Friday, April 30, 2010

Through The Nose


I still remember the 1944 episode of Fibber McGee and Molly when their friend, Dr. Gamble, said he had to return to the hospital to perform an appendectomy. He said, “I will do an appendectomy from the outside but the patient will pay through the nose”. Fibber McGee accused Dr. Gamble of committing robbery with his stethoscope. Today's possessors of higher learning commit robbery not only with the stethoscope but the otoscope, microscope, telescope, and even the periscope.

Teaching us the new economy, Lehman brothers, Bear and Sterns, Merrill-Lynch, and certainly Goldman Sachs … you loan yourself 1,000 dollars then, you do not repay your loan but you write off the bad loan on your income tax.

Politics, so affecting our lives, makes no sense at all. We pay billions of tax dollars each year, maintain a standing military personnel of 1.5 million and a reserve component of 1.2 million expressly to defend the borders of this nation. We have learned to pay, “though the nose”, for the many illegal, undocumented people who just walk across the border. The Democrat administration wants to give the “30 million illegals”, citizenship status. There are more than 30 million in this country … there are probably half that number in California. All a Mexican man must do, is bring his pregnant wife across the border, and just before her water breaks, and she gives birth, the new child is an American citizen under the expressed guarantees of the American Constitution. Then, the entire family, including other children become Americans with all the financial structure, schools, hospitalization, welfare, jails, Social Security, all at the expense of the American tax payer. You can say what you will, we need to show compassion, the raisins in California cannot be picked without them, but it is a matter of prospective Democrat votes.

The Mexican man has not become as effeminate as the American male. I use Eduardo and Mario to work for me … hard workers, able to do anything … not afraid to climb a ladder. They just want a job, don't care about American citizenship, just want to make some money that they can send home for their family. In Mexico, they were trying to survive and keep up a family on less than a dollar a day. I will have to admit, that in their shoes, I would have come across the border too. The thing that amazes me, amazes everyone who employs these border absconders, their work ethic, their knowledge of how to do things.

We hear so much verbiage in this country about family values ... dead-beat fathers … courts trying to collect child support. La raza, meaning “the race” in Spanish, is an organization promoting not only the Spanish race but their ideals, values etc. When you have compromised everything you believe in, such as have the blacks with their politics, such as with the homosexuals and their politics, what do you have left to believe in?

The blacks are aborting 52% of their babies. How many babies do the homosexuals abort? We have seen the results of the pampering and pandering of the blacks and gays. Prosecution and persecution of the Latins will make them that much stronger as compared to the blacks and gays whose pampering is making them weaker.

In comparison, if Americans went South across the border to Mexico and created the same problems the Mexicans are creating here, Americans would be shot dead with machine guns.

America is good when to comes to the harassment and enslavement of it's own tax paying citizens. WCBS is reporting that all New Yorkers are “organ donors” whether they know it or not. The very last thing you want to do is to become an organ donor. There is just a few vital seconds between clinical life and clinical death. It is well known that many desperately ill people come back from the brink of death, usually in a vehicle fatality. It is a known fact that many, alive when arriving at the emergency room are put to death in order to harvest their organs rather than saving the victim. There is tremendous financial gain for many groups and many individuals from the sale of organs.

It is not just world wide financial banking institutions that are in the stealing business. Your very organs can be stolen. Check on the world wide organ market and see how much a liver or some other vital organ is worth.

DNA has proven that a large percentage of those on death row were put to death, though innocent. Stealing is not restricted to banks and emergency rooms. There is much stealing that takes place at the courthouse … prosecutors fighting and killing on their way up the ladder. Take the time to find out how many in political office were former prosecutors. Do you think that withholding vital evidence, telling a lie judicially camouflaged would slow down an ambitious lawyer who, when he looks in the mirror, sees a future state or federal power broker?

It is an exception when government does not lie to you. On every ballot, there should be one question at the beginning, “Do you trust your government, yes or no?” For anyone who checks yes, the ballot should be immediately thrown away. That person does not have enough sense to vote on anything else. I repeat, IT IS AN EXCEPTION WHEN GOVERNMENT DOES NOT LIE TO YOU. I have stacks of letters from government agencies. They say and do absolutely nothing. You can always depend on one sentence being in every letter from government … “you should hire a lawyer to take care of your problem”. This is the problem … lawyers. 75% of all elected politicians are lawyers … state and federal. Even Shakespeare said, in the early 15th century, his play King Henry the Sixth, “The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers”.

I am a patriot, what more could I give to my country? I do not believe you will find one citizen who writes more letters than I do to elected representatives, local, state, federal .THEY ARE ALL, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, DISHONEST. My own representative in the congress, a Democrat, knows me well. He is best known for bringing down a large check from the government, a photographic opportunity, with his name, instead of the government's, on the check. Pitiful the voting public who have no more intelligence than to swallow this type malarkey as he empties your tax paying pockets “through the nose”.

In New York City, along the streets, vibrant, ambitious black men have a game known as Thimblerig, or more basic, the “shell game”, using shells and a pea to rob you of your money. Obviously, local, state and national politicians have taken lessons from these shell game operators. Over and over, via the state controlled news media which enables this “grand theft” we see tax dollars going towards Washington, a few dollars returning, but most just disappearing in the malaise of voter indifference.

It is only when the citizen hears the bang of the judges gavel in the bankruptcy court that the tax payers nose become cognizant to what has been dragged through it.



Elvis Costello said, “I used to be disgusted, now I am just amused.”

I used to think working hard, living according to God's plan, behaving yourself in every way would get you somewhere in life. When you listen to the news over the state controlled media, when you observe the world and those who love the world (1Jo 2:15), you realize that those who are just laid back, taking life easy, doing little or nothing at all are enjoying most of the success the world has to offer.

I was always in a hurry, this is when I had eyesight. Always going up stairs two or three steps at a time … running everywhere … driving fast. I knew that life was short and we only had a short time to accomplish. I had to learn to say no graciously. Often, particularly on Sunday, I would have several speaking engagements, trying to prepare for the next, driving from one to the other. God has a way of slowing us down, taking the “hurry” out of our life. When you are totally blind, you move very slow. You are put on your face before HIM depending on His quantum astuteness and defense.

In the Koran, God is referred to as Holy only twice. When you diminish the Holiness and Righteousness of God, you diminish self.

Larry King, now getting his 7th divorce, asked a Christian minister recently if God is Christian. King, Jewish, likes to throw these hard balls at those who think they know where they stand. I find that most people have never really considered their stands on anything, totally unable to defend themselves, suffering “whiplash” when faced with a debate on issues.

Japan has been in a deep depression since 1990, 20 years. They are having much trouble pulling out if it … a population of old people living off the government, young people no longer having children to pay the great tax burden. The same thing has happened in 21 other countries. Greece has now been debunked to junk-bond status … so has Portugal and Spain. The recent Senate hearings demonstrate forever what it is like for crooks in banking finance to have an anger quotient of hurry to get filthy rich. It is the instability, fraud, and craziness in government, during my lifetime, that has created this insane dependence on government … everyone wanting government to take care of all their needs and they, just spending their money on their wants. Spoiled, lazy young people whose ancestors were hard working, God fearing entrepreneurs now just think that life is one big vacation.

California, the love and lazy paradise capitol of the world, where people just live to impress one another with their looks and their lust is now in a state of absolute bankruptcy. So, is New York and New Jersey, states where 100 years ago, migrants flocked for just the opportunity of work and responsibility. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), sponging off reserve monetary systems from around the world, is throwing billions of dollars at these “sinking” nations, just running the printing presses night and day, printing out more worthless money created from thin air … nothing to back it up. Why not do this for California, New York, New Jersey, all the states? Why not just let everyone eat, drink and be merry?

I often wonder what type dreams these “greed vendors” of the world have at night. Lack of mind control during the day will lead to lack of mind control even in dreams. Lack of mind control will lead to incredulous Satanic actions (robbery of your fellow man whether breaking into his house or fleecing his stock portfolio … cheating your fellow man with fees in his various accounts or short changing him at the fast food restaurant). Sin is sin, regardless of it's height, depth, or above all, transparency. I find that most sinners think they are going to get by with something whether picking your pockets in a downtown alley or skyscraper banking board room.

When will we learn, poor or rich, educated or uneducated, that we are vessels of God? “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” (1 Cor 2:16)

The worst case of “whiplash”, and many have already experienced it, when we meet our maker, created in his image, the maker and creator of the universe, and realize that our stupid transgressions where so miniscule compared to the power always available to us … just for the asking.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Battle Front


There have been many great warfare battles in history. Young men and women, who too, only had one life to live … most buried, just wrapped in the flag of their country.

