Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This is the last day of the 2010 Hurricane season, many hurricanes this year, not one hitting the coast of North Carolina. This is the greatest concern of coastal citizens, people never recover from the destruction of the hurricane, moving water is the most powerful force known to man.

I was away in the military in 1954 when Hurricane Hazel devastated the east coast of North Carolina. Until their deaths, my parents, grandparents and others, never stopped talking about Hurricane Hazel. This hurricane devastated the beaches, the farmlands, the woodlands for at least 100 miles inland, the buildings and woodlands of my father's farms, were still mostly devastated 50 years after the event. Such devastation as with a tsunami will wipe out most governments, most insurance companies.

If you live east of Highway 95 in eastern NC, you have only one choice of insurance regarding water damage, all the other large, powerful insurance companies deserted the state. There should be a North Carolina law, indeed a federal law that insurance companies cannot cherry-pick who they will insure. As far as natural disasters, I am going through such a ridiculous situation regarding my beach house, right now. I know you should never assume anything, but you just naturally assume that when you buy a house, built according to government specifications, inspected by government, approved by government and insurance company inspectors, that certain building codes have been observed. I don't understand why any construction company, any design architect would put a hot water tank on the top floor of a house. This was my first claim with this NC beach plan insurance company.

I had never made a claim for hurricane damage even though experiencing hurricane damage, but a leak at the hot water tank from corrosion, age or whatever caused water to leak and damage the interior of the house during my absence from the property. After going through the trauma of restoration, insurance adjusters, contractors, etc. I put a cut-off valve on the outside of the house, this valve cuts off all water going in to the house, just as the meter in the street. I recommend that everyone do this, one cannot imagine how much damage a water leak can cause throughout a house. After this, whenever I was away for any period of time, the water was cut off by my driver, and was turned back on by my driver when I returned to the property, usually on weekends.

Once again, 15 years later, I get up on a Sunday morning, and find that a pipe has ruptured on the lower floor of the house. Totally blind, living alone, I called for emergency assistance, the chief of the fire department and the chief of the police department responded, called a restoration company, and I left the entire matter in the hands of the insurance company to which I had paid much money, the restoration company, and the various inspectors responsible for permitting fees.

I believe this type disaster, when compared to a hurricane or tsunami, minor, could happen in any home, anywhere, any time. But, since I have had two insurance water losses, my insurance has been canceled, the only insurance available, a monopoly enterprise.

A new book has just come out entitled Watergate Exposed (Robert Merritt), it is now known that the Watergate, so-called break-in, was a contrived method to get rid of a President. If you want to get ill with the corruption of Washington DC, the “gay” element in destroying politicians, you then find that Woodward and Bernstein, Dr. Daniel Ellsberg, The Pentagon Papers, the Senate hearings, the tapes and everything else pertaining to this sordid chapter in American history, at which time the word “plumbers” was often used because of an attempt to keep certain national secrets secret. The assorted memos and other national documents leaked this week become less threatening. Many went to prison, Pat Nixon never recovered, fortunes were made from books, but all Watergate, WikiLeaks, all just symptoms of the cancer which is destroying the patient, the United States of America.

Is it conceivable, does any thinking adult believe possible that in a world of technology, CIA, FBI, MID, the world's greatest superpower cannot protects it's most vital data, secrets, diplomacy matters affecting the entire world? Are the millions of intelligence officials, both in the military and civilian branches of government, just paid to sleep, attend cocktail parties, play the “games” until retirement? It is an insult to the hard-working, God-fearing, tax-paying American citizen and should be an embarrassment to every politician and bureaucrat in Washington and elsewhere, that such a treason disaster has happened in the first place.

In many trips around the world, I witnessed diplomats with their diplomatic pouches, exiting and entering planes via diplomatic doors. We hear of safe phones, sound-proof rooms, encryption, spies, intelligence gathering via “bugs”. We are told that intelligence gathering is so exact that eyes are trained to read lips across a room, that we have satellites in the sky that can give accurate information. Have we been stupid enough to believe that James Bond, 007, was just a paragon of our sensibilities and sensitivities. The intelligence budget for America in 2009 was estimated to be $50 billion. What happened to the money?

This is more than a capture of diplomatic gossip, lives are at stake. In a cauldron of evil, where forces of sanity and insanity “mix it up”, at a time when one world government seems to be the order of the day, when unbelievable fortunes are made by conglomerates that just keep people fighting one another, it essential to insure integrity and honesty to government at all levels, but certainly people intelligent enough to keep our secrets in the vault.

One of the world's greatest preachers, Charles H. Bergen, told us to demand the truth, that spiritual and physical life is not for amusement. As with one's soul, a well-fed body can still go to hell, a well-clothed, healed, intellectual, inspired soul can still go to hell. America has been blessed with great wealth, great superpower status, but if we do not have the essentials of survival, we will wind up in the pangs of hell. It is too late for mops and buckets, call the plumbers and get to the gusher.

Monday, November 29, 2010

What's Next?

Yesterday, the brass at ABC News issued orders forbidding reporters to wear American flag lapel pins or other patriotic insignia. Their reasoning was that “ABC should remain neutral about 'causes'.”

Just as we have already lost the “war against poverty”, the “war against drugs”, the “war against illiteracy”, so we have lost the “war against terrorism”. Alexander Hamilton said long ago, “that men would eventually give up all privacy for security.” The full body scanning at the airport now can tell you if a man is circumcised. You can be sure that your privacy is gone, and most dumbed-down, liberal products of American public education, don't seem to care. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere, they don't have time to challenge TSA's infringement on their travel rights. Will these same dumbed-down sheep actually rebel when the government actually comes into your home to check your medicine cabinet, to check your refrigerator, to take away your methods of defending yourself?

Most Americans think that flight began on the North Carolina coast at Kitty Hawk. Those were just play things, the space age began in 1942, in Germany. Hitler wanted a guided missile that would travel 200 miles. In tunnels, slave laborers worked on the rockets that were perfected and used by Hitler's Germany. An estimated 26,000 slave laborers died in these tunnels where the rockets were built.

How history repeats itself when you do not learn from it. It began in Germany in 1912, with the alien Aryan idea of racial supremacy: antisemitic, Darwinian, “survival of the fittest”. This Germanic idealism, a cult following patterned after the Masons, using the swastika as their emblem, intended to build a superior race with space flight as it's ultimate objective. The 1921 BREL society taken over by Nazism and Hitler, became serious about space conquest as well as world conquest.

The first ballistic missile went 50 miles, rocketry took it's toll in the bombardment of London. One can only imagine what the world would be like today if Hitler had succeeded with jet propulsion, which he was working on, and which was transferred to Red Stone Arsenal, along with the scientists involved, and the atomic bomb which he was working on. It just so happens that the scientists involved in jet propulsion, as well as atomic/nuclear bombs, became subservient to America. But, as we are seeing each day, the Nazi practices of identification, control (“let me see your papers”...“let me search you, let me radiate you”) is as much a part of the American security system as space travel, guided missiles and jet aircraft.

We are now faced with a generational slippage into a cauldron of despair and disillusionment. For a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected, medical-officer war veteran who has spent everyday of his life in darkness for the past 40 years, it is inconceivable that Americans, particularly those in places of power are ashamed of their flag, are willing to give up, so easily, everything that so many have given up so much for.

We were all bought at a slave market, pitiful that some prefer to stay slaves. Abraham Lincoln witnessed the slave market in New Orleans in 1855, saw black women examined, black men's genitals examined. He said, “One day, god willing, I will put an end to this indecency.”

The apostle Paul, in his letter to Hebrews, said, “for here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come.” (Hebrews 13:14) Think of the height and width of these words, think of how easily we throw away everything that has been gained, gained through the history of mankind: bloodshed, toil and tears. We in America just take our democratic republic so casually. Hard-working, God-fearing, tax-paying Americans sent $8.9 billion to Iraq which was lost, unaccounted for. We know that Americans were killed with weapons which the enemy purchased from Americans.

Only Americans have voted for slavery, chains of indifference, indecency, now we have chains of unforgiveness. How does one forgive the depravity, corruption of eastern North Carolina politicians who have kept this area of the world in depression for so many years? How does one forgive family members, churches, denominations (Southern Baptist, Free Will Baptist, Primitive Baptist), who have supported these scoundrels of the bizarre, prosperity for the few, discouragement for the many? I find it difficult to encourage young people in such a desert of apathy.

Nothing is impossible with God. He has cleansed everything in the past, He can do it again. When the ark, about the size of the Queen Mary, pitched to keep out the water, was bobbing up and down as water covered the planet, you can be sure that there were earthquakes, volcanoes, earth eruptions of every type, as the earth took a new form, as everything was changed. Over and over, in the manufacturer's written instructions to us, He said, “he who has ears, let him hear.”

