Friday, December 31, 2010

Decade of Foolishness

Tomorrow is the first day of another decade, 2000-2010 has gone by so quickly. It has been a decade of foolishness, more so than any decade I have studied in the history of man. You would think that we would have learned something by now, I remember so well our panic with the turnover of the century, whether computers would recognize the new century. In panic, not knowing what would happen in the stock market, I made many transfers into certificates of deposit, and of course, with the government involved in everything, scrutiny needed in order to have sufficient FDIC coverage.

What difference would it have made? We live in a world where no one wants things to be black and white, just a hue of gray. Mankind is repulsed by right and wrong, good and evil. Everything, whether physical, spiritual, financial, psychological needs to be in ambiguous shades of gray.

God talks to us, but we refuse to listen. With our technology, cell/smart phones, computers, nuclear weapons...we think we are so wise that in our wisdom we can get along without Him (Romans 128). At this very time, we have one the largest blizzards, the most inundation of snow on the east coast that has been seen in most lifetimes, more rain and mud in the west coast. From New Mexico to Montana, the roughest weather of sleet, snow experienced in many years. Europe is also experiencing one of its worst winters in history.

Most of the world's population is on land north of the equator. After Noah's flood (4090 BC), a continuous upheaval, water falling for forty days and forty nights until it was 20 feet above the tallest mountain. Cataclysmic volcanoes, the entire crust, topography of the earth completely realigned. Like the eight human beings who God persevered from the water, Ham, Japheth, Shem, Noah, their wives and their children, most living for hundreds of years. It would take a stadium for them to have a family reunion. Noah lived to the age of 850, his grandson, Methuselah, son of Enoch, living to age of 969. They ventured into areas of the world away from the earliest civilization of Ur and the Rift valley (a 2000 mile valley in East Africa), cities formed because of their location near rivers, valleys, economic and climate trade routes.

These people survived, multiplied, prospered because of preparation, and using common sense (exception, Nimrod, great grandson of Noah, who at Babylon tried to build a tower to heaven). As you now witness airports full of people stymied in their inability to cope with civilization, most just want someone to tell them what to do, a TSA employee for whom they have shown compliance and obedience, like human property in the slave market. The psychological and sociological phenomenon, which their tough, prepared, defiant ancestors would not recognize.

So much education has just been garbage, it is no wonder the tyrant takes over so easily: Stalin's 90 million in Russia, Mao's 100 million in China. Today's so-called scientists are more interested in a government grant than pure science, ready to dance to any tune the government plays in order get the “free money”. Most scientists, whether physical, medical, sociological, know that most of the required courses are never used, that information and preparation essential for performance can be obtain in a much shorter time, and that much available research is trash, just someone's opinion. The same is true in the arts, history, theology.

There is no rationale for why people do what they much education, so little learning, so few capable of reacting to an unexpected. Much money is to be made in just taking advantage of a situation, keeping a patient trotting to the doctor, injecting quick obsolescence into every technology, built-to-fail, which must be replaced often. We have learned to accept the “Kleenex mentality”, fast food, the planned obsolescence in everything.

My friend, a prominent doctor, 88 years of age, born into poverty, self-acquired education, a veteran of Pacific combat, was having unexpected cardiac problems. His cardiologist said, “I have looked at all the reports, expensive surgery will prolong your life for a short time; but you have had a good life, go on home to heaven” and then he walked out of the room. Another doctor, one better prepared in natural treatments, removed the toxins of his body, particularly the chemical toxins of exotic medications. Because of this, my friend is still alive.

If the average person, able to read, one who his body better than anyone else and having some computer skills, would study his symptoms and all the information readily available, he would know his options and alternatives. It should be evident to even the most ignorant among us, that our nation cannot continue down the path which greedy corrupters have led us. To the uninitiated, everything is obscure, but anyone should be able to figure out that RINO Republicans such as both Bushes (41 and 43), and liberal communists such as Clinton and Obama (42 and 44) are just opposite sides of the same coin, beating us into slavery. A drowning man will grab at anything thrown to him, he should grab at the rope of intelligence, designed to save him, but as like many, he would grab at broom straw of promises, if thrown to him, and continue to drown.

Go back in history 500 years, before America was even discovered. There were hard working people with values, using common sense, prepared to combat nature's reversals. Go back another 500 years, 1000 years, a man married to a women (none of this perverted marriage, disgusting to both God and man), rearing and educating children. And so it has been throughout history, self-reliance, self-dependence on a master Designer. At the beginning of WWII the American population was one-half of today's population, mostly rural, hard-working, God-fearing, tax-paying citizens, ambitious and optimistic. Their country had been attacked by the enemy, and like their ancestors before them, when attacked, formed huge military forces, huge armaments (ships, tanks, planes, every buildable weapon of defense and destruction) never a thought of defeat. My parents, grandparents, their neighbors around them, sent their sons and daughters to the war, many to employment in defense industries, while they kept the farms going, raising the foods and fibers needed in the all-out struggle.

Today, we would have problems in every area of defense. The decade we are in now may “tell the rest of the story”(Paul Harvey also said, “only a millionaire knows you cannot live like one.”). American survival is no longer a matter of courthouse, church house, schoolhouse, it is a matter of the mind.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Putting On a New Face

A lady told me one time that getting married was like walking into darkness: if it works out, fine; if not, it is expected.

Every Friday night of my life, just as I keep a daily log of my day's activities and expenses (This is the only way you can ever control your life, and save money), I write down my activities of the week. So many of these activities involve unexpecteds, and this is my “thank you report” to God for helping me get through things. Perhaps you normal, sighted people do not need God's help, but I have to depend on Him, He has never forsaken me in darkness, absolute darkness, for the promises He made me in light, when I could see.

When the unexpecteds come, and I do not know what to do, often it is better to wait than to work, instructions will always come. God does not wear a watch, never gets in a hurry, but is always on time.

Why is Satan so successful? He is completely predictable, has never changed, he uses the same method over and over. His first action in the Garden of Eden, the temptation of Eve using doubt, “hath God said?” (Genesis 3:1) From that day to this very day, completely predictable, same tactics, he has put one human being after another into his trap using doubt, always questioning the integrity of God. Four thousand years after Eve, his most famous temptation was in trying to put doubt in the mind of Christ, “if thou be the Son of God.” (Matthew 4:3).

Many things are predictable. In warfare, most generals have studied the tactics of other generals. In the famous movie Patton, General George Patton predicted the North African movements because he too “had read the book.” General Eisenhower, President Eisenhower had evidently not read the book, he thought he could lie about the shooting down of U2 pilot Gary Powers. There are several military books he should have read, including the Holy Bible, the greatest military book. Be careful that the enemy cannot prove you a liar, Gary Powers did not want to die, did not swallow the poison capsule.

For centuries, academia, unbelievers have tried to make Satan a costume character. Since the serpent had become unpopular, a person in a red suit, horns, pitchfork became the most famous characterization in the world. Some say Satan is in hell torturing the lost. Satan has never been in hell, he will go eventually for eternity, along with his followers, but he is now busy walking the earth, prince of this world. God is involved in every event on earth, Satan is given certain work on earth, and he is a real workaholic.

Don't think for one minute there is anything serpentine, devilish about Satan, he is an angel of light, attractive in every way, able to sweep any human being off his feet, usually in beautiful clothing, speaking well, attractive in every way. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.(Matthew 7:15) This verse tells it all, but the devil is not all-powerful (omnipotent), the devil is not all-knowing (omniscient, Psalms 138-139), he has only the power that God gives him.

I am familiar with Project Phoenix in the Vietnam war. In all 44 provinces of Vietnam, CIA agents proffered security. Home Land security is using the same time CIA proffer, doubt, and temptations in today's globalist one-world government. Profane options in our democratic republic, every attitude, action, totally predictable. Approaching the new year, informers, Home Land Security signs in all public places, detention without cause, will cause even liberals to look up at the present administration with caution or fear.

Everything God does is miraculous, throughout history, He has demanded that we do things His way. For instance, you can inflate a bubble, but you cannot inflate an economy with borrowed money. More banks are failing now than in the Great Depression. When you have bubbles, securities, housing, banking bailouts, then you have what bubbles can do. When God fearing, hard-working, tax-paying Americans become alarmed to what this Sunni Muslim is doing. There is still enough common sense flowing through the veins of patriot citizens to have a cause for optimism in this new year. We have a record of being willing to do anything for God and country until times get rough and tough. Most have been awakened to rough or tough times, and if we do not rise to the challenge we deserve the disaster. Happy New Years

Tipping Point

The main interest in the life of some men is athletics, ball scores, batting averages, Tiger Woods or some other overpaid millionaire. Some men have a fascination with making money, others family, others politics. I know one man who would make a remark about every women he met, his tipping point was sexual attraction. With others, their tipping point is a drug of some sort, a Jack Daniels or marijuana.