The greatest battle known to scientists, theologians, or anyone else is the battle between God and Satan for your mind. The brain, weighing about three pounds, filled with millions upon millions of dendrites (brain cells or purkinje cells), millions of words of information stored about every sound, smell, vision you have ever experienced. Of the trillions of cells in the human body, there are 14 billion in the brain. The internal structure of each cell contains thousands of pages of information about you and you only. It is the brain that holds memories, calculations, instinctive behavior living with you until your clinical death which, at that time, your soul, only you, will escape into the ether of eternity. Without mass, without weight, you have a soul. It is your soul. The tent of human flesh which you use while on this earth will decay and slowly disintegrate but the most magnificent creation this brain can imagine will live on forever.

No person who has ever lived has used the full capacity of the brain. The human mind is unique in every way … your persona, of the billions of human beings who have lived on this earth, no two alike.

I will never understand why and how an individual will intentionally take chemicals into his body to affect and destroy his mental ability yet, it is done every day … shooting poison directly into the blood vessels, taking poison by mouth or nurturing poisonous, toxic thoughts through the ears or other senses. I suggested to one governor, one time, that all drunks, caught driving under the influence should be forced to spend some time at a mental hospital but, like the time when school children were shown the electric chair at Central Prison, we are so afraid we will abuse the sensitivities of children or even those intent on becoming criminal. In the best homes in town, at the country club,the men and women who drink too much are called alcoholics. In the poor homes in town, down on skid row, those who drink too much beer or ripple are called drunks. None of this is as debilitating as mind altering chemicals.

80% of Gulf War veterans are on Prozac. 80% of Iraq veterans are being treated for mental disorders. This does not include the many receiving pensions for physical disability and rehabilitation … blindness, loss of limbs (wheel chairs), brain and neurological trauma. Most college students are now using psychotropic drugs and many in the workplace, uppers and downers.

Derek Stansbury, a 26 year old Senior Air Force intelligence specialist, reportedly took eight Ambien sleeping tablets before boarding a flight from Europe to America. Sleep walking in the plane, talking about a bomb in his suitcase, the plane was diverted to Maine.

As a veteran of the Korean conflict, still in the hospital during Vietnam, I cannot understand why the military services continuously manifest such problems. Did we not learn anything from Fort Hood, Texas? Not since WWII has America really won a military conflict … Korea mostly a standoff, Vietnam a defeat … brush fires in the Balkans, Panama etc., Iraq a standoff and Afghanistan moving towards defeat. When American troops invaded Iraq, told the Iraqi troops to go home, tried to pass out sandwiches with one hand while shooting at people with the other, I thought, “has Rumsfeld, Rice and George W. Bush gone completely crazy?” Instead of occupying and putting the entire country under curfew, in a short time there was 80% more cars in Iraq than when the war started. Then, they wondered how the people were moving explosives around … blowing up our troops as well as their own people. Does it embarrass anyone that some ragtag pirates from Somalia, in little motor boats are capturing large ships and holding them for ransom?

My thoughts about America's military future have been greatly influenced by some veterans I have hired in recent years … Marine, Air Force, Navy, Army. There are always exceptions but most have no work ethic at all … absolutely no morals. They either just get up and walk out and you never hear from them again or, if because of absolute sorriness, you let one go, he will come back and rob you since he did not take enough while he was employed. Obviously, the military will now take into the ranks anyone of room temperature, still breathing.

A recent poll tells us that only 8% of Americans feel that Congress can solve their problems. TEA parties are a good indication of American's distrust of government. Hundreds are taking place across the country, Republicans, Democrats, Independents. Sarah Palin, former Governor of Alaska and John McCain's running mate, has made 12 million dollars speaking at these TEA party events. She said, “start picking a party, the TEA party system is not a party, you must get involved in one”. The problem, Democrats, who outnumber Republicans, are largely responsible for getting us into this Cap and Trade movement (erasable carbon tax), truth movement (senseless 9-11 attacks), birth movement (Obama's birth certificate), financial dilemma (Democrats Dodd and Franks and the whole Goldman Sachs, bankers, federal reserve, mortgage fiasco).

How can any American, any person who would dare call himself Christian, vote for the Democrat party, gay agenda malarkey, abortion, gay marriage, takeover of 1/6th of the economy with federal controlled healthcare?

Any time, anyone objects to total Democrat control of our lives through government, the race card is played. It has nothing to do with race, rather what is going on in the mind.

Th country is about equally split between liberals and conservatives. On the liberal side, about 15% of the 50% are blacks and gays. They are totally committed to turning this country into a Communist cauldron of lawlessness and deceit … anything goes as long as it does not require work or morality. About 15% of the other 50% are staunch, hardcore conservative fundamentalists. They were, at one time, called evangelicals but, there are so many pretenders in the evangelical movement. For instance evangelicals voting for the liberal doubled in the last election (Kerry 16%/Obama 32%). Even Catholics, the most fundamental, religious, pro-life denomination voted 54% for Obama. Catholics, largest denomination, controlling 70% of America's vote, could keep America Christian however, like Protestants, Baptists, they love the world, and the things of the world more than they love God.

When the Holy Spirit of God permeates one's being, the Holy Spirit of God controls one's life and actions. From the beginning of time, there have been pretenders … those religious, church people who have presence of mind enough to get into the church house, sit on a pew, and then stand, with hymn book in hand and sing about “loyalty to Christ” or “Savior, like a Shepard lead me” then, like the world, and the Pagans of the world, we'll go to the polls … same brain, same mind, same heart and vote Paganism. Now, do you understand, why we are in the mess we are in, militarily, financially, scholastically, politically and religiously? Now, can you understand why there is so little patriotism, propriety, prosperity?

The financial tsunami, the pending international conflict in Iran, the pandering and pampering of gays and blacks in state capitols, every area of the socioeconomic system, the academic system will not solve the problem.

Satan has never been very concerned with your feet, he wants control of your mind. History shows us that very few minds have been totally committed to goodness and generosity. It is time to start. This is the “Battle Front”.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hairem Scarem


Hairem Scarem

One of the most interesting courses of study in the world is Political Geography. I will never forget my Political Geography professor … the “whys” of this world. Why does a city grow in a certain place? Why are some countries more “warfare” significant than others? Why are some nations so much richer than others? It is all a matter of geography and political integrity.

Rivers for transportation … cities growing at strategic points on those rivers. Harbors and bays on land masses leading to international commerce and traffic (Hong Kong, World's Largest Port, Shanghai, 2nd largest port, NYC Harbor, San Francisco Harbor etc.). Mineral wealth, oil and coal deposits, fertility of land. For instance, there is no place in Russia that has 20 inches of rainfall a year. This is not considered even good pasture land in America. The continent of Africa has great mineral wealth but because of the antagonism, constant warfare of tribes, it has never been developed. Only in South Africa, where diamonds and gold have been mined, where all resources have been made available to the world, has prosperity flourished. There are more automobiles in South Africa than all the other African nations combined.

The prosperity of any country depends on the prosperity and welfare of it's citizens. Western Civilization was pushed by religious convictions and a culture of responsibility and work ethic. Only when the evils of Socialism take over, citizens learn that they can sit around and do nothing at the expense of their neighbors, does the nation begin it's fall … recently, Iceland, Greece, England etc. An industrious population will always succeed. In my trips to Israel, the Holy Land, I was amazed at the industriousness of the people. They turned this baron land into a productive cyclone while, all around them, their lazy cousins, the Arabs, just sit around, mostly in Cafes, drinking tea (mostly men) all day long, their wives working, caring for children.

Long ago, when first in these Arab countries, I noticed men were always riding on donkeys, the women and children walking behind. My guide said, “I think the women want the man well rested. This accounts for all the children.”

Economics, in itself, tells one much about the prosperity of a country. It tells you much about the difference in the prosperity of individuals. Individuals who work hard, save their money, invest wisely, are always the goose that lays the golden egg of prosperity of a nation. Excessive taxation of the achievers, excessive bureaucracy, hand outs to the non-achievers all plays a part in the how and why of national decline. If a man is smart enough to make money, he is usually smart enough to keep it. With the pending Socialism, then Communism of America the “haves” are trying to keep what they have from the “have-nots”. When you have a Democrat political party totally in power, any wisdom shows that an attempt to equalize and spread the wealth under the Marxist system leads to conflict. With super-inflation brought on by un-payable debt, worthless currency, corruption in traditional investing (Goldman Sachs and other banking and financial lending practices), most are looking for other involvement.

