Monday, October 31, 2011


In the Bible, Ichabod refers to the departure of the Glory of God.

In the old testament prophesy of Ezekiel, Ezekiel's wife died and God told him not to let the people of Israel see him mourn nor shed a tear. (Ezekiel 24:16 and following) God told him that the people of Israel had seen the Glory of God depart from their nation and they had not shed one tear. As with America, today's churches have seen the glory of God depart and no tears have been shed. Likewise, the citizen's of America have seen the glory of the republic sink into decadence, and not one tear has been shed.

In 1966, a British film called The Great Pretender describes such ostentatious unbelief. In 1955, one of America’s most famous groups, The Platters, recorded the song: The Great Pretender: “Oh Oh yes, I'm the great pretender, seem to be what I'm not.”

From the “cotton candy” pulpits of Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Benny Hinn, and other televangelists, as well as spineless, modernistic, play-church, prosperity, popularity, preachers of the Gospel, we have what has happened to churches in this nation.

Recently, October 2011, Southern Baptists announced that they would “plant” 600 new churches in North America. All the wealthy churches of the world are in the Northern Hemisphere. The poverty of the world is mostly below the 30th parallel. Baptist churches of all type have taken flight from the gospel, once “delivered to the Saints.” Not as much as the Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc., who have homosexuals in their pulpits, try to blend in “same-sex marriage” and other perversions with the truth of God, but in general, in my opinion, in my lifetime, the glory of God has greatly departed from the churches... without a tear being shed... without mourning... just conforming to the world, the flesh, the devil.

In like manner, the glory of God has vacated His blessings on the American nation, super power, bankrupt republic of profane decadence. From 1799–1892, even the Supreme Court declared America a Christian nation, without a shot being fired, without any enemy declaring war on us. In my lifetime, this democratic republic has become a totalitarian-socialist state... 47 percent paying no tax, living on the hard-working, God-fearing tax-paying citizens, the other 53 percent. Breathing the articles of the communist manifesto, the average citizen no longer able to own private property, 57 percent subsidized by the government... entitlements more important than accomplishment... in some racial groups, 51 percent of births to unwed mothers. (Mexican and black)

To illustrate the pretension of religion, 70 percent of registered voters are Catholic. It takes 50 million votes to elect a president. Last presidential election, 54 percent of Catholics voted for Obama and probably that many baptists. Obama, the most pro-choice, pro-abortion, anti-life president in history. To further show the Ichabod estrangement, 74 percent of the Jewish vote went to Obama, the most anti-Israel president. Beyond comprehension, 97 percent of the black vote went to Obama, the democrat, whereas Republican's passed the civil rights laws of 1964, led the abolition of slavery in the 19th century under republican Abraham Lincoln.

In Pat Buchanan's new book: "Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?", he states that America's decline started 80 years ago. So, in my lifetime, I am age 81, I have witnessed the CERTAIN decline of America. Like NASACAR race-car drivers, nothing but left turns, “cotton candy” pulpits, cowardice decadent legislative halls, as shown by hippies-occupiers a lack of morality brought on by pornography in the entertainment industries, thievery in the financial and industrial communities, a compromising law enforcement-judicial system at the courthouse, an indifferent indoctrination entertainment mentality at the schoolhouse, spoiled, electronically-controlled-motivated-addicted, (television sets, cell phones, computers) children and parents at your house, all-everything, enslaved-encouraged by a state-controlled news media, God's glory-Ichabod, has left the America-world scene. If there is any doubt in your mind about this, just look around. I am totally blind, 100% disabled, medical officer, veteran, but you are more blind than me if you cannot see what happened to America when the glory of God departed.

Friday, October 28, 2011


There is a large bridge now which transports 60,00 cars per day from Denmark to Sweden. 10 miles long but, I crossed this waterway 50 years ago by ferry, Denmark to Sweden. I was visiting the university at Gothenberg, Sweden. The thing I remember most, the great clock tower and a clock perfect synchronization having kept perfect time for centuries.

If medals were given out for failing, in many ways, I would be at the head of the line to get one but, in spending time well, routine, work-ethic, I do not see how anyone could do any better. As I tell my accountant, year after year, I have such a fixed routine that my living expenses, business expenses, the expenses involving all my activities can be duplicated year after year.

It is when one gets out of synchronization, that the trouble starts. I'm sure that Satin rests on the Sabbath, because he has been so effective the other days of the week.

Backsliding is the very dangerous, perhaps more dangerous than never having believed. God may cut some slack for those who have never known the joy, thrill of His Mercy and Grace but, having known, having experienced His forgiveness, to then fall away, backsliding, often returning to the “forging” of the old life, some have even tried to integrate-synchronize the two.

No better example than impetuous Peter, in every way, the most interesting of the disciples. Like so many Christians, substituting action for prayer. Instead of asking, through prayer, for a divine assistance, he just acted. On the Mount transfiguration, “let's build three tabernacles” most of us would have been transfixed at the sight of Moses and Elijah, to say nothing of our blessed Lord. While Jesus was involved in the illegal trial, victim of illicit Roman leaders and ill-suited church officials, He sat with the unbelievers in the courtyard and warmed His hands by the enemies' fire. Not transforming (Romans 12:1) but conforming to the expected of denying and cursing, attempting to make himself a member of the world, flesh, devil. Anytime you follow from afar, accompanied by unbelieving-compromising men and women, you set yourself up for a desensitizing, denying, occupying... backsliding.

So easy to fall into temptation. 99% of those who call themselves Christians fail to pray every day (lead me not into temptation Matthew 6:13)) This writer, personally feels, that just as important as praying that I not be tempted, not to lead others into temptation.

