Friday, September 30, 2011

Magnitude 10

Regardless of education, much of the history, archeology, geology of the earth is conjecture. We have a tortured earth, God in His infinite wisdom shuffled the crust, great mountain ranges, great veins of coal in unexpected places (coal veins have no consistency some have oil, others do not, with some coal you find leaf fossils in which you can actually determine an ancient tree) There were surely tremendous magnitude earthquakes as the earth opened up the great lakes, where most of the world's fresh water is found, like waves in the ocean, moves across to form great productive plains.

A Magnitude 10 earthquake is crossing Europe, financial-banking problems which will affect the entire world. Even, George Soros, torturer, mover, shaker, speaking of a double dip USA recession said, "I think we are in it already," (said to CNBC) Soros, one of the world's richest men, financier of the democrat party-Obama and has his foot in all Middle East activities. Like Axelrod and others in the present administration, would join in the destruction of America (David Axelrod, assistant to Obama was born in Moscow, grandson of Leon Trotskey assistant to Stalin).

If Christians are not involved in politics then the gospel is not important. This totally blind veteran is sickened that Americans are not concerned about their country, particularly Catholics and Baptists (“supposedly” pro life-anti abortion, pro family-anti same sex marriage, pro family-anti homosexual agenda and defamation of the military services.). Catholics who voted 54 percent Obama and who control 70 percent of the USA vote, Baptists, largest non-Catholic denomination who are supposed to be fundamental-evangelical in faith and practices. I could never return to a Baptist church because baptists have taken flight from the ideas that made America great.

Our second president, John Adams, said, “The constitution is only for religious and moral people, the unbelievers just don't care.” I find that baptists have become an unbelieving, pretending denomination, particularly in their colleges and larger churches.

If those who “claim” the name of Christ were serious, they would be concerned about the illegal alien in the White House... a man whose SS# 042-68-4425... found on his selective service form, tax forms, other papers concerning his Chicago house, is a fraud. There are 452 million social security numbers in America, easy to obtain, any Sheriff's department can do it, very few are fraudulent. Obama's, belonged to a Connecticut citizen.

Those of us in the military know the hoops through which we jumped, paperwork involved, investigations done, for an officer's commission. Obama could not obtain security clearance to get a job as a janitor in a public school. Reportedly, the public heard him lie, Bill Ayers lived in his community, his children went to school with Ayers' children, Bill Ayers' children are 23 years older than Obama's. His father went to school on the GI Bill although his father was never in the military. One thing after another like this, yet the media, pastors, veterans groups, silent.

Perhaps, just perhaps Americans will awaken when, because of the pending financial disaster... the Magnitude 10 earthquake hits here, store shelves are empty, moneyless ATM machines.

Synagogue of Satan’s, Bernanke, federal reserve will just keep printing worthless fiat paper money. Much to our embarrassment, NC's Perdue will try to throw out the constitution, Rhinos will just keep talking. A real nightmare, in 10 years, resulting from Obama's opening the military to the gay agenda, high ranking gay commanding officers, wearing weapons, in charge of the few Christians left in charge of the military service and the country. When children leave home, go to college, 75percent leave the church. A nation's greatest wealth, civilized citizens from civilized two parent homes. The government does not care if a married man and woman love each other. The country-government depends on their production of quality citizens. This is the reproductive process, a process which Obama and the gay agenda does not comprehend.

The world is a better place because of once Christian America... blessed of God. God does not care for false religions (Rev. 17). The atheist, dog eat dog, classless tragedy, Hindus, human beings in a caste system, Muslims, destruction and hatred, etc. God designed the world and everything in it to please Himself, a system of absolutes for mankind, involving totally sin's ruin and Christ's redemption. (John 17:3) It is not too late for God to forgive our ungratefulness.

We lie down in our shame, and our confusion covereth us: for we have sinned against the LORD our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even unto this day, and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God. (Jeremiah 3:25)

Thursday, September 29, 2011


In colonial America, what seems strange to the oldest of us must seem weird and mystical to the youngest of us.

Early colonial homes, conservation of space, quilts, beds were often shared. This was known as Bundling. I'm sure they were feather beds. A partition down the middle of the bed “supposedly” limiting intimacy. I am told this took place during “courting”. There were no vehicles, for one reason or another, a male courting a female could not return home at night. Often it was a matter of age, visitors. Perhaps this is where the many stories about traveling salesmen originated.

I still remember the partition down the middle of our country church. The females sat on the left side of the church and the males on the right side. A wooden separation barrier ran down the pews. “Young fellas” on the right might sneak a wink at the girls on the left. The only place my married ancestors sat together was at the side of the pulpit (The amen corner) I am not sure how old my ancestors couples were, before they were allowed to sit together.

In the early southern, rural churches, just as in the early, southern movie theatres, a balcony at the rear where the blacks sat. The only time, in my old country church that the married couples, both black and white, sat together, was at a funeral. It seems that at this time of sadness, barriers were taken down.

We are not sure about the Bundling techniques of the bedroom, anymore than we are informed about the Bundling techniques of the smoke-filled rooms of the political camps.

There have been many great mysteries of mind in my life. I have never understood how certain people obtained political significance... how they actually found enough people to vote for them to gain office. Some of the least competent less intelligent people I have known actually were elected.

In colonial America, even George Washington just stood for office. They were asked by their fellow citizens to stand for office. It was simply a matter of paying a filing fee. Political expenses such as advertising were almost unknown, certainly no more than posters, flyers, billboards. I well remember the first political advertisements on radio. We thought these people had lost their minds begging voters to vote for them and, then, big time organizations. Politicians actually going into the communities to meet and greet people, give speeches.

