Friday, June 29, 2012


The philosopher Alexander Pope said, “A new B attitude I give to you, blessed is the man who expects nothing for he will never be disappointed.” or no expectations, no disappointments. To the one who bears the name of Jesus, there should be no surprises in a world where the prince of the air, Satan, controls everything. Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12).

This writer has traveled the world, every continent, studied most Communist, totalitarian systems. Communism, Godless satanism, is a philosophy of control, cookie-cutter human beings. God's triumphant beauty invested in individuality - personality is unknown in these places.

Yesterday's ruling by the Supreme Court, control of the last vestige of human privacy, should not have been a surprise. The New York Times, August 1, 2007, predicted the twisted mind of John Roberts. Republicans hate to admit it but the “tainted” Bush family have always been enemies of America, Bush 41 appointed David Souter, Bush 43, John Roberts, both of these Supreme Court Justices, liberal, mentally deficient...RINOS. Many of us voted for these two Presidents because, as is so often the case, other choice worse. If Americans only knew the depravity of Godless Communism. We are the only “freedom loving” nation voting for self enslavement.

C. S. Lewis said, “For God to be God, He has no needs.” The majority of Americans have decided that they do not need God and God will definitely show us that He does not need America. The Christian's citizenship is in Heaven (Philippians 3:21-22). We Christians are just passing through, our visa stained by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the additional stains of patriots who shed their blood for a nation which now defiles them.

A few years ago, some modernistic theologians jumped on the scientist's “bandwagon” of trying to accommodate Darwinism. Darwinism, like geology, about 10% science, 90% myth. Tragic that some Christians want scientific evidence when God's book holds the answers for every need of man. I find most Christians do not even understand that God's gravity controls every ocean and land mass.

God moves in mysterious ways to enlighten His chosen (William Cowper). President Ronald Reagan's father, Jack, was a village drunk. They moved 37 times during Ronald Reagan's youth. In one rented house, in the attic, young Ronald Reagan found someone's collection of butterflies and bird eggs. He became totally fascinated by God's marvelous methods – creative ability, the magnificent design of butterflies and bird human beings, 7 billion of us on earth today, about that number before the Great Flood, no two of us alike...the beauty of individualism whether butterflies or human beings.

Now, along with all of the other destruction of Obama and his ilk, a 2.7 trillion taxation captivating all healthcare. The worst, robbing one of the greatest sources of comfort the world has ever known, the Dr – Patient relationship. I have seen the “robotic” - unsuitable – callous attitude of doctors and patients in police states. The doctor's payment for his long life of preparation came from the gratitude of appreciative patients...that coordination of neurology known only by parent/child, “some pastors”.

Every day of my life I think of my sweating father, hard work, the calloused hands of my mother, hard work. Their ENTITLEMENT was the opportunity to live in a free country passed on to them by equally hard working, freedom loving ancestors. As far as I know, they never took one dime of government subsidization for anything.

Veronica, a 40 year old single black mother of three daughters (she did not know the father of either of them) cleaned my house on Saturday mornings...after I took her to McDonald's. She lived totally on welfare, subsidized, entitled, she, her children, all relatives, on medicaid. When the older members of the family, aged so they could no longer work, poor health, medicaid nursing homes. Veronica took every course local schools offered because they paid her to take the courses. However, she would never take a regular job...lived too well without a regular job. This is the dilemma in which productive Americans find themselves.

Every time I am taken to a healthcare office, I am a sightless military veteran, I ask my driver just one question, always the same answer, “The place is full, all old white-haired people”. In China, Cuba, Russia, the same picture, the adventitiousness of free care. I have been sufficiently condemned for talking about it. “All who live godly in Christ Jesus suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12) but ONE MAN PLUS GOD and anything is possible.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's only claim to fame, producing the mystical imaginary detective, Sherlock Holmes. Holmes' assistants name was Watson and we well remember Holmes' retort involving any problem, “Elementary my dear Watson, elementary”. In this world of political correctness, a dumbed down education system, a public so involved in idiosyncrasies and peculiarities of daily life, we simply refuse to believe in reality. We have watched so much “dreamed up” hogwash on television that life has become more fictional than real. “Things always seem worse than they are. Everything will work out alright.” To those who refuse to know history, history has a way of repeating itself. It is a part of the conditioned reflex progress of thought.

International events which just a few years ago would require our attention are simply forgotten in a few days time. The shoe bomber, underwear bomber were just a method of conditioning us for air travel scanning, “feeling” and “peeking”, miserable travel, total loss of privacy. Most military authorities could not tell you the total number killed in the Libyan invasion, the Iraq invasion, the Samalyan or Egyptian uprising. Most military people, even on the battlefront, could not tell you why the United States is involved in a ten year war in Afghanistan. The average college graduate knows nothing of Syria, it's relationship with Lebanon or Turkey yet, we are preparing thousands of young people increasing taxation on working people to fight a third world war which has already begun. World War I began with a very predictable shooting in the Balkans. World War II began with very predictable madness in several world hot spots (Poland – Pearl Harbor). It just takes the shooting down of a plane such as the plane of Turkey. One fiasco after another in such desperately poor countries such as Pakistan, Sudan or Mexico, a low regard for life, whether the forceps of an abortionist or the machete of the one chopping off heads, explosives kill – maim – sound the same whether in Nigeria or Yemen. Into a cauldron of greedy military warfare builders, mixed with fanatical idealistic religion, the Pagan egos of men who just love to fight and you have a world not only in desperate financial condition, moral and spiritual depravity but unheeding temperance from any source.

We never did believe Christ when He told us to love our neighbor as ourself (Mark 12:31). God did not waste words, went straight to the point. Sad, but true, Moses was 80 years of age, his brother Aaron 83 years of age, but neither had learned to listen to God. God told them, “Tell Pharaoh to let your people go.” Instead, they “asked” Pharaoh to let the Jewish slaves go much like a parent, instead of telling a child to do something, asking the child if he will do something. Satan always knows what is going on, has more tricks up his sleeve than you can imagine. While you are sleeping he is preparing for your downfall. It scared Moses and Aaron when Moses' rod became a snake but, Satan had Pharaoh's “preachers” armed with rods which became snakes. Can one even imagine a floor full of snakes? At least, Moses and Aaron did not run. Moses' rod – snake ate those of Pharaoh's. God will always come out ahead if given the chance.

