Wednesday, December 30, 2009

White Fright

Every night of my life, I listen to the news from BBC, especially since all American news media is state controlled. Traveling the world, I found that I could always get the BBC news anywhere in the world and their news was usually reliable with none of the political correctness we must tolerate if we listen to any of the alphabet news casts in this country and even the local news (radio, T.V. or print media).

The “white fright”, concern of being called a racist if anything pertaining to the black race is mentioned, is almost beyond comprehension. But, even BBC, after the almost successful downing of the plane over Detroit by a terrorist said, “The young black man appeared to be about 15 or 16, so sweet, such a sweet smile, and he was so pretty.” This is the best example you will ever see of how the entire world, and the best known radio news broadcast in the world, has been taken in by terrorism.

It takes an unusual father, from one of the wealthiest families in Africa's largest country (Nigeria), to go to the American Embassy and those in charge of terrorism, to express the idea that his son had become involved in Al-Qaeda. In another commentary, I talked about the world's worst airport in Lagos, Nigeria, where the young man boarded the plane for Europe. Of course, it has been 25 years since I was in Lagos, but only two other people boarded the plane the day I was there. One was the British Ambassador, with whom I had a long talk, and the other a Peace Corp worker from Liberia. I have discussed the treatment at the airport, as well as my involvement with these two individuals at length.

The Peace Corp worker had escaped from Liberia during the time Charles Taylor was still ruling the country. She was a psychological disaster and in later correspondence with her, she told me that if I had not been available she did not know what she would have done. She had been subjected to every conceivable abuse in Liberia. Just another example of what happens in these Muslim-infested, tyranny-ruled cauldrons of depravity. For instance, the problems in Somalia, the very idea that some rag tag pirates are allowed by foreign governments to capture their ships is beyond all comprehension. The fact that a civil war destroyed the country of Angola, a Portuguese protectorate, and nothing was done. Almost as bad as the 25 year civil war which I witnessed in Sri Lanka. When will we learn that Islamic extremists know no limitations?

Muslim terrorists do not mind killing one another either, as evidenced by the 900,000 killed in the Iran/Iraq war of 1989. A large part of Europe and Africa was terrorized by the same ideology from about 700 to 1500. The Islamic extremism on the Iberian peninsula has been hard to comprehend. Can we even imagine the discovery of America in 1492, at the very time that Spain was involved with Muslim conflict, if the Islamic hordes had not been controlled in Europe? Yet, because of the skin color of most Muslims in Africa and the Middle East, it has become a racial dilemma even to those of us who are not in the least racist.

The problem is heightened because of America's first black president. Reverend Louis Farrakhan said recently, “President Obama is the black Messiah, listen to him.” I know what I heard. It is almost unbelievable that such could be heard on a public radio, but I heard another black preacher say recently, “All whites are lepers.” I heard Reverend Jesse Jackson, in his program Keep Hope Alive say, “The greatest Americans of the last century were President Obama, Tiger Woods and Michael Jackson.”...a Muslim communist, an adulterer and an entertainer accused of pedophilia.

No news person will dare talk about these things or any of the other black power figures...Maxine Waters, Charlie Rangel, Oprah Winfrey...because of “white fright”. We got lucky, rather, we were blessed, that the nearly 300 people on the plane were not killed. There were real heroes on the plane who got things under control, unlike the enablers who allowed this person to go aboard without a passport simply because, according to eyewitness reports, a well dressed older man insisted that this boy was a refugee. All the red flags were flying! Many people, including Secretary Napolitano, should lose their jobs over this incident. Much of the drug war would have been won long ago if common sense had prevailed, if the buyers instead of the sellers had been arrested.

I have written about this before, the lackadaisical attitude in this country towards terrorism. I purchased twelve pearl handled steak knives at a shop in Manhattan (I have since sold them online). Several of my friends in New York during the many years I owned an apartment in NY, knowing my interest in antiques, would go with me to antique stores gleaning knowledge from me about foreign art and items of interest. Knowing that I was going to bring the steak knives back to my home in NC and that I only traveled between the two homes with a shoulder camera bag ( I kept clothes and everything I needed in both places), I put the knives in a plastic ziplock bag so they could be easily removed when my bag was searched at the airport.

The two girls at the x-ray machine were busy talking about other things and paid no attention whatsoever to my bag or anything in it. Think of the damage some terrorist could do on a plane with steak knives. This was in 1979 and I wrote Mayor Koch and told him about the incident. In the same letter, I also told him about my being mugged on the corner of 47th Street and Broadway at 12 noon by some black men who threw me on the street (a blind man walking with a white cane), took my money and watch. This was right across from the area where the show tickets are sold and not one person came to my assistance. Injured, I hobbled back to the co-op apartment, on which I paid much tax, on the corner of 56th and Park Avenue. The doorman, seeing my condition, immediately called the police. The only thing the police said, “You are lucky they did not kill you and if they had killed you, no one would have done anymore than they did.”

I talked about this incident, and another, on radio talk shows. If a mayor of New York, if the local sheriff, had any interest in airport security, they would have investigated to see who was on duty at these times. It is time to get serious about security on every level. Each scanning machine put in an airport will cost $100,000 each. It has already been proven that these scanning machines, in spite of their price, will not catch everything. The first time I flew El Al to Israel, I knew this airline was serious about security. When I was in the Cameroons, Africa, and was stripped naked in a private area by one person, I knew they were serious about airline security. In Entibbes, Uganda, when women came on the plane crying from their strip search, I knew they were serious about airline security.

Anyone who looks out an airplane window at 35,000 feet, wants security. In flying from South Africa to New York, the attendant would say, “Pull down the shades of the plane over small African countries.” I asked “Why?” She said, “These countries do not allow us to fly over them.” I said, “Do you actually think they can see our windows and do you think they have one plane to pursue us with, or one gun that can shoot at this plane?” She said, “These are the rules and we follow them.”

Not on the ground, not in the air, but the greatest distance in the world is the 8” from your brain to your heart. The entire goal of life is to become one with the Body of Christ...a soul experience. Terrorists know nothing of the soul, such ludicrous promises as naming your son Muhammad assures him of heaven, or so many virgins greeting a male terrorist in heaven. Get real, the terrorists are interested in eliminating non-Muslims...if not on a plane, on a train...if not on a train, on a bus...if not on a bus, in a car...if not in a shopping mall, in a stadium. You have only one life to live, the Islamic extremists, like the young black man on the plane who was willing to kill himself as well as 300 others, we must not be afraid to profile.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I first met Malachi as a teenager during WWII. My father, mostly away during the war, had returned to the family farm which my mother and I had kept going while he worked at Camp Davis and Ft. Bragg.

Malachi, a young, black, intelligent, enthused soldier of the South Pacific, had just returned to his mother and father, who still lived very much as slaves on one of the Brady farms outside Kenly, NC.

In the effort to prepare returning veterans to earn a living, the government had set up schools for practical education at many of the high schools. My great uncle Silas, brother of my grandmother, an accomplished carpenter, was teaching carpentry at a local high school. My father, already an accomplished carpenter, was assisting him and there he had met Malachi.