I well remember, this veteran asked to introduce politicians to civic groups, veterans groups.

In a politician's resume, his flyer, early newspaper ads, an always smiling photograph of the candidate, a list of his/her community involvement. It was very necessary for them to have a church membership, served his/her country as a veteran, member of civic clubs, social clubs (Elk, Moose, Masons, etc). and, always must be a family person. Of course, in the big cities, unions and organized labor played a tremendous part. Among the democrats, machine politics such as Tammany Hall in New York, Daley in Chicago, Pendergast in St. Louis, etc. Corruption in politics keeping campaign workers in line, getting out the vote, promises of future jobs, importance of ethnic minorities, giving blacks “walking around money” for their vote has become a matter of American duplicity. Absorption of the tremendous money involved is attributed to the state-controlled media. In my lifetime, a local politician, even US Representative or Senator could run a respectable political campaign with just a few thousand dollars. Now, if you cannot raise millions, you are out of the game.

Joseph Kennedy, rich from bootlegging, womanizer, embarrassment to America at the court of Saint James, father of JFK and RFK, so deceitful, that Eleanor Roosevelt would not even attend the inauguration of JFK because she refused to sit on the platform with his father. Joseph Kennedy said there are 3 rules for success in politics Rule #1 money, Rule #2 money, Rule #3 more money. Obama bought the last presidency just as Clinton bought his presidency... the cost about $1Billion.

Federal, state, even local elections depend almost completely on money. Locally, I supported a man who I never expected to win with my vote and some money. Now, I find he does not have a job, is messed up with a strange woman, his fellow politicians asking him to resign. This shows what can happen when you do not investigate, incompetence can win.

Representative Ron Paul is the only candidate running for president, either party, worthy of the job. His legal advisor, Bruce Fein said it all. “He is the only candidate in the field who understands and practices the constitutional principles and philosophy of the Founding Fathers that made this nation a government of the people, by the people, for the people. He is the only candidate who knows that limited government and war are antonyms, not synonyms. He is the only candidate who repudiates aimless, endless wars at extravagant expense. And Dr. Paul is the only candidate that recognizes that the glory of a Republic is liberty, not domination.”

Bruce Fein is the last person I would have thought Paul would have picked as his adviser. But, then, Paul recognizes talent, temperament, trials. Such legal expertise is usually not found in the head of one person... national, international, all aspects of government. Now I understand that his brilliant mind has been used and abused so that he can well serve Paul.

Pity, an embarrassment, that North Carolina's first incompetent woman governor does not have such an adviser.

I still remember those model “A” Fords, drivers being paid a few dollars for work, bringing in registered voters from the hinterlands and swamps of the county. Whites being given a plate of Barbecue, blacks a candy bar and a Pepsi, for letting someone mark their ballot a certain way. Politics is a dirty, grimy, grisly business. Perhaps, the last fledglings of Bundling.

Beauty of God In Your Life

For the blind, and this writer is totally blind (over 50 years, veteran of the Korean Conflict). You see by knowing the beauty of God in your life and in the lives of others.

God does what He wants to do, it is not necessary for Him to make sense to us. HE IS BOSS-WE TRUST HIM!

The founders of this country would laugh and then cry. My parents, my grandparents, even in my lifetime, would never believe what has happened to my country. IF, and I do mean if, the parents, pastors, military veterans of this country really cared there would be an insurgence of concern, seeking God's guidance in prayer, from one side of this nation to the other.

My own mother said, “You do not know the meaning of prayer until you hear your son drive out of the yard, onto the road in the family car, on which the family so depends.”

Bill Mccartney, who founded promise keepers in 1991 said, “Everyone must have a rock on which they can cling.” (Psalm 18:2) The world, the people of the world, need an anchor.

The debt of this nation ($16.7 Trillion) which can never be repaid, falls back on the tax payers. The extremism of insanity involving this debt can be traced directly to such federal government programs as FEMA.

In 1996, after a hurricane on this coast, there was much destruction along the beaches. I own a beach house right on the ocean. God always takes care of my house, but all around it, were pieces of houses, piers, fences, etc. FEMA workers, with their trucks and cranes were clearing off the beaches. A very articulate young man came on my porch, and said, “You must move your car so we can clear debris.” My driver had already left, I was in my house alone. I said, “This blind man cannot move the car but you can move it for me”. In order to move my car a few feet, he wrote an exclusion permission paper for me to sign. Then, in conversation, he told me the northern university he was attending, where he was living in the local city, plays in which he was acting at the local theatre... all while working for FEMA. This past week, it was revealed that FEMA workers in Wisconsin, working after the floods caused by hurricane Irene, were staying in Wisconsin’s most expensive hotel (about $500 per night, per room). This year, there has been at least one disaster every month, (flood, hurricane, earthquake, tornadoes, etc.) There are now 1.9 million federal workers working for FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency).

There was a time, before regulations had destroyed competition, that men and women wanted to own their own business. This is the reason that costs for electronics (televisions, computers, etc.) have come down. Costs of everything involving government continue to go up for instance it costs $15,000 per year, over $1000 per month for the average family’s health insurance. By 2020, and even more with ObamaCare, the cost will double.

The role model in the inner city, the new entrepreneur, the one to whom youth looks with envy, with their new “duds” and cars, the drug pusher.

The CEO of Coca Cola, knowing about business, knowing about establishing businesses in many places, said that communist China is much more business-friendly than the United States.

