Friday, September 30, 2016

#1879 Ritrovare (Discover)

Ritrovare (Discover)

Mohandas Gandhi said there are seven sins they are:

Wealth without work.
Pleasure without conscience.
Knowledge without character.
Commerce without morality.
Science without humanity.
Worship without sacrifice.
Politics without principle.

"I like your Christ.  I do not like your Christians.  Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."  - Mohandas Gandhi

Mark Twain said, "India is the ultimate tribal destination."  This writer, world traveler, has visited the home of Mohandas Gandhi twice; near the home on the Ganges is the place where his body was cremated.  You never recover from a visit to India.  So many of us think we came from poverty.  (Dr. Morris was raised on a tobacco farm in Eastern NC:  dirt road, no phone, power, or water lines.)  You have never seen poverty until you visit India; it is the most religious country in the world...still a constant battle between Hindus and Muslims.  The British, who ruled India for many years, attempted to solve the problem by separating this huge hunk of real estate into two nations, India and Pakistan...Pakistan, Muslim.  Still the battle goes on because of Kashmir; a slice of territory between Pakistan and India.  I visited Kashmir, stayed on a river boat, such beauty and such destitution.

I have wracked my brain trying to figure out why there are so many problems among these people...beautiful people.  If religion would solve the problem, if keeping certain laws would solve the problem: they do not drink alcohol, there are temples everywhere-you have never seen so many monks.  Yet, the same law for hitting a sacred cow as hitting a human-being and some places attempting to satisfy a false god...they throw babies off the roofs of temples. 

At Madres, on the banks of the Holy Ganges, where I witnessed people doing their religious rituals in the water, I saw the place where the Disciple Thomas was killed by a Brahma Sword.  After being on a boat in the Ganges, this blind man was trying to get on shore...something pulling at my legs; it was gangs of legless children, begging.  Can one even imagine in a country so filled with religion that parents would take their own babies to a butcher and have their legs chopped off to make them more pitiful beggars?

Outside Gandhi's house, pictured here, there were these begging children, the two times I was there.  They would take whatever visitors gave them to an adult standing behind some bushes.  My guide said, "Don't ever give these children anything because whatever you give them is more than their parents make working."

At Jayne Temple, workers wore veils over their faces, so afraid were they that a gnat or other insect might get into their mouth or face and get killed.  They did not believe in killing any type life.  The dead were taken into a large valley, put on pilings for the birds to destroy.  There are 14 huge Hindu temples depicting sex acts on the exterior of the temples.  A country of absolute contrast, one of the most beautiful buildings in the world the Taj Mahal at Agra, palaces of maharajas...where I actually saw walls covered in precious and semi-precious stones.

I traveled once through India by train, I could not help but think of the work of the animals involved building up those huge mounds for railroad tracks...same thoughts I have of horses pulling war equipment through snow during Hitler's attempt to invade Russia.  It has been said that Russia had much larger horses and they were much crueler to them.

There had been a flood but the train up on the railroad mounds was above the water.  I will never forget the desperation of people lined up with any type container to get water from the train every time the train stopped.  Everywhere, there were the rotting bodies of water buffalo.

Western civilization is attempting to fall into the same gorge of fake religion, as has happened to so many other areas of the world.  Beginning around 200 years ago, the sanctity of life-marriage-home began to dissolve.  Early prostitutes, early biblical history, use sponges and vinegar for birth control.  Sex has always been a real problem with God, the actress Betty Davis said, "Sex is the biggest joke God has played on man."  Jacob's sons, patriarchs of the Bible, were all involved in sex escapades but then came birth control-abortion.  There were probably always homosexuals but even when I was a young person it was kept in the closet.  You didn't hear much about it except arrests for "unnatural acts" now; the gay lifestyle has become very popular.  The gay agenda with same sex marriage, ask don't tell.  Young people using the same showers-bathrooms are promoted by the leftist-perverts as "fairness".  I said to some officials of a Christian college, which I financially support, some time ago, "You can well expect if you continue to get government funds for your college that you will have to break down the barriers of separate bathroom facilities and separate residence halls."  Believers, like unbelievers, have already decided that the word of God is no longer important in their lives.  When the Godless communist officials regained South Vietnam, their first words, "Get rid of this Western decadence."  They were talking about the Western military accomplices (around any military involvement-installations Satan always has facilities to tempt-control young warriors) such as, bars-strip clubs-porno shops.  When will America discover that a nation built on the sovereignty of God cannot dance the Tango with Satan?  

Monday, September 26, 2016

#1878 Mirror of the Heart "Volunteerism"


Mirror of the Heart

"As a Volunteer" - W.S. Brown

     He calls you, for He loves you
     With a heart most kind,
     He whose heart was broken,
     Broken for mankind;
     Now, just now, He calls you,
     Calls in accents clear,
     Will you be enlisted
     As a volunteer?

"Honor has not to be won; it must only not be lost."  Arthur Schopenhauer

Success in the minds of most people is disguised by numbers.  Everyone counts numbers in everything, instead of making numbers count. 

The greatest rewards of life and you realize this after you reach old age, actions from which you get no financial return.

The humanitarianism of volunteerism, bringing to those with you whom you are blessed to come in contact, that God does not eliminate problems but gives you the means to get through problems.

The world and people in the world are so absorbed in self, meism...the grace of volunteering.

The growth of a tree must be bent early in order for it to mature in the right direction. 

There is a divine chemistry in men and women.  Women are destined to nurture; men to protect-provide-venture.  Men are wired to be heroes.  People so admire heroes: Livingston, Lindbergh, etc.  The earliest Greek and Roman heroes, Hercules-Thor.  The twentieth century brought on comic book heroes: Superman, Spider-Man, and Batman.  Can you understand why the world is in the condition it is in?  These superheroes are from fatherless houses...not families.  In WWII, comic books featuring white superhuman men were used to teach recruits to read-use training manuals.  There is nothing in hero comic books about the family, rather feats of masochism-heroic adventure.  More recent, women became superheroes, many Japanese comic books written by women.  (Japanese manga is a feminine production.)  The first comic books, Detective, produced by two Jewish boys and sold to the industry for one hundred thirty dollars.  There is a generosity in investing in others...once thought to be Christian, now taken over by the secular world.

Can one even imagine the importance of a secular mission like Meals on Wheels: volunteers from every walk of life at their own expense, taking food-needed nutrition to disabled and homebound public? 

When you have experienced real life, real living...the "fake stuff" does not hold up anymore.  The secret of generosity is volunteerism.