From my youth I have been fascinated with cars. I have owned some beautiful automobiles for someone who owns nothing but thrift shop clothing, second-hand store furniture, never buys food unless it is on a special sale. I have owned beautiful automobiles even though I have seen or driven one in many, many years. I still dream about driving, God never makes a mistake, he knew my tipping point: fast driving. Of course, blindness ends driving, now he has me where he wants me, in the passenger seat. Usually, I buy a new car every three years and I sell the used car myself. There is not a baby in town that has better care: low mileage, like new. I have no trouble selling my used car, then I just buy a new one.

One lady came to look at my car, she said was the secretary at Northside Baptist Church, her son a student at Wake Forest. We had a nice conversation, but she was angered because I would not lower the price on the car. She told me there was a rust spot on the car, something that no one else had seen. As she was leaving, she told me, “I hope you will find God.” I could not help but retort, “I did not know God was lost.” I do not have to tell you her tipping point.

God is not lost, still on the job, still BOSS. From our ancestors Adam and Eve, they thought they could hide from him. He said, “where art thou?” (Genesis 3:9) One of the first tipping points for your fellow Christians in the church, punctuality. Have you noticed that the same people come dragging-in late, service after service? I tell every employee who cannot get to work on time, “leave home earlier.” I am going to be sitting here waiting for you, because punctuality is the most revealing sign of character. One of my aunts was always late to everything, I told her, “at your funeral I am going to tell the undertaker to push in your casket after the service is well underway.”

We should all learn early to be magnanimous, benevolent, to have humility. Many have learning issues: autism, dyslexia, etc. When I was young, 1 out of 10,000 children was autistic, now 1 out of every 69, is this what the progress of multiple vaccinations to babies have done to your country? God alone knows the penalty of progress...the more money raised for cancer research, that much more cancer; such a financial catastrophe from the healthy ones involved in cancer: treatment, research, etc. Learning early in life to be content, and you will never be lonely, learn to read for pleasure, we have destroyed the imagination skills of young people with television trash.

I am astounded by those who call themselves Christian, who know nothing about God's Word. The most important book ever written, written by God, the Author connecting you with the greatest power in the world. I have listened to international radio programs, people calling in for answers concerning the Bible, the Christian life, three questions they ask over and over: Women preachers? Divorce and remarriage? Cremation? The same answers given every time by different people: those who were supposed to have an intimate knowledge of God's Word simply do not study. The tipping point when I talk with a preacher, a Bible student, the difference in the southern kingdom of Juda, the northern kingdom of Israel. What happened to ten tribes? The effect of Greece, Rome, Egypt, Syria on Christian history?

The most interesting study in all the world: Abraham, his descendants, not only in the middle east, but throughout the world, much like those saints who came out of the grave at the crucifixion of Christ when the temple was torn, top to bottom, these saints who walked the streets, what happened to them?

Christians, patriots, wars, we simply cannot figure it out. We have war on poverty and we have more poor people than ever. We have war on drugs and we have more addicts than ever. We have war on terror and we have more terrorism than ever...mostly our own country terrorizing us.

Around 1957, I represented North Carolina in Dr. Frederick Schwarz's great organization, The Christian Anti-Communism Crusade (CACC). I actually thought that America was against communism, but in my lifetime, I have seen America accept all twelve planks of the Communist Manifesto. All of communism can be summed up in four words: abolition of private property. The manifesto is now in effect in America. Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness (Psalm 52:3)

The state-controlled media, liberals, academics have convinced the American people that evil is good, that we won the wars in Korea, Vietnam and are winning in the middle east. The truth is wars, police actions, welfare programs have bankrupted America. When entitlement programs for veterans, social security recipients, ludicrous retirement programs for government employees and union members cease to be, we will be tipped off about our true condition. Christ was not joking when he described world conditions, spiritual and political, whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. (Matthew 23:27)

Religious leaders referred to as Reverend, your eminence, etc. Political leaders referred to as honorable, Mr. Chairman, patriot. Take note, the tipping time has come.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


To the globalists, the leaders of the new world order, God's chief creation, made in His very image, the human being, has become very insignificant. Like the cheap comic book portrayals of future accomplishments by part-human, part-robot beings, a merger of man and machine controlled by a computer.

The word “solidarity” was little known outside of the physics laboratory until the Nobel Peace Prize was given to Lech Walensa and the word was used describing this Polish worker's following (by one-fourth of the Polish population). When Walensa and others finally decided to establish Polish worker's rights.

A very little amount of sand is left in the hourglass, the year 2010 is almost gone. Through a movement called “Tea Party”, some sleeping RINO members of the Republican party were finally awakened. The enslavement of America is finally brought full face before those who care. The liberals, blacks, gays, academics, media personalities (print and sound), do not care. Someone once asked me, since I traveled through many communist countries and had seen the what the profanity and abomination of communism does to the human being, “why do some Americans promote such a philosophy?” I told him, “they think it will not affect them because they will be in charge.”

In every communist society, every totalitarian group, there is always that very small percentage of the elitists, politburo, who feel they are destined to rule the proletariat. Liberal democrats think things are bad with democracy's fat cats, Wall Street, Madison avenue, K street exploiters, the racketeers; but the MAFIA in the communist system is a nightmare that makes the Jewish MAFIA in Las Vegas seem like Sunday school. I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother's belly. Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help. (Psalm 22:10-11)

There is a cohesion-connectedness between people who are fellow sufferers. There will always be a cohesion-connectedness between those 33 Chilean miners who awaited rescue from the bowels of the earth. I have observed a connectedness surrounding Christians observing Communion at the Lord's table. I have observed a connectedness with family members and even neighbors around the casket of a deceased loved one.

The solidarity, connectedness of a college fraternity, Masonic order, Rotarian or Elk's civic club is far different from the connectedness or solidarity affecting a group of cancer survivors, a military unit at the battlefront, survivors recovering in a military hospital, or even former orphans in a childrens home.

Many of us have had the experience of the closeness involved in a group traveling together...staying in the same hotel, eating together, sightseeing together. After your final departure, you head to your own destination, and in spite of the closeness you experienced, you seldom ever hear from these friends again. It is even rare to have a close relationship with college roommates, sports team members. You felt that at the time there was a solidarity that would preserve a relationship forever; only through the common cause of neurological fellowship, does such friendship persist. In order for the Christian to know Christ, you must daily experience the power of His Resurrection, the fellowship of His suffering. (Philippians 3:10)

The largest minority in America, the disabled, should have an attitude of solidarity, because each has experienced the isolation of their own distinction, whether wheelchair, white cane, disfigurement, or some other blessing which separates them from the normal. Family members should have close solidarity, having sat around the same table, known first hand the hardships of parenthood, the festoon of genes; too often, jealousy, in-law blight, or dwelling on past problems prevent such.

One of the most honest, up-front, outspoken groups who protect and perfect solidarity is that of those with alcoholism. 75% of all crime, 50% of all divorces, 60% of all broken bones are attributed to alcohol consumption. 80% of all young people are experimenting with alcohol, and one 1 out of each 16 will become a drug addict. It all starts with the first drink.

The great problem, political correctness. Psychologists want children to like their parents, more important is how well the children like their parents after the child is 25 years old. In AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), only one's first name is used, it can happen to anyone. Across the tracks, in the poor section of town, one who cannot control alcohol is called a “drunk”. On “Pill Hill” or other ritzy sections of town, one who does not control alcohol is called an “alcoholic” or “having a disease”. We are all in this thing together...solidarity. Christ knew what he was talking about when he told us to love one another, the most difficult action in the universe: to love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 19:19)

Even at the church you see few wheelchairs, few white canes, and as I have been told many times as a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected veteran of the Korean era, disabled people make the normal feel uncomfortable. There is a certain solidarity in realizing that very few living human beings have escaped challenges of life, if your life has been perfect, solid, careful, you never know what is heading your way. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. (John 17:17)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

If I Were Satan

Jonathan Edwards was probably America's greatest preacher. He entered Yale University at the age of 14 and graduated with honors at the age of 17. He was probably America's greatest intellectual, credited as the backbone of the Great Awakening which started around 1730, his greatest sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” was delivered in 1741. Edwards was not an articulate speaker, a pulpiteer, he read the sermon close to his face because all he had was candlelight. The sermon had such a great effect on the audience that they actually felt they were hanging over the fires of hell by a spider's web. He died from a smallpox inoculation just before he was to become president of Princeton University, he was the grandfather of Aaron Burr.