Smile and stay around a while. Synchronization requires mental health as well as physical health. 60% of the population, now overweight. Good health depends on what you put in your mouth, food and drink. Minimize your trips to your doctor and the drug store. Minimize the putting of chemicals in your body, particularly GMO's & MSG's (Genetically Modified Organisms & Mono-sodium Glutamates) Meats and dairy products contain hormones, plastics leach chemicals which cause cancer. Every person has cancer cells. The health of your immune system keeps cancer from getting out of control

Obama is the face of genocide, the holocaust of abortion. Two of every five black women have had an abortion. In America,There are 3000 abortions, the killing of innocent babies, every day, 1300 black. The most dangerous place for a black child is the womb of a mother. Outside communist China, the largest abortion clinic in the world, Houston, TX, 7800 square feet. Synchronize your approach to life. Live your own life to the optimum, the best version of yourself. Next to your soul's salvation, your greatest act of life, synchronize obedient, gratuitous, compassion toward others.


God's greatest creation, Genus: Homo, the human being. We, looking back, see historic human beings far different than they were when they lived their lives. We must put flesh on them, realize that, as us, they were living their lives one day at a time. For instance, the three million children of Israel had no idea why they were marching around the city of Jericho. They were just told to march and keep their mouths shut.

Elisha, great prophet of the old testament, was busy plowing with 12 yoke of oxen, when Elijah, perhaps even greater prophet of the old testament, threw his mantle over him as his successor. In obedience and transformation (Romans 12:1), for 11 years, Elisha followed Elijah.

This writer, about 12 years of age, was plowing with a two horse plow on our farm of many generations. I stopped to let the mules rest for a while, laid back on the “good earth” looking up at the sky, studying God's creation (Psalm 19:1) knew totally, without question, my belief in the Creator. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. My belief in the Creator (John 1:1) determines my existence. I have failed God many times, but God has never failed me.

My university Physics professors taught that the universe is made up, 85%, of dark matter. No one has ever found one thread, one iota, of dark matter but, we are able to study the GRAVITATIONAL PHYSICS of planets around the sun. We are content to know that the planets move around the sun with precision, at exactly the right speed, at very exact distances. The scientists will tell you that comets do not collide with the sun, but we know they do.

Early kings and astrologers had the time to study their fascination with the universe. Just imagine those kings with their large, probably thousands, entourage moving toward Jerusalem where the Shekinah Glory of God was manifest in a very unusual star. God is Boss, He can do what He pleases, and certainly He used His magnificence in magnifying His magnificent son. The star moved on, five miles away to the town of Bethlehem over the place where the child was born, near the fields where probably millions of angels announced His birth to poor, humble, shepherds.

I am bewildered, and so are those who actually study, not satisfied with duplicity concerning the cult religion of Mormonism.

In the small community where I was reared, there was a small group, mostly people of the same family, Mormons. They had built there own, very attractive, LDS church. My small High School graduating class, 13, had three Mormon females, one male Mormon. They, like other members of their family, the cleanest, best behaved, people I have known. From my experience, one side of the world to the other (there are many Mormon churches on the Pacific Islands, etc.) I have nothing but praise for Mormon people.

My problem with Mitt Romney, Glenn Beck, Mormon politicians, (there are more Mormons in federal government than any denomination.) the deception of their belief with the claim of Christianity. In the Mormon church, the local leader is a Bishop, 12 churches become a stake. Mitt Romney is both a bishop and a stake president. The book of Mormon is primary, the Bible, secondary. Jesus and Lucifer are considered brothers. Mormons consider Jesus their elder brother but, above all, the most deceptive of all, after death the male Mormon rules his own planet with his many wives.

LDS, in recent years, claimed to be Christian. Joseph Smith, first priest of the Mormon church, member of the Masonic Order. Like Brigham Young, second priest of the Mormons and Mason, set up the rituals of the church and temple along Masonic order lines... secret activities, handshakes. The book, Can Mitt Romney Serve Two Masters, authored by a women from this town where I live, whose father was a local bishop here, tells of her marriage in the temple, the special secret rituals, stripped naked, bathed, special underwear, etc... both she and her husband. Now, everyone is not a Temple Mormon. Enough money must be given to become a Temple Mormon and the officials have the right to check your books. There is much discrimination against Mormons. Until recently, people of dark skin color were not allowed in the denomination. Perhaps the greatest heresy, God physically impregnated Mary, the mother of Christ, and that Jesus, was physically married to His friends, sisters, Mary and Martha.

We are all familiar with the clean, well spoken, Mormon missionaries. Glenn Beck, popular media personality, is their first evangelist.

As was the case with George Romney, father of Mitt, president of American motors, governor, presidential candidate, Masonic order has tiptoed around Mormonism, explaining David Barton's attitude. (many Masons in his family)

And of course, you have the likes of Joel Osteen, who believes Mormons, like himself, are Christians. Joel Osteen knows nothing about Christianity or anything else. Never studying scripture, never in a seminary of Bible college, not even having a suit to wear when his preacher father died. The money was good, with instructions from mama, he took over. And as it is with many “play-church” people, making Satin very happy, we just go along to get along. After all, in this day when the Christian church, above everything else, is hated in America, why should anyone care, deceivers or pretenders?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Life Coach

My parents were great singers, loved to sing in church, loved to sing around the farm. One old song, I remember so well, “No Disappointment in Heaven”.

Unless you are a very rare person, you have experienced disappointments, usually involving flawed people. It has taken an entire lifetime for me to realize that I have been hated by other people because I am different. Most individuals seek their own level just as the water table seeks a certain level. If you are different, family members, schoolmates, business and professional associates, hate you for not being on their level. God help the man of ideas, principles, a desire to rise above the crowd. We should not be surprised because our blessed Lord said, “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. (John 15:18)

You learn early that you are supposed to go along to get along, don't rock the boat, let sleeping dog's lie, everything will work out alright, we are just slaves on a big government plantation.

Some of the first words I remember my father saying to my mother, concerning men in the community, just plastic figurines, living day to day with the trials of life. He said, “they die and go to hell.”

Most of our disappointments in life involve the one who looks back at us in the mirror but, then there are other times, other things, other people.