The collectibles market is showing a real spurt in activity. For years, my business of collectable marketing has been at a standstill. Recently, there has been new interest in buying antiquarian books, even paintings and prints, collectables of every type. Almost every advertisement on television or radio pertains to the buying of gold or other precious metals. I am told that jewelry is being bought as an investment. Most collectables, at least for now, are hidden from the tax appraiser. Ad valorem taxed land and buildings were once a good investment. Now, all the wild spending politicians not getting revenues from sales taxes are out to raise taxes on your property, that which can be easily appraised. I have tax receipts from family land 200 years ago. It is amazing how little taxes were on large parcels of land. If you want to destroy development, construction, kill jobs and business opportunities, just keep raising taxes.

50% of the population does not pay any income tax, does not own any real property. So, not only do the achievers pay a large slice of their income in income taxes but must support the schools, hospitals and public works with their property tax. In the early years of America, only property owners were allowed to vote. The founders, as did Alex de Tocqueville in writing about America, knew that the time would come when those riding in the wagon would have to be pushed and dragged by their fellow citizens … that government workers through finagling, one way or another would have their nose in the trough and that government civil workers, along with those just content to subsist on welfare would take up the largess provided by the doers … the walkers not the talkers. As with everything in life, religious, political, social, it is easier to talk than to walk.

We are looking towards scary times, twice as many bank closings this year as last. With the government taking over a large slice of the small amount left, not already under government control, socialized healthcare will put us into the dungeon of economic advance. Have no delusion, the recession, in spite of what Obama has said, is not over … not even close. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Pray that we can retreat from military involvement in these destitute areas of the world where nothing will be accomplished except further spending of our talent, time and treasury. Pray that Americans will come to their senses and relieve political tyrants from their destruction.

Mexico has been in full collapse for five years, many from Mexico have simply walked across the border. The Democrats know what they are doing, they stopped the building of the fence in order to ensure that large voting block. The New World Order wants to destroy this country. Bush 41 was the first to introduce the idea, his father before him, Senator Prescott Bush, was a Nazi sympathizer. As a real Republican, as a real conservative, a real Christian, not a fake Republican, fake Conservative, fake Christian like Bush 41 or 43 we repudiate what this one family has done to this country. But, just think what is happening now.

With Goldman Sachs, we saw unbridled greed. With the past three Presidents, past three Congresses, we are seeing American chaos. Dishonestly on the athletic field is easily recognized, even a crooked umpire. With your vote, force the dishonest politicians, the dishonest bankers, back into their closet of depraity.

Pennies From Heaven


Most of we old people can still hear Bing Crosby singing, Pennies From Heaven which he made famous in 1936. At one time, a penny was worth 100 mills. Ad valorem taxes on real estate were measured in mills … as Governor Charles B. Aycock (Governor NC, 1900) said, you just add a few mills each year in tax, “people hardly notice it”. In the 21st Century economy, most Americans will not even pick up a penny off the street. I can remember when you could get a nice piece of candy for one penny.

Grand Standing in the wildest mood, yesterday, U.S. Senators grilled Goldman Sachs officials about their “wild ride” over investors and the financial world, keeping profits and bonuses upon executives while, as always, the investor was shellacked and left out to dry. You will notice these diabolical Senators did not have much to say about the government activity involved in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Even Senator Dodd, who heads the list of the ten most corrupt Washington officials, so unpopular in his own state that he is not seeking re-election, such a thief that he would dare call the kettle black, for his President, put on an act of defiance even though the world knows the millions Goldman Sachs had contributed to Democrat coffers. Just think how mad they were at Goldman Sachs when all of the top officials of Goldman Sachs always, sooner or later, possessed prized administration appointments. These are the members of the Obama Administration who are reached by the tentacles of Goldman Sachs through employment or money;
Obama, Biden, H. Clinton, Altman, Craig, R. Emanuel, Geithner, Reischauer, Rivlin, J. Rubin, R. Rubin, Sperling, Summers, H. Paulson and 23 others … most still in government.

This was Washington D.C. theater at it's best. Some thought Senator Joseph McCarthy could put on an act. Comparing Joseph McCarthy to these Senators is like comparing Charlie McCarthy to Pelosi's lap puppy … recent Roman Catholic convert Newt Gingrich.

Obama's liberal extremism has been repackaged. Radical Alinsky taught him to package things well so the voting public would pay more attention to the beautiful bow than the ribbon which would be used to strangle them, “spread the wealth”. Remember John Dewey, “the end justifies the means”. Bonnie and Clyde robbed banks because, “that is where the money is”. The international bankers, the Rothschilds, owners of Goldman Sachs approved Obama for his job. He is expecting through graft, corruption, promises, prosecutions, promotions … whatever, that his fellow Democrats will help him keep his job regardless of the fraud or phoney-ism attacks involved even against the well documented, greased Fiat launching pad, Goldman Sachs. After all, thievery has always been made acceptable. On Jesse James' tomb stone, “a lifelong Baptist”. A thief went into the streets, Barabbas, still thieving as our blessed Lord died on the cross.

The contagion of financial lending, debt stretching, is spreading … Iceland, Greece, Portugal, about 21 countries. The lending bank Goldman Sachs has been involved in much of this treachery. Think of the 200 million dollar bonus to Henry Paulson, former head of Goldman Sachs, the George W. Bush Secretary of Treasury. There should be a “skull and bones” cell block housing alumni of Goldman Sachs.

On the margins of life, meek investors think they have a chance to multiply their savings, side by side, with these crooks … enabled by elected politicians. As one well known New York hotel magnet, Leona Helmsley said, “small people pay taxes”. It is the small people who get “screwed”. This same hotel owning woman, left millions of dollars to her dog. This billionaire investor, known as the Queen of Mean, convicted of tax evasion, would crawl down the aisle of Saint Patrick's Cathedral on her knees, while at the same time cheating her employees and the public. One of her employees told me, “she could throw a fit, use every vulgarity you can think of, over one flower not arranged correctly in a vase”. Like many of today's “supposed” human beings, she had more love for dogs and cats than she did for children. I know many people, personally, who have an “abnormal” love for dogs and cats and are the strongest abortion proponents. The killing of the most innocent life and total impatience with young children. God gave man dominion over the animals of the Earth and strict instructions on how to treat people, young, middle aged, old, ugly and beautiful investors or non-investors.

In my long eventful life, here on the East Coast, where hurricanes come in often, the authorities always make arrangements for pets. Not once, never, have I heard the authorities say anything about safeguarding the lives of the elderly or disabled. (Just let them stay in bed and drown as with Katrina in New Orleans) Not once, in all these hurricane and disaster episodes, living alone, totally blind, have I ever had the first law enforcement officer come by to check on me.

In our past history, we referred to natural disasters as, “acts of God”. We have taken God completely out of our vocabulary. Some have tried to take God off our money just as God has been taken out of our schools, out of our military units, out of our civic clubs, even out of our invocations and the present President, wants all God appearance covered anywhere he goes.
God is laughing to see political leaders and financiers squirm. “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.” (Psa 2:4)

Al Capone, America's most notorious gangster, went to prison for illegal activities, finally convicted for tax evasion. What a change! Today's tax evader is Secretary of the Treasury, a former employee of Goldman Sachs. Where have the tax officials, SEC been hiding while this financial-lending parody has been on parade? The inmates are in charge of the asylum. Congress actually thinks that the officials who got the country in this mess are the ones who can get the country out of the mess (Dodd, Franks, Rangel, Geithner, Pelosi etc.) Capone and others of his ilk would be laughing themselves silly if still around to watch this charade on television. IF Goldman Sachs, Lehman brothers, Merrill Lynch, the administrations and the Congress who allowed this enslavement of innocence to proceed escapes punishment, then the prisons of this country should be opened and all thieves set free.

Consistent Inconsistencies


Much has been said about President Obama either not knowing what to do or doing the wrong thing in the greeting of World Leaders. There has always been a Chief of Protocol, one who is well schooled in handling diplomatic functions … even state funerals. I met, Angier Biddle Duke, a North Carolinian who was Chief of Protocol for a very long time. The present Chief of Protocol is Capricia Marshall. She either does not know what she is doing or the President pays no attention to her instructions … for instance, bowing to certain leaders.