My first experience with Malachi was in assisting my father in the trimming of the mules' feet on the farm. It may sound strange to the uninitiated but the hooves of horses and mules must be trimmed like toenails and fingernails, they grow and in order for the animals to work their feet must be kept in repair. My father was teaching Malachi about the various tools in this craft. It was my job to hold the “twist”. The “twist” was a mechanism that fitted on the lip of the mule in order to control the mule. Naturally, these dumb animals did not want anyone “messing around” with their feet. They had the ability to stand on three feet while one hoof was being trimmed. In other writings, in speaking, I have often referred to the twist as a wonderful way to control homo sapiens. We had a large tobacco farm and I “cropped” the leaves off the stalks of tobacco side by side with Malachi and several others whom my father hired to do this work.

This involves a young black man, the only child of a black couple who lived enslaved on one of Dr. James Calhoun Brady's farms. He owned much land and there was approximately 50 tenant families living on his land. Mostly black, some white, all in complete enslavement because not one of the families ever ceased to be in debt to this landlord.

The small town, small population, one main street and at the end of the street, as one can well imagine: Tara and Heaven. The great white house with the six great white columns in the front, manicured lawns and large cars in the driveway. This is the old type aristocracy of the old south, first half of the 20th century. Dr. Brady was a physician and, of course, as always, the richest, most prominent man in the area, a member of the democrat legislature. Blacks did not vote and the whites were so intimidated by his influence since he controlled everything in the area (banks, drugstore, only doctor) that his election was always just a matter of formality.

On a side street, near the mansion, was his office for his medical practice and next to it, an office for his farming operations. He had overseers who kept the tenants in abject poverty and subjection, making sure they never got out of debt to the Senator who controlled their lives totally. Of course, law enforcement was at the command of the Senator. My grandfather, who lived in this small town, once showed me the jail. Hollywood would be unable to duplicate the horrendous appearance of this small building with its bars and no chemical company would be able to duplicate the smell from the building because the toilet facilities consisted of a hole in the rear of the one room structure. If the jailed inmate received any water or food, someone in the family had to bring it to him.

The thing I will never forget is Malachi's description of what happened to any one of the enslaved tenant farmers who rebelled in any way against the treatment, or the cheating from the crop sales, the usury involved in ludicrous charges for everything in keeping the farm families in total submission to the Senator.

Along with tobacco, grain crops such as corn and soybeans, much cotton was produced. Of course, at that time, all agriculture farming was done by hand plows with mules. Fertilizer bags were used in the picking of the cotton (I know because I have used such myself). Four of the bags were sewn together to make “cotton sheets”, sheets where you emptied the bags of cotton, kept until they were taken to the cotton gin, where baled. One of the most horrible examples ...use your own words...bigotry, racial hatred, discrimination...two overseers throwing one of these cotton sheets over a man, dragging him off to a deserted area and beating him half to death simply for not complying with one of the Senator's dictums. WE THOUGHT SLAVERY WAS OVER IN 1865. Slavery persisted in North Carolina among the tenant farmers, cotton mill workers, right on through most of my lifetime.

Malachi had come back from the war, his only clothing still his U.S. Army uniform, having participated in the battle of Guadalcanal. Little did I know then that eventually I would visit Guadalcanal, where some of those great US ships are still sticking up out of the water in the bay. Malachi was determined that he would not become a victim of the Doctor/Senator, as had been his father and mother. Alma, his mother, had been a cook in the great old house until her health kept her at home most of the time. But she had witnessed what this doctor, a descendant of one of N.C.'s greatest families, had done to his wife. Keeping her drugged so that, to the people in the community, she appeared a total alcoholic.

This legislator, so enjoying his prestige in Raleigh and elsewhere, believed himself to be so much better than anyone else in the community, he would even go to a large city nearby to get his hair cut. This family would not think of buying their groceries or clothing in the town which they had exploited their entire life. One would think that a physician, one duty-bound by every moral and ethical constraint of medical history, would have some empathy for patients. He was, from what I can learn, more or less an educated, rich drug pusher.

I knew physicians of his historical era who believed in preventative medicine, who used food as treatment, who counseled every age group in homeopathy methods of treatment and prevention. So easy in a rural setting. I never heard of that coming from him because I believe he had too much financial interest in the drugstore. Later, when another younger doctor came to the town, things changed. The old Senator just became an old politician, an old “land hog”, an old hypocrite astounded to see the black and white children going to school together. Probably looking at the church down the street and thinking how he had disgraced the very building by his presence in it.

Once, an elitist fraternity man, with whom I had classes, introduced me to his fellow fraternity brother, the old Senator's grandson. I told him that I was raised a few miles from the home, that my grandparents lived in Kenly, etc. He looked at me as if I had been the biggest pile of trash he had ever seen. Remember, this is the old south, the way it has been most of my life. There is nothing peculiar to this one little town. Most eastern North Carolina towns could tell this same story. The big house in town, where the controlling family lived, who tried to keep an absolute authoritarian control over everything and everyone in the town, particularly if a cotton mill were involved and certainly the tenant farmers on lands surrounding the town where God-fearing, humble, American citizens were just trying to eke out a living in spite of the extortion and oppression of the late 19th century and early 20th century slave masters.

I don't know whatever happened to Malachi, I have a feeling that Malachi became successful but, it goes to show again the disdain with which America's elitist hold those of us who have been willing to defend their country and their greed.

It gnaws at me every day of my life, the hypocrisy of our nation, the south, eastern North Carolina, the fact--and it is a fact--that for political and financial gain, Baptist pastors, lawyers who attended church, those fortunate enough to have an education permitted or turned a blind eye to this profane lifestyle, even to this called Christians voting for the Democrat lie.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

New Year's Thoughts on Prosperity

On a plane, crossing the ocean, you reach the point of no return, a matter of not having enough fuel to retrace your flight path, just enough to continue to your destination. One plane, the Model 76 Voyager went completely around the world without refueling. On crossing anything, it becomes a matter of mathematically determining whether to retreat or proceed... a point of no return. We have already passed the point of no return, in our nation's present financial dilemma.

Our nation faces an economic storm, brought on by growing federal, personal, and corporate debt. There are too little savings and the dollar has declined to just a few cents. In 1987, Peter Grace of the Grace Commission told President Reagan that a dollar barred in 1987 would be worth just a few pennies by the year 2000. We certainly know this to be true. There is no way that the national debt can ever be repaid. If the United States goes under, so will the rest of the world because unlike the Great Depression, the entire world is in depression. Some nations like Iceland and Greece are already in bankruptcy. Obama has put our nation into more debt in his first 8 months of presidency than all previous 43 presidents, from George Washington to George W Bush combined. Get ready for many years of economic uncertainty.

I speak only to Christians, God does not need friends. In his sovereignty, he owns everything. We, as Christians, are involved in the stewardship of trust. We think we can bring God into our lives on our terms. It may scare you to know that God makes the decision... On His terms... He makes the choice... You can walk the aisle of every church in the community... Sign every card of church membership... You may think you receive Jesus but be concerned that Jesus receives you. The New Testament, gives the good news that we are not operating under law. The early sophisticates could not understand the paradoxes with which Christ talked, that we must die in order to live. That we must go down in order to go up. That we must be weak in order to be strong. That we must forgive in order to be forgiven. We must give in order to receive. If you do not have the desire to give, there is something wrong with your faith. You can give without love but you cannot love without giving. (Matthew 16:24-28) He tell us through our faithfulness, that He will take care of our enemies (Psalm 109). We are a peculiar people.

The surest way I know for prosperity in the new year, and it makes no difference when your year starts, is the giving to God of your first fruits, the first money that comes into your possession. The first of the first fruits of thy land thou shalt bring into the house of the Lord thy God (Exodus 34:26, Leviticus 23:10, Numbers 18:12-13, Deuteronomy. 26:10, 18:4). This pertains to our material blessings. God also demands the first fruits of our lives.