Those at the church house never understood or fully appreciated the real believers who never got paid for always being there, the greeters-ushers-musical instrument players-choir members-Sunday school teachers-leaders at prayer meetings, study courses.  The pastor got a nice package but committed-concerned-convinced believers did the work.  Not just at scheduled services, but at funerals, special occasions, these volunteers were always in place...most never getting a thank you.  One organist told me that she had never been paid one time for a funeral but she knew the pastor got paid.

Find those who have carved the path of service, civic clubs-youth club leaders-supervising coaches of youth recreation.  False perceptions, false values, God does not judge as human-beings judge.  He knows the heart, he made the eye, he can see through "fakery". 

Everyday, every way, we enter other's worlds; thank God there are still those with the integrity and honesty to honor God-family-country by volunteering.

The bed is too short; the blanket too narrow, something always sticks out.  In the military, I could always tell a volunteer from a drafted soldier. 

At the end, it is not where we started but where we finish.  We are not stuck where we start, God deliver me from anyone who has never been broken.  Those who have known poverty-sought mercy from God or from others are best prepared to sympathize and empathize.  The greatest service of human life, to do for others...never before in the history of volunteering is there a greater challenge than helping those with addictions: illegal and legal drugs-alcohol-food-sex-gambling-etc. 

The more balls you try to juggle, the more likely you are to drop one.  You can't do it all, the need is too great.  Pick your area of volunteering and bask in the joy of knowing others view your heart through a very special mirror.  I still remember Ms. Sullivan, who taught boys and girls in Sunday school at our country church for twenty-seven years.  We have an 80-20 world, 20 percent are volunteers, one way or another, and 80 percent are always on the sidelines.  20 percent pay the taxes; rescue the perishing, care for the dying, show homage to children-elderly-animals without thinking of any costs involved.  Most work is done by 20 percent of the people, 80 percent have learned how to manipulate the system.

In Baswana, Africa, I was standing on a mountain side, near a large valley watching a large herd of wildebeests.  Not far from me were some bushes from which three lions watched the herd.  The lions knew as soon as their presence was known the herd would stampede, leaving behind those who could not stay up or keep up, the weak, the disabled, the sick, the newly born...the lions would just gobble them up.  Would we be any better if not for the volunteers who do not run with the rich and famous, who have a heart for the disenfranchised?  The Rotarian motto, "Service above self" I have know many Rotarians in my time...very few real ones.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

#1877 Moonpies and the Grist Mill


Moon Pies and the Grist Mill

(A bag of stone ground cornmeal, Dr. Morris' cousin at one time owned this company it was called, Rain's Milling Company, Princeton, NC.)

"Down by the Old Mill Stream" - Tell Taylor

     Down by the old mill stream where I first met you,
     With your eyes of blue, dressed in gingham too,
     It was there I knew that you loved me true,
     You were sixteen, my village queen, by the old mill stream.

It is hard to cut free from your past.  Trust leads you in many directions, in my long life; thoughts like addictions were so light you cannot feel them.  Books got this farm boy "through it all".  Like so many doctors, I had teachers-professors-associates who lied to me BECAUSE SOMEONE HAD LIED TO THEM.

Take common sense from the equation of your education and you don't have much left.  Healthcare, like patriotism, like Christianity, is not complicated...just tough.  I believe that 90 percent of Christian faith is just raw courage.  It takes real courage on the battlefield of life.

In study and in practice, a live witness to many live patients, I have found that simplicity is always best.  If you want health, keep the food you put in your mouth simple.  I so despise the word diet...such a fraud concept, so many attempting to capitalize on some type diet. 

The cells of your body must have nutrition.  The cures for most diseases are in the kitchen not the drug store.  Your body is a temple not a dumpster; you need God's food, not make-believe food, tainted with artificial colorings and flavorings.

Early in life, I discovered the secret of health.  My daddy would take me with him, when he went to the grist mill to get shelled corn ground into cornmeal.  (We would go to Sasser's Mill Pond, where there was a grist mill.  These mills were all around the state where there was a pond of water which would furnish power to turn a waterwheel.  This was before the time of electric power lines in the countryside.  The waterwheel would turn a wheel attached to a millstone which would grind the corn into meal.) 

Corn is a biblical grain; there is an average of 16 rows of grain on a cob with one piece of silk for each kernel.  Cornmeal has been a staple in homes around the world, called maize in the Bible.  Isn't it wonderful just to think that our blessed Lord enjoyed cornbread?

I found that patients, who lived somewhat isolated from the so called advances of the world, had healthier bodies...they ate God food: food directly from THEIR garden, eggs and chicken from THEIR chicken house, pork from THEIR hog house, milk and beef from THEIR cow barn.  They did not use poisons to kill insects and as my daddy would say, there was always some insect wanting to eat his crops.  (One of my patients told me that she had trained her turkeys to take one row at a time and debug her garden.)  They ate foods in their season, they knew that God had put every element in the good earth that their body needed for it's nutrition...either eating the plants directly that had fed on these elements or eating animals that had fed on these plants.

It is criminal what agricultural science has done to the health of mankind.  Big pharmacy not just content to keep everyone swallowing pills, in my lifetime, introduced pest and weed control to farm life; the chemical Round Up to control weeds is the leading cause of infertility in animal life, not just your livestock but yourselves. 

The curse of nutrition-good health GMO's (genetically modified organisms).  Let me give you some snapshots showing you the effects of GMO's:  93% corn-soy-bean crops, effecting not just fertility, bringing on the disasters of autism-diabetes-heart disease-cancer.  You would think that smart farmers would know that a toxin that would destroy insects would destroy their own bodies.  There are chemical sprays put on everything-fruit trees-grapevines-berry bushes.  I am afraid the average uniformed preparer of foods does not wash fruits and vegetables, any of today's raw food products should be thoroughly washed, soaked in water to which vinegar has been added.

One of my "smart" assistants brought to my kitchen a plastic bag of salad greens, she said, "They are ready for your salad; you don't even have to wash them."  I said, "Go to my office and get a magnifying glass.  Look in the crevice of these leaves and tell me what you see."  I thought she was going to get sick seeing all the trash I would have put in my mouth if I did not wash such.  Think of this the next time they bring out a bag of that trash and put on your buffet table in your local restaurant.  Another thing these simple farm folks who would be considered by their superior friends on city streets, they do not have the addictive cravings from fast-food.  Do we really think that those of the golden arches are not attempting to spoil you with artificial everything, including artificial meat?  I have told many that the makers of diet soft drinks should be imprisoned, aspartame is a poison.  Sprinkle it under your sink; it will kill your roaches.