For years I had wanted to worship at the Baptist tabernacle, Peachtree Street; Atlanta, GA. One weekend, I traveled from the army hospital where I was on staff, Alabama, to Atlanta. I remember that I stayed at the YMCA, on Sunday morning went to the huge historic church. My expectations were ruined because I have never been inside any building, any congregation of any type, where there was so much noise, no attitude of worship, Holiness. Finally, everything got quiet, the great choir came out and sang perfectly without one sheet of music but, at the end of the service, chaos again, laughing chatter in just a few seconds, these people having lost the sacredness of worship. A veteran, in uniform, not one spoke to me. Is it a matter of people not knowing better?, IS IT A MATTER OF PEOPLE NOT KNOWING THE BASICS OF LIVING, THE BASICS OF GOOD MANNERS?

New professionals, Life Coaches. It costs so much to talk with physicians, psychologists, lawyers, and pastors are so inept. Many people want direction, advice. Regardless of education, age, experience, we all have the need to talk with someone. In this “me” generation, most family members and friends are too busy with their own life and activities to talk with you. This is where the Life Coach comes in. In my office buildings, I have had many counseling groups as renters. One, a counseling group on “eating disorders”... another, mental health, two, job placements. For all advice-givers, the essence of a Life Coach, every patient, every person, is different. No two alike but, individuals want and need others' opinions.

Laziness, not necessity, is the mother of invention. In most activities of living, anyone who can read, can find advice. In this age of computers, self-help books (last year $693 million was spent on self-help books), there are very few answers you cannot find. Answers involving healthcare treatment, employment opportunities, investing, etc. Shopping in a store will become obsolete. You can learn to care for your body and that of your family, simply by studying, you do not need professional assistance. I can tell you in a few words, you do not need a Life Coach, that your health depends on the food an drink you put in your body.

I have never understood the fact that children are born eager to learn, go to school, college, and still are too lazy to read, search and study. Your most important Life Coach involves your eyes and hands. More important, the greatest Life Coach, your Creator, eager to advise, having given you the answer book. (The Holy Bible)

The largest money shipment in the history of the world, $40 billion US dollars, 363 tons, all in $100 dollar bills, shipped to Iraq by military transport. Trucks, military escort from the Federal Reserve Bank in New York (Geithner, chairman) to Andrews, Washington. It is known that the money, on military transport planes arrived in Baghdad., every pound, Every $100 dollar bill, disappeared.

As important as the loss of money, more important, your good sense in life choices. LONGTIME DEAD, when alive, making good choices, even without a Life Coach. Whether you are loved or hated in the world, you cannot recall or relive one second or one minute of your life and, the end of life is just one breath away.

Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. (1 John 3:1)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Spoiling the Soup

A new husband asked his bride, “when would you be able to make biscuits like my mother”? She replied, “when you are able to make dough like my father.” There is much art in the world, painting, Sculpture, music, but, no more appreciated than the art of cooking. Usually, not a group endeavor, the talent of one. (too many cooks spoil the soup) More now than ever before, too many lunatics have spoiled the world.

Since radio talk shows have gained there own niche in the world of entertainment, I have been a regular on many of these shows. My Christian faith is not kept secret, there or anywhere else. The non-religious, or atheist, in person, usually jumps me on that, more than anything else.

Once, at an automobile dealership, a large, tattooed, gruff mechanic, who could have squashed me like a bug, having heard me on the radio, questioned me about my faith. He said, “My parents took me to church as a child but I have found that church and church-goers are hypocrites. It is just a matter of money, church people wanting money, not living any better than anyone else, just pretending to be something which they are not.” He was surprised when I agreed with him, that much church activity is hypocrisy. I could have agreed with him about money, that there are those involved in God's work, tainted by money. The mechanic talked about Oral Roberts, Benny Hinn, televangelists, even local preachers and pastors who live the good life, golf courses, country clubs, expensive cars, restaurants, better houses than the rest of us. He had much to say about the wealth of the Catholic church, opulence of cathedrals, the cars in which the “vows of poverty”, priests and nuns ride. If he had seen the opulence of Vatican City, that I have seen, the priceless art, gold, silver, paintings but, like the Queen of England, who lives in a 675 room palace, 80 bathrooms for just she and her 89 year old husband. (Buckingham Palace is just one of her many palaces and extravagances) There are many things we do not understand but, one can understand this. God is still Boss, and, at the end of the Queen's life, the Pope's life or a homeless beggar's life, all the money in the world will not buy one more second, all will leave as we came, with empty hands. God's word speaks of the deceitfulness of riches. (Matthew 13:22)

The Catholic church has tried to keep it quiet, Pope John Paul I, who served as Pope for only 33 days. Several books have been written (In God's Name) about the belief that the Pope was murdered... involving intrigue concerning Catholic riches, those who were managing them and the Pope looking behind the curtain. This could very well be the reason that JFK and RFK were murdered, finding things behind a curtain. Many of us believe that the well worn path from a certain Wall Street bank (Goldman Sachs) always walked by treasury secretaries such as Paulson, Geithner, Rubin, etc. are the real evidence pertaining to federal money corruption. As that famous humanitarian-crook, Bernie Madoff has said, “the game is fixed”.

It will be necessary for God to expand the depths of hell to accommodate the many crooks and cooks who have spoiled the soup of this capitalistic, free enterprise, democratic, ONCE blessed republic and, for those elected to represent the common people in the “kitchen” of their country, the spooks-cooks-crooks who have messed up the soup will have their part in eternal damnation. Spilled blood of patriots, young men and women buried on foreign soil, hard working-God fearing-Tax paying parents who provided them, cry out for vengeance “vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.” (Romans 12:19) The Christian must learn to live the life of the 12th chapter of Romans.

Whether the church, whether the government, whether the media, education, banking or any other system involving mankind we must believe that which we cannot change to One who can. When we have churches, we have what churches can do. When we have government, we have what government can do. When we have fellow human beings with warts, we have what they can do but, when people pray, seek God's help, then you have what God can do. The only way to change this spoiled soup, too many human cooks, is what God can do.


A young man working for me, age 34, wife and four children had lost his job in construction. I employed him to repair and refurbish buildings which I had been delaying.

