Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Gestalt of Giving

Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7

In an interview with American commentator Charlie Rose, Brazil's richest man, Eike Batista, said "I'm a massive creator of wealth. I expect to be worth $100 billion." THEN he would have been the richest man on the planet, BUT due to misadventures, he has declared bankruptcy. The gestalt of life is keeping everything in perspective-- the sum is greater than the parts. Gestalt is seeing the forest, not the trees.  Like the man who built many barns, "God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared?'" (Luke 12:20)

This writer was a youngster during World War II. I was in the military during the Korean Conflict. I so remember my father, all my uncles, male cousins, and neighbors involved in WWII. One of my father's first cousins, cousin Will, a large land and farm owner, did not have a son to go to war. He had been blessed with daughters. The community will never forget his words: "If the war lasts a little longer, I will be able to wallpaper my barn with twenty dollar bills." The desire for wealth is not new. It is as old as mankind. Yet every time you pass a cemetery or funeral home, you realize just how uncertain life really is. You've put on your socks this morning, but the mortician may take them off tonight. THEN, after all your grabbing and getting, your immortal soul is all that remains.

This day we learn about the 113 African women and children who perished from thirst in the Sahara dessert, trying to escape the tyranny of that continent, and even if they had reached the North African coast, so many of these African Christians have drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. Think of the joy involved if those with great wealth had used a certain part of that wealth to bring a better personhood and way of life to those who have so little.

In America we got the idea, about 100 years ago, that it was up to the Christian church to alleviate suffering in the world. We made a beggar of God-- churches and televangelists begging and selling to bring in funds, while proclaiming that God loves a cheerful giver. So much of the funds given by committed Christians are going into extravagance (lifestyles of preachers, opulent building programs). The gestalt of the big program is the hypocrisy of the believers. 31% of people who call themselves Christians have not attended a church service in six months, not thinking of the 54 million children killed in abortions since 1973, the abomination of same-sex marriage, and the destruction of the family.

Surely most Christians should have seen, years ago, that government control of news media would lead to government control of thought. Parents, if no one else, should have learned that the endless time spent in training children, if nothing more than good manners, is completely lost at the government schoolhouse. It costs more to send a child to public school, than it costs, just a few years ago, when this writer was in college, to attend college. Parents who love their children, who want the best for their children, including a spiritual identity, are willing to pay the excessive taxation for schools, for which they receive nothing, and keep their own children at home to be home schooled. This is the ultimate in cheerful giving. You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.

For 6,000 years, since God placed man on this earth, we have seen men climb over one another to claim preeminence, mostly in power or wealth. Starting in the garden, everything was perfect. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, enjoyed the very presence of God in their lives. God has established His authority, His preeminence. Man was given the Spirit of Life, but chose the Spirit of Death-- all because he wanted it all. God specified to him that there were some things he could not have. He said, "Don't touch that tree." Man then, and today, wants it all. At the end of life, if he lives to be 75 years of age, he has lived for about 657,000 hours. The only important thing for a man to consider is if he has been chosen, called, and drawn by God.

No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him.
John 6:44

At the end, riches, letters after your name, power, and DNA make no difference. You cannot buy another second. Only what you have given can be taken with you. This is the true gestalt of giving-- something for which most people, even Christians, have lost sight.

When I was a boy, living on the farm, the farm-work animals were mules. The mules hooves had to be trimmed, otherwise the mule would not be able to walk. The mules did not like this procedure. A blacksmith usually cut the hooves on horses feet and put iron shoes on them. My father had a twitch, which he put on the mule's upper lip, attached to a wood handle. It was my job to hold the handle and twist the mule's lip, to control it while the feet were trimmed. In the supernatural plan of God, in which He put a tent of human flesh on His own son, sending Him to Earth to dwell among us, we were shown the right way of life. We know the Truth of forgiving, as well as giving. God often puts a twitch on us through sickness, hardship, or disability, to get our attention. The Christian life is not impossible, just tough. Jesus showed us the way, the Truth and the life. (John 14:7)

Monday, October 28, 2013

The River Flows South

"We are persuaded that good Christians will always be good citizens, and that where righteousness prevails among individuals the Nation will be great and happy. Thus while just government protects all in their religious rights, true religion affords to government it's surest support."
                                                                        -George Washington

