Monday, August 31, 2009

Age of Enlightenment

Good night, sleep tight. Don’t let the bedbugs bite. The resurgence of infestations led the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to hold a National Bed Bug Summit April 14-15, 2009. The following courses of study at a university should be interested in bedbugs, parasitology, entomology, epidemiology, bacteriology, and every area of public health. It is almost inconceivable that in this Age of Enlightenment, entire apartment units, entire housing developments, are being closed down because exterminators and public housing authorities have no solution for this onslaught of bed bugs resurgence.

The only thing the Department of Agriculture and the Public Health Department seem to know is just throw away all furniture, bedding, clothing and anything else in which the “varmints” could find refuge. It seems that the only solution to the problem, now as 100 years ago, is the God given blessing of sunshine. My ancestors, on the farm, would put their mattresses and other bedding out in the sun, go around every seam with kerosene oil. This effort at almost microbiology seemed to work. The genome for a human being is 23,000 genes to a cell. These rapidly multiplying pests are only a few cells in size and have only ten genes to a cell. One would think that in this Age of Enlightenment, some chemical solution would have been found. It is believed that just as the mosquito experimentation, the weaponizing of these small pests with disease has been tried. There has been no publicity about it. But, I understand that congressional committees know that mosquitoes were dropped from planes in balloons, to unsuspecting poor areas of the country to see if this type of biological warfare would work.

When DNA was discovered in 1953, when men supposedly walked on the moon 40 years ago, when the miracle of the internet became a household utility, we had reason to believe that most of our earthly problems were being solved. Over and over, for the past 50 years, with more money spent on education, public, private, high school and college, I have become more exasperated with college graduates and college students completely debilitated by education. They had been through the courses, had the pieces of paper, but were unable to do anything, particularly follow simple instructions, showing any semblance of common sense. My employees spend about as much time correcting mistakes of other employees as they spend in actual productive activity.

The nation's two largest school systems, NY and Washington, DC have been turned over to the mayors of these two cities. In Washington, DC, a new Chancellor of Education, a 39 year old, Dr. Michelle A. Rhee, in a long line of those attempting to solve the worst public education dilemma in the nation, including a Major General, has resorted to hiring teachers from Ivy League universities, has a contract that will give mid-level teachers who are paid $62,000 yearly, the opportunity to earn more than $100,000, but they had to give up seniority and tenure rights. The Washington, DC system where 92% of 8th graders do not have the math skills required of 8th graders, where there is a 70% achievement gap between white and black students, is spending an excess of $12,000 per student, compared to an estimated $10,725 per student in the US. As a comparison, in NC $7,500 is spent per student.

I still resent paying this amount of money in taxes for the product received. When my grandfather was in high school in 1900 $500 was spent per student. When I was in high school in 1940, $1,000 was spent per student. But, we could read and write, spell and do mathematics. Today's students, not only do not have the rudimentary skills of education, but none of the self discipline which will make them successful in life. The dogmatic “look good, be good, act good” is scoffed and scorned by “modern” students and teachers. If you want your child educated, home school. Home schooling is increasing at a phenomenal rate, because most parents love their children too much to see them defiled by the lack of discipline, both physically and intellectually, in the public schools. One of my assistants home schools her five children. The wife of my stock broker home schools their child. My two grandsons, now, a lawyer and an engineer, never attended a public school, nor did their father, on whom has been conferred two doctorates. Even the Obama daughters in Washington, get $7,500 each vouchers. All students should have the opportunity for a voucher, and the option to attend a charter school.

Life does not just happen. No one comes with an instruction manual for life. We cannot reinvent the wheel. In this Age of Enlightenment, please use education procedures and directives that work, sensible discipline such as memorization. My father's ancestors came to this country from Scotland. He always used the Celtic calendar for planning in butchery. He always had the best crops. He knew when to put the seed in the ground. There was never spoilage at his “smoke house.” Procedures that had worked for hundreds of years still worked.

Learning is as old as life, man has the innate capacity and desire to learn. Children soak up knowledge like a sponge. We have heard many advertisements about a mind going to waste. It is a tragedy in this Age of Enlightenment, that the school house would become the place of deception, not enlightenment.

Two-Headed One-Party System

Returning from the Korean War and becoming active again in the early 1960s, knowing how my family had been treated as Republicans, I decided to align my political activity with the Democrats. And so, I became a very active Democrat, even president of the State Young Democrats. Both my parent's families for many generations, were very active in the Republican Party, a minuscule minority in the state; discriminated against, with absolutely no opportunity to enjoy any job where state money was involved- school teaching, highway department, etc. I knew that if I were going to ever advance in this state, politically or otherwise, it would be necessary to register as a Democrat and become a contributor to the Democrat Party.

Of course, at that time the Democrats were the conservative party in the south and in the nation. The Solid South in the 1960s was all Democrat and very conservative. Lyndon Johnson depended on Republicans to pass his Civil Rights Program. It was not until I attended the Republican National Convention in 1964 at the Cow Palace in San Fransisco when Barry Goldwater was nominated, that, much to the insistence of a friend who was a Republican candidate for Congress, that I decided that my principles were more important than any priority or prestige I might derive from the Democrat Party.

I had been sickened one day at the Sir Walter Hotel in Raleigh, sitting at a table with Governor Sanford and Representative Fountain, hearing them talk of how the Democrats would always control the state of North Carolina because Democrats would always have the black vote, the teacher's vote, all Federal, State and County worker's votes, as well as the votes of all other minorities such as the gays and the disabled. It has certainly proven that they were right, since for over 100 years the Democrats have been in lock-step control of the state. But, it did not prove that I was right to stay with such a monopoly party in which not one woman, black, or Republican was in the legislature.

It was strictly a “good old boy” white male government in total control, nepotism, country club, power base who controlled where every tax dollar was spent, regardless of need. I have been in several police-state countries and there is no more control there than in the Solid South, Democrat states. There was not even a Republican primary; rather the winner of the Democrat primary was the winner of the election at every crossroads in the state. If there were a chance that a Republican candidate could win an election (such as my good friend who was running for Congress as a Republican) the legislature would immediately jury-mander district lines.

My big problem then, as now, this 'Bible Belt' state where Christian people are supposed to honor one another, one political party could be so dishonorable. The Christian churches fell right in-line with this autonomous form of government. The blacks, who had escaped slavery one time, seemed inclined to regain their slavery. The cotton mill workers and tenant farmers, just surviving from the largess of white elitists, seemed inclined to regain slavery.

Highway 95-301 to the ocean was the poorest area of the United States-- few paved roads, few utilities, just the scraps from the table and yet voted solid Democrat. The western part of the state, more enlightened, beginning to have some Republican insolence were getting paved roads and better schools. Competition for votes, like competition for everything, brings advantage.