He had been reared in a home of spiritual unbelief, his wife a cradle Catholic. They had decided that their children needed spiritual guidance. There was a large mega-church close by which some of their friends attended. So, on a Sunday morning, the family went to church.

He told me they enjoyed the band and the music. (this is one of those new, liberal “play-church” activities, drums and drama, bells and smells) They became thoroughly confused when the congregation had a communion service, the bread and the wine. I was not sure that these modernistic congregations even observed the Lord's Supper. The recurrent ordinance of the new testament church, the greatest act of the Christian life next to the initial ordinance, baptism. I fought any minister or pastor conducting this most important of all worship services, in not describing to visitors and even long-time members the importance and significance of this memorial service... which in most congregations is observed to infrequently. This worship should be observed often. This writer observes this act every day of my life... the taking of a taste of wine in thankfulness for the remission of my sins through the shed blood of Christ, the taking of a small piece of bread in thankfulness of the healing of all sicknesses and infirmities. Jesus bore all our sins and sicknesses on the cross (Isaiah 53)

This particular congregation boasts 31 pastors, one, just responsible for lighting effects. The adverb worthiness apples to the action of this faithfulness... memorial service. Pastors should make sure that this spiritual act is the greatest action in the Christian life, not a dysfunctional practice.

President Obama has declared the 112th Congress dysfunctional. My unsolicited advice to him, the entire American government, dysfunctional, the American education system, dysfunctional, the law enforcement-judicial systems, dysfunctional, all media activity, print-electronic, dysfunctional, healthcare, Big Pharma, dysfunctional, commerce-industry, dysfunctional, military services, dysfunctional. Above all, something that the founders and saints of old would never believe, religious-spiritual structure of the nation, completely dysfunctional.

THE WORD IS REDUCTION. Nationwide, the lifestyle of the American family has been reduced $1,315.00 this year. Every college, the large ones and the small ones, speaks of remedial study, reduction. High School graduates, unable to perform on a college level, matriculating simply because, to date, someone is paying the bill. With all our knowledge, research, billions spent, new developments, the advertising of drugs is more effective than the results... one of two males with cancer, one of three females with cancer. It was Viagra, now testosterone, then compliance to defiance, then 11% of the population on stress reduction.

Amazing that the Wall Street Occupiers, Capital punishment protestors, equal female rights promoters, defenders of children, are so quiet when one nation is blasted off the earth with aircraft, a national leader is assassinated. (Libya and Gadaffi) When did the attitude of capitalism, free enterprise, democratic spirit of compassion, lead to the destruction of the dysfunctional, through the force of drones and the farce of deceit.

To show the effectiveness of Obama's dysfunctional leadership prowess, the following American cities are in bankruptcy, the capitol-Washington,DC, the 2nd and 3rd largest cities, Los Angeles and Chicago, Detroit and Cincinnati and even Honolulu... a tribute to his leadership, his bailouts, his sell-out to socialism. Private investors, hardworking tax-payers, refuse to finance socialism. Europe is dying, bankers and tax-payers expected to take a 60 percent loss because of Greece. June, 2011, $826.5 billion owed on credit cards edged out by college student loans in the amount of $829.7 billion. In many states, 50 percent of family homes “underwater”. (more owed on mortgage than home is worth) Who is saying what about whom, dysfunctional you.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Big Picture

He was 32, teacher’s certificate, actually felt that teaching was his calling. He had worked for me briefly while in college, married, and his wife had a very good job in the banking business. The only place he could find employment was an hour's drive from his home. An hour's drive to work and an hour's drive from work. He described the impossible situation, teaching sixth graders, undisciplined, indifferent, arrogant, nasty, rude, unconcerned about themselves or their world. He said, “I am at the end of the road, totally discouraged. I see no future for the children I am trying to teach nor for the public school profession. It is bad enough just getting there, reckless drivers, expensive gas, wear and tear on my car. We cannot afford to move closer because my wife has a much better job than me, and we like our home but, our life has become a madhouse, the stress of our lives. I am about ready to end it all”.

I reminded him that I did not want to hear any foolish talk, that too many much younger people take the suicide route, not realizing the consequences of their actions.

Our salvation is an internal transaction. When the Holy Spirit of God lives in your life, although you have free will, God is acting through you, ever available to handle any situation. Life is not about us, but what God expects of us.

The greatest thought in the world, the greatest thought in the mind of a human being, the very Spirit of God living in me.

The big picture, only eternity will know the good you have accomplished in the lives of children. The daily task of transportation to and from the job can be turned into a rewarding experience. You can do nothing about the stupid people allowed to drive cars no more than you can do anything about stupid people allowed to have children. You cannot imagine how much I would like to drive a car again, in spite of the challenges on the highway... people talking on cell phones. Be thankful for this time alone in your car, with a CD player, a time of learning and thinking, listening to outstanding speakers, great music on your radio.

You may very well be the only stabilizing, challenging influence in many of these childrens lives. In the country community where I was raised, one woman had an influence on every child in that community. Ms. Ida owned a farm which her deceased husband had inherited from his family. A very prominent, land-owning family, her husband and his brother were the only two men in the area who had gone to college... both UNC-CH graduates. Her husband, lawyer, never practiced law because he committed slow suicide with a liquor bottle. She probably had a few hundred dollars a year income from rent of her farm but, every child in the community knew that when they went by her house, (and this was before television, video games, spending money for candy bars, even if there had been a place to buy such.) she would give them a tea cake. (small cookie-like homemade cake) When handing you the tea cake she would say, without fail, every time, “Jesus loves you.” That testimony affected more people than she would ever know.

One of my aunts, dietician at O'Berry Center (NC hospital for disabled, unwanted children) would drive to her home each lunch hour, to attend her disabled husband, crippled by an automobile accident. He was bedridden for many years before his death, alone, in the house, totally dependent on her. Her neighbors, her church, her family and friends, everyone knew of her devotion to her job and her husband. I am sure she and many others reached the place in life that they just wanted to quit the whole thing, that their promises after death would seem so enticing If they did not know the challenges of the big picture.