As in the Garden, as before Noah's flood, as in every message on each side of the cross, we have refused to listen. It is not just the flag of which ABC is ashamed, ABC, like so many blessed Americans, is ashamed of the greatness of God as manifest in this great country.

We have become a country of perversion, a world political scene of ambiguity. Why should mothers and fathers go through the turmoil of raising sons and daughters to defend a country when the enemy is not easily recognizable? it seems evident that we have as many enemies inside the perimeter as we have outside the perimeter. WWI General John J. Pershing said, “time will not dim the glory of their deeds.” I'm sure he meant, not only the deeds of the American military men and women, but the deeds of the honest, God-fearing, tax-paying citizens who are proud to sing about the stars and stripes forever.

Friday, November 26, 2010


At least forty years ago, when my son, my only child was in high school, I took him to Washington DC and we walked all over the important historical parts of the city. I wanted him to have an appreciation of the monuments, the capital building, Arlington National Cemetery, his historical ancestral heritage as an American citizen. The patriotism he should know from a descendant of early patriots. One night, we went into the Watergate to eat in the dining room. Like the Kennedy Center and many other landmarks, I wanted to be very careful in my description, I remember saying, “the half has not yet been told about what went on in this building, the Nixon presidency.”

With the publication of the Watergate Expose () we will learn just how rotten our nation's capital really is...how and why the gay agenda has gained such a foothold, if the gestapo or MAFIA had designed our government, the corruption could not be any more disabling. With absolute callousness, the powerbrokers, the reporters, the historians, have refused to recognize the inevitable.

Have we reached the place where we just don't care? I noticed that in Russia, every park, there were signs posted which read “dogs not allowed.” One would think that this would just be common sense. I noticed that in most of the large botanical gardens in the world, gardens where much time and money is spent on preservation and presentation, there were signs everywhere which said, “stay on the walkway.” I noted that in wonderful museums, palaces, fine homes of the world, open to the public, there were always signs which read “stay on the plastic runners”, “don't sit on the furniture”. One would think that people visiting these places would know that everyone could not walk on the fragile, old carpets, sit on the delicate, ancient antiques.

I heard the pastor of a large baptist church on the radio, they had just moved into a new, multimillion dollar building. They were having a homecoming service with food. The pastor had to say from the pulpit, “do not bring food into this new building.” I heard the same pastor (I listen to the services from this church each Sunday) say, “parents please keep your children under control in our church.” Dr. Gene Scott, pastor at University Cathedral, Los Angeles, did not allow children into the church service until they were 12 years of age, from 12 until marriage, children were instructed to sit with their parents. In many orthodox churches of the world, there are no seated pews, the people stand for the entire service, just as did the children of Israel, the early Jewish congregation in the wilderness and elsewhere. They stood as the parchments were read or the prophets or psalms recited.

Today's church attendees, carpeted floors, padded pews, mocking God with their smiles and indifference, smiling as they walked the aisle in “repentance”. Card signers, many of whom never entered the baptistry and most never partake of our Lord's supper. Absolute pretenders, deceived and naive, gullible enough to think they have been saved by the grace of God. Even with a new body contortion, is there really a new heart creation redemption? Make sure that the holy spirit of Jesus Christ has changed your heart. That Christ lives in your heart, that you are a living epistle, to be presented as a living sacrifice. (2 Corinthians 3:3, Romans 12:1-2)

It is a callous pastor, callous parents, callous people, who will allow someone to stay deceived. Your eternal security is much too important. There is not one picture of sin which is not horrible. The most horrible picture of sin, is the deception of sin. Every graveyard, every prison, every newspaper, tells us about sin, if not for sin, there would be no death, no prison population, none of the corruption which we face everyday of our life. It is essential to be forgiven from sin. Jesus Christ paid the supreme price for our forgiveness.

We were told today, that 600,000 people die each year just from smoking cigarettes. We were told today, that a city, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil where one of the largest Christian crucifixes in the world stands (Christ the Redeemer), there is so much drug crime among the barrios, that military vehicles go into the poverty-stricken areas, blazing away at the people, killing/maiming, an attempt to control sin.

Most of the world's population just does not care, callous, careless, condemned, sin always pays with counterfeit. One girl who worked for me, and her husband tried the Jehovah's witness religion. There is evidently a reason there are no windows in Kingdom Hall, I do not have a computer which can even give a figure about how much she stole from me. Blind, in another part of the house, she took my things to the front door for her husband to put in their car. All of my coin collection, foreign money collection, boxes of Stirling silver. Often, I ask people, do you expect to go to heaven when you die? It is not if you die, the mortality rate is still 100%, never have I had the first one to say that they expect to go to hell...all expect to go to heaven. God does not allow any unforgiven sin in His heaven.

Jesus was either the greatest hoax of the world, or He was who He said He was: the way, the truth, the life (John 14:6) He did not die for callousness, he does not need cowards.

Shocking Isn't It

Keep these facts in mind when "donating".

As you open your pockets for yet another natural disaster, keep these facts in mind: 

Marsha J. Evans, President and CEO of the American Red Cross... Salary for year ending 06/30/03 was $651,957 plus expenses. (That's $74.42 an hour For EVERY hour of EVERY day.)

Brian Gallagher, President of the United Way receives a $375,000 base salary, plus numerous expense benefits. (That's $42.80 an hour for EVERY Hour of EVERY day.)

UNICEF CEO receives $1,200,000 per year plus all expenses and a ROLLS ROYCE car where ever he goes and only cents of your dollar goes to the cause. (That's $1369.86 an hour for EVERY hour of EVERY day.)

The Salvation Army's Commissioner Todd Bassett receives a salary of only $13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar organization.

No further comment necessary.

Addition by Dr. Morris:

Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day, a day first set aside by George Washington for “thanks giving”. A national holiday giving glory to God for His benefits. Today, is black Friday, when normal American citizens make fools of themselves, getting up real early, going to stores, trying to find bargains, things, most of the time, things they do not need.

This totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected, medical officer veteran of the Korean conflict spent Thanksgiving Day listening to radios, people talking about eating, feeding the homeless, feeding prisoners. There is nothing wrong about feeding our armed forces, feeding prisoners, feeding the homeless, as long as we keep everything in perspective.

In this long line of ludicrous salaries for CEOS of “do-gooder” organizations, which are supposed to be in servitude for a cause, I want to add the Audubon Society, those interested in bird-life. The President of the Audubon Society gets $180,000 a year. This group rented office space from me, in all my rentals, over many years, it was the first time it was necessary to completely redo a building, including replacing the carpet.

I have one policy in contributing to these do-gooder organizations: IF they live better than I do, they should not expect me to give my money. IF they do not have the same moral fortitude that I have, they should not expect my money. IF they have not given as much as I have, to God and country, they should not expect a contribution from me. I am so tired of people who get these big jobs, however they get them, do-gooder groups, politicians, pastors, who are supposed to be in servitude for a cause, but just use that cause to live better than the rest of us.

The goodness and kindness of God leads one into a path of servitude, spiritual or physical. Just as salvation is His choice, not our choice, so we should feel that working for a cause, whether it is the welfare of birds (Audubon), people in distress (Red Cross), community development (United Way), faith in God should determine our passion, just as God's Word revives a dead soul.

So many civic, political, spiritual, people and groups have forgotten their mission. Do we actual think the saints, martyrs of our faith, could actually be paid for their commitment or devotion, they knew that life was in giving and even dying for a cause. There is no resurrection, no redemption without death to self. Take two kernels of corn, totally dead, plant them in your yard, in the good earth. When these dead kernels (but with the passion of life inside, dead soul) sprout, give them water, make sure of enough sunlight. The ears of corn from these two plants (thousands of kernels), planted in fields, those in turn planted in fields, exponentially for seven years, would soon have enough corn plants to feed the world, much could be done with money honestly, sacredly given, if it were not for the greed involved by those who have their hands in the management.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dogs Don't Bark

In the sunset years of my life, I am often asked what have been the greatest changes in my lifetime. It is not the conveniences provided by electronics, advances made by nanotechnology (computers). More than anything else, man's indifference with Pavlov's dog, feeding, salivation, ringing of bells, today's dogs have become so acclimated to the noise and confusion of life around them, that they must be taught to be a watchdog.