Everyday of my life, I pray for refugees-migrants-hungry children around the world, who are just trying to survive, I have seen the simplicity of humble food around the world: kush kush Africa: black bread-Russia:  brown rice-China.  Born in poverty, I knew what it was to have just potatoes on the table BUT, ask any person raised on simple food, they still desire it.  There is nothing better to this old-wealthy-educated-blind male American than corn bread.  I had rather have a cake of my mother's corn bread than the most expensive dessert found on the dessert buffet table at the Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong.  (I have eaten there, the most impressive hotel in the world.)  Keep the food you put in your mouth simple and you will live longer.  Stay away from GMO food, artificial-addictive-asinine menu choices.  Stay away from processed foods, foods that have been in storage for a long time.  I am told that most orange juice sold on special in grocery stores, came from large storage silos, often stored for years.  Careful of cereals, many have plastic fillers...the same type plastic filler put in pet foods.  Do you really think you will get any nutrition from plastic?  Did you know that plastic leaches cancer causing chemicals into foods, such as meat wrappings, coffee cups, and those wonderful plastic bottles of water? 

People should be put in jail that put artificial sweeteners-poisons into the sweets which we all enjoy, EVEN THOSE WONDERFUL MOON PIES.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

#1876 Judas Gate


Judas Gate


"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else."  -  C. S. Lewis

God preserves his finest deliverance for those who are desperate.  GOD NEVER WASTES THE SUFFERING OF HIS PEOPLE.  The best measurement of a Christian's true strength is what he does at a time of adversity.  God's word gives us the perfect example, Paul and Silas in prison, in stocks, at midnight, singing hymns and, "scripture tells us that the other prisoners listened" (Acts 16:25).  What a testimony!  The best example I could give you from my life, peace and Godliness, this writer would be up studying (high school-college) AND, on the farm, (we had never heard of air conditioning), the windows all open, in my own bed, the quietness of God's universe, across the highway, we had a large pasture with a creek running through it I could hear the cows munching on grass, frogs singing in the swamp.  In my years of blindness, these hearing sensations, memories are still parents who went to bed early, sleeping, snoring, completely at peace with their world.  I heard my father say to a friend, "The Bible tells me that God neither slumbers nor sleeps (Psalm 121:4), why should I lay in bed awake?"

In a nation where trivia is emphasized and glorified, everyone wants a shortcut...something quick, something fast.  In ancient cities, to keep from opening large gates, a small gate called a Judas Gate was built into the main gate, for the use of workers.  It was much like the "cat hole" which farmers put into their barn the cats could go in and out with ease keeping their barns "rat free".

The CEO of most large American corporations makes (note I did not say earns) 325 times the salary of his average worker.  Most men of power-wealth-influence have forgotten how much technology has contributed to their success.  Like their workers, small doors which they fail to appreciate.

This writer, world traveler, has traveled through-infiltrated most of the world's 42 Muslim countries.  I was amazed at their backwardness...their inability to grow or build anything.  Enough oil wealth, their governments just haul in food, which they pay for all over the world.  There is not enough technology in Muslim countries to build a bicycle.  Yet, they "somehow acquire the explosives and war equipment to defeat powerful countries".  America is known for selling war materials to third world countries, than having to fight them with the same type of material to bring them under submission. 

This writer was in Armastar, India, there to see the gold temple of the sikhs.  Two London journalists were there, fascinated by this blind world traveler, they insisted that I travel with them to Afghanistan (where I had been twice before) so they could photograph the huge standing Buddha's at Bamiyan, "it will not cost you a cent...we are flying through the back paperwork, we just want your company".  I was amazed at these huge standing Buddha's, marveled at the work required to build them-probably the people killed to build them, more amazing, nothing in eastern Afghanistan, the great Himalayas, Hindu Kush, but goat herders.  Yet, think of the small doors-small religious zeal that has stood off both Russia and America in recent wars.  Other small things have completely fooled the world, any large city...Paris-London-New York, small bombs-small people.  I do not have the gift to predict the future.  God give us divine intervention to prevent openings such as Judas went through to elicit twenty pieces of silver.

I was just a small boy, but I still remember, my father's oldest sister and her husband, two of the world's most promising adults, from two remarkable families, lost their first child, a daughter to a dread disease.  On returning from the church, huge crowd, dirt thrown on the casket in the back of the church cemetery, my aunt took the Bible and threw it across the room, "That is that, never again!"  She did forgive, did not forget...although, God did forgive and forget.  Later, they were right back at the church, praising him for his goodness.

Under God's everlasting arm, we have the serenity, less troubled hearts.  It is not a Judas Gate...small and insignificant, but that eternal door which always has the latch on the inside; we must make the effort to open it.  In opening that door, OUR DESTINY IS SETTLED.

Monday, September 19, 2016

#1875 Fortune Cookie Message


Fortune Cookie Message

"Home is where the heart is."

America is a short time experiment.  Most of the technology-new inventions of the world were started here.

With America's bottomless ocean of technology, the conscience conflicting action...a driverless car, whether to hit a child or hit a wall...with DNA, the ability to bring back extinct animal life from the past.  The use of individual jet packs for transportation and not just fast food-instant international communication via handheld cell phone...every evil that Satan can proffer. 

The time has come to put first things first; the time has come to value the lock on the door of your home.  More valuable than gold, for you and your family, your home is the last sanctuary of privacy and safety left in a rapidly changing world.

There was a time when your church, be it a Catholic cathedral, Jewish temple, Christian, edifice, or even Muslim mosque was a sanctuary from the cares-trials-tribulations of the world.  No more, Satan's greatest ambition to infiltrate all spiritual places of refuge.

The Christian church is little more than a country club with a steeple, a civic club with more music.  From the podium to the pew, Satan has filled hearts with doubts and fears. 

There must be a place for soul refreshing.  One time, saved, committed, concerned, convinced believers, from the sanctuary anxious to go out, the light of Jesus shining in the marketplace, to make the world a better place.  The twenty first century church, some mega churches, a theology of drums and drama, a Madison Avenue approach to "seeker" spiritual enhancement, people who laugh about everything...cannot talk without a giggle.  Giggle when they don't even get the joke.  As a doctor, sick patient so attuned to the world's expecting you to say "I am fine"; cannot even discuss symptoms without giggling.  It is time to get serious about our real condition.

Behind the lock on your door, you must have for you and your family a place of sanctuary...quietness-refreshing.  You must keep the world out of your precious values.  There was a time when, in the "seedy" part of town you had disgusting strip joints, "porno shops".  By way of the computer, internet, the worst the world has to offer is now in your home.  Some televisions are never turned off in a home; you need to keep this trash out of your home, away from your children.  TV not only ruins a child's eyes but totally pollutes the mind.  (Now I know there are some good things on TV, remember, most of rat poison is just cornmeal...just a little arsenic.  The human genome is very close to the rat genome, if we could only learn to separate the cornmeal from the arsenic.)