            Before this writer was a member of the military, a college student, working summers selling Bibles door to door, I stayed with Mrs. Sears at her rooming house on New Bridge St, Jacksonville, N.C.. I remember like it was yesterday, young marines coming to her house each Saturday to get their loud speaker equipment for their Saturday afternoon and night outdoor Christian rally in downtown Jacksonville. I remember taking the equipment to the downtown area in my car. I was amazed that so many young marines conducted a weekend evangelistic service in the city attempting to reach other marines. Later in life, having served many years in the military, and having been associated with many churches near the military facility, I realized the military was one of God's evangelistic growth centers. Young military men and women, if Christian, are very concerned about the souls of their fellow soldiers. From the time of General Washington, military officers and enlisted, both on and off base, have been active in the church. They certainly do not have to impress anyone. Both on and off the military facility, Satan has every attraction for them... beer joints-bars, strip clubs, and gambling establishments. After American service men left Saigon, South Vietnam, the leaders of North Vietnam set to work cleansing the city of what they called "American- Western decadence". Combat Christian soldiers know full well that they want God on their side in time of war. Unlike civilian churches, who want to fight the battle against Satan from air conditioned fox holes, the front line solider knows he needs the ever-present worthy hand of God in his defense. He wants to know the fighting solider next to him also has such protection. Our greatest warriors have been great Christians, including Eisenhower and Patton. Almost every combat solider can relate about the provident hand of God making a difference in his life.
            Most rivers flow south, Mississippi, Amazon, etc., so it is with integrity/ morality /religious fervor of mankind. Along with the political correctness, profane nature that has taken over politicians, power brokers, bankers of the world, comes the effort to now curtail the activity of Christian service people, even to the extent of limiting their membership in Christian groups and conservative organizations. For years atheists have tried to take God out of our national life, "in God we trust" OFF our money OUT of our pledge of allegiance. Now, the Air Force Academy officer's oath "so help me God". Now, in Fort Hood, Texas at a pre-deployment briefing, the Department of Defense has threatened fighting men that membership and donations to conservative groups such as the Tea Party, would result in punishment for them. I can not imagine, even in my lifetime, punishment TO this field grade officer FOR activity in a local Baptist church as well as giving God's tithes and offerings to religious causes and churches.
            With the occupation of the White House with a Sunni Muslim, control of the government, particularly the Congress, with followers of Satan, should we have the majestic painting of the Baptism of Pocahontas removed from the Rotunda of the Capital Building? Godliness is often replaced by helplessness. How soon we forget that the Capital building in the earliest days of this Republic was used for Church services.

            From the earliest days of this Democratic Republic, we have seen the need for a military. The founding fathers did not wish to spend the treasure and talent of this new nation with fighting forces, but, President Jefferson learned early that we must defend ourselves, "from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli." This army medical officer still believes that every able body man should serve in the military. I have never known a young person in the military who was not improved by military discipline, hygiene, fundamentals of education and appearance, if nothing more than the shining of one's shoes. A young man learns that his shoes should give a good appearance, not only in the military service, but for the remainder of his life. Surely, if we had young men, who become fathers, who know the benefit of discipline/ rules/ hygiene, we would have better families.
            There was a time when we spoke of the American Dream. Most of my time in the military, active duty, was used in lecturing young recruits. As a medical officer, I talked with them about the necessity of taking care of their bodies, eating and drinking correctly, rest, exercise, and hygiene. One would never believe the young people, even from this, the world's most prosperous nation, who entered the military not knowing the fundamentals of hygiene and good health practices. After they learned the essentials of teeth, skin, and reproductive care, they could not help but be better fathers and mothers. Along with personal body care, the need for education and preparation for living in a thriving, competitive society, there was a time where each young person wanted a job, wanted to succeed, own a home, own a vehicle, make a real contribution, make a real contribution to his community. It is in the communist societies of the world that you find government housing (everyone living in the same type shoe box), with government cutting their grass, trimming their shrubbery, making every commitment to their life. It is the moochers, those who are the dregs of society, who want the government furnishing them places to exercise, telling them places to get 'sick' care. And now, I'm sorry to say, starting with the military, telling them when, how, and why to donate or have any resemblance of religion in their thinking.

            I pray to God for the time that a General Washington, President Jefferson, or Dr. Franklin will walk into the halls of Congress and say to the Senators, and representatives of the people. "Get out of here! You are a disgrace to the men and women who shed their blood for this great republic." I want the day to come that in some liberal, pretender pulpits, Jesus Himself will shout to the pew warmers, as He did to the Pharisees of His day, "Get out of here. You are a disgrace to the blood shed for you."
           Please, let this old, blind veteran be first in line for a reformation at the church house, for a revolution at the courthouse, state house, and in federal Congress.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."

            This writer, world traveler, so remembers the ruddiness-healthy appearance of the Irish people. My first time there, walking down the streets of Cork, I was amazed at the trimness of the people. It is only in America where you find fat people, with out a doubt due to our excess- in eating and in a generally unhealthy lifestyle.

            An early example of self control, was St. Kevin of Ireland, who was born into nobility but chose to live the simple life. He lived in a cave (called saint Kevin's bed), ate sparse food, fresh vegetables, fresh sea food such as salmon, and thus lived to the age of 120. American medical scientists, indeed medical doctors around the world, know that eating raw, green, "god food", will not only prevent most disease, but will actually cure diabetes. When this writer was in school, 60 years ago, diabetes, like cancer, was a very rare disease. Today, almost 50% of the population are diabetic and 1/3 diagnosed with cancer (1/4 of all deaths in America due to cancer, 574,738 people in 2010). We know that IF a person eliminates sugar from the diet, you can cure diabetes and prevent cancer.  There's the addictiveness of fast food restaurants and the tastefulness in most restaurant foods; sugar is added to everything, salad dressings and even sausage. There's much money in the treatment of cancer, you never hear the word "cure" anymore, just the word "treatable". There's much money involved in the treatment of diabetes- when is the last time you had a doctor ask you about your diet?
            In my life time (83 years), and I will remember the 'age' before plastics, even zippers, and certainly, the pollution of food with GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms) and preservatives (SMG's, additives for preservation), when even ice was a luxury, diets were simple, because freshness was easily observable. To this day, in Africa, where refrigeration and preservatives are so limited, you go to the market each day. Thankfully farmer's markets are becoming more and more popular in America, as sensible citizens, seeking simplicity and knowing 'the crime of chemicals' seek to put wholesome food into their gullet. After all, your body is a temple not a garbage dumpster. At the grocery store, reading ingredients on a package, if you can not pronounce the words and do not know what it is, do not feed it to your family.