Einstein said, “when the honey bees disappear, man will not be far behind.” Have you noticed the disappearance of honeybees, the disappearance of frogs (amphibian population declines have been noted since 1980, pesticide use, disease, pollution)? When you see the chem trails in the sky, you may think it has no direct effect on you, but think of what it has done to agriculture, tree life, bird life, all in an attempt to control weather. Did you really think you would escape the horrors of magnetic fields, by keeping a cell phone to your head, a computer in your lap? It is well known that many infant babies cannot sleep in some rooms of the average home because of the electromagnetic field existing in the room. Television radios, computers, iPods, even the many electric wires in the walls of your home (there is nothing more dangerous than a dimmer switch). Your bed should be pulled away from the wall!

Use a Gaussmeter to measure the electromagnetic fields of the room in your house, and around appliances (the greatest offender of all, your microwave). Most sleep problems can be attributed to excessive electronics, an incessant bombardment by an electromagnetic field. Look at the plant life under electric power lines. One with any intelligence at all will not buy a house near high-voltage carrier power lines.

Noah was 600 years old when he entered the ark, the ark of salvation which God had designed. Noah had worked on this ship for 120 years, built to God's exact specifications (specifications still used in proportion shipbuilding today). It was just a large wooden box, pitched so it would not leak, it had to survive many days tossing on the water which God had used to drown the earth. After the ark was completed, all the animals had entered, two by two, except for the clean ones used by Noah for sacrifice. God did not say to Noah and his family, “go into the ark”, but he said, “come into the ark.” God always invites us, indifferent or not, to come into his ark of salvation. For seven days, Noah stood in the door of the ark, begging the scoffers and snoffers who had laughed at him, as a “preacher of righteousness.” But God gave a grace period of seven days, and anyone could have entered the ark along with Noah, his family, and the animals. Not one entered.

In this day of political correctness, government-controlled news media, dogs just refuse to bark, there are very few of us who give any warning about the coming disaster, the grace period that has been extended to us.

90% of the people in Afghanistan could not find the United States of America on a map. For centuries, they have been in a survival mode. I have been in Afghanistan three times, the country is now, much like as described by Rudyard Kipling. I saw men riding donkeys, women and children with goat herds, uneducated, poverty-stricken, just trying to survive. Why would a once-wealthy nation use drones to bomb them? Perhaps this is the reason that this once wealthy nation is now the world's greatest debtor nation. Americans are poor and have not realized it yet.

The best-sellers in grocery stores are energy drinks, Americans fortunate enough to have a job are working as hard as possible just to stay afloat as most of their homes go underwater. I know of no other civilization that has voted for slavery, that consistently votes for corruption, that tolerates crooks at the state house, the court house, the school house, and the church house. When will we learn that the borrower is always the slave of the lender? (Proverbs 22:7) There was a time when a watchdog would bark if the “master” were in danger.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tailgate Party

One who reads books, listens to the radio, has been somewhat exposed to certain areas of the city where there are large homes with manicured lawns, and tennis courts, and we realize that there is a certain line of demarcation between the 'haves and the have-nots'. In my early years, I was exposed to the 'black' sections of town, from which my father would haul field hands to work on the farm. Deep within the recesses of my soul, an inner being of consciousness (with which most of us are blessed) we know that our God of grace and glory made all of us in his image and we “stand amazed” that there is such a difference in the heritage of human beings. Many of us actually believe we are members of just one race, the human race.
I did not realize the vast chasm between the rich and the poor and the attitude of the rich towards the poor, particularly the bigotry existing between rich white people and poor white people and their absolute disdain for black people. I had heard of hypocrisy, the fact that ones 'talk' does not agree with their 'walk'...but, at the university, at Chapel Hill, I realized the chasm of opportunity provided for the state's wealthy people compared to those who merely survived. To this day, I get absolutely righteously sick when I see the pompousness of those whose fore bearers just happened to have been lucky in buying real estate at the right time or getting an automobile dealership at just the right time or by 'hook or crook' and kissing the right gluteus maximus, the right job in a bank or elsewhere.

As a poor, struggling student, who really was not supposed to be there, but was blessed enough to be there, I would stand in my dormitory room at UNC Chapel Hill, on football weekends and see these large cars with our state's drunken elitists, parked in the parking lots, open up the 'tail gate' and have nice expensive food. Meanwhile, I survived 8 years of university education (Chapel Hill and U of Memphis), eating on $1 a day. The more they ate and drank, the drunker they got. By the time they staggered to Kenan Stadium, where I would usher for a few dollars, these Caucasian, pompous elitists were so 'debacled' by their attempt to rally those around them, whom they were trying to impress, with their expensively feathered vestments, and gold decanters that they did not know which school team was on the field.

These same trustees and legislators, and they always made sure everyone knew who they were, judges and the state's powers of commercial prowess, whose sons (at that time, only a few girls attended the university) were there because of WHO they were, WHAT they were, not in any respect their academic ability. It sickened me then, and it paralyzes me with resentment today, that this state-tax supported university furnished special tutors to make sure the sons of legislators, trustees, power-brokers, opinion-molders, and 'blue-bloods' in the state had no difficulty at the university. One of my friends, whose father was a judge, was visited regularly by one of these university lackeys, to make sure he was not having any problems with anything.

The university athletes were always given special privileges of every type; tutoring, expensive food at the Tarheel Club, and spending money to make sure that they were happy “Tarheels”. A young man, who lived across the hall from me in the Stacey Dorm, whose father was a CPA University Trustee, always was brought back from home in a black Cadillac. I remember asking him how much the Cadillac cost. At that time, a black sedan Seville Cadillac cost $5,000. He said, “My mother also has one.” In this university academic quandary of bigotry, with the fraternity set, the special student social groups, (Gimghoul, Order of the Minotaurs, Gorgon's Head Lodge, Order of the Sheiks, Order of the Old Well, Order of the Grail, Order of the Golden Fleece, etc... I understand the cost for being a member of “Skull and Bones” is around $10,000 a year and I'm sure the cost to belong to many of these 'secret', prestigious organizations at Chapel Hill was many thousands of dollars a year.) these “big men on campus”, (BMOC) incested from family and friends who paid their way through this molestation, who continue to pay great fees for their pompous attitudes in their fall visits to their dining rooms are now the very ones who are the prostitutes of the lobbyists in the shrine of the Democrat party, shrine located on Jones St. in Raleigh, the caboose of their ride to fame and fortune, the legislature of North Carolina, and more affected ones, congressional seats in Washington.

Only the wealthiest families in the state (at this time, there were only a few prestigious universities in this state, Duke, Wake Forest, etc) could finance a son's debutante entrance into the premier society of the 'rich and famous' in the Tarheel State. All Democrats, all bigots, all 'country club'. I always stayed very quiet and just watched this debauchery, their paddles, their Greek pins, their one-up-manship on who knows who, and who is sleeping with who at the prestigious, state girls' schools.

While a medical officer in the Army, another medical officer, graduate of the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, whose father and grandfather were also the paternal 'debauchers' of the fraternity lifestyle, invited me to go to Tuscaloosa with him one Saturday. I then discovered the extent to which this nomenclature of bigotry extended. We walked into the dining room of the fraternity house, the black waiters were bowing and kneeling to the 'homecoming' returnees. Food, fit for a king, was on every buffet just for the eating. Each person in the room was trying to 'out impress' the others with their financial accomplishments. This, my friends, is the way the offspring of the rich and famous live, get their political backing, and like the 'Judas goat', foils you at the voting booth. Who is surprised, when former Governor Easley and his wife, are so caught up in this madness of excess, thievery and crooked activity?

I want to disclose a situation, to which a young black man had sworn me to secrecy, because he did not want me to get into any kind of trouble while I was a student at Chapel Hill. This young black man, 19, had graduated at the top of his class in a nearby black high school in Orange County. He wanted to attend the university, but no blacks were allowed at the university at that time. His widowed, poverty-stricken mother took in washing (laundry) for a living. He worked as a janitor in the dormitory, where I got to know him. He realized, that I worked at the medical school (at that time, a 2-year school) and wanted to use some books in the medical school library. I knew Ms. Annie Pickard, medical school librarian, would never allow him inside the facility, just across the hall from Dean Barry Hill's office. But, I told him, on the nights when I would be in charge of the library, he could come over and use the books; he was a magnificent artist and was making drawings of all the musculature, the circulatory system and nervous system of the human body.

He needed to study the books in the medical school in order to perfect his drawings. is intentions, if he could ever get the money together, was to attend the black medical school, Meharry, in Nashville, TN. So, he would come over at night, sit at the table, and do his work. The only problem I ever encountered, Dr. Margaret Swanton, professor in the pathology department, one of the few women on the faculty, asked me what that 'Negro' was doing in the library. I made up some story, which she bought, and never heard anything more from it. But, he knew, as a black citizen of this state, whose mother and family paid taxes at the store just like anyone else, that he was not allowed within this state facility and he also knew, that this poor white boy, whose stay at the university depended on his job, was taking a risk in allowing him to study there.