American history has been molded through the influence of great preachers, preachers not influenced and controlled by the waves and wiles of the world. I have been fortunate enough to have heard, in person, some of these great preachers: R.G. Lee, George Truett, Donald Grey Barnhouse, Charles E. Fuller, most of today's preachers are just assassins of the doctrine “once delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3) such as Rick Warren, who like Oprah gives the same answers about his ministry, “we go as humanitarians.” We are warned about these churches, Laodicea, lukewarm, Sardis, morgue with a steeple. The old preachers such as Edwards, D.L. Moody, spoke of what would happen with a profane civilization, agnostic churches. America has become a profane nation.

Judgment begins at the house of God (1 Peter 4:17), most young people, raised in the church leave because the church has lost its gravitas on their life, holiness and obedience in worship. Many young people are attracted to the modernistic assembly because there is little difference in the music of the discotheque to that of the so-called megachurch, drama and drums. Many young people like the casual dress, the fact that in modern church music, you never hear the name of Jesus, Grace or doctrine.

If I were Satan, I would destroy the church because it has been the center of American spiritual devotion, physical and political activity. Most seminaries are tainted with denominationalism, young men and women more interested in the package than the promise. The articulate moderation, politically correct “pal in the sky” (quote from one modernist preacher) polite verbiage, certainly not to wishing to offend, especially those with deep pockets, inclusive, sincerely right, whether Islamist, Buddhist, Unitarian, as one fits all, cloak of kindness. God certainly would not send anyone sincerely wrong, sincerely politically correct, sincerely taking care of the needs of the world, sincerely loving everyone, to hell. If I were Satan, I could convince everyone just to be good, nice, the Beatles philosophy, “all you need is love”.

If I were Satan, I would never mention Jesus, I would never speak as if I were looking directly at Jesus. I would try to convince the world that just the worship of God, whether Jewish, Islamist, any cult is sufficient. I would never speak of salvation in a service, after all there may be someone in the service unsaved, it might be the only time they ever hear the Gospel. I would never speak of repentance, or the plan of salvation, except at a revival service. I would never talk about a backdoor revival, cleansing of church roles, only front door revival, “counting numbers instead of making numbers count”. Surely, Satan knows just as all the world knows, that it is only the full house, the full parking lot, the full offering plate, that impresses God and the onlooking world.

If I were Satan, I would use the same methods of warfare which the enemy has used for centuries, infiltration is easier and more effective if you wear the uniforms of your opposition, if you talk the same language, if you have the same habits (Jimmy Carter kissed Brezhnev just before Brezhnev and Russia invaded Afghanistan). In enemy infiltration, Satan knows that you can teach a parrot to talk, a bird to sing convincingly; pretenders, masqueraders, imposters, infiltrating the camp, the easiest way to take over.

If I were Satan, I would destroy the Christian family, particularly in the media. I would start with a single man, an uncle with a butler, then a single mother, divorced or otherwise, then homosexual embellishment, a house with several gay people, or even one or two with adopted children. If a story involving a mother and father, I would make the father look like a dunce, a father with no backbone, no control of the home.

If I were Satan I would have moles or spies involved in every spiritual activity, particularly at the Christian college, Bible college, seminary level. Satan is adaptable, patient, ambiguous, Satan is capable of instilling and installing notions of quackery and quaking, concerning any doctrine, or philosophy. Satan is capable of internal combustion...causing fights and fermentation, attitudes and belief system, translating and transplanting God's word into choking bones of interpretation. Satan will have you ignore the good, succulent meat of courage and encouragement, enlightenment and enlistment.

In the book The Man Who Never Was, we find such a plan as Satan would use, perfected by the British in WWII. A dead man had washed ashore in Spain with top secret plans, it told how British forces would invade Greece and Sardinia, the Germans fell for the trap as the British, as intended, invaded Italy. The operation was called “Operation Mincemeat”, the fooling, the beguiling, started with Satan in the Garden of Eden. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. Eve believed and fell for the doubts put in her mind by Satan. Most human beings are self-delusional.

If I were Satan, I would use the very human thought-process of doubting everything, particularly the non-believer doubting an eternal life. Progressive preachers and pastors of the progressive left certainly those of liberation theology, are the biggest suckers of them all, Satan's pets. Doubting good and evil, heaven and hell, and then the believer, having made the choice, having chosen Christ. There is still the ever-persistent prodding of Satan: “did I make the right choice, am I missing out on something?”

Karl Marx, in his 1848 Communist Manifesto stated that his most aggressive stalwarts would be preachers. Satan has us where he wants us, ten years between the fall of the USSR and 9/11. The Russians, the Chinese, Satan's communists want to live...the Islamists look forward to death. Communism can be defined in one sentence, “abolition of private property.” Christians who have escaped totalitarianism, Marxist or Islamist, cannot understand America's rush toward suicide. We only study history to learn that Satan is liar, he always pays off in counterfeit.

Monday, December 27, 2010

New Suit For Preacher

The Christmas season is over except for the exchanging of unwanted gifts, spending of gift money, gift certificates, and taking advantage of sales. Over and over during the Christmas holidays, we heard the refrain, “sales will be down because of the unprecedented recession, the greatest since the great depression.”

This recent recession in no way compares to the great depression, I was there, I lived through it. My folks did not stop talking about it until their dying day. It is like religion, you know the real from the false. When your Christianity is real, you cannot hide it, one can tell if you are His workmanship (Ephesians 2:10), you are anxious to share it with others.

My father came from two of North Carolina's first families: the Lucas family, prominent in Eastern North Carolina, and the Morris family who had founded Morristown, New Jersey, but all were just hardworking, landed people. My father, a dirt farmer, farmed during the week, cut hair in a barbershop on weekends and on holidays, built houses during the winter, non-crop months. He was not ashamed to tell anyone about his Christ, even a politician. he cut the hair of one state senator, and had presented the gospel to him. I once said, “Daddy you have to be careful who you talk with, some get offended.” Significant, one of the pastors who helped preach my father's funeral had pastored the church through the great depression. One of the nicer memorial wreaths had a card from the senator which read, “in memory of the only man who was ever concerned about my soul.”

I was driven to this pastor's funeral, dying at 95 after pastoring for 75 years. He had told me that my great grandfather took him and his trunk on his buggy to the train station, leaving for college, a college which today would not be that many miles by car, but at that time a good distance by train.

It is significant that the young preacher, following college, was the pastor of this family church. It was the depths of the great depression, 1930-1940. His suit was so patched that the women of the church raised money for a new suit from their sale of chickens and eggs. I could not help but think about that, and many other things at his funeral, as well as my own father's funeral, when he talked about the number of hair cuts for ten cents each.

I was just a child, but I remember this pastor on his knees in the pulpit, I remember the old men of the church and the community on their knees around the pulpit. Times were desperate, I can still see relatives, children who today are prospering, wealthy citizens arriving at the church on a wagon pulled by a mule, wrapped in quilts to keep out the cold.

I have talked and written about these things many times, my highfalutin, stuck up relatives tell me they do not want to hear about it, they are from outstanding ancestry, educated in great colleges, members of country clubs. They do not want the memory of such long-ago poverty which so affected their families and community. Such times did not defeat anyone, it only made them stronger, better. Fire strengthens and purifies the metal. June 24 was the day in Ireland that Christians would run through the fire, proving that they were chosen of God. In New Guinea, I have seen men walk through the fire. Every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean. (Numbers 31:23)

We all need to watch the potter, what he can do with fire, he never takes his eyes of the wheel. God, the supreme potter, never takes his eyes off the earth, those who are His, who He is fashioning to do His work.

How well I remember the hand cranked corn sheller, the buckets of grains of corn which my mother cooked in an outside iron pot, making hominy grits for the hungry people of the community. I remember the sweet potato hills, where potatoes were stored for the hungry of the community. I remember the “rabbit boxes”. Hungry people were anxious to eat anything edible. The butter churn, the buttermilk, the dried beans planted along every fence.

Some books have published pictures of eastern North Carolina towns, just carts pulled by mules, or one-horse wagons, my grandparents were better off, they had horses and surreys (a two-seated horse-drawn buggy). This was a depression, not a today's recession when perhaps a family may be limited to one color television.

Most of the world's poverty is below the 30th parallel. 80% of the world's population lives on less than $10 a day, most on less than $1. If you live in a house, have an automobile, you live better than 95% of the world's population. God wanted me to see the world, to see conditions in the world, every continent, I traveled through 157 countries. The poorest countries are those with the Islamic religion (47). Those that live in communist countries, countries without any type of religion, if fortunate, have one pair of shoes and perhaps a change of clothing.

The moral character of any country can be determined by the treatment of it's citizens: abortion of it's youngest, euthanasia of it's oldest. A country as blessed as America will not escape the abortion holocaust, nor the treatment of old people in nursing homes. God knows what is happening in His universe. It is much too expensive to keep watch of the entire sky, but meteorites are slipping through, we usually just see those at night because of the light they cause. The financial status of our nation, the world, the individual, makes little difference when we consider our eternal destiny

Friday, December 24, 2010

Bottom Line

There is one thing that every responsible adult faces, except of course those that are not responsible, those content just to hibernate on welfare, living off the work of others (47% of the 308 million population do not pay any income tax at all). All these hard-working, God-fearing, tax-paying people have one thing in common: the bottom line.

