Thursday, July 31, 2014

Absurdities and Atrocities

Democracy is, by the nature of it, a self-canceling business; and it gives in the long run a net result of zero. 
- Thomas Carlyle

Joyce Riley was so pleasant as to read this entry on her national broadcast. The following link is the audio from the reading.

Your writer, writing for many publications, over many years, particularly publications of military officers, has been referred to as a nutty bible banger. I learned long ago that any nation of people who will so willingly accept absurdities in government will also very willingly accept the atrocities of government.

Most people are perfectly content to be "sheep" their entire lives, easily led astray. If the entire crust of the Earth were gold, men would lie, cheat, steal and kill for a handful of dirt. In my world travels, particularly in North Africa and Norway, I talked with many shepherds of sheep. They would relate just how stupid flocks of sheep can act. Our blessed lord, with only one record of him writing anything, walked everywhere, his feet nourishing the soil around the Sea of Galilee where he spent his entire life. He surely saw the daftness of sheep which is why he spoke of them so much in his preaching.

But, we are living in the 21st century, over two thousand years on this side of the cross. We are supposed to be alert to the absurd, educated, technology savvy, one would think that like the skin of many animals, genus Homo is able to shed his skin of education and sophistication. Since the average person watches television, government-secular controlled news media seven and a half hours each and every day, we have learned not to think for ourselves. Nothing gives Satan more delight than the sabotaging of everything decent in a world of beauty.To let the world, flesh devil, do our thinking for us.

To the uninitiated, everything is obscure. Have we become so dumbed down, that we cannot comprehend the absurdities and atrocities of the world around us? Are we so bombarded by our broken culture that we cannot comprehend what is going on?

Just think what has happened in my lifetime of 84 years. I find myself, in the sunset years of my life, knee-deep in despair for my country (Dr. Morris is a totally blind, 100% disabled service connected medical officer veteran of the Korean War). Even some Christian churches are accepting the abomination of abortion (3,000 innocent babies killed everyday). Even some churches, even some prominent pastors, are accepting the gay agenda abomination of same sex marriage, a repudiation of everything established in the physical and spiritual concepts of man (new animal life in the world is reproduced by the conjugal union of male and female). Our entire molecular structure of mass is based on the attraction of opposites, every chemical equation based upon God's creation and revelation of opposites attracting.

Would one ever have believed that the greatest superpower on Earth would erase its borders-thousands of children crossing our southern border from South America. It was in Roger Baldwin's constitution of the ACLU, nearly 100 years ago (1918), that this communist liberal promoted the abdication of all borders, the breakdown of all marital restrictions. The liberals-socialists-communists have always kicked God in the face. All the liberals have to offer mankind is death. Such was offered in the very beginning of human history. In the garden, God established his rights, ie: certain parameters, "Don't touch that tree." Man chose the spirit of death instead of the spirit of life. AND, ever since, even two thousand years on this side of the cross when redemption was offered, most have continued to refuse choosing the atrocities of hell rather than the gift of eternal life in heaven.

The poet said, "Into every life, some rain must fall." It makes no difference our DNA, measures of education, or ancestry, there are problems we encounter everyday. BUT, in the 21st century, why do we accept the insanity of warfare in such remote places as Afghanistan where 40% of all war materials sent there have disappeared? Why do we accept the fact that thousands of our finest were killed in Iraq, yet nothing was accomplished, things worse now than when we first became engaged there. The Christian community just sitting back while the Christian church in the Middle East is being destroyed. For instance, the Iraqi city Mosul, ancient Nineveh, where Jonah called the entire city to repentance, all christian church monuments are being destroyed. The entire Middle East, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria in a state of warfare which can easily be called the beginning of World War III.