My education continued, I went on to another university, into the military, and then into a world of isolation and blindness. The last I heard of this young man, he never went to medical school, but did attend the Wharton School of Economics in Philadelphia. He is probably one of the top black entrepreneurs We often wonder why North Carolina has been so bedraggled by self-imposed hypocrisy. When poor whites, decedents of the 'cotton mill impoverishment' and poor blacks, descendants of the tenant farmer obstructionists, complain to me about their lack of opportunity, I simply say, “Keep walking lock stepped to the polls, voting the Democrat ticket, your slave masters for over 100 years.” You must love the fact that just last year, this Democrat, decadent, legislature lost $635 million which should have gone to the mental health facilities of this state. This is enough money to have put running water in every home in Eastern North Carolina which still has out houses. This is enough money to have corrected all the problems at the mental institutions such as Cherry Hospital where one patient died while waiting for care (24 hours).

When I was a student at Chapel Hill, two of my father's friends, Hardy Talton and Rowland Braswell, were in the legislature. Since they knew my ability, my interest in politics, they would invite me over to watch the legislature, which at the time, was meeting in the capital building. I still remember, 'cousin' Wayland Spruill, longtime politician, who passed out all the state funds to his friends, coming into the hall of power, calling out “SUEY, SUEY, SUEY” as if he were calling the hogs to the trough. The Democrat hogs are STILL at the trough, after 60 years, very little has changed. Life in the “good ole north state” is still a big tailgate party.


Biometrics is the control of humans through methods involving the measurement of physical and behavioral characteristics such as fingerprints, DNA, iris flex, facial structure, hand geometry, odor, voice, gait, and anything else that makes you you.

Government controls probably started with the inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, he had as his Vice President Henry Wallace, an avowed Communist until his death. Roosevelt was advised by several other Communists including Harry Hopkins; books have been written on the subject, the incremental controls affecting every lifestyle. Since the vast majority of the population was rural, it was easier to indoctrinate them. The agricultural stabilization program was the first “in-your-face” example of totalitarian control, acreage allotments, the killing of farm animals, controls on everything pertaining to agriculture. Until this time, there was not even a license for driving a vehicle, but with parity and controls on everything to the place that now a permit or license is required for everything.

Americans were totally set-up for totalitarian control, whether a license for every profession, a renewal license for every profession, job requirements, regulations involving every job. With advancing technology such as the garbage on television, a dumbing-down which has led to the acceptance of any false flag, any government lie.

The evidence is in, we have found that most of the people can be fooled most of the time: Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, assassination of JFK, RFK, and MLK, Waco, Oklahoma City Bombing, and for most thinking people, the 9/11 tragedy. Most experienced pilots could not fly a 7/47 into a tower; certainly two skyscrapers might fall, but why the third? Reactive, a man exploding his shoes without the blasting cap and other explosives necessary for such (now everyone takes off shoes in the airports). A man supposedly with a bomb in his pants without a blasting cap and other things necessary for an explosion (Now, everyone fondled and groped in order to get on a plane). Few have asked the question about the immediacy and rush to full body scanning, obviously already manufactured, the equipment was ready for use. With the former head of national security representing the manufacturer (Mr. Michael Chertoff). There was a time when real men would fight if their wife was fondled in the airport or anywhere else. Real men would object to groping, body scanning.

Slowly but surely the government has told us how to live, government knows best, the direction to follow in making our living, our life decisions. What we should eat and drink, through genetically modified corn, the most used plant in animal feed, we have an epidemic of diabetes which could be eliminated just from the non-use of corn. Dumbed down parents have allowed government to vaccinate their children, even infants, a few months old. Undisciplined schools, both students and teachers, schools and universities so dependent on government grants, taxpayer largess, that academic challenge is a thing of the past. Like the proverbial sheep, the Judas goat of government is just leading dumb sheep to the slaughter there will most certainly be another calamity, probably a plane explosion in flight, blamed on those who resent free boarding searches, those who resent violation of their body, the sacrifice of privacy for security.

Any one who points out these unholy conspiracies is called a nut. So, explain the chemical trails in the sky, fiat paper money which is worth nothing, constant advertisements about the buying of gold, a daily diet of financial failures in such places as Greece, Ireland, Portugal, California. Why are so many prominent leaders such as Tony Blair, George W. Bush, Newt Gingrich, finding shelter in the Catholic church? Why does America stand by while China takes over commerce? Why have dumbed-down Americans refused to realize that the bankers are now in charge, that we are borrowing from the banks instead of banks borrowing from the government?

Does it bother any believer for such characters as Bill Clinton, George W. Bush or even Henry Kissinger, to use the words “God bless you” when we know that they know little about God, or God's blessing? If many of those dominating the world scene realized the awesome power of God, they would die of immediate and certain fright. Jefferson said, “I tremble when I think of the justice of God.”

The great actor Claude Rains starred in 1933 film-adaption of H.G. Well's “The Invisible Man”. It is time for dumbed-down Americans to realize that there are invisible earth forces almost in total control of our lives. Forces headed by such individuals as Brent Scowcroft, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, the Bilderbergers, Rupert Murdoch, Baron Rothschild, and others in the world who have wealth beyond imagination, but who never have enough...money or power. Our individual biometrics means nothing to them, we are just slaves who are supposed to obey. They only get nervous when there are people of tea party vintage, patriots such as those of our revolution. When men and women with the American patriot spirit professing to love their children, professing to love the God, whom they serve, awaken to cauldron of horror which surrounds us, the American spirit will be resuscitated.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Great American Smoke-Out

This is the 34th annual “Great American Smoke-Out”, a day set aside each year, to discourage the smoking of tobacco (note the liberal press never mentions the smoking of marijuana). After a lifetime of studying tobacco, smoking, dipping, chewing, and every other way of using the tobacco plant product, I can say to you without fear of contradiction, those who use these products are well aware of their harm. It has been a long time since any male, working for me, smoked, but every female who has ever worked for me, with one exception, smoked cigarettes, they tell me they are liberated women. Just as they realize the foolishness of putting other poisons into their systems, just as they realize the foolishness of a walking in front of a speeding vehicle, just as they realize the foolishness of electrocuting or burning themselves alive...they know about the toxicity of tobacco products. I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Just as it does not take a physician, pastor, poet or prophet to tell any person with a brain that they are going to die, and after that, the judgment, so anyone knows who puts poison into the body, that there are consequences for the act. Lets face it, God gave to his chief creation free will; we have free will to overeat, free will to eat non-nutritious foods, free will to drink poisonous, addictive alcohol. We have free will to put into our body by needle, throat, nose, etc. addictive substances which will destroy our brain and body.

Early in my practice, I discovered that most patients will not follow instructions, I have learned through a long life, that most human beings give little thought about their eternal security, even little thought about their present security, they just don't care. There was a time that I would jump on any white horse trying to save humanity from themselves. We can give the message: medical, ethical, business, political, it is up to God to do the rest.

So it is with the smoking of cigarettes, what human being, blessed with any intelligence at all, thinks he can burn a poison in his mouth, suck the toxins into his system through the mouth and nose, and think that it will not eventually have a devastating effect. It won't happen overnight, many will inhale/swallow/salivate tobacco over many years...particularly chewing tobacco, without it having any obvious effect. In rat poison, most is just corn meal, it is the small amount of arsenic that does the job. In our toothpaste, drinking water, it is the long-time effectiveness of chloride and fluoride that does the job. In food intake, everything enhanced by fructose and sodium, it is these addictive substance which ultimately do the job.

Like many of the other millions of eastern North Carolina natives, I was born and raised in the poverty of the tobacco-producing culture. Not quite as decadent as Erskine Caldwell's Tobacco Road, it takes one who was there to describe it. The baby-boomers and Yankees who have invaded Eastern North Carolina, buying up the former crop land for housing communities, cannot imagine what it was like just 50-100 years ago: dirt road after dirt road of small farms, patches of growing tobacco, along with the cotton, corn and other cash crops. Tobacco curing barns were everywhere, late summer, as you drove through this “world”, you could smell the curing tobacco, it smelled like money.

We owned what would have been called a large farm, we had 10 acres of tobacco. The entire tobacco process was built around poisons (I understand much has changed during the past 50 years, since I last saw or witnessed this agriculture). I remember my father put poison into the very ground of the plant beds which he seeded in order to grow the plants to be transplanted into rows in the fields. From the time the seeds made their appearance as plants, there was a system of poisoning against “blue mold” and insects. I remember that in transplanting the plants into tobacco field rows, the roots were dipped into poison to keep worms away from the root, the plants would usually grow about six feet high, continuous poisoning to keep insects and worms from eating the leaves (everything is addicted to tobacco, and when not addicted enough, the manufacturer adds more poisonous nicotine).