God gave His people a symbol of their peculiar nature... A circle with a dot in the center, separated, the world could not get to them, and cannot get to us. The world will fuss and fume about finances, but God has complete control of the needs of His own. When God knows you will not steal from Him (Malachi 3:8), he knows that he can trust you with His blessings in the way you handle your material things. Christ talked about material things more than anything else, even heaven and hell.

The verse of scripture which completely changed my life, which lead me into the financial success which I enjoy today, I first heard from a missionary in Samoa. She made sure I understood Psalm 84:5, Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are the ways of them. Here you have the secret for surviving the greed, corruption, and decadence of today's world. It is our national motto, you find it on every piece of currency, and our forefather's believed it, “In God We Trust”.

Remember, the tithe is the Lord's whether you give it to not. One seventh of your time is the Lord's whether you give it or not. We were made in his image whether we want to recognize it or not, the greatest gift anyone can give me, these words: “you are in my prayers.” I have a prayer list which I refresh every week, when you are on my prayer list, you can be assured that you have someone praying for you. I do not put the names of many of my family, relatives, friends because I know they do not want God involved in their lives, their business.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Life's Battlefields

A veteran of the Korean and Vietnam conflict era, everyday on the battlefield you think of home, and everyday at home you think of the battlefield. The people of Vietnam are going through a third-generation of Agent Orange mutations... Still endangered by land mines planted 40 years ago.

My cousin had just come back from WWI, the war to end all wars, he had been gassed on the front lines in France. Back to home, poor beyond comprehension, it was still the best thing on Earth to him. Away for several Christmases, he decided to liven up the annual Christmas tree celebration at the country church, where people had very few reasons to smile, by putting a young rabbit in a shoe box wrapped with nice paper and ribbons addressed to his “old maid” Aunt. The gifts given out at the church at the annual Christmas party were for the children. Imagine her surprise when a gift was delivered to her. She gingerly opened the box and this young scared rabbit jumped out causing her to shriek, and the rabbit ran all around the church to the delight of the children. He had accomplished his purpose, bringing laughter to a poverty-stricken community at the most festive season of the year.

Later, during WWII, the pastor of the church (my cousin) took over the orphanage supported by the church. He told me, later in life before he died, that he cared for 80 homeless children on a budget of $10,000 a year. Two of my Aunts worked with him at the orphanage, large, stark buildings almost totally dependent on the generosity of people who did not want children to go hungry. My Aunt told me, that at Christmas, from what was contributed by churches and interested individuals, each child received one gift, and if everything went well at their Christmas meal each child received one orange and a small bag of chocolate candy. This was Christmas in the 1920's and 1930's in eastern North Carolina.

Once in London, I visited the founding church center of the Salvation Army. General William Booth who founded the Salvation Army in London, in his lifetime, saw the army facilities grow around the world. One Christmas, he wanted to let each of his quasi-military Evangelical citadels know he was thinking of them at Christmas. Always careful about spending valuable army money, he sent a telegram to each with just one word, “Others”. This is that time of the year in every Christian life. If you have bought a part of the season which the world offers: spending, spreeing, overeating, overworking, over-entertaining, it is your fault. This is the only thing the world has to celebrate. You have the blessed memory of WHY Christ was born in this world and you KNOW where to celebrate the reason, at His table.

Don't let your Christmas celebration be artificial. Artificial tree, artificial greetings, and efforts at artificial entertainment. Don't let your worship of your Savior be artificial...mixing secular music with majestic Christian hymns. I heard recently that one church raises money for their church by selling Christmas tree ornaments. You buy an ornament to put on the church Christmas tree. Much like another church which sells a rusty nail to be hammered into a wooden cross. Does anyone think God appreciates this type of worship giving?

We know it is difficult to separate the truth of the season from the lies of the season. Imagine the quandary of a small child taught to be truthful... A fat man with a beard in a red suit covering the world with flying animals and a sled full of toys. Most children, more competent than their parents with a computer, know the folly of most fairy tales. Most children, can well understand why their parents are so deceived by the hoax of global warming when the Earth is getting colder, the scams of socialized health care, the debauchery inherit in telling them they love them while permitting the worse education system known to man, and enslavement by unending government debt and taxation.

Eleanor Roosevelt, on a trip to North Carolina while I was still at the University, said, “during the poverty of the 1920's and 1930's we could have easily slipped into Marxism.” It would surprise her to know that with the increasing wealth of the nation this century, we are know ready to accept this most decadent form of government... A form of government already discredited everywhere it's been tried... A form of government in direct antithesis to the Christian way of life.

A light in the window at Christmas time originated in Ireland in a time of religious persecution there when the secular humanist, godless, communist form of government had taken over. This largely Catholic country, would identify Catholic homes where Christian Christmas was being observed by a candle in the window. It is time this year for every Christian home to put a candle in the window to let people know you know the real meaning of Christmas.

Saab Sobs

When I was away in the war, my family had an experience they will never forget. My hard-working father, with our large farm where he worked all week, then worked at barbershop on Saturdays cutting hair. One of my brothers who had just learned to drive, and my mother, with the youngest brother just a lap baby (both of these brothers now are 72 and 60, both retired), went into town to pick Dad up from work on a Saturday night. Heading home,my brother driving, my mother and baby in the front seat, my tired father in the rear seat of the sedan. The car crossing the railroad track stalled with the East Coast Champion train rapidly approaching. My father yelled, “Get out of the car!”, this large man jumped out of the car and pushed it off the tracks just as the East Coast Champion flew by. Onlookers were terrified.

A few people in the small town still remembered the family who were killed at that very crossing about fifty years before. Five people were killed by the train on the tracks even though the railroad watchmen was supposed to be at the crossing with his warning lantern. This was at a time before the more sophisticated crossing bars of today's railroad crossings. At the hearing, the watchman was asked if he was at the crossing warning people with his lantern. He said, “Yes, I was waving the lantern.”. On his death bed, he admitted that the lantern was not lit, there was no light in the lantern to warn the approaching family. Now I am waving a lighted lantern as I have have done many times previously.

I was in China and India, the fastest growing populations in the world, several times. I have crossed both countries by train, and have seen their rapid industrialization. Last year, China surpassed the United States in automobile production (9.3 million cars), and now is second in the world next to Japan. I was in the city of Changchun (South of Hong Kong), where thousands of vehicles are manufactured everyday. The Chinese are serious about their industrial output. The slave workers are housed in large dormitories. Returning from China three times since its reopening in 1973 and my first trip there, I was interviewed about the Chinese production. I said then, as I say now, “China will surpass the world in it's production of everything.”. We saw the Japanese vehicles flood the American market. American dealers immediately jumped on the Japanese bandwagon and started advertising and selling Japanese cars along with the American-made cars. The Buick-Mitsubishi dealers, the Dodge-Toyota dealers, the Oldsmobile-Infiniti dealers, are now gasping for breath.