I was in East Berlin several times, compared to West Berlin, like black and white. East Berlin was the most dismal, depraved place you can imagine. Trying to escape the hell of communism, the wall was constructed to keep the oppressed East Germans inside. Some would escape through other countries such as Hungary. Erich Honecker, convinced communist, in spite of what he knew about the prosperity of the West, refused to take in the big picture. The wall fell, he died in South America, and East Germany became as prosperous as West Germany. With most things, time cures all. We are active as long as possible knowing that God designed lour lives. Evangelist Billy Graham has said, “After the activity, when the body has slowly worn out, it is good to spend time in prayer for those still in the battle”. Character determines destination but life is a journey not just a destination. It is the bumps in the road that causes me to believe that faith in God is 90% courage, the courage to keep on.


There were many great parades in history. When Caesar crossed the Hellespont (today known as the Dardanelles) returning from his military exploits in Africa, crudely built cages containing African animals never before seen in Europe. The parade of animals and men all the way to Rome. The giraffes, totally unknown to western civilization, were walked. From Rome, one giraffe was walked all the way to Place de la Concorde in Paris, France. Peasants lined the roadways all the way just to glimpse such an animal.

After military conquest, to further add to the indignity of defeat, soldiers of defeated armies, with officers in front, walking naked, chained together behind the victorious army.

One of my ancestors, Robert Morris, signer of the Declaration of Independence, author of the Preamble of the Constitution, Ambassador to France, witnessed the indignities of the French Revolution, when naked men were dragged through the streets of Paris. He said, “such makes one feel inhuman”. In recent years, American soldiers were dragged naked through the streets of Mogadishu, Somalia. Needless to say, some are not offended or embarrassed by nudity... beaches, strip shows. Nudity in the Moulin Rouge, Paris, is done with some taste. Nakedness always accompanies sin, such as, nakedness of the three million children of Israel, delivered from bondage, at Mount Sinai, dancing naked around a gold calf.

Embarrassing to every Christian, the very thought of our blessed Lord, redeemer, crucified naked on a cross. The artist has been so modest to paint a strip of cloth around his private area. But, He was crucified naked, as were the two others on crosses. Defiled, without dignity... his mother, and two other Mary's, his beloved disciple John, all at the foot of the cross, His other disciples had fled. Barabbas, who he replaced, was again robbing on the streets. This picture of indignity should bother every Christian that, on this side of the cross, the world, the flesh, the devil, still chooses robbers and is not embarrassed by indignity, the indignities of the non negotiables, abortion, same sex marriage, homosexuality, euthanasia, cloning, and the murder of innocence as in stem cells.

I have heard the screams of burn victims in army hospitals. The screams of children abused by parents. There are sights and sounds we wish we could erase from our minds. Such was the screams of a young woman, being beaten by her father in a housing project when I was, as a young intern, making a call with an ambulance. Surely, her family, neighbors, heard her begging him to stop.

I crossed the Berlin wall several times, checkpoint Charlie, before the wall came down in 1989. I will never forget the indignity of dogs searching-sniffing, guards molesting. Some of the most frightened people I have ever known boarded planes in Entebbe, Uganda and other African places after extreme, undignified body searches. Unbelievable that Americans, without shame, are permitting the TSA to do the same to their fellow citizens here. There are indignities enough in hospitals, mental institutions, mortuaries. The diseased and the dead deserve as much dignified treatment as the very alert and the very much alive. I cannot reconcile to VIEWING the dead, even the decomposing Gadaffi in a meat freezer, should have been treated better. Gadaffi, still doing business with America, still kept in check by the likes of Condoleza Rice, Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright, the darlings of all such liberals as Farrakhan, Carter, Obama. Decomposing body, buried with his son in an unmarked grave in the desert. After all, for 42 years he was head of state, like Bin Laden, never a trial. Just assassinated at the direction of Obama. American liberals have a strange way of dignifying decadence, as long as it suits there purpose, money funneled into a Swiss bank account for Pakistan's Perez Musharraf as long as he kept a lid on things. Many believe that JFK and RFK were eliminated by their own country when showing too much curiosity.

I am so sickened by government-produced ads concerning dignifying veterans. Go to a veterans hospital facility and learn firsthand the indignities afforded living veterans.

I am sickened that many are shown honor and dignity after death... hard-working, God-fearing, tax-paying parents, who sweated to support ungrateful children. Many showed ungratefulness while they were alive but tossed funeral wreaths at their caskets when they died. (I have known mothers never given a posy while alive but her casket covered with expensive arrangements after death, flowers she could not see or smell) Like politeness, good manners, expressions of thankfulness for accomplishment cost so little. The artist Van Gogh painted 1700 canvasses in his lifetime, He sold one for $85. Galleries and museums are full of his paintings, he hears nothing of the praise. His last painting sold at auction, sold for $40 million.

Did Mary and Martha, sisters of Lazarus, actually believe they were serving God when Jesus visited them in their home? In giving to anyone, anything, whether a family member or beggar on the street, always think of the blessedness of being able to give. Giving as unto Jesus, with love and dignity.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Common Man

A visitor to the White House, during the Lincoln presidency, found president Lincoln sitting on the stair steps polishing his shoes. Answering the inquiry about polishing his own shoes, he said, “I wear them”. Perhaps Lincoln is considered the most popular U.S. president because he was a common man born in poverty, lost eight elections, including the 1858 run for U.S. Senate, just two years before he won the election of president, 1860. He failed in business twice, the girl he was to marry died, his son, Todd, died while he was president, revealed the dream he had a about his own death before he was killed, proved to himself and others that he was, in every respect, an uncommon man.

It has always been the common man, showing courage, who became the uncommon man, always, the son's of the poor who died on the battlefield. Before Colonel Gaddafi died, $200B in the bank, Saddam Hussein billions in the bank, Osama Bin Ladin, millions in the bank, or even a man like Prince Charles of England, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, George Soros, billions in the bank. Why the difference in these men from the ordinary common man? Is it a matter of blessing, luck, time, geography, or family birth? Evil or good, decent or corrupt, why do certain men stand out above the crowd?

