at a time of sickness, particularly, patient in a hospital. This writer never experienced real pain, military hospitals, etc. until I went to a local hospital for elective surgery. (prostate cancer) The germs in the hospital, took over, staph infections (nosocomial infection)-HAI (hospital acquired infections) 1.7 million hospital-associated infections, from all types of microorganisms, including bacteria, combined, cause or contribute to 99,000 deaths each year. (JAMA, 2000) The third leading cause of death in America, errors in hospitals. There are more deaths from drug confusions in hospitals than traffic deaths. We only have what patients themselves report. One of my friends in a nursing home, (old, alone, no family, no one to observe) kept calling me about getting the wrong medication form the nursing home attendant. She could see, I told her how to mark her bottles. As expected, the attendant was taking her pain medicine. Money is not made from dead patients, they try to keep them alive. But, she died and is now out of pain.

Deathly ill, taken back to the hospital, this blind medical officer, crawled out of bed, did some investigating, WHY I OR ANYONE ELSE SHOULD GET SICKER IN THE HOSPITAL THAN ANY WHER ELSE. To my amazement, I found there were overstuffed chairs, draperies at the windows, carpet in the corridor of the hospital. CAN YOU IMAGINE BETTER HARBORS FOR GERMS? What was wrong with the supposed, trained medical minds, who worked there. (doctors, nurses) This writer, inspecting an Army hospital, could have closed it down for brooms in closets and other things showing lack of controls.

Traveling the world, my interest in healthcare. On Easter island, the island 500 miles off the coast of Chile, not one patient in the hospital, the natives enjoying such good health because of their eating and exercise habits.

In Shin Yang, Manchuria China, like an Alfred Hitchcock horror movie, surgery rooms, large hospital, prisoners, bodies opened, while still alive, vital organs being removed. (Science writer Tim Johnson states: 3,000-6,000 prisoners are killed each year.) In Tianfin, China, Pakistan businessman walked around chatting with other organ recipients.

In Africa, I saw patients on mats, on the floor. Outside, families of patients cooking food over an open fire for themselves and their family member patient. It was up to the family to care for their patient inside the crude hospital. America, $2.2 Trillion spent on healthcare each year. (CNN Money) High rise buildings, the latest in all healthcare technology, yet America ranks tenth in the world in quality of care. Ranking number one is the United Kingdom, where robots do most of the work... caring for the patients, laundry, food. Human contact with the patient only through special psychologists.

Once a system is socialized, you never get it back. Once a system becomes an economic engine.. just a source of more and more money, particularly for Big Pharma, you lose it all. For instance, a real threat, the mandated Gardasil vaccination. A money maker for the promoters, just those reported, 19,000 reactions, 100 deaths, a rare cancer.

Today, Christians get more direct orders form God than did His disciples while they were alive. From the beginning, God is a healing God... Jehovah jireh. Help us keep His synchronization in our discipleship.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Paul Harvey

This speech was broadcast by legendary ABC Radio commentator Paul Harvey on April 3, 1965:

If I were the Devil . . . I mean, if I were the Prince of Darkness, I would of course, want to engulf the whole earth in darkness. I would have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree, so I should set about however necessary to take over the United States. I would begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: “Do as you please.” “Do as you please.”To the young, I would whisper, “The Bible is a myth.” I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what is bad is good, and what is good is “square”. In the ears of the young marrieds, I would whisper that work is debasing, that cocktail parties are good for you. I would caution them not to be extreme in religion, in patriotism, in moral conduct. And the old, I would teach to pray. I would teach them to say after me: “Our Father, which art in Washington” . . .