            We know that it is a fact of chemistry, chemicals from plastics, leech into food... particularly meats, we believe that chemicals from plastics have a very definite effect on the testosterone of males. The largest, most important organ of your body is the skin, God alone knows how many toxins enter your body, but we do know that your skin absorbs 60% of topical products. I have always said the most dangerous place a human body can go is a doctor's office or hospital. Just putting your naked arms or legs on chairs in which diseased people have sat-sweated is enough to distribute disease through out the world. Doctors at hospitals get rich from sick people, not well people. When did a pediatrician caution a parent about their toddler crawling on wall to wall carpet? Even a mind with an IQ of room temperature, can understand that disease of every type is brought into a room by soles of shoes-animals feet, only for a precious child to crawl around on the diseased carpet. Oh, think of the simplicity of the linoleum rug, which could be mopped clean. Oh, think of the simplicity of growing your own vegetables from the seed of clean genetics and, if a meat eater, clean meat from animals not terrorized-tainted with growth hormones. Please God, bring back the days of the "grist mill", when farmers could take their own grain to the mill and bring back home for their own food- cornmeal and flour, as to make bread healthy for their precious children. Give us a day when fresh water came from unpolluted wells, not municipal pipes where the water has received the toxins of fluoride and chloride. The Nazis put both into the water of the Germans, particularly those in concentration camps, because it kept them docile and pacified.

            This writer has always been a loner, wanting to escape the world of popularity with things- trends, brands. There's great consolation in having the creator of the universe as your guide, not the latest fad, or Hollywood caricature. Why should I want to imitate a sinful lifestyle? What joy does a father receive in seeing his son walk around with his trousers hanging down, his underwear showing? What joy does a mother receive in seeing her daughter letting it all hang out? Do parents, grandparents, neighbors, take pride in children who have unplanned-births from the unplanned or worse, abortions? Many, even in churches, say they don't care, but I can not help but believe that most parents would rather see a child marry someone of the opposite sex, look forward to grandchildren. God set up the entire universe, every law of nature, every chemical equation, using the attraction of opposites, the law of simplicity.

            Unbelievers can not understand this, only God can draw them into a mindset of understanding. After all, they don't want to hear this, but the unsaved think they are like the lower animals... just life as an accident of nature. The Christian knows he is of chosen of God, has constant fellowship with God, can walk-breathe in ceaseless prayer with God. He knows that trusting God through faith, by grace gives him not only the advantage on Earth, but, greater still, life eternal. Living a simple life of walking-talking with God, doing the will of God, keeps one in the simple, constant, attitude of worship. In the simple attitude of worship, you work because it is God's will for every man to work, not live off the work of others, you eat-drink-rest correctly. You know that everything you need for life and happiness in your human-Earth existence is provided for you. You know that God left every element-herb-plant for your health and healing. We have the blessed assurance of knowing that in simplicity, not extravagance, everything we need is provided and all the time and effort we use in worry about wants is useless.

             "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life ? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Luke: 12:25-34)

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Open My Eyes, That I May See
Open my eyes, that I may see glimpses of truth thou hast for me;
place in my hands the wonderful key that shall unclasp and set me free.
Silently now I wait for thee, ready, my God, thy will to see.
Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine!

--Clara H. Scott, 1841-1897

The father of our country, still our greatest president, while speaking to our first defenders of freedom, said, “The fate of unborn Millions will now depend, under God, on the Courage and Conduct of this army.”

In my lifetime of 83 years, I have seen total change in the meaning of some words. It is time for us to reestablish the definition of words such as honor, honesty, integrity, and concern.

This writer, born in the poverty of an Eastern North Carolina tobacco farm on a dirt road, with no phone, power or water lines. I graduated from a small country school with 13 in my graduating class. Before the foundation of the world, I was chosen and blessed by the creator of the universe to migrate out of poverty-- with its disappointments, discouragements and despair--, to have the courage of faith in a God who works miracles, and to travel every continent of the earth. When one has seen the depravity and decadence fostered and festered by false religions and political tyrants, they come to a good understanding of the sovereignty of God. There were the same beliefs on evolution in the 400 years between Joshua and King Saul as there are now-- fish coming on to land and walking. The difference now, is that the Christian cannot believe in evolution. Man still has his doubts and fears. He cannot understand why God allows suffering from wars, disability, and poverty. God, Himself, is longsuffering. He wants all to be saved, everyone to come to the knowledge of truth. It is His business; “He is boss.”

Most poverty of the world lies in nations below the 30th parallel, and most of these people are each limited to less than one gallon of water a day. Every time I take a shower, brush my teeth, wash laundry, I think of the generations of my own ancestors who never knew what it was to have a good bath. I so remember parching days on the farm, putting my mouth to the mouth of the hand water pump and drinking the gushing, cool, refreshing water. Several billion human beings in the world have never had this pleasure. In Africa, and Asia-- the image remains in my mind-- women trudge homeward with large jugs of water which they had gathered from a creek, well, or any place they could find water. Their entire lives were built around water, just enough for cooking and for each person to have a drink, but not enough for bathing, cleaning or washing. And we wonder why they have so much disease; they live in filth. These are just the human beings. Think of the animals with such great thirst. I can still see our beautiful milk cow trotting across the pasture to the water trough when I would pump out good, clean water for her-- the work animals (mules and horses) enjoying cool water after a long day of work.

In Africa, I saw hundreds of people washing their clothes in rivers-- beating their clothing on rocks. In India, the dhobi wallah workers take your laundry from your home, wash it, hang it on lines to dry, and return it to you. There, you can see entire fields of clothes drying in the sun.

