Wednesday, February 27, 2013



The LORD [is] my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD [is] the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid (Psalm 27:1)?

            In the historic prĂ©cis, Isaiah's Job, Albert Jay Nock states, "Even the greatest mind can not possibly know everything."

            But he went on to say, that those who have not seen mankind, masses over the world, can not possibly understand what has happened. This writer, world traveler through every continent, although totally blind, attempts to explain what my other senses have evoked.

            Traveling through communist countries (Russia, China, etc), police controlled states (Sayshals, Chili, etc.) you find a people who do not have standards of conduct-worthless-depraved are easy to control. I can state without fear of contradiction that only Christian nations have enjoyed what civilized people call success. Tyrants have always feared the doctrines possessed in freedom characterized by Jesus Christ. TYRANTS-DICTATORS FEAR TRUTH. (John 8:32)  Yet, even the world's best know Christian nation (America declared a Christian nation by the supreme court 1799-1892), has sunk into the mire of unbelief. Janet Reno, attorney general under Bill Clinton stated "Any person believing in the second coming of Jesus Christ is dangerous, has mental problems."  Perhaps this is the reason she could stand by so casually during the Waco and Oklahoma City massacre by federal officials.

            Unbelievers and to some extent, believers, are always putting God on trial. If I were God, I would give these pagan people something to talk about since they seemingly have trouble understanding, floods, earthquakes, blizzards, disease, etc. Perhaps he needs to send several fast-exploding-bright meteors into all parts of the world instead of just Russia. ($33 million dollars in damage, 1,500 injured, exploding meteor hitting Chelyabinsk, Russia. This writer crossed Lake Baikal, Siberia, one of the world's largest lakes when the lake was frozen solid (12,248 square miles and 5,387 feet deep, created by a meteor). Not far, Tunguska knocked down nearly 80 million trees when an object from space landed, over an area covering 2,150 square miles, to this day, still smoking and  enlarging in size. How many citizens know about the Yellowstone volcano in this country, very active, 50 miles across?  How many Christians know about the Sea of Galilee where our blessed Lord spent most of his life here on earth, 17 miles wide, 39 miles in length. Admit it, from our puritan-pilgrim ancestors landing here seeking God's blessings in freedom, just wanting opportunity, we have become a profane society, a culture vented in decadence.

            Absolute values, moral scruples, the foundation of all spiritual principles (Judeo- Christian faith), no longer nurtured by political forces, pastors of the gospel, or even concerned parents.

            In other articles, I have spoken of my long time service as a military medical officer. At the women's army core center of the army (WACS, Fort McClellan) where I was on staff at the army hospital, I filled in for psychological-sociological doctors. From the post stockade to the emergency room, a constant flow of psychological disorders.

            I will never forget her, every time I am in a dark closet I think of her, an 18-year-old WAC from a drug infested, sexually stupefied home. Her first words to me, "My mother was a zombie. As a small child, she would lock me in a closet for days. I kept my nose down at the bottom of the door where I could breathe air from the other room and occasionally see light coming under the crack under the door. She had a cat which was fed regularly, but not me. My tears or screams did not bother her." Later, this girl was put in a foster home where she was treated more like a slave or animal than a person but she put up with the abuse because something else might be worse. The later, a relative helped her enlist in the army.

            In the military, in hospitals across this nation, stories like these are more expected than the exception.

            My aunt was dietician at the O'Berry Center (neuro-medical unit for children) Goldsboro, NC. She told me how these macro cephalic, micro cephalic, other thrown away children with multiple defects where treated...children who knew nothing about anything, scolded-whipped, for things which they did not even understand. Much like the Cherry Hospital, right across the highway, Goldsboro, long time known as the asylum for negro insane where until recent years the basics of eugenics were practiced (surgical removal of reproductive organs, male and female).  I knew a psychiatrist at Dorothy Dicks Hospital, Raleigh, NC. (In another article I have described my aunt Lizzy, placed there because her brothers and sisters wanted this single woman's land. She was sane when she was placed there but very insane at her death.) The psychiatrist told me that those placed in these Dead Pits (movie 1989), "If they could chose, would chose death." He said, "One can not even imagine the horror stories of most mental hospitals. I don't know what they did before the use of tranquillizers." The greatest tragedy, children caught in these treatment Hell holes of restraint. BUT, children are not supposed to act like children, mature as children. Public schools have become a display case of drug use (psychotropic medications).

            It is a tough time to be a Christian but just think how much tougher it is for the unbeliever, those without hope. The great writer Malcolm Muggeridge said, "The mission of Christianity, to instill hope in those who are hopeless."

            We will never understand why the innocent must suffer, the disabled, most of us would give anything not to be disabled (your writer is a totally blind, 100% disabled army medical officer of the Korean war). Think of the 53 million beautiful babies killed before ever experiencing the first breathes of life. I think of Ogden Nash's poem as he described his dislike for little boys because little boys grow up and are attracted to his little girls.

            Assembling in your threads of life experiences, the many knots on the back of the carpet, one remarkable gold thread of truth permeates-enhances all the colors. It is the truth that throughout life a ticket or passport or some other method of showing payment is always demanded before entrance. We don't care what the heathen think. The Christian has his passport stamped, his tickets all marked "Paid in full."

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Almost Right

Almost Right

Don’t spare me failure
If it is what is best for me.
Don’t spare me sickness
If it will make me call on Thee.
Don’t spare me loneliness
For I remember Gethsemane.
Don’t spare me anything that you endured for me.