Nationally, the past twenty-five years has seen both parties become almost undefinable. Starting with Ronald Regan, the liberals in both parties have joined in a socialistic jamboree to eliminate all conservative thought, Republican free enterprise from government and we now have a two-headed one-party system. With Republicans such as the two Bush presidents, conjured from the Rockefellers and other northern liberal factions, the idea of small government, low taxes, family values, and integrity of purpose have been dismantled, dragged right in by Clinton and other socialist travelers, aided and abetted by the media.

The fast-track of NAFTA and CAFTA have seen industry and agriculture disappear. The denizens of change established a plutocracy of control which our fore fathers would vomit to witness. We already see signs of revolution in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. In the 'seize the moment' mentality which led to the French Revolution and the 'no crisis should go to waste' mentality which led to the Russian Revolution, Mr. Obama and Mr. Emanuel, the Jews leading the financial spectacle of bail-outs and sell-outs (Bernanke, Paulson, Geithner, etc.), have water-boarded the American tax-payer into crippling torture.

I have traveled through every Communist country. The difference in the Communist System in the text book type Communist world (USSR, China, Cuba, etc.) is that in the truly Communist state, the enslaved people have everything furnished to them and make no decisions at all (housing, health care, employment, etc.). In this Democratic Republic, called the United States, those who are stupid enough to work are forced to make their own decisions about employment, housing, health care, etc. On top of that, they are taxed to the gills to support those who will not work, who believe that government should furnish their wants as well as supply their needs. The only thing missing to completely establish Mr. Obama's radical government is law enforcement entrenchment. Relax, that is on the way; moving closer and closer everyday.

In the rural community where I lived the hardworking farmers who had barely survived were so happy to get that little green check from the government each month. One would sit on a little stool by his mailbox and when the rural mail carrier would stick his check in the box, within two seconds his hand was in there grabbing it. Compared to his ancestors, who had lived on fat back and sweet potatoes all during the winter, he felt so fortunate to have “free money”.

The average Social Security check is $1,100, which means many get less than $1,000 and a few $1,200. As with the doctors who thought they were going to get paid well with Medicare, the SS recipients will find that their checks will get smaller as inflation raises prices for everything they use higher. As with the schools who began to take government money, when you take government dollars, you do what government tells you to do. The government will support you in prison or out; in the Communist System, you have chosen life on your knees-- a craving not a praying position.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Grow A Spine

In many trips around the world, traveling every continent, I have seen “the good, the bad, the ugly”. My first travel to communist China, just after the reopening by President Nixon, I was late to go with a plane load of doctors and lawyers, mostly from New York City, as a representative of doctors, also as the New York based “Shelters for Children”. China had changed much on my subsequent trips, but on that first trip, I went to a Chinese hospital and in the surgical amphitheater, saw the most horrible sight a human being could observe: prisoners strapped to tables- their mouths and eyes taped shut, and they opened down the mid-section, their organs being transplanted to other patients on tables. The entire communist system of hospital care would make an Alfred Hitchcock movie seem tame.

Never sign an organ donor card. Between the time that hospital personnel stop their life saving procedures, there is a nebulous time where only God can make the decision. It is in this matter of seconds that “The Giver of Life” may decide that it is not yet your time to go. More times than people would suspect, vital signs have brought back to life those thought dead. Recently, it was reported that a man carried his newborn baby home thinking that the child was dead- as he had been told by the hospital- just to discover, at home, that the baby was very much alive.

Literature is replete with accounts of such blessings, fauna, even the human body, are spectacular in their resistance to death. This in some ways supports Darwin's “Survival of the Fittest”. An elderly black funeral home director told me he had been surprised many times by bodies brought from the hospital that were not dead. It is a surprise that there is a large market for organs, not documented or publicized; I do believe that in many cases, death is hastened by the monetary gain of organ retrieval. We know that in some parts of the world, organs retrieval, even from those still alive, to raise money for the survival of families. The leading cause of suicide in India is the that of farmers who, battling water shortages, can no longer survive and provide for families. One will often sell a kidney. If a family is willing to sell a child, as is done with girls, we can understand why the selling of organs, before and after death, is comprehensible. In 2007, there was a total of 28,931 organ transplants in the United States alone- including heart, lung, kidney, pancreas, and liver. There is only so much that a man can do, but there is no limit to what God can do. In life, and certainly before death, we desperately need what god can do.

I realize this is a narcissistic, naval gazing generation, most only interested in “me”. The words concerned and shame are lost words in most vocabularies. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. In a time of political correctness, most do not have the spine to stand up against evil. So, evil continues to thrive because good men do nothing. Even pro-choice individuals consider abortion birth control. In 1995, 60% of those polled in America considered themselves “pro-choice”. In a recent poll, for the first time in history, 51% of those polled are “pro-life”. Having just elected the first pro-abortion President and Congress, it is a direct shame on the Catholic church that 70% of the elected are Catholic; and yet 54% of Catholics voted for Obama. We have stopped expecting Christian virtue from Protestants and even Baptists, but we do expect better from the most pro-life denomination in the world, the Catholic church. Most so-called Christians, like to pick and choose what they believe- cafeteria Catholics, buffet Baptists; only the spirit of God can open blinded eyes of the present world. The apostle Paul's traveling companion, Demas, is mentioned three times in the New Testament; the last time, Paul said, “Demas has forsaken me, loving this present world” (2 Timothy 4:10).

God help the so-called “Christians” who have forsaken him for the love of this present world. Five times in the New Testament, Jesus has said, “Be of good cheer”. We know that our redemption draws near and we shall leave behind, those who have joy within themselves, and are spineless.

To show how spineless this nation is, how evil has taken over right under our noses. The gnostic, ”anything goes”, ”all you need is love” church. Houston, Texas, fourth largest city in America, has a lesbian mayor, the largest abortion center outside of communist China, yet two evangelical churches have a total of 65,000 members, plus 831 baptist churches. Are the church people in Houston, Texas and around the world, so deaf they cannot hear God talking to them?

