Thursday, September 30, 2010

Notre Dame Commencement Address

(These are the connotations and denotations of the commencement address at Notre Dame University, as I see it-Dr. Morris)

Rev. Father Jenkins, members of the faculty, graduates and your families, I appreciate you being here today in spite of the malarkey that has arisen about my being your speaker.  I hope these remarks are being sent by radio to the jailhouse and other places where Dr. Alan Keyes and others who object to my being here are being housed. 

I regret that most of the Catholic bishops in this country and abroad, object to my liberal philosophy concerning life. 

I want to assure President Jenkins that if he is fired from his position here he will join my close knit group of advisers such as my former pastor for 20 years Rev. Wright, a group who have had problems paying their taxes, Gov. Richardson, that fine democrat from New Mexico, the former Democrat senate leader Tom Daschle, the chairman of the House Ways and Means committee Charlie Wrangle, the former governor of Illinois and my good democrat friend Rod Blagojevich and some others both in and out of jail. 

As I promised in my campaign for the presidency, I want president Jenkins to assist me in making everything in Washington absolutely transparent as he has with the millions of emails and letters sent him here.  I want the transparency of speaker Pelosi’s attachments and multi-million dollar interest in Star-Kist tuna and the island of Samoa, the real estate dealings of senator Reed and all other Catholics such as senator Kennedy and governor Cuomo brought to the attention of the public someway since you can be sure, the news media which will say nothing against me or any other democrat, will not inform you.  I am instructing my secretary of the treasury, a Jewish catholic, Mr. Geitner, to replace the current motto on federal money with a motto made popular by such great Americans as Gus Hall and John Dewey, “The end justifies the means.” 

I will use my administration to correct statements and philosophies made by former democrat presidents.  Firstly, FDR who in 1933 said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”  You will know the real meaning of fear, fear of starvation, fear of speaking freely, fear of owning a gun, fear of going out of your house, if you still have a house. 

I want to correct the statement of another democrat president JFK, who said, in 1960, “Ask not what your government can do for you but what you can do for your government.”  This is foolishness, you want your government to do everything for you. We, your government, do not need any advice or interference from you.  These supposed representatives you send to Washington in your behalf, are just there to enjoy themselves at free buffets, golf tournaments, sexual exploits provided by well meaning lobbyists, and then go home with a nice retirement. 

You will have nothing to do with your schools, the money for running your schools, like the curriculum and books for your schools will be provided by your government with your government's absolute control.  It has taken many years to completely indoctrinate school administrators, teachers and even the school board members which you think you elect into the enslavement philosophy of the socialist, liberation technique.  We have overcome.

Just as many businesses have closed including one half of all automobile dealerships, the socialist workers initiatives will not only design future technology, but the workers themselves will manage and control everything pertaining to the former corporation motto.  The government will not have many problems with the third area of absolute socialist control.  The news media, print, radio, TV, and all other methods of communication will be controlled by a government agency dedicated to the elimination of free thought, hate speech, criticism of the government, the president of the government and his chosen interlopers, such as your president Jenkins. 

The so-called church has been a thorn in the side, to quote your famed apostle Paul.  In the establishment of the ultimate aim that human beings fortunate enough to be born, not aborted, will depend entirely on government checks, not an invisible God.  When you pray, and you will continue to pray, in and out of the closet, you will pray for your government to smile on you.  Because, if you do not behave yourself, as in Cuba or North Korea, your government will frown on you and you will wind up in confinement eating whatever bark or roots someone might subtract from a tree. You will have the addition of working for the government which you did forsake until the Obama heaven you declined by your own choice, uses you for fertilizer. 

Like my church in Chicago, which I attended for 20 years, but like Sergeant Schultz, “I heard nothing,” in this nationalist church we had a portrait of Harriet Tubman, one of the first freedom fighters, hanging in the vestibule.  Portraits of black freedom fighters such as Tubman, Jackie Robinson, Jesse Jackson, will be hung in the vestibule of every church.  In the front of every church the famed words of Roger Baldwin, founder of the ACLU and for 30 years, its director, will be printed, displayed and recited at every service with much more vigor and feeling then you recite the Lord’s prayer or the apostles creed. 

“I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.”
Roger Baldwin

In closing, I want to thank you for this honorary doctorate you are giving me.  Dolly Parton just got one from a redneck school in Tennessee.  My friend Oprah Winfrey jetted her private jet down to NC to get an honorary doctorate from another redneck school that made its money from smoking tobacco.  I will assure the Catholics, and their fellow travelers, the Episcopalians, whom I love most because of their gay pastors and same-sex couples, that the day of the “fat cat” conservatives who have built these elitist universities where the creme de creme have carried on their incestuous relationship with Satan’s hordes, long enough, change has come.