We were always informed about decorum involved around leadership. For instance, the Queen of England went into a school in New York City on one of her photo opportunities and a large black woman went over, grabbed her and hugged her neck. This was a shock to the British royalty and to the U.K. The Queen even shakes hands with her own grandchildren. Every military officer knows, that in the presence of heads of state, you never put your hands near your pockets. It is inconceivable and some security agent should have been fired on the spot, when an Egyptian reporter in Iraq actually removed two shoes from his feet to throw at President George W. Bush.

Sanity has become insanity. Diplomacy has become degrading. Finances have become fallacy. Science has become pseudo-science. In the Congress, 30% of all Democrat elected leaders and 33% of all Republican elected leaders do not believe that Satan has anything to do with their lives. (They certainly have an awakening coming!)

Heathen activity of the New World Order was introduced by former President George H.W. Bush in his address to Congress on March 1st, 1991. I almost fell out of my chair when I heard him use the words, in all places, the Capitol of the United States. Scripture certainly points to an eventual one World government. Every prophecy of the scriptures has been fulfilled up to present … the most remarkable, the gathering of the Jewish people back to their homeland from all corners of the Earth. Of course, the Apostles of wisdom in today's world, the academics, the secular press, the corporation heads all discount such knowledge. They certainly discount the revelation that one third of the world's population will be destroyed (Rev 9:13-16).

The scripture indicates that this war will be in the Middle East at the Euphrates river. Already, America has 100,000 troops in the area. It will happen quickly, in just a few years, almost over night, gasoline prices will soar to over 5 dollars a gallon, the oil tankers of the world, hauling their gold through the Straits of Hormuz. It has already been decided that that entrance will be clogged with sunken ships. Sea powers using that sea-lane of the world have not been able to control rag tag pirates around the Suez Canal.

While utility companies have been raising your rates for all utilities, nothing has been done to protect the electric power grids which will be the first facilities attacked. Strange that we do not have the sanity to think ahead on these things … the fact that nothing works without a power source … airports, hospitals, industry, ground transportation. Only the things that will further enslave the general populous will be in effect such as limiting the food intake of citizens … calorie limitation. The research has already been done at veteran's hospitals about the calories necessary to maintain life. One of my V.A. doctors went through the research and lost very much weight. The sophisticated diet mills, and their great financial gain will have to find other employment.

Daily, almost on cue, we see the global control of finances and lending. The catastrophe in Copenhagen slowed down global climate control (Obama with his coaching, Pelosi with her liquor poaching) but with the popularity of fairy tale science as we approach the big chill, global warming will appear again along with global healthcare (microchips in global citizens identifying such along with healthcare), airline controls and the bringing under one umbrella the religions of the world.

It is inconceivable that you cannot tell professing Christians from their unbelieving neighbors in their acting, thinking and voting. When Kerry ran for President, 16% of evangelicals voted for him. 32% of evangelical Christians voted for Obama. Even Catholics, the most pro-life denomination, voted 54% for Obama. Have these people gone crazy? Think of abortion, gay marriage. Think of innocent children, those blessed not to be aborted now facing the insensitive, wall to wall school sexuality, aspects of gay marriage, transvestites (cross dressers) teaching in the public school.

A recent play, on a University campus … “The Garden of Eden”. Adam and Steve, married males, naked on stage, in the Garden of Eden, Eve and Mabel, married lesbians, naked in the Garden of Eden.

Confused scientists, confused world leaders. It is known that 1/3rd of the scientific community are believers in God, 1/3rd are non-believers and 1/3rd are indifferent. Four questions you should ask these people;
1.How did I get here?
2.Where am I going?
3.Where do I end? (is my end just a grave in the ground?)
4.For human beings, is there something better?

Carl Sagan, on his program Cosmos, said, “this is all there is to it, there is nothing else.” Sagan, dead for some years, now knows for sure.

On one of my trips to South America, off the coast of Ecuador, I toured the Galapagos Islands. Interesting, but there is nothing there that would cause anyone to believe in Darwinian evolution, then or now.

Mr. Obama's hero, Saul Alinsky, in his Rules For Radicals, said the first radical was Lucifer. He gave advice during the Vietnam War about protesting. He said, it does no good to hold signs of protest on the outside of a building. When George H.W. Bush, head of CIA, spoke in New Orleans, Lewinsky's radicals were inside, in the audience, dressed like KKK members. Any time, the now ex-President would say anything promoting America the KKK costumed people would stand, cheer and wave their signs. The radicals have learned how to work the system everywhere. Liberals are most effective in pointing out the inconsistencies of church members, pastors and patriots. When will conservatives learn how to react? In polling, knowing the objective of the liberal, secular news media, you always give erroneous answers.

Honestly is always the best policy except when dealing with diabolical, deceitful Devils.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Maltese Falcon


Malta is located in the Mediterranean Sea, north of Tunisia and south of Sicily. With a population of less than half a million. Like most Mediterranean islands, a place of pastoral beauty. The thing I remember most about Malta, arriving by plane and leaving by ship all the doors on the homes have a unique door knocker.

Malta is best know because the Apostle Paul was ship wrecked there. In 1930, Dashiell Hammett, one of the world's great authors wrote a detective story entitled “Maltese Falcon” The story involves Sam Spade, renowned detective, the detective by which all others are compared, and his experiences on Malta. Since then, movies have been made involving the island.

Malta has come into the news recently with the expose of pedophilia among Catholic priest. Pope Benedict XVI went there last week to quail the storm of antagonism towards Catholicism and to show interest in those affected. St. Malachy (1094 - November 2, 1148), first Irish saint to be canonized, prophesied about the 112 popes of history. Pope Benedict is the 111th pope. St. Malachy had prophesied concerning the 111th pope and an olive branch. It seems the prophecy is correct because the symbol for the Benedictine order of priest is the olive.

A recent lawsuit has unearthed files about 200 deaf boys molested by a Catholic priest in Wisconsin. News reports state that the Bishops had warned the Vatican about this problem. Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI and other Catholic officials tussle over whether the priest in charge should be disciplined or the church protected.

Similar reports have surfaced involving a school for the blind and the pedophilia and molestation by priest in England. Reports have come to the attention of the public from Ireland, Germany, Italy, and France. Like the Apostle Paul, on a ship in the Mediterranean, wrecked on Malta, the Pope and the Catholic Church are wrecked by these reports. Perhaps, on Malta, the Pope, like Paul, will show his ability to be a shepard of the flock.

In this time, in history, when the church, when Christianity is so defiled by the world, the flesh, the devil, it is more important than ever that the Pope, the largest denomination in the world which he represents draws upon the “Pray Power” of Christians around the world to put a hedge of protection around the faith once delivered to the saints. Don't depend on the New York Times or the secular press to defend God's mission for the Christian church or its followers. Without God, you can not know God. Those who know God, know there has always been imposters in the ranks. Jesus had 12 disciples, one of those betrayed him for the price of a hog (20 pieces of silver) With the exception of his mother, one devoted disciple (John the Evangelist) and a few others, all fled at his crucifixion. In 40 A.D., there was few “faithers” around the Mediterranean Sea. Paul was sent to preach to the Gentiles. For those that do not believe in God, the greatest evidence of God's power is the way his church and mission has grown, in spite of Satan, The imposters, even in the church, around the world. There are about 50,000 catholic priest in the catholic church, only a small percentage have been accused of anything. From the beginning, some priest, even popes married but most have been celibate. We know that some priests, like doctors, lawyers, farmers, etc... have not been sexually pure. Even some bishops, popes, and even saints have probably been impure but, God has the power to cleanse all of us from all unrighteousness. Like Naman, we must have the faith to believe in his omnipotence. (2nd Kings 5:11)

We don't need a Maltese Falcon detective, Sam Spade, the New York Times, or anyone else, to tell any believer that unbelievers can always point out hypocrisy. Unbelievers recognize hypocrisy more than they recognize anything else. Unbelievers will never tell anyone, particularly each other about the good that the Catholic church or any other Christian church has done in the world. Think of the universities, hospitals, children's homes, benevolence of every type taken on and carried out by Christians. When was the last time you saw any Atheist group doing anything for anyone? How many Atheist groups went to Haiti after the earthquake... How much money did they give? It is the God inspired, faith groups, around the world, who are always in the forefront. Even though many in the ranks are not perfect, many in the ranks try to hold onto the world with one hand, Christ with the other.

