Thursday, December 17, 2015

Reducing Jesus to Accommodate the World

(Christmas 2015)

"Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, 'Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, 'God with us.'" (Matthew 1:22)

This writer, on one of his three trips to the "Holy Land", spent Christmas Eve, 1965, in Bethlehem. This was, for this Christian farm-boy, the experience of a lifetime.

Arrows from a bow always fly in the same direction. The Christian heart is only softened by the knowledge that the skies of Bethlehem were very much the same on my night there as they were on the night that our blessed Lord first breathed life there. It was very cold. The stars were unusually bright (this blind writer had some eyesight at that time). Another writer, Victor Hugo, said, “If the soul is left in darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but the one who causes the darkness.”

God's word tells us that just as He brought something-ness from nothingness in Creation with oratorical elegance (probably millions of angels in song), He brought the light of the world, Jesus, into being by God putting on a tent of human flesh. The light of the world had come to live among us.  

The next day, Christmas day, 1965, my guide led me to the church of the nativity (The church of the nativity is built "supposedly" over the birthplace of the greatest event in the history of the world. I had to crawl through a small opening in order to enter the church. The great doors of the church had been nailed shut many years ago, because Muslim hordes had ridden their horses inside the church in order to desecrate it. Islamist's still control all of the areas around this town; just 5 miles from Jerusalem. At one time, many Christians lived on the West Bank. Most have fled to Australia and Canada. One young, sleepy Arab soldier, guarded the church). I went down the steps to the cave- the stable where the animals were kept. A few other Christian pilgrims were there on this Christmas morning. I joined them in weeping over the lowly place where my Savior was born.

Thinking all the time about the palaces and fine homes which this world traveler had seen all around the world, mostly in countries where there is no pretension of Christianity, such as India (where in Islamabad I visited a Maharajah palace), where even the walls were covered with precious stones, I thought of my own humble birthplace- a clapboard house on a dirt road without heat, running water, or any of the conveniences of modern life; like this cave, on a dirt road. Surely, some comfort should be taken by Christians in the knowledge that those who have the most things in this life have the least. Remember, the first to whom God announced the birth of His Son, were the poorest of the poor, lowly shepherds. Shepherds were not even allowed to enter the temple, or give testimony in court. In a land of water scarcity, most of these shepherds had never had their first bath. They smelled. Their only articles of clothing were filthy. Yet, God invited them to hear the first cries of God in this universe... the cries of a baby.

When you have the new birth of Jesus in your heart, you will never hear the sound of a baby the same way again. When you have the new birth of Jesus in your heart, mind, and soul, you will never look upon the poor, disabled, and lost the same way again. Is it not significant that these lowly shepherds did not reduce Jesus to accommodate the world around them? On that day, they did not care what the world thought about them. Rather, they went forth to tell the world what they had seen. Can you even imagine how scared they were when God presented, with great "fanfare", the millions, perhaps billions, of the heavenly hosts singing about God's Son who had come to bring light into a world of darkness?

Of course, Herod wanted to kill Jesus. I will never understand the sorrow of the mother's who lost their son's in Herod's attempt to kill Jesus. BUT, God is boss. He is in charge. I have never understood why God insisted on the Israelite's, who left the wilderness and crossed the Jordan on dry land to claim the promised land directed those chosen to inherit it, to kill all of the seven tribes who lived there- including their children. BUT, every time a nation or an individual refuses to follow the instructions of God, we live to regret it. 

Someone asked philosopher/ writer Bertrand Russell, "Why do you not believe in God?" Russell said he had not been given enough evidence. From the history of the world ("Don't touch that tree"), and every other instruction from God found in His book, we have the proof of what happens when nations, or men, do not obey God. You, and those you love, live to regret it. 

In this writer's lifetime (85 years), I have seen what happens with people, and nation's, when they do not obey God. We have now reached a place in the "so-called" Christmas observance that the world refers to the nativity scenes (manger with a baby, Mary and Joseph, and shepherds) as the negativity scene. Atheism, communism, and modernism wants Christianity erased from the public square. Unbelievers want Christians "in the closet". They want the Christmas message restricted to the church house. 