The world's problems, America's problems come from the fact that we are drowning in ignorance...financially, spiritually and particularly, healthcare issues. Whether is was a man-made earthquake, or one of many great earthquakes, the Fukushima event tells all. Here we have a people – population supplying the world with technology. Three hours after the nuclear meltdown, the people were evacuated in the wrong direction. Not until many days later were they even told the truth about the disaster. The truth is still being kept from those recipients of radiation from that nuclear meltdown. How dense must the accumulated radiation have to become on vegetation in America, how many cows must die from eating the radiated grass, marine life die from the Pacific waters before the truth is revealed and the unsuspecting public (you cannot see radiation anywhere, anytime, on anything) begins to protect themselves against this elementary, impending disaster? Survival will become the word of the day...when will we come to terms with that fact?

The children of Israel, because of a tough trip, tough ground, were given shoes of iron and brass. Normal footwear would have done for normal things. Their salvation from bondage, their journey to the “Promised Land” was not a normal trip. In a world of nuclear madness avarice of the indolent (rich and poor) those who strive to survive must use elementary methods. (Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. Matthew 22:29)


Like squeezing the last drop of juice from a lemon, I want this old writer – veteran's final words to ALWAYS be in praise of family, God and country.

Until their deaths, the two things my parents always talked about, an indelible impression on their lives in this present world of illusion and d illusion, the horror story of the Great Depression and the 4th of July picnic held in their community on the grounds of the two room school house which they attended as children. They talked about all of the people in the community coming together to celebrate Independence Day – ball games, seeing family and friends they had not seen since the previous year. One of my old uncles would take a team, a team is two horses or two mules, and wagon into town for ice, which they only saw once a year. We were raised on dirt roads before the time of power, telephone, water lines, one time, during the year, people had ice for hand churned ice cream, milkshakes, iced tea. They eked life from the good earth, not depending on any government advice or subsidies – entitlements. Today, 95% of the USDA (Agriculture Department) are Communists. There are 81 Communists in the US House of Representatives (Rep. Allen West, Progressive Caucus). One-third of all crops feed animals. It takes 53 gallons of water for one hamburger. Does one dare to believe that the Creator of the universe, Lord of Hosts, God of Glory, does not realize that the money spent on one jet fighter aircraft could provide fresh water for every crossroads community in the world?

The first image in this world traveler's mind (passport stamped in 157 countries, every continent), always, when hearing anyone speak of poverty, the thousands of women (the only homosapien animal who can give birth to children) walking long distances, carrying large water jugs just to provide drinking/cooking water for her family. Every time I take a shower, without fail, God puts on my heart, the fact that most of my ancestors never enjoyed a good bath.

This totally blind medical officer veteran still remembers the screams of the wounded. On this Independence, as every Independence Day, remember, freedom is not free. With age, and a disability such as mine, sightlessness, we learn not to fear darkness nor even running in to things. There is no

other explanation. God assigns a guardian angel to each of us, those whom He has chosen to spend eternity with Him.

Mortimer J. Adler, editor of the Encyclopedia Britannica, said, The materialist assumption that spiritual substances do not exist is as much an act of faith as the religious belief in the reality of angels.” One cannot study God's book without knowing the certainty of angels, Gabrielle who announced to Mary that she would give birth to God on earth, Michael who wrestled with Satan over the dead body of Moses, the death angel who went across Egypt killing the first born of every animal, even to the first born in the Palace of Pharaoh. Then as now, blood the only way of salvation. Sennechrib's Assyrian Army was completely wiped out by one angel one night, encamped outside Jerusalem (185,000 soldiers). And, as sinful as present day USA , an angel destroyed Ancient Sodom. Would anyone believe this blind writer does not have a guardian angel who, and I have written about it many times, lives, guides and protects me every day of my life?

The resurrection is Christian fact just as the preservation of this, the American Democratic Republic is historic fact. Jesus preached Himself. He was the way, the truth, the life (John 14:6). He and the Father were one (John 10:30), the Bread of Life (John 6:35), the Light of the World (John 8:12).

In my lifetime, the keyword throughout the world has been “rights”, civil, women's, children's, animal's, now there are promoters of the rights of plants. The world has been turned inside out, upside down, regarding the rights of God's creation. In the Garden, the entire world, one beautiful garden, just one tree, God established His rights. We either obey or sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22).

In obedience, because they believed in their family, their God, their country, young men and women have heeded the call to wear proudly the military uniform of the United States of America. There was not a vote taken, they obeyed the commands of their superiors. Lest we forget, the 126,000 buried on foreign soil, the many thousands buried in the soil of the homeland (250,000 Arlington), on Independence Day we remember those who gave the last measure of devotion as well as those who have given body parts, forever disabled, in the defense of this once Christian nation which could have, at that time, been called a super power.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


One of my favorite premedical courses was Zoology. I can still remember Dr. Claiborne Jones, Professor of Zoology, walking into the classroom with the book “Animals Without Backbones”. We studied amoeba and paramecium and I often thought of the most primitive animal life as I dealt with adult men who still did not have backbones. This Army Medical Officer never saw smiles on the faces of men or women in basic training. Like the training of children, humiliation and coming to grips with weakness engulfs the human spirit in a way that brings little pleasure. The reason for the high divorce rate, prisons filled with young people, high rates of suicide (1 military man commits suicide every day) the human inability for submission. We simply do not want to submit to anyone...commanding officers, parents, spouses or even God. God established this in the very beginning, the “No-No Tree”.

Earliest Jewish history, God had destroyed the world because of sin except for 8 souls and the animals on earth which He chose to save. One of Noah's sons, Seth, father of Cush, grandfather of Abraham (now I know that Abraham and Sarah's names were different in the beginning, for this purpose we will use their later names). God called Abraham to leave everyone – everything and to travel to a place which He would later so happened to be 600 miles “forwarding address”. One can well imagine what today's Sarah would have said but Abraham had the character – discipline – bon a' vides that evidently his wife never questioned anything. They had no children, and opposed to God's will, dragged along with them his father, Terah and his sniveling nephew, Lot. Terah was a worshiper of idols. God wanted all idol worship eradicated from Abraham's life so, Terah died just outside the present city of Damascus during the trip. As the poet Cowper has said, “God moves in mysterious ways. His wonders to perform.” He is always Boss, will always set His parameters, just as He did with the “No-No Tree”.