If I were the devil, I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull an uninteresting. I’d threaten T.V. with dirtier movies and vice versa. And then, if I were the devil, I’d get organized. I’d infiltrate unions and urge more loafing and less work, because idle hands usually work for me. I’d peddle narcotics to whom I could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. And I’d tranquilize the rest with pills. If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects but neglect to discipline emotions . . . let those run wild. I would designate an atheist to front for me before the highest courts in the land and I would get preachers to say “she’s right.” With flattery and promises of power, I could get the courts to rule what I construe as against God and in favor of pornography, and thus, I would evict God from the courthouse, and then from the school house, and then from the houses of Congress and then, in His own churches I would substitute psychology for religion, and I would deify science because that way men would become smart enough to create super weapons but not wise enough to control them.

If I were Satan, I’d make the symbol of Easter an egg, and the symbol of Christmas, a bottle. If I were the devil, I would take from those who have and I would give to those who wanted, until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious. And then, my police state would force everybody back to work. Then, I could separate families, putting children in uniform, women in coal mines, and objectors in slave camps. In other words, if I were Satan, I’d just keep on doing what he’s doing.

Paul Harvey, Good Day.

Addition: Dr. Morris

We still miss him.

Paul Harvey was born in September 4,1918, died on February 28, 2009, age 90. He was on the radio for 75 years with an audience at its peak of 24 million, on 1200 stations. He often referred to his wife, Angel, his business partner. She died one year before him at age 92.

To show the importance of one school teacher, The son of a policeman,[5] Harvey made radio receivers as a young boy. He attended Tulsa Central High School where a teacher, Isabelle Ronan, was "impressed by his voice." On her recommendation, he started working at KVOO in Tulsa in 1933, when he was 14. His first job was helping clean up. Eventually he was allowed to fill in on the air, reading commercials and the news. Harvey then moved to Chicago, where in June 1944, he began broadcasting from the ABC affiliate WENR.

Dr. Thomas R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
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(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)

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Life Years

The English philosopher, Alexander Pope said, “A new beatitude I give to you, Blessed is the man who expects nothing, for he will never be disappointed.” Those of us in our 8th decade of life, amazingly, have lived through about one-third of the history of America. We have seen a total change in this nation, land of the free, home of the brave. Perhaps the greatest change, life now expressed in life years, the quality-adjusted life year, (QALY) measure of disease burden, including both the quality and the quantity of life lived.

Next week, the Supreme Court will hear arguments concerning “so-called” Obama-care. Those of you who voted for the imposter in the White House, and I say again, what I have said many times in the past, a real, born again, Christian could not vote for such, will learn the consequences of your act of treason.

This writer can say this because I live every minute of every day as a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected medical officer, veteran of the Korean Conflict era.

After the Korean War, this veteran became active in an organization, started in California, called the Christian anti-communism crusade.(CACC) The movement was headed by Dr. Frederick Schwarz, a California Christian doctor, passionate about saving America from godless communism.

We obviously failed beyond all comprehension, without a revolution, without a shot being fired, a Marxist is in the White House, President of the United States.

One of Joseph Stalin's chief henchmen, was Leon Trotsky, Marxist, politician, first head of the Red Army, his great grandson, David Axelrod, is now advisor, henchman, to Barrack Obama. (alias, Barry Soetoro) In the Leon Trotsky book, THE PROPHET ARMED the takeover of America is outlined. IF doctor Frederick Schwarz had lived, many of us would have joined him in a Christian “Save America campaign”.

Trotsky stipulates the takeover of America in the following steps. You will note that most have been accomplished: 1) The United Nations should be in control of mankind. For the first time in history, the President of the United States is a member of the UN security council 2) Combination of both political parties, Republican and Democrat, same liberal-socialist ideology, controlling both. 3) Total takeover the healthcare system. This is the first target in every socialist country because healthcare controls not only the life of each citizen, but the money of the country. 4) Control of all news media. 5) Control of all public education. 6) Coexistence with other communist countries. 7) Free trade between all nations. 8) Internalization the Panama Canal (accomplished during the presidency of communist, Jimmy Carter) 9) Freedom of the homosexual and pornography agenda, no fault divorce-heterosexuals 10) Penetration and takeover of all churches.