In the sanctity of your home, you need the fantasy of books...the delight of good music, the smells of healthy God food (the body cannot digest synthetics: in most grocery store food there is more nutrition in the wrapping than in the food.)  Remember, the cure is in the kitchen not the drug store.

For those who seek shelter from the storms of modern day extravagance, whether a person living alone or a family, happy within the worship attitude in your existence many will find you a source of curiosity and pity.  You don't care about that from the magnificence of your home; adults and children can go forth better prepared for the battles of life...the challenges in school, the competition in the workforce.  You are not tainted by the toxicity Satan has conjured up for his minions.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, speaking at Harvard University, said Russia fell because Russia forgot about God.  Of course, the people at Harvard thought they knew more about Russia than he did.  He had the experience of watching the decay at the time of the communist USSR tyranny.  I can understand, this writer was there several times, even crossed Russia on the Tran-Siberian Railroad.  The great churches had been turned into museums (St. Isaacs, St. Basil, etc).  The people were just slaves.  The paintings and great cathedral type candelabra in the subway stations were impressive, but more impressive; the downtrodden-bleak-beguiled faces on adults as well as children told the entire story.  You did not see any real happiness in Soviet Russia. This writer, talked with one old woman outside the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, said to me, "My only refuge in this desert of unbelief, this island of comfort here in the remains of my church." 

I do not believe most people; my neighbors-family-associates have any idea of what has happened to their country.  I remember so well, when I was a medical student, Memphis TN, one radio announcer-total frustration when he had hit the wrong button used a four letter word.  He was immediately fired.  Now, that four letter word is used in almost every sentence some people utter.  Have you even considered the clutter and clash of ideas which our ancestors considered sacred?  In Belgium, children can choose longer choosing to live.  In America, children can choose a different gender, politicians wanting unisex bathrooms.  Could one even imagine some pastors performing marriage for same sex couples?  If the moral fiber of an individual, state, nation has disappeared there is no way that entity can withstand.  Law enforcement just goes through the motions.  Politicians and bureaucrats are just concerned with staying near the money pot-a profitable retirement.

Christians, especially Christian families, must never forget where we belong.  Most of us are made to feel uncomfortable in the church by atheists-pastors and pew warmers.  Cling to your home, the sanctuary of home, the safety-privacy of home.  Our freedom in Christ, our every action is MINE to do.  At home, we clean up-fill up-get up, ready for the challenges of the world outside our door.  We do not have to be told what our sins are, our health conditions.  Moses, Jeremiah, David, even Paul wanted to escape people.  Elijah sat down under a tree, and just wanted to die.  We as Christians will entertain defeat.  We will always be wallpaper not the centerpiece BUT we have better things eternal home, free of the pollution of this world.  The message in the fortune cookie....your inheritance. 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

#1874 Straight Jacket Ready


Straight Jacket Ready

"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.  If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.  For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.  And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever."  (1 John 2:15-17)

There is nothing neutral about technology or the media.  Technology captures you, media exploits you. 

A man never starved because he did not take time to eat.  Warriors do not worry about whether they will survive the battle...they just plunge on.  On this, my birthday number 86, this old warrior just plunges on fully aware (at least, I think I am fully aware at my age-I do believe senility is taking over) that the world around me has gone completely crazy-berserk.  This sightless old man, looking around, ears still attune to the news-the conversations of people around me-my associates and employees everyone is straight jacket ready, heading for the loony hospital-asylum.

There is nothing as obvious about our mental lunacy as the fact that hard-working people become more physically and mentally exhausted everyday.  You either work or steal.  Our borders have been open like the welcome wagon to migrants rushing here for streets of gold, and in just eight years, Obama has doubled the national debt with an increase of ten trillion dollars, money which future generations can never repay.

In my town, there are churches on every corner yet more crime than ever.  America, at one time a supposed Christian nation, has more people in prison than any other nation.  WHAT WOULD MY TOWN BE LIKE IF IT HAD NO CHURCHES?  My country has become a playground instead of a battleground.  What happened to the "onward Christian soldiers"?  What happened to the patriots who preserved as they had defended our hard-won costly liberty?

As important as chlorophyll to plant life, hemoglobin to animal life is the inescapable majesty of common sense.

Does it make any sense that you would buy a new car on which you must deprive yourself to make payments, when you know, full well, that the most expensive trip you will ever make, the miles from the car lot to your house...the car depreciating a large part of its value on that short trip.

Every time I show one of my buildings for sale, first words out a prospective buyer, it is dated.  Of course, every building-stick of furniture-human-being is dated.  So, bathrooms are dated yet, some pay great prices for an old old pie safe...vintage clothing.  Cyber warfare, many of these prissy-particular people will be happy to find the old-fashioned outhouse...real emergency. 

The cure for most diseases is in the kitchen, not the drug store.  Health depends on nutrition and exercise.  The elitist American male, so intent on interneting and experience, covets the golf course for exercise...yet rides around on a cart.  The American female, also wanting exercise goes to her gym-dance-yoga classes but cannot find the energy to push a vacuum cleaner or dust rag.

At the UNC-CH Medical School, Chapel Hill, I used to look at the museum's surgery and medical relics.  How did our ancestors survive, before the time of advertisements telling us what to eat-drugs to take-activities to follow?  Our ancestors, like people in third world countries, knew and know that we eat plant life or, we eat animals that eat plant life.  Americans have obesity problems because the homeostasis demands of a live body craves nutrition, the trillions of cells in the animal body must have nutrition.  When we attempt to satisfy hunger by cramming the body with "junk" that has no nutrition we just supplement the fat cells.  The body cannot digest synthetics.  In poverty ridden countries of the world, this world traveler saw children eat mud cakes, they might have eased the hunger pains by filling the stomach but there was little nutrition involved.

Thankfully, educators have discovered that well-fed children do better in feeding programs.  Thankfully, communities manage nutrition for the elderly.  When, and I have been a condemned proponent of supplements all my professional life, will opinion molders-media-health educators realize that holistic healthcare practices are successful:  that Chinese-Asian healthcare practices were successful long before western medicine got its start.  Have you ever read the pamphlets that come with every drugstore prescription...the reasons not to take the medicine, side effects, etc?  You never hear of curing anything, just treatment.  Big Pharma wants every living person to take pills everyday, and as I learned long ago the patient wants a piece of paper to buy expensive medicine they do not want you to advise about care...sleep-eating-habits.  It is far better to maintain than to regain.