The tragedy of the Christian message of Christ's birth being restricted to the church house, lawn of the courthouse, entertainment festivity of the schoolhouse, or perhaps the spending and spreeing of your house, is that the name of Jesus is not glorified. The heartbreak of a real Christian is the pretending, performing bearers of Christ's name (Christians) just playing games with God... even the birth date of His "only Begotten Son". We know from every historical and scientific fact that Jesus was born in September. However, the Catholic church (as was the case with Easter) took on the pagan celebration of these events. Would God allow a Christmas tree in His worship sanctuary? Jeremiah 10: 2-4 says, "Thus saith the LORD, 'Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.'" Even pew-warmers, and modernistic pastors, should be ashamed of the getting and giving that goes on in the name of Christmas... borrowing money to buy things that people do not want... spending and spreeing, partying and participating, with the paganism of the world. Please tell this old man, who observes the Lord's table every day of his life, why the Christian does not follow the simple instruction's of the Lord to remember Him, and His sacrifice at His table?

God, help real Christians to remember Jesus as He instructed. Not in the profanity of a Holy Day turned holiday- reducing Jesus to accommodate the world.

The Power, Grace and Mercy of Our July 4th

"The same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him!" Romans 10:12 

This verse is full of precious consolation. As "Lord over all" He is able to enrich others. He possesses an inexhaustible stock of spiritual blessings, by which He can "be rich unto all who call upon Him."

Note the objects of His enriching grace: "Unto all who call upon Him."

He enriches the guilty one, with the pardon of all his sins, however numerous and flagrant. 1 John 1:7; Acts 13:38.

He enriches those condemned by the law, with deliverance and justification. Acts 13:39; Romans 5:1; 8:1.

He enriches the unrighteous and defiled, with cleansing grace and regenerating power, to make them "new creatures in Christ Jesus." 2 Corinthians 5:17.

He enriches the outcast and abandoned, with adoption into His redeemed family, and all its precious privileges.

He is a rich, full, free, and inexhaustible fountain!

What more can be said?

He enriches . . .
  the ignorant--with wisdom,
  the weak--with strength,
  the fearful--with courage,
  the depressed--with consolation,
  the soldier of the cross--with armor, success, and conquest,
  the tempted and tried--with support and a way of escape,
  the afflicted and bereaved--with strength according to the day,
  the dying--with the hope of immortality, and afterwards with Heaven itself!

He can make all grace to abound to all His people!

"The LORD gives grace and glory. No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly!" Psalm 84:11 

(Above taken from daily Grace Gems subscription. We have published Grace Gems for JUNE, 2014 in one file!
   ~  ~  ~  ~
Feel free to forward these gems to others who may be encouraged or profited by them!)

Addition Dr. Morris: This writer cannot imagine any human being, saved or unsaved, not being blessed at any time in life by reading the Psalms, God's "Song Book" to us.

Perhaps Psalm 84 is my favorite. This world traveler was in a small, clapboard church on the island of Samoa (pacific ocean) in the brightness and clarity of a Lord's day. As with so many days, I was stumbling through a time of discouragement, despair and despondency with my blindness. The little church was filled with barefoot natives, they were so excited about the blind stranger in their midst. When I had come into the church, they were singing, in their language, "What A Friend We Have In Jesus", I knew this was the hymn because I could recognize the piano music (This was my grandmother's favorite hymn). A woman with a high-pitched voice (I think she was a missionary) came down the aisle to greet me and she said in English, Psalm 84:5, "Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee." That day, as this day, my life was changed because I knew that all the strength I needed for any minute, any day, any year would come from God.

This year, Mt. Olive University honored me for my philanthropy to them. I said at the occasion, "You look at a totally blind man and think of disability. My greatest disability was not the poverty in which I was reared, the struggle for my education, my military experience (a 100% disabled, totally blind, medical officer veteran of the Korean War era) but rather, my greatest disability has been the lack of encouragement. Particularly, by family members, associates and those who the world would think would have concern but, as General Colin Powell said long ago, the lost word in most vocabularies is the word concern. I think this is particularly true when it comes to veterans and the disabled. Do not think for one second that I am playing the victim card, my strength is in Him, AND, as he has reminded me over and over He is all that I need. However, it is so sad, that in a world where 57 Million innocent babies have been killed, where we pay taxes to support abortion clinics ($500 Billion collectively last year) and where we pay taxes for our government drop bombs on innocent mothers and babies all over the world. There are so few disabled people at the church house, in the restaurants, or any other place you normal people like to go. One restaurant owner, actually said to me, we do not like the disabled here because it makes our other customers feel bad.

My hard working tax paying God fearing, great hymn singing Daddy's birthday was on July 4th. He was always working too hard to celebrate his own birthday. Only those reared in the impoverished tobacco fields of eastern NC, 84 years ago when I was a child can know about poverty. My passport has been stamped in 157 countries in the world. I have never known worse poverty than that of my childhood in eastern NC. And yet, politicians-pastors-poets actually talk about illegals doing the hard work that Americans will not do.