Only the most naive American would not recognize that every step in the communist takeover has been completed, remarkably so, EXCEPT the total takeover of all “Christian” denominations, all churches.

Only one more blind than this writer, would not recognize what is happening... Driscoll, Ed Young, Jr., Osteen. Warren. Pastor Mark Driscoll centers his church around sex (Song of Solomon), his favorite book in the Bible, street language (using words which should not come from any Christian's mouth, homosexuality) Ed Young, pastor of a mega-member church, (father, pastor of large Houston, TX church) must like Driscoll, attempting to attract unbelievers with sexual innuendo, Young actually spent time on top of the church, before God and the world, in a double bed with his wife. Osteen and Warren are just religious hucksters, more interested in counting numbers than making numbers count. The Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian and other denominations are more pagan than Christian.

When the communists come into power, church-politics-family, everything is out of the closet, self-satisfied enough to be brazen about ideology. The atheists actually put up signs bragging about their unbelief, liberated theology puts up road signs concerning their liberated beliefs... found mostly in black churches. Those so consumed with civil rights, just a few years ago, now unashamed that 52% of black babies are aborted. The black population, the academics, news media, all so PROUD of their liberalism, that they want to spit in the face of Almighty God, and those who still believe in God, who honor God with their lives. America has become an anti-Christian, depot-reservoir of power... Marketing Evil, no longer salt and light (the marks of Christianity, Christ, the light of the world, Christians, the salt of the world.) “Thy testimonies are wonderful: therefore doth my soul keep them.” (Psalm 119:129)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


In Organicism, and this has always been a problem to the evolutionists, we find that all natural life systems are more or less connected, but not as expected in an evolutionary way. For instance, the less complex botanical life (plants) are probably younger than the more complex. (flowers, seeds, etc.) Ontogeny and Phylogeny becomes more complicated with every scientific discovery, does not always recapitulate but man, so smart, thinks he is capable of realigning creation... trying to improve on God's Sovereignty. Twinking the absurd scientist with letters after their name, putting feathers on dinosaurs. Have you ever studied the many type feathers, hollow aviary bones? There is no better proof of this than the confusion that the school teacher, psychologist, military forces, encounter every day.

Before complex electronics, particularly television, the mind was trained, very much as you train an animal or plant, simple moving toward the more complicated. Since television, and to a lesser extent, the movie house and computer, young minds are bombarded with hyper-complex words and ideas before the nervous system (learning ability) is capable of absorbing such. A good baby sitting “tool”, parents put there most precious possession, (incomparable gift of God, a combination of their family DNA going back centuries), in front of pictures, noises, situations, to which the child is not prepared to handle or comprehend.

Then, the child is sent to school, expected to perform in a traditional-rational manner. Only with Big Pharma's chemicals can one control this child’s nervous system, any learning achieved. So confused, if able to conquer lower grades, almost always remediation required before college. The only normal education, normal students are home schooled. Now you can understand the drug addictions of young people.

Before Vietnam, the military medical officer turned down an applicant with a history of drug activity. (Ritalin, designer drugs, alcoholism, etc.) Now, military forces are “stabilized” with psychosomatic drugs. “Central Command policy allows troops a 90- or 180-day supply of highly addictive psychotropic drugs before they deploy to combat.” Nextgov 75% of the 25 million Americans addicted to alcohol are the youth ages 16-29. The nation's number one health problem is smoking and the results of smoking. A large percentage of the American population is treated for stress. Patients taking antidepressants double each year.

Has America gone absolutely crazy, sending the joys of their families into a military climate, reeking with “don't ask, don't tell”, addictive drugs unprepared in every way, educationally, financially, to face a remote pseudo-civilized world of religious contradictions?

