Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Foraging & Swindling

We live in a world of smoke and mirrors, deception and despair. Keep your mind free from the cares of the world, the deceitfulness of riches. (Mark 4:19) Believe nothing you hear on the news media, whether advertising or news of the world, most, just words used for a purpose.

I never cease to be amazed at the money spent on pets, in a world in which so many people, particularly children, are starving. I know that dogs and cats do not sweat, cannot remove toxicity from their system as can other animals. I hear holistic veterinarians and other pet lovers talk about the expense involved with adequate pet feeding. (organically grown meat and vegetables mixed with spices and herbs) Whatever it takes to give pets nutrition. With adequate nutrition dog s should live to age 30 or 40 years and cats 60. In the meantime, fast food outlets and other places, 60% of American children obese and, all over the world, particularly in poor countries (distended belies, begging bowls), I have seen children starving. Supposedly, 18,000 children starve every day from malnutrition. (AP United Nations 2/17/2007) Even in America, where adults forage for coupons in dumpsters, children forage for food in garbage cans. Animals in the woods, wild, on the farm, knew how to forage for food, instinctively knew what kept them healthy. Dogs and cats always ate the internal organs of their prey first. Our big barn-farm cat always played with a mouse for a while before eating it, because it made the mouse much tastier. Diabetes, cancer, Alzheimers, and other neurological diseases were rare when I was in school. Health is a matter of food intake and exercise.

Lines are not drawn anymore. In another world, entertainment was banned in some cities. Profanity was banned in polite society, media. Today, anything goes, church house, courthouse, schoolhouse, and even your house. ACLU is the only group that draws lines . (the end justifies the means), Roger Baldwin, head of the ACLU at its founding in 1920 until 1950, said, “I was not an innocent liberal. I wanted what the Communists wanted" “I don’t regret being a part of the Communist tactic.” IF the church, patriotic groups, civic groups, would have been as intent on keeping America a spiritual bastion of morality, decency, we would not be in the political mire-hog pen of decadence in which we find ourselves with the mantra of political correctness. Anything goes, “if it feels good, do it, if it tastes good it must be good for you, and we find America fat, lazy, diseased.”

Paper, fiat money, started in China. None have lasted over 900 years, it must be backed by something. The Great Depression, FDR, with his communist Vice President, Henry Wallace, Chief of Staff Harry Hopkins, and other communists almost established communism in America, through communist programs such as social security, farm controls, alphabet agencies. The Supreme court, using the Constitution and enough patriotic congressmen prohibited the establishment of other communist programs. Other liberals, Rhinos, such as Nixon, closing the gold window in 1971, selling most of our gold reserves for $42 per ounce (today it is $1800 per ounce), Russia, China, India have bought up most of the world's mined gold, a cube measuring 75 feet. (Gaddafi had 143 tons in his bank) From thin air, paper money without backing, worldwide debt that can never be repaid.

Greece, now Germany, four other nations (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Spain) all encouraging banks to lend, always leading to inflation and now the onset of a worldwide Great Depression... Swindlers in boardrooms, leading to foraging in the hinterlands.

In 1913, rich bankers enslaved Americans with the Federal Reserve, US Treasury using this private system for public business. This banking system was based on the wealth of the founders, every city, banking boardrooms where, today, portraits of rich blue blood families hang, using their wealth to back and carry on business. This was the time of “cash and carry” and “lay away” on Main Street. Today, private business has public-political governments, everything based on debt and credit cards. The ACLU, Wall Street bankers (Goldman-Sachs), academia with it's business schools, religious institutions, preaching packets instead of self-denial, poachers on every level of advertising, should join hands-celebrating in successfully destroying the world's greatest capitalist society.

From the beginning, God said, I am the God of Peace. You never have a nervous breakdown because of today's troubles, only tomorrows. I am the God who healeth thee. At the Lord's table, past, present , future, two elements, wine, forgiveness of all sin, bread, healing of all disease, whether Job's boils or Timothy’s stomach. I am the God of righteousness. (Psalm 37:23) I am the God who provides. Nowhere in God's Word does He promise His believers that they will get rich. There is no such thing as a prosperity gospel. In fact, new believers may get poorer. God has a way of testing. If you think things are bad now, just wait, testing you about your new creation, things may get worse but, for every believer in God, one redeemed by Jesus Christ, for whom everything needed is provided. He told us He takes scare of the birds of the air, knows every sparrow that falls. I am the God of forgiveness. Paul knew that he was forgiven, but he never allowed himself to forgive himself for holding the coats of those who stoned Steven. I am the Good Shepherd. There are 66 books, nearly 800,000 words in the Bible. His Word is forever settled in heaven. (Psalm 119:89) Perhaps no scripture is quoted more than the 23rd Psalm. It is time for the “I am” believers of the Bible to start believing it. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. (Psalm 23)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Dance or Dirge

“‘We played the pipe for you,
and you did not dance;
we sang a dirge,
and you did not mourn.’ (Matthew 11:17)

Buried next to President Woodrow Wilson, in the floor of the National Cathedral, Washington, DC, blind, deaf, Helen Keller... an inspiration to everyone but particularly to us who are disabled. I have written at length about Helen Keller, finally a breakthrough to her marvelous brain, by her teacher using an old fashioned water pump, they learned to communicate. Helen went on the graduate from college, travel the world, friend of presidents, world leaders and celebrities.

Keller said, “Life is either an adventure or nothing at all.” So many, struggling, not living... losing their health trying to gain wealth and then spending their wealth trying to regain health.

Life is totally unpredictable. In a vehicle, on the highway, an approaching vehicle, mechanical or human failure, just a few feet from instant death.

If you had just one month to live, what changes would you make? What would you do differently? This writer can honestly say that if he had only one month, one week, one hour, nothing would change. I believe the committed Christian, chosen of God, is ready to go anytime. “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” (Phillipians 2:13)

In this day of the minimal believer walking the isle, perhaps even going into the baptismal pool, just sitting on an “Easy Boy” thinking they are covered. Not even the most dedicated believer knows the importance of being chosen of God... not that you chose God, but rather that God chose you.