In other articles I have written about working my way through 8 years of university, professional education, selling Bibles door-to-door, during the summer. I still remember, on Saturday mornings in the poor areas of each town, wealthier white matrons with cars bringing baskets of their own laundry to be washed, dried, and ironed by poor women. This was before the time of the electric washing machine and dryer. As with most household chores, everything is so much easier because of money and the technology it buys. Even the poorest homes now have laundry facilities.

Before electric power lines reached the countryside, my mothers and grandmothers did the washing in big iron pots in the “wash house” with wash tubs and scrub boards. I still remember when a threatening rainstorm would send me rushing to the clotheslines to bring in the laundry. Later, in my college years, a familiar facility was on streets in every town, the Laundromat, where people could, with a pocket full of coins, wash their clothes. “Next to Godliness is cleanliness,” and there is something holy about freshly washed sheets and pillowcases dried in the sunlight.

Is Christianity offering anything clean or special to you or me? Is there anything going on in the church house that would make people off the street want to come in and imitate your Christianity? Do you know anything about the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ? One of his disciples, Judas, saw his miracles, saw Him cleanse lepers. Yet, even after our blessed Lord had washed his feet, he sold him to His religious enemies, for 30 pieces of silver-- the price of a hog.

The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
Psalm 24:1

The earth was a perfect creation, which He stated was good (Genesis 1:31)--, trees, bushes, and plant life of every type, whether in swamps or on plains, are cleansing the good earth. Felix Dennis said, “Whosoever plants a tree, winks at immortality.” Oh the blessing of trees, enabling us to breath, giving us shade on a hot day. I was raised in a home surrounded by great Oak Trees. One of the several preachers at my father’s funeral said, “When he had the stroke, he was picking peaches from trees which he had planted.” God prized trees. He used a tree in a perfect garden to show, for time and eternity, that you can do nothing to save yourself. He established His authority, His perfection through trees, plants, and animals. There was just one tree that was His, and He said, “Don’t touch it.” Man needs to go to God’s Laundromat for a good cleansing-- spiritually, morally, and physically. The healing of diseases starts with ridding the body of toxins, poisons, and un-cleanliness. The healing of the personhood, the healing of nations, and the healing of a sin-sick world, is a minor action to an awesome God.

Friday, October 25, 2013

GMOs, Monsanto, and the Catholic Church

 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

Genesis 1:11

In its infancy, the United States was a nation composed almost entirely of farmers. The number of resident farmers peaked in the decade between 1910 and 1920 at about 32 million, or about 1 of every 3 Americans.

Those of us reared on a farm, knowing the righteousness of soil, seed, and food production, well understand the purity of agriculture. It is so obvious. From the best plants, seeds are harvested to be used for further production. The spirituality of sewing and reaping is not a mystery to children reared on a farm.

In this writer's lifetime, the genetic modification of plants. Just as God gave us every plant, herb, and element we needed for health and healing. He, like us, must be mystified that mortal man thinks he can improve on His magnificent creativity. To think that in my lifetime, we have seedless watermelons, grapes. etc. We know that GM foodstuffs are not served at the White House, Vatican City (home of the pope), or even in Monsanto's cafeterias. We understand that the royal family does not eat any food that is not organically produced. This week the future king of England, baby George, was baptized. He will grow up knowing the purity of food, food which God designed. For the rest of the world, precious children born in poverty, those with distended bellies holding begging bowls, such as this writer has seen in the poor countries of the world, will eat what chemistry produces.

In 1951, Rockefeller Foundation chairman, John Foster Dulles took John D. Rockefeller III on a tour of Third World countries stressing the need eugenically to control the growth of non-white populations. Like the Rockefeller sponsored planned parenthood group founded by Margret Sanger and promoted by Adolph Hitler, eugenics has been of concern to many, including Mr. Bill Gates. Sanger called the dark-skinned people, "weeds." Obviously continuous warfare has not been able to thin out such populations, but starvation will certainly do it-- especially when you consider the holocaust of non-productive soils, the inability to obtain seed, the nighttime of limited sunlight, due to climatic seasons, such as ash from volcanoes (Eyjafjallajökull) or nuclear toxins (Fukushima). Disease is no respecter of persons. In spite of what Big Pharma and Big Medicine want you to believe, health depends on the food which you put into your body, the temple of God.



Vatican and its Food that Kills: The Monsanto & Catholic Church Connection [GMOs]

The earth has had the privilege of creating wonderful food for us for millions of years - great foods with essential vitamins and healing properties for humans, but now this beautiful and precious heritage is in danger due to genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Companies that produce the ingredients found in most of the products we buy every day have spent millions of dollars to prevent states from passing laws for mandatory GMO labels that warn us of this.
The company that has reaped astronomical profits from this is is called Monsanto - a Transnational leader in genetic engineering which owns more than 90% of genetically modified seeds worldwide. 
The production of these foods is causing millions of farmers around the world to lose a lifetime of work and are also risking the health of consumers, yet the Catholic Church has not fallen behind at all in this business - after all, its primary interest since its inception has always been money and as such, it entered the game of this new technology - and defends the creation of genetically modified seeds claiming it is a "useful and valuable weapon to eradicate hunger worldwide".
The fact is that Monsanto not only has the support of the Vatican but practically has its roots in it, since its founder John Francis Queeny was a member of the Catholic Order of the Knights of Malta. Now, this is extremely noteworthy point.  It is important for our readers to know that the Catholic Knights of Malta swear an oath, which among many things, it states: "I do further declare that I will help assist, and advise all or any of His Holiness's agents, in any place where I should be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Ireland, or America, or in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to and do my utmost to extirpate the heretical Protestant or Masonic doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise." "...I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope..."
"....In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all corporal powers, and with the dagger which I now receive I will subscribe my name written in my blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul shall be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever." 
And there is more. You can read the complete oath that the Catholic Monsanto Founder, as a Knight of Malta, swore into by clicking here.
It is no wonder that the Monsanto Catholic founder did this, because the Vatican has always identified with criminals and murderers. Yes, the Catholic Church, who is so "interested in humanity" that it promotes food from this very same company that supplied the U.S. poison known as "Agent orange" sprayed over Vietnam by U.S. troops for 9 years, which left thousands of people with birth defects, chronic illnesses, orphaned children, besides causing untold damage in their environment that is still contaminated to-date.
But of course, the Vatican has to look after its own interests. Monsanto surely gives them a lot of money for their support. After all, GM corn alone provided Monsanto with financial gains of 4.81 Billion dollars in its 2011 fiscal year, in addition to the fact that it is also the owner of hundreds of seed companies worldwide.