Kleenex Mentality

Twice in my life, in traveling the world, this totally blind man became lost from his guide. Once, in taking the ferry from Dover to Calais, my guide and I became separated and I got on the wrong train to Paris. I was supposed to ride, of course, in a first class train but someway, somehow in the spillage of the train station, with all the school children on holidays from England to France and France to England, I got into a second class train full of French school children. Of course the trains travel very rapidly, and they take up little time for problems in railroad stations. The French children were very excited to have a blind American in their car and when the conductor came through, contacting the teachers about the tickets for the children, they all said that I was traveling with them. When I arrived in Paris, and debarked from the train, I thought, “Now what am I going to do?” Through sounds, as usual, I made my way out of the station, then decided to go down the street because my chances of getting a taxi there would be much better than around the train station. I did find a taxi. I knew the hotel in Paris in which I was staying and in my broken French, I told the driver to go to that hotel. When I asked him if he would take American dollars for his fare, of course he said, “Mais, oui!” When I walked into the Sheraton, my guide was at the front desk, arranging to call out the French army, evidently to find me. I said, “Surely you realize a man who has traveled the world many times can get from Calais to Paris!”

Again, when in the Dhaka, Bangladesh, the poorest, most frustrating, most populated place on earth, I was separated from my guide by a mob on the riverbank near a very populated part of of the city. According to AP, over 7 million people are snake-bitten in Bangladesh each year, and of that number 6,000 die. Much of the year, as now, about half the land is covered with water, so there are snakes everywhere, and I am deathly afraid of snakes. Finally, some police officer took me to a police station. In Bangladesh, women are mostly in charge of government, and they are very corrupt; the last two Prime Ministers both went to prison for corruption. A cold, calculating woman took me into an interrogation room and I think, just to get her kicks, began questioning me about what I was doing in Bangladesh. She said, “You Americans are so transparent in your aggression- you like to come into poor countries, make photographs of poor people, and then return home with arrogant pride, and bask in your opulence.” I said to her, “Dear lady, I am not a political or media figure, I am just passing through your country, and if you will be good enough to help me get back to my hotel, where my guide is trying very hard to find me, I will make sure he gets me out of your country, and I promise to never return.” About that time, my frustrated guide came in the room, relieved to find me, and my interrogator said, “I have tried to give him a hard time, but he is one slick blind man.” To this day, I have no desire to return to that God-forsaken country and their snakes, reptiles, and mammalian.

In this “Kleenex Mentality”, where it is difficult to remember horrendous news flashes from one week to the next, our problems are incomprehensible by the “pile on effect”: one problem just piles onto another, and before we can understand the problem of this week, we are deeply involved in the problems of next week. Instead of solutions, one after another, in the canyons of Wall Street, in the sorcery-ridden streets of the nation's capital, in the state house, and even the local court house, most debauchery is not discovered and that which is discovered is seldom brought to light or solved. Instead of light overcoming the darkness, darkness just keeps enveloping the light.

A frustration, to most Americans, is the knowledge of the obscenity and insanity of Wall Street thievery, the parasites who are sucking the very life out of the economy, awarded with tremendous bonuses. Incompetence in business and elsewhere, bailed out by hardworking, sweating, pockets-picked citizens, the politicians who claim to be able to fix the problems are the very ones who cause the dilemma.

An administration, the most anti-life, culture of death ideology ever to be in power (abortion, euthanasia), claim to have the answer for all health care. Will you even imagine that Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary of Health and Human Resources, who was the largest contributor to Dr. Tiller, who killed 60,000 babies each year, is now interested in the lives of babies, and certainly not in the lives of the elderly who engulf most health care dollars in their last years of life? The “Kleenex Mentality”, in health care, as with every other tax supported care- just use if possible, then throw away.

Supposedly, the new digital television “is an advanced broadcasting technology that has transformed your television viewing experience. DTV has enabled broadcasters to offer television with better picture and sound quality. It also offers multiple programming choices, called multicasting, and interactive capabilities”. There is something very strange about the evolution of television. I have always been suspicious of television reception and perception. Since this invention has become the “idol worship” in most homes, adults and children bowing down to this idol, glued to it for many hours, “dumbed down” by its mediocrity, and failure to challenge intelligence development. I believe that Satan has engulfed the mind with a tissue of subliminal impotence not sustainable in a world of accomplishment. I am told that in this new system (digital) school children, when watching programs on this new television, immediately go to sleep- they simply cannot stay awake. And, that adults, already couch potatoes, are more incompetent than ever. Please answer why perfectly good television sets are no longer usable without the attachment of a digital converter box? In a 'cash for clunkers' program, why not pay citizens for their old, turned-in TV sets? In the Obama world, those who have never worked for anything just get paid for turning in old things since somewhere, somehow under the “rules for radicals”, borrowed money will pay for disposables!

In the world of psycho-physical, where evil men have such black hearts, it is incomprehensible that a child can be kidnapped at age eleven, kept completely isolated from the world as a slave of the kidnapper, and then show up eighteen years later with two young children of her own, who have never been exposed to life outside of a small fortress. Our neighbors and law enforcement so totally immune to the world around them, our service repair people, even other children in the community so deaf and so blind that they cannot have suspicions about one house in one community. In our “Kleenex mentality”, do we just spend every day in such a routine that we no longer are afforded suspicions or imaginations? Was it the Stockholm syndrome? Is it conceivable that one physician certainly known by pharmacists and other physicians to be a “rock-star” care-giver, could be using medications not normal to pharmacists or law enforcement? Have we become so indoctrinated by the bizarre, and infected by mediocrity, that wholesome introspection is no longer expected? Our “Kleenex mentality” applies to not only physical objects, but mental callousness- we just don't care, anymore.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Perils of Vision

The 1947 film, Perils of Pauline, starred Betty Hutton, William Demarest and Billy DeWolfe in a comedy depicting Pauline as an enterprising starlet. The movie has never been forgotten because of its exaggerated conflict.

Those of us who are blind will never comprehend the lackadaisical attitude of sighted people---those who just take their eye sight for granted. One young man, working for me, went home and covered his eyes with adhesive tape to see if he could manage, as I do, in just doing his routine around the house. He said it didn't last but a few hours. He just could not stand it. He said, “How do you live everyday in a world of darkness, taking care of yourself, even running several businesses, and on top of all of your financial and other interests?”

Many years ago, a young man in my military unit died in a vehicle crash. Since he was such an outstanding person, I went to the funeral and had the privilege of walking into the church (St. Paul's Methodist Church) with his mother. She said to me, “He was outstanding in every way: smart, never any trouble and never IN any trouble; but he did not want to attend church and I never did insist on his attending, and spirituality was completely left out of his life. This is the first time he had been in church since he was a baby.” As we went to the cemetery, and I walked up to the open grave with her, the minister at the head of the grave took some sand out of his pocket and put the sand on the casket in the figure of the cross. I realized, just as this grieving mother must have realized, that it was too late for her son to make things right with his Creator. “Without vision, people perish.” Proverbs 29:18

As with most children who find their life in front of a television screen, most of the time following the example of their parents, who spend six hours a day watching television, their space world has been drawn in—limited---and the eye doctor, such as your writer, must put minus lenses in Rx glasses frames on them to push their space world out where it belongs.