This writer has made Eight round the world trips, cross Russia on the Trans Siberian Railway, China three times since it's reopening, so obvious, as communist countries become capitalistic, they flourish. As America, once the epitome of capitalism, has become communist, we have faltered and failed... become more and more non-competitive. On my three trips to China, the first after the Nixon reopening, textbook, classic communism. (Everyone, men, women, children wearing the same style uniform, same style haircut, attempt at equality at housing, food, education.) Mao killed millions (est. 126 million) to get such totalitarian, authoritarian control.. With each return trip, I noticed, even with my partial sight in one eye changes... changes in manner of dress, changes in decor of homes, business opportunities. The human soul, China or anywhere, desires exceptionalism, beauty of the individual. The true canvass artist does not want to paint by the number... the art critic recognizes personality in technique, difference.

I understood completely when a sixth grade teacher, working for me on weekends, said, “Every teacher I know has become completely indifferent... we just don't care anymore.”

On one round the world trip, island of Mauritius (Indian Ocean) a lady friend became interested in an airline pilot who wanted to meet me. He predicted to me the 911 disaster. He said, “Uniforms, uniforms make all the difference. A terrorist can dress in a uniform, stolen anywhere, fly a plane, drive a truck, in any way compromise security.” He further said, “A pilot terrorist, my size, stealing my uniform, leaving me in my room dead, could walk right on my plane and fly it anywhere”. This is the evil side of life.

My cousin, country farmer, knowing nothing of art, told me, that the greatest beauty he had ever seen was his grandchildren in crepe paper costumes performing in a play on a stage at the country school with handmade scenery. This is the beauty side of life.

Psalm 92:15

To shew that the LORD is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


The most difficult matter of life for the human mind to understand is that God is a person, concerned with your every action. The very hairs on your head are numbered. (Luke 12:7), surely if he knows a sparrows fall he knows your needs.

He is a God of peace, a God of healing, a God of righteousness, a God who provides.

He did not tell any of us that we would get rich, but that He would provide... perhaps not for our wants but for our needs. The spoiled ungrateful, profane society in which we live wants someone, usually the government, to provide for their needs as well as their wants.

The shortest chapter in God's word is Psalm 117. The longest chapter is Psalm 119 (a chapter rich in the history of the Bible, comforting words). The middle chapter Psalm 118th. The middle verse of the entire Bible (Psalm 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.)

Everything in the Bible on either side of this verse shows us the truth of this verse. The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not. God requires trust and we learn not to put confidence in man.

I believe that 90 percent of Christian faith is just raw courage. God is a person, not an object like a bottle of water. A idol carved of wood, the wood scraps burned.

Early in life, one should learn the personality of God, “The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want “(Psalm 23:1)

If it was difficult for the Ephesian Christians to understand the faith of Joshua. As I walked down the streets of Ephesus, I could well understand the difficulty of the 21st century Americans trying to understand the faith of 1st century Ephesians.

In history, we always look backwards. Today's world of computers, cell phones, plasma televisions, jet travel, it is difficult to put flesh and blood on Peter, Paul, Moses, Joshua, even Jesus Christ. God has told us that He does not change. (Malachi 3:6) What He promised us in darkness, we can believe in light. What He promised the old testament patriots, early American pilgrims, the hippies, and even hypocrites of the 20th and 21st century can believe.

If the world survives, and Christ does not return for his own, and I believe that He will soon, those looking backwards to us will do so with either encouragement or disgust.

The courage of every generation in human history has been tested. Those of us who lived through the Great Depression, WWII, have little patience with today's spoiled valueless pretenders of faith... having inherited such a blessed land, preserved spiritual conditions, who cannot take this hard life. WWII, the nation was geared for survival. FDR's four freedoms meant something to us. The constitution of 1787 meant something to us. Kate Smith singing God Bless America meant something to us.

The real men of the nation were involved in the war in uniform or in production. My own father was away from home building military installations, all his brothers building ships in the shipyards. My mother kept her children at home raising, schooling, keeping the farm going. I was the oldest child. I learned early the necessity of livestock care, keeping guard over the family and farm. Retirement, vacation, were unknown words. My old grandparents, like all of the old people of the community and nation, renewed their efforts everywhere.

Such foolishness as Michael Jackson's doctor being paid $150,000 per month just to care for him or Larry Flint (Hustler Mag) offering $1 million for information about Rick Perry's sexual deviations, would have never made the headlines or bothered the psyche of people interested in their nation's survival, their faith in God, family, country. There were more important things to think about.

We do what we do because we believe what we believe. Most of our problems, most of the terrors of the world, comes from “stinking thinking” But mine eyes are unto thee, O GOD the Lord: in thee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute. (Psalm 141:8)

Finding One Thing

I notice there is a consistency of silence among the general population, in restaurants and public places. They seem subdued withering in a cloud of discontent.

When I was younger, sighted, more energy, so interested in every thing, so intent on changing the world. I am much too old now, too tired to fight but, I can assure you, that everything is done by design.

I had just a shadow of vision in one eye, walking down an innocent looking street in the nations largest city, New York City. Progressing along with white cane, suddenly, huge doors swung open erstwhile, large, innocent appearing building, with sirens blaring, cars came roaring out from tunnels under the building; enough to scare anyone to death, some type law enforcement, CIA involvement. Now, Police Chief, Ray Kelly, tells us he is prepared to shoot down planes over the city. Does anyone consider the deaths of people in a falling plane? This was my instantaneous revelation, that undercover, almost without our knowing it, the world had changed. The time has come for each of us to find one thing in which we are very interested, something we can study, attempt to reveal the satanic involvement to others.