Life is for living, the greatest freedom-liberty known to man is salvation provided by God. Most Christians do not realize that this, the greatest treasure on earth, better than any pleasure the world can provide. Health gives much freedom. Our body is the temple of God, not a dumpster.

Most people spend their lives going through the motions and, when you about ready to live, it is time to die. It is just upside down. When you have acquired the knowledge, acquired enough of this world’s wealth, actually know what living is all about, it is time to die. Many do not think it will happen, too much ego. (easing God out)

God has given us the answer book but we want to fly “solo”. Not only our food intake, but what goes in the mind. If a sewage pipe were to break at your house, with the smell, the sight, the decadence, you would get it repaired, out of mind but, the average adult sits and watches 4 hours of television each day, even though the set is on for 7 hours, and actually allows their child, most sensitive years, to watch such trash. One cannot get a vehicle repaired, doctor’s reception, waiting rooms of any type, without a television invading the space.

The power of satin cannot be overestimated or underestimated. We do hot have any record of God appearing to Moses after He left Egypt, at age 40, shepherding sheep in the desert of Midian. Any bush would have done but God appeared in a burning bush. He always knew Moses' location. He had a job for Moses, to lead the children of Egypt from bondage after 400 years. Moses, age 80, Aaron age 83 , went before Pharaoh, “let my people go”. The magicians of pharaoh had the palace crawling with snakes, but Moses' rod-snake devoured them all. Satin is not going to lie down and beg you not to bother him any more. He is on the job, but God can handle the problem.

The greatest tragedy of life now, the 2000 years after the cross, the 10,000 years before the cross, men do not realize the power of God... His magnificence in designing the world and everything in it. I have stood at both the Arctic and Antarctic, 450,000 square miles at both the top and bottom of the earth, of glaciers, snowfall-ice crystals. One man, Wilson Bentley, using an ingenious method, photographed tens of thousands of snowflakes, no two alike, each designed by God. The largest almost one foot wide. Look into space, 450 billion galaxies and after that, space beyond measure. Just think, the designer of the universe, every star, snowflake, grain of sand, interested in our happiness and wanting us to enjoy living.


Last Monday, (November 21, 2011) the population of the world reached seven billion. Very few people actually understand the majesty and magnificence of God. Sovereign, omnipotent, omniscient, God had the ability, before Noah's flood (5000BC) and since, and even today, to create every human being completely different from anyone else, voice, facial features, fingerprints, even the flex in the iris of the eye, even identical twins, no two exactly alike.

God has the ability, if He so chooses or if He had chose, to give everyone a Damascus Road experience. Seven billion flashes of light, knocking you off a horse, blinding you, is not serious work for him. HE IS BOSS! It bothers some of our intellectual friends but He does what He wants to do and does not care whether you like it or not.

I am as convinced as alive, that when children were exposed to rural, country life, they and the world were far different. Tragic that all children cannot experience the fundamentals of nature, such as the weaning of animals. It was so naturally expected, that the young calf was weaned from the milk cow, pigs were weaned from the sow, the mother dog knows that her babies must be weaned. I sat outside on a balcony in Africa, a large nest of strange birds, and saw the mother knock them out of the nest. The mother eagle changes the nest until the young eaglets “leave home”. There are 13 species of penguins... all have the same characteristics, they know when the young should leave. I watched this in the Antarctic. The emperor penguins, tallest, both mother and father feed them for just a certain time. The nesting mother hen, chicken yard, with a brain about the size of a pin head, can be seen turning the eggs of which she is hatching every day. One of the greatest miracles known to man, the eggshell, the hatching chick pecks through it but, early, you see the mother hen teaching the chick to scratch the earth, search for food, and then they are on their own.

I will never forget the day, my father showed me about the satanic ability of weeds... tares. The roots of a weed will encircle and choke a good plant. Growing crops, you must smother, with earth, or otherwise destroy weeds, or weeds-tares will take over and destroy the crop. Seminaries, Bible Colleges, have forgotten to teach young preachers, that God, who knows all, has taught us about tares and growing things. Young preachers, minimal believers, (those who just show up at the church house for an hour on Sunday, live like the world the rest of the week) have not recognized that the church has been destroyed since the tares have taken over. Don't they know that Judas, disciple, observer of every miracle, was a tare, destroyed at the very last? They have wrapped their groups of immorality, indifference, around the worship service and every other ministry of the church to the place that the church has lost it's effectiveness. The real believers, committed followers, born again Christians, do not have the courage and faithfulness to our Savior and the saints who have preserved belief, to wean off the tares. So, the church, in most places, has become either a morgue or country club with steeple. Go to the average night club, country club, civic club... same people, same language, same apparel, and in many cases, almost the same music. What has happened to the Romans 12 Christian? What has happened to the covenant between God and man (Hebrews 8:12)

Be careful and do not attribute human frailty to exploitation trending from right and left brain dominance. Man was adapting to environment before any knowledge of genetics. Remember, the largest cause of death in America, the malpractice of physicians and hospitals. (overdose from prescriptions, surgery mistakes, erroneous diagnoses) The secular media, who controls most thinking, who elects most politicians, would have everyone totally dependent on government... unweaned at any age. Joseph Stalin, who killed 63 million of his fellow Russians to enforce Godless communism, would be astounded to see how quickly America has fallen to socialism. From 1799 til 1892, America was declared a Christian nation... biblically-inspired - God-fearing, hard-working , capitalists, tax-paying citizens. Now, after 235 years, “trough huggers, entitlements, one half the population wanting to live off the other half”.

Like MRSA, no treatment, bacteria-eating flesh, the time has come that America, if going to survive, must wean it's citizens from dependence on government... government supplying all needs and citizens lying, cheating, stealing for their wants.