One museum in Florence Italy contains one station, the magnificence of the statue of David by Michelangelo. The most preached, memorized scriptures in God's Word comes from the Psalms of David. David was the first “pizza delivery boy” The Israelites were in battle against the Philistines and the giant, Goliath. The young boy David, son of Jessie, future King of Israel, father of Solomon, went to the front lines to deliver cheese to his brothers. There, the young boy volunteered to go up against Goliath. The nine foot tall giant who had the Israel army cringing in fear. King Sal, chosen king because of his tallness reluctant for David to do anything... “Why shouldn't this young boy go back home?” Sal, seeking to appease the boy, offered to let him use his armor against Goliath. We can realize David's problems with armor of such a tall man. Rather, David using the weapons he knew best, a sling and some stones, felled the giant and with the giants own sword cut off his head. A recommendation to Pope Benedict, the Catholic church, the Christian church and all denominations around the world. There are tall, well financed giants of Atheism waiting and wanting to defy God's church and God's power. Use the weapons with which we are familiar. The weapons on which history through promises and prophecy has taught us are reliable faithfulness, integrity, holiness. We can be giant killers through the greatest power the world has ever known, the very power that put the universe into place, the very power that raised Jesus from the dead, the very power that enabled Jesus to feed thousands from a small boys lunch, Peter to raise a cripple laying at the temple gates for 40 years, the power that has brought Jews back to Israel from all over the world and made this, God's evidence of history the dominate force in all world political activity. Even the “Maltese Falcon” detective could comprehend this. The power of prayer will change anything we know what sex can do, we know what armies can do, we know what the church can do, it is time for us to use our greatest force for good, the power of prayer then we have what God can do.



I was in the Central African nation of Zambia, in a very small city where the plane made a stop once a week. We disembarked the plane because a plane repair was necessary. I was sitting, waiting to get back on the plane, when a group of villagers came into the building to say goodbye to a young man who was leaving on the plane. They were all crying and acting as if they would never see him again. The thought occurred to me, having been in Africa many times with the poor electrical systems, the poor plumbing systems, broken down vehicles everywhere, are they sad to see this young man leave or, are they frightened that he is getting on a plane who has mechanics that have the same mentality and work ethic as those who do the repairs and work on the other mechanical and electrical work in the country? Always, a plane having mechanical problems, in a foreign country, I was afraid the airline mechanics were not up to the job. It is a frightful thing to think of falling thousands of feet out of the air. A true poltergeist experience.

In Mississippi this week, powerful air currents which we can not see, tornado, swiped through a 12 mile area near Yazoo City leaving homes, churches, and businesses in splinters and leaving 10 people dead, many injured.

We live in a time when most are indifferent to the abilities and character of those around us. In all my years as a doctor, I never had the first patient ask me my status in my graduating class... whether I was first in my class or last. We just assume, that anyone in a profession, a business, possess the education requirements to have a license, to have the skills necessary. We well know that many do not. This is the reason we have so much fakery and fraud in every area of political, spiritual, and business life. Cream always rises to the top. Usually because of ability. Family name, appearance, personality, may get you somewhere in society but does not get you very far in professional competence. It is true that who you know is often more important than what you know. But, when a surgeon approaches the operating room table I don't care how good looking he is, I want him to know what he is doing. We live in a politically correct world, everyone trying to say the right thing. To not be offensive to anyone. How many times have you heard, after some scam or tragedy, “Life goes on, everything happens for a reason, lets just get over it.”

As a Christian, I often ask, “How could God love me so much, love me enough to die for me, love enough to bless me while on this Earth... forgive me for my rightness, protect me in spite of my carelessness?”

As a American, having seen the depravity and poverty of the rest of the world why should I be so blessed to be a citizen of this country when I have not been the example of a patriot... have not shown my patriotism in all my actions.

As a son, why was I blessed with two responsible, loving, dedicated parents when, over 50% of children even in America, do not have parents. I can trace my family back many generations, have seen photographs of great grandparents etc. know stories of my ancestors. Think of the boys and girls born in this country who have never seen their father. Who know nothing about their family background. Just think, I was reared in a church, where both my mother and father were reared as children. I did not realize it then, but all the families were so concerned about my parent's children. I can remember the first time I came home after entering college and all the older families of the church were so happy that I had gained this opportunity. I can remember the first time that I walked into the same church as a blind veteran of a war and their tearful reaction. The people in my community, the people in the church were I was reared, had a large flag in the front of the church with a star for every community son serving in WWII. Each Sunday, they would pray for each one of these stars individually. At the end of WWII, there was not one gold star on the flag of the 50 blue stars.

As a grandson, I was blessed to know all of my grandparents, knew their concerns in my development. In the old country homes, in the dining room, chairs being so expensive, a long bench was always on one side of the dining table. This is the way it was in both grandparents homes. I can well remember how grownup I felt, as a small child, when each grandmother would pick me up and sit me on that bench between two older family members. Perhaps more so than parents, grandparents always emphasize the importance of school. They had such wonderful stories to tell about family traditions and family history. I wish I had listened more. Evidently, I was the only one who did listen because I am the one younger cousins always go to for information. Since so much of your family background and history is not recorded you should listen very carefully to those who know because, when the oral memory is gone, it will be gone for ever. Always write names on the back of photographs. It only takes one generation for everyone to forget those in a photograph. Before 1950, and that was only 70 years ago photographs were very rare. There are practically no photographs before 1900. Most had a picture taken perhaps once in their life. I have inherited many old family photographs and would like to know who they are. I recently sold the photograph of one pre 1850 NC governor's wife. A historian told me that it was the only one in existence. Why did it get away from the family? I have the photograph of a former governors nephew, made by a world famous photographer (W.C. Yates). Why did it get away from the family?

As is the case with a Christian, an American the son or daughter of hardworking, caring parents the grandchild of productive, concerned grandparents, why should God, the men and women who have died for this country, the parents that have worked so hard for their children the grandparents who have left such a marvelous legacy have cared when we seem to care so little? We, certainly as Americans, have inheritance unlike any other place on the globe.

Sometimes, just for your information, write your biographical history... the things that identify you as a person. Identification theft is the biggest crime in this country... Someone always trying to steal your identification. Mostly because of financial gain. Two of my former employees, went to prison, for stealing my identification. They thought with impunity, they could write checks on my bank account. Remember, if your personal signature is not on a check and the bank cashes the check the bank is responsible. Since the bank most replace the money you can be sure that the bank will prosecute the thief. Lowest on the list of importance for law enforcement is I.D. Theft. “The law expects you to take care of your things.” Of the 7 deadly sins, perhaps greed is the most fashionable... not just among punk criminals but study your mornings newspaper, the worlds largest investment bankers, the worlds most recognized news makers. Administrative notables, now serving the President, who were former officers of Goldman-Sachs... the world's largest bank which has scammed billions from the American tax-payer while their chief officers were getting millions in bonuses for performing the treachery. You, the hard working taxpayer, will bail them out. The next great bail out... .com, financial and banking, automobile, insurance, housing, will be the movie industry. Slowly but surely, the Poltergeist noise of bristling contempt is breezing through all areas of American business life.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Fumes of Enlightenment


Not from the fumes of others exhaust but from a long day of work as an accountant, dealing with the tax forms of clients, hard working, God fearing, patriotic citizens voluntarily giving their privacy and the little profits they have left to the tax man. The tax man, IRS, under the supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury, a tax cheat himself and the Secretary of the Treasury (Tim Geithner) under the direction of the House Ways and Means Committee who's Chairman (Rep Charles Rangel) is also a tax cheat.

Driving down the highway, a highway built with tax bonds that have never been paid, gas in his car for which he is still making payments, expensive gas of which 48.6 cents on each gallon is tax, to get to work, plus license tags for his car, inspection fees, permits, vehicle property tax, automobile insurance, registration fees, parking fees, just to be able to get to work to make money in order to pay tax. He first passes the local liquor store where the manager and his son, his assistant, make a total of ½ million dollars a year in salaries, bonuses, retirement, just to manage 29 employees. Employees, who are employed because they are political hacks of the local political party. Liquor, which is taxed more than 50% of it's wholesale cost.

He next passes a restaurant … where he and his family cannot afford to eat. At this time of day, it is “happy hour”. The parking lot is full of government vehicles, driven at tax payer's expense by the bureaucrats and politicians on the inside … whooping it up, soaking it up, making all the advances towards one another which will ensure their re-election, continued employment and promotion. They can deduct the money there are paying there for liquor and food because it is a business expense to them.