The Catholic Church even held a meeting at the Vatican to dispel myths surrounding GMOs - a meeting that was suspiciously held closed door. We know that the Vatican has always been known for wanting to impose their rules and beliefs in all nations, and does not care to steal, lie, or even kill to achieve its goals.
To control food is the most powerful weapon to control humanity. The idea of ​​GM seeds is the perfect excuse for the Vatican and Monsanto to start claiming their rights over seeds, and without a doubt have created quite a monopoly that only benefits them.
But what makes this macabre plan even more dangerous is that these GM foods cause disease, tumors, cancers, allergies, fertility in men and women, who apparently plan to leave millions will also help to eliminate much of the population of the planet , not including environmental pollution and biodiversity of the earth must be very careful and Monsanto church these criminals are dedicated to spread terror among farmers using armies of mercenaries known as XE (Blackwater) or an army religious mercenary in the service of the Pope in Rome through the Order of Malta, which is itself considered under international law as a sovereign entity with diplomatic privileges and special powers. Both Blackwater and the Catholic Order of Knights of Malta are "untouchable". 
Moreover, scientists are warning that these  genetically modified foods are being distributed in the market without appropriate tests.
Apparently, these criminals are carrying out a great experiment with humans without them being informed about it. There are almost 60,000 pages of internal documents that clearly demonstrate that scientists wanted to test these foods but that none of them have been carried out.
If indeed these foods were 'healthy' like they want the world to believe then why does Monsanto prohibit its own food in its own cafeteria? Why do they not allow employees to choose? Why don't they want the public to have a God-given right, a right that they now want to take.
The hypocrisy of the Catholic Church is so great that the Pope himself, after giving his approval of these transgenic foods in 1982, commanded its own garden to be made at the Vatican where the nuns plant and look after without any pesticides or food fertilizers, food from which even Pope Benedict XVI consumed, yet he also opted for the dissemination of biotechnology.
So why doesn't Monsanto eat their own food?
What don't they say that these GM crops only produce huge losses in soil fertility, cause the disappearance of basic foods, and that they result in massive environmental pollution? Why don't they mention that the areas where GM crops grow are causing jobs to disappear, increase unemployment and extreme hunger - the opposite of the image they want the world to believe.
It is important to note that behind this macabre plan are thousands of people and farmers who have decided to commit suicide, thousands of shattered lives, and a nature that  can no longer stand the greed and wickedness of criminals whose love of money enables them to invent such a macabre and evil business as GM foods.
And more inhumane is to use the term "GM foods to end world hunger". This vile and deceitful argument should not be used to draw the astronomical economic benefits the Vatican, Monsanto, and corrupt governments are getting.
It is necessary to keep our food away from the clutches of the Catholic Church and its Machiavellian company, Monsanto.
The evidence shows that the Vatican and Monsanto are an alliance that presents great danger to the world.
Editorial for Protect Your Children Foundation
Diana Bonilla, Spain

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Best and Brightest

“Water seeks its own level. Look at them. The Tigris, the Euphrates, the Mississippi, the Amazon, the Yangtze. The world's great rivers. And every one of them finds its way to the ocean.”  

Alison McGhee, All Rivers Flow To The Sea

One never recovers from debilitating poverty-- seeing hard-working, sweating, self-denying parents and grandparents, even neighbors, sacrificing the pleasures of life for their children. Perhaps this is the reason the poor, in another age, were not as sickly as the wealthy. The poor sweated out the body's toxins which caused disease.

History has been punctuated by men and women with enough intestinal/ neurological/ spiritual fortitude to accomplish. It was not the lazy or indifferent, who walked "the road less travelled" to give the best version of self, in helping others.

In my lifetime, the mantra of "who you know"-- networking, fraternization types-- became the ultimate aim for those seeking success.

It was not until this writer matriculated at the university, that he discovered the importance of cliques-- the fraternity handshake. You see, among hard-working country people, the handshake was a measure of manhood and honesty-- no strings attached. At the country schoolhouse, we just wanted an education. We had not been indoctrinated about the superiority of fraternal groups, such as the freemasons. We still believed that industriousness, hard work, self denial, and ambition would get you there, put you places. One would have starved before depending on government largess from their fellow man. One would have been insulted that political clout had been imposed on him getting somewhere. I will never forget my consternation, even anger, when I learned that the state-supported university, and first state-supported institution in this nation, employed people to ensure that sons of politicians and power brokers, were getting a smooth ride through school, with no problems of any type-- particularly from an honest professor. This writer had a class with the famous Charlie "Choo-Choo" Justice, the UNC-CH football player. Our instructor was told that Mr. Justice should pass his course regardless.