On March 13th, a ferry sank near Dhaka, Bangladesh. 90% of the world's population lives near water. (oceans, rivers, etc.) The cost of bridges-transportation, poor countries, you find ferries, a practical method of getting people from one place to another... for instance Indonesia, hundreds of islands. When these ships go down, there is always a large loss of life, such as the 120 here. We have reached the time in the history of man when life is very cheap, warfare, ferry-plane-vehicle tragedies. Most of all, the killing of the most innocent-abortion. Rep. Chris Smith stated recently that bioethicists in Australia are now advancing (premeditated) death of babies days and weeks after birth. Death squads travel through Holland, euthanizing old people... many of whom do not want to die. Individuals and nations value life when it is too late. There is nothing more final than death.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


The greatest sin in the world is probably the sin of presumption, presuming that something-anything is alright when many times it is not. Even with faith, we put faith in the fact that we can move at great speeds up and down the highway, presuming that our vehicle is in good mechanical order as are those moving around us. When, the least fractional error could cause a horrendous pile-up and death.

In 1982, twelve people died from taking Tylenol tablets which they had purchased at a grocery store in Chicago. They had faith that no one had tampered with the bottles, did not realize that an evil person had replaced Tylenol with arsenic.

Every action, everyday of our lives, built around faith and risk. So it is with our eternal security. Jesus warns us about misplaced faith. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” (Mathew 7:21)

Down the beach from my house on the beach, a seafood restaurant opened five years ago. Totally blind, I seldom get out. But, people ask me about the place. They tell me that there are always people waiting to get in, that everyone up and down the beach talks about this wonderful restaurant, wonderful food.

Madison Avenue taught merchants, years ago, to show a presumption of activity-business. Movie theatres like to have a line, restaurants like to have customers waiting for a table. The professional (doctor, lawyer, accountant) wants a small reception area, a standing room only business. In the successful professional practice, you want to give the appearance of a filled appointment book. (we will try to work you in)

Years ago, the small town in which I had my professional practice, an ice cream outlet store... no tables, no chairs, you went in and purchased your ice cream and ate it in your car or on your way. No one was too poor or too wealthy to go there. The ice cream, with all its toppings, was good beyond compare, priced right, and the very sight of people of all ages-stations in life, enjoying ice cream, was the greatest business builder in the world.

One would presume that the church would never “beg” for worshipers. Just think, the Creator of the universe, the One who flung the very stars into space, who counts the very hairs on your head, who knows your every thought and action, who has promised that He will never leave you or forsake you on the earth... will take care of every need, not only now but for eternity,. And you just play games with Him, trying to make Him think that you are serious when he knows your heart. All He asks is trust and, you show Him in every way,every day, that you do not trust Him. Do you really believe He considers you a Faither? (a person showing the actions of faith) (Hebrews 11:6) I have known people who would go through any type weather to satisfy their “longings” at a good restaurant, good movie. I have seen people sit in the rain, sleet, snow, to watch a college football game. When you see these things, you understand why God is a jealous God, why God so objects to the worship of idols.

I know people who can talk at length about certain “slop” on TV, can recite statistics about sports or politics, they know nothing about God's Book, God's work, but expect to go to heaven when they die.

God talks much in His Book about ants. There is no greater story in His creation. (Proverbs 30:25, 6:6) There is much to study about the ant, preparing, working but, the most important, when one ant finds something good, in a very short time, many other ants know about it. I'm sure it was hard to keep blind Bartimaeus quiet after Jesus restored his eyesight, lepers, others sick.

ONE COULD PRESUME, if not knowing history, human nature, hypocrisy that saved, born again, baptized believers would have a testimony about Jesus Christ, so passionate that you could not keep them quiet, could not keep them from a place of worship... talking, acting, different from the rest of the world... in love with their Savior.

Just an Imitation, Anyway

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.

What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.