My entire life, there has been constant warfare between the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael. Those of us who have traveled and studied Israel, know its beauty. That small strand of land which is the bridge of world history. We know that world history will find its "end-times" there. In the mean time, and remember this is the 21st century, why does superpower America sit back and watch the deterioration of its borders in a world of science, refuse to accept the reality of an Ebola world infection. We know that Satan has devalued human life...abortion, gangland atrocities in inner city ghettos. In Africa, where many of these genocidal diseases are hatched, little is done in containment. Understand that 672 have died from Ebola. Those attempting to control the disease are in tents. Where is the scientific community and the establishment of controls? This writer spent much time in the city of Lagos, Nigeria, a city of 21 Million, near the epicenter of the disease outbreak. I well remember the airport, the many planes in and out. In a century of enlightenment, can we not understand how quickly a disease without cure can travel the world.

America has come too far to fall so quickly. God placed his hands of power, grace, mercy on this great nation. When will Christians awaken when God chose us for life, drew us into his arms of love, chose for us our own cross to bear. We gave to him a blank check. I have signed my check and he has filled in what he requires. And so it is, with everyone who claims the name of Christ. We cannot be Christlike and see our own country destroyed, mostly from within. When I swore allegiance to my country as a commissioned officer, I swore to protect my country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. When God drew me to serve him, I promised obedience. I do not have much of the things that the world thinks are important but I do have all the promises of God. He and He alone can awaken us to absurdities, can eliminate atrocities.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Life's Greatest Investment

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. 
- Proverbs 22:6
Today's Puritan Audio Devotional:
Meditations from the book of Psalms
Pure Scripture!
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A child can crush a serpent's egg!

(Charles Spurgeon, "Flowers from a Puritan's Garden" 1883)

"It is easier to crush the egg--than to kill the serpent!"

It is prudent to break up all the eggs we can find, before the reptiles are hatched!

Just so, far greater wisdom will be shown in early dealing with a temptation, than in allowing it time to make headway. It is best to correct ourselves early and unhesitatingly to stamp out the first sparks of evil desire, before passion rises to a flame!

A child can crush a serpent's egg--but who will contend with the venomous creature which may be hatched from it, if it is left unbroken?

So is it with that vice which stings like a viper! The first glass can readily be refused; it is quite another matter to stop when the wine has entered the brain. The first lust we may readily avoid; but when unchaste desires are fully aroused, who shall bridle them?

O Lord, teach me to crush sin early, lest it should gather strength and crush me!
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We have published William Nicholson's insightful short article, "The Unparalleled Sufferings of Christ!"
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Feel free to forward these gems to others who may be encouraged or profited by them!

Addition Dr. Morris: Perhaps we do not fully appreciate youth until we get old. My only child, my son and his wife, and I, are looking forward to the birth of my first great grandchild. Is it not wonderful still, when in spite of the gay agenda and even liberal churches who are supporting same sex marriage when over 50% of all babies are aborted (4,000 each day of which 1,300 are black babies. We were saddened just yesterday that 300 human beings were killed in an airliner crash, these same liberal politicians and media people are not saddened at all when twenty such airliners crash each day when you consider innocent human beings aborted), when illegal drugs and Satan's forces are the rule, not the exception. God's greatest creation, beginning with a small human being, are still desired and wanted in this world. The sound of babies brings back some sanity to this insane world. 

Near my house, in the historic district, Wilmington, NC, there is a children's museum. It is so truly wonderful to hear the sounds of these children at play. I have just finished reading a book involving the Amish community, their emphasis on family, (I say read because as a totally blind veteran, I have a machine that reads books to me. A machine which was promised to me by the VA over 50 years ago which I finally received last year and which has been a great blessing in my life. For those of you who think government is the answer to everything, even the care of your family, you are going to be very disappointed), the lifestyles of the Amish people, so very different from the communities around them. So much to be desired. Their commitment-discipleship is to God, and this is shown in the way they raise their children. They don't care what the world thinks of them. Their faith involves a total relationship with God, compared to most modern religions in which God is a "bellhop," called on when needed. They know, as real Christians know, that Christianity is not for the weak-hard to comprehend, but is difficult for all believers. Our discipleship is not decided by man, Madison Avenue, smart liberal theologians, but by the word of God. Perhaps not the extent of the Amish, Mennonites or even Catholics in monasteries, (I speak of lifestyles-use of modern conveniences-technologies, I speak of dress-diet, shrinking from the sphere of influence of the modern world) I think of taking up the cross which Jesus has given us and running with it. 