It was at this time in history that the best and brightest got in to medical or law school. It was your ability that landed you there, no letters from well-healed alumni. This writer resigned from the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), at one time a prestigious scientific body, because science is now controlled by money, instead of knowledge-- philanthropic foundations and government grants. Just as universities and colleges made sure that the sons of the elite were coddled at their institution, like just another agency, universities, medical schools, etc., now keep high-paid representative lobbyists engaged at every government level (local, federal and state), squeezing money from taxpayer funds. Even more ludicrous, and ridiculous, "in the political affairs of men," big money and big politics (campaign workers and contributors) are overshadowing every area of American life. Just follow the money-- political contributions, money from the military industrial complex, money from Big Pharma and her cohorts, money which is already tainted the media, academia, every area of the decency once claimed by this democratic republic. After all, what does morality have to do with integrity? What does lying, cheating, and stealing have to do with the psychological or spiritual personhood of a nation or its people?

War after war has been fought by the sons and daughters of the poor and disenfranchised, while the sons and daughters of the elitist were lapping up prestige and profits at their clubs (country, golf, civic).

The consistent inconsistency of decadent government and bullying superiors, hit this writer many times in the military-- long after eight years of university training. In other articles, I have described one Army hospital near Red Stone Arsenal, where the staff was mostly Nazi transplants. Germany had lost WWII, but the USA moved Nazis to our country. It hit me again one morning, after I had returned-- a blind, 100% disabled veteran-- that the government into which I had poured everything never even gave me a white cane.

Mr. Joe Rush, who is, after 40 years, still working for me, while getting out of my car, after a trip to the grocery store, was carrying the bags and I, as always, was opening the door. I found the back door to be open. Two police officers almost knocked me down leaving my house, and nearly scared me to death. After they had identified themselves, I said, "What are you doing in my house?"
Joe said, "This man is a blind veteran."
One said, "We know he is a veteran. There is a dress uniform hanging in one of his closets." What were they doing in my house-- in my closets.
They said, "We were here to check on you."

Breaking in my back door? They had never checked on me before, and haven't since. The truth is that they had heard me criticize the local police department on the radio and were in my house to embarrass me in some way. Since then, there have been other such occurrences. You see, it has never been the best and brightest, in Eastern North Carolina, or elsewhere, who have been appreciated. Rather, it has always been those with political pull, "picking the flowers which they did not plant."

The communist, Sunni Muslim, who inhabits the White House as president, has not, at any time, selected the best and brightest for government-- only those willing to dance to the tune which he plays. Just think, $634 million was spent on, which is not working. So, in order to clear up this debacle, he states that he is bringing in the "best and brightest." The best and brightest should be used in every area of federal, state, and local government, but we all know that government train wrecks are caused by slick, rotten, hazardous tracks. Those who fail are still promoted to better jobs.

One can well understand the passion of the civil rights movement, discrimination of mankind because of skin color and ancestry-- not having won life's lottery. It was so obvious, yet preachers, teachers, and leaders absolutely refused to face the facts. I still remember those African American segregated schools with outhouses and wood-burning stoves for heat. The local politicians evidently enjoyed putting the poor whites and blacks in swamp prisons (prisons in swamps, surrounded by wire fences, snakes, mosquitoes). Today's jails (70% African American inmates). Today's children (72% from African American single family homes). One third of the abortions that happen each day are African American? Why Mr. Obama, Mr. Congressman do you not bring the best and brightest to government to solve many problems?

....Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Matthew 22:37-39

Monday, October 21, 2013

Changing God’s Mind


The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
Psalm 27:1-2

You must know the redeemer in order to be redeemed. You must know the redeemer in order to worship. Churches’ pews are full of the unredeemed. Too many pastors do not know our savior-- the bed is too short and the blanket is too narrow; something is always going to stick out. The latest poll found that 67% of Evangelicals believe that one can reach heaven through other means-- that God was not serious when he said, "I am the way the truth and the light. No man comes to the father, except by me." (John 14:6)

Have you ever looked around at a morning worship service, at the pretenders, the onlookers? They sing the old hymns, actually throw a few tips into the offertory plate, but none of it means anything to them-- just going through the motions.

I had graduated from the university, fought the battle of atheist professors and fellow students. Some actually went to church. One third of today’s young people have had no real supernatural experience with religion. In graduate school, I was speaking before a Southern Baptist young people’s conference. I said then, and nothing has changed since, “If Satan had wanted to invent something to make young people just as mean and sinful as possible, he would have invented a television set.” As an eye doctor, I can tell you without, fear of contradiction, that images entering the eye (and the eye acts as a camera), traveling through the cella turcica of the brain and then registering in the calcarine cortex of the brain, at the very back of the head, are there forever and influence every neuron of your body.

In this world of fluff-- everyone wanting to please everyone with political correctness-- it is most unpopular to face the facts of life-- certainly not the facts of your own eternal life. Most want to believe that there is just nothing to it-- this matter of God’s plans and actions in the affairs of men. Those who are spiritual, want to create God in their image. Those who hate God, hate those who believe in God, desperately want to believe that whether Christianity, Budhism, Islam, Zoroastrianism or any other religious belief, it is just a matter of “checklist,” to keep the less intelligent human beings under control-- you do this and don’t do that.

The apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, has for time and eternity given God’s message to the atheist.

Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:
That no flesh should glory in his presence.
But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.
1 Corinithians 1:25-31

Early Egyptians were not stupid. This writer has been inside the great pyramid at Giza (thousands of blocks of stone, weighing many tons each, joined together so that even a human hair will not go between them). Three thousand years ago, you could not have convinced the wisest man in Egypt that God could turn every drop of water (the Nile, every well, every rain barrel, and urn) into blood. History is punctuated by the miracles of God-- God always talking to man. The increase in natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, droughts) is 800% .

In the brokenness of our culture, morality, political and spiritual person-hood, we know that there are infiltrators-- educated, paid pretenders-- gaining access to many churches in an effort to destroy them one by one. Over 1,000 churches, for one reason or another, go out of business every year. In many places, one atheist group, Sunday Assembly, is having meetings every Sunday, just like a denominational worship service. They get together, much like many of our evangelical services, sing some jive music (drums and drama), read some well-meaning stories, and different speakers, with psychological jargon, appeal to the inner man-- which in the past, sought the Christian fruit of the spirit.

This writer has walked the streets of ancient Ephesus. Have you ever considered what it must have been like for the apostle Paul to go into such a city, writhing with paganism-- sin of every description-- and present the Christian message: sin's ruin and Jesus Christ's redemption. We marvel that early Christians did bring a message of Christianity to a lost and dying world. This writer so remembers meeting and talking with Christians in communist China, learning of their trials, as the sought, by faith, through grace, to trust and serve God. What makes the 21st century Christian think that we will be immune to trials and conflicts? It may be closer than we think: "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Timothy 3:12)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Scar Tissue

To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded.

--Ralph Waldo Emerson

The real Christian, and certainly not the pretenders or onlookers, have no concept of the blessings involved in being chosen by God. Worth more than all the gold of Midas, the wealth of a Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, is the knowledge that you have been chosen by God, drawn by God, as Jesus said. (John 6:44). There are evidently those whom God does not want-- such as the Pharoah of Egypt. God hardened his heart.

And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt.
Exodus 7:3

God is in charge. The design must have a designer. He planned it all before the foundation of the world. He is boss and will show mercy on whom he chooses to show mercy.

For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
Romans 9:15

So many have asked this world traveler-- and I have even asked myself-- having seen the decadence and depravity of so many people in the world, "Why does God allow so much suffering?" Because, our God of glory (omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, sovereign, long-suffering) is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (John 3:17, 2 Peter 3:9)

Only those who know they are saved-- and 14 times in John's epistles we are told that we can know-- and can, like Paul, rejoice. The 21st century has so cheapened Christianity-- made a beggar of God. Thank God that we can know what we know. Have sympathy for those that are just playing games.

I'm an old man, but it seems like yesterday when this 10 year old boy was baptized in Holland's fish pond. I had been to the Lord's table for the first time as a new church member. My ancestors had brought down from up New Jersey (founded Morristown), along with Palmer and others, the Free Will Baptist denomination, which has in it's communion service, foot washing (following the example of our blessed Lord in humbleness, washing his disciples' feet). I know now that it was my own father's doing. I can still see him, a deacon, bringing in buckets of water from the well in the church yard. Buckets for the women's side of the church and buckets for the men's side (this was before the time of power lines, phone lines, and water lines-- churches on dirt roads, such as the community where I was raised). Every rural church had a well in the front yard. Some even had a trough for the watering of horses. My father had surely asked Mr. Frank, one of the old men of the church, a man whose Christianity he so admired, to instruct me in the ordinance of foot washing. He had probably instructed my own father when he was a boy. The old man showed me how to gird the towel around my waist, after taking off shoes and socks, to just gently rub some water over the feet from a basin and then wipe them with a towel. The old man said to me, "Thomas, you are very special. I knew here, in this church, your great grandparents, your grandparents, your parents. Never forget the humility of this act, because you are going places. God, who created the world was willing to wash his betrayer's feet (Judas)."

I have clung to these words, as I plowed the field of life-- atheist university professors, scamming/scorning business associates, a social/climbing wife, a family who thought you were a religious fanatic/nuts because you believe what you believe. You see, my definition of faith is "action based on belief, sustained by confidence." How else could a boy, born in poverty on a dirt road, with none of the conveniences of life, graduating from a small country school with 13 in my graduating class, have the God-given ambition to work my way through 8 years of university education. The scar tissue left from disappointments, discouragements, depression was enough to get me through many years of living in a black cocoon of blindness (totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected, medical officer veteran of the Korean conflict era).

We so limit the power of God, just as we limit the power of Satan. Just as God made arrangements for my education, he made the arrangements for me to travel the world-- speak/ write/ give to his causes around the world. Only God could take a farm boy from the poverty of tobacco fields in eastern NC and prepare him for writing this article. Please God, help those who have never known wounds, needs, those things that develop scar tissue. The apostle Paul said, "I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus." (Galatians 6:17)

This Christian writer does not get excited about streets of gold or mansions. I get very excited about seeing again-- seeing the savior who got me through it all. Think of the crippled man who laid by the temple gate, Beautiful, for 40 years. Christ certainly passed him on his way to the temple. He healed many, but not all. He preached himself-- our sicknesses, disabilities, warts and scars are in no way comparable to His atonement and our redemption.

Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
1 John 3:1

Monday, October 7, 2013

Apostle Peter's Successor?

"Who am I to judge?"