Questioning such must have occurred to everyone. As a university student, sitting in the football stadium, looking across the stadium at the dignitary box (directly across form the press box on the 50 yard line), having seen the limousines which brought these elitists to the game, I thought, “what goes on up there, what does it take to get there?” Over the years I have learned, been informed, by those who are in that group. They were fat cats, power brokers, of state political and social activity. Mostly blue bloods, born at the right time to the right family, often selling there souls for preeminence. They first dined on the finest foods at the famed university athletic club, then welcomed by state and university officials into the viewing box, where the best in hors d'oeuvres and drinks were provided. I understand that even in private stadiums, box seats for the rich and famous are provided, from which they can look down at the common people. Visiting La Scala opera house in Milan, Italy, I was shown the royal box from which royalty could view the opera and look down at the common people.

It has always been that way. The first 5000 years of man, until the great flood, Gentiles. Then God chose one race for Himself, the chosen race, Jews, Abraham, the first Jew of this chosen race... just gentiles and Jews until the Cross. After the Cross, Christians, Gentiles and Jews.

Before the Cross and after the Cross, wars and rumors of wars. Perhaps someone always asks, who really won?, what did we learn? If history has taught us anything, man's inhumanity to man, the suffering of innocent people, innocent animals. Among the casualties of WWII, Italy invading Ethiopia. The son of Benito Mussolini, pilot, described the bombing of Ethiopia, a nation without planes or warfare equipment. He said dropping bombs on the Ethiopian army riding horses, was “like seeing a beautiful rose come in to bloom”. The worst thing I ever saw was a brazen Canadian pulling back a mother's scarf showing a baby still nursing at the dead mother's breast. But, we expect the common man who has experienced warfare to pick up the pieces and move on with his life.

In the American experience, next to slavery, the shame of this or any nation, one man owing another, as great a shame, the treatment of disabled veterans and handicapped citizens. This writer, a totally blind veteran, never given a white cane by the government

Most common people just wanted daily bread. Man, through books and movies, have always recognized the Avenging Blade of God. In Europe, during the black plague, some church parishes were almost wiped out, one, 1700 dead, 170 deaths in one week, one church. God has never lied about anything, He will always have the last word.

It is not a matter of civilization or education, 40% – to 50% of people in America believe in ghosts, only 20% in Africa... a continent of voodoo, fetish, witch doctors.

The history of America has been highlighted with lurid headlines concerning corruption in every area of our existence. Wall Street to Main Street, military profits to bailouts of bankers, to sellouts of athletes. Such prolific, protesting, patriotic writers as Upton Sinclair, The Jungle, brought to the attention of the American people the whore-dom of politicians and lobbyists on the Potomac as well as the profiteering in the slaughter houses, buying and selling of college athletes...even until this day, college athletes, who cannot read and write, enjoying the splendor of college life because of their athletic prowess, not academic ability.

I have never understood where the atheist, agnostic, the pretenders go for explanation. The salvation of man, through Jesus Christ, grace through faith, is so simple and so easy to understand. It is a matter of sin's ruin and Christ's redemption and, even those who profess to believe cannot understand. Just as the veil of the temple was rent, top to bottom with the atonement of Christ, so our sins, which God hates, are forgiven... past, present, future, in our repentance, once and for all. If we as Christians, believers, are truly repentant, new creation, born again, it is not necessary to ask over and over for forgiveness, we have been forgiven. This is the gift to the common man, from his designer, his manufacturer, according to the manufacturer's handbook. (The Bible)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Mixed-Up Holidays

Totally blind for most of my life, I've not been in a “regular “ store for years but, I understand the Holidays get mixed up, Halloween decorations already confused with Christmas decorations, and somewhere in between, Thanksgiving. Halloween, celebration of evil and the devil, now outspends Christmas, a “supposed” celebration of the birth of our blessed Lord. Of course the satanic forces of agnosticism, humanism, gluttony, have taken over all holidays, including Thanksgiving, strictly an American holiday where we are supposed to give thanks for the blessings of the year.

Neiman Marcus, the Dallas, Texas department store, has already come out with it's Christmas catalog. Each year, ridiculous costs on ridiculous things.. gift. This year a Yurt, the type housing structure which I saw in Mongolia when I traveled there, probably the type tent, outer structure which Gaddafi used in Libya and when visiting New York City. This “camping outfit”, felt-covered lattice structure with candelabra, plush carpets and pillows, retails for $75,000. A Fendi diamond and sapphire encrusted women's watch for $15,000, and for the child, a retro Victorian Flower Tricycle for $499.

Much like the White house, which serves Kobe beef at $200 per pound. Last night's World Series baseball tickets sold for $340.00. Such indecent extravagance on the part of some fellow citizens makes the millions without jobs, the millions losing their homes, the thousands in active warfare (5 wars Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, etc.) feel as peasants to the elitists of the world. In my lifetime, 81 years, America has been on a war footing with the common man just trying to survive while those involved in the military-industrial complex, and government workers live “high on hog”. This blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer, veteran of the Korean Conflict, has never been able to get a white cane from the government.

Most assuredly, God has shown his graciousness to America but, in His wrath, good will suffer with evil. Why do you think we will escape? It is impossible to predict the weather unless you understand weather. We understand that He has always exerted His Power and authority. The 53 milllion babies killed in supreme court-approved, legalized abortion, (1973) the stupidity of same-sex marriage, gays and lesbians in the pulpits, the cities of Libya leveled, innocent women and children killed by drones, and the list goes on, “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.” (Romans 12:19)

Life is very uncertain. Each week we hear about deaths from food contamination (Cantaloupes, Listeria – 16 dead, 40,000 deaths per year from junk food {}

I told a woman working for me, I need to eat green live vegetables. She brought from the grocery store a clear plastic bag of salad. She said, “You can eat this it has already been washed, I have seen them put it out at buffets in restaurants.” I said to her, “Get the magnifying glass, which we use inspecting silver trademarks.” I said, “I remember, I know what I am talking about. Look at the stems on the leaves... small specks of dirt, manure, etc. not washed from the leaves.” I said, “If this junk is left on, think of the microorganisms which you cannot see”. It is the small foxes that spoil the vines. (Song of Solomon 2:15) It does not take an Abrams tank, nuclear bomb to kill you. The most desperately sick people I saw die, died from food poisoning.