In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

­Mother Teresa

The above was found on Mother Teresa's wall, children's hospital, Calcutta India

In his book, Imitation of Christ, Thomas a Kempis said, “I am what I am before God, No more, No less.” At our best, we are just a poor imitation of Christ. (Man was created in the image of God, the Christian, Christ-like) In zoos, parks, all over the world, I have seen caged animals. One gorilla, known for always walking around the edge, pulling at the bars, trying to escape his cage, one day, found that the keeper had left his door unlocked. The gorilla opened the door of the cage, having been so anxious to escape, walked out, swung around, looked around for a while, an then went back into the cage. On the farm, a pig rooting under the fence, would escape for a while but always find the hole under the fence, and get back in. The chicken might fly over the fence, but always wanted to get back into the chicken yard. We animals love our prisons.

When we leave our “cage”, restrictions of traditions, addictions, dazed-glazed-amazed, now, what would God have me do? We are all prisoners-slaves of one type or another. We usually pick our master... conservative, libertarian, chemical dependence, laziness, ruthlessness, sometimes genetic, almost always learned, a matter of values, self-esteem.

We see things in others which we cannot see in ourselves... attractive or repugnant. A woman will take a magazine with a picture of a movie star to her hairdresser, believing that the hairdresser can make her hair look like that in the picture. The matron wants her dress to fit like the dress on the mannequin in the window. The fat man on the lazy boy, watching basketball on the television can tell Michael Jordan how to play basketball. When we first meet our friend's husband or wife, we wonder what in thew world did he or she see in him or her. But, usually, a divorced person will remarry someone very much like the one divorced. We are all different, yet all the same. I have traveled the world, never seen the statue of a critic, never heard a tribute to a critic. Even under ruthless communism, even in totalitarian China where men and women wear the same type clothing (same pants, shirts, caps-same color, even the same type haircut), they want liberty and individuality. No matter the age-shape-size-race-personality of any individual, all animals respond to one trait, encouragement, even the pet likes a treat for good performance... giving best version of self.

An Indian chief gave an Indian legend that there is a battle that goes on inside every brave. Two wolves at war with one another... “One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego, the other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.” The one who wins the fight-struggle is the one you feed.

This writer, many years traveling the world, every continent, trekking through the ruins of ancient civilizations. Older than Stonehenge and probably the great pyramid in Giza is Gobekli Tepe, Turkey, where marvels of ancient art are found in the temples. It is hard for us to imagine what life was like in these ancient civilizations, even what the people were like. But, we do know that from creation, God instilled a conscience enabling them to get along with one another and create carvings of beauty to share. We have some concept of their religious beliefs before and immediately after Noah's flood. It is with the six empires beginning with the Egyptian and ending with the Roman. Their influence on God's chosen people, the Jews, the occupying and persecution of the Jewish people, leading to the birth of Christianity, that we understand what God is doing in the world that He created, choosing a people for Himself. Paul attempted to interpret the book of Hebrews, (Hebrews 1:3) Cain substituting grace for works. The fact that God is in charge, as shown by His choice of Isaac, Jacob above Esau. (Romans 9:13)

Imitating Christ, building the church, has become so foreign to God's intentions. The devil has real power over the world, hypocrisy makes him happiest, churches becoming beggars, both for worshipers and giving: Just think, begging people to worship, begging people to five to the one they supposedly worship. The preacher, so afraid of offending... more interested in his professional packet than souls... the congregation knowing what is required, (Micah 6:8) yet wanting to believe that God does not really mean what He says. Read the book of Numbers and determine how God deals with people who disobey. This writer is convinced that God requires more of Christians, saved by grace through faith, than Jews living under the curse of the law. Anyway, our only guide is God's Book. There is nothing there to show He is just joking in His expectations of us, now or 12,000 years ago.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Exposed Values

Don't Spare Me

Don’t spare me failure
If it is what is best for me.
Don’t spare me sickness
If it will make me call on Thee.
Don’t spare me loneliness
For I remember Gethsemane.
Don’t spare me anything that you endured for me.