-- Pope Francis, July 2013

Some thoughts on Pope Francis

By Russell D. Moore
Oct 1, 2013

It’s another week and thus another interview with Pope Francis. This one, I’m sorry to say, is more than just confusing. It’s a theological wreck.
In an interview with La Repubblica, in response to a question about whether there is a “single vision of good,” the Pope said, “Everyone has his own idea of good and evil and must choose to follow the good and fight evil as he conceives them. That would be enough to make the world a better place,” and “The Son of God became incarnate in the souls of men to instill the feeling of brotherhood.” When the reporter commented, “Some of my colleagues who know you told me that you will try to convert me,” the Pope also said “Proselytism is solemn nonsense, it makes no sense. We need to get to know each other, listen to each other and improve our knowledge of the world around us.”
From Augustine’s Confessions to “Well, everyone has his own ideas about good and bad…” is a mighty long path.
First of all, I am a Protestant so, of course, I do not accept the church’s claims about the papal chair as Vicar of Christ. But though I protest; I don’t throw rocks (no Petrine pun intended). My mother’s side of the family was and is Roman Catholic, and some of the most significant influences in my life personally and intellectually are Roman Catholics.
Second, I don’t dislike Pope Francis. I think he is quite right about the primacy of the gospel over culture wars. In my much smaller pool and from my much smaller perch, I’ve tried to say that outrage itself isn’t a Christian virtue. Our mission ought to be toward reconciliation, not the vaporization of our perceived enemies.
If Pope Francis wishes to reclaim the primacy of the gospel, he must simultaneously speak with kindness to those outside of its reach and speak of the need for good news. What these interviews seem continually to do is what evangelical theologian Carl Henry warned Protestants of in the 20th century, of severing the love of God from the holiness of God. God is, Henry said against both the liberal Social Gospel and obscurantist and angry fundamentalism, the God of both justice and justification.
Without speaking to the conscience, and addressing what the sinner already knows to be true about the day of giving an account, there is not love, only the consigning of the guilty conscience to accusation and condemnation. If the church is right about the personhood of unborn children (and I think it is), then why would we not be “obsessed” about speaking for them, and for the women and men whose consciences are tyrannized by their past sins?
It is not good news to say to such consciences, “Well, we’re all brothers and sisters,” if what they feel in their psyches and read in their Bibles (and in their Catholic catechisms) is that those who commit such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. We must speak with tenderness and gentleness, but with an authoritative word from God, that there is a means of reconciliation. The burdened conscience doesn’t wish to hear “It’s all okay.” The burdened conscience is freed by “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ” (Rom. 8:1).
There’s little purpose in refighting the Protestant Reformation here, but we do, in some sense, return to Martin Luther’s problem. With a guilty conscience, he could find no way to reconciliation in himself or by the purported economy of grace. In the church, he saw rules and rituals but felt in that only condemnation.
But opposite a harsh, rule-oriented Christianity is a way that is just as condemning, a way that we’ve seen often in hyper-Protestant communions: the tendency to downplay sin at all. This leaves sinners like us in a kind of earthly purgatory that never purges, and leads us to hide from the face of God because, like our first parents, we know who we are and what we’ve done.
I’m in no position to advise the Bishop of Rome, but I hope we’ll see a fuller-orbed message from him. I’m with Pope Francis on the need for kindness, but I pray it will be a convictional kindness that addresses both the reality of God’s holy justice and his reconciling love.
- See more at:

Additional Comments from Dr. Morris:

I have always been cynical about organized religion. The nearer I got to the top in any group (professional, political, or religious), the more I realized that greatness cannot be voted in-- even the vicar of the catholic church. No one just happens to become great. The supposed first pope of the catholic church, Apostle Peter, was picked by God, Himself. The road to Hell is paved with religion. Only the redeemed, redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, are righteous. Only the righteous can worship a holy God.

Put Hitler, Stalin, all the popes, including Peter, even the apostle Paul, and Mother Teresa at one end of a vacuum and God at the other end-- and we know something about the separation of mortal man from the holiness of an immortal God, in comparison. This is the very length and breadth of the Christian belief system: worship of a sovereign, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, creator of the world and everything in it. For God to be God, He does not need anything-- certainly not a mere man, even a pope.

When our blessed Lord was crucified, the veil of the temple reant top to bottom. Man achieved the ultimate, a personal relationship with God.

What is religious freedom if you cannot bring your personal relationship with God into the public square. This is what we are all about. You can believe this: in America, and indeed around the world, your relationship will soon be restricted to your church house. Just as governments, under the guise of political correctness, are restricting education to a state-controlled school house, justice to a state-controlled courthouse. What happens at your house will greatly determine the future of your family.... your country.

This world traveler noted that in every Muslim country (40), even when riding a bus, the bus driver would exit the bus with his prayer rug, kneel, and have his prayer at prayer time. For Catholics, protestants, Baptists, and all others who claim the name of Christ, it is not the pews, but the pulpits, that have brought on the judgment of God. The world's largest pulpit, the one in the Vatican, is not exempt. Christians must hold high the banner of truth, even though it might be unpopular with the satanic forces headed by the gay agenda. The word of God is pure Truth. Even the most rabid atheist knows that God's word is true. How can any pope, preacher, or pastor, compromise with God's word? So specific is the certitude of gender, family, and marriage.

Satan has done his best to separate secularism from behavior. The Christian identity must be evident in everything that Christian does (neutral you cannot be). The pope, wanting to be popular, like many of us, might walk down the middle of the road. The first pope, Peter, said:

"That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls."

1 Peter 1:7-9