Friday, November 25, 2011


In the dining room of early American homes, almost, always, a sideboard, a large piece of furniture from which food from the kitchen was placed and diners served their plate. I so well remember that my mother would place her many Christmas cakes on the sideboard in preparation for Christmas feasting.

Supposedly, Christmas activity stared today, Black Friday. If any one had any doubts about satin controlling the world, the day after thanksgiving, BLACK FRIDAY. You expect the heathen to act like a heathen, spending, spreeing, stand in line, to buy junk. The thing that bothers me, those who claim the name of Christ, pretending to know Christ, acting like the world, the flesh, the devil. We have reached the place that unless you are Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, or some other minor religion, you call yourself Christian. How many Romans 12 Christians do you know? Even cults like Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Scientists, Seventh Day Adventists, call themselves Christians. Even well known preachers such as Brian McLaren, Rob Bell, TD Jakes call themselves ministers of the gospel. Don't waste your time digging out what these people actually believe. Much like Joel Osteen, an entertainer, one without any ministerial or theological background, said on TV when asked about Asian religions, “I don't believe they are God's best.”

Why not use a sideboard-buffet-cafateria selection. Just pick and choose what you want to believe. Some of my family, who are buffet Baptists, have said to me, “I don't believe that or I don't think this.” It make s no difference what they think or believe, it is what God says that matters. Liberal denominations have messed up people with their lost pastors. Baptists, the largest non-Catholic denomination have led the way, with a cauldron-blender-spattering “of this and that”. At least you can look at Episcopalians, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Unitarians, etc. with their women and in many cases lesbian preachers, same sex marriages, pro choice-pro abortion, democrat party stance, and know, without a doubt, that such are just fooling themselves.

In my lifetime, churches as well as nations have bowed to Baal... and nations as well as churches are paying the price. Two men, crippled, walking with two canes had great influence on my life, Drs. Cecil Johnson, UNC-CH, Dean and Vance Havner, great Baptist preacher. Dr. Havner Said, “The greatest distance known to man is the 14” between a man's brain and his heart.” How well I remember many teachers, particularly, C.B. Ramsey who, at Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, TN, taught the large Sunday School class of men studying to be doctors. He would give the lesson with tears running down his face. So intent was he that the listeners would know the concern, the courage, the commitment to Jesus Christ. In this time of doctrine-less, moral-less, Christ-less “religion” no wonder that churchianity instead of Christianity occupies the pulpits and the pews. “judgment begins with the House of God.” (1 Peter 4:17)

This week, national radio “Christian” talk show. Professor from Westminster seminary, “so-called” specialist talking about Thanksgiving, early pilgrims. HE DID NOT KNOW, a professor, how many died the first winter. Is it possible for preachers or professors to embarrass themselves any more with their total lack of knowledge? Their lost condition? The lost condition of people and the world around them? On the sideboard of vocations, choices, you do not pick, God picks you.

In the Broadway Musical, Porgy and Bess, song, I got plenty of nothing it is at a time of economic depression, such as now, that most find how little of this world's goods, they actually own. America, the world, debt that can never be repaid. Working their entire lives, saving, clipping coupons, just to have the basics of a comfortable life, most have found their savings gone, their lives turned upside down. It breaks my heart to think that most people live their entire life in a dream world. I hear about those standing on each side of the red carpet on Oscar nights, as the celebrities, from their limousines, in their finery, walk into a Hollywood Theatre. The masses there and on television, dreaming of such. Just today, people camped out for days and hours at stores, things, dreams, searching for happiness “in the wrong places”. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. (1 John 2:15) Advertising agencies, psychologists, satanic forces, have just made US GLORIFIED MONKEYS.

In my long life of “people-watching” I have found that the average unbeliever knows nothing about science or Darwinism, knows nothing about theology or creationism, Has never spent 20 hours In actual study determining the reason for man's belief in Jesus Christ, faith, and the need for salvation. In life's lottery, on the sideboard, afforded by state-controlled media and education, they have just picked, as did Eve in the garden, low hanging fruit that looks good-easy-exciting. We do not want the challenge of thinking, knowing how we have been hoodwinked. For instance, fifty years ago when I was studying the medical sciences, birth control was new and exciting, now the new and exciting study is In Vitro Fertilization. Be careful of sideboard tampering.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Thanksgiving Day, 2011, thinking and working... no phone calls, no messages on the computer, no sound of traffic on the streets... a quiet world, so easily deceived. Someone asked me the meaning and objective of Christianity. I said, “The objective is to keep as many people as possible out of Hell.” The message of Christianity, ”to overcome the world.”

So many are looking for something solid to hold on to, consubstantial. The Apostle Paul did not love jail cells, chains, stocks. Seeking his legal rights as a Roman citizen, appealing to Caesar, as a prisoner, on his way to Rome, battered, shipwrecked. (Acts 27:20) “When all hope was gone, and I thought of this as I stood on the seashore at Malta, he must have thought “Does God really love me?” Then, gathering some sticks to build a fire, trying to keep warm, bitten by a serpent and then in Rome, imprisoned in a cistern, 19 feet underground, could still write the most marvelous words known to man. When anyone says, “I would like to see a Christian” say, take a look at brother Paul.