Don’t spare me heartache
You bore a broken heart for me.
Don’t spare me suffering
For I recall your agony
Don’t spare me anything that you endured for me
But give me strength to follow Thee.
Hymn- "Don't Spare Me"

It is easier to offer God a few easy activities

(J.R. Miller)

"My son, give me your heart" Proverbs 23:26

"They first gave themselves to the Lord" 2 Corinthians 8:5

God wants, not so much your work, but you; at least He wants you first--and then your work. Service from hearts which are not really consecrated to God, is not pleasing to Him. We are in danger of forgetting this in our busy, bustling periods. It is easier to offer God a few easy activities--than to give Him our heart. The tendency of the religious life at present is to work and to serve--rather than to love God. So we need to remind ourselves continually, that loving must come before doing and serving. The largest and most noticeable work will find no acceptance with God--if our hearts are not His.
-Grace Gems

            Perhaps man's greatest desire is neutrality. We want something not cold or hot, sour or sweet, neither ugly nor beautiful. But most of all, we want neither right nor wrong. The physical-scientific-spiritual world is not made up that way. I want my surgeon to be right, not almost right. The pilot of the airliner, when I am in a plane, 30,000 feet in the sky to be right, not almost right.

            Modern man, politically correct, compromised, appeasement, everything, almost right. Just enough discrepancy to tell the difference, perhaps offer a complaint. Everything about life was settled in the garden, our first parents. Everything perfect, except God settling his absolutes on one tree, HIS rights. "Don't touch that tree." 

            The great preacher, Dr. R.G Lee, called Christians who are almost right, "stumbling at the foot of the cross."  Most of today's pew warmers, pulpit puppets, (church officials pulling the strings), "think" that the new birth permits the holding on to a few little-choice sins. They want the eternal security of Heaven but are perfectly willing to play around with the conjurers, souccouers or Hell while here on earth. There will be no room for sin in Heaven. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48). The epitome of salvation, the epitome of patriotism, responsibility-satisfaction-joy in accomplishment. Our salvation is a free gift but responsible living is expected of the creature from the creator. Nothing is more evident in scripture after man chose the spirit of death instead of the spirit of life, God expected him to work, sweat, use his God given talents. In my lifetime we have seen the spirit of entitlements-entrapments-entertainment to live selfishly off the goodness of the good earth-the production of other good people. Like a disease, a virus, contagious throughout the world, a TRADEOFF of liberty for security. The socialist-progressive (Democrat party in America, other communist movements in the world), have never realized that the prisoner already has that which they seek (America, largest prison population 2.2 million). (The jailbird, caged animal has the security of his cell-cage). He will be fed, have water, no expenses of any type, totally dependant on others he has traded this for freedom. If those on welfare, sitting in their lazy boy watching ever depreciating trash on their television, free of work having everything furnished to them...housing, food stamps, healthcare, communal type entertainment (tax payer furnished swimming pools, gymnasiums, sight seeing trips, feel good about yourself meetings even government grants for any type study), what does Heaven have to offer? With liberation theology, emerging mega-church cynisicym-"sermonettes" for "Christianettes", your votes bought and paid for, who would want to hear about patriots of a democracy, builders of empires, saints who carried- proudly proclaimed God's word (of whom the earth was not worthy (Hebrews 11:38)), and even heterosexual ancestors who produced families, declared love for God, family, country?

            We know that the family of Karl Marx (communist manifesto) almost starved to death in London while he studied at the library. The purveyors of symbiosis (one animal-insect living off another) academics, politicians who do not want to get their hands dirty with work have never explained what will happen when you fleece-suck all the money from those who have money, all the sweat from those who are willing to toil, all the encapsulated wealth of the good earth.  "Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you" (John 15:15). Until here, John 15:15, we were all called servants. Now, Jesus, with his father, creator of the universe, burying the wrath of all sin, past, present, future, to the cross, calls us friends. One is not almost a friend, nor almost right, nor almost good. The greatest joy of living is friendship with Jesus.

Answer Book

Answer Book
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee (Psalm 119:11).

The fountain of divine truth is the Lord Jesus Christ,
the repository of divine truth is the Holy Scriptures,
the proper abode of divine truth is the sinner's heart,
and the sacred revealer of truth is the Holy Spirit.

The Bible contains all necessary truth--and nothing but truth. It was written expressly for sinners, it is freely given to them by God, that they may learn the things which make for their everlasting peace and salvation. It was never designed to gratify the critic's pride, or please the carnal imagination; but it was intended . . .
  to inform the mind,
  to sanctify the heart,
  and to direct the feet.
When we take it up, we should remember that it is a precious gift of God to poor sinners, designed to benefit them, and glorify His holy name.

This book sets before us our true state before God, as sinners:
  Hell-deserving sinners.

It shows us that . . .
we have come short of the glory of God;
our hearts are depraved beyond description, and vile beyond expression;
the nature of Satan is not actually worse than ours;
instead of having anything to boast of, or pride ourselves in--all that we have and are, is calculated to fill us with shame, confusion, and self-abhorrence.

This book shows us plainly that salvation must be of grace--or not at all. It informs us that by faith in Jesus, we can rise from our dreadful state, and escape our fearful doom. It sets before us . . .
  the provision of divine mercy,
  the contrivance of infinite wisdom,
  and the promises of eternal love.

It exhibits a perfect Savior, suited to our miseries and woes.

It presents to us a salvation . . .
   all of grace,
   to be enjoyed by faith, and
   manifested by good works.
A salvation that . . .
reaches to our present state,
delivers us from all that we have reason to fear,
introduces us to all that we can consistently desire, and
gives us a right to all that God has promised, and that Jesus has procured.
-Grace Gems

            This writer worked very hard for three degrees in science. In science, particularly the physical sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, you continue to refer to manuals, reference tables, of absolutes, formulas-laws-previous investigations. You learn early the real from the faults, that your credibility rests in the preciseness of your knowledge.