I was too much a patriot to buy a foreign-made car, I did not forget the Pacific wars involving the Japanese and Koreans as easily as some of my fellow Americans. But it has been easy to see by anyone with sight, or anyone as blind as this writer, that with automobiles as with all other industry, America is losing the competition war. The boards of directors of the American automobile manufacturers (GM, Chrysler, Ford, etc.) are just political, influence-peddling appointees rather than astute businessmen and now we can see the results of their “fiddling while Rome burned”... Or, better, playing golf with the rich and famous fellow board members, and not paying any attention to the bottom line or world economic activity, letting the unions and environmental agencies completely take over as they see their corporations lapse into bankruptcy... Now, with taxpayer bailouts, Mr. Obama and his lackeys now in control of the once great corporations, with their great advertising budgets, jingles which every school child knew (“See the USA in your Chevrolet”). I just traded in my 13th Cadillac for a Lincoln. Surely, the Ford Corporation will not embarrass the great Henry Ford by bowing to foreign takeover.

Socialistic Americans could not understand the threat of global incest wherein European car makers Mercedes, BMW, and Saab were taken over by American companies. The Swedish car maker Saab, wishes they had kept their “nuts and bolts” in Scandinavia. The same GM board of directors and management which has filtered out such well-known American stalwarts as Pontiac and Oldsmobile now includes Saab. We sob for Saab, but more importantly, we weep for Westinghouse, Western Airlines, and the many other great American Corporate names and logos that have lost out in the asinine race for corporate obscurity. How many remember the defunct Norge refrigerator? The competent Kelvinator? The pulsating Philco or Phillips? All these great companies with their dependable dealers and demanding customers were just disregarded in the global tyranny of takeovers, makeovers... Now requiring bailouts by ne'er'dowells who have the business experience to run a front yard lemonade stand or desperate yard sale.

My first trip to Europe over fifty years ago was on a TWA plane (Transworld Airlines). TWA had a magnificent history. The TWA logo was known throughout the world for value. My first flight was on a propeller-driven Eastern Airlines plane. Most of us remember wonderful flights on Braniff, Pan Am, Piedmont. Many of us remember such wonderful automobiles as Hudson, Packard, Studebaker.

With the state-controlled media, the Communist, Globalist, news editors, both in print and by air; this once great fortress of industrial might, financial power, patriotic dedication, has become just a “paper tiger”. It is very much like a child cutting out leaves pretending it is a tree. Then, turning on an electric fan to watch the leaves dance in the wind, but the leaves are not attached anymore to anything, they just blow away. We now have a country of just artificial prosperity. Most jobs are government jobs, all new jobs are government jobs, our finest young men go to war and we manage to keep 1 or 2 wars going at a time, because this is the only job they can find. The rational government, which gave me opportunity as a young person, has now become a global monster with cap and trade and other world controls and taxation. Get ready for a global currency, global regulations, and a global court system. The competent citizens of England, France, Germany, and many other nations of Europe never thought they would be under control of the European Union with their financial and other controls.

The greatest thought in science or religion is to know that we as individuals or as a nation can become what we were intended to be. In less than 300-years, this great nation blessed with climate, natural resources, and hard-working diligent people beyond compare, chosen by God for greatness has allowed greed and corruption, and the sin-nature of man has allowed internal decadent forces to do more damage than any foreign army could ever have done. As Kate Smith sang “God Bless America” , sponsored by the mostly-defunct A&P grocery chain, how could she have known that from the Atlantic to the Pacific ambiguity toward business in America would determine the American dream.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


One of my favorite radio programs as a teenager was the Great Gildersleeve with it's main actor Hal Perry. The Great Gildersleeve was running for mayor of his town and he discovered, as most challengers of incumbents have discovered, the power of incumbency. What it means for a politician to be thoroughly established in office with the corruption inherent, political appointments, the good ol' boy network, and the actual belief that the government treasury and taxpayer funds actually belong to him, and he can use these funds to do whatever he wants, usually payoffs that will ensure his reelection. We are seeing this on a scale now that has never before been seen in history.

It is bad enough to see the downtrodden taxpayer cough up every tax, every permit, every license, every fine one can imagine in local, state and federal governments; but now, four billion hard earned dollars must be extracted to support world government. Mr. Gore and his cohorts already set up in their tax and trade scam.

It should be an embarrassment to every American citizen as it is an insult to every American military veteran, to witness the bribery and extortion going on by the Democrat party in Washington. In the wee hours of the morning, behind closed doors, the power brokers, and elected representatives, make the mafia look decent as they pay off senators such as Landrew, Nelson, and others for their vote. Following the Obama-Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, a scourge of decadence, our government has been taken over by the radical element and our Constitution trashed. This is a time for the testing of the American spirit as never before in our 230-year history. WHAT WE DO, DETERMINES WHAT WE ARE. If you are a Marxist-Criminal, it will come out in your actions. If you are an honorable person of integrity, your basic character and actions will show it. Character determines destiny. If you are a person of character, it will be evident in your actions as well as words. The Christian patriot will always show integrity. God will not ask you to do something you cannot do. We do what we do because we believe what we believe.

As I have stated many times, most of my life as a totally blind person involves radios. Listening to several radios at a time and in this day of “talk radio”, becoming well-known across the nation in sharing my thoughts with others.

Locally, on a talk-station, a black woman called in expressing her frustrations because she had been in bed ill for a long time and could not get the ever promising government agencies, or any “do-gooder” civic or church group to come to her assistance. It was evident from what she said her family was financially unable to assist. In the course of the conversation, she said, “I used to depend on God, but I have found that He is a white man's God. God does not seem to be interested in a 70-year old black woman who cannot pay her water bill or prepare something to eat.” I called the host of the show afterwards and told the host to come by my house to pick up some money for Mrs. Johnson, and to have her call me. I remember the name because it is the same name as Kathryn Johnston in Atlanta who also lived in a drug infested part of town. You remember, from the news accounts, that Mrs. Johnson was a 92-year old black woman living alone in her own home, the Atlanta police acting on an erroneous tip, kicked in her door, and she---frightened from the drug activity all around her---fired a shot at her front door hitting a police officer.

The police had a no-knock warrant and cut down her burglar bars to gain entrance. Wherein, the police who had kicked down the door, they shot 39 times, with 5 bullets hitting and killing her. I've talked with Mrs. Johnson, who lived on Castle St., several times by phone. It depressed me that she was going through this time of testing. A time when she was doubting the veracity of God, the promises of His care. I told her, “I am older than you, totally blind, mostly housebound, it has taken me an entire lifetime to have the courage of faith and depend on the sovereignty of God.” Faith is like a two-sided coin, a coin is worthless without both sides. Faith is action based on belief, sustained by confidence. You must have both belief and action in your faith, survival through courage.

For 120-years, the preacher of righteousness Noah, showed action in his belief in God's salvation through the construction of an Arc. Abraham, the first Jew, showed for time and eternity, action and belief as he traveled 600 miles north at God's direction, no forwarding address, and was willing to wait for a very old wife to produce a son (who as a young man, he readily offered as a sacrifice). In these two examples, as well as many others throughout history, we find that many times it is more difficult to wait than to work but we are told to “wait upon the Lord” (Psalm 37:9).

Our sovereign, omnipotent, omniscient, God of the universe, has told us that he would never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). God just requires us to trust in Him. Many times, and in many ways, we find that God does not have a calendar nor a wristwatch. I believe that 95% of faith is just raw courage. The courage and confidence of believing that the testing of God applies just as much now as it did with the ancients.

I shared with Mrs. Johnson, the small slave church in the woods right across the road from my cousin's house where the slaves 200-years ago would gather for worship. I told her about the crude benches in the building. The incredible life which they as well as most of us have endured, but the importance of enduring to the end (Matthew 24:13).

It would be wonderful if just through prayer and asking, things would happen instantly such as the instant healing in a Benny Hinn healing crusade. God works in mysterious ways and just as civil rights, healing often takes time, HE IS BOSS.