Contact lenses were a very new thing when I was in school and beginning my professional activities. The first contact lenses were scleral, covering the entire eyeball. Can you even imagine how uncomfortable they were? But as I said many times to many parents, “Young girls would wear thumb tacks in their eyes to keep from wearing thick eye glasses.” Then there were the smaller plastic contact lenses, then the soft plastic lenses, and now surgery to physically and surgically correct myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. Today, very few people wear eye glasses but the physical, emotional and neurological problems concerning sight in learning still exist.

Like everything else in the health care industry, technology and development has made things much easier but problems still exist. As a young practitioner, the cataract patient had to lay perfectly still for days with a cement block on each side of the head. Today, a lens transplant can be made and the patient can be at regular activity the next day. However, there has been no cure and little treatment for diseases for the retina, optic nerves and the tracts through the brain, where all vision takes place. The eyeballs themselves are just receptors for light. All vision takes place in the brain itself. (Calcarine Cortex, area 18 at the back of the head) I never cease to be amazed about the trash that people will allow their eyes to see as unfiltered it pollutes millions of neurons in their brain, anymore than I can understand how a woman, or man for that matter, can spit in the face of almighty God by giving their most personal and private possession, their sexual senses, to just anyone who has the money to pay for such. Prostitution, fornication, adultery, the desensitizing of values, the corruption of purpose, must surely embarrass our blessed Lord who gave us a body created in His image, in such a marvelous manner. (Psalm 139:13-14)

According to Forbes Magazine pornography accounts for $10 billion of revenue each year. Most pornography comes from the Northrigde area in California which was almost destroyed in the last big earthquake. Maybe, when the earth starts shaking there again, as it will, these pornographers might think of how almighty God will shake them one of these days for the misery and deception, despair and distortion they have brought to humanity. Any time I have talked to a Muslim about religion, he has always thrown pornography in my face. The fact that this “Christian” nation, a country built on the sovereignty of God's Word, would, because of the Supreme Court, allow such 'slop' (liquid garbage) to addict a large percentage of our young people and adults. The fascination and addiction to pornography comes through eyesight. Helen Keller, born deaf and blind, said in a speech one time, “How can precious eyes be used for anything except the viewing of beauty---a beautiful bird, flower, or smile of a child?” (When I heard Helen Keller by record she had never heard a voice and her speech had to have an interpreter. Buried in the floor of the national cathedral, this magnificent blind lady went on to graduate from several colleges and became and inspiration to the sighted world.)

Recently, in the presence of my son and youngest grandson (a college senior), I said, “Never doubt for a moment that God does not know what He is doing. He chose me to serve Him as a blind person. He knows how to keep us where He wants us.” My son said, “I have heard how fast you drove your car before the war; how you were always in a hurry.” GOD IS BOSS! He has a right to slow us down. Enjoy and prize your eyesight every day of your life. We may not have a Mount of Transfiguration experience such as Moses and Elijah but with purity of eyes we will see God.

“I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes.” Psalm 101:3

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Vacation Time

“When I Take My Vacation in Heaven”

When I take my vacation in heaven,
What a wonderful time that will be.
Hear the concert of the heavenly chorus;
And the face of my savior I’ll see.
Sitting down on the bank of the river,
Beneath the shade of the evergreen tree.
When I take my vacation in heaven,
Won’t you spend your vacation with me?

My Godly parents always went to bed early, and arose early. I can still hear my father singing the song above, “When I Take My Vacation in Heaven” as he was working around the farm, early in the morning, with the two large collie dogs barking and sounds and smells of my mother's activities in the kitchen. They never knew vacation time here on earth; but are certainly enjoying such now. There are two words which I can barely stand to hear, retirement and vacation. Just be glad you are able to work every day and as long as possible. A former president of Wheaton College, died at the lectern while addressing an entering class of Wheaton students. Many preachers die in the pulpit. A friend, a medical doctor, died with his hands taking the pulse of a patient. I was called to the room of a woman traveling in Paris. Her distraught husband said she got in bed, pulled up the covers and that was it. They, having experienced a long colorful life, I said to him, “Be thankful. This is the way we would all like to go.” Every time one of my cousins calls me, he reminds me of what I have told him many times. I have too much curiosity to die. I want to see what will happen to this crazy world.

Almost without our knowing it, a shadow world government has immersed in my lifetime, which has more influence in world politics than the United Nations, or any other one country or group of countries, (NATO). This group of about 130 of the most powerful and wealthiest people of the world, must know something that the rest of us do not know; because with their elitist ideology of eugenics and “one-world government” as promoted by President George H. W. Bush. Though the idea of a “one world order” has been proposed for many years, the words were first heard in an address to congress by President George H. W. Bush in 1991. The Bush family, one of America's most powerful and wealthiest families have been members of the Bilderberger Group, since it's inception. In 1954, a group of 50 delegates from 11 countries in Europe and 11 Americans attended the first conference in the Hotel del Bilderberg in the Netherlands. The 2009 Conference was held in Athens, Greece. The 2008 Conference was held in Virginia, United States. The 2007 Conference was held in Istanbul, Turkey. Ontario, Canada was the meeting place for the 2006 Conference.

The Bilderberger group is a an octopus with tentacles, the world's most elitest, powerful, individuals representing all facets of power and money, Queen of the Netherlands, Henry Kissinger, George H. W. Bush, Walter Bedell Smith, etc. There are several Christians in this elitest fraternity who actually believe that it is the beginning of the group that will support the anti-Christ. This is difficult to believe when you consider the amount of money the Bilderbergers spent in Indonesia leading to the riots in 1998 where thousands were killed, or the intrigue of Somalia where thousands have been killed. Of course, they actually are convinced that the world's population must be reduced. Considering the Jews who are in the group, it is hard to understand their support of Muslim dictators, which accounts for their support of the war in Iraq. The double dipping that takes place in so many embassies, where embassy officials are paid both by the American State Department and the Bilderbergers obtaining information. It even extends to finding support from the well political placed attendees at Governor's prayer breakfasts. There are even “prayer cells” located in countries and in different religions. It is thought that a prayer cell supports the aspirations of Mrs. Clinton. These people do not need money, they have all the money. Their main interest in their shadow government processes is power, the power to pick national rulers and to set the course of the ship of state for every country involved. This group does not need vacation time. Their life and the lives of their friends have been just one long vacation. For onlookers, those observing the action and activities of this, the world's most prestigious power brokers. The enslaved, those of us who get up everyday and work for a living in order to pay the excruciating taxes, the tourist industries of the world should just go ahead and close down, because the average world worker will no longer be able to afford a vacation.