            So it is with your spiritual life, much more important than your physical life. Most unbelievers-agnostics-atheists have never spent 24 hours, one day of their lifespan in study so as to prove their REASON for unbelief. It has been the experience of this writer that most who wear with pride their disbelief are so afraid that yielding their life to God, through Christ, would cause them to have a less happy existence, that the cost would be too great. At least, vowed non Christians have the courage not to pretend something which they do not believe, as do many church members.

            Of course, when I was a child, it was difficult to find one who would actually profess his atheism. People were more accepted with a religious faith. A politician running for office, in his biographical information, would always put at the head of the line of his memberships, "church membership." In this day of professed neutrality, down right anti-Christian behavior, gay agenda, same sex marriage, the grandeur of secular-profane behavior, many wear unbelief as a badge of honor.

            Lee Strobel, lawyer, legal commentator, writer, like a former president of Harvard University, actually from his atheism-unbelief-condemnation of believers including his wife, spent much time proving and writing books about the authenticity of the Christian religion...leading to his salvation. When God wrote his book, he did not care whether mankind would like it or believe in it. The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not. After 13,000 years, history of mankind, the record is clear, his word his truth (John 5:24, John 17:17, John 14:6). The upward struggle, trials-temptations-tribulations is a constant and believers and unbelievers want no part of it. The downward slide into Hell is so easy.

            God's word answers every question, truly the answer book.

            In my lifetime, the grace-goodness of God has been turned into so much silliness by modern man, compromising everything, falling into that old snare-trap of Satan, that you can hold onto God with one hand, Satan with the other.

            We do what we do because we believe what we believe. The righteousness of Christ in us determines our walk, talk, and how much we love his word. "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27), changes one's life. You are no longer a victim of decadence but a victor over the world, the flesh, the Devil. The very air you breathe becomes the joy of salvation.


Friday, February 15, 2013

Ham-Beef-Horse Burger

Ham-Beef-Horse Burger

I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.
-Roger Baldwim, Founder of ACLU

            For Godless communism to take over a people there must be a complete disintegration-disappearance of integrity. No longer can a people say, "In God we trust." The communist society trusts no one.  This world traveler has traveled through most communist countries-societies. We think we have seen decadence, even as it grows daily in America but you can not imagine the distrust, injustice, despair of a communist-totalitarian state.

            In the world's largest democracy, India, one province, it is reported that 1/3 of all the ministers-politicians are criminals. The second largest employer on earth, the train system in India, its director, accused of murder. It is amazing what lying, cheating, stealing will do to personalities-nations. If all the wealth in the world were equally distributed among all the population in the world, each person would only have $13,000.  Yet, it is not the money but what greed for money does to the character of an individual.  God created-designed man to work, create, show off his talents. He gave man the instinct for accomplishment.

            My 85-year-old cousin was in the grocery store with his wife. In bad health, he went and sat near the front of the store while his wife was buying-shopping with her clipped coupons from the paper. He said, over and over, large carts of groceries, best meats, etc., welfare people presenting their card in payment, then their beer, cigarettes, they pulled out cash. He said to me, "Why should anyone want to go to Heaven anymore? For many in the world, there is Heaven on earth- not working, living off the work-taxation of their fellow man." The two of us, reared in the same rural community, our entire lives, had seen our parents-grandparents-others, work hard (the good earth produces everything man needs to live) growing-selling crops-helping one another, demonstrating thankfulness to the almighty creator of the universe in worship at the church house, supporting the community, its future citizens at the school house, showing obedience to the justice of the democratic republic by obedience at the court house.

            We belonged to a generation who believe you are not stuck where you start, both of us have done well with investments. We knew the thrill at one time of seeing a movie outdoors on the side of a building, the bright lights of a traveling carnival. To those who  live on welfare, do not get far from their Lazy-Boy recliner, find thrill in television trash, never knowing the enjoyment of your children and neighbor's respecting your job-work. There is nothing as sad as indolence-sloffleness, such a TRADE OFF with personal freedom. The most damnable heresy of communism, what it does to the personhood of the individual.

            God help the man who did not have heroes. One of mine, Sir John Templeton (November 29, 1912 – July 8, 2008). I believe God designed me for investing. In other blogs I have described my torturous investment road. Templeton was a student at Yale from rural Tennessee when his father told him there would not be another dollar for college because of the great depression. He set out to make it on his own, many jobs, his exposure to the world of frugality and investing. I would watch him on Louis Rukeyser, "Wall Street week", his intentness on your "buying shares", his philosophy of "thought control." At death, Templeton was a billionaire. His generosity and philanthropy known throughout the world. Templeton was a committed Christian, his foundation gave The Templeton Prize each year to an outstanding Christian ($1.5 million, world's largest prize). If POACHERS of government (parents, preachers, professors), could only realize how they cheat students by not encouraging responsible living-giving.

            Even in the commercial world of private capitalism, so tempting to take shortcuts. Horse meat costs 80% less than beef. Economically starved Europe, cutting corners, using horse instead of beef for their burgers and, if it starts there it will soon be here. Few ask the question, "Where will government get the money to keep up entitlements?" Years ago, this writer crossed the vast-desolate Gobi desert (traveling from outer Mongolia to China). The Gobi is a world treasury of gold-silver-copper. One mining operation has spent $6 billion dollars to start mining operations there, already brought out much copper ore....furnishing 30% of Mongolia's GMP. I can tell you without fear of contradiction, I was there, there is nothing in Mongolia to produce anything yet the communist government is so greedy about the mining operation. My citizenship, like that of most Christians, chosen by God on display by Him for all eternity, is in Heaven (Philippians 3:20). We are just passing through but must live among the powers of this world (Ephesians 6:12), world, flesh, Devil BUT, just think of those who have lived the Christian life before us "of whom the earth was not worthy" (Hebrews 11:38). There was never a worse time than when Jesus himself walked the earth, during Pharisee law, Roman domination.  It was that youngest son of Jesse, David, poor sheepherder, future King if Israel, unafraid to even challenge the giant Goliath from whom Israel's army shuddered, that gave personality to God in his Psalms. "When I cry [unto thee], then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God [is] for me. In God will I praise [his] word: in the LORD will I praise [his] word. In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me" (Psalm 56:9-11). For a blind veteran, one who knows the joy of redemption, it breaks my heart to think that I live in a culture-society which now has, and probably deserves, a liar in The White House, a liar in the pulpit at the church house, liars in school houses, court houses, clinging to the faith that makes one free (John 8:32). (We seek another city whose builder and foundation is God (Hebrews 11:10)).