Mrs. Johnson, like this writer, had been reared on a farm. I reminded her that only farm people can actually know God's plan for everything... The time involved in germination for seeds in the ground... The time involved for hatching eggs under the hen... The time involved for the curing of meat or wood... The faith involved in having crops exposed to the elements (rain, hail, wind storms).

I don't know how much good I did in her life, or anyone's life. I just know we are asked to do the best we can. We plant the seeds, someone else waters the plant, and it is up to God for the results. Satan is the enemy, always on the job. The spirit of God is always present, like the wind, you never can tell which way it will go. God's ways are NOT man's ways (Isaiah 55:9). Take assurance from testing, For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth (Hebrews 12:6).

Monday, December 21, 2009

Work Sets You Free


Work Sets You Free

When I was beginning my adventure into the buying and selling of real estate, one of the few investments in the world in which you can depend, the tax rate was set in mills. One mill is one-thousandth of a dollar, or one-hundredth of a penny. As Governor Charles Aycock said in his book, you raise taxes a few mills at a time, and no one realizes it. The mill was established in the Coinage Act of 1792. In 1972, President Nixon established it as millage and from that time to this, the entire tax system has been confused at best. Your tax rate is not right according to the mills established in history by the Coinage Act. But, the politicians who would have to correct the matter, are only too anxious to pick your pockets in tax assessments to correct the matter, which could be corrected by multiplying your tax rate by .002. Most people work their entire lives investing so they can see some freedom from work. You should realize that when your children are born, they immediately are suppressed and come under the oppression of taxation. A child born this morning owes the government $250,000.

Once, attending a meeting at the Fount Bleau Hotel near Miami Beach, in the coffee shop, I overheard one Jewish man say to another, “What are you going to do with all your money?”. The other replied, “I hope it will allow me to do nothing.”

The most famous sign in history was the sign over the entrance to hell in Dante's Inferno, which read, “Last Chance”. The most evil sign in human history, was the sign over the Auschwitz death camp, which read, “Work Sets You Free”. For the 6 million Jews (275,000 disabled), who were exterminated at such death camps, no mattered how hard they worked for the Nazis, they were still exterminated. This sign was stolen last week, supposedly to sell to some Neo-Nazis in Poland. The five men who stole it have been arrested. The sign had been cut into three pieces. I remember, going through the horrendous Holocaust facility at Auschwitz... The graves marked by the Star of David, and the graves marked by some Christian crosses. I have been through the Holocaust memorial in Israel, and have studied this darkest period in world history. From what I have studied, it is inconceivable to imagine man's inhumanity to man. The very idea of a sign telling condemned people that work will set you free. A race of people that has been awarded more Nobel prizes for science and literature. Once, Lewis Pasteur, the premier scientist of his time was on a train in Germany. Pasteur, a Catholic, was praying with his rosary. A young man across from him looked over and said, “Surely sir, you do not believe in these religious fairy tails?” Pasteur said to him, “Yes, it is time for me to get off this train. Here is my card, I'd like to explain my faith to you if you will come by my office.” The young man was amazed to have the card of the most famous scientist of his time.

Albert Einstein, a Jew, said the Christian religion was the most fascinating study he had ever made.

If you are to be free, whether Einstein, Pasteur, or the millions exterminated who were both Jewish and the disabled, you will find freedom ONLY by grace through faith in God's only son. John 8:31-32. This says it all, in this freedom, you can live with disability, any other disaster, or the chastening which most certainly will come to you. Hebrews 12:7, If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?.

Those who claim the name of Christ are not willing to endure chastening. Those who claim the name of Christ are not willing to endure the patriotic obligation of keeping country free. Those who claim the name of Christ do not love their children enough to protect their future from the scourge of an unjust government. Those who claim the name of Christ have damaged the reputation of our blessed Lord when their walk does not agree with their talk.

The two Bushes, one of the countries richest families, enjoyed talking about liberty and freedom for other countries. But were too engulfed in New Age philosophy and Wiccan sabbath, skull and bones, to defend their own country and their fellow citizens. The sell out now, is almost complete. It used to be said of a hard-working salesman or politician, “He could sell ice to Eskimos.” Now, we have a President and people in the world who will sell you air and force you to buy it. As the Jewish doctor said in the last sentence of Macbeth thinking of his treatment of lady Macbeth, “God help us all.”

Sunday, December 20, 2009

It All Starts in the Home

In 2003, Judge Roy Moore was removed from his post as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in State of Alabama, for his continued attempt to display the ten commandments at the justice building. Over the years, many lawsuits have been fought over the display of the ten commandments in public places across the country.

The thought has occurred to me many times, how many people who fight the battles for public display of the ten commandments have the ten commandments prominently displayed in their own home, business, school, and church? In most cases, the chief offenders and those who promote the ten commandment display, the nativity displays, patriotic displays, are those who have sold out to liberalism in their own homes. How much of the worlds celebration of Christmas have you bought? Did your Christian home buy Santa Claus? All the frivolity, the business, the spending and spreeing that the world does at this time of the year. I think it is wonderful that we have a great painting of the baptism of Pocahontas in the U.S. Capital rotunda.

From 1799 until 1892, the Supreme Court of the United States declared this a Christian nation. If it has ceased to be a Christian nation, it is largely the fault of the Christians. The Christians and the Christian church has sold out to the world. Instead of the church changing the world, the world has changed the church. AS the great writer C.S. Lewis said, “the best evidence for and against Christianity are Christians.” If the real Christian lived his Christian faith before the world the entire world world be saved, certainty this country (33% of the world's Christians live here). We certainly would not have a Marxist-Muslim in the White House. We would not have 54% of Catholic voters casting their vote for the greatest proponent of abortion and a culture of death that the world has known since Mao. IT ALL STARTS IN THE HOME.

Of the four gospels, only two give the nativity story. All four give the events of the cross. The greatest event of the world, the birth of God in the flesh in the manger, leads more importantly to the cross. God who put on a tent of human flesh, dwelled among us as a perfect example, fulfilled all the prophecies and promises of the Old Testament (Isaiah 53) went to the cross offering himself as a sacrifice for our atonement, our salvation, our redemption, our life (John 14:6).

99% of all businesses are small businesses. When you think of the large Walmarts, DuPonts, Monsanto, this may seem strange but drive down any street and look at the small businesses, service stations, restaurants, barber shops, etc who employ a few people and you will understand the importance of small business... micro-financing. Micro-financing has become a big frustration in the present financial and banking dilemma. The Obama administration is anxious to bailout and shell out to the big corporations who make the big corporate political contributions (GM, AIG, Banks). Micro-business has been left out in the cold of this depression.

In South America, among the natives, it has been found that the importance of micro financing keeps business alive. Citizens with just small businesses, 1 or 2 employees, get financing because this keeps money flowing. With today's computers, this is not as difficult or costly as in the past. Anyone who knows anything about online business, buying and selling, knows that this is where most business is taking place. Micro-financing could do wonders with home business and small business. More homes than you can imagine are involved, yours should be.

Of course, the parking lots at Walmart stay filled with vehicles because the public has learned to shop strategically. This writer has made 3 trips to communist China since it reopened in 1973. I have seen the slave labor in communist China. I gave several interviews on my first return about conditions in the communist, slave labor fortress. No one seemed to care. So, shiploads of slave labor-produced goods of every description are constantly arriving and being distributed by Walmart and such. Good industry jobs producing goods for this country, giving Americans employment have gone to China and India, the two populations of the world with more than 1 billion people. Are you buying Chinese-produced goods or American-produced goods? IT ALL START IN THE HOME.