Unbelievers always watch. In the jail at Phillipi, beaten and bloody, feet in stocks, at midnight, he and Silas sang hymns and the prisoners listened. (Acts 16:25) How many times have I said, “In my trials, disability, I just don't understand. It is better to wait than to work. Working, trusting, even our city drinking water filled with poison... fluorides, chlorides. The drug Prozac is 94% fluoride, used by the Nazis to control victims. A few day's diet of GMO foods will kill a pet. Bubbles, housing, bailouts, the stock market trying to reach a level of 10,600. I have empty commercial space, an imposter in the White House now, as always, I flee to Psalm 84:5. Remember, definite article “THE” man passing through Baca, the valley of weeping. Life is not a mountaintop experience. Life is a journey not a destination. Good that if, after walking down the isle, signing a card, just sit in an easy chair waiting for the heaven-lies. If you have not had troubles, just wait, they are on the way. The Christian learns the blessings of the valley. You will always have circumstances, but it is the blessed man who endures the circumstances and makes of them blessings. You even dig wells in the valley, and in the time of drought, and the rains finally come, as you slosh around in the water, you know that after the rain is gone, you still have living water, always available. (I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.) (Hebrews 13:5)) Working, for the night is coming, we are His hands and feet, their were no chairs in the temple. The blessed man works not depending on ancestry, charisma, looks, education. Thank God I have known working, thankful, devoted saints. We can say with Paul of these people, the world was not worthy of them. (Hebrews 11:38) We do not know the names of the men who held the ropes when Paul escaped in the basket down the wall in Damascus.

Every 24 hours the devil assigns some fallen angel to taunt, blame, give doubts to a Christian, while sitting on your shoulder. Remember, even if you are guilty, God has already forgiven your sins, past, present, future.

Your valley can become an oasis of joy for others because you were there. God recognizes manicured hands, hands to good to do His work.

I could not see them in their casket but I asked the mortician to put my hand on the hands of my parents - rough, working, faithful hands. Hands that knew the value of work, hands that knew the honor of Christianity.

The world has a confused value system... consubstantial. As Europe goes under, as the compass of an immoral future and desperate financial situation spreads, more money will be printed, and we know how man values the almighty dollar, helicopters will probably strow the money across the land to prop up markets.

David’s three mighty men, Tachmonite, Eleazer and Shammah (2 Samuel 23) fought for what was right until their arms failed them but always, without question, the Lord wrought a great victory.

About 20 years ago, I stood at Goma, the city at the head of the Congo river, a river 2,900 miles through the nation of Congo to the Atlantic. In the latter half of the 19th century, George Greenfield, of London made his first missionary trip up the river to evangelize this nation. On that banks of the Congo river he buried his wife and his child, many diseases, but kept going. At his funeral, in Goma, 1908, a choir of 10,000 African natives sang “all hail the power of Jesus name. When I was there, Goma and it's surrounds were again in depravity due to government. Today, the Congo is stricken by protests and, the county the size of the United States is almost as desperate in it's violence. Without a consubstantial foundation, Christianity so easily leaves a people.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Majoring On Major Things

The head of the Catholic church, Pope Benedict XVI, is visiting in Benin, West Africa. This writer has traveled to Benin, and once is enough. I have seen poverty all over the world, but none as stagnant as Benin. Most of it's inhabitants live on a bend of the Niger river called cape St. Paul, a bight confluence affording houses on stilts above filthy water. In one city I visited, 20,000 people live in this debris pile of stagnant water, one can readily understand why so many African children die of malaria, dysentery, skin infections. Their only habitation involves the water into which goes their garbage and from which comes their food. I can still see boys throwing out nets, catching fish, topless women going to the market, paddling a boat. Like sea creatures, these poverty ridden people live in the garbage-stench of water their entire life... no animals, no plants, no beauty.

The Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, hierarchy of the world's richest church as well as people from evangelical denominations should see these sights. I learned early in my travel experiences that no one wants to hear about them. Catholics had rather bask in the gold and silver splendor of St. Peter's. Fundamentalists, guilt peddlers, such as Baptists had rather just put some coins or folding money in the collection plate and hope that magically, some good will come of it.

In the roller coaster tract of life, bends and turns, bumps and bruises, the church, like government, becomes very impersonal. We pretend that magically everything will work out. We surmise, from evidence, that Madoff (jailed, defrauder of $60 billion investor dollars) and Corzine (defrauder of $1.2 billion gambling with euro dollars of investor's money) just screwing over the public, as well as stealing billions of tax dollars, while the SEC and authorities were watching but, “lets just move on”, everything will work out.

We surmise that in the towers of denominational headquarters, their are those, duly elected, who take the responsibility seriously for using God’s money to help the forsaken souls of the world.

The higher the office this writer obtained in every area of endeavor (profession, civic, military), including the church, the more I realize just how much money was just flitted away by promoted people engaged in high living. Expense accounts are so inexcusable. 37% of the citizens of the people of any state or province, have never left their locality. In churches, with real believers, the greatest part of their ministry is the satisfaction of thinking they have helped others. The junkets of politicians, the mission trips of pastors, very much like the exorbitant-decadent vacations of Michelle Obama get us quickly to the root of real sin - pride, envy, greed, gluttony and the general theme of enjoying oneself from the gifts or membership fees of others.

I asked the chairman of one charity once, “how do you figure your expense account?” He said, “when I return home, I determine how much money from my wallet I spent plus all credit card receipts.” I had noticed the extravagance of his eating, the marvelous gifts he was buying for his family. If he had been paying the hotel bill from his own personal funds, he would have stayed in a less expensive suite, less expensive taste buds of food and drink. Every time I experience “so called” Christians gorging themselves with expensive food they do not need, whether at the church house or restaurants, I think of the vast numbers who never have enough food for survival.

The early temple, (Hebrews 9) the holy of Holies, the Holiest place, was secreted from the Holy places by a four thickness veil hung from gold. The most inner layer white, purity: next scarlet, atonement: next: purple,royalty: next blue, eternal nature. When Christ died on the cross, the veil was rent from top to bottom... not almost bottom... not a few feet from bottom... all the way, no need for Catholic works, no need for Mormon or Christian science books, no need for man made catechism. His perfect life, an example, saves no one. We know His worthiness, the liberty afforded us in going directly to Him.

God puts on the spectacles of Christ, looks at us through His faithfulness. We look back through the eye of thankfulness, atonement for sins forgiven, healing, past, present and future. (Isaiah 53).