On this July 4th, 2014, please remember this if you forget everything else I have ever said from my platform or written in any form of communication. "In the American experience, next to slavery, the greatest shame of this nation has been its treatment of disabled veterans and the handicapped."

Our fellow citizens may forget and not care about the disabled, the disenfranchised, the discouraged, but, there is nothing between us and our Savior. In that old church, in which I was reared, built in 1874, I can still hear my ancestors, now mostly in Heaven, singing that old hymn, "Nothing Between".

Nothing between my soul and the Savior,
Naught of this world’s delusive dream;
I have renounced all sinful pleasure;
Jesus is mine, there’s nothing between. Nothing between my soul and the Savior,
So that His blessed face may be seen;
Nothing preventing the least of His favor,
Keep the way clear! Let nothing between.
Nothing between, like worldly pleasure;
Habits of life, though harmless they seem,
Must not my heart from Him e’er sever;
He is my all, there’s nothing between.
Nothing between, like pride or station;
Self-life or friends shall not intervene;
Though it may cost me much tribulation,
I am resolved; there’s nothing between.
Nothing between, e’en many hard trials,
Though the whole world against me convene;
Watching with prayer and much self-denial,
I’ll triumph at last, with nothing between.


More Can Be Less


Today's news, our focus, floods in Texas, drought in California, Iraq, fighting a war over again were thousands of young Americans were already killed. NOW, we talk about something in which I proposed in the beginning of the conflict; divide the nation of Iraq into three sections- three religious groups, and then, as has been for hundreds of years, they can continue fighting one another. Their Islamic religion, they like to kill one another. Next, it was announced that Greek hospitals are running out of anesthesia (the last time their was a lack of anesthesia, was during the American Civil War). 

When will Americans, land of the free- home of the brave, realize, that we are being manipulated. Led around by a ring in our noses. 

What part of the word "slave" do you not understand? The newest scam by our federal government (19 trillion dollar debt) "we will take your money from your investment accounts, especially mutual funds that are not performing, and invest it for you).( )

For years, many Liberals have proffered the idea that large retirement funds such as state employee retirement funds, should be taken over by the federal government (The end justifies the means, the communist rally call for "equity"). With a national entitlement debt more closely approaching 215 trillion, as in all communist countries put everyone on the public dole... Everyone from the janitor to the CEO, a retirement fund of each of social security. This is what we are facing in the 21st century, after years of hardworking, tax paying, god fearing, productive citizens, building a super power, to wind up as serfs of the state. 

Life in America, as in so much of the world, has become a matter of control, by a hostile government. We love our nation, its constitution, its traditions, the memories of our ancestors who built it, but we hate was has happened to our government... Local, state, federal. 

Prince of preachers, Charles Spurgeon said, "Good health is a gift from God, but sickness can be a greater blessing". The Bible tells us that when we are weak, then we are strong. "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness" ( 2 Corinthians 12:9). This writer has attended the great West Minister Chapel in London many times, a place were Spurgeon preached. You could never convince him what has happened to the church... Those inside the church rejoicing that they are so clean, separated, not mixed up with the dirty people outside the building. None of we church members, Christians, willing or ready to admit that we too were rescued from the rotten sin and train wrecks of life. Jesus came to save those who are lost... The vile and ugly, the sick and dirty. 

The government spends $15b on drug rehabilitation alone...10% effective. Jesus came to cleanse all our addictions (Addiction means surrendered to the gods). Many of us inside the church house, who may not have surrendered to the gods of chemicals- drinks- debauchery, how so many surrendered to the idles of popularity, promiscuity- patronage- and certainly pretending. We want to be different, say that we are different, but in conversation- dress- habits, we are no different than those who profess zero religiosity. 

These cloudy- sightless eyeballs weep in the realization that we live in a world that cares very little for any thing. We go to the polls, and vote for politicians who we know are no better than criminals already incarcerated. 

It is like the well known fact of physiology, we must ingest minerals in order to have strong bones ( The three most important minerals; magnesium, calcium, potassium). If we do not ingest these minerals in our food intake, then the body will take these minerals from our bones. Leading to osteoporosis (fragile bones). We are eating our young... Those not aborted, just entertained, not educated, in the school-room of life. Most young people are not prepared to survive. 

The abnormal has become so common place and is now accepted as normal ( Lying- cheating- stealing- abortion- anything goes sex). 