God's word has all the answers.  Yet, most people who say they believe in God's word never read it.  In the Old Testament, Jesus concealed.  New Testament, Jesus revealed.  The most beautiful story, Abraham, first Jew (a chosen people of God), and his son of promise, Isaac, and I believe he was around thirty years of age, his old doddering father, up and away early, Mount Moriah, where Abraham had been instructed by God to offer his precious son as a sacrifice.  Can we even imagine the sorrow in this old man's heart, the confusion in the young man's heart?  The scripture had never mentioned a sacrifice before, no record that Abraham had said anything about his matter to Sarah.  Just think, fire was carried around with people, there were no matches-cigarette lighters.  Isaac carried wood on his back, just was Jesus would later carry wood on his back.  This was probably the greatest test we have ever encountered.

When will we learn that human-beings are tested?  Most of the time, testing is grievous.  The saints of old, "of whom the Earth was not worthy" (Hebrews 11:38) were tested as we can never even imagine.  God has always sought out "faithers" redeemed-sanctified believers whom he can "showcase" forever in his presence.  They are more than "faint hearted" believers, "fair weather" patriots.  Neither God nor our country deserves lunatics ready-racing toward the asylum.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

#1872 Wading Through a Morass of Nonsense


Wading Through a Morass of Nonsense

"Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."  - Abraham Lincoln

Your writer lived through most of the twentieth century with its bottomless ocean of technology, its sellout to the World-Flesh-Devil.  Those who do not believe in God, even despise God usually have a tolerance for those who do.

In the first twenty years of the twenty first century already, so totally obvious, a sellout to nonconformity.

Around 1975, this world traveler was in Rio de Janeiro, one of my many trips through South America, my guide told me that I should go to Rio's famous Marcana stadium, where the famed soccer player Pele was playing.  The stadium held 200,000 and it was packed.  The most memorable event, at least to me, of the experience, at the playing of the Brazilian national anthem, as I always did in any nation...a theatre in London where God Save the Queen is always played - even in outer Mongolia I jumped to my feet in respect for the nation's anthem.  One man down below me, did not stand for the national anthem, the police slapping him around, arrested him.  My guide said, "That boy will learn to stand the next time the anthem is played."  There are just some people who want to be different or indifferent or WHO JUST WANT NOTARIETY. 

Such is one football player, Colin Kaepernick of the San Francisco 49ers; he refuses to stand for the playing of our nation's great national anthem.  I know the song is hard to sing, I know many traitors do not respect it but it still sends chills up and down my spine every time I hear it...especially when sung by our great military choirs.

We are not born neutral toward God.  We are born sinners; you do not have to teach children to sin.  Remember, we are chosen by God for life (those of us who escaped the holocaust of abortion).  Among civilized people, and I have traveled the world observing civilized people, there are always traditions in every nation, skin color, language.  Every nationality honors its leaders, its national anthem, and its flag.  Almost every nation honors religious practices.  In nations where Christianity is a part of life, as in America, even those who do not believe in God will respect those whose very existence is wrapped up in God.  Since America, from its beginnings, professed itself to be a Christian nation we gave tolerance to those who chose a variety of ways to worship God, such as the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.  There are thousands of denominations:  Catholics cross themselves, bow to statues:  Mormons baptize for the dead, wear certain underclothing:  Jehovah's Witnesses do not have windows in their sanctuaries, have little respect for law enforcement.  Attending an Episcopal church is totally different from attending a fundamental evangelical church.  We have Hindu-Buddhist-Muslim congregations among us.  We show acceptance toward all traditions, belief systems.  If Christian Science works for you, wonderful...I personally do not want to handle any snakes but, if it works for you. 

When the Queen of England enters Westminister Abbey even her husband walks three steps behind her, as she passes, her subjects bow.  When a military officer comes across a group of enlisted men "attention" is called. 

I was a field grade medial officer in the Army, several of my doctor friends, so different-so liberal, objected to saluting or being saluted.  There have always been those who did not want to observe traditions-rituals-standards of behavior.  Some do not want to stand when the judge enters the courtroom.  Some think it foolish that a wreath of flowers is placed on the outside door of a bereaved family...that you stand when a casket and grieving family walks into a hall.  There are degrees of decency-protocol-traditions observed around the world.  This is a sign of civilized behavior. 

Further, it does not bother most of us that there are certain practices-rituals in fraternal groups, such as the Masonic Lodge-the college fraternity-Native American reservations.

Ancient Jews stood at attention when the laws of the Torah were read or recited.  Civilized evangelical congregations stand when scripture is read and prayer to Almighty God, prayed.

Ineffective-ineffectual some choose to live like the scum on rocks, why should anyone object to the firing of weapons above the casket of a dead veteran...the playing of Taps?

As these nonconforming young people see religion and religious actions, oppressed behind the closed doors of the sanctuary or private home.  Robots take over the activities involved in personal drones, making deliveries-fighting wars-eliminating undesirables.  The wanton actions, the feeling good may resurface with a desire for the good ol' days with pride in God, family, and country.

#1872 Wading Through a Morass of Nonsense


Wading Through a Morass of Nonsense

"Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."  - Abraham Lincoln

Your writer lived through most of the twentieth century with its bottomless ocean of technology, its sellout to the World-Flesh-Devil.  Those who do not believe in God, even despise God usually have a tolerance for those who do.

In the first twenty years of the twenty first century already, so totally obvious, a sellout to nonconformity.

Around 1975, this world traveler was in Rio de Janeiro, one of my many trips through South America, my guide told me that I should go to Rio's famous Marcana stadium, where the famed soccer player Pele was playing.  The stadium held 200,000 and it was packed.  The most memorable event, at least to me, of the experience, at the playing of the Brazilian national anthem, as I always did in any nation...a theatre in London where God Save the Queen is always played - even in outer Mongolia I jumped to my feet in respect for the nation's anthem.  One man down below me, did not stand for the national anthem, the police slapping him around, arrested him.  My guide said, "That boy will learn to stand the next time the anthem is played."  There are just some people who want to be different or indifferent or WHO JUST WANT NOTARIETY. 

Such is one football player, Colin Kaepernick of the San Francisco 49ers; he refuses to stand for the playing of our nation's great national anthem.  I know the song is hard to sing, I know many traitors do not respect it but it still sends chills up and down my spine every time I hear it...especially when sung by our great military choirs.