Use the intelligence which God gave you. Many have fled public school indoctrination to home schooling. Many have fled the pretending and pretentious of the modernistic, agnostic church to true worship in the home. Many have fled the alchemy, pseudo-science, hospitals, and private computer-driven caregivers to the personal care from holistic, alternative healthcare.

Africa’s most prosperous nation, greatest oil reserves, beautiful cities, 143 tons of Gold in their bank, Libya, has been flattened, turned over to nomads. The world's oldest city, Damascus and Syria is probably next. (Isaiah 17:1)

In His book, He tells us over and over about His truths, His plans for our life. We are watching the financial systems of the world die from the weight of their own lies. We have just seen 1 man, Gilad Shalit, (Hamas prisoner) exchanged for 1000 other men prisoners. It is difficult to build a house during a storm, to find a lifeboat when the water is rising. Man only has the ability, the choice, of reproducing himself. The preamble of the individual life should be particularly in these times where actions so affect “Holy Lands”, which is more important, “things” or humanity? Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (1 John 2:15)

Money Back Guarantee

I have been told that the daughter of a cousin, which would make me her cousin, had left her Methodist church because her pastor, who was supposed to perform her marriage ceremony, would not let her large German Shepard come in to the church and sit with the family during her wedding.

Politically and spiritually, the condition of the world today is much like a driver trying to back up an18 wheel truck without a rear view mirror, when the driver is about to drive over a cliff. On either side, “occupiers” protesting that it is his fault for being so near the cliff and even trying to reverse the situation.

We have forgotten that nations as well as people can change. The apostle Paul, Moses, King David, were all murderers. David, murderer, adulterer was called a man after God's own heart. (1 Samuel 13:14) Moses, murderer, disobedient, leader of the Jewish nation, appeared with Christ. Paul, murderer, persecutor, writer of 16 books of the new testament, knew the effectiveness of God's forgiveness.

Professing Christians, this side of the cross, generation after generation, have forgotten the power of the cross... what actually happened on the cross, the gospel memorialized, sin's ruin and Christ's redemption. Redemption in the atonement, His blood covering our sins, (1 John 1:7) the stripes inflicted on His body for our healing. (1 Peter 2:24)

We are living in the Laodicean church age (Revelation 3:14-22). Lukewarm, ready for God to spit out. If your family, particularly your family, your friends, your neighbors, your associates, do not consider you a fanatic or nuts then you can be sure you are not a Christian, unsaved. Most are just playing church, most churches just country clubs with steeples. It is so rare for me to meet a minister of the gospel with the passion and personality of a shepherd, a servant, a soul-winner. We are at a time in the history of entitlements, subsidizing, vacations, retirements. A large part of the population on welfare, legalized boredom. More time is available for God's Word than ever in history yet, even the sophisticates-perfumed, well dressed, leisurely, interested in suppers, Yoga classes – do not have time for God's Word or the masses of God's unsaved children.

On one of my three trips to communist China, following the reopening, I encountered the underground church. Always, even from the 1st century church and it's beginnings in southern France, the church has grown under persecution. There are more Christians in China than the population of America... Christianity is growing even in North Korea, even in Japan.

God's liberty is always right. Escape the attitude of agnosticism, ”make-believe” in the unbelieving church... denominations ordaining homosexual pastors, lesbian Bishops, performing same-sex marriages. Christians are told to separate themselves from such. (2 Corinthians 6:17) We are a royal priesthood, a Holy nation, strangers and pilgrims, our citizenship is in heaven. (1 Peter 2:9) In this world of political correctness everyone seeking popularity (winning friends an influencing people) Christians, who at one time thought it was a sign of honor to be different want to eat, drink, dress, talk, act like the world. Nothing could make the prince of the world, Satin, happier. Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Not who we are but whose we are. In America, the underground church has begun. Solid Christians tired of ”make-believe” gathering in homes to study, pray, and worship, there are now about 1,400 groups. As denominations such as Baptists, the largest non-Catholic denomination, take flight from the promises of God's Word, more and more will find the worship stability of the cottage just as rewarding as did the early settlers of America... especially young Christians on fire with redemption. My missionary son told me that young Christians on the foreign fields, so enthused with belief, would pray for the sick before seeking a doctor.

Eleven percent of the nations population now take antidepressant drugs. Big Pharma wants every man, women, and child taking at least two prescription drugs their entire life. ( Most stores, other than drug stores, give a money back guarantee. Your money back guarantee, in this world of STRESS, lying, cheating, stealing, doubts and fears, is as follows: The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ace Bandage

If there is anyone not sufficiently depressed about America's future, Roseann Barr is running for president of the United States of America. The 58 year old comedienne who lives on a farm in Hawaii will run on a platform from the Green Tea Party with ambitions toward using the guillotine again to behead all capitalists and anyone whose net worth is over $100M. She might make exceptions such as Oprah Winfrey and Michael Moore because of their philanthropy in Africa.

A part of the American spirit, “stories involving rags to riches”. Perhaps the most famous one leading to the Horatio Alger awards, Horatio Alger, 19th Century success story... the story of a young man born in poverty who because of hard work attained great wealth and success. Alger is best known for his books concerning young men who attained great wealth through there initiative. The most famous book, Ragged Dick.

The overwhelming nature of these stories, individualism, an unwillingness to accept mediocrity. You are not stuck where you start. You find very few men or women whose biographies are well known, who came from elitist “blue blood” ancestors. They used what they had, their senses, their minds and excelled. In every case, it was a matter of hard work, much study, much reading.