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Las Vegas Virus

Las Vegas Virus

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:7).

                        Your writer, born and raised on a farm, knows the importance of mules and horses, always looking forward, there is bridle cupping around the eyes so the animal can not be looking around, but forward. In farming or even at the horse race, you want the animal to concentrate on what's ahead, end of the cropped road, finish line at the race.

            My house looked perfectly normal from the outside, one day I noticed that my floor was unsteady. (The writer is a totally blind veteran.) I had my assistant check the floor. He came back with the diagnosis that this area of my house was eaten up with termites...just waiting to collapse. So it is with governments-churches-lives-insects-viruses-bad habits-addictions, eating away-destroying, many times without our recognizing the symptoms. Our government has been eaten away-slowly destroyed by decadent political behavior (Ephesians 6:12). Our churches, spiritual lives, taken over by the tares sown by Satan and his crowd (Matthew 13:27). How many times does one go to a doctor just to find that the body is being devoured by a virus-cancer-toxin?  "Its the little foxes that spoil the vines" (Sgs 2:15). It is amazing how bad habits, addictions, idol worship, will take over the psyche of a person, how destructive deterioration becomes perfectly acceptable to everyone. How quickly Christians forget that their time is 100% Sabbath, that their wealth is 100% a tithe. By law, God required 1/7th of our time-1/10 of our wealth. By grace through faith, we know that God owns it all, all time, all material wealth.

            Knowing these things, how pathetic that we are so easily manipulated by government. Do you not realize that government is manipulating everything concerning your life, everything to make you totally subservient?  Government manipulating the .com investment bubble, the real estate bubble, the bailout bubble. Now, another cycle, IT HAS ALREADY STARTED, Las Vegas virus of gambling, government manipulation of stock market, DRAWING INVESTORS BACK IN, manipulation of housing market, DRAWING INVESTORS BACK IN...acceptance of the socialism of welfare, entitlements, debt.

            This writer has traveled through most of the world's communist countries. Always, exactly as is being practiced here: government controls of news media, education, regulations involving everything. Then comes just two economic classes, the few very wealthy at the top, the rest very poor. Spiritually, a remnant-few with the struggle toward Heaven, the masses, in free fall toward Hell.

            I hear the question over and over, "Can't people understand what is going on?" The answer, a nation devoid of leadership except for those leaders like Obama and his ilk who, by hook and crook, have risen to the top and will stay there. Their opposition-republicans-conservatives-libertarians, too cowardly, too weak, too intimidated by the media (all politicians-opinion molders-power brokers want the media to love them), by the academics, big bankers, to offer even an alternative. Have we not learned by now, that world's governments are controlled by the big investment and reserved banks? Even the alphabet news media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR) depend on the advertisements from corporations and others who depend on the good will of the banks. It has become a matter of political correctness, from every side. Goals, even Heaven, straight ahead, can not be seen because of the looking around paralyzed with fear that someone will not approve. Oh, give us some bridles for some new get their eyes focused straight ahead, a bit in the mouth to control their talking and actions. "Behold, we put bits in the horses' mouths, that they may obey us; and we turn about their whole body" (James 3:3). When will those who have most to lose, hard working, tax paying, God fearing, parents, pastors, patriots, take the reins and direct the political, spiritual leaders we have left toward the goal of national integrity as foreseen by our forefathers, spiritual promises predestined to believers from the very foundation of the world? The followers of Satan caring for nothing-God, family or country, have never cared that they are on the express train to Hell.  Why do we get disturbed when pagans act like pagans? BUT, we have the all powerful right hand of God at our disposal (1 Peter 5:6). More frightening, more concern than national leaders, what has happened to the average person? Don't you notice the total lack of responsibility that professional men, even spiritual leaders show toward their fellow man? This writer does not operate among the movers and shakers of large corporations-legislative chambers. We just see and hear about politicians and their escapades with under age prostitutes, pilfering and thieving in large piles of investment money. Mr. Average Joe, like me, experiences the lack of morality in dealing with tenants (stealing property, ignoring lease agreements). (One of my tenants, bound by lease, flight by night, just left my building with the keys locked inside, no notice of moving, nothing. Another tenant, moving out of a house taking my furnishings, rugs, curtains, etc.) Has the lack of integrity-discipline-character in leadership seeped into the lower echelons of business and professional life? Is there any such thing as professionalism anymore? Pay attention to your treatment by lawyers, doctors, even restaurateurs. Our deliverance-redemption, as with those in bondage, leaving Egypt, the precious lamb called Jesus, his blood (in Egypt blood over the door), and we like the children of Israel escape the death angel. Rejoice in your salvation, memorialize at the Lord's table. Pray for those who have never recognized the virus of their deception. To those who know the liberty found in Jesus Christ (John 8:32), why go to Hell on the caboose, why not first class?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sleeping Better?

Sleeping Better?