Then, the mature plant was harvested, put into curing barns where all this poison on the gummy stomata were thoroughly baked into the leaves, totally dry (the tobacco leaves would rot if not dried). The harvesting process was something that most people my age will never forget; the heat of tobacco field, cropping the riping leaves, hauling them by trucks (small trucks pulled by mules) to the tobacco curing barns where the leaves were “strung” onto sticks for hanging into the curing barns.

As a child, I can remember working all day long in this green tobacco to make one dollar. Children in the community tried to work everyday because this money was used for their school expenses. The mothers and adults used this money for their Christmas shopping, and from these many years of tobacco growing, field, barn, grading, auction, my own father sent his four children through college.

Those in this “tobacco land” who made the most money, were the large tobacco warehouse men where millions of pounds of the “weed“ were auctioned. Those of you who remember Bill Stern's sportscast, every night, remember the sounds of the tobacco auctioneer, cigarette companies bought these millions of pounds of tobacco to be made into tobacco products, mostly cigarettes. It was the American tobacco company, Rentals Company, Duke Company, Liggett and Myers, Philip Morris and other well-known names, putting out such famous brands as Camels, Old Gold, Moore, Chesterfields, Benson and Hedges, Kool, etc. Brands and companies, which, as my father said, “people got rich off of a fool's mistake.”

The preacher in eastern North Carolina could preach against all sin except the sin of raising tobacco and smoking, this was off-limits. There is one baptist denomination, a denomination to which I have been very generous, mostly located in eastern North Carolina who has expressed its disdain for me because I have preached against “evil tobacco”, evil alcohol, evil lottery. These folks have never seen the autopsy lungs of a smoker. At least, “God moves in mysterious ways.” The Dukes and Rentals families who made such hideous fortunes from tobacco, have given back via Duke University, Wake Forest University, Duke Hospital and Wake Forest Hospital.

So, the tobacco growing and tobacco industries were chased out of America into foreign countries. Tobacco grows well in communist China, I have seen such large growing fields there, such large cigarette manufacturing companies there. 66% of all Chinese men smoke cigarettes, and so it is around the world. Perhaps the politically-correct, state-controlled, academic prostitutes, corrupt politicians, all singing in chorus will be happy when all sin products...tobacco, alcohol, sweets, heroin and such for Big Pharma, are all grown in other places, and since 91% of Walmart's sales products come from other places, we can buy everything there.

Do you remember window shopping? Stores up and down American streets with windows showing attractively what was inside the store. In China, Russia, stores like warehouses, goods just piled on tables. We have sown to the wind, and we have reaped a whirlwind. (Hosea 8:7)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Beneath The Surface

Precious stones, Gold, radioactive metals are not found on the surface of the earth, you have dig for them. The smaller the amount, the greater the worth. If the entire crust of the earth were covered with gold, men would lie, cheat and steal for a handful of dirt. All the Gold mined on earth so far, is only a cube of 75 feet. In my lifetime, so obvious to anyone who would dig around, men have learned to comply, compliance has been the word, we have learned to follow instructions, paying taxes, every human activity controlled by a permit or license, dancing to any tune played by the government. Our lives have been sculpted by those who would control us.

In my travels (8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries) I have spent much time in Italy, I love the scenery, the food, the art, the people. Back then, I had a little vision in one eye. I noticed that almost every Italian city claimed to be the birthplace of Michelangelo, in my opinion, and in the opinion of most people, the greatest artist who ever lived. I walked in to the Sistine Chapel, the first time in 1959. Looking up, I was in awe at the ceiling, in later trips I noticed that so many people left St. Peters weeping. I had seen Michelangelo's pieta at the New York City World's Fair, but it was only when I walked into the museum which contains just one Michelangelo statue, David, that I fully recognized the greatness of this sculptor. After finishing Moses, he hit the sculpture with his hammer and said, “speak to me.” It is hard to realize such human greatness. I freeze when I think, if it were me, after achieving such I would have made a mistake at the end. But for him, he said, “in every block of marble or stone, there is an angel waiting to escape.”

So it is with our lives, God's greatest creation, made in his image, each of us, with the potential of being filled with the godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And, those of us who have been redeemed, when filled with the Holy Spirit are creations capable of anything. Unlike Allah (Koran), God gave to man, dominance over the lower animals, even to name them. Man's crowning glory is his nervous system, his ability to think and reason. God blessed the lower animals with superior senses otherwise, smell to the canines, muscles to felines, vision to the avian, a far superior digestive system to the equine.

In my lifetime, 80 years, I have witnessed the destruction of the freedom of thought, the freedom of will. There was a time when our school youngsters, even our are college matriculates, were encouraged to think, to succeed, to accomplish. When Thomas Watson took over IBM, there were signs in every building with just one word: “THINK”. We have become a fat, spoiled, lazy, docile society, content to let someone else do the thinking. To just constantly watch a daily diet of pablum trash on the television screen. I am a veteran of the Korean conflict era, as medical officers, we learned about Chinese thought control. The most pitiful human beings in the world, totalitarian, authoritarian communists, who are slaves and do not know it; or, maybe they do, and like it. Just letting the government make every decision in their life. I have been in communist China three times, along with most other communist countries, even crossed Russia on the trans-Siberian railroad. The masses, turn their children over to the state right after birth, everyone with an assigned job. Just surviving, not living. Each commune had its own crematory, never saw a church steeple, but always a crematory. They actually showed me, in a hospital, prisoners taped to tables, opened, as they removed vital organs for transplant to sick patients.

I saw their socialized healthcare system, their bureaucratic, militaristic education system. The destruction of the first gift to man by God, the family. In 1935, the writer Sinclair Lewis wrote the book, It Can't Happen Here, he knew, just as we know, that the Babylonian empire, the Persian empire, the Greek, Roman, Egyptian civilizations have all fallen because of a culture of indolence. Until you understand the parables of Jesus Christ, such as the vineyard, the sower, the prodigal son, the good Samaritan, etc. you will not understand what has happened to this country. To understand God you must know God. Everything seen and unseen, everything for a purpose is leading to eternity.

Liberal, anti-Christ, union people do not like the parable of the vineyard. That workers hired last are paid like those hired first, that one converted on the deathbed, gets the same reward as the one who has worked in the vineyard his entire life. It does not seem right that the thief on the cross, asking for forgiveness of our blessed Lord. Instead of like the other thief, or Barabbas, forever unforgiven. Just one chapter in God's word states 26 times, “the mercies of the Lord endure forever.” (Psalm 136) God has given us an escape from the hardness of stone, rock, or marble, he has given us light, but men prefer darkness (John 3:19).

Character determines destination, individual or nation. Did we think there was consolation-compromise with our blood soaked, evil attitude toward the killing of the unborn (sanctuary of a mother's womb), the killing of innocence along with evildoers in warfare around the world. Most politicians and even generals have never suffered pain...physical pain from injury, psychological pain from fright, the pain of hunger or thirst. Think of the small children, or “the huddled masses” (Emma Lazarus' poem) yearning to be free or just left alone.

Those of us, the largest minority of Americans, the disabled, the veterans, the real American heroes, parents, producers, we've been lied to so much we do not believe anything anymore from a government designed by our forefathers to protect us. Our judiciary and law enforcement has deteriorated to “who you know”, our healthcare system has deteriorated to spending time and effort to detoxify your system from the greed concoctions of Big Pharma, our education system has resulted in indoctrination, entertainment, just going through the motions, accepting without question, jumping through the hoops, whether obeying body scanners at the airport, or eating man-made instead of god-made foods (seedless watermelons, genetically engineered corn).

The greatest tragedy of this enlightened nation, progressive, technology-filled world, collegiate professors and university institutions, so addicted and dependent on government largess. Even those with knowledge, even those who know better, do not speak out because of fear. Fear of being cut off from the government trough. The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. It is time to stand up for our belief in truth..

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Good Morning, Lord

Most people do not realize that the largest city in South America is Sao Paulo, Brazil, larger than New York City. I was staying in a hotel in Sao Paulo, not far from the National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida, first dedicated by Pope Saint Pius X in 1908, then again by Pope John Paul II in 1980. A Catholic Priest, talking with me at the hotel, he so wanted me to go to the shrine and wash my blind eyes for healing. I said, “father, I have more faith than you do, if God wanted me healed he could do it anytime, anywhere, it is not necessary for me to go to the shrine, but I do not blame you or any other Catholic for doing so.”

I truly believe in divine healing, I believed for years that God would restore my sight, I kept putting in drops, praying everyday. Then, one day, Dr. Catherine Oxyner said, “Tom, you are wasting your time, there is nothing there, no retinas, nothing.” But, even now, omnipotent, omniscient, sovereign God could restore retinas, IF He chose.