Everything is about the bottom line. From business to personal relationships. From the church house, to the school house, to the court house, and very often to your own house, everyone thinks they are immune from sin. The only medicine God provides you for sin, is the Gospel. The Gospel is the only solution for your, or the worlds problems... It is not the very popular 21st century philosophy- prescription of political correctness. 
Most of us, especially the disabled, do the best we cant. I wonder if anyone can even imagine what it is like for an old soldier, living alone, to get up, get dressed, get on with another day. I was in a fast food restaurant with my assistants, an older women whom I had never met, did not know, came over and told me I did not shave well that morning. 
Another day, another man told me that my socks did not match. 

When we will we learn to focus our thoughts on the important matters of living? 

Asking For Help


I am part of the "Fellowship of the Unashamed."
The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line.
The decision has been made. I am a disciple of
Jesus Christ. I won't look back, let up, slow down,
back away, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present
makes sense, and my future is secure.
I am finished and done with low living, sight walking,
small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams,
chintzy giving, and dwarfed goals.

I no longer need pre-eminence, prosperity, position,
promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I now live by
presence, lean by faith, love by patience,
lift by prayer, and labor by power. My pace
is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven, my
road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions few,
my Guide reliable, my mission clear. I cannot be bought,
compromised, deterred, lured away, turned back,
diluted, or delayed.

I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the
presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy,
ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander
in the maze of mediocrity.

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I must go until
Heaven returns, give until I drop, preach until all know,
and work until He comes. And when He comes to get
His own, He will have no problem recognizing me.
My colors will be clear.


"This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine.
This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine.
This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine.
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
All around the neighborhood, I'm going to let it shine.
All around the neighborhood, I'm going to let it shine.
All around the neighborhood, I'm going to let it shine.
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Hide it under a bushel? No! I'm going to let it shine.
Hide it under a bushel? No! I'm going to let it shine.
Hide it under a bushel? No! I'm going to let it shine.
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Don't let Satan [blow] it out! I'm going to let it shine.
Don't let Satan [blow] it out! I'm going to let it shine.
Don't let Satan [blow] it out! I'm going to let it shine.
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine."

How long would you keep hoping to find a missing wallet? A week? A month?
And even if you found it, would you expect your money to still be inside?
One man got an extraordinary surprise when his wallet came back to him after 14 years missing — and stuffed with more cash than before.
“First I thought that someone was joking with me so I went to check whether the money was real,” Croatian man Ivica Jerkovic told the Croatian outlet 24 sata on Friday.
It was.
“It was the best greeting for Easter!” Jerkovic said.
His wallet came to the post office in a plain package, and the sender did not reveal their identity, but Jerkovic has a theory.
He believes that when he lost his wallet 14 years ago — stuffed with 2,000 German marks, or roughly $1,200, for home repairs — someone who desperately needed the money found it.
“I believe that this money saved him and for years he was calculating how much he should return to me,” Jerkovic said. “Otherwise, I don’t know why he would keep the wallet for all those years!”
When Jerkovic received his long-lost wallet last week, it contained 1,500 Swiss francs, or about $1,530.
 Jerkovic praised the mystery person who returned his wallet for their care in keeping track of the interest.
“I call on him to contact me,” Jerkovic said. “He is the best personal banker in Croatia.”
This writer was on a photography safari in Botswana, Africa. Earlier, I had purchased in the Sudan a most remarkable ruby stone in a gold setting. I thought it was valuable, but until I returned home and had it appraised, I did not know how valuable.
Anyway, I had put the ring in my camera bag. One morning, my guide said to me " Doctor, I found this ring near your tent, do you think it is yours, did you lose it?" Someway, somehow, in taking one of my cameras out of the bag I had misplaced the ring, and the guide had found it. Of course, it meant nothing to him and I thanked him profoundly. He did not realize how much money he had held in his hand.
And, so it is with our lives. In the marvelous book The Godfather. The last words of the Godfather before he died, "Life is so beautiful." We spend our lives thinking that waxed fruit, artificial flowers, veneer on cheap wood, is beautiful. There is nothing the creator designed that can be duplicated. Satan always pays off with counterfeit.
It is so refreshing to find human-beings who are good for goodness sake... People who want to do good because it makes them feel good. Such as returning to someone something that they've lost... Whether valuable or invaluable. The genuineness of life is good, whether from the smell of fresh fruit, fresh flowers, or even the yapping of a puppy. Why should the world be consumed by greed, whether a politician, business man, or even a family member. Children who ate their meals their entire life with their feet under the same table, often get so insanely grieved-greedy toward one another when their hard working parents estate is settled. When you get my age, eighty-five, like the Godfather, you realize just how beautiful a life with honesty can be.
Several years ago, I gave to one of my cousins a fruit bowl that had come from his great grandmothers dining room table. The beautiful bowl had come down to me and I wanted someone in my family to have it. I so remember waxed fruit in the bowl when I was a small child. She had said to me, "Thomas, the fruit in that bowl is just for looking, not for eating." I still remember the owner of a furniture factory saying to me, "I can take any cheap wood and with a veneer, make it look like expensive wood." I still remember, like a fool, standing in line with other Buddhists, in a temple in Sri Lanka to look at a tooth that supposedly come out of Buddha's mouth. It is so easy to be fooled "fooled by fakery." Please god, here at the sunset of my life, let me know the joy of real things, real people. Not waxed figures like those I saw in Madame Tussauds Museum.