If in business, farming, are you making more than it costs you to stay in business, stay on the farm? Or, like the government, federal, state, local, are you just going in the hole, deeper and deeper? The difference between the private sector and the public sector, you cannot continue to operate at a loss. The private business man cannot tax others to pay for his losses. You cannot put a toll on a bridge or highway, and charge those who never use a bridge or highway, as does the government. The government does not give up on getting everything it can out of you until there is no breath or pulse in your mortal body.

One of the more popular radio shows in the 1950s, Duffy's Tavern, Archie, the bartender, said to Ms. Duffy, “what is wrong with your father.” She said, “I don't know, he just broods and drinks bourbon.” Archie said, “what is he brooding about.” Ms. Duffy said, “the price of bourbon.”

In looking at the globe, there are bottom lines everywhere. Mr. Obama and the liberals are rejoicing about the new nuclear control treaty...that there will be inspectors on the ground. Have they forgotten about the inspectors, on the ground, in North Korea, Iran, Russia? Again, it is pay-off time for the North Korean sicko, South Korea seems to have paid him off with train-loads of grain for his starving people. He had intimidated South Korea in recent years about many things, blowing up their ships, their islands. South Korea is brave again...100,000 lights on a 98 foot high Christmas tree right on a mountain by the 38th parallel.

The November elections mean nothing to democrats and RINO republicans. Mr. Obama, the Sunni Muslim, communist promoter of evil, sweeping into his corner such Republicans as Senator Richard Burr, voting for allowing gays and lesbians access to everything in the military. Representative Barney Frank, the world's best known queer, again listed by Judicial Watch as one of the most corrupt politicians in Washington, states that it would be discriminating for the straights in the military not to shower with the gays.

Bottom line, 2010's ten most corrupt Washington politicians: Barbara Boxer, John Ensign (only Republican), Barney Frank, Jesse Jackson Jr., Barack Obama, Rahm Emmanuel, Nancy Pelosi, Charles Rangel, Hal Rogers, Maxine Waters. (Judicial Watch, 2010). Again, this year, your President, your Speaker of the House, two of the ten most corrupt politicians in Washington DC.

Again, the health of the nation's citizens hanging in the balance. Eating food that is lacking nutrition, obesity because the body stays hungry for nutrition, health problems because of toxicity from medications and cheap food stuffs. The need for such elements as magnesium and potassium in the system which only comes from organic farming. Mr. Obama, Big Farming and Big Pharma's attempt to control agriculture, food supplies, farming, all now under FDA supervision, leading to the elimination of organic farming, gardening and eating. Again, Senator Burr swept into the Obama trash can. The bottom line, your government is seeking to starve you on your way to the enslavement camp.

The KGB in Russia, controlled the fax machine as well as the xerox copier. The FCC is now made up of even more control-freak communists than the KGB. They will not be satisfied until the internet is totally controlled or taxed out of existence. Inconceivable, the world before the internet, information once sent by copper wires, now by fiber optics.

If you want to know the bottom line, look at Houston, Texas. The first large city with a lesbian mayor, the nation's two largest churches together totaling 65,000 members, the world's largest abortion clinic outside of China. In Houston, retired CIA agent Roland Carnaby, shot in the back and killed by the Houston police, who had a laptop computer in his car containing vital information, probably because he was friends of ex-Presidents and other officials where trust was available. Like the predictions of the ice age, according to the Aztecs, spanning 2012-2040, like the nuclear START treaty at a time when many nations are ready to throw nuclear weapons around, nothing is making us safer or less stressed, certainly not the bottom line you cross when trying to travel on a plane.

In a few short months, you, a hard-working, tax-paying, God-fearing American citizen must be radiated and photographed naked in order to fly on a plane, you are much less safe in a nuclear world, you have seen your country's military forces weakened by Mr. Obama and his friends in the gay agenda. (When he signed the legislation there were so many gays, the signing ceremony had to be moved to an auditorium at the Department of Interior, larger than any White house facility).

Rare that you find any good news...rejoice that since 1979, some of the world's best scientists have been studying the shroud of Turin, knowing that there was some writing on the material. A Vatican scientist has found Jesus's death certificate from fragments of Greek, Latin and Hebrew writing. Scientists now feel that this cloth may have been used on the table at the Last Supper, and then used as the shroud for our blessed Lord. There is so much highly sophisticated science involving in interpreting all these results, air particles from the area and the tomb, etc. You will find this information downplayed on the back pages, but unsupported “life on mars” will be at the forefront of corrupt, disbelieving secular journalism.

As one who remembers the first zipper, the first plastic, the first margarine. In college we knew when a professor knew what he was talking about, if he didn't, we called his comments just a “snow storm”. Climate changes affecting the bottom line of the world started on May 18th: sunspots, BP chemicals, changes in Jet stream and Gulf Stream. The European winter is so treacherous this year, they wanted to cancel Christmas. In the American northern hemisphere, west coast rain, northern blizzards, 32 degree (freezing) weather in Cuba.

Homeland security's new mantra, “if you see something, say something”. I experienced peepholes in Moscow and China. Einstein never trusted anyone checking him, even in publication. Homeland security reports there are 9,000 federal buildings where Americans can “snitch” on one another. The bottom line, your country has been taken over without a shot being fired. The bottom line, is this country you intended on leaving your children? The bottom line, eternal welfare for you, your children, your neighbors.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Nearly 4,000 books have been written about Abraham Lincoln, without a doubt the most popular President of the United States. He said, “all I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my mother.” When I was young, my mother, dismayed her entire life from her lack of formal education, so anxious for her children to have the best education. The county book-mobile had come into the community. Once a week, the book-mobile filled with luscious books and a real nice librarian and driver anxious to assist the children of the farm community with reading would stop at my cousin's country store at the country crossroads. My mother would take my sister and I to the book-mobile where we would select books to read during the week.

Many books had a great effect on my life, perhaps the one that affected my young mind the most was called T-model Tommy, a book written by Stephen Meader in 1938. The book told the story of a 17-year old boy, born in poverty in New Jersey who fixed up an old model-T truck and began a hauling business which through hard-work prospered into a transport business of many trucks. The writer, the author, Stephen Meader wrote many stories about young men developing independent businesses in the face of adversity.

The greatest failure of this democratic republic, a nation built on capitalism, it's failure to properly teach young people about capitalism. I have found in my life that very few young people, particularly young men, know anything about capitalism, investing, mortgages, business debt, etc. This makes the liberal sociologists happy because they want this country to become communist anyways, everyone depending on the government. I truly believe the answer to the drop out rate, now approaching 1/3 in the 21st century, would be cured if young men were more challenged in accomplishment through capitalism.

Many come from single family homes, know nothing except welfare, the stagnation of sitting around doing nothing. In the trash can of a democratic republic, many have not learned yet that liberalism keeps you poor and that poor people are easy to control. Among my many blessings, life, liberty, Christian ancestry, parents who knew the honor of work, accomplishment. They knew that in order to have money, the pride of doing something themselves, you sell your services or a product. Time is dollars, and you invest dollars, you make money with money, you have that blessed assurance of responsibility, the honor, pride and dignity of work. My father farmed during the week, crops which he sold for cash. On weekends, he worked as a barber, money which mostly took care of the family needs, during the winter he worked construction, building houses. Along with this, he raised and sold livestock, my mother sold milk, butter, and eggs, garden products. There was no money to waste on frivolous things, but we were able to go to the doctor, were better dressed, had a better home, well-furnished, better car, better money for college. This happened because of the Christian desire to live and give, living productive lives, giving every place possible.

So, having worked my way through eight years of university educations, commissioned as an army medical officer, I returned almost totally blind. Many things influenced my thinking during those crucial times, one was that book I read as a child, T-model Tommy. I was fortunate enough to practice for a while with limited vision, has an assistant standing over me to make sure I did everything correctly. But, the time came that I had to give it all up.

I started out upstairs, over a shoe store, the space had been used by a doctor at least 50 years previously. The owner of the shoe store, Mr. Parrot, said, “doctor, I will give you a five year lease on that space for $25 a month if you are willing to fix it up for your use. I had some construction work done, but wallpaper, painting etc. friends helped me do it all.” I had saved enough money from the military to buy my essential equipment. It was from this meager strategic start that I built a very large private practice. After the initial office I move into a much better location, more appropriate for my use. Because so much of my practice was built strictly on my personality, my knowledge, it was an excellent opportunity for a younger man to practice with me. The truth is that most young doctors want everything at once, did not want to go through the hard-planned program, the heart-ache of work. Most think they are too important, too great for anything.