So often, someone asks, “which is the most beautiful part of the world?” In all my world travels, I saw very little, only listened intently to the description of others. I know that the Arctic is a vast area of 4.5 million square miles of ice, and so is the Antarctic, I know that the Sahara, the Gobi, other deserts I have visited are many miles of sand. I can well visualize the mountains of Switzerland, Afghanistan, these places were for me to visit, others to enjoy by sight.

All beauty is not visual, not spectacular color, spectacular design, a lady I had known for many years, brought her husband's grandmother to me as a patient. She was 94 years of age, black-dressed down to her ankles, her Sunday hat. I well remember her husband Mr. Gurly, who always attended the revival meetings at our church. Everyone said the revival did not start until brother Gurly got there. He sat on the front row, and would praise God throughout the service. The Gurlys had 10 sons, all well-known athletes, they had many grandchildren, all well-known athletes. But, most of all, their family were devout Christians, the backbone of their Pentecostal church. The daughter said, “doctor, let me tell you about this week. I looked outside and this lady was playing basketball with her great grandchildren, they were in a paved parking area in our backyard where a basketball goal is erected. She was teaching them how to dribble and throw a goal.” I said, “can anything be more beautiful? Could there be a more beautiful memory in the minds of those children? Their great grandmother, always in a long dress, still blessed to show them how to play basketball as she had her sons and grandsons.”

We have the mistaken information from those who bombard our senses daily, that beauty consists of things. Most people have too many things: children, too many toys, young people, too many clothes, older men, too many electronics. Is it necessary to have athletic shoes with names, jeans with names, purses with names?

260,000 babies are born each year from in-vitro fertilization, 70% of babies are born in homes without a father. There is nothing more beautiful on earth than the family, god established it, father, mother, children. Stress causes 95% of all illness, almost all depression formulates ages 5-15, the years of puberty. Afflicted, conflicted, so necessary for children to have parents during puberty. Encounters, emotions, problems both inherited and acquired.

We live in a world of great beauty, but believers are going to a place of beauty beyond description. Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. (1 Corinthians 2:9, Isaiah 64:4) You will notice that this scripture is found in both the Old and New Testament, found in capital letters because so few times the same scripture is found in both. What a consolation.

We hear about airport searches, this was going on in Dark Africa, years ago. I was stripped and searched as I got on the plane in Rwanda, anxious to leave the country. Women passengers got on the plane in shock, having been violated in every way. To get their mind off the ordeal, I said, “I really enjoyed it, I started to go back a second time.” This got their mind off the awful ordeal and brought their wrath on me. I said, “you are alive, you are leaving this hellhole, think of the women and girls who will endure this type cruelty as long as they live...embarrassment, violation of privacy, insensitivity.” Everyday of your life, when you say “good morning Lord“, be thankful for any beauty left in this world, the beauty of life, the beauty of children and old people, the beauty of kindness, the beauty of your redemption.

As we approach this Thanksgiving season, listen to the Thanksgiving hymn and rejoice that such is written forever. For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. (Psalm 119:89)

For the beauty of the earth
For the glory of the skies,
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies.
Lord of all, to Thee we raise,
This our hymn of grateful praise.
Orby Shipley


Once I stood on a hotel balcony in city of Tiberius, just above the Sea of Galilee. This Sea, 17 miles wide, 39 miles long, can have a storm almost instantly. It was during one of these storms, that the disciples were on a ship, and they saw Christ walking towards them on the water (John 6:19). When the impetuous Peter walked on the water towards Jesus, he began to sink, not because he took his eyes off of Jesus, as is so often the claim, but because he looked at the pounding world, walls of water, around him. Those who try to understand life, understand God's Word, are trying to use their natural minds. All the fullness of the godhead in dwells us as believers, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. It is then that we are able to face the questions and quandaries of this present world.

I was still a medical officer on active duty in 1957 when the news of Thalidomide made the headlines. Probably 10,000 babies born with birth defects throughout the world, because of one drug given to pregnant mother to relieve nervousness and morning sickness. Think of it, over 2,000 babies born in England, 2,500 in Germany, and about 44 other countries in the world, because of one drug...babies without hands, feet, or legs, etc. Only because of Dr. Frances Kelsey, one of the FDA inspectors, had insisted on the holding-up of the drug in this country, that America was not splotched with such horrific debasement, even though the drug had been produced in this country by Richardson Merrill, USA “Big Pharma”. It is still sad to think that men and women will study medicine and pharmacology as long as they do, to become educated by representatives of drug companies who call on them at their offices. We have learned from too many deaths, that exotic new chemicals in drugs will kill as well as deform. It is so necessary that anyone investigates any medication, any pill before you put it in your body.

You know your body better than anyone else, and most of the time, you can handle yourself, most sicknesses with common sense methods. Remember, Jesus took all of our diseases and deformities to the cross, along with our sins. (Isaiah 53) When you go to the Lord's table, you take the bread for your healing, the wine for the remission of your sins. Within the power of almighty God, we have deliverance, redemption from disease as well as from sin.

One would think that with the progress made in healthcare, psychological understanding, we would not have the horrendous problems facing us today. But, we are bombarded with the conflicts, moral, physical, spiritual, which keep us dumbfounded about what will happen next.

Each day we squirm with news of the loss of human dignity: abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research, ill treatment of the mentally ill, our total inability to get along with one another, it is not just the embarrassment, indignity, insensitivity of body searches at airports, but criminal activity, even in families.

I was on the edge of mental depression most of my life, because for too long I looked at life, living, healing, with a natural eye and natural mind. I would have bouts when I just wanted to get away from everyone, had very little to do with anyone, simply because I could not understand the complexities of the human mind and those around me. Most of all, my family and friends, who should know better.

Only after I assisted in the rehabilitation of a mentally ill young man, did I discover that God is capable of healing anything. Different with birth defects, innocent children entering this uncertain world minus providence from the sanctuary of the womb, most of these children died early, but those who did survive, are glad they have life. A minister asked my help, a young man was in the depths of manic depression, it was difficult to even think of such a snake pit home-life, that one could be born into such a horror story; today, authorities would have probably intervened, but even that is questionable.

He told me how his father would beat his mother in his presence, just about every piece of furniture in their home had been broken. She had lost all desire to live, totally mentally incapacitated, much of the time, little food in the house, mostly bread with lard to spread on it. When not at work, the father would sit around drunk watching television, cursing, despising everything and everyone. “I am sure he had killed and buried a sister older than me, he would warn my mother of the backyard, and what could happen to her there.“ His only refuge when not in school, visiting his mother's parents who, on a small farm, poverty-stricken, likewise were demented. His grandmother mostly sat around crying, and in prayer; but, his grandfather, seeking to escape the world, would take him on walks in the woods, telling him about animals, birds, trees.

It was only after the father had been hit and killed by another drunk, driving a car, and his mother had been arrested, stealing food and silverware from a neighbor's house, that the law, the minister and I became involved. Try to talk about the love of God with someone who has never seen anything but hatred, who has never seen anything but want and fear, who has never seen anything but mental depression and mental illness.

My only niece, a Salem College graduate, teaching her first year as a teacher. A black female child, totally hungry for love, coming to school each day, ill-kept, abused, beaten, one day never came again. My sister, a former teacher, said to me, “can you even imagine what happened to her?”

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. (Isaiah 55:8) The cure to one's depression comes in the reality of this scripture, as well as the words of the William Cowper hymn, “God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.” It was in my world travels, seeing how people in the word live amid every form of poverty and degradation, that I found solace and solution to my questions. The longest chapter in the Bible, the 119th Psalm is filled with the hope coming from God's abundance. One will never understand bioethics, man's inhumanity to man, sin's ruin and Christ's redemption until one realizes that parents give the body, but God creates the soul. Your body, abused and misused by the world, the flesh, the devil, will deteriorate, but your soul will live on forever, having been embossed and embraced by the short sojourn here on earth, as a stranger and alien, chosen by God, before the very foundation of the world, our citizenship is in heaven. (1 Peter 2:11)

Monday, November 15, 2010


In other commentaries, I have discussed my assignment to US Army Hospital facilities. One of the first of these facilities, US Army Hospital, Fort McClellan, Alabama, US Army Chemical Center, Women's Army Corp this innocuous Army post, WWI vintage, was near the Huntsville, Alabama, Red Stone Arsenal, Marshall Space Flight Center used by NASA and for many years known as the “Rocket City”, the center of American space activity.

The first day I was at this Army hospital, the officer I was replacing, chief of the eye clinic, said to me, “I don't know what is going on here, but it is a strange place and I am glad to leave.”