For the rich and famous, the New Mexico dessert is being developed into their playground, (runways already completed) enticing those interested in space travel. RocketPlane Global, based in Oklahoma City, is also making a bigger push in the space tourism business. The company said Friday that it has re-engineered the design of its suborbital rocket, the Rocketplane XP, so it can be used to fly more tourists into suborbit. The plane now seats five passengers in an interior fashioned by renowned industrial designer Frank Nuovo, who's designed for companies such as BMW and Nokia. Teachers in Space, a nonprofit project of the Space Frontier Foundation and the U.S. Rocket Academy, also said it will begin recruiting teachers to become astronauts and fly in space. The teachers will travel to space on flights donated by suborbital companies like RocketPlane so they can develop training programs for more teachers to follow. Other vacation ideas pertaining to space and the New Mexico desert involves the Rocket Racing League, sort of a Nascar for rockets, or Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic that will provide suborbital commercial flights for $200,000 a seat.

Millions like to hear someone like Rush Limbaugh talk about the life of the rich and famous. his private jet, his hob-knobbing with famous people on the golf course. There has always been the haves and the have-nots; but a depression has a way of keeping everyone to a limited sensation. Just this morning, one friend told me of how her son's entire portfolio of $250,000 had been lost in this market crash.

I lived through the Great Depression one time. One of my earliest memories is the funeral of a great aunt who had stood in line at the bank, all day while trying to get her money out (only $200 equivalent to $200,000 today). Sick and oppressed, she just went home and died, before the bank took her farm. The most cynical statement I ever heard from a politician,
“We want people to go to church, to take holidays, to take vacations. Then, they don't object as much to paying taxes, because the only power, the government and politicians have, is the ability to tax people.

Enjoy your vacation.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


In my many world travels (eight round-the-world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries) I crossed Russia on the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Around the city of Irkutsk and Lake Baikal I noticed that most of the older houses appeared to have been partially burned and that the trees had a most unusual appearance. I later researched that this was the location of the only comet activity which has come close to the earth to our historical knowledge.

On June 30, 1908 a comet near-strike on the earth hit in Siberia, known as the Tunguska Event, with the force of about 1000 times the force of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, which effected life in the area for 830 square miles, leveling trees, causing fires, and sent electromagnetic pulses that could be felt equivalent to a 5.0 earthquake. The area has never recovered from this 'close encounter' with this comet.

The other geographical catastrophe I have witnesses was the result of the Krakatoa

Volcano on the island of Sumatra in 1883. The unofficial death toll report was at least 120,000 and next to the recent tsunami, in approximately the same area, the deaths on these remote islands and the destruction of the villages is beyond description. Families die and families learn to smile again, but they never forget the pain and desolation of catastrophe.

I have gone into these two great disasters in order to emphasize the fact that life is a vapor which can very quickly vanish. (James 4:14) This past week, the Libyan man accused of bombing the Pan-America plane over Lockerbie, Scotland, which killed a total of 270 people, was given a prison release because he is supposedly dying of cancer. Many in the USA and UK protested his release because in the Muslim world, he will be considered a hero and martyr. One never knows from one minute to the next in this world of high-risk just how quickly we will draw our last breath. And, our last breath here is our first breath there. For those of you who have not taken advantage of the redemption of our blessed Lord, an open grave is not the end of the road.

From our earliest years, we should learn that God created us to be completely dependent on Him. It is in God, and God alone, that we should place our trust. “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

If we knew that we were going to live into our 80s and 90s and would have plenty of time to lounge around and fellowship with the sanctification of God, just awaiting His call, we would be prepared to set sail on our eternal departure. We could lounge in either our belief or unbelief until “castoff” but, like those eight who unexpectedly went down in the Hudson River last week, simply because someone on duty was busy talking on the telephone and not paying attention to his work, death can come quickly and unexpectedly. Be prepared, make sure there is oil in your lamp when the Bridegroom cometh. (Matthew 25) You do not have the warning ahead of time as to just how quickly death can come. Eternal life has already started for the believer; we already have the abundant life. (John 10:10) For the unbeliever, you face the second death because we are told that the unbeliever is already dead. (1 Timothy 5:6) Satan, the greatest swindler and scam artist, has sold the lie that life fulfillment comes in education, pleasure and money.

About the time one reaches middle age, we start making an evaluation of our life, what we have been able to accomplish, how many 'things' we own, how successful we have been, and often, we confuse possessions with success. Erma Bombeck said, “Don't confuse celebrity with success. Think of Madonna and Helen Keller.”

At about the same time, many of us start writing our obituary. We want to make sure that all the organizations to which we belong, our celebrity and notoriety will be mentioned, less someone forgets our hard-working efforts and accomplishments. I knew one newspaper editor who would write a nice editorial of any prominent person who died in the community and after the name, the letters “RIP” would always appear. I never knew him to give any credibility to a hard-working mother or father who, through impossible circumstances, had raised a large family of grateful children.

It is also at this time that many become dissatisfied with their life's accomplishments; the ups and downs that afflict all of us who live a normal life. Many, when the warts outnumber the pats on the back, resort to the final solution of suicide. Life is precious; God planned each life in its entirety before the very foundation of the world. (Ephesians 1:4) He is sovereign. In Him, our life is not our own. We are His, Him living in us. This is the reason that we are careful about our every action. I can still hear my mother say to us, “Remember who you are.” This was her way of telling us that we are different from other people. (1 Peter 2:11) Not only were we not to embarrass our blessed Lord, but we were not to embarrass the good name of our family.

During these middle age years, we try to recapture ambition by knowing the 'right' people on the golf course or at the country club. In an effort to “keep up with the Jones'” the middle-aged couple will be more likely to gamble instead of invest in the stock market. Where, in earlier years, they were content to 'get rich slow', they will now venture capital at great risk, the gamble to catch up rapidly. This is the fascination with the lottery and other satanic addictions. Remember the great hotels and casinos in Las Vegas and Atlantic City were built by losers.

The most blessed time in our short existence here on earth should be the sunset years; the so called 'golden years' when we bask in the memories of the challenge of rearing children. Finding the energy to do everything that young people are expected to do, many lose their health trying to gain wealth and then are forced to spend their wealth trying to regain their health. The golden years are spent exercising and trying every new mineral or vitamin compound, by which we are bombarded by advertisement every day. The orthopedist has gotten even richer with his many attempts to replace all aging joints. Gray power is not always complimentary because gray is dull, like caskets and bad days. During the golden years, it is all on velvet: plush and desirable. It is harder to wait than to work. The work is over; the best is yet to come.

The Russians are charging American billionaires $20 million for a ride into outer space. Relax, if you have taken care of your passport arrangement with our blessed Lord, you are about to take a free ride into outer space, into a place which God has prepared.