A new car passes him, this driver evidently, at tax payer bail out, changed a clunker which he could not pay for, for a new car, government subsidized $4500, which now he cannot make payments on. Showing the conservatism of the government, his old car was destroyed.

Next, he passes a local church, a more or less country club with a steeple. Most members have just rolled over and now are playing dead. Like the Atheist, not satisfied to just be indifferent, just want to win an argument against spirituality. Today's church goer, more interested in changing God than God changing them. If all the members of this church were on welfare, and each tithed, the church would receive more money than in present given practices. If dead people could only talk, church people would learn so much. They would learn, that the hymn book in their hand, as they lied to God, they were only fooling themselves instead of trusting God.

He now passes a school, where everything is taught except the essentials, including the surge in Atheism. Wall to wall sexuality, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual and tri-sexual … try anything, if it feels good, do it, today's preparatory courses for popularity. The schools have a homosexual agenda beyond compare. One teacher said recently, “I believe half the teachers in my school are homosexual”. With new legislation sponsored by Representative Barney Frank and his fiends, the homosexual teacher can now go to school dressed in “drag”. Christian values and family values were discarded long ago by the school system. In 1963, prayer was thrown out of the school and police officers began their patrol.

He next passes a housing project. 50% of American citizens do not pay any income tax, and most live in tax subsidized housing. In this housing project, next to the school, four registered sex offenders live in Section 8 housing, their living subsidized totally by tax payers … even to food stamps and utilities. Single mothers live in most of these subsidized apartments. 40% of all children live in homes without a father … 70% of all black children. But, this is good since these children are alive, 50% of all black babies are aborted and killed.

Our accountant finally reaches home, a house which is mortgaged, furnished with furniture which he is buying on payments. He greets his wife who has arrived home from work ahead of him. Both are still trying to repay their college loans. They have been able to afford one child who sits at the table waiting for her parents to join her for supper. This child, like every child born today, owes the government $48,000 at birth. Mother had stopped at the grocery store with some coupons she clipped from the paper and squeezed from the internet in order to buy some supper. Besides the mortgage, increased ad valorem taxes, increased homeowners insurance and increased utility bills. Groceries are the last thing to be purchased.

This American male, enlightened by the fumes of his homeward bound drive then asks God to bless their food. He thinks, only by the mercy of a gracious and abundant, sovereign creator can he and his family survive this present enslavement.

Republicanism and Conservatism

Re: Republicanism and Conservatism

Dear Mr. Fetzer and Members of the Committee,

Like my parents, grandparents, all the way back, with a paper trail, to 1766 and the founding of Morristown, New Jersey, we have been Republicans and Conservatives.

I have written you several times about several things, never had a response, but, at 80, totally blind for 50 years, I do not give up.

I am enclosing a copy of a letter which I received from Erskine Bowles after I complained about the Mayor Easley, incredulous-ludicrous pay status at NC State. You can look on my Facebook biographical information or blog and determine my interest in the University. I feel I have paid for my right to complain and speak out concerning decadence in government.

The thing that bothers me most in the Bowles letter … willingness to accept the irrational actions of the board simply because the Republicans voted for it. This is the problem now, and has been for a very long time, the Republicans who get on these boards just go along to get along because they feel that it is in their personal interest. After all, how great it is, in this tattooed Democrat state to be placed on any board anywhere, for anything. I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer veteran from the Korean conflict, born and reared in this state, family going back many generations. I earlier volunteered for board membership, public health, library etc. but was denied membership because I am blind.

I am sorry to say, but with all due respect, it is about the same with Republicans. Not once, in all these yeas of my Republican Party support has any Republican offered to include me in any function. I had the pleasure to knowing Senator Helms and explained to him the laxity of Republicans in getting out of the bleachers and getting into the muck and mire of the game. He said, “Our fellow Republicans think the country club is the answer to their problems”.

I own some buildings, an office complex. Down the street from my buildings is another office building which was rented for the Democrat 2008 election. The parking lot stayed full night and day … they were busy getting out their vote. It worked!

Back in the 30s and 40s, I was a child, my mother and her cousin were the only Republicans at the crossroads community where I was raised. They took turns as poll watchers at my cousins store … the voting precinct. My mother would weep at the insidious deceit and corruption going on by the Democrats. Back then, state election, in the Democrat primary, we did not think there would ever be a Republican primary or a Republican elected. My father had a friend who was a Senator in the legislature. With an interest in me, knowing my potential, (and I probably could have gone to the legislature as a Democrat) he would invite me over from Chapel Hill to watch proceedings in the Capitol building … “cousin Waylon Spruill” calling hogs to the trough, not one Republican, one woman, one black in the legislature. Now, with a chance to win, most of you are sitting around on your assets.

Each time, anyone, runs for office here, against the Democrats and RINOs, I call for them to come by so I can give them a check. Last election, a young man, running again, came by and I talked to him about my views on Conservatism, gave him a check. I use several assistants, in helping me in my businesses, I am still very busy. I told one of them to show him to the door. When he returned, I said, “Did he ask you to vote for him?” Of course he didn't, no more than he has asked me to vote for him this time. I do not have any more money to waste on his campaign.

I have given all I can give to this country, my eyesight, more money in taxes than I ever thought I would make. It is time for Republicans in this state to get serious about winning elections. I am convinced without fear of contradiction that the future of America depends on electing Conservatives.



With Americans more disillusioned with their government more than anytime in history the ratings for Congress and the President at a all time low levels, lying, cheating, stealing, a regular fair on the menu of daily life. Instead of a democracy, many believe, we are a “kleptocracy” (government of thieves).

Now this may seem like a conspiracy, the man who started the conspiracy theory involving government was J. Edgar Hoover, 1st director of the F.B.I. Hoover was appointed the director of the F.B.I. In 1935 and served till his death in 1972. He introduce the words “conspiracy theory” as it pertained to the Mafia, which Hoover maintained did not exist. While he was declaring there was no such thing as the Mafia, the Mafia was taking over. Using the liquor business particularly through prohibition his agents were able to penetrate states that without the vehicle of liquor he would have no control. Today Mr. Hoover would probably say “There is no such crimes as “gangs” Even though they have permeated every city and much of the country side.

We choose willfully not to believe the national sinfulness of this nation. We simply cannot believe that other citizens are willfully killed in undeclared wars. We simply cannot believe that the F.D.R. Administration knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor ahead of time. It is hard to believe, although already admitted that Clinton-Reno orchestrated the burning alive of 85 women and children at the Davidian Religious compound in Waco TX. Covered up and hushed up, we know that President Kennedy was assassinated by his own country. There is nothing about the Oklahoma City bombing that makes sense, much about the NYC 9/11 catastrophe does not make sense. Like the Bay of Tonkin during the Vietnam War we know that lies were told... by your government.

If the average citizen gets a driver's license, or if you are handicapped, as is this writer, you must produce a birth certificate to get a state identification card. A birth certificate is needed for military service, certainly for working with federal intelligence agencies. Yet, we have a president in the White House that has spent millions of dollars on attorney's to keep anyone from seeing his birth certificate.

Few leaders in the world are God chosen. The 501 C3 certification of a church can be its downfall in this anti-church, anti-christian national protracted antagonism.

We are a spoiled country, obese, diabetic, while 25 million in the world die from starvation... 15 million are children.

We are just recovering from the largest bankruptcy in history. Lehman Brothers Investment Bank, losing billions, expecting to be bailed out by the tax payer. In this fraud, and this is what it was called by Congress, the CEO made 500 million and other bank officers made millions shorting the stock. On top of that, the CEO sold his multi-million dollar vacation house in Florida to his wife for $100 dollars... just in case of federal intervention. Goldman-Sachs, along with Treasure secretary Henry Paulson and other Treasury officials made millions with a scam-fraud picking of the pockets of the American taxpayer. It is only with the crooks in the banking business, the Congress business that you have “thievery” beyond the wildest dreams of the pirate Blackbeard or the Conquistadors who robbed South America of its gold. In the meantime, the hardworking, God fearing taxpayer clips coupons to buy groceries so he can pay his pay-check as tax. Tax bailouts, handouts, sell-outs to conglomerates whose officials and board of directors live better than ever all though they were unable to manage the business.