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).
            This writer does not watch the pomp and circumstance involving national mockery. (Of course I do not see anything, over 50 years long blackness of night, totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected veteran, medical officer of the Korean conflict era.)  It is beyond my comprehension that sane Americans can listen to the fraud-decadent sounds coming from the house of representatives chamber, U.S capitol building. You may be dishonest with others, but to yourself, for God's sake, be true. You know just as I know the 435 members of the House, 100 U.S Senators, members of the President's cabinet-Supreme Court-joint chief's of staff-foreign dignitaries, even the ordinary citizens who sit in the gallery or those impaled by the pinion of political correctness sitting with the great Michelle, know the super-hypocrisy (lying-cheating-stealing) going on in a state of the union address, and to think that at one time this hall was used for Christian religious services. God must hide his face, barricade his nostrils from the stench of such rot. When will the hardworking, God fearing, tax paying citizens realize the hoax of the federal government? At the podium, well of the House of Representatives, perhaps in all history, the least prepared, totally fraud, flawed beyond words to describe, "everything about his life, questionable," having never held a responsible job, knowing nothing about anything, schooled on other's funds, an imposter (Manchurian candidate), anti-Christ-socialist, President. In front of him, placid-passive-plausible, cronies of political correctness-enabled by a corrupt news media, adult men and women laughing-clapping. Few of them, even having the good sense to realize the fear of God. Everyone in the room having gotten to their places of prominence VIA buying the job or compromising every principle.

            Everyone in the room actually thinks they have people fooled. The minions of the damned world flesh Devil, know the truth.   The greatest gift of the born again Christian life, liberty. Frauds and phonies talk about freedom and liberty but down deep inside, these corrupted politicians know that they are prisoners (no longer have freedom or liberty), enslaved to the most basic chains of servitude BOUND by the sin of self destruction.

            Occasionally, one gets caught, so close to so much money, hard to keep ones hands out of the pot.  Power, handle-titles of prominence (honorable, Mr. Chairmen, etc.) will know how much political clout they actually have when they face the justice of Almighty God.

            Crossing the Gobi Dessert, outer Mongolia, to communist China, by train, some of my fellow passengers said to me, "Look at those hardworking people in the fields....those mules, water buffalo, children burdened with hard work." I said, "Yes, I know, I have been there." Reared in poverty, Eastern North Carolina, I knew the sweat of work in tobacco fields. I knew the smell of sweat-wet clothing from my hardworking parents."  But, it was America. I knew that I could move out of that situation. IN AMERICA, YOU ARE NOT STUCK WHERE YOU START. In communism, just another serf-peasant-cog in a slot of the totalitarian-socialist ideology.
            In the factories of China, Russia, other communist countries, this writer saw the disenfranchised masses like puppets on the assembly line sweating-tortured with the excruciating drudgery of repeated tasks. I said to one of the slave drivers in a factory, "What if one person (and these were all children) made something that was artistic-out of the ordinary-away from the cut? What would you do?" She said, "We would destroy it."

            The tragedy of Americans paying any attention at all to the state of the union or anything else that comes out of the nation's capitol, their aim is to make you more of a slave than you already are. They want the same slavery here found in every socialist-totalitarian controlled civilization.

            Already, government has made you a puppet of their control strings. Without any landing craft coming on our beaches, any bombardment by planes, any sniper rifle fire, America has been taken over. Most legislatures controlled by lawyers, preferential judges giving preferential treatment to those who obey. Through the excesses of controlled thought via television, academia having succumbed to national control, the idol of popularity and prosperity ever held as the Zenith to which one should aspire, mediocrity and education, degrading religion of any type, the last two worlds to conquer, making freedom of speech and freedom of self protection with guns, totally unacceptable.

            As a young child, and it should have been this way, I was so interested in my country, its government, even later, young medical officer, so anxious to protect the democracy- republic system in which I believed. Over and over, military officers who had served in WWII telling me of the corruption everywhere. I kept thinking it was a matter of the very human physiology of oxytocin, that there are things that we can not do anything about but which will on their own, straighten out.

            I knew about IG Farben corporation, the great German chemical company who used Jewish slaves as long as they had strength to work...manufacturing the synthetic fuels which Hitler used to keep his war machinery going for five years. I knew that standard oil had confiscated all these synthetic formulas of fuel production that the Bush family (Senator Bush, then 41 &43), laundered Hitler's money. I knew that many other Americans, like the French Vichy Regime, got rich from WWII. We know now about the false flags- the more recent history assassinations- Wako Texas fiasco, Oklahoma City bombing, the many questions about the 9/11 World Trade Center bombings.

            The human psyche must be more exempt to neurosis than previously ascertained.  We understand why one veteran commits suicide every hour from the Hell he has experienced BUT how do those in government, who know what exists behind the curtain, keep on with their pretending-pretentions-treasons?

            Do you sleep any better knowing that "principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]" (Ephesians 6:12) are in charge of your future? I encourage everyone to put on the "whole armor of God" (Ephesians 6:13). Our friends, relatives, associates love darkness better than light. They want to pretend that people in government are concerned about them, not planning what they can do  to them. More so now than every before, the best sleep medication I can advise, "Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4).

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Two Weeks Notice

Two Weeks Notice

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here [am] I; send me (Isaiah 6:8).

            A person of faith, traveling the world, different civilizations, lifestyles, languages, and certainly religions, a person of faith rejoices in the knowledge that as Blaze Pasqual said, "Every human being seeks a power greater than himself, someone to worship, to fill the vacuum." This writer was amazed by the Buddhist monkey temples in Asia, the Hindu Brahma temples in India, Islamic mosques in every Muslim country (47). Just as conflicting, cathedrals and temples turned into museums in communist countries (St. Isaacs, St. Basil's, Russia). In communist China, earliest areas of Christian missionary endeavor, churches like monuments-tombstones torn down and materials used to build highways. 

            Just before the Russian revolution, Karl Marx, 1918, Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right German economist & Communist political philosopher, said, "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people."