You promised my ancestors, at the end of the Civil War when we fought for our freedom, that everyone of us would get 40 acres and a mule.  Right now, today, I promise every minority in this country, black, Mexican, Asian, forty acres with freedom of choice and a new foreign made car, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, their choice, because, I do not want to leave from here with any mistaken impression that I believe in anything but choice.  I am more convinced then ever, as the most pro-abortion president or world leader, that a woman should be able to destroy her child before or immediately after birth. 

One day, you will all celebrate my birthday, because I am going to give all of you free healthcare, your greatest interest. Since ¼ of the American electorate is catholic and you voted for me, even though you knew that Michelle made $315,000 dollars a year working for a hospital that did not admit welfare patients. But you will all become welfare patients, good luck.  Not only will you celebrate my birthday, but like Lenin, you will file past my enshrined body having accepted, without question, mine and Nikolai Lenin’s philosophy. 

“The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.”

Thank you, now bring on the honors.


Near the farm on which I was reared, a small crossroads town, lived a conjurer, “I never saw the woman, only heard about her.” One man who lived nearby told me that large, out-of-state cars, would come to this simple farmhouse, stay for a while and then leave. One, a car with a Maryland license plate, stopped him on the road and asked for directions to the nearby city where they could get motel accommodations. He was brave enough to ask the occupants of the car why they were in the community. “We had an appointment with the conjurer, my mother in the back seat has cancer, we are looking for a cure.”

The dictionary definition of a conjurer is a sorcerer, or one who performs magic. Using that definition, there are conjurers all around us, particularly in places of government. Desperate people do desperate things, someone dying with cancer will go from doctor to doctor, hospital to hospital, Coretta Scott King, widow of Martin Luther King, died in Mexico. Many Americans seek treatments on foreign shores, not permitted here. My great interest in life, an interest which led me to study for many years, the healing arts. Still, to this day, my mental deliberations between the sanity of science, and the sanctity of divine intercession. I believe in divine healing, there is not one doubt in my mind, that God cannot heal, more than there is a doubt in my mind that God can cleanse a heart from all unrighteousness (Isaiah 53, etc.). The healing of a mind, the healing of a body, begins with healing of a heart. All over the world, I have witnessed the supernatural, often the mystical.

In Togo, west Africa, I visited a large fetish market...a place where you buy amulets, body parts, bones, etc. The voodoo culture is very prevalent all over Africa, entire voodoo villages. The voodoo religion came to the Caribbean early in the slave trade, and is called “Santeria”. Mrs. Obama's mother, Ms. Robinson, who lives with them, is a follower of Santeria. Mrs. Robinson had voodoo witches cleanse the White House before they moved in. Most people would be surprised at the followers of Voodoo or Santeria in your own community, putting a hex on you, or some other curse.

I bought a box of old books at an auction, in the large box was a smaller box containing Voodoo magic equipment: a jar of fish eyes, a jar of small bones, a jar of dirt of some sort. I thought seriously of using some of these “helpmates” against some of my nosy neighbors. But I did not know the words or the attitude with which to put out these things. Believe it or not, atheists consider Christians just as ridiculous in our prayer life, in our New Testament ordinances (baptism, Lord's Supper). Many have told me, in debate, that we whisper to an ether God. Why not bow to a Catholic idol, or kiss a bishop's ring? It is only when you have learned to have the courage of faith to defend the hope within you (1 Peter 3:15), that you are ready “to tell the old, old story of Jesus and his love”. I truly believe most Christians are just playing games with God, or with themselves.

Does God hear the prayers of the starving millions in Ethiopia and India? Powdered and perfumed, sitting on padded pews in an ornate, air-conditioned sanctuary, listening to a paid, trained-voice choir, accompanied by a highly-paid organist, rushing out of the sanctuary to a magnificent, technically equipped automobile, fussing to meet friends at an expensive restaurant, gorging themselves with expensive served foods, while thousands are hungry, not only around the world, but just across the tracks in the same town in which they live. Is this really Christianity? Praying and reading out of the prayer book just a few minutes ago, did it really reach the ears of a sovereign God? Or have we just conjured up beautiful thoughts in our own mind, for own on good, a product of habit and contrived happiness.