So it was with the children of Israel after battling the Canaanites. God had hated the Canaanites ever since Noah's drunkenness. They were moving (pillar of fire by night) in the area of Mount Horeb (mountain on which Aaron was buried). They were complaining (about 3 million in number) talking of killing soon forgetting their redemption from bondage. God sent scorpions, and “many died” (Numbers 21). You see, they were complaining about the bread supply to them, every day, a type of worship (if you don't like what God sends you to bite, God may send something to bite you). The people repented. Moses put a brass scorpion on a pole and those who would look upon the scorpion would be healed (type of Christ on a tree, and His healing and forgiving in the future). Every military medical officer wears a brass scorpion on a tree...symbolic of his designation of one in the healing profession, the bon a' vides of preparing for healthcare, men with the backbone to undergo this long course of study.

I have so many people ask me all the time WHY in politics, business, sports, even religion, so few men are genuine – honest in their belief structure. Most are just imposters, bought off so easily, do not have the backbone to stand. The test of a man is not what he does when everything goes well, but what he does when things go wrong...disability, impending death diagnosis, bankruptcy. I did not see it but my mother told me what happened when one of my cousin's family returned home from a funeral service when a young son was buried, victim of a automobile crash. Her cousin, the boy's father, (devout church attender) walked over took his bible off the end table and threw it out the front door. He said, “That takes care of that, never again will I believe in anything.” My dear mother later went out and retrieved the bible from the front yard and put it in a chest in the man's house. He had the stamina to be a church-goer but not the backbone to be a church-believer (church, a group of believers in Christ) when things go wrong, which they always will. Paul told the Hebrews about “bad things” happening to good people. (5. And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: 6. For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. 7. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? Hebrews 12:5-7)

Offer your suffering, your disability, to the Lord. Jesus, Himself said, “If you suffer with me, you will reign with me.” Basic Christianity, we have been called from darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). The bon a' vittes of letters after your name, Masonic handshake, even living and giving the usual Christian expectations are not sufficient. It is a matter between you and God (no one else business). The backbone you have to put on the Christian armor and stand in spite of the trials and temptations of daily living. The Bible is your only authority. When you know this, you have the backbone to stand against the darkness of sin in the world, the homosexual agenda attempting to take over the world, same sex marriage, lesbian preachers, the Jezebel spirit of the women in your family. When you belong to Christ, you have no need for alcohol, cigarettes, addictive drugs. Your habits betray what you are, you cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24).

Monday, June 25, 2012


About 20 years ago, Messick, the former President of East Carolina University (ECU) told me that America was about 2 decades away from barbarism. A decade is usually considered 10 years. We are there. No further proof than the Shanghai refugee (Zhen Bo Liu, Wilmington, NC) living in my city, having moved here from Shanghai a few months ago, working part time at a Chinese restaurant (China King), making a delivery within 10 blocks of my house, killed – robbed by 6 black teenagers with the exception of one 20 year old. They first took his order of chicken wings and shrimp fried rice after killing the driver and taking his $48.00 to one of their houses and eating the food. They went back to inspect the body and further rummage the car. One was 15, three were 16, one 18, one 20. All in prison facing trial as adults with possible death sentences or life imprisonment. Now, I ask you, how much worse does it get? How much worse was life before Noah's flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah? This is total and uncivilized behavior. What type homes produce these children...surely they should have obtained the basis of civilized behavior in the public schools. We send Christian missionaries to remote areas of the world. As my son, a former SBC foreign missionary said, “American probably needs missionary work more than most other countries.” This writer has traveled every continent, has seen the continuous motion – hard working people of Shanghai. I do not believe you can find more barbaric action anywhere. Shanghai is the second largest city in the world...a city under the rule of Godless Communism. Does such crime bother anyone? We have heard very little about it even in this city where it happened. I dare say it was mentioned in few pulpits over the weekend.

We are in warfare against satanic forces of the air. (For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12). This year, 130,000 old people will be killed in England under their eugenics – British socialism health care system. As sad as the loss of life in Sanford, Florida (Trayvon Martin) Wilmington, NC (Zhen Bo Liu). How many think of the thousands of the most innocent who die every day at the hands of the murdering abortionist (3,000 each day, 1,439 black)?

Much like the mantra of the Atheist, the unbeliever, for two thousand years, the resurrection of Jesus. One would be surprised to know the number who sit on church pews who actually believe “it can't happen, it didn't happen” (the resurrection of Christ, basis of Christian belief). One would be surprised at the number of Americans who could never believe that strong willed men and women would undergo the hardships of crossing an ocean to land on hostile shelters, find food, actually year after year, one milestone after another, built by their own hard work the super power called America. Today's welfare class, entitlements – retirements – derivatives would say it cannot happen therefore it did not happen. Most young people would never believe that there were young people willing to risk life and limb to give them their present freedom and enjoyments.

This writer has traveled through most Communist countries, police states (Seychelle Islands). The subjugated are willing to be subjugated...tyrants know how far they can go.

If God wants you He knows what to do to get your attention. I challenge anyone to study history and see how God works. In a northeast corner of Persia, a baby boy was born which the parents thought they had named but God had already named Cyrus as we find in the prophecy of Isaiah. Cyrus went on to conquer most of the world, including the children of Israel, 650,000 which God allowed as punishment, captivity, every thing prophesied to the day.

Not just Maurice Strong (Communist Theologian), John Dewey (Communist educator), even the Obamas, Jeremiah Wright, liberal denominations with their homosexual pastors, globalism, one world government – godless philosophies, civilization heading for a train wreck. To show just how dangerous the wreck has been – disaster, 2004, Rev. Sun Myung Moon crossed as “Messiah” by US Representative Danny K. Davis, Dirksen Building, a crown carried on a white pillow, declaring Rev. Moon and his wife “the King and Queen of Peace”.