Thursday, December 3, 2015



Only a broken heart!

George Everard, "A Meditation for the Close of the Year" 1882)

"The LORD is close to the broken-hearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18

Only a broken heart can receive a bruised and crucified Savior!

"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." Psalm 51:17 

"He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds." Psalm 147:3 

God deliver me from anyone who has never experienced brokenness.  God save me from anyone who has never needed a savior.  Please God, help me to forgive those who lie, cheat, steal and do not think they will ever come under your judgment.  For those of us who have been deceived, defrauded, we can only forgive.  We cannot forget.

The disabled do not like to be victims, and yet we are victims.  In a world of make believe, pretending and performing, at the church house, at the school house, and most certainly at the court house.  It is hard to forgive those who are winners in life's lottery...who were blessed with a heritage of wealth/good looks/good health.  How many disabled/handicap people do you find in your church...the very place they should be welcome.  How many disabled/handicap people do you find in your parks/concert halls/civic clubs/educational advantages (meetings, self help groups), they are left out, not considered.

When I was a young boy, never athletic, I was never chosen for the ball team.  Later, having jumped through every hoop swam against every adversity (poverty, poor educational background) I had worked my way through 8 years of University Education, AND, then, Draft Doctor's Law, went into the Military...blind since. 

One day, two cousins came to visit me, one wanted to go to a certain restaurant where his deceased wife had eaten the last time we were together.  The three of us, grown, successful men received very poor service at the restaurant (Middle Of The Island, Wrightsville Beach, NC).  When this old blind veteran went up to pay the bill, I said to the Owner/Manager, "why did we get such poor service?" he said, "I do not encourage disabled people to come here, you make our normal customers uncomfortable".  

Wednesday, December 2, 2015



"My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!" Philippians 4:19

We have here the promise that every possible need will be provided for. The Lord of earth and Heaven has such boundless treasures at His command, that it is impossible that we can expect too much. Not all we wish, not all that we may think pleasant or desirable--but all that the only-wise God discerns to be truly needful and profitable for us--that will He give.

The supply assured to the believer, comprises that which is needful for all that concerns our present life--and all that is essential for the support and growth of spiritual life in the soul.

As to this present life, God supplies our needs. And yet by withholding much that is for our comfort, He humbles and proves His children. He often keeps them on very slender fare!

What then have the people of God a right to expect?

Sometimes He may bestow a rich abundance of temporal blessings. He did so in the case of Abraham, and Joseph, and Solomon, and many others.

Still more frequently He will give His children amply enough for their daily need. He blesses their basket and their store. He gives a sufficiency, so that they can live a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty.

Yet sometimes it is otherwise. He is training His children, and He puts them in the school of affliction. He sends them thorns and briars, and sharp trials. And this often in the shape of need, or insufficient means for meeting the requirements of themselves or their families.

Ah, do not repine if this is so! There is a purpose beneath it. There is divine love, though there is the lack of food or money.

"Behind a frowning Providence
 He hides a smiling face!" 

This writer, Doctor, world traveler, totally blind veteran, in speaking with the unsaved about the condition of their soul, the most often answer...which I can well understand having seen the miseries of this world/experiencing the daily challenge of disability, "how could a God of love so inflict/abuse/impoverish so many people?"

This is the question of the ages. We must depend on the sovernity of God.  The older I get, 85, the more I understand that he is "Boss"...that he is in charge.

He loves you better than he loves the stars he threw into space, he loves you better than he loves the moon.  The moon was not created in his image, you were!  When you reach the age 50, you should realize that you are probably at your best.  The best you will ever look/ever feel/your at the top of your mental ability.  From there on, it is all down hill, and old age is not for sissies.  To whom does the unsaved go with their needs? 

Nowhere in God's word could I find that we are promised a "bed of roses"/ease while on this earth.  We are told that life would be hard, very few enjoy the life of the rich and famous. 