            We do not know much about religious activity before the flood of Noah around 5,000 B.C. Afterwards, great grandson of Noah, Nimrod and his ilk, attempting to build a religious temple to the sky. It was from this area of the world that God decided to try again with Abraham, age 80, first Jew, father of nations. Amazing the men who were called for "active duty" at 80 years of age, Moses in the desert of Midean, Caleb from the mountains of Cana. Many of God's most terrific saints, still preaching-teaching in their 80's (John Wesley). This week, Pope Benedict XVI, gave his two weeks notice, first Pope to resign from office since Gregory, 1415.

            Those of us around his age well understand that "old age is not for sissy's." Even those without great responsibilities know weariness, lack of energy, how world problems burden the psyche.   Just imagine the head of the world's largest Christian denomination (Catholics in the world: 2,331,509,000), as one of the leaders in the Catholic hierarchy, he certainly witnessed the stress and death of his predecessor. So much time spent on travel, demands made on one's personhood. He has already made his great contribution to the world just in his three volumes, Jesus of Nazareth. All Christian denominations have come out of one universal church. All should be glad that the head of the Roman Catholic church has the intelligence to let someone else take over. Only he knows the condition of his body, what he is contributing and failing to contribute.  Only he knows what God requires of him. This writer, mostly because of the Catholic relevant radio which I listen to all the time, the many remarkable personalities on this one radio station, if it were not for so many doctrinal matters with which I have difficulty, I could become Catholic. I like Catholic boldness with scripture, Catholics stressing traditions in the church, family, marriage between a man and woman, sanity in lifestyles, the Catholic PRO-LIFE stance. I like the Catholic presentation of the crucifix everywhere (in most Protestant-Baptist churches, it is very difficult anymore, to find a cross, even evangelic-fundamentalists who are PRO-LIFE), nor do Protestants and Baptists preach the cross.

            This writer comes from Baptist ancestry, maturating, holding fast Baptist doctrines. Much to my sorrow, Baptist churches trying to be as modernistic-liberal-anti-Christ as their fellow front line denominations (Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian) have become cowards of the cross, more like a civic club than the dedicated bride of Jesus Christ (many on church pews pro-choice, pro same sex marriage, pro gay agenda, pro socialism). It is very difficult to tell a Baptist's worship service from a secular-political meeting. The Baptist church left me. The Baptist church so politically correct: "Don't offend anyone, they may not come back."

            Americans, and we are sorry to say Protestantism-Baptists-fundamentalists, so want to believe the "Nigerian chain letter," send some money and gain a fortune. I have friends and relatives who actually kneel to the Obama eugenics, fables of getting rich by going in debt, eliminating costly old people, bringing in foreigners because it is easier to marry non-producing same sex people and keep producers, prospective parents from having children, so both can spend all their time working for the government. It must have been a hard pill for Pope Benedict XVI to swallow, that 54% of American Catholics voted for Obama-democrat absurdity.

            This writer was a staff officer, army hospital, chemical center of the army. Back then, no A.C on cars, we were advised to roll up our windows when passing through the clouds of chemical smoke poison which invaded the entire post. The military recruits both men and women, which say to this medical officer, "The chemicals are killing us...look at my hair, skin." There are 45 pages of chemical allowable's in foods. Food is not food just because it is called food. (Sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP), a cleaner is allowed in food, and so many other chemicals-synthetics-poisons, not digestible.)

            Please dear Lord, do a work on our minds, deliver us from stinking thinking.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Verdict Is In

Verdict Is In

“What our forefathers with so much difficulty secured, do not basely relinquish.”
William Bradford

            The famous French novel, The Count of Monte Cristo, describes how hatred monopolizes lives. Taking place during the formation of the early American republic (1815–1838), because of the hatred of some friends, the French count was wrongfully charged and imprisoned but later escaped prison. Through a series of remarkable coincidences, gained much wealth and then spent his wealth in the hatred of punishing those who had wronged him. It is so essential that we do not let hatred ruin our lives. How easy it would be for one who has spent most of his life in a long night of blackness (blind veteran) to let hatred rule his life, even those who support the government that did and does continue to wrong him.

            Recently, I was asked to attend a meeting at a Christian college, a fundraising event for the Christian college. The speaker was a former governor of the state, democrat, a man who did and continues to support a political party so  totally anti-Christian....a political party supporting the killing of babies (abortion), mockery of marriage (same sex marriage), depravity regarding the gay agenda involving homosexuals in the military.

            This Christian writer is still waiting for one democrat, even a conservative southern democrat, to come to him with an explanation of why any Christian would stay in and support the democrat party, a party who, at their national convention in Charlotte, NC voted to take God out of their party platform. The verdict is in, democrats hate God, life, Christian marriage, the transcendental concepts involving not only the military services but every absolute regarding right and wrong. How can any Christian support the democrat party? How can any Christian college support on campus speakers so corrupted by Satanic forces? The verdict is in, IF, modern technology, wisdom of the 21st century, could prove that God is a myth, Jesus was the world's greatest hoax, today's churches would continue to enjoying their song services, suppers, watering their garden of "do-good-ism," so enjoying the social activities of the church. Most church people, not wealthy enough for country clubs, sports clubs, civic clubs, fraternal organizations but desiring socializing with others. In the 20th century, churches which at one time were real Bible believing witnesses to Christ, became instruments of Madison Avenue techniques, rather than depending on the power of God. They made a beggar of God, begging people (even those who bore the name of Christ) to come to worship services, to give cheerfully to God's work. They had the attitude that God needed them rather than they needing God.

            The verdict is in, today's church members, pastors, ministries, have never realized that every solo, sermon, every "supposed" Christian's life, to the unbelieving world, is a verdict regarding the evidence of belief in the "believer."

            The verdict is in, when church members-visitors exit the church house, telling the preacher that they "enjoyed" his sermon, the preacher can know that he did not preach the gospel....only one message: sins ruin and Christ redemption. There is nothing in that message for people to enjoy. When will the Christian church world learn that we contribute nothing at all to our salvation? It is a total and complete gift of God, provided by the atonement of Jesus Christ on the cross and his resurrection from the dead. When Jesus said, "It is finished" (John 19:30), "the veil of the temple was rent top to bottom" (not almost to the bottom) (Matthew 27:51), he had done it all. There is not a checklist left for man to complete, to finish the job.