The time came, just as in driving, just as in everything else involving eye sight, I had to quit, knowing full well, for a very long time, that the day would come. I started with the first dollar, over and above frugal living expenses, taxes and necessities, investing one-half of what was left in real estate, the other half in the stock market. Like T-model Tommy, I started with one duplex residence, I lived on one side, rented the other side, letting that side pay for the building, then I bought a second duplex, one side making payment on the building. Then, I bought another duplex, and before long, I owned 12 buildings.

Then, I started buying commercial property, office buildings, retail space, even night-club buildings. Then, I bought beach property, five duplexes on the beach, furnished, which I rented by the week to vacationers, and rented monthly to students and teachers. Any residence on the beach which came up for sale I would have someone go with me and describe it to me. You should see me measure a room with my white cane, then later, tell helpers how I want it refurbished and decorated. I found that if I decorated and furnished a house, I could sell it at a much greater profit.

Through my military contacts, I knew the owner of a furniture store very well. He could still tell you how this man would come in and buy furniture from him, walking around the store, bargaining, most of the time I could visualize what I had purchased. At public auctions, second-hand stores, thrift-shops I bought pictures and prints, draperies and carpets, over and over, someone would say, “who decorated this house?” Evidently I did a decent job, because they always sold, or rented well. I bought commercial property, depending on two strategic convictions: geography, and if the surrounding property would make mine worth more. It is like a doctor's office, a store, even friends, people want to go to a place which will flatter them, make them look better. The harder I worked, the more I prospered, whether cleaning behind dirty people who had rented my property, or books about investing in the stock market.

I have given instruction to at least 1,000 people, if you ever find a business, free of aggravation, free of hard-work, free of risk, please let me know what it is, I want to get into that business. In other commentaries, I have given the Morris rules for business, for lifestyle, for depending on the Christian promise, it is a matter of mindset. I hear about conservation, political conservatives, most politicians, including some very good republicans, know nothing about conservation, conservatives. God, and God alone gives you the blessing, even when physically blind. Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are the ways of them. (Psalm 84:5)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Missing Out On Christmas

I was in a large Catholic cathedral in Cologne, Germany, known for the gold caskets of the three magi who made that long trip to worship the Christ child. One lady near me said to a Catholic priest who was keeping watch nearby, “do you think it is really them?” He said, “what difference does it make, what do you think?”

Christmas is more a thought process than anything else for most people, in the last half of the twentieth century, preparations for Christmas start in the summer. Christmas decorations get entangled with the decorations for Halloween. Some stores stock Christmas products all year round, called “Christmas stores”.

People who never go to church, who know nothing of the Christian light of the world, have lights all over their house on the outside, thousands of lighted bulbs. Christmas trees and decorations of every sort inside their house.

After I was old enough to think clearly, I realized the hypocrisy of the Christmas season, people spending money they do not have on things that people do not want. AS a child, I went to family gatherings where overweight people gorged themselves on high-calorie food. Gave gifts to family members that they ignored most of the year, people sending greeting cards if one were sent in return. I had one great uncle, my grandfather's brother, never married, as far as I know, never spent one night out of the house in which he was born. Mostly ignored by his family, whom he had been very good to when they were young; but at Christmas, they showered him with gifts, things he did not need.

While in college, I stayed on campus and worked, making money so I could stay in school. In the military, I took duty hours for men who needed to be with their children. Later, and until this day, I traveled abroad or just tried to stay out of the rush-crush, people active in the season, attempting to keep up with the dilemma fostered by news media. After all, if you do not get up and go shopping on “black Friday” early in the morning, there is something wrong with your brain.

If you do not put on many pounds during the Christmas holidays, you are not a real person. I have seen grown men dressed in expensive hunting clothing, with their guns, going into the woods to kill small animals at Christmas. Hospital emergency rooms busy, more suicides, more fights on many missing out on Christmas.

The three magi of the biblical Christmas story, probably traveled from Babylon, they were probably royalty (Isaiah 60:3), kings with an entourage. Probably they had hundreds of soldiers and servants with them. Probably, they were followers of Zoroaster (god of light and stars), such were the scientists of their day, studying the skies and stars, they had discovered an unusual star, knew about the prophesy in Daniel relating to the birth of a messiah. After that long, nearly thousand mile trip, they were probably greatly surprised, or even shocked that in Jerusalem, the religious capital of the world, people were not lining the streets talking about the birth of this child.

Like today, we have the word, but we simply don't believe it. If Herod, his followers, the religious people of Jerusalem, Pharisees, scribes, Sadducees, had believed, they would be in Bethlehem, just as Christ's disciples would have been in the graveyard on that Easter morning. Bethlehem is just six miles from Jerusalem, an easy walk. King Herod's people were familiar with the scripture, told the three magi where they could find the baby. But to show their scathing unbelief, they further chastised the world by saying, when you find him come back and tell us. The three kings found Him, they celebrated the first Christmas, but King Herod, his people, the Jewish religious world, missed out on Christmas, as always, God was in control then as now. He directed the “homeward bound” kings in a new direction.

We are told that at the dedication of Solomon's temple, still until this day, the greatest building ever built by man, 13 acres in size, cedar wood and gold, not a hammer or saw were heard in it's construction, 22,000 oxen and sheep without number were sacrificed.

Sheep for the sacrifice, at the second temple, located near Bethlehem, the shepherds who cared for these sheep were the poorest people in Christendom, not even allowed to go to the temple, could not even give testimony in court. But, dirty, bedraggled poverty-stricken, God's announcement of the birth of His son was made first to them, surely every angel in the universe was present, millions of them singing about the glory of Christmas (Luke 2), a Hallelujah chorus which sent the shepherds, one time in their life leaving their sheep, scurrying to that cave in Bethlehem where they worshiped and with great haste, went out to tell the entire world what they had seen. I am sure the world had trouble believing these poor, uneducated, smelly shepherds. But these shepherds had not missed out on the first Christmas, and for the 2000+ years since, those who have experienced “rebirth” have been willing to tell others and for that reason, people throughout the world have not missed out on Christmas.

Christmas is a mental thing, not fulfilled with gifts or even giving spreeing or partying. Christ is the center of Christmas, the cure for heart trouble; the world the pretenders, want to believe in Christmas, so afraid they will miss something at Christmas. The world, the imposters, the pretenders have missed out on Christmas unless they know personally the light of the world, not artificial lights, know the sweetness of salvation, not the addictive sweeteners. Know the true meaning of the red berries and thorns of the holly tree, which show us again His blood shed for our sin. His thorn-crowned brow brandished for our inequity. Don't miss out on Christmas.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Gnawing at every fiber of my body, every neural pathway of my existence, if the human being is here in the image of God, if we are supposed to make a difference, if there is the type reward that Christians expect, why is the world in the condition it is in?

My ancestors were some of the first from England to the new world because of their religious convictions. I have inherited every one of their concern precepts, the first image I have in my mind as a child: my mother on her knees at the old family church, washing another saint's feet. In that church, built in 1874 by both my mother and father's great grandparents, the portrait of a distinguished old man. His name was John Henry Whorley, as a child I remember him preaching there, probably his last sermon before his death, a very old man. He brought out something that was as real then as it is today, that God points to ants in His Holy Word, as an example of what human beings should follow. The human being, 23,000 genome; the ant, far, far less. He pointed out that an ant colony took care of one another, prepared for hard times. I remember he pointed out that you put a drop of syrup on the table in the kitchen and before long you have a whole trail of ants, One had found something good, and soon others knew about it, and so it should be with God, Christ, our faith; if we are really serious about our lives and the lives of others, my soul and the soul of others.

I could not help but think, my family, and the many other families in that community, as well as the world community, who go past houses everyday of their lives in which people live who know nothing of the values that make life more livable, religious convictions and traditions, healthiness, discipline and discipleship. For many years of my young life, I would think of the children living on the very road where that church is located, never reached, or even approached by the church. At the schoolhouse, religion was precursory preemptive expectation, college and the military was not bothered by religion even though there was casual references to it, the do-gooder, be better syndrome. I was active my entire college and military career in the local church, but no one seemed to care very much, I was just unusual. I remember at the great Parker Memorial Church in Alabama, since I was not one of the “blue bloods” in town, I was giving the cold shoulder, especially by the other professional people in the church who seemed to be there as just a cover for their lifestyle, pretending, family habit, not really serious about anything but their own success.

I remember speaking at a small baptist church outside of town, a major general (two stars) retired, was in the audience. He said, “you are the first young army officer that I have encountered with a Christian testimony.” He further said, “I spent 35 years as an infantry officer, WWII, never once in all those years did a military chaplain say one thing to me about my soul.”