This diabolical financial recession is like a man trying to climb a mountain. He falls back 50 feet, gets up, brushes off, reevaluates, and then tries to recapture the distance he has fallen. This President, who has never worked a day in his life, who has never run a business of any kind, simply because the faller is ready to attempt to reclaim what he has lost, says “The recession is over” Bailouts work like giving the man who fell down from his own ineptness from climbing a reward for falling. If the climber of the mountain, like the CEO and boards of directors of these corporations, had used the correct mountain climbing procedures and methods for fall prevention (SLCD, ropes, etc.) The catastrophe would not have happened. The individual, the small business man prepares for failure as he makes his climb... a way out. HE KNOWS, THE GOVERNMENT WILL NOT BAIL HIM OUT. He knows that he will not get a reward for failure.

IN EVERY SITUATION IN THE WORLD, YOU HAVE TWO CHOICES. God's leadership or your floundering around. It is bad enough to think of the poor leadership of this nation in this world and in warfare. Have you ever thought of the screams of innocent children and concerned mothers as manned and “unmanned” (drones) planes drop bombs on homes. Have you considered the children of America enslaved for ever with the debt brought on by thieves elected and unelected (a child born this morning owes the government $48,000)? Do you think one of these financial wizards... just one member of Congress has ever thought about “loving his neighbor as himself”? (Mark 12:31) G.K. Chesterton said “The world will except and dogma without authority but will not accept dogma with authority... Authority such as God's inspired word, the Magna Carta or even the Constitution of the United States. Even in the most uncivilized areas of the world, the natives have the innate natural law morality that stealing is wrong. Never confuse Christianity with niceness, never confuse celebrity with success. Believe me, blind man talking, you can always run through darkness because He sees you even if you can not see Him... the darkness of guilt, the darkness of sin, the darkness of depression. Find the name that fits your darkness. The Lord that healeth the is the Lord that provides. In all things be a God seeker, a God finder.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

#660 Talking Back


Talking Back

My parents never allowed any “Talking Back” It still offends me to hear children “talking back” to their parents. As I heard both of my saintly grandmothers say, many times, “God put me here to instruct you, I know best.” Age and experience has its weight whether young people want to believe that or not. Just living, observing you learn much even with a low I.Q. I have fired more young people, working for me, for talking back and sassing me than anything else. For some reason, probably the home from which they come, where such was allowed. Many think that they know it all.

Every person, past the age of 50, should write your own obituary... So you can see on a piece of paper just what your life has been about.

So, with this in mind at 80, what would I say to myself if I were age 20 again? A 80 year old talking back to a 20 year old. Let me say in the beginning that I was not your usual 20 year old. At 20, I already had the judgment and life-outlook of people much older.

We are not stuck where we start. I came from poverty, but good genes from a family background of hardworking, god fearing responsible living.

At 20, life does not make sense but I had a world view because I read everything I could get my hands on. As well as listening to all the news on the radio. I still do, at 80, listen to several radios all the time. I listen to BBC all night. The difference, 20 to 80, I have never heard a weather report, on BBC, from any city in the world which I have not visited. As I read about the pyramids on the Nile... the pyramids in the Yukatan... I made up my mind then, early in life, to see them. Though blind, by the Grace of God, through stock market gains, I was able to do this. Very few men have see as much of the world as I have experienced. You decide to do these things early in life. No one, anytime in history, has ever risen above his ambitions. It is all in the mind.

At 20, life does not make sense, studying President Roosevelt, Wendell Wilkie, Robert Taft, and the other greats of the 20th century I was aware of national political activity. At 80, I can look back at the best time in American history. With the new world, new age religion of Oprah, the new world Marxist ambitions of Obama, this one time Christian nation will never be the same again. Thank God, I knew America at its best when I was 20, knowing that through responsible living, hardwork, intelligent investing, as a citizen of this democratic republic there is no limit to what I could accomplish.

At 20, life does not make sense unless you are guarding your health. Why is it that many men, over age 40, have disabling diseases such as diabetes, heart attacks, cancer, and stroke? Others, live long lives in good health. It is good to invest for the future but your most important investment is the investment in your health... Eating correctly, exercise, rest. The men I have known in school, military, the professions, in business, always partying, burning the candle at both ends wind up either in a early grave or nursing home. Your life, your body, is your own. If you can read you can learn to care for it. One of my first girlfriends, her husband, both are buried. I knew them as successful entrepreneurs. So intent on their physical appearance, so impressed with underweight, that they were for ever eating worthless food and drinking artificially sweetened everything. Both died with Alzheimer's after spending a long time in nursing homes. Nothing will destroy the brain quicker than aspartame. Aspartame is only good for rat or ant poison. The cruelest hoax visited on American citizens, the poisons in municipal water systems supposedly to make them safe. (Fluoride and Chloride)

At 20, life does not make sense unless you have already established certain parameters about your selection of friends and your willingness to give up some family. Nothing will disparage you quicker, nothing will bring you down faster than pitiful friends... Those who do not share your aims and ambitions. You can be selective in your friends but not your family and relatives. I find there is more jealously in a family unit than any other. Be ready to let them go. To this minute, at age 80, I can not remember one word of encouragement from one family member or any relative. This is a sad commentary but even Jesus Christ himself recognized the situation. (Matthew 12:48)

At 80, “talking back” to 20, my family, my relatives should have been glad to know what a person from such a humble background, having lost his eyes, could do with his life... Particularly, honoring my parents as I have, Their church, where I have given hundreds of thousands in their honor, has never yet thanked me... Not even one time. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.

At 20, you establish your own absolutes... The absolute from right and wrong, the absolute from good and evil, the absolute concerning science and religion.

You may not believe in gravity, but try stepping out a window on the 10th floor of a building. You may not believe in the periodic table, but the molecular weights that you calculate the chemical equations involving molecules but mix up the wrong poisons and you could have a terrible explosion.

You may not believe in reading music, established tones, measures, keys, listen to a concert pianist, then listen to a child banging on a keyboard. Listen to rap or rock and roll, then listen to a symphony.

Talking back to 20, I have learned that people love lies. They learn this on Madison Ave resulting in the squawler of television and radio commercials. At 20, little money was spent in political campaigns. Obama spent nearly 1 billion dollars to buy the presidency. Through lies, (college funds for all students, cure for cancer, transparency in government, etc) He enticed 69 million Americans to vote for him. He is still lying, more profusely than ever. (Global Warming, financial bailouts, recession recovery) People would rather hear a lie than the truth anytime. The government controlled media knows that the more you tell a lie the more people want to hear it. Jesus said, “I am the truth.” (John 17:17, 14:6) From 1799 to 1892, this was a Christian nation as declared by the Supreme Court. In my lifetime, 1963, by a innocuous 21 word prayer. Prayers was taken out of schools... Replaced by police officers patrolling the halls. In 1973, abortion was legalized and since then 53 million babies have been killed. (3000 a day, 1452 black babies) At 20, we had abiding faith at the integrity of our government. We know now, that America was warned about Pearl Harbor that President Kennedy was assassinated by his own country, that President Clinton orchestrated the burning alive of 85 women and children at Waco TX. That the government had direct involvement with the Oklahoma City bombing, and the 9/11 bombing. Much lying about the Vietnam and Gulf War and even greater lies about the Iraq War. Americans have come to love lies especially those cooked and beautifully frosted and decorated by government intelligence. Judicial watch has just come out with a list of America's most corrupt politicians.

1. Christopher Dodd
2.John Ensign
3.Barney Frank
4.Timothy Geithner
5.Eric Holder
6.Jesse Jackson, Jr./Roland Burris
7.Barack Obama
8.Nancy Pelosi
9.John Murtha (deceased)
10.Charles Rangel

You will note, only one republican the Senator from Nevada. At 20, the country would have been embarrassed by this disclosure... even though, the country realized that F.D.R.'s Vice President, Henry Wallace, was an avowed Communist. This country was so objective even Joseph Stalin did not realize that F.D.R. Was wheelchair bound. Stalin did not know that F.D.R. Was crippled from polio until the Yalta Conference. Today, any decadents, politician or otherwise smeared across America. Ask, President Clinton, Tiger Woods, Joe Biden, etc. The Congress is aware of the inconsistency of government... Americans fright with the contamination of politics and money. It makes no difference, they just want to get elected or re-elected, if it takes lies, deceit, debauchery, death to get there.

At 20, people were more considerate of one another, most knew they were God's Workmanship (Ephesians 2:10) The world had not taken over the Church. Sheppard's were concerned about the flock. Pulpits and pews were not filled with imposters.