“But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

Fat Cats

If I had my life to live over, and I have said this many times, I would go into the field of real estate dealings or security brokers. In real estate and stock securities, you have the opportunity to make more money than any other professions I know. If money is important to you, and for most of us it is, because having been born in absolute poverty, and living a life of being poor and seeing poor people all around me, I realize the challenges and rewards of money making. More important than anything else, I know the importance of having money to give away (Christian stewardship).

I believe it was my second trip to Europe, probably around 1965, I remember it like it was yesterday- walking in Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen, Denmark. One of the most solid (gravitas) men I have ever met, a banker from Little Rock, Arkansas, was walking with me and talking with me about the loss of my sight. The reason I remember it so well is because it was my first experience smoking a cigar. He was a smoker of fine cigars and asked me to smoke one with him. So, I opportuned by the acquaintance of this wealthy, influential man. I was pretending to smoke the cigar; one of the many bad experiences of my life! This banking executive asked me if I was interested in the Stock Market and I expressed to him that the Securities Market had payed for my trip, but that I still had much to learn. I will never forget him saying, “Just be careful and study hard. These financial advisors and stock brokers do not know any more about the stock market than you do. It is all a matter of timing and, to a great extent, luck. It is the unexpecteds that make the difference.”

From that day until this, that had been the soundest financial advise I have ever heard about the Stock Market, even though I have listened to the experts on radio and television over and over. It is all a matter of buying low and selling high, and knowing when to do it. (And these experts learned by the experience of failure and each one was a beginner before an expert.)

The same advice can be given about real estate. With real estate, it a matter of geography. Even a blind man can make money with real estate, if the timing is right.

We have just lived through the burst of the two bubbles involving these two money making opportunities: the Stock Market bubble of the 1990's and the real estate bubble of the 2000's. Now, Mr. Obama is blowing as hard as he can into the bubble of financial bail outs, fiscal departures from every sane value of the past, and increased national and world debt, which can never be repaid; only the insane, in a situation where you are in a hole (money, moral, spiritual interferences) will stop digging and getting deeper. In the first seven months of his presidency, he has increased the debt to around $11 trillion so that the national debt now, including all the future payments of Medicare and Social Security, probably amounts to $50 trillion. The total cost of World War II was only $3.5 trillion. Every man, woman, and child in this country, has a government debt of $250,000.

A doctor, lawyer, or any professional can spend the long years of risk and discipline getting the necessary education for being licensed to practice his profession. Only those who have been through it know the discipline and costs involved. YOU CAN MAKE A GOOD LIVING WITH YOUR HANDS. But, search the books, only those who sell something (securities, real estate, electronics, etc.) accumulate money for investment, which leads to wealth.

I want to share with you a summation of the book, The Millionaire Next Door. In The Millionaire Next Door, Stanley and Danko summarize findings from their research into the key characteristics that explain how the elite club of millionaires have become "wealthy". (There are as many billionaires now, as there were millionaires when I was young.) Focusing on those with a net worth of at least $1 million, their surprising results reveal fundamental qualities of this group that are diametrically opposed to today's earn-and-consume culture, including living below their means, allocating funds efficiently in ways that build wealth, ignoring conspicuous consumption, being proficient in targeting marketing opportunities, and choosing the "right" occupation. It's evident that anyone can accumulate wealth, if they are disciplined enough, determined to persevere, and have the merest of luck.

In The Millionaire Mind, an excellent follow-up to the highly successful first analysis of how ordinary folks can accumulate wealth, Stanley interviews many more participants in a much more comprehensive study of the characteristics of those in this economic situation. The author structures these deeper details into categories that include the key success factors that define this group, the relationship of education to their success, their approach to balancing risk, how they located themselves in their work, their choice of spouse, how they live their daily lives, and the significant differences in the truth about this group vs. the misplaced image of high spenders. This says it all. I am convinced that in this land of opportunity, anyone, anywhere, at any time, can become a millionaire if he has the courage to make a plan and work his plan, honestly and professionally. You must be willing to take the risk of time, discipline, and frugal living, which is a challenge. If a person born in absolute poverty on a tobacco farm in eastern North Carolina, starting out from the earliest years struggling with the desire plus hard work and discipline, can work his way though eight years of university preparation, go to a war and come back blind, and then, through the grace of God, continue to study and work, save and invest, exercise frugality in everything you do, you can be a multi-millionaire by the age of forty, even if blind.

Bill Gates, one of the world's wealthiest men- the founder of Microsoft, in his ten rules for success in business, states the first rule is LIFE IS NOT FAIR. You must do the best with what you have. In my case, I believe with every fiber of my body that one man plus God is a majority. HE IS BOSS, if in His divine plan for your life, He wants you to make money so that you can give money for His causes, “The battle is the Lord's” (1 Samuel 17:47).

Here are the Morris rules for success in the Securities Market:

1. Knowledge: Study every book, everything you can get your hands on pertaining to the buying and selling of securities. In every discipline of study, there are always those who have the experience and expertise who have written extensively on the subject. The judgment of forecasters and friends are important.

2. Advisors: Evaluate and examine every piece of advice you can obtain about financial conditions in the world and in your community.

3. Believe in yourself: If others have been successful in this field, so can you. Don't sell yourself short.

4. Counsel: Don't be afraid to ask advice. Don't be afraid of being called pushy or aggressive. Many times the best place to learn about the future of any security is at the source.

5. Study Success: Study every biography of successful people; study every commercial company which has been successful. There is no need of being a failure; you need to keep a positive attitude at all times.

6. Get aboard: This train only goes around one time. Get aboard before it is too late. You will be amazed how short life is. If you have not decided you are going to be successful by the time you reach the age of thirty, you need a mental tune-up. By the time you reach fifty, it seems like everyday is Friday.

7. Always prepare for the worst, hope for the best: It is the unexpected in investing for which you must prepare. Only God knows the end as well as the beginning of the parade. That is why you need God on your side. Those who jumped out of the windows in the Great Depression, as well as these minor depressions since, had not prepared for the worst. Even President Regan, in 1987, put billions of dollars in the Treasury Department as a “plunge protector” in case there was another great plunge in the Stock Market. We are all witnesses to the fact that this “plunge protector” did not work.

8. Mind set: Investing is a mind set. You either have it or you don't. It is like conservatism. You are conservative in everything if you are a true conservative. Many of these politicians who call themselves conservatism know nothing about true conservation. Try living with my Scottish ancestor father for one week and you will know about true conservatism. (He would jump over the gate anytime to keep from wearing out the hinge.) From my youth, I saved every penny. Pennies make dollars and dollars take care of themselves. You must be frugal and it is a mind set.