As an addition to the above effort of the American economy to commit financial suicide, I have found in my own business and in talking with everyone else in business... Without exception, The greatest problem in American business is American employees... The work ethic... Everyone wants to get paid but no one wants to work, and most employees are untrained for work of any kind. Go to your hospital, public health services, social services, education system, the largest employers, all will tell you the same thing, their greatest problem is that of employees unprepared and unwilling to work who had just as soon stay home and draw unemployment. The satisfaction of doing a day's work, the honor of labor, has largely disappeared from the American scene. Over and over, with young people who have worked for me, I have offered to share my expertise in many fields but I always tell each one the same, I have spent my entire life studying, listening, and trying to soak up all the knowledge possible in every area of every endeavor. Several have told me, “I just want to get a check”.

Young people, like many of their parents, have seen government checks in the form of social security, disability, grants, welfare, food stamps, etc. completely change the work ethic of the American population. To get a job, promotions, become concerned with investments, financial security is foreign to the thinking of most Americans anymore. The work ethic starts in the home with chores, discipline, and expectations. This writer worked hard because he saw how hard his parents worked. The indoctrination of children with a desire for success is as much parental responsibility as learning to dress decently. A young man going around with his pants down and underwear showing, a young girl going around half-naked with tattoos, do not come from a respectable home with respectable parents. The commandments tell us that children should honor their parents, and so they should. It is just as important for parents to honor their children by instruction, and the discipline of control. Control in eating, dressing decently, keeping their home, their vehicle, their clothing and bodies clean and presentable. IT ALL STARTS IN THE HOME.

A food buffet, like the Holy Scriptures, like shopping in a store, like the marketing of education, you can pick and choose; BUT learn to choose well. We hear much about choice in sexual activity, and even in the killing of the unborn. Most of successful living involves making the right choice. IT ALL STARTS IN THE HOME.

Party's Over

The world's grandest hotel, The Peninsula in Hong Kong (I have stayed there twice), for the elite has a fleet of Rolls Royce limousines available to take you places. A UN official, a friend, had moved back to Hong Kong and he wanted his father to meet me. They came to the Peninsula for lunch where I joined them. I could not see the opulence in the dining room but they said it was the most extravagant food in the world. The wealthy father said, “life is a buffet, enjoy!” He insisted I take with me to his private club a visitor's letter of introduction, which I used, and was treated like royalty. It was there, as with a few other free places in my life, I experienced how the “rich and famous” lived. The men were pampered, fingernails, toenails, massage, everything done to make them comfortable and beautiful. Imagine this for a man who has lived, always, on just a few dollars a week. For the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers, the 800 billionaires in the world, the crowned heads of Europe, life IS a buffet and can be very enjoyable but, get real, for everyone else, the party is over.

The party is over for saving and investing money. In the stock market, particularly the commercial real estate market, your 401k, even the fiat paper money under your mattress, the time for making money is over. With the debt that can never be paid, with the corruption at all levels of government all over the world, all will be in a common denominator of survival.

With such failures as Tiger Woods, PGA star of the year, athlete of the decade. The five greatest heroes of today's world were just announced. Barack Obama, Tiger Woods, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and Michael Jackson. With the disappointment to the liberals, of the modern messiah, Barack Obama...with the pseudoscience of global warming bringing shame to scientific community...with the disaster in commerce, bailouts of auto industry, insurance industry, banking and financial industry, wealthy, inventive America has become just another “yard sale”.

The party's over regarding education. Americans know that public education, and in many cases, private education, is a total failure. Only by being home-schooled will a child get an acceptable education. One of my assistants, who works on weekends, home-schools 5 children. She and her husband pay taxes like everyone else for public school education. They cannot risk the indoctrination, instead of education, in today's schools. Our children do not need sex education, bullying, the denial of every decency taught in the home. My own son, my only child (2 earned doctorates degrees), my two grandsons (1 lawyer, 1 engineer) never went to public school one day. They were loved too much to be degraded by today's school extortion but, as with my assistant, we all pay for the failed education system.

We have seen the products of education, school board members and educators, we know what you are turning out. Too often, I have had to do over what a high school or college graduate has done for me. So embarrassing, graduates who could not read, spell and punctuate. More children die in this country from medication than anything else because of parents who cannot read instructions. Colleges spend more time in remedial than anything else. As a Massachusetts State School Board member said, “it is time to close down all public schools and start over.” It is not money, more money than ever is being spent on education. The permissive society promoted by Dr. Spock (50 million books in 39 languages) has been proven wrong and he apologized for his book before his death.

The party's over for the wetbacks (this is what President Eisenhower called illegal Mexicans). The baby boomers, our parents, grandparents, who saw their paychecks ruined by taxation now find that the illegals get the same privileges as does the American citizen. In North Carolina, much to the chagrin of hard working, sweating, God-fearing citizens, the illegal alien goes to most colleges as a state legal resident. Not having paid very much into the tax system, the wetbacks crowd out the school system, the public health care system, and the social service system.

The wife of one friend, her children now in college, started working for social services. The first week, a client stole her wallet while she was at a file cabinet trying to help the girl. The thief used the stolen credit card to buy many things but after being arrested, having left a trail, when she went before the judge she pleaded poverty and children at home and, of course, she was just given a slap on the finger. She went up to my friend's wife and said, “why are you so concerned? The credit card company will refund your money. The law will do nothing to me and my entire race will soon be delivered from our slavery because we now have one of us in charge.”

Party's over for college students getting grants provided by the taxpayer. Anyone, regardless of ambition, motivation or preparation could go to college on a government grant...mostly just a waste of taxpayer money. Small private colleges were established, their entire budget based on government checks, with courses in massage, hairdressing, boat building, etc., offered to anyone who would apply...the taxpayer paying the bill: single parent mothers, children in care centers...all this at taxpayer expense.

Party's over with insurance corporations. For years, the public has been soaked by insurance companies. There are more lobbyists in Washington protecting the insurance industry than any other. Insurance policies are written by lawyers and only lawyers can understand them. Because of lobbying, insurance is a required for vehicles, homes, business, sickness, liability of any kind, professions, everything that one can imagine. Any claim, payment is always denied for some extraneous reason usually found in the small print.

Party's over for civil rights, the black preachers have played this game to the limit. Party's over for women's liberation, when women could find nothing wrong with the treatment with women in Arab countries...veils, non-association with males, Muslim women can only use female doctors which are almost non-existent, and Shira law is more vicious to women than to men. 3,000 abortions everyday in America, including 1,400 black babies each day. Women, knowing the most beautiful, magnificent, example of God's creation (Psalms 139) refuse to defend motherhood and denounce the culture of death brought on by the Obama administration and the Democrats.

Party's over for sexual liberation. STDs affect 50% of America's young girls. America has witnessed enough lesbianism. Most men, and indeed most women, admire an attractive feminine woman. The liberated, cigarette-smoking, tattooed, vulgar-mouthed woman has about played her last scene. We know the shock value in swearing. Native Americans and the Japanese do not swear. Small children are excited by swear words. Chaucer said, “You use what you can get by with”. The same applies for the feminine gay guy. America IS AWARE OF THE GAY AGENDA. We are embarrassed by these people, we will not accept them, nor we will turn our children over to them.