Peter, Paul, talked about Jesus, there was nothing else to talk about. Jesus preached Himself... way, truth, light, bread, water. Jesus Christ was the greatest faker the world has ever known OR He was who He said He was. There was an eclismic change in the lives of everyone who knew Him. His disciples, who would never communicate with one another again, martyred for His cause. When will the Christians of the world stop playing church, start Majoring on Major Things? There is one thread through the new testament, the giver of life and the resurrection of life. We have one life because of being twice born.

Monday, November 21, 2011


At the time of the fall of the Roman Empire (476 AD) the entire wealth of the then known world was controlled by 2000 individuals. The greatest mystery of my life, unimaginable, as I have experienced religions from one side of the world to the other. (the writer has made 8 around the world trips, every continent, passport stamped in 157 countries) Is the sophistry involved in religions... regardless to the religion... Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, etc. On roadways in Bhutan, High in the Himalayas, Buddhist crawled along roads, praying, attempting to worship, and satisfy their god. In Montreal, the great Catholic cathedral of Mary, hundreds of steps, pilgrims crawling up the steps praying. In Manhattan, just across from Rockefeller Center, the financial and entertainment center of the world, St. Patrick’s cathedral, people crawling down the main isle praying.

In Lakewood church, Houston, TX, a former basketball arena, seating 16,800 filled with people listening to Joel Osteen. What type sophistry, this man without ministerial credentials, mostly comedian, no Christian symbols of any kind in the place. Much liked, Protestant and Baptist churches across the world, hard to differentiate from civic halls, civic clubs.

Moses, who led the “stiffed-neck” rebellious children of Israel from slavery in Egypt toward the promised land, gave to them 613 commandments. He stressed to them the privilege of living with these commandments, what would happen if they did not, the essentials of obedience. The prophet Isiah, reduced this number of commandments down to six. (Isaiah 56) Jesus, reduced the commandments down to two (Mark 22:37)

Jesus, standing by the treasury, as the people gave their money, most gave from their abundance but a widow, received the Savior and the disciples attention, when she gave two mites, ALL THAT SHE HAD) (Luke 21:1-4) We live in a world of just going through the motions, even playing church, even, giving because we know we can get a tax exemption. Surely, a born again, holy spirit-filled, believer, should know that the One who has the very hairs of your head numbered, knows the intent of your heart. You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. While it is true that we are saved by grace thorough faith plus nothing, our works and service show the extent of our new creation.

The two greatest responsibilities of a Christian, self denial and self evaluation. You do not build a big congregation preaching these. Most Christians do not understand worship (worthship), privilege, obeying. I get to live, serve, live the Christian life, because I want to. Jesus told us that if we love Him, we keep His commandments. (John 14:15)

Spiritual mediocrity is spiritual hypocrisy. In my long life of church activity , I have witnessed and endemic spirit of discontent, people who never gained from the church, what they wanted, if anything. It was a matter of just habit, socializing, never knowing or understanding total commitment. It takes total commitment, total submission to give life, arms, eyes for others on the battlefield. Few Christians know total devotion, perhaps martyrs or missionaries on the foreign mission field. We are very content to just play the game, many times, actually believing that no foundation is necessary, a foundation of repentance, study, giving in every way. As one black woman said to me, “I am very active in my church, people consider me a very good Christian, because I enjoy the people, there is nothing better for me to do, and there may be something to it.” Most of my relatives, friends, pew warmers I know, have this identical attitude.

Circumstances are always changing. We live on both sides of our circumstances, what has already happened and what will happen. Self does not matter, it is all about God. We must find contentment within this crucible. Discontentment is the very opposite of what Christ brought to the world.

There should be a THERAPY of thanksgiving during this season. Woe unto the man or woman without the connection, the protection, the direction of the reason for this holiday. My mother was always up early every morning, making biscuits for her family in the large wood burning, “home comfort” cook stove. Her biscuits were well known throughout the community and family. She said, “hundreds of times perfectly baked biscuits but, one time burned biscuits.” My father talked about it for several days. Most have many more blessings than problems.

Friday, November 18, 2011

High Cost of Low Living

I was on the island of Samoa in the south pacific, staying at the famous Aggie Grey's hotel. Still alive at the time, she had gone to the shore to welcome the American troops when they landed there during WWII.

On Sunday, at breakfast, I said to her, “Is there a church nearby?” She said, “Yes, right up the street, I will have someone go with you”. A young man accompanied me to the door and insisted on staying until the service was over. I went in to the filled church and sat about half way. A shadow of vision at that time, the natives, barefoot, dressed in white. I could not understand the words but, the music on the piano, they were singing my grandmother's favorite hymn “What a friend we have in Jesus.

A woman missionary, real high voice, came down the isle to welcome the stranger in their midst. She said, “Psalm 84, Blessed is the man whose strength is in the Lord.”

This one morning, this one verse of scripture, changed my life. In a cocoon of blackness, still attempting to travel, live a real life in a valley of despair and despondency. What motivates some people to do the right thing, in spite of the fallout, in spite of doubts and fears? I know now, just as I knew then, as I have known my entire life, that in spite of everything the man is blessed who puts his trust in God. You must learn to love your disability not to be a prisoner of self. Paul, one of the world’s greatest Christians, told us he knew how to both abased and abound and in everything to be contented. (Philippians 4:12)

We do not need new truths, only to emphasize old truths.

God knows your mountains and your valleys better than you. He did not promise an easy road, but promised to help us get down the road, His ways are not our ways, the blessed man understands this.

Natural elements and angelic beings are at God's disposal. There have been 177 natural-climactic events this year... earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes, floods, etc. Not one weather forecaster predicted the recent, early northeast blizzard.

God knows how to handle nations as well as people. We do not test His resources until we are out of our own.