9. Lord's work: My investment philosophy is a life dedicated to God. Every dollar I invest and every dollar I make from the investment is dedicated to God. I have been successful in investing but not a celebrity. Erma Bombeck said, “Do not confuse celebrity and success; think of Madonna and Helen Keller.”

10. Vertical & Horizontal: The true investor is a vertical as well as a horizontal man. By horizontal, I mean you deal everyday in every investment way, with people around you. The vertical dimension is a way of life; your relationship with God through Christ. (Sir John Templeton, the investor I admire most, because of his success and his Christian walk with God, said, “Prayer is the greatest investment tool I know anything about.”)

Pain is not transferable. The “fat cats” on Wall Street and the “fat cats” in the nation's capital will not feel your pain when you have losses. They are too busy protecting one another. The “fat cats” on both Wall Street and in Washington, D.C. , will continue to do well. They have no fear of controls or inspectors. When there are so many skeletons in so many closets, they all have equal opportunity protection. List an item on E-bay, along with the picture, and in a few seconds, people all over the world are aware of your item and just as rapidly, a purchase can be made. If you list something which does not meet the rules, instantly you are warned. Is it not strange that such hardware and computer programming is not available to the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and the many oversight committees, which control securities trading?

Dr Obama

As always, last night, I was listening to the BBC radio shortwave, as I do every night when the announcement of the death of Senator Kennedy was made. The third longest serving Senator, served for 47 years and was recognized as the most powerful senator of the 20th century. His father, a bootlegger, womanizer, bought his son JFK, the presidency, and his youngest son, a senatorial office. Joseph Kennedy was such an embarrassment to FDR with his Nazi dealings that he was called home from the Court of St. James. (Eleanor Roosevelt, still alive when JFK was inaugurated, would not attend his inaugurations because she so despised Joseph Kennedy.) Senator Kennedy saw two brothers assassinated and participated himself in a Chappaquiddick killing in 1969, which limited his presidential aspirations in1980.

Nearby, at Martha's Vineyard, the eastern gathering place for the Eugenics and elitist liberals, Cindy Sheehan, known for her Bush protestations and Amy Goodman, leader of women liberals are protesting Obama's ceasing to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Obamas, living high on a 27 acre estate, are basking in Obama-Opulence. Senator Kennedy who, if power and money could have cured him, would still be alive. Kennedy, always, a product of wealth and power, next to Obama, the most liberal democrat senator could afford any type health care, (Duke, etc.) but, the limousine socialists here as in every communist country, want the Exception-Care for themselves and the peasant social order for everyone else.

As with homeless veterans who entered the military in good health, forced vaccinations have put many on the streets in a unstable homeless condition. The Amish, the Muslims, the Christian Science church, are not subjected to vaccinations. Autism and scleroderma and at least 50 other diseases are called auto immune, compromising and complicating the immune system.

We learned long ago that sunshine and fresh air are the best treatments of any disease including flu. The old sanatoriums when I was a child, used fresh air and sunshine for the treatment of Tuberculosis. It is a known fact outside the academic community where the paper tigers have never dealt with patients or real life, that country children are not as sick as urban dwellers. I worked at the UNC-CH medical school. (It was a 2 year school when I was student there.) Miss Pickard, the medical librarian, an old maid, would take her beautiful dog and me to her small farm outside Chapel Hill, and we would work at various chores. Dr. W. C. George, professor of anatomy in medical school, owned a farm next door. We were talking about my being reared on a farm. He said, “You poor thing. You will probably live a long life. All that sunshine, fresh air, fresh food... And, I know you ate berries from bushes in the woods and on bushes on ditch banks, the most healthy lifestyle a person can have. I remembered this many times when dealing with patients and old doctors. One old doctor, Dr. Woodard of Goldsboro, NC, a retired naval medical officer, told me he never put a chemical in his body, nor prescribed one, unless absolutely life and death. He ran for congress in the third NC district when he was 100 years of age. A national magazine showed him working on his farm, which he attributed to his good health. He was so opposed to chlorine and fluoride in municipal drinking water. Dr. Cooper Person, of Eureka, NC, used food almost entirely in treatment. He particularly promoted apple cider. Every time I put apple cider in my drinking water, I think of him and the many patients who lived in good health because of him.

Only people who go to the doctor keep going. My father always pointed out one of his good friends, a wealthy land owner who married a school teacher in midlife. They had one son and they kept the road hot, trotting to the doctor. All around their farms, black tenants who lived in houses that you could through a cat through most anywhere, were healthy and had never seen a doctor. Dangerous behavior outside of marriage is the reason that 50 % of all girls have STD's. One gay with AIDS, told me when you get a vaccination, I will be the first one in line. I said, “Do you want to die quicker.” I was in Goma, Congo, a city at the head of the Congo River, where it is believed that AIDS got it's start by people eating and “messing around” with monkeys. Sex is a gift. Your immune system is a gift. Fornicate, male or female, at your own risk. I know that people do not want to hear the truth. The foreign missionaries know that people do not want the truth. But they are concerned with their souls. BE OBNOXIOUS! I do what I do because I believe what I believe. There is no reason why people should enjoy poor health and just make the health and drug industry that much richer. Read Dr. Mayer Eisenstein's book, Don't Vaccinate Before you Educate. In this season of town hall debates, when Obama and Sebelius, Peolosi and other health care experts are squeezing a bankrupt economy to force you into an inept socialized government pay system, which may make the inept VA system look good. Consider prevention, the poisons in your drinking water (Both chlorine and fluoride are poisons.) You're staying inside with the television and computer instead of staying in the sun, God's greatest remedy. Do not put on sunscreen. In your food use oregano, much black pepper and other herbs such as rosemary, as did our much healthier ancestors.

Anyone who has studied epidemiology knows that the more you scare people about an epidemic, more people get sick. You can see the brain washing going on now, in regards to H1N1. As more people go for care exposing themselves to the disease already in the hospital or doctor's office, more get sick. (Think, you go in the doctor's office because you are scared and not feeling well. You sit in a chair in reception where a sick flu patient just sat. The greatest breathing organ of your body is your skin. Of course you put your hands and arms on the chair arms. You touch the doorknobs behind the sick patients, and you will probably go home sick now if not before.) Vaccinations for pregnant women are always contraindicated, yet in this flu scare, flu shots for pregnant women and children are advised.