The Amish are not bothered, their children not ashamed of the lifestyles of their parents and ancestors. This writer was born into a small baptist denomination whose practices and disciplines were very different from modern mainline denominations. Hard work and hard church benches did not bother the saints in our old church. I still remember how ashamed the college aged members of my family, as well as myself, to invite any of our friends to our home because we did not have inside plumbing there or at our church. It did not bother my parents or grandparents at all, nor the other people in our disciplined faith, that we did not yield to the influence by the world, flesh or satan. When will we learn that the citizenship of the Christian is in Heaven, that we are just passing through. We are supposed to be different, much like the Amish or the Catholic nun in her habit, stared at by the unbelievers. In this day of the "Purpose Driven Life", when most church members are more concerned with what man thinks than what God knows, in our "stinking thinking" we need to get a few things straight. God does not need us, we need Him, His healing, forgiveness, redemption. If we love our children, our chief concern should be their salvation. The paltry coins we leave them from our hard work on Earth is nothing compared to their eternal security.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Smoke Signals

Today's Puritan Audio Devotional:
Why, papa, you have mamma and me left!
J.R. Miller, very insightful
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God separates the sin which He hates--from the soul which He loves! 

(William Nicholson, "Afflictions!"1862)

"Affliction does not come from the dust, neither does trouble spring out of the ground. Yet man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward." Job 5:6, 7
Man is born in sin, and therefore born to trouble. There is nothing in this world we are born to, and can truly call our own--but sin and trouble!
Actual transgressions are the sparks which fly out of the furnace of original corruption
Why then should we be surprised at our afflictions as strange, or object to them as severe--when they are the effects of sin, and under God's divine superintendence?
Afflictions are the common lot of man. "Man is born to trouble!" These afflictions are . . .
   and successive.
None are exempt from afflictions. For wherever there is sin, there is trouble. "Man is born to trouble!"
The poor endure it--the rich are not exempt.
To the pious, a bitter cup is assigned--and the wicked too have aching heads and hearts.
Grandeur, nobility, and royalty--are also associated with trouble.
The heart of the peasant, and that of the monarch--are alike smitten with anguish.
In youth, in middle age, in later life--there is trouble.
In health, in wealth, in honor, in elevation--there is trouble.
In successful enterprise,
in vast financial accumulation,
in places of nobility,
in beautiful mansions, and splendid palaces
--there is no exemption from trouble!
Go where you will, you will find trouble! Take the wings of the morning, and fly to the uttermost parts of the earth, and even there you will find it. Enter the deep shades of solitude, and it is there.
Crown yourselves with royalty;
take the exhilarating wine;
engage in the giddy dance;
listen to entrancing music and convivial songs;
visit the drama, and other theatric performances
--and you may for a season drown your sorrow.
But the clouds of trouble are sure to gather over your heads!
You are born to trouble.
It is your inevitable lot.
You will yet have to sicken, to suffer, and die!
Brethren, you know that, "Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows!" John 16:33
Afflictions are designed for chastisement. Afflictions are designed to awaken--correct, reform, divert from sin and the world--and to transfer the affections to Heaven. They "are for our profit." Hebrews 12:10
By affliction, God separates the sin which He hates--from the soul which He loves!
Two things should comfort believers under afflictions:
  1. That what they suffer is not Hell.
  2. That it is all the Hell they shall suffer.
Our enjoyments are greater than our afflictions.
And our afflictions are much less than our sins.
The source of affliction is not chance or mere natural causes. "Affliction does not come from the dust, neither does trouble spring out of the ground." If afflictions came from chance, there would be nothing wise, intelligent, reasonable, or good, in them--they would be dark, confused, and miserable.