In Zimbabwe, Africa, the horror pit of Robert Mugabe. An outstanding young man, who had studied in Europe, told me how Mugabe's henchmen used ferocious dogs to keep people under his control. My plane had stopped in Harare. In the small decimated airport, I was amazed to hear crying and screaming of a group of people, saying goodbye to the young man, on his way to London. Of course, as God would have it, he sat next to me on the plane... telling me that he and his relatives would probably never see one another again. He told me about the ferocious dogs, specially trained by handlers, trained to tear away genitals of human beings. He told me about committing so much scripture to memory, his favorite verse, For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's. (Romans 14:8)

Whether in Africa or other places in the world, life has always been controlled by injustice. The greatest injustice in the world is the injustice of the pretenders-profiteers who could do something about it. The scaffold on which Christian faith is built is courage-concern. Don't expect politicians to do much about injustice. If people in power had the backbone to do something about injustice... Kings, Prime Ministers, Presidents, elected representatives, things would have changed long ago. The true patriot will die for what is right. (proven by soldiers, saints, defending God, Family, Country) Be aware that everyone does not have the strength to do the right thing. Essential to remember that God is our sun, giver of life, our shield, protector of life.

In the “rot” of society, whether caused by cancer or termites, we hear the refrain, “trace the money” Past, normal societies, had money that was worth something. Do you trust anyone, any group any more? Corporations bow to the altar of political-correctness and big government from fear of the Justice Department. General Electric's tax return was 57,000 pages, $14 billion in profits and yet, no IRS tax because of the alliance between CEO of GE and CEO USA. Do you trust athletic games or even athletic groups? If Penn State officials are so corrupt regarding children would they not corrupt games?

No election will change a morally bankrupt society. Tax payers support planned parenthood, the murder of babies, with $350 billion per year. Prissy pastors no longer put their trust in God but in the world, things of the world. Whether Bioethics , the holocaust of abortion, destruction of the home through same-sex marriage, pilfering the world's superpower with homosexuality. The greatest expense known to man, the High Cost of Low Living.

Business As Usual

When you look in the mirror, don't hate the mirror because you are ugly. The mirror is not going to change, nor will the world. The only one who can change anything, yourself or the world, is looking back at you.

Today's born again real Christian patriot has many reasons for discouragement, especially one Army war veteran, totally blind, 100% disabled.

This week, I learned that one Christian college campus where I have given so much of my funds, as unto God, (endowment loan fund in six figures, endowment heritage fund in six figures, awards to students, staff, faculty, pastors, and other workers, much more money than I ever spend on myself.) Two rapes on the campus in residence halls. (girls “hanging out”, according to the newspaper, in boys rooms) What a bitter pill for me to swallow, what a bitter pill for those poor country church people who have supported this school with church suppers, etc.

In India, and I have traveled through India many times, always, without fail, a large bird sits on the back of a Water Buffalo, feasting on the insects which pester the Buffalo. This is called a symbiotic relationship. We have such evidence throughout nature, even in microbiology.

Modern day America, preachers ride on the backs of politicians. Jezebel, priest of Baal, praying, cutting themselves, were sincere... sincerely wrong, with tax exemption. (each preacher has a number, each building codified) There is an unholy alliance such as the Catholic Pope crowning Kings. Always, without fail, the ecumenical-evangelical priest-preacher associates Hitler's favorite chapter, Romans 10. The Oral Roberts, Jimmy Bakers, Joel Osteen's and probably your preacher, gets the religion he wants and the world wants.

With any Pharaoh, you must gain more by overthrowing a regime than you gain by staying under bondage in the same regime.

A perfect example of world conditions, present day occupiers. They represent everything wrong in today's world - pride, anger, slothfulness, lack of hygiene and healthcare, lust and, most of all, envy. These people show the same decadence-morality of the world, no shame or embarrassment about anything... physical indecency, spiritually profaneness but, of these, mostly young people is there any difference from the hyenas of banking. Children, putting there parents on welfare roles, such as medicaid in order to preserve their wealth for their own use (parents net worth of millions placed on medicaid so their children can inherit their wealth.)

Jon Corzine, billionaire, former governor of New Jersey, manager of hedge fund Capital Management, has probably stolen $600 million from depositors but, you can be sure, he will not serve one day in jail, and his friend, President Obama, will bail out the fund. Why do these occupiers not protest decadence in congress and their democrat party? (last year, congressional democrats increased their stock portfolio value 750%... just from insider trading (It is not unlawful for congress people to use insider trading practices))

Perhaps the occupiers are following the example of the Christian church, failing to resist the adversary-satin, regardless of the cost, in spite of the world, the flesh, the devil. With Christians, if the salt has lost it's savour, what good is it except to be trodden under foot. (Matthew 5:13) The congressional political whores give long speeches about their hatred of taxes, what would happen if they loved taxes?

Nimrod, great grandson of Noah, attempted to rule the world with the great tower of Babel. (equivalent of today's bilderbergers) His heirs, Semiramis (wife) , supposedly had an immaculate conception of a male child referred to as a “sun god”. There have been other self-proclaimed sun gods... Louis XIV. At Louis XIV funeral at Nortre Dame, the Cardinal, looking at the gold casket, the large burning candle lighting up the splendor of the cathedral and those in attendance, snuffed out the candle. “He thought he was the sun god but now knows darkness like the rest of us” I fully believe Mr. Obama and other of today's world leaders, feel they are gods. But the God of the universe, who knew space before there was space, who measures the height of the Himalayas with His fingers “will not be mocked” (Galatians 6:7) Mr. Obama, his ilk, all those who hate God, pretenders and prostitutes, may not give answers to occupiers or others, but will answer to Him. (Ezekial 22:26)

A Pender county, NC Sheriff located a Mexican alien fitting the description who robbed a 7 eleven store. He put his revolver to his side and said, “You look like the robber of the grocery store”. The alien said, “No speak English” The sheriff called to a friend who understood Spanish, and said, “Interpret for me. Ask this man if he robbed the store”. The friend said yes, he said he robbed the store. “Tell him that if he does not tell me where the money is located, I will fill his guts with lead”. The interpreter reported to the sheriff that the robber said, “I hid the money”. The sheriff said, “I will shoot him if he does not tell me where it is hid”. The robber told the interpreter where the money was hid. But the interpreter told the sheriff, he said ,”go ahead and shoot”. So it is with occupiers, people who work for a living, real Christians who want a better world... business as usual.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

What Has Love Got To Do With It?