Remember, of the 3 million Jewish slaves who left Egypt, only 2 (Joshua & Caleb) reached the promised land.  The rest, died in the wilderness because of their unbelief.  There were places where Jesus could not do many miracles because of unbelief.  (Matthew 13:58)

The children of Israel had been delivered, saved from the Egyptians, had seen and heard God at Mt. Sinai, picked up manna from Heaven and, God seeking to umbel them as today's church members were only interested in just pretending and performing. 

It is not just the Atheist follower of a false religion, hypocrites, "ambushed" by the world, flesh, devil.  God sent his most precious possession, his only Son, to put on a tent of human flesh and dwell among us.  How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation (Hebrews 2:3).  The world, your associates, your family will conjure everything possible to defeat  you.  Don't get ambushed by the "cares of this world" and the deceitfulness of riches.  (Mark 4:19)  Those of us who have been chosen for life here on this earth who, in health or un health, wealth or poverty, have been given the gift of love for one another and then, at last, the never ending joy of Heaven.  

Friday, November 27, 2015

Browsers and Buyers


Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause

And did the Holy and the Just,
The Sovereign of the skies,
Stoop down to wretchedness and dust,
That guilty worms might rise?

Yes, the Redeemer left His throne,
His radiant throne on high,
(Surprising mercy! love unknown!)
To suffer, bleed, and die!

He took the dying traitor's place,
And suffered in his stead;
For man (O miracle of grace!)
For man the Savior bled!

Dear Lord, what heavenly wonders dwell
In Your atoning blood!
By this are sinners snatched from Hell,
And rebels brought to God!

What glad return can I impart
For favors so divine?
O take my all, this worthless heart,
And make it wholly Thine!

-   Anne Steele, 1859

In 1897, published in a New York newspaper, a young girl asked the question which the Editor answered about the reality of Santa Clause.  In my lifetime, 85 years, I have witnessed the reality of a sin cursed world's Santa Clause, the fact that most human beings, heading for that broad path that leads to destruction (hell) are only interested in "getting" instead of giving.  Most millennial, welfare recipients I know, are browsing the programs all the time to see what they can get, to see what Santa Clause USA can give them.  AND, not limited to the "have nots" I noted yesterday that 6 types of pie were being served at the Chief of welfare recipients, living in a big house on Pennsylvania Avenue with 14 better than Mitas, flying on a plane where the gold playing cards on the plane cost $85,000 a deck.   

In the meantime, those warriors and their families, who have kept this country free are treated like not even second but 9th and 10th class citizens.   The migrants/refugees who slip in across the border are treated much better.  This old blind Veteran learned long ago that noone cares, that the VA would much prefer for all Veterans to commit suicide...much cheaper to bury one than to care for one.  A citizen runs for public office because he is that much closer to the big pot of money, and he will give heart, soul, all his principals to stay there.  Next in line are the bureaucrats who have only one thing in mind, their package deal and retirement.  WHILE, the average peasant/serf God fearing, tax paying, hard working "Joe and Jane Citizen" are too busy buying the American Promise...working hard to support a family, keeping a home nice for the community, knowing that they do not have anything to look forward to except "blood sweat and tears".  The citizen knows that unless he pays the bill (taxes, license, permits) these same bureaucrats, politicians will take everything he owns.   This is the dilemma in which we find ourselves in the early years of the 21st Century, Browsers and Buyers, saved and unsaved.  Those of us who know our salvation who claim the precious promises of eternal life know that God never promised us a bed of roses here on this earth.  Can you even imagine what it was like when our blessed Lord's feet nourished the soil around the sea of Galilee to see what was going on with pretending religionist.   The harassment of Roman soldiers.  He tolerated the insults, the spittle, even the thorns and nails to give us an example.  He could have called 120,000 angels to defend himself.  Just one angel, one night, outside Jerusalem, killed 265,000 invading soldiers.  After all, he was the son of God, he was with the Father when he chose to bring somethingness from nothingness.  Just think, he knew my name/chose me, before the very foundation of the earth.  He knew how the 160,000 soldiers of America would be buried on foreign soil defending your rights.  He knew about the thousands buried at Arlington, those who have gone down in ship.  He knows about the hundreds of Christian missionaries who have gone across the world proclaiming the gospel message of redemption. 