For instance, the influence of the super rich on the nation and the world. Three percent of Americans pay 52 percent of all taxes. Across the world, there is a cabal of the super rich such as multibillionaires George Soros, Richard Greenway, Warren Buffett, etc. Along with members of the Bilderbergers, royal families, who have a keen interest in population control and controlling the enslaved, along with banking.

Another, America's involvement in world warfare and what this warfare is doing to the world... economically and spiritually. For instance, a useless war in Iraq where things are probably worse now than they were before. With the tremendous loss of life and money in this war, our saying we will withdraw, we are leaving 40 of the over 500 bases which were there during the war, $2.5 billion (tanks, A/C units) in war equipment,. The American embassy will have over 1000 employees in 21 buildings. Leaving the “spoils” of warfare along with personnel, as we did in Europe, Korea, Middle East... just permits the depressed taxpayer to make the military-conspiracy richer by building more to use in other countries – Libya, Somalia, Pakistan, etc.

Next, The gay agenda influencing everything about American life, politics, education, church activity. We have God's word to go by, non ambiguous about sexual activity, homosexuality yet, denominations, churches have bought right in to the cheapening of life just as they have bought into abortion, eugenics, euthanasia.

We have seen bubbles, one after another, .com bubble, the housing bubble, the bailout bubble, perhaps there is nothing worse than hard-working, god-fearing, tax-paying parents, with young sensitive children losing their homes in a mortgage crisis. No wonder that 85 percent of the population so despise government because, in spite of what the state-controlled media, that bought and sold politicians want you to think, people are smart enough to have figured it out.

Smart enough to have figured out the contamination of their water systems with fluoride-chloride, even continuous vaccinations. The news is beginning to get around that chemicals control as well as kill. Many of us are getting the news out that the cells of the human body are starving for lack of nutrition. The average grocery cart is filled with expensive, useless, trash. There is no food value, nutrition, in GMO, synthetics and sweetened, coupon-purchased, “make believe food”. In Africa, we saw “dirt cookies” baked in the sun, sweetened, served to children, just to ease the emptiness in their stomach. Among the poorest, Africa-Asia, you never forget children holding begging bowls as they approach vehicles with tourists.

How easily Americans have become communists, totalitarians, have accepted the authoritarian way of life. The best example of this, something I will never be able to understand, “Homeowners Associations” in my city there are over 1000. you own your own home, upkeep, taxes, yard care, etc. yet gestapo-types in your neighborhood dictate to you about your house, parking, decor (outside color, window treatments, etc.). We can well understand why Representative Ron Paul is so popular with the common man. Completely unexplained, how the black minority, 20 percent unemployment, among youth 27 percent, any prospect for a job, American industry has been sent abroad (NAFTA, CAFTA, etc.: voting 95 percent democrat) American Jews, so anti Semitic sensitive (voting 97 percent democrat), closely related to the Arabs, Muslims, are seeing their wealth confiscated, above all people, should share in the preservation-cheapness of life.

Perhaps the most insulting thing Obama has said to the American people, “get out of your bedroom shoes into your marching shoes” Most of us have had little time for bedroom shoes or flip flops. No bedroom shoes, only marching-working shoes. Many of us even wore combat boots, something this president knows nothing about .

God put shoes of iron and brass on the children of Israel when they left bondage. During their forty years of wandering in the desert, their shoes and raiment never gave out. (Deuteronomy 33:25).

I have traveled every communist country, no more regulations there than here. Now, 230,000 more federal jobs-democrat votes to be added to the EPA. Word is out for a military draft. One thing you can find, most employed with government jobs, the rest guarding those employed.

Real Christians, real military veterans, real parents, the fight is now.

Monday, September 26, 2011




When I was growing up, there was nothing cooked at my home which I enjoyed more that collard greens. Please don't allow me to do it but I could make a meal off of a large plate of collard greens and cornbread. Like so many things, we learn as we are educated, our ancestors were already aware, the greener the food, the healthier... collard greens, turnip greens, spinach, kale, etc. I asked well educated, trained, indoctrinated oncologists (specialists in cancer) other doctors, “why is there so much cancer?” Cancer, like most debilitating deadly diseases, in direct proportion to our diet. We need 200 calories per day, so many of these calories just junk food... sweets, processed-synthetic “foods”. We are what we eat. No breeder of race horses, Westminster show dogs, Olympic athletes would be fed what the average parent feeds their precious child.

As an amateur photographer, I enjoyed making photographs of sunsets standing, waiting, right place, right time and I have beautiful pictures. In early canvass art even photography it was difficult to tell the difference in sunrise and sunset. Confusion, lying, cheating a regular activity in the media. Advertising pushes the envelope because no one cares.

1.7 million dogs and dead people get credit cards in the mail. The first time in history America’s credit rating has been lowered... too much spending, too few working. Today, in Greece, 20 percent unemployment just enough money in the country to last one month.

The most promoted idea in the world is debt. In Florida, 52 percent of all homes are under water (debt on home is more than value of home) 23 percent of all houses for sale. The Bible which talks more about money than heaven, does not have one good word about debt. Lending money is like giving another drink to a drunk, surely we can see this in government. If you do not have money for something, you do not need it. In 1970, 15 percent of Americans owned credit cards, in 2008, latest figure, amounted to 176.8 million. The income for the banks from these credit cards comes mostly from late fees but, consider this, college students owe the government more for college loans than the total on all credit cards.

I never knew my family to buy anything on credit except land. Vehicles, farm equipment, furniture, clothing, etc. If my family could not pay for it they did not buy it. I have the same blood in my system. I use a credit card for business expenses. I have never, not the first time failed to pay the total at the end of the month. Our blessed Lord at the Last Supper, in the Upper Room, with His twelve disciples, alive flesh and blood, as a symbol, told us to remember Him (and this is the only way he told us to remember Him) by observing communion at the lords supper, with symbolic bread and wine.