The real born again Christian wants to weep at the abomination that has attacked Christianity. One can well understand looking back, agnosticism at the church house – school house – your house why young people no longer have respect for anything, family, God or country. We have the gay agenda, new-agers, Mother Earth Charter. The first Earth Summit was in 1992. Since then we have seen emphasis on “green”. It has happened all over the world, Copenhagen, Durban, etc., global warming, etc., now June 20 – 22, another earth first summit...this time the great statue of Christ covered with green light, Rio de Janeiro. The “politically correct” world, so broad minded, so totally victimized by Satan, not only elected the least prepared imposter President of the United States but the largest denomination, who voted 55% for Obama (Catholics, Pro-life, voted 54%) in lock step voted the least prepared Southern Baptist President ever, Fred Luter, Jr. We understand one college gave him an honorary doctorate but he has never, as far as his bio, attended any ministerial preparatory classes. When Satan takes over, he does a good job.


You might remember a news story several months ago about a crotchety old man who defied his homeowners association and refused to take down the flagpole on his property and the large flag that flew on it. Now you can find out who, exactly, that old man was.

On June 15, 1919, Van T. Barfoot was born in Edinburg -- probably didn't make much news back then.
twenty-five years later, on May 23, 1944, near Carano, Italy, Van T. Barfoot, who had enlisted in the US Army in 1940, set out to flank German machine gun positions from which fire was coming down on his fellow soldiers. He advanced through a minefield,
took out
three enemy machine gun positions and returned with 17 prisoners of war.

If that wasn't enough for a day's work, he later took on and destroyed three German tanks sent to retake the machine gun positions.

That probably didn't make much news either, given the scope of the war, but it did earn Van T. Barfoot, who retired as a colonel after also serving in Korea and Vietnam , a Congressional Medal of

What did make news was a neighborhood association's quibble with how the 90-year-old veteran chose to fly the American flag outside his suburban Virginia home. Seems the rules said a flag could be
flown on a house-mounted bracket, but, for decorum, items such as Barfoot's 21-foot flagpole were unsuitable.

He had been denied a permit for the pole, erected it anyway and was facing court action if he didn't take it down. Since the story made national TV, the neighborhood association has rethought its position and agreed to indulge this old hero who dwells among them.

"In the time I have left I plan to continue to fly the American flag without interference," Barfoot told The Associated Press. As well he should. And if any of his neighbors still takes a notion to contest him, they might want to read his Medal of Honor citation. It indicates he's not real good at backing down.

This 1944 Medal of Honor citation, listed with the National Medal of Honor Society, is for Second Lieutenant Van T. Barfoot, 157th Infantry, 45th Infantry:
Obviously he is not related to anybody in congress!~!!
VanT. Barfoot died at the age of 92 on 2 March 2012.


In the Walt Disney theology, “All Dogs Go To Heaven”. I never get over the dignity that God gives people, saved and unsaved. One can never doubt the love of God for humanity. Our inability to understand God, because, in every way, every day, you get what you reward. The world has rewarded sin and we have gotten more sin, the world has rewarded indolence – laziness – sorriness and we have gotten more and more welfare. I have never known a wealthy man who did not live frugally and work hard (this does not include the few who inherited their wealth). Because a liberal, socialistic world has attempted to make everyone recipients of government largess (everyone living from entitlements, government checks furnished from the productive work of others) we have more and more people now just wanting to sit around and wait for a government handout. Perhaps this is the reason the world has made a beggar of God, the church a begging activity. We beg people to come to God, we beg people to come to worship – prayer – study services. The church begs people to give to God's work and, at a time when unless there were pews in the building, it would be difficult from the music, dress, conversations, language, to tell the church building from a nightclub building. It is just ASSUMED that, like Walt Disney's dogs, everyone, when they die (the mortality rate is still 100%) will go to Heaven. God calls and chooses those who will spend eternity (a very long time) with Him and His Son. If He knows the hairs on your head (Matthew 10:30), He knows your joy in serving Him, your true belief, your faith (faith is a verb, action, based on belief, sustained by confidence).

In one Communist country, some uniformed Communist guards invaded a Christian church. They said, “We know all about your heresy toward our country. If you stay in this church, supporting your belief, you will be shot.” Most ran. A few stayed saying, “Shoot us now for our belief”. The guards took off their uniforms while saying, “We are Christian brothers. We just want to be with the right crowd.”

My eldest grandson has just returned from a ministry in Malaysia where the Muslim government builds a mosque next to every Christian church. The Christian cannot give any evidence of Christianity outside of the actual church. Books have been written about what happens to Muslims who convert to Christianity. The time may very well come in America when it will cost you just as it cost your Savior to die on the cross.

At Pentecost, 50 days after the resurrection, Peter preaching, bringing to Christ 3,000 new believers. They did not have a bible, that was to come almost 100 years later. Only the eclismic experience of knowing a resurrected Savior. Of course, the intelligentsia of the world will tell you that one cannot be risen from the dead, therefore it did not happen. The intelligentsia of the world will tell you that believers who trust and have faith in a resurrected person are nuts, crazy in the head. Jesus preached Himself, He said He was the way, the truth, the door – light – bread. Jesus was either the greatest liar the world had ever known or He was who He said He was. If Christ be not resurrected, our faith is in vain (1 Corinthians 15:17). Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones, great preacher once said, “It is ‘the fight of faith’, you are walking on turbulent waves and the only way to keep walking is to keep looking at Him.”. I have heard Mother Theresa speak several times, always, she said, “I have only one message. Jesus.”. Those who love Jesus here serve Him here.

Christ is at the summit of all human activity. Most modern day pastors are like magicians, always directing your attention in a different direction, ancillary activities – other buildings. God's directions in the building of the Tabernacle, Solomon's Temple, always areas of human activity but the inner court – alter, the place of greatest importance to Him.

It is rare that political expediency control regulations effect anything in a positive way. Adam and Eve had control over the whole earth...the entire earth was one beautiful garden available only to them, for their enjoyment along with their personal relationship with God. God chose, once and for all, to establish His sovereign tree. From then until now, He is Boss, in charge of everything. He knew before the foundation of the world who would choose Him, observe His rights. His loving kindness is better than life (Psalm 63:3).

Friday, June 22, 2012


Oh every time it rains, it rains pennies from heaven.

Don't you know each cloud contains, pennies from heaven

Both Bing Crosby and Billie Holiday sold many vinyl records from the song “Pennies From Heaven”. The earth is mostly water, H20 is a very strange molecule, as this Army medical officer told the troops many places, many times, “Your canteen is more important than your weapon. You can live for weeks without food but only a few days without water.”