Afflictions are Divinely appointed.

Job could say, "He performs the thing that is appointed for me."
David rejoiced to say, "All my times are in Your hand."
And Paul comforted the Christians at Thessalonica by the doctrine of Divine appointment: "No man should be moved by these afflictions, for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto." 1 Thessalonians 3:3.
That afflictions are appointed by God, is comforting, for it indicates that:
1. Our afflictions will be mingled with mercy. They are appointed by our gracious Father, who knows our frame, etc. They are sent by the God of love. To one who loves God, it is a great comfort to see His hand in everything that befalls us. It is enough, and ought to be enough, that it is the Lord's doing--let Him do what seems good unto Him. "I was silent; I would not open my mouth, for You are the one who has done this!" Psalm 39:9
When Job was deprived of all his substance by the Chaldeans and Sabeans, he said, "The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised!" To have everything ordered and arranged by God, is all that we can desire!
2. Our afflictions are sent in wisdom. It is highly conciliating to view every separate event, as a part of God's one all-wise scheme; and to know that when our plans are frustrated, God's plans remain unalterably wise. He knows what is best for us, and His plans never fail!
3. Afflictions are designed to produce glorious results. "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose!" Romans 8:28
All our present ills are the seeds of future bliss, and will be followed by a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory in the kingdom of God's dear Son.
When such sublime results shall be realized, we shall perceive that "Affliction does not come from the dust, neither does trouble spring out of the ground." Be submissive. God's design for afflictions is our sanctification, and eventual glorification. "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it!" Hebrews 12:11
Afflictions are but blessings in disguise!
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You may want to read the whole of William Nicholson's superb short article, "Afflictions!"
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Feel free to forward these gems to others who may be encouraged or profited by them!

Grace Gems (choice ELECTRONIC books, sermons & quotes)
Grace Audio Treasures (choice AUDIO sermons)

Sovereign Grace Treasures (choice PRINTED books)

Addition Dr. Morris: Your writer was born and reared on a dirt road without power, phone or water lines, in the parched poverty of the tobacco fields of Eastern N.C. Native Americans (Indians), used smoke signals to communicate. My early ancestors (landing in New Jersey, 1677, founding Morristown) used a large iron dinner bell to signal distress. To those children, almost all, regardless of status, telephone in pocket, there was a time when there was only one telephone within miles. Most distant communication was by telegraph.

God chooses the cross he wishes his children to bear. Those of us, saved, redeemed by his precious blood have a direct communication with him every second-every day of life. Can we even imagine such power, grace, mercy? 

This very morning, a man asked me if he could be healed of his Parkinson's Disease. This writer, too, has been fighting cancer for a very long time. Our afflictions are truly our greatest blessings, and whether healed here or there, hymn writers said, "Jesus paid it all, all to him I owe."

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Power, Grace and Mercy of Our July 4th

"The same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him!" Romans 10:12 

This verse is full of precious consolation. As "Lord over all" He is able to enrich others. He possesses an inexhaustible stock of spiritual blessings, by which He can "be rich unto all who call upon Him."

Note the objects of His enriching grace: "Unto all who call upon Him."

He enriches the guilty one, with the pardon of all his sins, however numerous and flagrant. 1 John 1:7; Acts 13:38.

He enriches those condemned by the law, with deliverance and justification. Acts 13:39; Romans 5:1; 8:1.

He enriches the unrighteous and defiled, with cleansing grace and regenerating power, to make them "new creatures in Christ Jesus." 2 Corinthians 5:17.

He enriches the outcast and abandoned, with adoption into His redeemed family, and all its precious privileges.

He is a rich, full, free, and inexhaustible fountain!

What more can be said?

He enriches . . .
  the ignorant--with wisdom,
  the weak--with strength,
  the fearful--with courage,
  the depressed--with consolation,
  the soldier of the cross--with armor, success, and conquest,
  the tempted and tried--with support and a way of escape,
  the afflicted and bereaved--with strength according to the day,
  the dying--with the hope of immortality, and afterwards with Heaven itself!