Don’t spare me heartache
You bore a broken heart for me.
Don’t spare me suffering
For I recall your agony
Don’t spare me anything that you endured for me
But give me strength to follow Thee.


Author Unknown

I was in Bergen, Norway, up the coast on the North Sea. In this great sheep country, shepherds were demonstrating the “closeness” of sheep to the shepherd. In this context, they would bring their sheep into town, put them altogether in a large corral. It was truly amazing to watch a shepherd, staff in hand, walking to the opening of a corral and call his sheep. His sheep heard his voice and they came running. The other sheep heard this and paid no attention, and so it was with all the shepherds. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27)

My grandmother had a very large chicken yard, part of the large chicken house, her nursery (small apartment type units in which she put a hen with her brood after hatching and taking off the nest) the individual hens with their broods, usually about 12, (a setting of eggs) would be in the chicken yards, the mother hen scratching-showing her brood how to search for delicacies in the ground but these small chicks, brain about the size of a pinhead, could identify their mother hen's cluck. The loveliest and most formidable truism of God's creation, the identity of the young for the mother, the love of a mother for her young. “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” (Philippians 4:8) If only Christianity were easy.

Very few individuals go through this complicated life “SPARED” of all sorrow. For many, it comes early, others late.

Very few escape the challenges of living.

Recently I had a visit from the superintendent of a historic NC children's home. Orphanages were a part of Christian discipleship, long before nursing homes. The early church saw the need to provide for orphaned children. My parents-ancestors, supporters of this Baptist orphanage. I have known many reared in an orphanage... always, without fail, they were a living testimony to the care received there. Like all of us with losses (sight, hearing, crippled, etc.) they were well aware of what they had lost. All, well aware of what they had gained in such a facility. Values of a home type-existence. One friend, told me about working on the children's home farm, another about milking cows. All knew routine, sharing, chores. I understand that with federal dollars, just as federal dollars have corrupted everything else, certainly education, federal dollars have placed orphan children in foster care where, debatable, foster care has become a financial “boom” for caregivers. So, only those children who are hard to place are now in orphanage facilities. I feel this is a challenge for both the home and the child. My concern, that whether an institution or private home, certain values are not forgotten... so important to instill values early in life.

Early in life, learn the values of responsibility, the discipline of self-control, routine, chores, patience.

In this world of “Must have it right now,” the importance of waiting as well as working... learning to “save” for things, knowing how to separate needs from wants, a value system.

Learn to accept disappointment, the great lie, that God does not want us happy, prospering.

Read all the literature in the world, all history-philosophy-science, you will not find another book like the Bible, and God can help you understand it. The problem, it takes work, and most people are lazy. God did not put precious gems on the surface of the earth. You find precious gemstones, gold, deep, you must dig, sort, sift. People who say they do not believe in God, the Bible, have not spent 20 hours in the hard work involved approving or disproving anything. Beyond comprehension, knowing that their eternal life is involved.

This writer has traveled the world, religion of every type on display. I have gone to priests, devotees of the strange religions in their strange temples, asking for help to show me their way of attaining “whatever they have to offer.” They are incapable of explaining anything, just going through the motions of rituals-habits. The priest is perfectly willing to give me a tradition... anointing my forehead. Muhammad placed everything in the Koran simply because of a vision, and the Muslim becomes a full disciple simply because of one man's vision. Take the spiritual-supernatural out of Christianity and you have nothing left. God communicates with His elect-chosen.

60 years ago, university medical school professor, Dr. W.C. George said to me, “the time will come that babies and old people, because of their expense, will become victims of society's advancement-greed.” Most healthcare dollars are spent on those over 85 years of age, the fastest growing segment of the population. In the Netherlands, already, roaming death squads, put the elderly-infirmed to death-euthanasia. Many do not want to die. The idea is advancing that babies can be killed, any logical reason, even months after birth. The 21st century value system has been exposed.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Wrong Turn

A gay rights group in Uganda filed suit today against longtime anti-gay activist Scott Lively, according to The New York Times. The lawsuit, filed by Sexual Minorities Uganda, claims that, beginning in 2002, Lively conspired with Ugandan political and religious leaders to increase anti-gay fervor in the country with warnings that gay men would sodomize African children and pervert their culture.