Most of the fresh water of the world is located in the 5 great lakes of America and at the South Pole. We just celebrated Summer Solstice, June 20th, the longest day of the year. My Celtic ancestors, very aware of astrological signs called the longest day “mid-summer”.

To the uninitiated everything is obscure. Only the most uninformed, drugged, but still alive, human being would not be aware of strange climate changes...great droughts in the West, heat in the Northeast, the strangest Spring ever in the Southeast.

Like the prophets of the Old Testament and, even Agabus of the New Testament, there are no signs or forecasts of these meteorological happenings. If anyone had walked around with a sign in the city of Duluth, Minnesota just a few days before the torrential day of rain hit that city, a sign saying “Get ready for drowning”, the person would be considered a nut. The city located on the shore of Lake Superior, inhabitants accustomed to much water, it will take days to recover from the onslaught of torrential rain. Not one of these sophisticated “forecasters” predicted rain.

Noah spent 120 years building a great ship. It had never rained on earth. He warned that a great flood was coming and all except his one family, the animals God chose to save, were drowned...not in the Ark of Salvation. It just rained one day in Duluth, the city a disaster. Just think of the earth after 40 days of torrential rain.

I have walked the streets of Pompeii, Italy. When Vesuvius erupted just the gas killed thousands. The hot lava so fast that it instantaneously killed an entire city's population. In 1883, eruption of Krakatoa, and I have seen the straight rocks from that volcano, around Sumatra thousands were killed. The nation has never recovered. Those of you who think you are so smart, so much wisdom, this is what God can do. (Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 1 Corinthians 1:25)

We know that the 50 mile wide Yellowstone volcano in Yellowstone National Park, constantly churning, could wipe out the city of Chicago and most areas around Yellowstone Park. There have never been as many earthquakes, volcanoes and other climate related activities as in the past year. God is talking to us but no one is listening. We have become a profane and perverse nation. Perhaps more profane and perverse than ancient Sodom.

It is not necessary to read between the lines, the physical, financial, spiritual condition of the world is too obvious. Some believers have come up with a theory of a “Free Tribulation Rapture”, secretive – instantaneous, God taking all His chosen from this morass. There is nothing in God's book to support such.

Books could be written about the world dilemma, the stupidity of it all. My lifetime, you cannot have warfare when just one side owns all weapons. Where are these enemies (Muslims, terrorists, poverty stricken protesters) getting their weapons? Most do not have the technical ability to build a bicycle. Our “Lord of Hosts” (Psalm 46) loves the poor, innocent children of the depressed nations as much as He loves the wealthy, military building and supplying nations, whose drones are dropping bombs. Our politicians and pastors talk of plenty and prosperity. Keep in your Christian mind that you cannot be richer than to be chosen by God, to be a joint heir with Christ, a child of the Creator of the universe (Romans 8:17).

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


The one thing which the unbelieving Atheist can never, and will never, understand, the sovereignty of God. Just as the deceived – disenfranchised, self-appointed – anointed, one speck of humanity on the globe, thinks he comprehends it all, you always have the exception. The Agnostic, thinking on human terms of fairness – cookie-cutter typology thinks that by some miracle of accidental evolution which man has the ability to understand simply because man can never understand the magnificence of creation even to the every day processes of photosynthesis, clotting of blood – extremes of amino acids, even the trajectory compounding of nuclear reactions we can forget the particular - chosen blessings of the Creator of the universe.

God chose some to bless in unusual ways. Probably Amram & Jochebed (if they could have looked ahead instead of backward) had no idea what they had produced in Moses...Jesse in David, even David thinking of Solomon. Just think of what Abraham Lincoln's parents would have thought if they could have seen his future.

Thank God, we are not stuck where we start. God has unusual sightedness for some of us. I remember my parents telling me that my fourth grade teacher, Ms. Champion, told them that I was a Mensa student. They did not know what Mensa meant. Now we who has a photographic memory.

Even now, I can describe every room in every building I have ever entered...when I had eyesight.

I remember my mother, her many sisters, one after college graduation, WWII, working at the Pentagon in Washington. I was always all ears as well as all seeing. I remember her describing that huge building. Little did she realize that I would be an Army field grade officer, walking through that tremendous military installation. The Pentagon itself, covers 29 acres on a plot of 300 acres about half the land size of nearby Arlington National Cemetery which covers 600 acres. The Pentagon, like so many truly American super structures (World Trade Center, Sears Tower, Empire State Building) a glorified American landmark.

Whatever happened to the World Trade Center buildings, much dispute, they surely were not knocked down by airplanes anymore than the Empire State Building was knocked down by the plane that hit it in 1945 or the Building 7 (47 story building which was probably imploded from the inside). Our enemies know our affections for certain landmarks, probably the plane which crashed in Pennsylvania was heading for the Capital building BUT WHATEVER HAPPENED nothing is as embarrassing to those of us who have worn the uniform of this nation, pledged allegiance to its flag, than the celebrating of Gay Pride Month at the Pentagon...the epitome of this nation's super power status in the world.

Are political – military officials in Washington too drunken from Happy Hour (I understand Happy Hour extends 24 hours in many areas of our nation's capital) to comprehend WHY we have not won a war since WWII? Korea was a stand off, Vietnam – Iraq – Afghanistan, etc, all defeats. The one inestimable factor in all military operations “esprit de corps” the affection and loyalty of military for one another. The inserting of females into the ranks has done nothing but lowered military moral and effectiveness. Just as lesbian preachers, sissy pastors, have about destroyed the warfare capability of the church (the Christian religion has always involved warfare with the devil – power – prince of the air. Ephesians 6). Most Christians have never understood that we are at war against evil, necessary to put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6). Our only chance of victory “greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4). The military might of America has been compromised not by our enemies but by ourselves and the political leadership more interested in “political correctness”, the voting power of minorities, than winning in military conflict. We know that drones are above us. That present day administrations are empowering security against those who do not go along with their defeatist attitude (we believe that $1 trillion has been allotted to Homeland Security – intelligence operations, to keep Americans under control who question anything about administration policies). Our country, our military now considered a patient, is on life support. Most news broadcasts are just propaganda. Anytime you hear recovery, you are being lied to. There is no recovery economically, militarily, politically or spiritually. In every area of American life we now undergo conditioning for future events such as the deactivation of the banking systems. There will be false flags, perhaps an attempted act of assassination, but just as with the gay agenda taking over even the military, the national agenda is to keep everything under subjection. There is only one dimension of understanding on this earth, it started with God's rights to one tree. He will have the last word about it all.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


(Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10)

In the year 1996, San Diego, California, GOP National Convention, General of the Army, later Secretary of State, Colin Powell gave the keynote address. I will never forget him emphasizing that we have become an “indifferent” nation, that the word concern is a lost word in most vocabularies. From the political podium to the pulpit, we have a theism of me-ism, whether the school child or the decorated veteran. Perhaps indifferent is being charitable, most people just don't care. Some will get out in the streets and protest, such as the Wall Street protesters, the thousands who march on Washington...nurses, tea party, etc. However, the 3,000 babies aborted each day do not have a chance to protest (1500 black babies when the population of America is only 13% black).