In a public relations office in Brooklyn, New York I saw the sign “Perception is reality”. In order to identify a counterfeit bill, you study real money. Those of us who have known real men, real women, real teachers, real students, real Christians, and real parents can recognize the counterfeit. The party's over with the attempt to shove the counterfeit down our throats.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Too Good to be True

On Christmas Day in 1974, having spent Christmas Eve at a hotel in Bethlehem, I went through a very small opening in the front door of the Church of the Nativity. The great doors to the church had been boarded up many years previously because the Muslim hoards, so despising the infidels, rode their horses into the cathedral, forever scarring the edifice built over the cave where our Blessed Lord was born. As I went down some steps to the small cave in the side of the hill and stood at the place where the greatest event in the history of the world had taken place, the onrushing thought came over me, which I now share with you, “IT IS JUST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.”

This thought because, in my opinion, belief in Christ takes a supernatural thought process, and most people, even those who are church-going pretenders, just do not have the mental capacity to comprehend it. It is almost beyond the comprehension of the average mind that the very majestic God of Glory, the one who threw the millions of stars into space (Genesis 1:16), the one who can hold the oceans of the Earth in His very hands, on whose hands the names of those He has chosen to believe in Him are written, the One who can measure the height of the Himalayas with His fingers, Who can put His toes into the Marianas Trench of the Pacific, Who has designed every snowflake that has ever fallen, designed every life that has ever lived, even to the sound of the voice, even to the iridial flex in the iris of every human eye (Psalm 1:39), the God of Glory who numbers every hair on your head, who knows your every thought, who keeps perfect score of every plus and every minus in your existence, who selected a 14 year-old girl to bear His only Son, putting on a tent of human flesh to dwell among us and give us a perfect example of living, to atone for all the sins and diseases of mankind on a cruel cross, total redemption for the world of sin, despair, depression and disease, who rose from the dead (the second greatest event in the history of the world), went back to the Father and will come again for His own...for which His own patiently awaits (Revelation 22:20).

When I have heard the atheist college professor ridicule Christian faith, I think of the mosquito on the railroad track shouting at the approaching locomotive, “I don't believe in you!” When I have heard the “Doubting Thomas” preachers and television evangelists barking out pre-contrived sociables, a prosperity gospel, a feel good-be good, everything is love, “there are many paths to the same destination”, theology (mostly towards the selling of books or the asking for “ministry” help), I think of the difference between the external and the internal convictions of belief. Those who think that faith is expressed only in magnificent buildings with beautiful interiors contrasted with beautiful compassionate, convicted and convinced lives.

In my lifetime, I have seen the world of science opened up through the discovery of DNA in 1953, “supposed” travel to the moon, a takeover of the media by the state, and the despising of Christianity on every level. I have seen a watered down gospel preached, pedophile priests, gay preachers, homosexual bishops playing church by many denominations, taking sin's ruin and Christ redemption, the blood atonement, the spirituality of the Trinity, hundreds of new denominations hatched in order to put forth some new dogma or doctrine.

About 200 yards down the road from the country church where I was raised (church built in 1874 by the great grandparents of both my mother and father), Mrs. Eliza lived. Every Sunday morning, rain or shine, cold or hot, you would see her walking down the road to the church in her Sunday dress and her Sunday hat. I don't believe she ever had anything to say inside the church other than greeting everyone, but she was always there moving her lips in prayer as the preacher preached and the people sang.

Her husband's funeral was the first funeral I can remember as a small child. It was all so strange to me; an open grave, a gray coffin, wreaths of flowers. Mrs. Eliza's daughter was my mother's best friend. Long after he had died, long after my mother's friend had died, she told my mother just how mean her husband had been to her. At that time in the life of this state, a man's property went to his children. At best, the widow usually got a child's share. So, all the property went to her surviving children but they did allow her to stay in the family house. She survived on a few dollars a month (this was before the time of social security or government help of any kind) derived from selling chickens and the gifts of friends. She told my mother, “what I go through on this earth is nothing, I just want to see the face of my Blessed Savior.” Her faith was real, an attitude impossible with men, too good to be true.

When God created man, He breathed into him a living soul. In the Original Sin involving free will, you do not have to train a child to be evil, it comes very naturally. Psychologists have tried to renounce the truths of the Bible by saying that all people are good, but nature and history tells us otherwise. You see, we believe in life after death, we believe in Heaven and Hell. There is more in the Bible (Answer Book) about Hell than Heaven. We know that no sin will enter Heaven, Christ is the propitiation for every sin. Through His cleansing we start living the eternal life before our clinical death. This is real Christianity. The truth that God forgives sin through the blessed atonement of His only begotten Son, born in a lowly place, prophesied 700 years before birth (Isaiah 53), fulfilling every prophecy and promise made by the Creator of the Universe (John 1) to His creation, you and I. As believers we are called, we are elected, we are conformed, we are justified, we are glorified (Romans 8:28-33).

It is just too good to be true, that in Him we have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). It is just too good to be true that unlike the unbelievers, deceived by Satan, the “religions” of the world, depending on idols and other man-made fakery, we have within our very being the Holy Spirit of the One Who created us, Who created everything around us, Who offered His only begotten Son for our priceless redemption as a joint-heir in life now and in eternity. The puny, midget mind of man just cannot understand or comprehend the goodness and greatness of God. “Rejoice in the Lord always: [and] again I say, Rejoice” (Philippians 4:4). It is a gift! “To know him, the power of His resurrection, the fellowship of His suffering” (Philippians 3:10).

Friday, December 18, 2009

Getting Involved

The prophet Jonah, Jewish preacher/evangelist was told by God to go to Nineveh (present day Mosul, Iraq) because of the wickedness of the people. Instead, Jonah took a ship towards towards Tarsus, Spain in the exact opposite direction. You know the story, as always he was rebelling against a sovereign God. Jonah was thrown out of the ship and landed in the belly of a great fish where he stayed for 3 days and 3 nights. The fish coughed him up on the shore of the Mediterranean. This time, he went to Nineveh and this Jew preached against their sins, causing the entire city of around 200,000 to repent, including the leadership. Jonah was still in a state of rebellion and sought refuge in the Iraqi desert while he waited for the city to be destroyed, God provided him a shady plant but God also provided a worm to destroy the plant. Disobedient again, the sovereignty of God and our failure to get involved in obedience.

Recently, in California, a 14-year-old girl at a high school dance was gang raped while many of her fellow students looked on. When asked why they did not help her, they stated they did not want to get involved. In New York City, another young woman was murdered. Before she died she pleaded for help to the 20 or so onlookers. No one wanted to get involved. This week, in this city, a 47-year-old woman was arrested for not reporting her mother's death. Her 87-year-old mother had laid dead in her house for 7 months. Her death had not been reported even though her family lived in the same house. It was reported that at least 5 people lived in the house where the deceased lay.

Obviously, the family was more interested in the government checks coming in, then getting involved in her funeral service. Surely, somewhere, in the recesses of this daughter's mind, she must have considered how many times her mother had been involved in rearing she and her children. In America, all denominations report a total church membership of around 112 million, but we know that only 5% of church members are real believers, most are just “playing” church. Most people, when asked, will say they are Christian even though there is nothing in their life or my life, that makes us Christlike.