I did not agree with very much with what he said or his lifestyle, but he was one of the greatest minds, greatest Bible teachers I have ever heard. Dr. Gene Scott Ph.D, Stanford University, pastor of a large congregation in Los Angeles, heard around the world in short wave, came down with prostate cancer. This man was a multimillionaire, rode to his church in chauffeured limousine, but he believed God would cure his prostate cancer, did not have the surgery or the treatments to cure it. His funeral was held in the cathedral he served. Some years before, he had married a showgirl from Las Vegas, who had never seen a Bible, she is now pastor Melissa Scott, having taken over his ministry. She studies and preaches, wears a roman collar, and his canned sermons are play continuously on radio.

You will remember, that the magicians of Pharaoh were almost as good as the blessed acts of Moses. God does use broken, damaged cisterns, Saul was chosen because he was the tallest man in the kingdom. Perhaps, only God knows, Oral Roberts, Jim Baker have contributed in God's eternal plan.

We often hear about the letter and spirit of the law. God knew what he was doing when he designed the human mind, a vast cosmos. It is from this cosmos that comes every invention, every sheet of music, all written words, (thank God so many minds are exceptional), it was from the mind of Arthur Penn, director of many movies, the greatest, Bonnie & Clyde, that much storytelling emanates. Movies, soap operas, imagination is great until it becomes a detriment...monopolizing your time, becoming a substitute for your behavior.

Around 1970, “Big Pharma”, “Big Agri-Industry”, began putting fructose, corn syrup into 95% of everything we eat, this addictive substance, causing 50% of the population to have type-2 diabetes, which will cause 1/3 of all children to have type-2 diabetes, is a nutrition catastrophe. Until around 1980, most cattle providing our beef supply were fed on grass, they moved around, had muscle, today feed lots are full of cattle being fed corn, fast-eating, fast-fattening, a nutrition nightmare...much like people sitting, watching TV or computer all day: fat, lazy, never moving, never realizing that government can better train fat, lazy, indolent people. Not only a nightmare for the human diet, but the diets of your pets, hog and cow feed at one time had molasses; now, fructose, from genetically engineered corn.

For 2000 years, problems of pain and suffering in the world, minds of men change because hearts of men have been changed. My answer to conjurers, faith healing, scientific progress, everything else, the prayer given by our blessed Lord Himself, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What Happened? (2009)

Alexander Bell, inventor of the telephone, in his first words said, “What hath God wrought”? If he could return today and see telephones in the faces of the public everywhere including to the demise of many innocent people, the automobile, he would say again, “What happened?”

The first telephone in the White House was installed in 1877 during the presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes. I was raised in a rural community where there was just one telephone for miles and it was at my cousin's country store. My parents did not have a party line telephone until 1960.

Technology has changed the world, but human nature remains largely untouched. The greatest challenge to this country and its citizens is not the invention and establishment of new technologies, but the absolute failure of our system of education. The school system is a complete failure largely due to the most effective union in existence, the Teacher’s Union (NEA). We thought, and some still think, that throwing money at the problem will increase the learning ability of students. Washington DC spends more money on each student ($17,000) than any other school system in the nation. As I heard one black educator from Boston say on the public airways recently, “We should just shut down all the schools and start over”.

Ask the largest employer in your town, in my city it is the large regional hospital, or the smallest employer in your town, what is his biggest problem? The answer every time will come back the lack of education of the employees, their inability to perform the task for which they were hired, their attitude towards each other and the people they are supposed to serve.  I said to one of my employees, one who seemed to have more promise than most, “I will teach you everything I know about Real Estate and Securities (the areas which I have more financial success than anywhere else), but you must read, as I did, everything possible in these fields as money does not grow on trees, you still have to work for it”. He said, “I don’t care about all that work, I just want to get a check every month”. This has become the general attitude of our young people and our older citizens because the monthly check is more important in their lives than God, family or country.

In the past 3 days, after careful interviews where this 79 year old totally blind, 100% disabled service connected veteran shared much of his life and was careful to make sure the prospective employee understood his job, price, after 3 hours of work taking dictation, each just got up and just walked out the door without saying anything. I did get an email from the last this morning in which he apologized and said that “the work was more than he anticipated and that he had much respect for me”.  The facts are, he knew ahead of time just as the other one knew ahead of time everything involved in the job, had watched others doing the job but did not have the education background even to being able to admit that they each were having a problem.

I am closely associated with several colleges and universities. I am told they spend most of the student's early time, during matriculation, with “preliminary catch-up work”, remedial, things they should have brought with them from high school. But of the 65% of the students who enter high school, who graduate, their diploma is almost worthless. Most employers spend too much time just correcting mistakes. Even the college graduate, unless in a stressful, demanding curriculum of intense and accurate studies such as the sciences, mathematics, physics, music areas, where there is no room for guess work, we find a lackadaisical attitude.