Recently it was announced that in many historical places in our nation, this July 4th, there will be reading of the US Constitution and other historical papers throughout the day. The Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Federalist Papers, a plethora of historical documents – books (4,000 on Abraham Lincoln alone) have been available for reading but evidently the reading is not the problem. The message gets lost somewhere between the optic chiasma of the eyes (the place in the brain where light impulses from the eyes are transferred the to neurons of the brain – CNS). The results of reading must impale the mind and heart if we are to see any results.

When Nehemiah and the 50,000 Jews he brought with him returned from Babylon and captivity to rebuild the temple destroyed along with the city of Jerusalem when the 560,000 captives were taken to Babylon, they gathered in the street, by the water gate, where Ezra in a pulpit, read the law to them as they stood, for seven days (Nehemiah 8). Did the reading of the law really do any good? Remembering the grandeur of Solomon's temple (still to this day, the greatest building ever built on earth) in the rubbish heaps of Jerusalem and the temple discouraged, the people finally just quit and did not build anything for 15 years. It took the prophet Haggai, his few messages (we only have a record of 4 sermons) to get the people back on track. What will it take to get the American people back on track?

This old blind veteran is still thrilled when he hears our National Anthem when he thinks of his ancestors, from the Good Ship Kent who landed in New Jersey, founding Morristown, 1755. I have a copy of the first land deed survey dated 1766 and signed by surveyor, Adonijah Peacock. Peacock furnished much of the ammunition for George Washington's army. What if they had not cared? We must find within our souls a reason to be concerned about every American citizen, regardless of their status in life. I still remember Dr. Poole, a dentist to whom my mother could take us because he only charged $2.00 for a visit. I was just a poor farm child, in his dentist chair, but he took the time to tell me about new developments in dentistry, a new type of “filling”. He had no idea who he had in his chair, that 80 years later I would still remember his concern. This man who had just a brief dental course made a difference in the lives of so many people. After his death, I remember telling his widow how he had affected the thinking of one young doctor, world traveler, Army officer, writer and speaker.

We cannot afford to be indifferent toward one another, particularly those of us who claim the name of Jesus. This Father's Day, my own doctor – son, thrilled me talking of his trips abroad, speaking before Baptists (Thailand). In an email, my eldest grandson, thrilled me talking of his recent ministries in Malaysia and Korea. This graduate in law, now in music, described the joy of Christians bringing the message of Christianity to them. He said that in Malaysia, everywhere there is a church, the Muslim government builds a Mosque. The intransigence of government in the persecution of Christians. Satan wants intransigence throughout the world. We find in Muslim countries, Sharia law, there is no tolerance at all for Christian witness (Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia, Iraq, Nigeria, etc.). The nations where so much American blood, treasure, talent, time has been spent are the worst.

An irritated intransigent Satan would like to demolition every Christian ministry – witness. The more liberal Christian churches become, the happier Satan becomes. Satan was real happy in 1963 when an indifferent Christian(?) people saw prayer removed from the school house. He was delirious with joy 10 years later, 1973, when babies could be aborted legally (55 million since 1973). Many denominations, churches, have become just country clubs with steeples. From the music, dress, language, commitment, church house no different from the dance hall – same crowd, appearance. Americans can no longer afford to be indifferent in Christianity or patriotism whether court house or your house. From 1799 until 1892, even the Supreme Court declared America a Christian nation. Look around you, listen to the news and you will see what indifference brings.

Thursday, June 14, 2012



If We Could See Beyond Today

If we could see beyond today as God can see,
If all the clouds should roll away, the shadows flee,
O'er present griefs we would not fret,
Each sorrow we would soon forget,
For many joys are waiting yet
For you and me.

If we could know beyond today as God doth know
Why dearest treasures pass away and tears must flow
And why the darkness leads to light
Why dreary paths will soon grow bright
Some day life's wrongs will be made right
Faith tells us so.

If we could see, if we could know, we often say
But God in love a veil doth throw across our way.
We cannot see what lies before
And so we cling to him the more
He leads us 'til this life is o'er
Trust and obey, yes trust and obey.

- Bev Shea

If we could only see ahead of time, know what lies down the road. We forget that those in history did not know what lay ahead for them, we look backward at everything. Today's Christian men have become the living dead. Every sin, we are first taught the feasibility – reasonableness - fairness of it whether having a mild cocktail to sooth anxiety or the fairness of same sex marriage. Then comes the legality of sin promoted by media and legislation with rapid acceptability of all sinful activity, you are soon considered spastic – unreasonable – intolerant, if you do not accept it.

God seldom warns us when He is testing us, 90% Christian faith is just raw courage. It does not take Him long to determine our genuineness. God took every prophet – patriot for a visit to the potter's house. I stood in amazement at a small pottery in Africa. You note the PERSONALITY of the potter, he is Boss. You note the PURPOSE of the potter, he knows what he is going to do, totally in charge, never takes his eyes off the wheel. You note the PRINCIPLES of the potter, quality, design (Isaiah 64:8). The purpose of the Master – God - Potter is to mold you in the likeness of Christ. This molding is not to just make you look good on Sunday. The Holy Spirit of God claims you every second of your life.