Things have changed so rapidly in my lifetime, my military career, WACS at that time, were separated from the other forces. They actually marched on the parade field in dresses. I had never heard of a McDonald's Restaurant in 1955, today, every crossroads in this nation and most of the world is decorated by a golden arch, the largest in Beijing, China, 49 cash registers, 48,000 square feet. You seldom heard of crime in 1955, today, crime costs Americans $1.7 trillion a year. Looking back, and I have traveled the world many times since then, I have a better understand of what was going on. Like wiping the fog from a window, I see more clearly even though I was well on the road to blindness while stationed there.

The hospital commander was a worn-out German alcoholic, almost every ranking officer at the hospital had a German name. I can say without fear of contradiction, strange then, obvious now, all were WWII German survivors, even the ranking nurse officers. I always found it strange that I was constantly looking into the eyes of Federal German CIA and other officials, connected to the rocket city, now I know.

As a student at Chapel Hill, one of my more memorable professors was Dr. Alfred Brauer, who would brag about his activity in rocket warfare. In Germany, he had helped develop the rockets which fell on London. Even before WWI, the matter of space travel was of interest to Germans, not to just those who wrote comic books. This was fundamental in cult activity, many dreamed of spaceships and space travel, including the Nazis, some thinking of guided missiles and space flight. The 1921 VREAL activity, and Hitler's 1924 rise to power, all involved in the scientific surge toward world conquest, an almost spiritual cult fantasy, as well as physical flight.

In 1945, at the end of German warfare, German scientists such as Werner Von Braun, were given a great American welcome at Huntsville. Their cultist space fantasies, along with all cults who hate Jews. Americans have forgotten that the swastika was a cult symbol until 1924 when it was taken over by the Nazis, along with Hitler's love for Darwinism and antisemitism. One friend, stationed at this Army Hospital, a German dentist, Dr. Martin Hubert, (who had been kept alive in Germany to remove Gold from teeth at the death camps), as well as a Jewish surgeon kept telling me, “there is something strange and mysterious going on here.” Now we all know.

The greatest minds of the world, science, music, economics, philosophy, those of the German people...more Nobel Prizes to Germans and particularly German Jews, than any other nation. Yet, in their literature, much occult thinking, particularly involving space travel...Aryan supremacy, male body supremacy, dislike for the disabled, their scientific exploits unsurpassed from their rocket engineering, jet airplanes. The space age began in 1942 with the first rocket fired into space, President Eisenhower opened the “Rocket City” in America, in 1952. The V2s which almost decimated London were fired toward the end of WWII, just think of what would have happened to the world if Von Braun and his ilk had remained in Germany with Hitler at the helm.

They tried, starting in 1943, 60,000 German slaves working in the tunnels of Balkan Wall. Toward the end, paranoid Hitler was killing everyone, including many of the brown shirts who put him into power. The infamous Operation Paperclip, Germans escaping to the west, and we know the rest of the story, Alabama, etc. including Red Stone Arsenal, and the nearby Army hospital. The English poet Francis Thompson wrote, “love is a many splendored thing”. The human mind is a matter of splendor for good or evil. Trying to satisfy a rich American Jew who wanted his fried potatoes cut thinner, a chef at the Saratoga Springs hotel invented potato chips. Electronics led to nano-technology, now the world is besieged by cellphones. Technology has changed the world, but not human nature. An older man came across a young boy holding on to a string, the boy told him he was flying a kite, the old man said, “at night, in darkness? You cannot see the kite!” The boy said, “no, but I can feel it.” The western world, responsible for many scientific advances, has looked into the darkness of space, but should not forget the feel of the one who made space possible.

I am sorry to tell you that the communist Karl Marx, the hospital commander colonel Marx, the author of Rules For Radicals (Saul Alinsky), chief of Surgery Kraskauff, Kornfeld, Brauer, etc. all had one thing in common, German names. The cult dream of tyranny, does not keep a death count, the Reichstag, Pearl Harbor, Waco, Oklahoma City, or even the questionable, nonsensical, 9/11. Don't be surprised if there is another “faux flag” lunatic event.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Perhaps France's greatest novelist, Victor Hugo, was right when he said, “no army can stop an idea whose time has come.” Socialist, liberal France is in the pangs of demonstrations and protesters, greatest since 1995, about raising the age for retirement from age 60 to age 62. As in Greece, where the people do not want to work either, most French always bragged about their early retirement when talking with them. My question was always, no matter who or where, why retire when you are perfectly able to work? Those who live the longest, those who are happiest, who contribute most to society, are those who continue to work long past retirement age.

Bankrupt America, looking everywhere for solving economic problems, will raise Americans retirement age to age 69. It was only with the advent of Social Security and other FDR sociological experimentation that the word “retirement” came into the lexicon. Until 1930, there was no such thing as retirement, people worked as long as they desired, the government did not interfere with their freedom about anything. Financially, some people have always been able to quit work early, work only when they want to. Like everything else Christian America, a matter of free will.

During WWII, many teachers both on the public school and college level came out of retirement to resume teaching, these were the greatest teachers I ever knew. When an old teacher or professor entered the room, you felt that a library was present. They had already forgotten more than most young teachers knew.

The greatest pastors and preachers in the world, kept busy in the pulpit until they were hauled away to die. The young ones might be able to talk faster, but old preachers and pastors were filled with knowledge and memory which the young ones could not approach. In professional schools, you always want age, not youth. I do not want a surgeon to cut on me, unless he is so old he can barely hold the scalpel, then I know he has been there before, he knows what he is doing. I'd rather have an old doctor with a stethoscope, then all the X-rays, MRIs and computer print-outs.

Government is responsible for the retirement craze, an enlistment sweetener for those filling military ranks, retirement, after 20 years service, with a “check for the rest of your life.” My first social function as a young army officer, a retirement party for a officer of field rank. He said, “just keep breathing, and you can retire too.” So it is with academia, so it is with civil service jobs. It is usually the second career, after military retirement, which is most rewarding, in the early years of civil service, government jobs were not that great. Now, government workers make an average of double that of the private sector. According to the Heritage Foundation, taxpayers would save $47 billion if federal workers were paid at the same rate as private sector employees.

A working man, a securities broker, who occasionally takes off an afternoon for golf, told me recently, “with the hundreds of golf courses in this area, it is almost impossible to get on one because of the early retirement of government workers, military sorts, preachers, teachers, bankers, and just about everyone who now retires when they are still capable of working.” He said, “I never knew there were so many retired preachers, don't they realize there are many souls out there, young and old, which they should be pursuing instead of a small, white ball. “ In the living of life, you store up a treasure trove of knowledge and memories, valuable beyond words to express, too often, because of the inflictions of disease, such knowledge goes to the grave too soon. But for those still in adequate health, such knowledge-experience should be available.

One wonderful lady I knew in my church, had worked in a large department store her entire life, she was one of their greatest business assets. It was time for her to retire, she did not particularly want to sit around home. The store owner said, “you keep coming to the store. You will get your retirement pay, plus. I want you there just to greet our customers. To give you expertise when it is needed. You are worth more in this business now, than ever before in your life.” At my own father's funeral, one of the several preachers said, “when he had his stroke and death, he was picking peaches off trees which he had planted.”

Now, as you get older, age takes its toll. If you have been resourceful and successful, you no longer have to meet schedules, routines, deadlines. Enjoy the luxury, afforded by age, but I believe everyone is better off to stay involved, to stay productive, to keep making contributions of time, talent, treasure to family, church, community. Hobbies are good, families are better, God's work is best, but it is only the busy mind that gives contentment.