Tina Turner, married to Ike Turner, one of the world's stormiest marriages wrote and made popular the song “What's Love Go to do With It”.

Statistics prove that arranged marriages usually work out better than the lustful unions with which we are familiar. Usually a matter of lustful-lawful rather than love, the divorce rate in America is over 50%... even among ministers, particularly evangelicals. Arranged marriages have always been essential with royalty... power, wealth, historical boundaries. In India, I saw arranged marriages taking place in large hotels. The excitement of the groom riding on an elephant. Earliest Jewish marriages were arranged, a time for parents making financial arrangements, a time of betrothal, and then a time of ceremony. The great preacher Dwight L. Moody said, “When God is your partner, you can make great plans.” Most marriages do not last much beyond the unwrapping of gifts.

We live in a kleenex, fast food, unthinking society in politics and economics. Life at the school house, the courthouse, and certainly the drug store, we attempt to get the cure at the same place we caught the disease.

We have abandoned good sense, civilized traditions. The popular mantra, started in 1960, “Do your own thing.” At Woodstock, 1969, Jimi Hendrix-Joan Baez-The Who, “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”. Hippie looseness came from such apostles as Timothy Leary... drop out, psychedelic drugs which caused irreparable brain damage. It was a time of rebellion, women vaulted for liberation. Eleanor Roosevelt headed a committee which became NOW (National organization for women) Betty Friedan, 1963, wrote the feminine mystique stating that women needed a man like a fish needed a bicycle. In San Francisco, Alan Ginsberg, poet, lectured to 20,000 about life. The Beetles, on every radio station, proclaimed “All you need is Love” and, on his way to hell, Sinatra is still singing, “I did it my way.”

One of my assistants, working with the local movie studio, was assigned the job of assisting when Sinatra performed here. He said, “Getting him off his plane, he looked and acted like a real old man but, in makeup, in tux, on the stage, he was a very alive performer. He said, “Taking him back to the plane, he was old and slow again.”

Is this the answer?, Is life just a performance? or, are we here for a reason? Remember life is not a dress rehearsal, you go around the track only once. In it's very short span, are you destined to make a contribution?

For many of us, the tougher we are, the tougher the test. God may allow you to get knocked down... chronic illness, wheelchair, white cane. He does test us. With me, I wish he would try some fresh meat but, the test is not what happens when all goes well but, when all goes wrong.

Without faith it is impossible to please God. But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6) I truly believe that 90% of faith is just raw courage. I truly believe that faith is a verb... action, based on belief, sustained by confidence.

Attempting to survive, most have become dumpster divers. It is so depressing when news headlines tell us about illegal stock trading involving politicians, such as California's Dianne Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi. If I were an atheist, I would surely believe that there must be a Higher Power to mete out justice. Martha Stewart went to prison for stock adventures for which every stock broker is guilty. Even Bernie Madoff said, “The game is fixed.” Everyone knew what Bernie was doing , even the SEC. Everyone knows congressional manipulation of the stock market. Instead of the occupiers condemning Wall Street, molesting hard working citizens, why don't these Obama-loving, ACORN supporting, democrat voting, malcontent unhygienic occupiers, protest congress and the White House?

Jesus taught us that we should love our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12) Too much tinkering with Christianity but still remains, love of God, family, country.

Thanksgiving and Fairness

The only truly American holiday, Thanksgiving. This day smothered by the pagan decorations of Halloween and Christmas. God's word did not instruct us to celebrate Christ's birthday... only memorial instructions, His sacrifice for us on the Cross, celebrated at the Lord's table.

Forgotten, but must be remembered, “Good news”, the gospel has two sides... what God did for us and a history of what Saints of God have done in return.

Here in the room where this is dictated, a cast iron fireplace, cooking pot brought over from England by my family who landed on New Jersey shores. (Morristown farm survey, 1766) Just as most Americans do not realize that 75% of the world's children have never tasted ice cream or slept on a mattress. Premier, primitive Americans eaked out a bare existence, thankful for shelter, fire in a chimney, just any method of preparing food.

But, they took time to be thankful for the goodness of God. There is a difference in the mind of God and the mind of man. Providing for us is always in the mind of God, and thanking Him for provisions should always be in our mind.

The word fair is not found in God's word, even Bill Gates, America’s richest man, unbeliever, in his 10 rules for success in business, tells us that there is no such concept as fair.

From the first time I heard President Obama speak, I knew he was anti-Christ, proven time and time again, in speaking of fair share. The serpent, in the garden of Eden, introduced fairness to Eve... the beginning of all sin, the downfall of man. The concept of fairness was foreign to early Americans. Food from a tortured east coast soil, as they buried their dead from horrendous winters, THEY THANKED GOD FOR OPPORTUNITY.

The Jewish faith of the old testament, a chosen people seeking to live under God's law, observed feast of Thanksgiving. The feast of tabernacles, seven days of living in a temporary “booth” or shelter outside their home in memorial of their life in the desert. During that week, they made 203 sacrificial offerings to God in thanksgiving for His abundance. This practice of living in a temporary shelter is still observed by some Orthodox Jews, until this day.

Some Americans, even the disabled, those who did not win life's lottery as far as possessions, good health, good looks, good brain power, take time for Thanksgiving. Thankful, to the giver of life, for life, eternal life, and it's blessings.