He can make all grace to abound to all His people!

"The LORD gives grace and glory. No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly!" Psalm 84:11 

(Above taken from daily Grace Gems subscription. We have published Grace Gems for JUNE, 2014 in one file!
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Feel free to forward these gems to others who may be encouraged or profited by them!)

Addition Dr. Morris: This writer cannot imagine any human being, saved or unsaved, not being blessed at any time in life by reading the Psalms, God's "Song Book" to us.

Perhaps Psalm 84 is my favorite. This world traveler was in a small, clapboard church on the island of Samoa (pacific ocean) in the brightness and clarity of a Lord's day. As with so many days, I was stumbling through a time of discouragement, despair and despondency with my blindness. The little church was filled with barefoot natives, they were so excited about the blind stranger in their midst. When I had come into the church, they were singing, in their language, "What A Friend We Have In Jesus", I knew this was the hymn because I could recognize the piano music (This was my grandmother's favorite hymn). A woman with a high-pitched voice (I think she was a missionary) came down the aisle to greet me and she said in English, Psalm 84:5, "Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee." That day, as this day, my life was changed because I knew that all the strength I needed for any minute, any day, any year would come from God.

This year, Mt. Olive University honored me for my philanthropy to them. I said at the occasion, "You look at a totally blind man and think of disability. My greatest disability was not the poverty in which I was reared, the struggle for my education, my military experience (a 100% disabled, totally blind, medical officer veteran of the Korean War era) but rather, my greatest disability has been the lack of encouragement. Particularly, by family members, associates and those who the world would think would have concern but, as General Colin Powell said long ago, the lost word in most vocabularies is the word concern. I think this is particularly true when it comes to veterans and the disabled. Do not think for one second that I am playing the victim card, my strength is in Him, AND, as he has reminded me over and over He is all that I need. However, it is so sad, that in a world where 57 Million innocent babies have been killed, where we pay taxes to support abortion clinics ($500 Billion collectively last year) and where we pay taxes for our government drop bombs on innocent mothers and babies all over the world. There are so few disabled people at the church house, in the restaurants, or any other place you normal people like to go. One restaurant owner, actually said to me, we do not like the disabled here because it makes our other customers feel bad.

My hard working tax paying God fearing, great hymn singing Daddy's birthday was on July 4th. He was always working too hard to celebrate his own birthday. Only those reared in the impoverished tobacco fields of eastern NC, 84 years ago when I was a child can know about poverty. My passport has been stamped in 157 countries in the world. I have never known worse poverty than that of my childhood in eastern NC. And yet, politicians-pastors-poets actually talk about illegals doing the hard work that Americans will not do.

On this July 4th, 2014, please remember this if you forget everything else I have ever said from my platform or written in any form of communication. "In the American experience, next to slavery, the greatest shame of this nation has been its treatment of disabled veterans and the handicapped."

Our fellow citizens may forget and not care about the disabled, the disenfranchised, the discouraged, but, there is nothing between us and our Savior. In that old church, in which I was reared, built in 1874, I can still hear my ancestors, now mostly in Heaven, singing that old hymn, "Nothing Between".

Nothing between my soul and the Savior,
Naught of this world’s delusive dream;
I have renounced all sinful pleasure;
Jesus is mine, there’s nothing between. Nothing between my soul and the Savior,
So that His blessed face may be seen;
Nothing preventing the least of His favor,
Keep the way clear! Let nothing between.
Nothing between, like worldly pleasure;
Habits of life, though harmless they seem,
Must not my heart from Him e’er sever;
He is my all, there’s nothing between.
Nothing between, like pride or station;
Self-life or friends shall not intervene;
Though it may cost me much tribulation,
I am resolved; there’s nothing between.
Nothing between, e’en many hard trials,
Though the whole world against me convene;
Watching with prayer and much self-denial,
I’ll triumph at last, with nothing between.