We are not born neutral toward God.  We are born sinners; you do not have to teach children to sin.  Remember, we are chosen by God for life (those of us who escaped the holocaust of abortion).  Among civilized people, and I have traveled the world observing civilized people, there are always traditions in every nation, skin color, language.  Every nationality honors its leaders, its national anthem, and its flag.  Almost every nation honors religious practices.  In nations where Christianity is a part of life, as in America, even those who do not believe in God will respect those whose very existence is wrapped up in God.  Since America, from its beginnings, professed itself to be a Christian nation we gave tolerance to those who chose a variety of ways to worship God, such as the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.  There are thousands of denominations:  Catholics cross themselves, bow to statues:  Mormons baptize for the dead, wear certain underclothing:  Jehovah's Witnesses do not have windows in their sanctuaries, have little respect for law enforcement.  Attending an Episcopal church is totally different from attending a fundamental evangelical church.  We have Hindu-Buddhist-Muslim congregations among us.  We show acceptance toward all traditions, belief systems.  If Christian Science works for you, wonderful...I personally do not want to handle any snakes but, if it works for you. 

When the Queen of England enters Westminister Abbey even her husband walks three steps behind her, as she passes, her subjects bow.  When a military officer comes across a group of enlisted men "attention" is called. 

I was a field grade medial officer in the Army, several of my doctor friends, so different-so liberal, objected to saluting or being saluted.  There have always been those who did not want to observe traditions-rituals-standards of behavior.  Some do not want to stand when the judge enters the courtroom.  Some think it foolish that a wreath of flowers is placed on the outside door of a bereaved family...that you stand when a casket and grieving family walks into a hall.  There are degrees of decency-protocol-traditions observed around the world.  This is a sign of civilized behavior. 

Further, it does not bother most of us that there are certain practices-rituals in fraternal groups, such as the Masonic Lodge-the college fraternity-Native American reservations.

Ancient Jews stood at attention when the laws of the Torah were read or recited.  Civilized evangelical congregations stand when scripture is read and prayer to Almighty God, prayed.

Ineffective-ineffectual some choose to live like the scum on rocks, why should anyone object to the firing of weapons above the casket of a dead veteran...the playing of Taps?

As these nonconforming young people see religion and religious actions, oppressed behind the closed doors of the sanctuary or private home.  Robots take over the activities involved in personal drones, making deliveries-fighting wars-eliminating undesirables.  The wanton actions, the feeling good may resurface with a desire for the good ol' days with pride in God, family, and country.

#1871 Deplorables



"There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it ill behooves any of us to find fault with the rest of us."  - James Truslow Adams

A clock without hands has no purpose.  The greatest wealth man can conceive a human-beings direct access to Creator God.  What is God's will for my life?  I fully realize, at age 86, I am walking around in the shell of the man I used to be, but this does not cause me not to have confidence in myself.

This past week, the presidential candidate for the Democrats, Hillary Clinton, wife of pervert president Bill Clinton, declared that Trump supporters were a "basket of deplorables".  Bertrand Russell said, "Many people would rather die than to think."  More important than anything else in your thinking, the spooks of idolatry that infiltrate your thinking-lifeless idols like "flags" and "dollar bills".  Aggrandizing "Old Glory" at a time of national interest is like an atheist saying "Bless you" when you sneeze or an atheist politician saying "God bless you" when ending his speech. 

In 1965, a very hot Sunday, Madrid's great bull fighting arena, General Franco and his large entourage was sitting to the rear of my seat at a "gala" Spanish bull fight.  Someone had told me that I would never understand the Catalan languid-Spanish way of life until I had attended a real bull fight.  The great general in his uniform, dark glasses would look around over the huge crowd and I just wondered, as I always do, what such an elitist thinks of the underlings of which he feels superior.  I think about this with a president-governor-politician-person of wealth-power-supremacy often times, as in a march-as in a large auditorium, filled with people who feel as you do, who have no more influence on the world than you do, you must look back-or look around, to have some assurance that you are not alone in your thinking, in order to certify, verify your position.  WHO WOULD YOU EXCHANGE YOUR LIFE WITH?  WOULD YOU EXCHANGE YOUR MENTAL THOUGHTS...YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST?  Your security in your political belief:  your security in your faithfulness to God-family-country? 

I truly believe that the common man, such as the Spaniards at the bull fight, above their religious beliefs, were hungering and searching for a true hero such as that found in their ideals of the matador.

Perhaps the time has come for these so-called deplorables, at the ballot box, with actions, using their money as well as their voice, to show the world that they deplore hypocrisy, thievery, political elitism, and political correctness.  Most Americans deplore what has happened to our country, promotion of the gay agenda, same sex marriage, unisex bathrooms, and don't ask don't tell gay frontlines.  We deplore the loss of decency, integrity, patriotism, and spirituality.

After infamous 9/11, filled with a quagmire of doubts (Ex. the number 7 skyscraper falling hours after the other 2 without being hit by anything, etc) the past 15 years, we have been told to "see something-say something".  I have reported plenty, to the interest of no one with authority.  Just one of my office buildings, a fraud-hoax psychology service, Medicaid fraud, the supposed "racketeers" wringing millions of tax dollars, not licensed to do anything:  the supposed patients still waiting for the wheels of justice to turn.  Dealing with any government bureaucrat, those elitist like Franco, who look down at you is like chasing ghosts.  I have reported such deceit of America's tax payer, deceit in the treatment of veterans BUT, like stolen identities, it does no good.

In my house, several years ago, I stopped all my chiming clocks, I did not wish to hear the hours and the minutes of my life pass so fast with so much left undone.  Most American's have no allegiances; I remember the horrors of World War II.  I knew a doctor who survived the Bataan Death March.  Yet, Americans became Olympic runners to buy Japanese cars and then, after Saudi Arabia's best flew the planes into the towers, lined up at gas stations to buy Saudi gasoline for their Jap cars.

Most Americans celebrate a generation promoting the "EXALTATION" of man.  Truth is truth whether anyone believes it or not AND, God is truth.  In a world of lying, cheating, stealing very little truth comes from the exaltation of man.  Man has pushed the envelope about as far as it will go.  In Shakespeare's, "As You Like It" he said, "All the world is a stage."  The world needs some actor politicians-clown elitist to leave the stage and we welcome onto the stage some deplorables...those which Hillary Clinton says are full of prejudice and paranoia to bring back to the world stage an ambiance of common sense-integrity-confidence.

Friday, September 9, 2016

#1870 Elephant or Donkey


Elephant or Donkey

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."  (2Chronicles 7:14)

In the blitzkrieg of our seizure by political parties pulling at our "worser" not better natures, is God riding an elephant or a donkey?  This old, blind, writer has interested himself in politics from FDR until the present disgrace in the White House and now, it is our chance to vote for another.  The secret is out, in spite of a biased media...more biased than anytime in history, and I remember Edward Murrow, Gabriel Heatter, H.V. Kaltenborn, everyone is attracted to a good-looking candidate, everyone is attracted to a candidate that makes them feel good.