Modernistic, mostly unsaved pastors/seminaries have tried and failed browsing Madison Avenue and the world to bring the gospel message down to the fairy tale of Santa Clause.  The pretenders know their reality.  The soul which never dies does not lie to them.  Pew warmers, pastors, politicians who have spent their lives browsing and pretending know the direction in which they are heading because God cannot lie.  The most blessed, born again, saved by grace, faith plus nothing Christian.  Eternal life has already begun with us and we can well tolerate all the indignities our families, associates, neighbors, those who rule over us, can throw our way.  We have bought, we have paid the price, because we KNOW the price that has been paid for us.  The thing I ask is that you learn to forgive those around who just "tolerate" you because you know the one who has tolerated all your rotten sins.   This old, blind, committed, concerned, convinced Christian, only one message, I have failed HIM many times, but HE has never failed me. 

Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.
 (Psalam 63:3)

On this Black Friday, when the  unsaved/pagans of our Country are knocking one another down trying to get "things", remember that the greatest gift known to the mind of man, is free.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Poison In The Well


A recently released video shows an Al-Nusra Front field commander thanking the FSA commanders for giving his forces TOW missiles, according to a report released by the Iranian news agency FARS.

The agency reminds readers that the two groups, the Al-Nusra and the FSA, formed an alliance in March, the Army of Conquest, or Jaish al-Fatah in Arabic, to fight against the forces of President Assad.  Since then, they have fought together “at almost every single battle in Aleppo, Lattakia, Hama, and Idlib Governorates of Syria.”

Through this alliance several militant groups like the Al-Nusra Front and the Ahrar al-Sham movement have been given access to FSA's US-made heavy weaponry, which has been supplied to the militant group by the US, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
According to the agency’s estimates, Saudi Arabia sent 500 TOW missiles to Al-Nusra directly last month.

The US, however, claims that it is just supplying aid and weapons to FSA or the so-called moderate militant groups in Syria.  The BGM-71 TOW is one of the most widely-used guided anti-tank missiles. The weapon is used in anti-armor, anti-bunker, anti-fortification and anti-amphibious landing roles.  TOW missiles are used by the armed forces of more than 40 countries and are integrated in over 15,000 ground, vehicle and helicopter platforms worldwide.

This writer has traveled through most of the 42 Muslim countries of the Middle East and North Africa.  This blind veteran could not see very much but his other senses were very acute.  I know from much questioning that most Muslim countries do not have the technology to build a bicycle.  Where do they get all this war making equipment? 

The poisoned gas used by Sadam Hussein to gas and kill the Curds was purchased through the United States.  Too many greedy sales people USA and Europe are so anxious to get those petro dollars from Saudi Arabia and other Muslim sympathetic countries.  Most evangelical Americans do not realize that those Saudi petro dollars are building Islam Mosques in our country.  Most hard working, tax paying Americans living a little better than slaves do not realize that the high living Bush family (41&43) like Grandpa Bush before them, (trading with the Nazi's) have all that money because they are so friendly with the House of Saud...all those rich Prince's.

AND, to top it all off we have another rich Bush son who believes in killing babies (says he would have killed Hitler when he was a baby, and claims to be pro life).  America needs psychological/psychiatric treatment. 

I was once in Algeria, Southern part of the Nation, I was in the Sahara several times, but that time I asked my guide to get me a ride out into the upper Sahara, completely away from everything.  Can you even imagine the stars (and I had some sight at that time), in a desert sky?  We're told that there are 45 billion stars, billions of light-years away from us.  Just think, Jehovah God, who designed it all is available for our consultation, anywhere, anytime. 

I have been told that 258 young American's went over to join the ISIS warriors...many more young people from Europe.  These young people consider these Islam State warriors present day "cavemen".  They were raised admiring action figures, Superman, Spiderman, Batman, etc.  Our young people were raised in front of a television set, where they saw nothing but killing, and killing thrills them.  The Christian doctrine of turning the other cheek, asking forgiveness, does not appeal to them.  The millennial generation is searching for something to fill that hole in the heart.  Our church people, instead of following the great commission and "going out" have been content to go inside and keep our marvelous Christian message inside the church.  I have found that most "so called" church people are much  more excited by what goes on, on the outside of the church.  (TV, movies, sports, parties) than the gospel message of sins ruin and Christ's redemption that should be preached and then lived before others.  The greatest sermon is a real sermon, it is our lives in front of an unsaved world that will change anything.  You cannot expect your children not to drink if they see beer in your refrigerator, see you imbibing cocktails.  You cannot expect your young people to detest warfare killing by Muslims when they know that you are silent about how your taxes are  used.  Surely we know by now that the power brokers of the world, particularly the US Congress, do not care.  Their main object in life, is just staying in office, putting more poison in the well.  

Monday, November 23, 2015

Thanksgiving And Training


Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.  (Proverbs 22:6)

It has been said, "The children of godly parents go to church every day!" 