I can say without fear of contradiction, my many years in the military, never saw a chaplain in any activity except bobbing around with a cocktail glass at the officer's club. My encounters with most ministers of the Gospel has been a disappointing experience. I am sure there are many who have a real conversion, real salvation, real Christ in their life. Religion and church has become so sanitized, organized, rationalized, God convicts through His book, the manufacturer's handbook, which answers every question one ever wants to know about anything. His word is forever settled in heaven. (Psalm 119:89) He honors His Word more than anything else. I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. (Psalm 138:2) The problem with most Christians, most churches, enough time is not spent with His Word, if the Christians of the world really believed God's Word, the world would have been changed long ago, and we would certainly not be in the mess we are in today.

We have the mistaken impression that we can just put some money in the collection plate, in the Salvation Army kettle, a civic club project of some sort, and we have done our part. There are 1,300 United Way collection points for giving in order to relieve suffering in the world; the second largest charity, the Gates Foundation. If you cannot measure what you want, you do not want what you can measure. There is so much need in the world that we cannot measure it, nor do we actively try to do anything about that which we can measure, there is too much need in the world for an entrepreneur. Most philanthropists collect less than $500,000 a year, we have found, much to our sorrow that this money, so accessible, so unaccounted for, disappears down the black hole of greed. The national president of the Red Cross gets $500,000 a year, The national president of the United Way gets $1 million a year, it is a Christian embarrassment about televangelists and many religious charities.

I have a great interest, not only in the souls of mankind, not only their spiritual needs, but their physical needs as well. What happens to the large percentage of children who do not graduate from high school, the children from single parent homes, the children caught up in the gay agenda, sex slaves on the streets, we read about these things, but have no idea about the real story.

I got a glimpse of human depravity talking with young girls and young men from abuse and want, who had entered the military services. Most of us have no idea about the baggage so many young people carry around. When you talk with them, you can only imagine what is going on in their mind, what they have experienced, the distrust they have for everyone. I learned early, that those who have been unable to trust people whom they can touch, have much difficulty trusting one who is supernatural, praying to, or believing in an inanimate spirit.

I have found that most people do not want to hear the answers to many questions, “the truth hurts”. God wanted me to see conditions around the world, sent me on many round-the world trips, exposed me to life on every level. He blessed me so I could afford a home in New York City as well as in North Carolina, and it was in New York City, completely away from everyone who knew me, that I found the answer to many of these questions for which everyone should be interested.

The first apartment I owned in Manhattan was on Beekman Place, one of the most exciting streets in the city, on the East River. This apartment was on the corner right across the townhouse of Irvine Berlin, across from the South Korean consulate, near the home of Helen Hayes. It was indeed, the supreme transitory existence for this country boy.

About this time Irwin Shaw had written his book, along with the movie, Rich Man, Poor Man, most people with whom I have shared this, which I am sharing with you, have told me that I am crazy. At that time almost totally blind, flickering in and out of New York's richest and poorest postulant properties. One day, I would be in tux at a fancy United Nations soiree, the next day I would be in worn clothing talking with vagrants on the street at a cheap movie house, or questionable bar about their life experiences and what would happen to them at death. Some just thought I was just a crazy, old fundamentalist evangelical, most were fascinated by my life, my interest in them, that someone in this world really cares. I always had religious tracks, often would take someone who was hungry, to a fast food place to eat. I tried to never let them know about my disability. In all the years, only one or two were ever taken to my apartment. These apartment houses, the two in which I lived (12 Beekman Place, 136 East 56th), full-time doormen, elevator men, fresh cut flowers in the lobby, and I had beautiful, well-appointed homes.

I am talking about Ronnie, because he was one who I brought to my apartment, he had the mental agility, the trustworthiness, that he could assist me with cleaning and shopping. Ronnie lived in Spanish Harlem, one of ten children, he was either 17 or 18 at the time I met him, begging on the street. He told me that his entire life, 12 in the family, most meals, 1 dozen eggs, 1 loaf of bread, each person had an egg sandwich. His own father had impregnated all his sisters, he told me about other people who lived in the tenement, about a child in an apartment next to theirs, totally mentally deranged, at home, all day, alone. At night when the father came home, he would hold him out the window and tell him he would drop him if he made a sound while the father was at home.

In order to live, Ronnie had pushed the envelope about as far as he could in every direction. He had been sent to a cooking school which he liked very much, but because of his background, could not get a job. From what I could tell, he was an attractive young men, and have been hit on by the gays in New York, which had turned him against most men, and having seen the decadence of his mother and sisters, was totally against women. In fact, he was mentally antagonistic toward everything in life, like most of these Spanish and blacks in Harlem, he had been baptized into the Catholic church. The entire matter of Christianity, religion was just an unnatural mystery to him.

Ronnie liked music, other than buying food and giving money for pressing needs, I never let any of these desperate people believe that I had money. I did give Ronnie an electric keyboard for Christmas. He was totally amazed that someone would do something for him, asking nothing in return. As I found with so many young people, tossed around by the world in the sea of life, very intelligent, quick learner. I would have him come by about once a week to help me with my house. When in New York, it was obvious that he wanted to spend more time with me, and since I was in New York just one week, each month, I only saw him about once or twice a month.

One day, much to my surprise, he showed up at my home in North Carolina, he had taken the bus from New York, and then walked from the bus station to my house. I will never forget what he said, “you are the only person who has ever been nice to me. You need help, I would like to work for you.” The fact of the matter is, he could do nothing, he could not drive for me, the projects in which I was involved at the time, he knew nothing about. I was restoring a large building on Oleander Avenue, a former famous restaurant which I was restoring into a night club building. I had some people working for me, someone driving for me. After one day, I told him that he was just in the way, that he should go back to New York, I gave him money for the bus, honestly I had done everything I could for this young man, and never saw him again.

I had introduced him to Christianity, I had encouraged him to take advantage of the opportunities which this country offers. I had told him that if he could not find work, he should go into the military service because he had the intelligence, health, desire to make something of his life. This is just one young person who I encountered with experience, experiment in Christian missionary zeal, there were many others. As my acquaintances who have heard about my work, but have no desire to do any missionary work of their own. Who I have told that the God that I worship is quite able and capable of protecting me, giving me the mission and message with no strings attached. The answer, not once, ever, in my pursuing the answers to my questions and bringing the message of redemption and life to those who would listen, did I ever encounter anyone, from any church, any mission, actually working among those who need it most, on a one-to-one basis.

A more recent experience, in one of my rental properties, in which a young man was living. One day when I was checking on another property, he said to me, “I have really made a mess of my life. How have you kept yours so together?” As most Christians, I made the mistake of inviting him to go to church with me, instead of dealing with him on a one-to-one basis. The hardest work in the world is in dealing with another person's soul. It is so much easier to take the person to your place of worship and hope that they will find their answer there, that something will rub off on them.

I said to him, “I will be by to get you Sunday morning to go to church.” It was about a three block walk for me, I knocked on his door with my white cane, of course, he had forgotten. I said, “get ready, I am waiting for you.” He did not have a suit, but he was clean, and his clothes were clean, it was about a two-block walk then to the church (First Baptist Church, Wilmington NC). As he sat beside me in that liberal, pretending church, I thought what would my mind reflect on if I had never been to a protestant church before. When we left, I said to him, “what do you think?” He said, “it was the saddest place I have ever been.”

My first phone call after I had returned to my house, one of the older ladies at the church, she said, “Doctor, who was that young man with you at church this morning?” I said, “he was one of my tenants, he really needs to be in church.” She said, “doctor, you know we like for our men to wear suits to church, dark blue or brown. Now, you know how to dress, you are always dressed well.”

Whether Ronnie, Robert, or anyone else in America, or anywhere else on this earth, the problem and the answer has always been the same. God gave it to us on both sides of the cross: love one another.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Domestic Extremists

This commentary, my server will send it around the country, is written just for me, no one else. If someone else decides to read it, fine, perhaps you have had some of the same thoughts.

I understand those who do not bow at the alter of the Patriot Act, do not yield to the searching by homeland security, the indignities of TSA (Travel Security Administration) are considered domestic extremists, particularly those who are veterans, those who have had anything to do with the tea party movement, those who support candidates on the right. These organizations are not concerned with security, only control.

So often, I wonder if those of you who are sighted have any idea of what a blind person endures every moment of his life. I am convinced that most people think I am blind only when they see me out in public; the fact that I act normal, talk normal, dress normal, have been able to carry on my life, in spite of my disability. I live alone, big house, many rooms, I carry on a very active business and professional existence. In my condition, I pay more taxes to the government than I ever thought I would make in income. There are some things that I simply cannot do for myself, drive my car, read an abundance of mail, keep up with my various business accounts, I even have my driver check my tie, shirt, socks. You would be amazed how many times someone has spoken about my mismatched socks, mismatched shirt and tie. I often wonder if they could do as well.