I so remember the first credit card I ever saw. An army sergeant working for me, said “he had one of these new credit cards which he was using to buy gas.” I remember he kept the card locked in his briefcase and then locked his briefcase in the trunk of his car, so afraid someone would steal it. He said, “it would be a disaster if some one stole my credit card, I could be ruined.”

We have several generations raised to think that credit, borrowing or debt is the way of life. The three pillars of hell for today's college students: sexual promiscuity, addictions, atheism. The fourth and probably almost as great a disaster, credit. They all own credit cards and treat them very cavalierly... not realizing that poor credit will follow them on credit reports and insurance-employment applications for the rest of their life. They have seen their parents run up big bills on credit cards. Lie, cheat, and steal to pay them. They know nothing of self denial. Having spent their entire life having watched the rich and famous of the world on TV, each thinks that this lifestyle is his for the taking or the “borrowing”.

Hollywood, Madison avenue, the spending democrat party. The secular media, does not want God in your life. The satanic forces of the world have plotted death of the family. In the homosexual agenda, heterosexuality is cheapened and forbidden. Christian values of responsible living (even paying your debts) family life, patriotism, commitment to God are determined unworthy of the sophisticated, educated. The traditional family, father, mother, children... extended family of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, around the table, at the church, participating in sports activities, planning and saving money for necessities. Values which were Americana. It was American for parents to insist for children to eat their greens... even collard greens. Now, Satan has done his job, murder by abortion, same sex marriage, ask do tell in the military, lesbians and gays in the pulpit, children becoming sex objects (have you considered how many children are the objects of sexual photography and exploitation, etc,).

The government wants you miserable, exaggerating poverty. For many generations poverty numbered about 30 percent of the population today, 46 percent. It does not include the safety net, food stamps, housing allowances, etc. which make people, “supposedly” in poverty, on a level with most of the shrinking middle class. The chief offender of credit, debt your governments... federal, state, local. Debts so great, they can never be repaid.

Dr. Thomas R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at
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(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)

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please reply to this email with the subject line "REMOVE" and the email address that you were sent this email to*


Not locally, most local churches have learned to accommodate sin... sophisticated pretenders, padded pews, air conditioned comfort.

But, on short-wave radio I sill hear ministry around the world in it's fullest. President Theodore Roosevelt, when he greatly admired something would say “bully”. God's message, God's music, it is hard to applaud with one hand when I am blessing my radio and it's participants with the other. It sickens me beyond comprehension when I hear rap music; illiterate, irascible lyrics brought up to the level of Bach, Brahms, Fannie Crosby or Charles Wesley (Crosby and Wesley wrote thousands of classic hymns.)

I believe with all sincerity that God had removed His hedge of protection, His hand of care from the flesh, the world, love for the devil of America. In my lifetime, we have seen family, faith, and freedom destroyed mostly because of government and their chief enabler... the church.

We ask, “why so much evil when God created good.” God looked at the earth, which he created, and said it was good. (Genesis 1) After six days of creation, he rested on the seventh. He did not need rest, but knew that those of us who worked would. The mantra of the 20th century 50 percent of the American population, working to keep from work. (67 holidays for federal workers, retirements, 57 percent living on subsidies.)

God allowed evil to enter the world just as he allows rust, viruses, decay. His greatest gift, free will. He knew that men, loving sin, would want darkness instead of light. (Romans 1) Evil has always been almost incomprehensible. In 1871, President Ulysses Grant put South Carolina under marshal law. Following the civil war, the Ku Klux Klan, a democrat institution, (even one Supreme court justice, Hugo black, was a member) attempting to control Republican blacks who were even serving in the congress (in the area here where I live in North Carolina, a black Republican, John Henry White, represented in Washington until 1900) 4800 men had been lynched, including 1300 whites. Every week. Until this day, our senses are bombarded with evil.

A baptist missionary, working in communist China tells of how North Korean mothers, attempting to escape with their children from the horror pit if North Korea, if they ever get across the border, the Chinese and North Korean guards will rape and ravage in the most horrible manner dragging the mother's back while leaving the children in China. Yet, the Christian church continues to grow in North Korea even though there is a penalty of death to worship anyone except Kim Jong-Il. The church continues to grow in China. Their are more Christians in China than the population of the United States. Shame on American “so-called Christians”, who in comfort, who in pretension call good evil, evil good... Bitter-Sweet. Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20) Isaiah wrote this 700 years before Jesus, the light of the world was born.

Recently, I heard an advertisement unlike any I have ever heard before... Americans being encouraged to move to Chile... climate, wholesomeness. The debauchery affecting our lives may have started in the pornography-slime pits of Hollywood. The financial enslavement affecting our lives may have started in Washington and on Wall Street. Through the secular state-controlled news media, the epidemic has spread and we all feel engulfed. We know about the modernists, social gospel, agnostics in the pulpits but, there must be some real pastors left. Where are they? We know about the black caucus, liberation theology, abortion promoters, same-sex marriage, ask don’t tell... foolishness of the democrat party. Surely their are some Patriots left in all political parties. We know there are thousands of veterans WWII , Korean, Vietnam, Middle East, who were man and woman enough to put everything on the line for this country. Where are their voices?

This veteran was at Duke hospital across the street from the Veteran hospital (VA thought I could get better care there). My white haired mother grieved at my blindness was amazed when I said to her, “God did not make a great stairway to heaven with out having a beautiful landing area for me. Don't worry yourself as I am running up the stairs.”