The problem with most Christians, God has not humiliated them in the wilderness as He did the children of Israel. After 2 million crossed the Jordan He did not even honor them to tell them WHY they were to march around the fortress city of Jericho once a day for six days and then (on the seventh, when they were not supposed to do anything) they were to march around the city seven times. The only thing they knew, to obey and keep their mouth shut. Looking back, can you even imagine that many Jews staying quiet, not complaining? Can you even imagine those pagans standing on the walls of Jericho watching what was going on? Although it had been over 40 years, the people there still talked about the parting of the Red Sea.

We always look backward, if only this writer could have known what would happen in his life ahead of time. I'm reminded of the comedian, Bill Cosby, “Noah, this is God. It has never rained but I want you to build an ark the size of the Queen Mary.”

The PROCESS of the potter, he controls everything. How often we forget, that in spite of the craziness of this world, God is still in charge – control. We get caught up in the chase of our daily activities, things that are important to courses, country club parties, staying ahead of our business competition.

There are only two types of Christians, the “follow me” Christian and, the “follow Christ” Christian. The gospel, God's book is complete. God wants his chosen to follow Christ.


There is nothing that jars – thrills the innermost recesses of my soul like the thoughts of the Christian cross (I have been totally blind for over 50 years and cannot see such). Next to that, the American flag, the flag to which I stood at attention, so many ceremonies, so long ago.

Mark Twain said the prettiest sight in the world was the American flag on a ship in a foreign port. This world traveler has seen the flag on ships, embassies, the flag draped caskets of his friends. Perhaps the most memorable, St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, London, England. I was there with my guide – driver searching for the grave of one of my favorite poets, Francis Thompson (Love Is A Many Splendored Thing).

My guide said to me, “You will not believe what is coming down the path our way.” A man was pulling a cart on which was a casket covered with the American flag. Following behind, just two people, a Catholic priest pushing an elderly woman in a wheel chair. Earlier, we had almost stepped into an open grave and I had remarked how dangerous it was. We walked over to the burial, the “grave diggers” were already throwing dirt on the casket. I asked the priest if I could speak to the widow, he said, “She is not very cognitive but happy that you are here.” I said to her, “I am an American.” She handed to me the 48-star American flag. The priest told me that they had been married over 60 years, were in separate nursing homes, no family. I have since sold this flag along with all of the other old flags I owned but written on that flag, which covered that casket, “Battle flag January 24, 1945, the last day's Battle of the Bulge”.

Earlier in my military career I was a member of the staff of the Army Hospital, Ft. McClellan, Alabama. The hospital duty officers always hung out at the hospital BOQ (Bachelor Officer's Quarters) .If one were needed anyplace, everyone in the hospital knew they could reach the doctor there. In case of terrible accident – catastrophe the building would empty very fast as everyone went to duty.

My first night at the hospital, new officer getting acquainted, the OB-GYN surgeon asked me if I wanted to go to the operating room and watch him make a caesarean delivery. I had never seen such and it was of interest. The second night he asked me if I wanted to go back to surgery with him and watch a procedure. Gowned, etc., I had no idea what was going on, had never seen an abortion. The patient's husband had been killed in service, she was hospitalized, a physical – psychological mess, already with several children and they decided to kill her baby before birth.

I wish I could remove the image from my mind, forceps removing from the mother's body little feet, little hands, the girl baby crushed and removed from the body of the mother. Why not deliver this baby girl who could bring so much joy to a family? Another answer, how could an OB-GYN surgeon, charismatic, bright, father of five small children at home, take this life without any remorse, to him, just a surgical procedure. I had left the area, he asked me my problem, I told him to never mention the matter to me again.

This week, a group of Japanese astronomers led by Takatoshi Shibuya (Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan) with their new telescopes, Subaru and Keck, SXDF-NB1006-2, reaching a distance of 12.91 billion light years from Earth, feel they are approaching the “dawn of the universe”. The Creator of the universe, His chief creation, man, must feel embarrassed by man's inhumanity toward mankind. Men seem intent on the destruction of one another, as well as other life, more sea life beach kills than ever in history. Not content with using robots in the killing fields of warfare, drones, aircraft, from the size of your hand to that of a small model airplane, capable of dropping bombs on the innocent, capable of giving the date of a dime laying on the ground, far above in the clouds. One crashed in Salisbury, Maryland costing tax payers $176 million.

We celebrate fathers, some good, some bad. The flag, behind which some hide who are evil but thankfully most fathers stand on the shoulders of good men. From the beginning we had Nebuchadnezzar to compare to Nehemiah, Sodom to compare with Sardis...constant conflict between good and evil, whether men or nations. Each of the Jewish tribes possessed their own standard (flag) kept outside their boundary. The father's of nations have always displayed flags of courage.

This world traveler has seen much poverty, none as bad or sad as a squatter's village in South Africa, squalor beyond words to describe. Each family was under a small tent, patch of earth. Not always, but in most cases, a father there doing the best he could with provisions and protection. On this Father's Day – Flag Day weekend we honor some who never became fathers (some women, as well as men, never are able to produce children – sterility) we profess God's love to fathers as well as those who have been willing to protect our nation's flag.

God, Give Us Men!

GOD, give us men!
A time like this demands
Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands;
Men whom the lust of office does not kill;
Men whom the spoils of office can not buy;
Men who possess opinions and a will;
Men who have honor; men who will not lie;
Men who can stand before a demagogue
And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking!
Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog
In public duty, and in private thinking;
For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds,
Their large professions and their little deeds,
Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps,
Wrong rules the land and waiting Justice sleeps.

Josiah Gilbert Holland


A long lifetime ago, when people read and appreciated good honest newspapers, a syndicated cartoon called “Out Our Way”. Often it depicted someone who said, “I was born 30 years too soon”.

This writer was born at least 80 years too soon. I remember the time when people worked for an honest living, before the time of credit cards, mortgages, derivatives, entitlements. The only insurance we knew anything about was burial insurance and perhaps a term-life insurance policy. The typewriter and telephone were remarkable technology. Life was a gift from God. We knew that Cain killed his brother Abel, the first family on earth (And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. Genesis 4:10). Like everything else pertaining to human living and survival, we knew the consequences of murder.

Even 60 years ago when I was studying the medical aspects of life, we were embarrassed to even talk or think about abortion. Since 1973, when the murder of the unborn was considered legal, there have been 55 million unborn babies killed. Every city that has an abortionist, an abortion clinic, sewer pipes where the blood of the unborn baby go through the ground, God is holding that city responsible. Many of us know that our nation's capital, Washington, DC, will be flattened to the face of the earth because of our sin. We are a people who so despise the Muslim, Islamic Fundamentalist, but they do not kill their unborn babies. We think our sin has been papered over with legal documents.