A few years ago, I spoke at a large religious conference, one of the speakers said, “recently, I had the name taken off the face of my watch. Instead, 'the night cometh' (John 9:4)” The night cometh when our work time will be over.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

United Race Parties

United Race Parties

Recently, Joseph Pitts, Republican from Pennsylvania commented on a quote by Ruth Bader Ginsberg given to the New York Times during an interview for an article published on July 12, 2009. The article quotes the Jewish Justice, appointed by President Clinton in 1993, as saying she thought Roe v. Wade was decided over concerns of "population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of." This sounds very much like Margaret Sanger, who in her book in 1927, said, “black people were like weeds and should be eliminated.” Margaret Sanger (Hillary Clinton received the Sanger Award this year) like Adolf Hitler, and other members of the “Eugenics” mob has provided liberals such as Democrats (Obama and his administration) the impetus for abortion legislation and since the Obama inauguration, abortion prodding following the January 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.
This week, Senator Barbara Boxer’s arrogance became subtle racism. Harry C. Alford is the CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce, NBCC, and has been a common face on Capitol Hill and at the White House for years. He has testified before Congressional committees numerous times and advised the White House on a variety of business matters on behalf of the NBCC.
Alford opposes the Markey/Waxman Climate Change Bill and disagrees with government reports that green jobs have been created in California. (earth-warming farce) Thursday he was speaking on research the NBCC commissioned on energy, jobs, and the climate bill when he and Senator Barbara Boxer (Democrat, California) got into a disagreement. Boxer asserted that green jobs have been created in California and Alford disagreed. She challenged his California residency and thus his knowledge of the area. He responded that while he currently lives in Bethesda, MD, he lived in California from before she arrived and still owns property and pays taxes to California.
To counter Alford’s arguments on the value of the climate bill and its value in creating jobs, Boxer announced that she was going to place a few statements into the Congressional record supporting the bill, one from the NAACP and another from the 100 Black Men of Atlanta, both civic, not business organizations.
Alford challenged her choice of supporters, stating that neither the NAACP nor the 100 Black Men belong in a debate on energy policy.
“We’ve been looking at energy policy since 1996. And we are referring to the experts, regardless of their color. And for someone to tell me, an African-American, college-educated veteran of the United States Army, that I must contend with some other “black group” and put aside everything else in here — This has NOTHING to do with the NAACP, and really has nothing to do with the National Black Chamber of Commerce. We’re talking about energy.” Further, Boxer failed to understand Alford’s anger and why her actions were racist, and so she kept talking growing more arrogant as she tried to control Alford.
At the 100th anniversary of the NAACP, President Obama told young blacks, "Yes, if you're African American, the odds of growing up amid crime and gangs are higher. Yes, if you live in a poor neighborhood, you will face challenges that someone in a wealthy suburb does not. But that's not a reason to get bad grades, that's not a reason to cut class, that's not a reason to give up on your education and drop out of school. No one has written your destiny for you. Your destiny is in your hands - and don't you forget that." His words could have applied to any young American because youth, world-wide, faces the challenge of drugs, national instabilities, religious extremism, and every enticement Satan possesses to trick them into a life of promiscuity and infidelity. The integrity of the individual, God's chief creation, should be stressed to every young person-rich, poor, black, white-regardless of gender or national origin.
It is strange to me, as a 100% disabled, service-connected veteran citizen, that the largest minority in the country (estimated 32 million), are ignored by both political parties. Never, never in any campaign speech, in any political overture, will you hear the disabled (blind, deaf, crippled, etc.) mentioned. (I am totally blind for 40 years,) Democrats, have at the altar of their ideology all people of color, academics, unions, unconventional sex groups, atheists, and all those fringe groups who promote liberal causes. The Republican party, inefficient, adulterated by submission, just holds on to the informed and the realists. There was a time, when we were considered evangelical, fundamental, principled, benevolent, promoters of the Republic, abstaining from corruption and nepotism. But after the time in the “bushes” our credentials have been so compromised, our integrity so invoked, we have gone into seclusion, embarrassed by the leaders of our party, insulted by what RINO politicians have done to this country. I cringe when I think of the times when I stood alone in a civic club, a professional group, in an eastern North Carolina setting. My heart aches when I consider my parents and grandparents, the only Republicans in their community, and what they endured in standing up for the principles of Republicanism, honesty, hard work, independence, small governments and its interference. The true Americans are God-fearing, honest, hard-working, self-sufficient, uncompromising, self-sacrificing patriots whose political principles are not colored by self-service or vote-getting tactics, and willing to defend their country at any cost.
After the election of a half-black, half-white president and the careening of every liberal cause to the forefront, perhaps the time of the integrity of principal has come in the two party system. Corral all the people of color and obstinate liberal ideology to the fortress of Democrat party stratagem and let the rest of us honestly fight the good fight of Republican decency under the standard and within the garrison of political reverence, not intrigued.

X-Rated Checkpoint Charlie

The most famous security checkpoint in the world was on the Berlin Wall separating East and West Berlin. I went through Checkpoint Charlie twice before the wall was torn down. The East Germans were so paranoid because of their Russian indoctrination, no one in their right mind would want to escape to East Germany, the bleak Communist poverty everywhere. Most escapees those trying to escape, east to west, going through I remember the sniffing dogs, the long mirrors use to look under vehicles.

I well remember my first airplane flight, during the time of propeller-driven planes, those who flew, back then, were well-dressed, treated royally by the airline. Like the transatlantic luxury liners years before air flight, passengers used steamer trunks, and were treated like royalty by the shipping lines.

Starting in my youth, we have seen a gradual, certain incremental lowering of all privacy, fascination with sex, voyeurism, and those who do not mind exposing themselves...in general, sexuality and insensitivity converging to today's airport. There has never been any fascination with the sexuality of old people, disabled people, fat people, ugly people, it has all been a matter of the sexual promiscuity and attractiveness of youth. The screen magazines, such stars as Lana Turner in a sweater, a fascination with breasts, then came Dolly Parton. Fortunes have been made from nudity in such magazines as Playboy, and such homosexual magazines such as Playgirl. I understand Playgirl offered $250,000 to both Michael Jordan and Prince Charles to publish a picture of them in the raw, since the news was out that they were both well-endowed. It is a matter of the loss of privacy, intimacy, the violation of sexuality, which has been so offensive in cases of rape and pedophilia.

Fortunes have been made from the pornography industry. On the backstreets of almost any town were “porno shops”, then came private booths where porno films could be viewed. These stores have since disappeared because the best of any type porno is now found in your own living room via the internet. Sections of some cities such as Times Square, Manhattan, were filled with sex movie houses along with the female prostitution and gay bathhouses, all usually converging together, agenda of the gay-communist-pagan taking over America and the world. Now, instead of a child waiting until the age of 18 to enter a porno store, it all starts early, boys, girls, housewives, every age, every social ladder, every academic background. All thinking that it is done in secrecy, that no one will find out.

We became slowly but surely adapted to the takeover of our privacy for the sake of security in bag searching. This was all a hoax, particularly in America. In traveling the world, my camera bag was actually searched, my checked baggage searched. I always carried a large bag of pens, cigarette lighters and such, to give away to those who I photographed, etc. Such was actually found by foreign airlines, the captain would have me pick up this contraband at the end of the flight. I once bought 12 pearl-handled steak knifes at a shop in New York City. I thought, in my camera bag, they will be found, but I can pick them up at the end of the flight. As usual, my bag went right through the so-called X-ray machine, and the attendants, talking to one another, never noticed a thing. I tried the same with a .22 caliber revolver, in the same camera bag, which I transported from North Carolina to New York City. I had promised the doorman in my condo apartment building a revolver, with which to defend his family. Nothing found, nothing said.

I talked about these incidents on the radio. If the local sheriff had any interest in security on airlines, he would have investigated to see which day I flew and who was on security.

35,000 feet in the air, no one questions the need for safety, it is unsafe enough just to be flying in this germ-laden cylinder. Most diseases are rampant because of the air we breathe, the air coming from someone else's nose to mine. The face triangle is the area most associated with disease and disease prevention, the mouth and nose. The nostrils have cilia which filter out much debris, the mucosa of the nostrils have cilia which become erect, sensitive to all particles, only the genital areas of the body have such cilia. It is microbiology entering the body through the air we breathe from the nose and mouth, into the lungs, distributed throughout the body, contagions, which cause most of our diseases. Nothing is more unhealthy than air flight.

I landed on the French island of Reunion in the Indian ocean, a stop-over for most airlines. Because of the nudity at the swimming pool, I stayed clear of most social activity. I noticed that all the airline crews were frolicking, partying, drinking until the early hours of the morning. A member of the hotel staff said to me, “it is always that way. You could not hire me to get on a plane which they fly.” I think most airline personnel, in spite of the splendid uniforms of the captain and his crew, know the dissipation of their lifestyle and professional work.

The derangement of accepted morals affecting society have culminated and converged at the airport. When Cosmopolitan magazine would publish the nude centerfold photographs of John Davidson, Jim Brown, or Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown. Why did we not think that society has gone in to an eclipse of degeneracy? We have become a perverse society, staging our perversion on the innocence of children, the chastity of women, the sissification of men. Only degenerates find enjoyment in fondling the genitalia of anyone: same-sex, opposite sex, and certainly that of children. Now, as an answer to prayer, the voyeurs, perpetrators of immorality, insensitive pagans are members of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Who cares if your privacy is violated, your body radiated?

It bothered me more that an animal's privacy was degraded in the sex act of reproduction, than gay Arnold Schwarzenegger in bodybuilding poses, or Vanessa Williams showing off her “stuff” in a centerfold. It has all lead to where we are now. I leave you with the following advice: “Don't Fly. Deny. Don't Buy. Don't Comply. Just Occupy Until He Comes.”