America is no place for mimicry. There should be no greater joy than the joy of an American citizen.. Fast and firm in the foundation of the salvation provided by God through His son and the blessings of a once dynamic nation

Dr. Thomas R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at
*For release to Disability and religious publications*
(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Can You Top This?

Can You Top This?

Dennis Gannon Re-Hired By Chicago City Government For One Day, Receives $158K Pension

Chicago, a city notorious for political corruption, now has one more scandal to add to its list.

Thanks to a change in the city’s pension code passed in 1991, 23 retired labor union officials stand to collect a total $56 million from two city funds over their lifetimes, according to a Chicago Tribune/WGN TV investigation. The law uses the retired leaders’ union salaries to determine their pensions, instead of the salaries they made as city employees, the report found.

Some of the more egregious examples include Dennis Gannon, who the city re-hired for one day and managed to net a $158,000 pension, according to The Tribune. Liberato "Al" Naimoli, president of the Cement Workers Union Local 76, officially retired from his $15,000 a year job working for the city last year even though he hadn’t held the job for 25 years. Naimoli is drawing $13,000 from city coffers, according to the report.

The investigation's findings add fuel to critics who say Chicago and the state of Illinois is rife with corruption. Former Governor Rod Blagojevich could serve up to 30 years to life in prison for corruption charges including that he tried to benefit from picking President Barack Obama's replacement in the Illinois Senate, according to The Chicago Sun Times.

And Blagojevich isn't the only one who is corrupt; The Sun Times reports that Chicago FBI branch is investigating 2,000 public corruption cases in the area. A former Chicago police officer was sentenced to 12 years in prison earlier this month for stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from drug dealers, among other charges, CBS reports.

At least the city is paying out pensions to people who are still alive. The federal government spent more than $120 million over the last five years on retirement payments for dead retired employees, the Office of Personnel Management reported on Friday.

Addition by Dr. Morris...

This morning Alfred cleaned my gutters on my house. It didn't take long. I told him I paid him too much. He said, “There's much risk involved”. After President Obama was caught calling 153 bridges "structurally deficient" that actually weren't, an administration official said the President merely "over-suggested the risk".

Last week, former manager of the liquor stores in the city where I live, who had 17

employees, and was drawing an annual salary of $214,000 a year with a $30,000 bonus, who's son, Bradley Williams, received a $20,000 bonus in each of those years on a base salary of $115,500 while working under his father, who was also sentenced recently to 3 years probation for using county funds to build a garage at his house, will now draw a retirement salary of $8,300 per month.

I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer veteran of the Korean conflict. Living next door to me, for many years, a retired chief of police, in good health, who drew a retirement of $200,000 a year, once said to me, “You are the biggest fool I know. Going to school all those years to become a doctor, then going into the military service and spending the rest of your life blind, getting pennies from the government.”

Three percent of the population pay 52% of all federal taxes. Forty-seven percent of the population pay no taxes at all. Fifty-seven percent of the population are subsidized by the government. The disabled are the largest minority. There are over twice as many disabled as blacks. Yet, the disabled, most of whom are happy, dependable employees, are expected to pay taxes like the “normal” (one restaurant owner told me that he did not like disabled people in his restaurant because it made the “normal” feel uncomfortable). In spite of my condition, I have worked every day, lived frugally, invested wisely, and pay much tax. Every time I write these checks, I think how many places I cannot go...parks, libraries, museums, concert halls, political meetings.

The ROTC student at a college receives more money for his education each month than does the disabled veteran on a pension. The disabled veteran learned long ago to take the crumbs from the table when it comes to health care. If you can get to a VA facility, you take a number and wait until you are called.

At the VA Hospital in Durham, NC, this medical officer asked the Chief of Staff, why, as across the street at the Duke Eye Center, he did not have volunteers who would help the blind, deaf and crippled in wheel chairs, get around through the large maze of clinics. He said, “ I do not need suggestions from you. We are just waiting for you to die.”

When Jesus Christ returns for his own, and judgment will begin at the House of God, for those who should be concerned, God will judge with equity. (Let them sing before the LORD, or he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples with equity. Psalm 98:9).

Dr. Thomas R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at
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(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)

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One of the most brilliant addresses I have ever heard given from a podium was given yesterday by the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, given before the United Nations in New York City. In the address, this remarkable man gave the history of the Jewish state since it's founding in 1948. But, more importantly, he gave a history lesson involving thousands of years of Judaism, from the first Jew, Abraham. This follows the address of Mahmoud Abbas involving the acceptance of Palestine, as a state, in the United Nations.

Those of us who have visited the Holy Lands realize the importance of Israel's ability to defend herself. Israel, just 7.5M in population, surrounded by millions of enemies, Muslims who despise and defy the very existence of the Jewish state.

There are more Jews in Manhattan, New York City, than in Israel. I have never understood why Jews in America vote Democrat...74%. Like the blacks (voting 99% Democrat) who were liberated by Republican Lincoln, the Jewish nation Israel's best friend is the Republican party. No president, before Obama, has been more defiant of Israel. Yet the Jews in America continue to support Obama.

Angels have stood on the skyline of the world, watching with amazement, the treatment of God's chosen people, the Jews, and that small strip of land, now called Israel, which was, at one time, the cross roads of the ancient world. God had a special reason in His affection for this small strip of land, about the size of Connecticut, in some places only 9 miles wide, the location for the birth of His Son, the location for the city of Jerusalem, the world's most holy city, the focal point of three religions...Christian, Jew, Muslim.