Never doubt for a moment, that genuine piety and eminent holiness are the first requisites for all parents. No parent can expect to influence their children for good, without themselves walking wisely and worthily in the narrow path of holiness.

Here may be seen the reason that sound faithful teaching in Sunday schools, has comparatively effected so little good. It is not the fault of the church--but in the home's pernicious influence! The evil that is witnessed at home, more than counteracts the lessons learned at church!

It is the will of God that parents should exercise control over their children. They must command that which is right--and they must forbid that which is wrong. It was spoken to the praise of Abraham, that God knew that he would command his children after him to keep the way of the Lord. It was the overthrow of the house of Eli, that his sons made themselves vile--and he did not restrain them.

In Scripture children are compared to arrows--but all depends upon the direction given to the arrow by the hand that guides it. 

They are compared to vine branches--but an unpruned vine will bear no fruit worth gathering. So it is written, "A child left to himself brings his mother to shame!"

In training their children, let parents begin early. Long before a child is two years old, it will know the meaning of an emphatic "No." Even at that tender age, some measure of discipline may begin.
Yield not to the self-will or pettiness of a child. What you once say--let it be law. Without some special cause--do not turn from it. Especially punish lying and disobedience--they are the root of all that is evil.

Yet with firmness, be very gentle
. Harshness is a cold wind, that nips in the bud the beginnings of better things in the heart. Byron's character was ruined by the cruelty of a harsh and unfeeling mother.

Win your children by love. Draw, rather than drive. 

Make home the happiest place in the world to them.

Thanksgiving is strictly an American holiday.  The rest of the world, does not celebrate it.  I was in the Sudan once on Thanksgiving, the hotel realized that it was an American holiday and they attempted to serve an American Thanksgiving meal.  I don't know what the birds were that they cooked, seemed like char coaled pigeons...but they tried. 

Thanksgiving comes under the penumbra of both Halloween and Christmas...the two most celebrated holidays of the year, holidays on which the most money is spent.  Halloween, celebrating the devil and his followers.  Christmas, which should celebrate the birth of our savior even though we know that Jesus was born probably in September and the holiday of spending and spreeing has degenerated into a time of satanic trees and tinsel. 

The Christian should celebrate Thanksgiving everyday.  Thankfulness for every blessing of life. 

It may seem strange that a totally blind, 100% disabled Veteran could celebrate thankfulness.  Service to my country took away all the promises of this Nation which most "normal" people enjoy.   It took away my future, my security, and lastly my dignity.  The worst part, very few care.  Don't believe the government malarkey about honoring Veterans, about care for the disabled and handicap.  The disabled and handicap know where they stand.  At the courthouse, school house, even church house.   How many disabled or handicap people do you see at your church...those of you who are sighted... in restaurants/at concerts/in public parks?

The things for which I am most grateful at this Thanksgiving season, and I thank God for this each and everyday of my life.  The home from which I came, the hard working/God fearing/tax paying/concerned parents who raised me doing the best they knew.  It is because of the hard work/sweat/their ability to adjust to hard times that I have been able to adjust to what life has handed me.  Most of us did not win life's lottery, but you are a real winner if you had God fearing parents. 

My parents, their parents before then, did not ask us if we wanted to go to Sunday School or Church.  They did not ask us if we felt like going to school, felt like doing our chores, felt like eating what was on the table.  We were taught to be thankful for our home, our church, our school (as poor as our homes, churches, schools were) because in spite of everything we did the best we could with what we had.  We were taught about our heritage what our ancestors had endured in establishing themselves in this country.  I still have here in my house the iron fireplace cooking pot which was brought over form England in 1677 and which my puritan ancestors cooked their food.  It is such a disgrace to see pictures of early Americans celebrating Thanksgiving with their platters of food/decent clothing/decent housing it was a matter of survival.  Whatever they could find edible, cooked in one pot over an open fire. They did not have work animals or farm equipment...eaked out food growth not from tilled fields but from the fertile areas around the stumps of trees which they had cut down for shelter.  Just think how few tools of any type, cooking equipment, seasoning, clothing they had brought over on those small boats such as the good ship Kent, from which my ancestors landed on the shores of New Jersey.  I am so thankful I have the heritage of hard work, frugal living, loyalty to God, Family, Country.  My fellow Americans who by hook or crook have made fortunes often from the misfortunes of others do not know the inner qualities of integrity...the new birth in Christ which only the Christian can know that God looking at the Christian, sees in the Christian, the richousness of Jesus.  This is true Thanksigving!  ...not purchased at any grocery store, not cooked in any kitchen.