There have always been those who felt they have been left out. Recently, the beginning of the 20th century, the progressive movement and even the veterans of WWI. Then, mid 20th century hippies, now, occupiers, much like Baghdad Bob, giving a ridiculous excuse for their plight in society. This totally blind, 100% disabled veteran, who was never been able to even get a white cane or talking watch from his government can understand the “young folks” resentment toward stretch limousines, life in penthouses-beach chalets. From one side of the world to the other, and I have observed it all, whether a political tyrant, or one who inherits great wealth, and much of it is just plain luck, there has always been and will always be great inequality in our very short life here on earth. (when you get my age you realize how short it is and you look back at blessings, not fairness) It is at the Cross of Jesus Christ that we obtain equality... the greatest equality beyond imagination, a joint heir with God, the One who threw the stars into space. And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. (Romans 8:17)

Now this is a reason for thanksgiving, with Christ, we own all the gold in the earth, the cattle on a thousand hills. (Psalm 50:10)

The occupiers, welfare moochers, dependence on entitlements, the slow but certain drift to communism. Who needs God when you have government? Christian joy, the fount of everlasting pleasure, like plugging a cord into an electric socket, like electricity, always available and dependable. “Young folks”, thinking science and technology is their god, thinking that life is just pushing computer buttons, know nothing of the ugliness of war, hardships that made this country great. We can give without loving but we cannot love without giving. Love of country, Love of God, results in thanksgiving. Pushing aside any thoughts of fairness, because God delights in blessing us, whether we deserve it or not.

It was Judas (betrayer of our Lord for the price of a hog) who resented the “waste” of Mary Magdalene's worship of our Lord, her thanksgiving with the Alabaster box. (Jesus had cast seven devils out of Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9)) and she showed her thankfulness by pouring onto Him all her wealth. Jesus said, that what she had done should be told wherever the gospel is preached. There is nothing cheap about real thankfulness, and God knows.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

When the Music Stops

She had worked at Duke hospital handling medicare and medicaid forms. Attractive, 19, business school graduate, homesick for her parents. After working a while for me, she got a much better job at another doctor's office.

Two years later, I became involved when subpoenaed by her family's lawyer. The doctor-employer for whom she worked was 30 years her senior, but still a good looking, well built man. He and his wife were wealthy, she one of the city's best known realtors. Her doctor-employer seduced her and she became pregnant (my former employee). The doctor and his wife were childless and she, stupid as most young girls believed him when he told her he would divorce his wife for her. About 3 months pregnant, not yet showing, she came and talked to me about the situation. There are several non-negotiables in my faith - abortion, same-sex marriage, homosexuality, lesbian preachers. I told her she had NO CHOICE but to have the baby. I would help her find a place to stay, in Durham during gestation, then she could put the baby up for adoption. Her doctor-employer insisted she have an abortion, so afraid his wife might someday discover the truth. This should have told her how much he cared for her. She had the abortion in a nearby city, and that very week, her doctor-employer was killed in an automobile crash. From all appearance, it was suicide but, insurance paid off... tremendously.

The rest of the story, she became a total mental cripple, dependent on her parents. She just sat around all day in a rocking chair as if she were rocking a baby. The parents, knowing the full story, needed financial help... so a trial. The wife handled the trial well but the doctor's mother was a disaster... she so wanted a grandchild, from her only child, now dead. On the stand, I told everything, amazed that the judge allowed some of my words, I decided to see just how far the judge would let me go. His mother was looking straight at me, bewildered that her doctor, son would seduce a young girl. I said, “The grandchild you so wanted was killed by an abortionist.” Ads in the newspaper said, I created chaos in the courtroom, the judge banging with his gavel, the dead doctor's mother screaming. In a desert of Godlessness, the rot of sin destroys many lives.

And, speaking of doctors, healing, the medical caduceus which I wore on my uniform as an Army medical officer, the emblem of healing in the healthcare world started with people who did not obey.

Moses, leading two and 1/2 million Jews, 400 years slaves in Egypt, miracle after miracle (red sea on dry land not a sick one among them (Psalm 105) Shoes and clothing that did not wear out. Pillar of fire above them) started complaining about the food that God was providing for them. IF YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT WHAT YOU BITE, GOD MAY SEND SOMETHING TO BITE YOU. God sent fiery serpents, biting them, many died. At least they had sense enough to go to Moses and admit their sin. God told Moses to put a brass serpent on a pole, all they had to do was look at it for healing. (a shadow of things to come, Christ on a tree, atonement not only for sin but for healing – Isaiah 53)

The “rot”, the reason the music has stopped, (guidance and blessings of God) slothfulness and envy. Christians cannot criticize occupiers, the 50% of the population living on welfare, the 54% of the population living on entitlements... most moochers envious of others, when the producers are becoming more and more lazy... grown men in the best years of their lives, messing around on golf courses-playing video games.

God has pulled back the curtain, revealing just how rotten civilization has become. Do we really believe it was more rotten before 5000 BC and the flood of Noah?

Recently, in a “gay pride” parade, political Icons were marching behind members of the NAMBLA (man boy/love association) Perhaps this is the answer at Penn State. Can one imagine a 28 year old academic, Mike Mcqueery, not interfering with a disgusting site in a locker room shower? Can one imagine university officials not coming down hard on Jerry Sandusky... just letting, according to grand jury testimony, this matter fester for 15 years as the cheerleaders-and the band music played on? The anti-Christian, anti-God, state-contolled, secular, humanist, news media, would have you believe that the entire world has gone SEX CRAZY and everyone should just accept perversion as a way of life. Clare Boothe Luce, congresswomen, writer, wife of Life magazine's Henry Luce said, “there are two groups of people in the world, the optimists and the pessimists, the pessimists are much better informed”. This writer has been accused of negativity, perhaps, because, I am better informed.

America's problems are beyond politics. Today's unbelievers did not invent despising God. Hell is full of God's enemies awaiting final judgment. It is too late for them, but before YOUR music stops, from the rot of sin and rejection, and, since judgment begins at the house of God (1Peter 4:17), protesters, pretenders, provocateurs should look around and take note.