Grow up, face the facts of life.  There have always been men and women who could quiet a room just by walking into it.  I have known a successful politician who was popular at the university during rush week (Greek letter fraternities seeking members).  I have known a very successful politician who earned his way through college via tips on a restaurant table.  I knew one dynamic individual, successful in the political world, in spite of the fact that his mother cleaned the floors-chairs-offices at the courthouse.  Einstein said, "Of all the mental facilities imagination is the most important."  One does not achieve any measure of success unless you have the imagination and the back up of that imagination (willingness to study, work, and internet) to believe that you can get there and, you must forfeit of this world's pleasures to establish the discipline of body and mind to get there.  In Bill Gates Rules for Success, his first, LIFE IS NOT FAIR. 

This writer has always been amazed that most mere mortals have no appreciation for the concept of ugliness as well as beauty.  I have traveled through Africa many times, in some of those desperately poor, ugly countries, often, at airports, some native, returning home for a visit, would start weeping as soon as he deplaned.  In spite of the poverty and his nation's third world status "there is no place like home".  There is in the intricate mental ability of genus homo levels of love, honesty, and even truth.  There is a fight for the ordinary. 

Most of us are just ordinary; the gods smiled early and often on many of our fellow men...looks, DNA, ancestral wealth.  You didn't even have to be smart just those looks, quality of voice, charisma.  Some of our fellow men, so fortunate, turn out to be nothing but celebrity whores: entertainment, sports, talking heads.  Others, the idol of money, law firms where minimum billing is $100,000...lawyers making $1000 an hour and, since most politicians, local, state, national politicians are lawyers, they sell their very soul to get elected.  Because, having been elected whether making any real accomplishment or not, an opportunity always awaits, as a lobbyist and certainly a board member of a corporation. 

There was a time when most physicians and even their patients considered those in the medical profession as gods.  In recent years, the white coat has represented robbery, the white mask as much as the black mask; scrubs represent crime as much as the convict's stripes: 400,000 deaths each year from the mistakes of doctors.  With two rampant diseases, Alzheimer's and diabetes being treated with the toxins of prescription drugs instead of diet...cures for many diseases are in the kitchen not the drug store AND don't forget, cancers love sugar.

Each day, USA, 5000 air flights in the sky at any one time.  If just two of these planes crashed each day, several hundred deaths, the nation would go crazy with condemnation of air service.  Oh, the hypocrisy of modern man; each day in this nation 3000 babies killed in the holocaust of abortion...72% of all black babies and it is hardly given a thought...even the concerned, corrupted, Christian church.  We have hospitals for turtles, aviaries to protect birds, and in 2013 Americans spent $55.7 billion on their pets.  A nation who will kill its most innocent, babies in the mother, how can it be concerned about slaughter by prescription and illegal drugs?  We lost the war on poverty, we lost the war on drugs, and we have not won a conflict in which this nation was involved since World War II.

Alice in Wonderland, that famous children's book- "If you don't know where you are going it makes no difference which road you take."

I have never had a worse decision for my vote, a "criminal" woman or a "bully" man.  How could anyone vote for a woman who has proven her distrust?  I must cast my lot with the successful businessman, who may be a pretender about many things but who is at least honest in providing us with a good show.  We know that Hilary Clinton is a crook and will associate herself with crooks, we pray that God will take over...cleanse our land.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

#1869 Wishing Well


Wishing Well

"My Wish" Rascal Flatts

     My wish for you
     Is that this life becomes all that you want it to
     Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small
     You never need to carry more than you can hold
     And while you’re out there gettin’ where you’re gettin’ to
     I hope you know somebody loves you
     And wants the same things too
     Yeah, this is my wish

It's not age that weakens the man, it is comfort.  All court trials are hindsight, most non-fiction books.  I can tell you as an eye doctor that backward vision, looking out the rearview mirror is always 20/20.  With age, the lines between right and wrong get blurry at times, and lies, about the good ol' days, have a way of festering.  Purveyors of stain and stench are nothing new...some of the first art known to man, even in caves, was pornographic.

What was life like before this recent bottomless ocean of technology...the talking box (television), the computer, the smart phone?  I saw it all happen in my lifetime.

In the South of my childhood, in my family, the foundations on which we built our lives, the church house and the schoolhouse.  We didn't have the distractions of social media, "keeping up with the Joneses", political correctness.  Human-beings, at that time, knowing they were created in the image of God, looked out for one another.

Most of today's young people have never seen a well, cannot believe that my grandmothers used a bucket to draw water out of a well for washing clothes-dishes-bodies.  You drew water out of a well to water livestock...animals get thirsty too.  Those who think the Bible is myth, a joke, should know that scripture and Christianity is fact not feeling.  It is a fact that Abraham, the first Jew, sent his trusted servant Eliezer to find a wife for his promised son Isaac.  Rebecca drew water from a well with a bucket to water the camels of that servant's camel train.  Can you even imagine how much water a camel can drink?  So, we know that Isaac's bride Rebecca had wonderful musculature.

In that South, at every country church house, there was a well in the front would stop at a country church to get water.  There was even a trough from which their horse could drink.  I did it many times, traveling, using a hand pump.  Once at our family church in the country, someone at the church said, "The water does not taste right."  Aunt Sarah, longest liver in the family, old at that time, tasted the water and said, "There are frogs in the well." 

Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living."  At the sunset of my life, I often think of what I could have done differently...changes I could have made...LOOKING INTO THE WISHING WELL OF WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN.

Should I have lived most of my life alone?  Personally, I found women, especially the ones I married, the most selfish people I have ever encountered.  That instinct is there, selfishness-preservation; think about it, in a bad traffic situation, how many women have ever helped you in traffic?  Like a mother hen, a mother sow (in Africa, a mother lion always gets between her cubs and any other living being) the mother has the instinct-selfishness to defend herself and her young.

When I was a student, grad school, Memphis TN, member of the great Bellevue Baptist there was one girl to whom I was greatly attracted, but she felt she was too good for me, then one Sunday night, one of the worst snow storms in the history of the city, when everyone was advised to stay home, she called me and asked me if I would pick her up to go to church.  She knew I had a new car, which I had sweated, lived frugally all summer to buy, selling books door to door.  I was not about to take my new car out on those streets.  The great preacher, Dr. RG Lee, would not see me ushering on the lower floor that night and that girl was not that attractive.