This year we are celebrating the 400th anniversary of the King James version of God's holy word. God's holy word involves the history of one people, the Jews. The rest of us are only involved as we are involved with the Jews. The book of Romans, to the book Philemon, New Testament, involves the church. But, God tells us in Genesis, that history and the church depend on our relationship with the Jews. And, I firmly believe, that the prosperity of America has been completely associated with America's friendship with, and defense of, Israel. We fully realize that Israel is a secular nation, 80% of Israel's citizens do not believe in God. Perhaps this accounts for the Jewish voting record in America since most Democrats do not believe in God. No Christian, no Jew, can support the Democrat party, the platform of the Democrat party, who supports abortion and same sex marriage. A direct antipathy to everything Jews (their laws, their memory of the holocaust), Christians, sanctity of the home, holy matrimony, diabolical insult to the essence of male-female, one flesh children, the insanity of same sex marriage, “don't ask, don't tell”, military problems.

I have visited the Holy Lands three times since the formation of the Jewish state in 1948. I remember landing at Ben Gurion Airport thinking of that old man as he proclaimed the Jewish state, fulfilling Bible prophecy. Just walking the streets of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Capernaum, putting my feet into the Jordan River, The Dead Sea and Sea of Galilee, refreshed my devotion to my Christian faith and heritage. How could any Jew or Christian deny their inheritance?

At the time of my first visit, this was before the '67 war, Jordan controlled part of Jerusalem. I had a Jewish guide around the Wailing Wall, a Jordanian guide around The Mosque of Omar, the Muslim area of Jerusalem. How well I remember the Muslim sections, attempting to arrive in Hebron (I wanted to visit the tombs of Abraham and Sarah), the Arab villages, rock piles, rocks thrown at my jeep, being rescued by United Nations white vehicles.

The Israel/Palestine/Middle East problems have been on the front of newspapers my entire lifetime. On subsequent visits I stayed in outer communes and visited the outposts both in the Golan Heights and Lebanon. Israel had developed Gaza (Gaza is referred to in the Bible as the place where the evangelist Phillip talked with the Ethiopian Munich, in his chariot, about his soul). After Israel gave up Gaza trying to obtain peace with Hamas, Hamas immediately destroyed 25 Jewish synagogues and increased their shelling and warfare against Israel's cities. Now, with the increased hostility of the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt, Cairo a city of 17M, with direct access to Gaza, more warfare is expected.

My first visit to Israel was after the repatriated Jews (survivors of the holocaust, Russia, Africa, etc.) had returned to the desolate country and made of it a garden. (Isaiah 27:6; Isaiah 41:12-14, 18-20; Isaiah 43:5-6; Isaiah 51:3; Amos 9:11, 13; Ezekiel 29:15; Ezekiel 36:1; Micah 4:1; Zechariah 8:7-8). Today, and I am witness, Israel is a productive, seductive, Democratic nation. It produces enough food and fruit to feed most of Europe, has one of the most powerful military forces in the world. The lazy, unproductive, Arabs have learned to mess with Israel at their own risk as we have learned in this nation, as the world has learned (more Nobel prizes in science than any other nation), the Jews are the smart scientist, lawyers, doctors. God does not forget or forsake His own.

Younger, one of my friends, Ruth Andrews Killite, wealthy NC family, her parents sailed on a ship to Israel in the late 1800's. They reported the same thing that Mark Twain, an American writer who also wanted to visit Israel, reported. It was a ravaged, unproductive, desert. God gave this land, 600 miles from where Abraham started, to Abraham and his descendents. It is from Abraham's two sons, Isaac and Ishmael, that we have a continued family-religious conflict. Like every other prophecy and promise in God's word, every one of which has been fulfilled to this moment, God, in His own good time, will straighten it out.

Devolving and Evolving

Last week, a 14 year old honor student in Florida was suspended for three days from school because his teacher overheard him say to another student, “I believe homosexuality is a sin”. Last week in California, a school banner reading God Bless America was removed from a school because the administrators were afraid it would offend Muslims.

The American education system, particularly colleges and universities, have become “concentration camps” for communist indoctrination. Parents have sat idly by while the television set, the greatest mind control apparatus Satan could ever have devised, has bleached their children's minds of all common sense, any holiness toward divine revelation.

Perhaps I was the most naive person to ever walk onto a university campus, having been reared in a hard working, God-fearing, patriotic home...ancestors having arrived on the shores of America and actually founded the town of Morristown, NJ. Hard working, farm people striving for opportunity, tilling the soil, cooking in a large iron pot in the fire place (the large cast iron pot I still have in my house).

At UNC-CH, at that time, there was only one avowed communist professor. Now, all are communists. Dr. John Myers said to me, “Surely you do not believe in fairy tales...this story of creation.” Dr. Myers said to me, “Your Bible will not get you very far.” He had probably never spent 20 hours studying the prophecies and promises of God's word. I know of no better history lesson than the record of the life of the apostle Peter.