We have lived in an age when individuals have come out of the closet. Gays have come out of the closet. Perverted sexual behavior which at one time was hid, is now brazen on the streets. Intellectualism has come out of the closet. Men like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, working individually in a garage or basement, not giving up on an idea from lack of money or encouragement, have changed the world.

Whatever floats your boat. Television has been the guarantor of talent which would never have been discovered previously. I was not just a matter of Major Bowes, Amateur Hour or Arthur Godfrey.,talent was discovered just because with persistence, perhaps working long enough to rent a studio and make a recording, great careers were started from the closet.

Making a much needed appearance now, more a re-appearance, the necessity for people to care for their own health problems. The time is here and it is only going to get worse, that you must care for yourself and your family. When I was a youngster, people did not trot to the doctor for just anything. The immune systems of children were not destroyed by antibiotics... AND WE WERE ALL BETTER OFF. Big Pharma and big assembly line - impersonal, medical, clinical, care, has probably done more harm than good. The three largest employers of the world, the Chinese Army, the nation of India's railway system, England's National Health Service (NHS). The NHS uses about as many robots as it employs people. Robots do everything except counseling with patients. With the robot type care Americans receive from professionals, most would agree, that things in your doctors office, hospital cannot get much more impersonal.

We live in a time of much knowledge, knowledge easily accessible. Instead of watching useless trash on television, and since you went to school and learned to read, use your learning skills to care for yourself... holistic treatments through supplements, herbs, enzymes, nutrition, clean air and drink. The body has remarkable ability to heal itself, IF you allow your body to do so with nutrition, God-given remedies found on and in the good earth.

You do not need a scientific education to understand that health care is largely common sense. Now, we are not talking about the need for Cryo-Surgery, Osteo Replacements, and other highly specialized health care. We must get laziness out of our systems, learn to care for this temple called the Human Body, because it is a temple not a dumpster and, in spite of the dream-world ideas that we can throw away our health to gain wealth and then spend wealth to regain health.. that the government can take care of our needs while we spend our money to take care of our wants... the time has come and it its staring us right in the face, that we must take care of ourselves and to a large extent, family and friends too.

At a time, that we want to take a pill for the sniffles or the dribbles, when it is easy to get to the Emergency Room for anything. In the case of a nuclear disaster or a horrific act of God, (this year 177 earthquakes) your ability to see professionals at a hospital or otherwise, may be zero. Hospital workers like law enforcement, firefighters, will be at their homes protecting their families. There will be no gas for cars or EMS to go anywhere. Without electricity, water, transportation, you are on your own and this could extend for weeks, months, or years. It may be necessary for you to become your own mortician. The pioneer, pilgrim spirit, which made this country great, may make a re-appearance and we could become again, “Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.” Above all, you need good walking shoes, a nearby source of water, a shovel to dig a “slit-trench” for body waste, an Ace Bandage.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I was the world's poorest college student. My roommate, Stewart Mooring, asked me if he could borrow twenty dollars, he was desperate for the money. When I was much younger, probably grade school, I heard a real old preacher say, “You can probably count your real friends on one hand, someone to whom you can go and ask to borrow twenty dollars. They give you the money without asking any questions.” I loaned him the money nothing attached. When someone sent me a news clipping of Dr. Stewart Mooring's death, prominent radiologist, Rutherfordton, NC, that was the first thing that occurred to me, he never repaid my money. Now, I know he did not forget the loan. Several times, even in medical school, he had reminded me that he was going to repay my money.

Friends remind me, almost daily, the financial condition of the world and yet, the restaurants are still full, people spending and spreeing... each American citizen owing the government forty-seven thousand dollars on the national debt. Most, especially the fifty percent who pay no taxes, the fifty-seven percent depending entirely on government entitlements and subsidies could not come up with one thousand dollars.

Our real security. Eternal security rests in salvation by grace through faith in truth and Jesus Christ is truth. (John 17:17)

The insanity of the world is that there is no limit to money, as my mother reminded me many times, dollars do not grow on trees. There must be something to back up the worth of money if not, you can have a $100,000 government bond, a piece of paper with a signature, and it is just a worthless paper. Much of it is being printed, fiat, worthless pieces of paper. European banks are being asked to forgive the nation of Greece's debt, worthless to fifty percent. Many of the occupiers on Wall Street have watched too many television commercials about credit cards being settled for pennies on the dollar.

There are many forms of robbery, inflation the most insidious. Most people understand personal robbery, personal hunger but do not understand the inflation of prices. Incrementally, they just keep going up like the famous “frog being slowly cooked on the stove.”

I was in Argentina, Bolivia, during their worse inflation, people in stores, constantly marking up prices. Not enough time to remove the old price, just marking through the old price and putting on the new.

Representative, Dr., Ron Paul, the only presidential candidate with down to earth common sense has proposed a $1 trillion CUT in government spending. This will be necessary in order to bring America back to it's sanity. Gruesome, awesome, it will affect everyone, particularly elitist federal bureaucrats.

We are living in an environment where protectors become oppressors. Governments, law enforcement, have forgotten that there is no honor in oppressing the citizens they are supposed to serve. Citizens are victim of a “Swithblade” society. (Switchblade Drones are kamikaze type specialized warfare equipment, from high up guided warheads can eliminate specific targets) If not enough mayhem in actual wars, the most prosperous country, Libya, being systematically destroyed by greedy investors, anxious for their oil. Not just the greed of those in Philadelphia, starving and not able to get their SS checks, in England, old, frail people with Do Not Resuscitate on their paperwork, being killed early to alleviate their expense to the government.

China kills more prisoners than any other nation. Iran is second, but in Iran more children on “death row” than any other nation. Young people in Iran put to death because of sex and drug addictions, tortured, never getting a fair trial. Muslims, who usually leave drugs alone now, in Somalia, such horror, that Kenya is invading. It is estimated that 40,000 have been killed in Mexico, involving drug traffic this year.

So, economic problems in America seem almost trivial, when, in the big picture, the Capitalism like the Socialism, there is a matter of lying, cheating, stealing. As the doctor said in the last chapter of Macbeth, “God help us all.”