Anne, co-owner of a woman's dress shop near my office, she was a spectacular woman, and I truly believe women came to me for talking as well as treatment.  I was too young but I knew she prostituted herself to older men.  She would watch the newspaper, would go to a funeral of a deceased matron just so she could observe the widower and his attractive he was-how expensive the casket, how he buried his wife-how he treated his children.  She would tell him that his wife was her customer, attempting to get him interested in her.  She could never have too many wealthy men lovers.

Would I have been better off if I had played around, high school-college?  Would I have been better off it not so serious in studying, saving my money, living frugally, investing wisely?  Looking back, would I have been better not to have divorced a woman interested only in herself, uninterested in building an estate-world travel-philanthropy?  How many women philanthropists do you know? 

Life is what you make of it, and it goes too fast.  Through prayer and commitment you determine what you do at the crossroads of your circumstance.  The Christian does not allow his circumstances to determine his faith.  Would I have been better off if not so strict in always presenting the best version of myself: my dress, my language, my studies, my presentation?  Would I have been better off if not concerned about my health, taking supplements, careful about what I eat and drink?  Would I have been better off if not a concerned, committed, convinced Christian?  Too many Christians just want the "fire insurance" of thinking they will not go to Hell, by pretending at the church, and around town, but, they never know real redemption, what it means to be a new creation, born again, "they want their cake and eat it too"... holding onto God while continuing to live like those who want nothing to do with God.  Water from God's well, you never thirst again.  Water from God's well, you wash fellow saints feet.  Water from God's well, you clean the inside as well as the outside of the vessel-temple.  "Do you not know that you yourselves are God’s temple, and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?  (Corinthians 3:16)

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

#1868 Behind Enemy Lines


Behind Enemy Lines

"First thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."  - Shakespeare Henry VI

In all God's creation, there is nothing as complex as the human mind...we keep telling young people to dream big, the genus homo has the ability to control dreams when awake but we cannot imagine-conceive of the nightmares awaiting us dreaming while asleep.

The most iconic modern example of realizing injustice while awake, the raised fists of the Olympians at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics.

In a world of political correctness, when most politicians are lawmakers-lawyers, when self-serving interest rules the land, when the only color most lawyers recognize is the color green, as Yogi Berra said, "How can a man think and hit at the same time?"

Have we ever thought about the miniscule facets of time involved, not only in the hitting of a baseball traveling 90 miles per hour, the flash-optics of intelligence required by the member of a symphony looking at music and the conductor, warriors on the front line protecting self while hitting the enemy.  Like a run on the bank, the desperation awakened when you learn that your hard-earned money is about to evaporate.  We can well understand why the public has become so exasperated with the lack of integrity, with a complete loss of confidence in the judicial system...judges-lawyers-officers on the beat, patrol cars and even those with some investigative ability.

Two of my paternal grandmother's brothers were "ranking" law enforcement a county sheriff the other a member of the federal secret service.  I saw and heard their low opinion of law enforcement; even though I organized, for many years, a law enforcement appreciation banquet locally (once, US Senator Jesse Helms speaker) this totally blind, 100% disabled, medical officer, veteran has very little confidence in the legal system.  You can't cheat death, you must assume risks, most of us have lost our belief in the judicial system..."encircled" by lawyers the law breakers, as well as those seeking justice in a facilitated-obligated by lawyers, feel we are behind enemy lines.  Imminent and transcendent, we feel like the condemned approaching the guillotine. 

This week, FDA declared that bacterial soap "may not work"; lawyers are like bacterial soap what they tell you may not work.  Accused or attested, victims of the judicial system just seek justice, under a waterfall of indifference.  We all know the time and treasure involved with legislatures-legislators, Congress-US Representatives establishing laws full of loopholes-ESCAPISM whereby lawyers can finance their high-style living by ENABLING.  Age comes to all of us in a rush; I remember one of the preachers, at my own father's funeral, said, "He just wore out."  We can tell when we are wearing out:  putting on mismatched socks, afraid to go to a meeting of undetermined length because of bathroom problems, solace-comfort in the knowledge that life will soon be over...that we don't have to impress ANYONE about ANYTHING ANYMORE.  Someone, like this old man, who has given all he can give, might even have the guts, to tell lawyers, "I know what you are all about.  Justice comes at a price, and you are just the collector of the money."

In what other profession-job is the over-taxed, over-worked, under appreciated citizen required to finance a fine edifice for his own robbery...a working place for men and women who rob.  Lawyers do not wear masks to hide their identity, do not even carry a weapon, they have costumed underlings-officers to do this work for them.  The client can only make decisions about losing...never winning. 

Somewhere between the heretic and the whore, you find present day government.  There was a famous Broadway play "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas".  The best whorehouse in North Carolina, legislative building, Jones Street, Raleigh NC, the best whorehouse in any county North Carolina or any other states the courthouse of the county seat of government: filled with lawyers tinkering with the well-oiled abused machine of government: using a dredge of patchwork, negotiation, cauterizing citizen wounds.  The threads of statutes are just a patchwork of laws to control...elected prostitutes, evil subsidizing evil.

We are besieged with advertising about identity theft.  There is no thievery like the thievery of government control, carried out by the legal and judicial systems, enabled by the monopoly of lawyers.  The most monstrous monopoly in America, the legal system in the case of the law breaker, "If you don't have a lawyer, we will furnish one for you."  For anyone seeking justice, for the old-disabled-disenfranchised those for which life has been a constant burden, you are on your own.  As we get older, we realize that we are who we chose to become.  The cruelest form of injustice, every government agency-every state-even the federal government, such as the stupid-asinine US Justice Department and certainly American's with Disabilities Act, certainly every agency of government PROFESSING "customer service" or inspector general investigations, their first words to you always, without exception, I have never known it to be otherwise, you can depend on these words, "We are not equipped to help you with this, you should get yourself a lawyer."  NOW, can you understand why the public in general, American citizens, young people, have such a low opinion of justice in America?  This low opinion can be traced directly to the profession of lawyers...their bar associations...their oversight committees, who do nothing more than protect their members. 

Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon.  What do people do with all the film they buy, the pictures they shoot?  The world is involved in "head games".  Media has made it easy to dislike certain groups...Arabs-Chinese-Christians.  It is harder to dislike individuals when you get to know them.  There is little fairness in life...people losing family members, the loss of eyesight, the theft of one's property.  We put up partitions, departmentalize our lives.  If you don't grasp the problem, you will never understand the solution.  There are still absolutes of right and wrong, it is so wrong for one group, lawyers, to have such a strangle hold over the lives of people.