This week, I put some ketchup on my ice cream, I thought it was chocolate syrup. I often put something in the microwave from the freezer and have no earthly idea what I have cooked for my food. There are days that everything I touch falls on the floor. Just imagine everything you do sighted, the difficulty if blind. This is the story of just one veteran, there are millions of us. Millions of disabled people (largest minority), your government spends billions for veteran's care, care for the disabled, but most of these funds never reach those for which intended. These funds are eaten up by the corrupt bureaucrats and politicians who are supposed to handle such, even have oversight. I have been able to make my way, with the help of almighty God, alone.

As I can assure you, without fear of contradiction, and as most disabled people have told me, your family care the least. If the only help I get, any encouragement in my life, came from my family, or even friends, I would be in very bad condition. And, tragedy of tragedies, most of these people believe themselves to be Christ-like, I suppose I have said it a thousand times, from the platform as well as in writing, if every “Christian” were just like me, what kind of world would this world be?

Not since the Civil War, has America been in the condition that it is in today, imploding from within. During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln said, “I do not fear America being threatened from without, only from within.”

The main danger now, rather than 100 or 150 years ago, we no longer recognize the difference between good and evil, mostly indifference toward both, whether media, education, politics, or even spiritual values. It was reported this week that the average child texts, I understand this is something that you do on the cell phone, over 120 times a day. I understand that many children just text one another, their parents, instead of speaking to them on the phone. In one year's time, time spent on the internet has doubled to 13 hours a week, time spent watching television has remained about the same, 6 hours a day. We have a country, and indeed a world, technology has become our god...we depend on technology, likewise cleverly, slowly, government has made citizens completely dependent on government. Who needs God when you have government supplying your every need, making every decision for you?

Even in the Declaration of Independence, we have a President who always leaves out the phrase “endowed by our creator.” Our ancestors, forged in fire, Washington, Adams, Lincoln, Patrick Henry, knew the cost of freedom. From hard work, both with hands and books, Americans have built the greatest nation in human history, strange after building such so many are anxious to destroy it, but that which can be built can be rebuilt, restored. A culture that can make a mess of anything and everything, has even made a mess of Christmas. The media, your neighbors, think you are crazy unless you jump to act crazy on “Black Friday.” People expect you to send them a Christmas card if they send one to you...expect you to put decorations in and around your house like everyone else. They want you to feel strange if you do not jump through the hurdles, dictated for Christmas, like the media and society dictates everything else.

Some of my neighbors came to me, telling me I should put decorations in my windows, a wreath on my front door, like the rest of the people on the street. These same people do not realize how difficult it is for me to find my front door, live a simple life without decorations, which I cannot see. These same people, in the spirit of Christmas, have never done one thing for this blind veteran at Christmas. In fact, I will give $1000 cash to anyone who can show that any church, civic group, veteran's organization, government services group has ever done anything at Christmas or any other time. Talk is cheap, and I am not saying that every disabled citizen has been met with such obtuse indifference, but from those I know, I am the rule not the exception.

One of my blind friends, who died a few years ago, born blind, only child, lived alone most of her life, told me that no one at any holiday had ever been to her house. Once, when her mother died, one church brought some food to her house. She died alone, and was quietly buried by the funeral home, but I am sure that if I, or Catherine Vasalou, this blind, intelligent female friend were to have gone to the airport to take a trip, TSA would put us through the ringer, like everyone else. Catherine owned her own home, left to her by her deceased parents. She contributed to the world through her intellectual skills, she talked frequently on every national talk show, Larry King, Sally Jesse Raphael, etc. She, like this writer would be called a domestic extremist.

Life has become a masquerade party, full of pretension. At the airport, when real busy, everyone is just waved through, Christmas has become a mockery, “Me! Me! Me!”, “My party, my gifts, my pleasures.” Nothing about the One who was born in borrowed stable, buried in a borrowed tomb. We get so excited about political victories, spiritual, feel-good-ism, several friends who have been assistants to congress people have told me that it makes no difference who wins an election, federal, state or local. The same bureaucrats are there, still running everything. One said to me, “I said to this newly elected congressman, 'you think you won an election, you are just a puppet for us, we pull the strings. Like a new Christian, nothing changes. Like a new bride, reality soon takes over.'”

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Closing Time

It was Christmas Eve, a famed hotel in Amsterdam, Holland, a friend I had met in Africa, his wife and daughter, some Rotterdam friends of theirs had invited me to eat with them. Afterwards, in a club, in the hotel, midnight, Christmas Eve, the chief bartender said, “closing time.” He wanted to go home and be with his friends or family. A lady from the other side of the room said, “it is closing time after all your guests have left.”

This past weekend, I listened to the graduation exercises from the local university, thinking that I would hear the name of my employee who was graduating. The first time, any graduation or convocation, I heard the female chancellor say, “We will all stand in a moment of silence.” From the time of my childhood, through a very exciting life involving healthcare professions, business, military, civic groups and other organizations of every type, my participation at many graduations in this nation built on the ethics of Christianity has had closing time, a moment of silence, instead of asking for the blessings of almighty God.

Another employee and his wife, attended a function at one of the country's oldest public theatres, Thalian Hall, he said he and his wife were sickened when they saw this same woman, her friends, all dressed masculine with men's coats and ties, interacting at the “closing time” sexual preference, peradventure publicly without shame. The shutters have been lowered, the drapers have been drawn, in our lifetime, we are seeing the closing time for everything we considered impermabile, everything decent, everything in order. We simply do not care anymore, we have crossed the bridge of no return.

Pope Leo I, leading a large group of children carrying lighted candles, met marauders at the River Tiber, who were attempting to invade the Vatican. The marauders turned back, the church at that time had strength of conviction. Faith is 90% courage.

As a young man, a member of a Sunday school class Bellevue Baptist, Memphis Tennessee, a large class of aspiring young doctors. One man, a real man, taught the Sunday school class, and each Sunday, the tears would run down his face as he attempted to inspire these young men with his faith, faith that had gotten him, as a hero, through WWII.

At the time that Christ walked the earth (~30 AD), leprosy was as prevalent as AIDS today, there were probably not the pathogens of cancer and other exotic diseases which we fight with today's treatments, but there were fevers, seizures, and many other things which cause much suffering and death. In my long life, I have known so many “believers” who so cheated themselves by their unbelief. Many think that just church membership, doing good, kindness, benevolence is all it takes. Your greatest source of strength, the spiritual, supernatural experience afforded only those who have been saved as per your experience at the Lord's table.

There are two elements. The bread, as we find in the Old Testament (Isaiah 52), written by the prophet 700 years before the birth of Christ. The bread represents the Body of Christ, and by His strife we are healed. Past, present, future, all sicknesses, all infirmities were taken to the Cross. The fruit of the vine, the wine, represents His shed blood, blood shed to cleanse us of all sins, there is never a closing time for this remembrance, as often as possible. Only unworthy if we do not know the true meaning of this, the precious, the reoccurring ordnance of the New Testament church.

The Catholic church possesses a congregation of the doctrine of faith, testifying to certain shrines where the supernatural had occurred, a visitation of Christ's Mother Mary, a pilgrimage destination for healing. I feel that God has visited His supernatural, spiritual power to many places and to many lives, perhaps the most humble among us. At his crucifixion, the veil torn forever, on this side of the cross there is no closing time in our relationship with Him.

Many of us spend our lives in remorse, “if only I had bought that property, that stock”, “if only I had been more frugal with my money, more exceptional with my time.” There is no room for remorse in defending the great principles of our nation, in defending the precepts of our faith.


In other commentaries, I have talked about the many years that I owned a co-op apartment in Manhattan that I used while I was there, which was a nice launching pad for my many trips around the world. Because of this location, I met many interesting people on the world stage. I have discussed my accidental meeting with Gus Hall, Chairman of the American Communist Party. One of my most rewarding activities was my membership in an organization called “Volunteer services for children” this is a group, large contributors, who finance orphanages for deserted children around the world. Once, in talking with several university types, I ventured my often spoken perimeter, that it is such a tragedy for people with so much knowledge to die and be buried along with their knowledge. Knowledge acquired through many years of hard study, trial and error experimentation, the risks involved in acquiring such. As I have said many times, it is much like burying a library.

This conversation was at least 40 years ago, one said, “have you heard of Dr. Marvin Minsky of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)?” Dr. Minsky, head of artificial intelligence research , writer of many books, now 83, ever since the miraculous possibilities of the computer, has proposed and actually experimented with transhuman, artificial intelligence storage. This science involves preserving the mind after death, even though the body will be eventually buried, it is simply a matter of emptying everything in the mental processes of an individual mind into a computer.