There are many areas of legal work, ways of making a living. Since I lost my eyesight...totally blind, disabled veteran, I have built my life around the successes and failures of real estate. You learn to “cover up” unsightly areas. One building, one room, I wanted to use as an office, I covered the marred – ugly walls by painting them with the blackest paint I could find and then decorated the walls with bright posters (it worked). Other times, we cover ugly walls with wall paper. Wall paper, like paint, will cover a “multitude of sins”.

We are living in the time of economic history when the world seeks to paper over all economic debt with the worthless paper of bonds or fiat currency. In my lifetime we have seen the one dollar bill, just an IOU – promise to pay, “melt down” from a value of 100 cents to about 6 cents. As in Germany's Third Reich, Mugabe's Zimbabwe, de Lozada in Bolivia, inflation making life miserable. In Zimbabwe, toilet paper worth more than paper money (a Zimbabwean 100 trillion dollar bank note is currently selling on eBay for $3.95 – American).

This writer was in many of these countries when such inflation was an every day horror. In Argentina, grocery store article with hundreds of prices. Today, Argentina, some stability. Many American's find they can live well in Argentina, Chile, other central and South American countries on a social security check. After suffering through the papering over of economic insanity such as Europe is now experiencing and which is rapidly heading this way, the common man stabilized the economy with work and a sensible lifestyle. Farmer's produced without government regulations, sold their produce at reasonable prices. Workers forgot welfare, organized unions, big wheels living off the sweat of the underclass, humanity became real again. When the parents of America love their children more than political parties, when they realize that each child is burdened with a debt of $52,000 before they even get started from college or anywhere else, they will elect statesmen instead of crooks. Government cannot supply all of your wants, needs or greeds. Since 2007 the wealth of each American has decreased by 47%.

Like everything else, God gave us a financial system, simple, you work and get paid for your work (Matthew 20:1-16). In the vineyard parable, the owner of the vineyard was very unfair, in my opinion but, when are we going to learn that it is not what we think but what God thinks, what God knows? The vineyard was God's business just as it is God's business if He saves someone at the very last minute of life, deathbed salvation. We should spend more time thanking God that He has papered over, forgiven, our sins and, if God has so generously forgiven us, we should, very willingly, forgive others. We find in the disciples prayer that He forgives and wants us to forgive our trespassers, both known and unknown.

I can see only one way out of our present world dilemma (If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14). Mind you, He is not talking about just any people, any nation, but His people, those who bear His name. Much like the word love, eros, philia, agape, I love chocolate, ice cream, people, this is eros or philia love. God loves us with agape love, love which cannot be papered over.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


God has not forgotten what He said in His word. Every word is important. Not one word is wasted. This writer is often dumbfounded in studying the numbers, the descendents, the preparations God made for His chosen, the children of Israel. We look at present day church members and their lackadaisical attitudes. Someone had said that the word “concern” is a lost word in most vocabularies. Can one even imagine the concern of God, as well as Moses, that the 3 million, delivered from 400 years of slavery in Egypt walking through the Red Sea on dry land, then on the wilderness side, looking back and seeing the Red Sea engulf Pharaoh's army and 600 chariots? These same “stiff-necked” people who saw God's presence at Mt. Sinai witnessed Moses' older brother Aaron (83), later to become chief priest, actually lie to his brother about throwing gold trinkets into a fire from which comes a gold calf. Is that any more ludicrous than today's evolutionists who believe that magically, some way, somethingness from nothingness?

We read scripture and every time something new jumps out at us. Such as the 44th chapter of Ezekiel. God instructed Moses to build a sanctuary for God. The large tent, very specific measurements, very specific veil colors (white, scarlet, purple, blue), an outer court for human activity (human needs), an inner court devoted to the worship of God (God's needs). Always, without fail, God's needs came first.

In the inner court, only sacrificial incense to God.

The outer court, if you can imagine, millions of people, continuous animal sacrifices, continuous activity with the Levites who's tribe surrounded the temple. Remember, 2 million crossed the Jordan River, under law, lined up each day in sacrificial living and giving.

Abomination is a very strong word. God declared that the temple activity had become an abomination because the people were more interested in their own needs than His needs, His worship.

Although we are dealing with an ancient, Old Testament, historical memory, does it differ from today's temple/church activity? The first church, (As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, "Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." Acts 13:2), always, separation, God's needs from human needs, the chosen from the unchosen, saved from the unsaved.

Most of today's houses of worship, with which I am acquainted, spend most of their time in outer court – human activity. (For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. John 12:43). God loves the praise of his people. (But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Psalm 22:3).

God help today's church service that varies from the “order of worship”...special music, song leaders, youth pastors, even most ridiculous of all, young children “hopping and skipping” to the front of the church for their personal “touch”.

I have no complaint with outer court activity such as baptism, even applauding after a baptism. The death to sin and rejection, raised to walk a newness of life (symbolic baptism) is something to be happy about. I will never understand how and why, most church activity is now centered in the “family life building” and pool, basketball and baskets of food, as if church activities is just for people. I would like to know how many of these people supposedly “Christ-like” spend much time in God's book and talking with God about the problems of the world. Dr. R.G. Lee, famed preacher of Bellevue Baptist, said “I had rather teach one man to pray than ten to preach.” I'm sure it happened with the Levites in the outer court of the first temple, men who become enthralled with the sound of their own voice, but it is in the quietness of waiting that we establish a relationship with God The evangelist (many come from long distances because of their persuasive abilities) must learn that he is just an instrument, God does the work...He chooses. At some of these “revival” meetings, there should be a back door, obviously many were convinced, not converted (we can only know by the inspection of fruit trees).

In the inner court God is a person, so many put Him on trial instead of our being on trial. Every time He is put “on the spot” He wins.

Jesus and His disciples owned nothing. We are so glad He had one home where He was welcomed, the home in Bethany. Every church, every home should have the three elements of the Bethany home, friendship such as that of Lazarus, essential activity such as that of Martha but most important, the devotion – adoration of Mary, try breathing in three times without breathing out once.