If the Judeo-Christian community were as interested in prevention, eating Kosher, sunshine and exercise as are the Islamists who, under Sharia law, have a very exacting diet, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, are not vaccinated and, believe it or not, do not abort their babies, the non Islamic population would be much healthier. One of my heroes, Cassius Clay, who converting to Islam, became Mohammad Ali, is now touring England raising money for a charity. When he fought Henry Cooper in 1962, he was hit on the head and was hit on the head many times after that, leading to his present illness. But he attributes his health to the strict diet of the Muslims.

Don't be delusional. You cannot just eat anything, just drink anything, never exercise, stay inside out of sunlight, completely frustrate your immune system with chemicals whether prescribed, illegal or in your water system and stay healthy. Maintaining good health in this (fast food) world, requires spiritual and physical stewardship. It is like taking cheese out of a set mousetrap without tripping the thing, and getting your fingers smashed.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mrs Robinson

In 1968, Simon and Garfunkel came out with one of their greatest hits, “Mrs. Robinson.” Most people will remember this song because it was the theme song of the movie, “The Graduate.”

Much will be said about the following in the future. Much information is involved; and it would be a good thesis for a seminary graduate student. It just so happens that President Obama's wife, Michelle's mother, Mrs. Marian Robinson, lives in the White House with the Obamas. Voodoo has become the official religion of America. Mrs. Robinson, a practitioner of Santaria, the voodoo religious practice which was brought over by African slaves to the Caribbean and is found flourishing in the Caribbean and in South Florida is now practiced in the White House. It is my understanding that witches of this religion came in and cleansed the White House before the Obama's moved in, in order to rid the building of the Bush infestation. (I hope the same witches will go to the Republican National Committee, NRC, and do a cleansing there. I hope republicans will never hear the Bush name associated with republican politics again.)

James H. Cone, Harvard professor and friend of Obama, the unquestioned modern-day mentor of all the black power preachers, claims to have created a new theology, uniting the Muslim black power tenets of Malcolm X and the Christian foundations of Martin Luther King, Jr.

All he has really done, in my opinion, is take original liberation theology from Latin America, developed in the early 1960s by Catholic priests, and painted it black.

Directly from the preface of his 1997 new edition of his book, Black Theology and Black Power:

"As in 1969, I still regard Jesus Christ today as the chief focus of my perspective on God but not to the exclusion of other religious perspectives. God's reality is not bound by one manifestation of the divine in Jesus but can be found wherever people are being empowered to fight for freedom. Life-giving power for the poor and the oppressed is the primary criterion that we must use to judge the adequacy of our theology, not abstract concepts.

Understanding that black liberation theology is Marxism dressed up to look like Christianity helps explain why there is no conflict between Cone's "Christianity" and Farrakhan's "Nation of Islam." Both Farrakhan and Obama are members of the Black Masons.

Move over Jesus and make way for Cone, Wright and Obama. For a reported 20 years the Obama's attended the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago where Dr. Jeremiah Wright, a follower of Santaria and black liberation theology preached his religion of hate and where Harriet Tubman's portrait is reportedly hanging in the vestibule. Obama claims he never heard anything that was preached by Dr. Wright. But we wonder if he read the mission statement, their Vision:

1. A congregation committed to ADORATION.

2. A congregation preaching SALVATION.

3. A congregation actively seeking RECONCILIATION.

4. A congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA.

5. A congregation committed to BIBLICAL EDUCATION.

6. A congregation committed to CULTURAL EDUCATION.


8. A congregation committed to LIBERATION.

9. A congregation committed to RESTORATION.

10. A congregation working towards ECONOMIC PARITY.

From the Mission Statement, “The fortunate who are among us combine forces with the less fortunate to become agents of change for God who is not pleased with America’s economic mal-distribution!” Perhaps this is the CHANGE we heard about during the campaign and now the unfortunate consequences of the campaign. During his presidency, on November 2, 1800, John Adams wrote to his wife:

"I pray Heaven to bestow the best of Blessings on this House and on all that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wise Men ever rule under this roof."

Recently, I had to get a state ID because I bought a new car. For 50 years my military ID showing that I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, serviced-connected veteran, has sufficed everywhere. I even had to produce a birth certificate to get a new social security card which was lost in time of war. This president, now in the White House, cannot even produce a birth certificate. Lies have brought us where we are today. A lost war in Iraq, a loosing war in Afghanistan and Pakistan, bailouts and a complete crippling of the American economy continue blowing into the economic bubble of debt which will never be paid. And a completely PREDICTABLE excursion into heresy and treason by a democrat party who has total control over a prostituted media, academia and financial world. There are so many skeletons in so many closets among the politicians as well as Wall Street that no one in power, now, will dare challenge anything. Madoff, Guitner, Sebelius and Napolitano as well as Henry Paulson of Goldman Sachs are all held in the same moral reverence by the Congress and most liberal Americans. The time has long past when character is important. The Town Hall meetings have become a diversion from health care; and the culture of immorality on Wall Street has become a diversion from the worthless dollar and the need to clean up the Federal Reserve. No one believes Wall Street is honest. And no one believes that the politicians have any idea about cleaning up this country. Generally speaking, they are the ones who made the mess; but watch them run in 2010 saying they know how to clean it up. They no longer refer to this blessed country as a nation, but as an economy.

The Bible tells us that men are inherently evil. The only wealth anytime in the world according to God's word, is silver, gold, land and cattle. Adam Smith told us in WEALTH OF NATIONS that a country must be productive. Just continuing to blow air into a “debt bubble”, Mr. Obama, will not solve any problems. There is no Marshall plan to rescue us from the destruction you have brought to this nation. You are such an example. Smoking kills 4.5 million Americans every year. As you smoke and spin, do your mother-in-law's voodoo dance remember that 74 banks have failed this year. FDIC does not have enough money to payoff our losses. Construction is down 70 %. “Cash for Clunkers” will not make those happy who increasingly are unable to pay their mortgages. One of these car dealers, Mr. Obama, is owed $7 million dollars. Lee Iaccoca said long ago, when faced with inept government, “Throw the bums out.” As I have already said, Americans are completely predictable. Wall Street and Madison Avenue knows that. They will continue voting the same insane way. We need the Will Rogers or Mark Twain type. Where is a Bobby Knight who said about discipline, “You do what needs to be done, the best it can be done. And you do your best everyday.”

In this world of electronics, I am convinced that two things are controlling our destiny. It may not be discovered until long after I am gone. But, an enemy of the people, a satanic vehicle in some manner of subliminal perception has so dumbed-damned all those who stayed glued to the television set, (Most adults watch television 6 hours a day.) that through a flicker or something affecting the brain, Americans cannot think anymore. This along with electronic voting machines (neutralizing) and predetermining vote results has established this hierarchy of presidential and congressional slave masters which make the ancient pharaohs appear acceptable. It is imperative to inspire. Things may get worse before they get better.