            The verdict is in, 70% of all young people, from church going homes, when they leave the home, go to college or to a job, leave the church.

            The verdict is in, young people, the millions of baby boomers, left the church because their faith learned there, seen there, heard there, was based on feeling not fact. Christianity is a fact based on 2,000 years of doctrine-evidence.

            The verdict is in, 40% of graduates, Christian colleges, seminaries, do not support God's work. Thousands of Christian ministers leave their pastorates every year. The divorce rate among ministers is as high as that of unbelievers. Most Christian denominations are shrinking in numbers. Most Christian churches, looking over those on pews, congregation of white hair.

            The verdict is in, Satan like a hot dry wind has parched and hardened hearts. The supernatural Jesus Christ, if preached, if believed, still has the power to change the world. If Christians gave evidence of salvation and joy, all the world would want what they have. The all sufficient God of the universe, in order to be God, does not have a need for anything. Before the foundation of the world, God chose those who would spend eternity with him (Ephesians 1), those who are his workmanship (Ephesians 2:10), those he would brag about through all eternity "of whom the earth was not worthy" (Hebrews 11:38).

            One of this writers many interests, visiting old-large cemeteries. You often wondered what happened during the hyphen between the date of birth and the date of death, so many just threw their lives away. I remember visiting Francis Thompson's grave, St. Mary's cemetery, London. I have visited Napoleon's tomb in Paris. These, like so many others, just threw their lives away. Like taking poison and expecting someone else to die. In the old family cemeteries, a large pile of dirt at the side, so when a grave caved-sunken in (showing the casket had rotted away), the grave could be filled in with dirt. This is the reality of life and death. No one needs evidence to prove anything about this verdict, man chose the spirit of death. "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27).

Friday, February 8, 2013

Novena of Gratitude

Novena of Gratitude

            God's frame of reference never changes. "For I [am] the LORD, I change not" (Malachi 3:6).

            This writer has traveled the world with honesty, with prayer, sought understanding in many places, it all can be brought right back to the first days in the history of man, God's frame of reference, his rights, rights cover every action of man. "Don't touch that tree." We can not have it all.

            Study all the literature in the world, you will never find a more beautiful, dynamic, omnipresent story than that of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11).  It was not the first morning that the prodigal father had stood on the front porch straining his eyes, wishing intently to see signs of someone approaching the "home place." When he saw him, there was no doubt in his mind who he was...neighbor, hired man, etc. Father's recognize their sons. The old man had probably not run for a long time but, I believe, deep inside, even when he was dividing his goods, he knew that the wayward son would return...they usually do.

            Once away from the chores and drudgery which make up life at a home, "this young man about town, thought he would be Mr. Goodbar. (Movie-"Looking for Mr. Goodbar") When hard time came, and they usually do sooner or later, and this Jewish boy was put to work in a hog pen, he found he did not have a taste for hog slop. A normal male, he thought about the good vittles on his father's table, how well his father's servants were fed. He practiced his novena of repentance all the way home, NOT NEEDED.

            Christianity is not complicated, just tough. Everything in the Christian frame of reference can be sized up-summed up with the hog pen. Our blessed Lord came to deliver-redeem us from the hog pen. Today's world, too many young people learn to love the hog pen...foolishness, stupidity, wastefulness. They learn to like the stench of the hog pen. They learn to like the slop of the hog pen....decadent music-polluted food-an attitude of not caring about anything.

            Farm boys know the degradation of hogs. Hogs don't care about anything and, some people after being delivered-redeemed from the hog pen, return "...the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire" (2 Peter 2:11).  How could anyone who truly has known forgiveness of sin, the happiness that comes with redemption, the joy of salvation, ever return to the old life of sin and rejection? But, they do, the world is so attractive. Satan lures-snares with everything he knows is our weakness. Nothing gives Satan more satisfaction than a fallen preacher, a fallen woman, or church people who are just playing games with God.

            In spite of the older brother's attitude, and we can all well understand his attitude, surely the prodigal son never lost his gratitude for having a home and father for which to return. He may have known some of his father's faith and decency but most who have been lifted from debauchery usually have a testimony of faith and delivery of their own. The forms and rituals of today's church are not the issue. We need church standards, denominational practices. The church is the bride of Christ and we hesitate to criticize the bride but, we need to ask the question often: "If every member of my church were just like me, what kind of church would my church be?"

            As a young boy, home coming and other services at our family church, I never could understand how many who live far away, returning, would start crying as soon as they heard the music in the church. With all the flaws of the church, its members, conditions beyond the walls of the church, there was a holiness there for which we ever bowed in gratitude.

            So it is with our home place, we had hard times and good times but all times became important as we gave gratitude for what we took away from there. The descendants of the children of Israel who had left Egypt, on the other side of the Red Sea, and certainly across the Jordan, in the promise land, could never have a true appreciation of what their ancestors had gone though. With every generation, they became less and less impressed with the sufferings of slavery, trials in the wilderness. Only once did the walls of a city fall because they marched around it (Jericho). Over and over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob rebelled and broke the laws given to Moses by which they were supposed to live. They were slow learners.