Most evangelical denominations believe in the rapture of the church. After the rapture, when 20-30 million real Christians are caught up with Christ, and all the other people are left, THEN we will know how many Christians were on Earth and how many were engaged in the masquerade party. The word “rapture” like the word “trinity” are not found in The Bible, but we believe in the certainty of the event. Since most of the real born-again believers of the world are in America, can one even imagine what life will be like here for those “left behind”? Can one even imagine what the economy will be like when these predictable, productive, citizens of heaven leave their problems of earthly existence behind? Many of their family members, neighbors, and those whom they have come in contact would be with them and would have a better life on Earth IF they had become involved with their salvation.

Noah, preacher of righteousness, pleaded with his fellow man (population of Earth approx. 5 billion before the Great Flood) right up until God closed the door on the Arc of Salvation. Noah was involved for 120 years as he built the arc, strict specifications and ratios given to him by God, such shipbuilding that is still used until this day. The people scoffed and kept scoffing until their last breath. All died, and from the time of Noah's covenant through the Abraham covenant and until this day, 2000 years on this side of the cross, and the 2000 years on the other side of the cross of Christ, most have scoffed and doubted and will do so until the rapture, the next cleansing. To this moment, never forget, every prophecy and every promise in God's word has been fulfilled. The religion that which grows most today is the religion of witchcraft. The unbelievers were scorned and scoffed, the pretenders will continue to be more involved with the world than their Redeemer.

Standing on the Mount of Olives (I still had a shadow of vision in one eye at the time) looking towards the eternal city of Jerusalem, the gold dome of the Mosque of Omar, the many Christian church steeples all over the most famous city in the world, my thoughts, then as now: if Christians, Jews, and even followers of Islam could learn to live together with their differences the world's wealth which has been spent on warfare could relieve the humans' needs on Earth, even in the so-called Holy Land. If Christians lived their faith, the world would want Christianity. The tragedy is most followers of Christ want it both ways.

Even in a Democratic Republic, and only those who have seen the oppression of Communism can appreciate a Democratic Republic, know the thrill of voting. Yet, as with Christianity very few get involved. Only in national elections, in this country, do those who are registered to vote actually vote. Many give the excuse that politics is a dirty business and they do not want to get involved. Many lazy people do not chose to work because they don't want to get their hands dirty. I'm the first to tell you that I do not trust the new electronic voting machines. Joseph Stalin said long ago, “it is not the voting that counts but who counts the votes”. If the gambling machines in the casinos can be fixed, you can be sure that voting machines in the precincts can be fixed, and I am convinced that they are. I can not believe that in most elections everyone voted for the loser.

I have never known a politician who did not leave politics without wealth. Most get very wealthy in office. The most money Lyndon Johnson ever made was as president of the United States, he returned to Texas a billionaire. Bill Clinton said, “I did not have a nickel until I became president, now I am a multimillionaire”. But, with all the corruption, all the hypocrisy, all the decadence in politics and in government, it is all we have left. It may take your involvement, even in a revolution, to straighten things out. Jefferson, 3rd president of the United States said, “The tree of freedom must be watered by the blood of patriots and martyrs”. In military cemeteries, around the world, 126,000 of our finest lay buried because they chose to get involved. Since WWII, most have been brought home for burial, 250,000 in Arlington alone.

Only with involvement on every level of government will government improve. Write letters, make phone calls, let the criminals know you are watching. Character determines destination. How did so many citizens of low character get elected to public office, and how did so many citizens of low character and little ability get appointed to government jobs? The only country, faith, or life you have to lose is your own.

Critical Madness

In 1974, I was in Athens, Greece for New Years. A group of tourists from the King George Palace hotel went as a group to a large Athens restaurant and night club. Of course, they wanted me to go along and I still enjoy eating and being around people who are enjoying life. The food was good, the entertainment better, but at midnight, all of a sudden at the strike of 12 they went to throwing all the dishes on the floor, threw glasses at the walls, and all the employees danced on the tables. As a blind person, you can imagine how that scared me and I dove under the table, where a very frighted Japanese man also sought shelter. He had evidently lived through WWII and thought the place was being bombed. This is the type of madness, critical madness, some people enjoy just as some enjoy weird movies and books.

Again, New Years, Malaga, Spain; I was visiting a doctor and his wife, a couple I had met in Boston. At midnight New Years, everyone went to throw their glasses into the fireplace. For someone who doesn't throw away anything, I have seen too many hungry people in the world to throw away one spoon or food. I considered it critical madness to destroy perfectly good glasses.

This week, Copenhagen, Denmark we are seeing critical madness of a type heretofore never experienced by human beings. To think that a few disreputable scientists have actually bought this hoax and scam of global warming, temperature change, a perfectly normal geological, anthropological, astronomical change in the world just to make a few people rich (Al Gore, Barack Obama, etc.) and hopefully to improve the lives of some people in some countries. Promises, Promises. The same critical madness that has kept Democrats in control and now the effort to control the world and bring additional taxation. Promises, but never any changes.

In 1971 in Darvaza, Turkmenistan (a part of Russia) scientists exploring for natural gas, the natural gas began to burn much like a release from hell, and has burned since (almost 40 years) releasing much gas and deposits into the atmosphere. The area is as now as large as a canyon and the Earth keep on falling into the large pit. At Papa New Guinea I saw the volcano Mount Lamington which last erupted in 1951 killing 3,000. In Java, I witnessed the Kelut volcano which still spurts out gases and lava and has done so for many years. Through out Asia, there are erupting volcanoes, just last week one erupted in the Philippines. With all the smoke stacks in China, and Chinese scientists know the foolishness of trying to control global climate, man-made carbon pollution has almost no effect when considering global God-determining pollutants. At this critical madness in Copenhagen, it has become a debate about a ½ inch change in ocean level.

At the harbor in Hong Kong where ocean levels are very important to ferries, tunnels, and a huge population, the change over hundreds of years is measured in millimeters. It is the critical madness of hacked computers, quackery in science, and an embarrassment of politicians determining this critical madness. The hardworking, sweating, God-fearing, taxpaying citizen who does not travel the world in polluting jets and limousines. Pockets have been picked enough by the tax assessors of the county, state, and federal governments. Now the United Nations wants to inflict the working people of the world with a world tax.

For many years, I owned a co-op apartment at 12 Beekman Place (this is a street in which Auntie Mame lived, and 2 blocks from the UN secretary). I got full exposure to the United Nations types. I do know how to stay quiet and just listen, and did know how to get invited to all the great receptions. The United Nations is the sorcery of Manhattan; the most vindictive, promiscuous, self-embellishing, belligerent bureaucrats you could ever meet. It is grandeur on an international scale and the UN can hardly wait to completely control the wealth of the world. This attempt at global climate control is the key which they believe will unlock the door.

In the great and exciting city of Hong Kong, I found that when a new business opens, there is madness beyond compare...great banners, much animation, and fireworks beyond description. The Asians consider critical madness of this sort as an essential in getting started well in business. But, it only influences a small area of the city. In America, millions are paid for television exposure, especially on New Year's Day. This year during the Super Bowl, a 30-second advertisement will cost $2.6 million.

I have traveled to Benin, Africa twice. On lake Ganvie, a tribe of 30,000 Tafinu people living in huts built on pylons 2 feet above the water. They move about place to place on boats. Can you even imagine the filth and sludge? This much human activity contributes to the lake which is little more than a sewer. I have had my passport stamped in 157 different countries in the world. There are many needs in the world, such as the one described. Children raised in absolute filth, always hungry. The 100 billion which these limousine liberals-radical politicians are seeking to extract from the pockets of concerned world citizens should be spent on Earthly needs not fakery in the stratosphere.