One of my fellow blind friends, now dead, told me that, as a only child she was taken to her mother's funeral grave-site by neighbors (she did not have any living relatives) So unconcerned were these neighbors and the funeral director, that they all got up and went to their cars and left this woman sitting alone by the grave. THIS TOTALLY BLIND VETERAN KNOWS THE CALLOUSNESS OF HIS FELLOW MAN. A wheelchair bound veteran told me what desperation he had suffered in a men's bathroom. Technology has improved the world, but human nature has taken a downward turn during the past 80 years. Character determines destination, a lack of character, has determined this nation eventual fall into the muck of history.

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Value of Suspenders


Mr. Larry King, liberal heartthrob of America's decadent Democrats, known for his suspenders is about as well known for his many wives. This week, according to press reports, he is divorcing his 7th wife due to a matter of irreconcilable differences.

It has been irreconcilable differences that has changed history in America, getting caught up in personalities or promiscuousness, products of profiteering, paganism and propriety. It was President Eisenhower's heart attack in 1955 which lead to the introduction of cholesterol … the fact that Americans were eating too much meat and carbohydrates, we came up with “wheatless Monday” and , “meatless Tuesday” in an effort to cut back on cholesterol. Without any scientific evidence Americans fall into the trap of believing anything state media will promote.

Recently, during the coldest winter on record, besmirched by Global Warming, Mr. Obama and his overheated Communist sympathizers decided to put an international tax on us using cap and trade or global warming as a vehicle, since we are not paying enough in local, state and federal taxes. Now, comes the VAT tax (Value Added Tax). How well I remember the country “hog killings”, when the fat, lazy hogs were scalded in a vat of hot water. Their hair cleaned from the body, then attached to a gallous, were hoisted and gutted. Perhaps, after the vat, not having paid enough, we too, will be hoisted and gutted.

There was a time, when Americans voluntarily paid their tax because of character, integrity, love for liberty.

The wedding ring on a man's hand signifies the never ending bond of marriage … no ending, total encirclement. So it is with love of country, no ending, total encirclement. You are always anxious to pledge allegiance to the flag ... not like today's occupant of the White House who does not even put his hand over his heart as the civilian gesture, running down his own country and other world capitols. There are many reasons to find fault with your government but, as with the old song, “Love It or Leave It”.

A good marriage, good health, good government, good life … all takes work. Many have lost the spirituality of work. Whether cutting the soil with a plow in the field, whether cutting the bread of life growing in a field with a scythe or cutting out cancerous tissue in the hospital surgery emporium, all work should be honest, worthy of integrity.

I am the first to tell you that government taxation has taken about everything that is not nailed down. Now, the government has come with a crowbar, taking what is nailed down (thousands of new employees at the IRS). Look in the mirror, you have no one to blame but the one in the reflection. Your vote, your stance against oppression is the determining factor involving your future and that of your family. A child born in the local hospital this morning owes the government $48,000 at birth.

Americans will learn to live as carefully before the pending disaster as they will after the disaster, the pending disaster of a terrorist strike or that of trying to repay the un-payable American debt.

My passport has been stamped in 157 countries of the world. I have traveled through every continent, most countries several times. Most of the world's population lives in dirt … particularly those below the 30th parallel.

America has forgotten it's blessings, Constitutionally illiterate and more importantly Biblically illiterate. Joseph, the Earthly father of Jesus and our blessed Lord himself could show us much about the value of work and the values of life. Can you not just hear Joseph telling Jesus, “measure twice and cut once”? We have forgotten our values, forsaken the good sense of our founders and the blessedness of almighty God.

Strike Here First


If I were not an old, totally blind man, and could still climb a ladder, I would go on top of my house and paint a big white X and under it put, “strike here first”. I want to be immediately cremated by whatever disaster hits, and it is certainly going to happen. I don't want to be left behind, subjected to the plunderers and pilferers who will be roaming the streets looking for food or anything else. I don't believe it has occurred to most people just how chaotic life will be for those left behind after a man made or natural disaster.

Most of us have spent our lives preparing … preparing for living … preparing for dying … preparing for the unexpected. But, let's face it, most of the population prepares for nothing, as with our country, reactive instead of proactive. It is inconceivable in the 21st century, that with all the technology available, that alternate airline routes are not already mapped, able to escape the umbra of any natural disaster. We know it is not true because with the volcanic clouds from Iceland, airports were shut down. In one afternoon, all the agriculture and much of the wealth of the United States can be wiped out by one volcanic eruption such as that from Yellowstone which has been showing much activity. The news people would be crying about the great Yellowstone's country club destruction in which Bill Gates, Dan Quail and Ted Turner, the club who's annual membership costs 4 million dollars and 2 million dollars for annual dues, if they could take time from talking about Tiger Woods, John Edwards or some other fornicator.

With disasters and catastrophes all around us, both man made and natural, it is hard to comprehend why intelligent people do not prepare for the inevitable … water, food, shovels, batteries, life saving medications. Most think that after a catastrophe with other than minor inconveniences, life will go on as usual. One college student said to me, “I might be without electricity but I could just eat at a fast food place”. News Flash! There will be no electricity for anyone, no water coming out of any pipes, no service stations, no delivery trucks on the highway, store shelves will be empty. Even if you can get to a hospital there would probably be no one there to care for you. Doctors, nurses, policemen, firemen, all service personnel, if alive, will be at home trying to protect themselves and their family. Certainly, people who have never worried about death or even going to hell and have made no preparation about their eternal welfare, who have just played the game and have made few preparations about survival here on this earth, a big ball of dirt surrounding magma, will not be concerned (a lost word in most vocabularies).

The wants and needs of earth are generally modified by the profiteering of war. Wars have kept the American and indeed the world economies going for a very long time. We care little about those willing to go to war, buried in military cemeteries on foreign land or those returning battered and bruised scrimping to survive on a military pension. We have cared little for the innocence, mothers and children, burned and buried, under the ravages of bombings. To show how callous the human psyche has become, just this week, an United States President, Bill Clinton, has admitted that he orchestrated the burning alive of 85 women and children at the religious compound near Waco, Texas. Can you even imagine that this piece of garbage, a pervert in any language, says he was blackmailed by Janet Reno, his Secretary of State? We feel sure that his wife, the present Secretary of State, is no better.

Offshore banks under the tutelage of the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, are in control of the world's money supply. Those who ride in stretched limousines have little care for the homeless trying to survive on the streets. Those who live in the luxury of Park Avenue sky scrapers, mansions overlooking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are only annoyed by talk of poverty. But, remember this, they will be the first victims of a catastrophe. Peasants in the back-wood huts of third world countries, the disenfranchised Americans living in clapboard houses in swamps will survive the catastrophe. They have their wells of fresh water, a few chickens, know how to grow some food. Closets full of fancy shoes matching the splendor of the country club, golf club, will not suffice when walking, trying to escape the ravages of an uncontrolled society.

Sir Walter Scott said, “there is only one book, the Bible”. Mother Teresa said, “do what is in front of you”. Anyone with two purkinje cells still functioning in the brain should be making preparation. We have chosen our poison, at the ballot box, installing people in office only concerned with the next election, their own welfare.

Bill Gates has not done what he has done because of his love for humanity. It is greed that has made him wealthy. Greed is the catalyst by which the wheel of capitalism turns. We have built great cities, even countrysides, even golf courses … all with magnificent buildings, traveled on magnificent planes and automobiles, lived beyond the dreams of emperors but profess a decadence sickening to intelligent thinking and blasphemy in the nostrils of all- mighty God.

God's word, the Bible, was completed in 95 A.D. A period of 1400 years elapsed between the writing of the oldest book and the writing of the newest of the 66 books. Yet, there is not one contradiction, not one promise broken, not one prophecy, until this minute, unfulfilled in this “answer book”. We do not want to hear it, more anxious in changing God than in God changing us. More concerned with what people think of us than what God knows about us. In one college, a Christian legal student group has been forced to take in non-believers … very much like the vegetarian society that was forced to take in meat eaters.

In a local college, one theater teacher was perplexed because a drama student showed so little respect for the lines in one of Shakespeare's plays. Not holding to the integrity of the lines, he wanted to make up his own. On the night of the performance, the student gave the Shakespearean lines perfectly. At the end of the play, there was one curtain call after another as the audience applauded. Afterwords, the teacher/producer of the play said to the student, “I don't understand why you changed you attitude totally to give such an outstanding performance”. The student said, “just as I went on stage, and just before my first lines, the last person to take a seat in the audience was the author himself … William Shakespeare”. (People Still see visions)

Perhaps, as individuals and as a nation we will come to a reasonable sighting of God, some vision before the “strike”.