            My only sister said to me recently, "I wonder if your two grandchildren have any idea of what you went through to get your education, your lifetime of blindness?  How you worked at night for eight years to go to school during the day? Abused during the long hot summers selling Bibles door to door to people who do not even want a Bible?" So it is with all of us, especially those past 50 years of age. Younger generations will never know a world without want, need, technology. Most have never known hunger, what is it to save and work for anything. Most young people have never seen a wood burning cook stove, an outside wash pot for doing laundry, an outhouse toilet facility. One young man working for me did not know about 33 and 45 rpm records, "What are those things?" God in his infinite mercy has a way of equalizing, civilizing everything and everyone. The time may come when younger generations will return to the preservation practices with food, etc. on which our forbearers depended. They may learn about seed, that meats and vegetables do not grow in the grocery store. Above all, young people may learn that the only cure for their character flaws is a return to faithfulness and gratitude that made their ancestors great and has given them the DNA plus standards that have never failed. One may question God's ownership, God's rights but when all is said and done, after you have read all the books, his immortal principals are the only absolutes that have stood the test of time.

What's New Pussycat?

What's New Pussycat?

"Somewhere down that highway
A familiar song is playin'
Somethin' I've heard somewhere before
So long ago, Show Me the Way Home"

            Made for the movie, 1965, by the same name, made famous by Tom Jones, American entertainer, "What's New Pussycat?"

            Animals, by nature, have always been sociable creatures. Whether birds in a tree, flock of sheep, herd of buffalo, or even pride of lions, they socialize, want to know what's going on. As poor as my family was, my father always subscribed to a local newspaper, two magazines, "Look" and "Progressive Farmer." He believed in having reading material for his children and we learned to read everything available.

            One of my fondest memories, my mother taking us to the crossroads where the county book mobile made a weekly stop. Many years later, practicing in a small town, I recognized the lady who drove the book mobile. When I finished introducing myself, telling her of the value of her life to mine, tears running down her face she said, "You have made my life." Many of my relatives bought a weekly entertainment tabloid type paper called "The Grit".  It was delivered by young boys on their bicycles, making some money delivering the paper. This paper was full of "newsy" musing stories from all over the world.

            When Alexis de Tocqueville came to America in 1835 and wrote his famous book, Democracy in America he said, "One of the things that makes America great, the fact that mail carriers go throughout the country delivering letters, newspapers, magazines, even into the Indian territories." The American mail delivery system became law in 1792. During this writer's eight years of university, selling books door to door in the summers, many crossroads communities, some very small, only one employee but always a post office. A place, where money orders could be obtained to pay bills, where any family, no matter how poor, disenfranchised, could stay in touch with people via the mail man.

            America's postal system is slowly being destroyed. The politics of retirement greed, I can say without fear of contradiction that most postal workers have their jobs because of political nepotism and favoritism being shown to veterans.

            The most damnable form of political cover up enabled by the press, favoritism shown to one political party over another. The press constantly "carries the water" for the democrat party, hiding things that should be public. The fact that the press in most large cities, democrat stronghold's are part impartial of the democrat party, enabling continuous election of democrats in big cities.  

            This week, "The Washington Post", bible of the national democratic party, finally revealed (leaked) treasonous information about drone warfare. "In September 2011, a U.S. drone strike in Yemen killed two American citizens: Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan. The following month, another U.S. drone strike killed al-Awlaki’s 16-year-old son, who was born in Denver. According to a secret Justice Department document obtained by NBC News, the Obama administration claims it has the legal authority to target citizens who are, quote, "senior operational leaders," of al-Qaeda or "an associated force" — even if there’s no intelligence indicating they are engaged in an active plot to attack the U.S. There have only been four U.S. citizens—three in 2011, one in 2002. According to the figures of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in the U.K., we’re now talking about somewhere on the order of 4,000 people who have been killed with these drones."

            Now, added to the horrors of warfare that we have known in the past, unmanned drones (and there's probably 30,000 of them), killing-maiming not only war activists but innocent bystanders. There are reports of 54 "dark hole torture chambers" throughout the world. We are told of the horror pits of evil cruelty that goes on there and, we thought we were getting rid of the evil's of Saddam Hussein. Mr. Obama assured his followers that he was ridding the world of torture and other inhumane practices of war.

            This writer knows one military man, stationed in South Korea, who participated in drone activity sending unmanned drone flights over North Korea.

            It is known that drones were circling around the American consulate during the Libyan attack. It is known that drones circle around most American cities. It is significant that in this time of "Big Brother watching", when you have lost all privacy, the same mantra is used that is used in local city and county owned helicopters constantly flying over the city, "emergency, locating missing persons." Just how many people are missing? One disoriented woman left the local nursing home, lost. The sheriff's department could not find her, even with their expensive helicopter. It took a classroom of students to locate the woman's remains in a ditch, within one half mile of the nursing home. It will not be so, but every newspaper headline should read, "Americans can be destroyed, anywhere, anytime, without due recourse." Always, Americans have had the great advantage of the legal system. That is, all Americans except the most innocent, babies in the womb of their mother. Now we know, if anyone had a doubt, a nation that can kill 54 million of their most innocent, will certainly not hesitate, as convenient as it is with assassin drones to kill others. Perhaps for such a thing as not agreeing with the government regime.

            How interesting it was when government officials just got drunk, splashed around in a platonic waiting pool with someone like Fanne Foxe. I am speaking of Wilbur Mills, congressman from Arkansas with the infamous stripper in the Washington Tidal Basin. Please bring back those good old days.

            Shaking off the mire-stench of Washington politics, international Bilder Burger intrigue, new and even more horrible warfare, reach for the joy of Christian living, the joy of having known people of faith who knew right from wrong.

            Romans, Galatians, Hebrews, The Old Testament phrase, "The just by faith shall live." Has this one time Christian nation (Supreme court declared this a Christian nation 1799-1892), found that life has no meaning? Rather, like Obama, not a matter of loving your enemies (Matthew 5:44) but torturing and even assassinating those who are your enemies or who DO NOT AGREE WITH YOU.

            In my practice, even with family and friends, we want a barrier to protect us from the realities of this world. "Don't tell me what to study or read about my condition, just give me a pill to take care of my problem."