The godless mind, because these people do not believe in the soul, nothing spiritual, strictly biological, nothing involving personality, only a crucible of academia would become transhuman. It is believed that this transhuman knowledge could be used by a robot. We know that robots are already doing much of the work in the hospitals in the British socialized healthcare system, also being used in many manufacturing processes such as in the automobile industry.

The ultimate is the transferring of this stored knowledge to other planets. There are many excursions into reality in this artificial intelligence culture; for instance, copyrights on all the knowledge possessed by the computerized system. The mayhem predicted when such knowledge is stolen or used by a tyrant. Can one even imagine the extremes to which Hitler could have gone with today's technology? Technology which is developing so rapidly, the moon module, whether it did or did not go to the moon, possessed much less technology than your child's cell phone.

The theory, experimentation, actual contracts involved among the world's elitists (money and power) in preserving not only their minds, but their bodies, has been discussed many times in the halls of academia. I believe there are about 35 bodies already in the cryogenic laboratory, awaiting thawing at the appropriate time. Cryogenic surgery has been used for many years, the problem comes in the freezing of fibers. Much of this man-made madness is not just a matter of academic posturing, but many of the world's richest, smartest, elitists feel that their lives/bodies/minds are worth more than those of the common man. In life, in their living, they have had little contact with the Giver of life, they feel that their wisdom, the creature more than the Creator, is all powerful. They simply cannot get over the fact of their self-importance, not willing for the world to suffer the loss of their absence.

A mystery to the Christian world is how or why young people, reared in the church, leave the church, never to return. Most, though possibly members and even baptized, had never experienced salvation. The only Christ they knew was what they saw lived before them by their parents, family, friends and church people. As many of these “wanderers” have said to me, “I want no part of it.” If Christianity was worth anything to those who profess it, we would see more about those that possess it. How can anyone disagree with that? I know, many people, professing Christians, church members, certainly members of my own family most of whom are lost, who cannot quote one chapter in the Bible, the most important book known to man and the cornerstone on which they base their faith. If their life depended on it, most church members are lost to describe God's plan of salvation, the prophets or promises of the Bible, the history of the Bible, even anything pertaining to the faith or practices of their denomination.

One of my employees told me this morning that he saw an ex-employee in a coffee shop. She and her husband were active members of a certain denomination. Her husband works out of town involving the turbine electric-energy business. Both of them are swingers, when he is away, they have a contest to see which can have more sexual activity, who is involved first. They both run advertisements on Craigslist.

We have all heard the advertisement promoted by the black colleges, “the mind is a terrible thing to waste”. In the majesty of God's design for the universe, the human mind, the human nervous system, is the zenith of His creation. Thousands of years of human history has shown us that the mind is capable of many things, creativity, magnificence, good as well as evil. We have one guideline: Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Only a blind person knows the importance of tactile sensation, dependence on feeling with the fingers. No two people who have ever lived on this earth have had the same fingerprints. Before the foundation of the earth, God had designed us individually, knowing full well who must depend on fingertips and God gave that special person, very special sensation. Just as healing energy is spiritual energy, I am convinced that every sensation of the body is spiritual.

I had rather be disliked, even despised for doing right than to be liked and honored for doing wrong. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. It does not bother me in the least that someone does not believe what I write or say, one of my friends said to me, “someone asked me if I knew you. He said, 'I just cannot believe what says about fluoride and other toxins in water.'” I said, “tell him it is his body, his future involved, it does not matter what I say or think, study, spend as much time researching these things as I have. There is little energy obtained from water anymore, the essential of life.” The camel is on his knees morning and night, seldom takes a drink of anything, but will not drink polluted water, and as the great preacher Charles Spurgeon said, “anything that causes a man to get down on his knees to God, is gain to him.”

Nothing takes God by surprise but, as from the very beginning, He wants a close relationship with His believers. Nimrod, great grandson of Noah, wanted this relationship by building the Tower of Babel to the heavens. We heard the words, “the eagle has landed”, but we know that the heavens belong to God. (Psalm 115:15-16) There is much man-made wreckage on the moon, several nations firing missiles at the moon, but the earth was given to man. (Genesis 1:26-28) Significant that there is more technology in today's cell phone than there was in the lunar module, which may or may not have landed on the moon.

We have really messed up things here, climate control, new world order, globalism. A few flagrant apostles of greed are trying to redistribute wealth; in Cancun, Mexico recently, United Nations efforts in weather control talking about world warming... in Cancun, the coldest in 100 years; their last meeting, Copenhagen, a icy blizzard. Atheists, communists, promoting the Chinese system of population control, one child to a family, like the founder of eugenics, Margaret Sanger (white racist, Nazism), the Rockefeller Foundation, Planned Parenthood, such followers as Hitler, Carnegie, then and now, wishing to eliminate the undesirables (she referred to the black race as “weeds”, the disabled as evil). Sanger told us “that abortion may be necessary, but birth control is more important, the answer is to prevent conception.”

One of my heroes, a cousin, minister of the Gospel for 75 years, superintendent of an orphanage. He told me, he cared for 80 children on a budget of $10,000 a year. Of course, many of the provisions were donated, two of my aunts worked there. One of my cousins, who had worked there at one time, would take outstanding girls to her home for high school and other life training, preparation for college, homemaking, etc.

Because of her activity in the church, I remember Odell, right after she graduated from high school, a big occasion for her adopted family and the church, preparing to enter college, this was during WWII. She met a local young man who soon, in the navy, left for the war. After the war, they were married, one of my aunts said, “that is real love, he never takes his eyes off her. When she plays the piano or does anything else at the church, you can tell that she is the only person in the world.”

In a nearby town, he went into the service station business, he was the most dependable, reliable car mechanic in the area (I was away in college and the war during those years, but I heard the story). She worked with him because they had a market in the building where one could buy bread, milk, etc. I was told that the entire operation was flawless, clean, all work, everything, completely dependable. As the children came along, she would keep the children at the business, they became everyone's interest. This couple, in their lives, in their home, business, became what God intended all of us to become, responsible. Whether Odell, her husband, my minister cousin with his love for orphans, anyone, the only thing we take with us when we leave this world is our personality, “the soul that never dies.”

You will find nothing about space travel or even any interest in the moon until 1820. It was in 1830 that a Presbyterian preacher by the name of Graham began talking about nutrition, the uselessness of white bread (the graham cracker was named for him), the importance of raw food. It was about this time that Dr. Kellogg of Battle Creek, Michigan started developing nutritious foods, cereals, dried fruits. The word 'calorie' had not been mentioned until 1900, until then people would not worry very much about flour, sugar, fat. Thinness became important during WWI, and more so in WWII, there were even posters during the flapper generation (the roaring 20s), talking about thinness and exercise. At that time, there was still nutrition in food, today, one might as well eat cardboard. 70% of the country is obese, mostly because the body's cells are starving for nutrition, and the junk we put in it just adds weight, blows up our fat cells. So much of our nutrition, energy is just used up in trying to rid our body of toxicity. Toxicity from prescription chemicals, aspartame, toxins of every type found in food, chemicals in the plastic around the food and particularly from hot drinks in plastic cups (BPA, which endocrinologists and government scientists have shown contributes to lowering testosterone). So many chemicals leach out and poison the system, when will we learn that there is poison in the well, affecting masculinity as well as the general health of everyone.

Almost as unhealthy as being overweight, the diets, so popular in controlling weight, we always look toward Hollywood for the answer. There was the apples diet, the Hollywood 18-day diet in which you just had skim milk and bananas. There was the Beverley hills diet, put out by Judy Mazel, who knew nothing at all about nutrition, you would start by eating fruit and after the 19th day, finally eating protein. Then there was the Atkins diet, mostly fat and protein, no carbohydrates. The cardiologist died because of his own diet, although quickly cremated, there was no autopsy.

In spite of Michelle Obama, the obesity rate is creeping up. Tobacco, caffeine, and beverage alcohol was introduced into man's living habits about the same time. The mystery of the ages, why would any thinking person put a toxic substance into the human body unless trying to commit suicide, if not quickly, slowly. Water is a poison, it will kill you in sufficient amounts, taken quickly. The madness of 8 glasses of water, you must consider other liquids and the liquids in other foods, you know more about your body than anyone for it.

There are pyramids along the Nile in Egypt, but some of the world's greatest pyramids are in the Yucatan in South America. I stood in absolute astonishment as I thought of the thousands of Aztec Indians sacrificed to heathen gods on the top of these pyramids around the year 1500. An estimated 80,000 sacrificed in two weeks time, the priest slitting their bodies open, removing their hearts, the rotting corpses piled on one side of the pyramid, all in an attempt to appease angry gods.

Our names are written in the hands of God and glory of the universe, Who is able to hold the oceans of the world in His hands. He gave us our individual fingerprints, He has no hands but our hands to do His work today, His imprint on our lives.