Lively is being sued for persecution as a crime against humanity, under the alien tort statute, which allows non-Americans to sue in American courts if violations of international law are alleged. The suit further claims that Lively’s actions “resulted in the persecution, arrest, torture and murder of homosexuals in Uganda.”

Lively, based in Springfield, Mass., is the head of Abiding Truth Ministries, which the Southern Poverty Law Center lists as a hate group. He is also the author of the notorious “history,” The Pink Swastika, a book that falsely claims that gay men filled the Nazi Party and were ultimately responsible for the Holocaust.

-Southern Poverty Law Center

Believe me, I have been there, Uganda, Africa is the last place you would expect to find gays or a gay agenda. But, whether in Tel Aviv, (the gay capital of the world) San Francisco, or your town, homosexuals usually have made a wrong turn, a turn which gives them a life of misery, often drugs, disease, early death.

It is so important for the blind not to make a wrong turn when walking anywhere. I have actually made a wrong turn, just sweeping the walk of my house, experiencing great difficulty just getting back to the front door But, many lifetimes ago when I had sight, driving, I would make a wrong turn and have to retrace.

Our lives, mostly from the excesses of the 20th century, are dwarfed, debilitated, by the moochers who live off the producers of society. These “wrong turn moochers” enabled by education systems, political systems, who have made wrong turns. Instead of education, commerce, parenting, promoting, self-confidence, and self-responsibility, the world has promoted self-dependence on the world, flesh, devil. We have a nation where 50% of it's citizens expect to live from the productive lives of the other 50%. In the entitlement-subsidized mentality, the government takes care of every need... education, healthcare, recreation, lifestyle essentials, retirement.

The most critical place in life to make a wrong turn, is in your relationship with God. Many, at great risk, defy God altogether. Too many make the wrong turn as far as following a false religion, for instance Mormonism, established by Joseph Smith, 1820, another, Jehovah Witnesses established by Charles Hayes Russel, 1870. There are about 41,000 “religious” denominations in the world today. The road to hell is paved with religion. Christianity is not a religion but a relationship. Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, the son of God, Creator of the world and everything in it. (John 1, Acts 17)

When Jesus died on the cross, when He said, “It is finished,” (John 19) the veil of the temple was rent, top to bottom... all the way to the bottom. One does not need the book of Mary Baker Eddy, Joseph Smith, Ms. White, or Mr. Russell to “magnify” our Lord. God said it, God will not lie. Hold onto the faith that God will back His Word, He values His Word.

Christianity is not a formula. Repentance means making a turn. When you make that turn, your heart is filled with the righteousness of Christ. God sees you as the righteousness of His son. God is willing for His son to live in you.... Christ-like, Christian. How many people on the church pews of your church are Christ-like, family members, neighbors?

Almost every black preacher who visits me, feels he must “talk in tongues” before he leaves in order to impress upon me he is Christian. White or black, degrees or not, I believe that God is more impressed with lifestyle, love for His Word.

Eastern religions look for God in everything, cows, monkeys, carved idols. When God breathed life into man, man became a soul, from man, woman. They are trying to create life in other ways but to date, one cell fertilizing another, the creation of a new person, new soul... the magnificence of it all... animal life-plant life. Only the superior mind of God could do it.

From the eternal Word of God, Creator of the universe, breathing life into man, the living Word. The establishment of a dialogue between God and man. Sin established a barrier between God and man, only the cross of Christ can remove that barrier. Christianity is a new generation, new birth, a new installment in the heart. In Christ, you turn from your best and your turn from your worst. Our best is not good enough, God is not interested in your accomplishments, only you.