Peter, so much like most of us, filled with flaws, but in the greatest missionary, evangelical message ever preached, Jesus said to him, “Follow me”, and he did. Peter was there when he fed the thousands, raised the dead, healed the sick. Why did Peter fail in his discipleship? Firstly, when Jesus asked him and the others to go with him for prayer, “Watch and wait”, and Peter went to sleep. We all fail when neglecting our prayer life. How often do you look around your church and see the snoozers? I so remember the pastor of the great church founded by my great grandfather, telling me of my great uncle Silas, who slept through every sermon. But, Uncle Silas was one of the greatest Christians I have ever known. Secondly, Peter reacted without God's guidance. I still do not understand how Peter cut off the soldier's ear completely missing his head and shoulder. I hope Peter was a better fisherman than swordsman. Today, activities buildings, swimming pool parties, pizza parties, even at the old country church which my ancestors built and attended. Thirdly, inconsistency, Peter did not hesitate to step out of the boat and walk on the water but did hesitate when our blessed Lord, in the greatest act of servitude one can give to another, did not want his feet washed. Peter, ready to build three tabernacles, putting Christ on the same level and Moses and Elijah. Fourthly, Peter easily resorting to cursing and swearing, forgetting his separation, trying to prove that he could be one of the unbelievers, even warming himself at the enemy's fire, following from a distance and, fifthly, denying his Lord three times at the most crucial illegal trial of Jesus in the court of Pilot. Remember, after the cock crowed, he went out and wept bitterly. Peter must have remembered when, after the crucifixion and he was in a boat fishing, catching nothing, Jesus on land (having caught more fish on dry land than Peter did in water), Christ inviting him to eat fish and bread, must have thought about the fire, as he was asked three times if he loved him. Remember this also, on that resurrection morning, Christ said, 'Go tell my disciples, and Peter...”. There was a very special relationship with Peter...effecting mostly Peter. Such was the power on the day of Pentecost when he preached and three thousand were added to the church. Such was his power that the sick were laid in the streets for his very shadow to heal them.

The parent, the pastor, must instruct young Christians, whether on the elementary level or the college campus, part of the deal, Christ told us, if they hated him they will hate us. Atheist, Agnostics, even pretending “Left”, have taken over the Christian schools. Just as rap music has been on the same level as the classics, just as texting on your cell phone is considered acceptable education skills. Political correctness, acceptance by the world, popularity will never replace the discernment of God and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Christian experience is not a fantasy. Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8). For Dr. Myers, the education elitist, political hypocrites, tyrants of the world evolution is all they have. And, as in all evolution, their future is downward.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Warfare in many parts of the world. Special Forces, CIA, State Department TINKERING in most countries of the world. There is little chance of peace and prosperity for Americans or anyone else.

The greatest disaster, staring us in the face, famine, not only from lack of food but the quality of nutrition. America is faced not only with empty storage shelves but increased lack of nutrition from food available... in other words our bodies are starving. The reason for an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, cancer, (according to most reliable scientific reports, 50 percent of the population are obese, diabetic, and have cancer) the lack of nutrition in food which the cells of the body, in order to be healthy, must have. Big agriculture like big Pharma are racing in their efforts towards population control. GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms) such as herbicides-pesticides in the seeds of plants. Toxic chemicals in pharmaceuticals are resulting in the slow death of populations.

It is essential that Americans start growing their own foods. There are no side effects to live green food. Fresh green vegetables will detoxify your body from the chemicals destroying it. Seed, seed not genetically-modified, will become as important as gold because, from these seed-producing plants you can yourself obtain seed to grow other plants unlike the genetically-modified seed. Only an absolute fool will eat seedless vegetables, fruits. We know how such plants destroy animals. If you understand the principle of “sowing and reaping”, as found in Holy scripture, you will understand preservation of life. Everything we need to know about agriculture, safe meats, safe nutrition, is found in the Bible particularly in Levitical law. The designer of the Universe, the Creator of all life, animal and plant, knew what He was doing. It is the wisdom of men, the foolishness of TINKERING with God's absolutes concerning the genetics of life which is causing most of our health problems as well as our social problems.

The “good earth” is blessed with every element required for plant life and in turn animal life. 50 percent of our garbage can be converted into compost for fertilization. Have you ever considered how much good soil is involved just in highway construction. Great sheaths of soil at highway junctions, right of ways, mostly covered in grass which must be cut, mostly just for looks... thousands of acres.

I have been to communist China three times since its reopening. One of the first things you notice, highways, none of this waste. The highway right of ways, junctions, composted, growing food. I found, crossing Russia on the trans-Siberian railway (ten time zones), great stretches of farmland, nothing wasted. Crops grown right up to the railroad tracks, right up to the highways, right up to the barns, houses. I did not see any expansive lawns in any communist country... not even public buildings.

During WWII, victory gardens everywhere. I remember, in town, relatives with vegetables interspersed between their shrubbery around the house. You can grow enough food to feed your family in containers on your deck, porch, around the sides of your house. I am talking about healthy food not genetically-modified food which is slow death to you or any animal.

Genetically modified foods (GM foods or GMO foods) are foods derived from genetically modified organisms, (GMOs). Genetically modified organisms have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering techniques.” (65 total)

These techniques are much more precise[1] than mutagenesis (mutation breeding) where an organism is exposed to radiation or chemicals to create a non-specific but stable change. Other techniques by which humans modify food organisms include selective breeding; plant breeding, and animal breeding, and somaclonal variation.

GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s. Typically, genetically modified foods are transgenic plant products: soybean, corn, canola, and cotton seed oil

Zaid, A; H.G. Hughes, E. Porceddu, F. Nicholas (2001). Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture - A Revised and Augmented Edition of the Glossary of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering. Available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic

Now, there are only 65 plants genetically-modified. These “mad” scientists following the instructions of world globalists, eugenics, population control, are intent on killing those ignorant enough to ingest “fake food”. There is a definite increase in osteoporosis, Parkinson’s, even veterinary science problems. Do not be stupid enough to eat seedless grapes, watermelons, squash, tomatoes... anything. Be more careful than ever in meat products, even the food you feed your pets. We have learned with vaccines, often, “more harm than good”. Your body is a temple not a dumpster, not an experimental laboratory for the “mad” scientist, your children are not to be TINKERED with. Science attempted to eliminate weeds, we now have super weeds. Science attempted to eliminate “bugs” with antibiotics, now we have super “bugs”... incurable.