In England, many individuals refuse to even accept the knighthood award anymore because so many undesirables have been knighted by the queen, that knighthood means nothing anymore.

In China, India, even many third world countries, the most important matter in a family or individuals life is success in education. When my parents and grandparents matured, a high school education was a real accomplishment. There were very few college graduates in the county or even in the state. The best educated citizens were the ministers and lawyers. Many of them were self-educated. I knew two lawyers, even in my younger life, who did not go to a law school, only “read law with other prominent lawyers and judges”. Most professions have increased their time in school but such is not reflected in their knowledge. I loved everyone of my elementary and high school teachers. They were real teachers and their mission in life was to teach and make sure that their students did learn. To the uninitiated, everything is obscure. Only the most dull citizen does not recognize the fact that our schools are failing. It has happened and only the education community and parents are responsible.

Dr. Clarence Poe, one of North Carolina's most distinguished citizens, editor of the Progressive Farmer, attended a one-room country school for just three months a year, and just one year of high school in Greensboro, but he read eagerly. One can self-educate if you know how to read.

Governor Charles Brantley Aycock, education governor (1900-1904), born and reared in the community in which this writer was born and reared, attained his zeal for education when he saw his mother put her mark on a deed...she could not sign her name. He decided then and there, that every North Carolina citizen should learn to read and write. Yet, over 100 years later, the illiteracy rate in North Carolina is as high as it was in Gov. Aycock's lifetime, a shame and disgrace to those in North Carolina, school board members, teachers, members of the education elite, who have the audacity to call themselves educators.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

City Life, Country Living (2009)

George Foreman, born in 1949, in Marshall, Texas, reared in the projects of Houston Texas, learned to box in a job corps program in Oregon and became two time world heavyweight boxing champion of the world. The father of ten children and each male child named George, Foreman has said that he has made more money from his grilling machine contracts than he made during his entire boxing career. The phrase I will remember most about George Foreman is that after he was converted, repented, and became a born again Christian, he said, “I feel that I have been raised from the dead.” This is certainly true because until he did repent and became a Christian he was truly dead.

The decisions of life, that we make daily, are very important but the most important decision any living human being will ever make is his decision about his eternal life.

I have heard, “tiny brained” people talk at length about things which were and are, in the general mode of everything, not important at all. Such dribble as the best kind of cereal when millions of children go to bed hungry at night. Such liberal dribble as the best restaurant in which to eat, when millions of hard working, tax-paying citizens, never eat in a restaurant. Recently, I heard a radio personality talk about a steakhouse at which you could eat for less then $200.

Recently, the entire city council of the city in which I live(Wilmington NC), returned from a political junket to Washington DC, where hundreds of dollars of tax-payer money was spent by these political crooks and their wives and husbands on meals which costs hundreds of dollars. I sent the attached email letter to the editor of the local newspaper about this decadent extravagance, while, at the same time, they were laying off police people and firefighters in this city because of the economy. Of course, the liberal newspaper (owned by New York Times) did not print the letter but copies were sent to opinion molders around the area, just as I am sending a copy to you. If nothing else, in the length and breath of the entire world, it explains to you why our country is in the condition it is in economically, this explains it to you, the unbelievably stupid decisions made by “so-called” leaders.

I am the first to admit as did the cartoonist J. R. Williams “I was born thirty years too soon.” I am a member of the old school, reared in the country, we did not buy anything until we could pay for it. We were glad to have a cook stove. We did not consider it elitist to cook outside with the flies and mosquitoes. When living in the country where everything was quiet, you could hear the frogs, you could actually see the sky and clouds, you could see the stars at night, you could smell the flowers on the wild vines on the roadside and in the woodlands, the most beautiful symphony in the world, was birds, chickens, the sound of the old fashion dinner bell at noon.

I thought it would be wonderful, to live in the city, where people did not have to get up so early to milk cows, to feed and water animals who do not know or care where they live, they just look forward to your attention. I am enthralled, by city people who want country living after they arrive in the city, cooking outside on a foreman grill, getting up early to exercise, complaining about noise, fumes from traffic and not being able to see the sky, day or night, from pollution even of parking lot lights. There is no abuse akin to the abuse to animals kept inside small apartments and houses, the annihilation of birds by heat and air conditioning. Even some city dwellers must have horses, ill kept in a rental stable. The restaurants, which have survived a depressed economy, festooned with “thousand dollar millionaires” who spend a large part of their income “eating out” because this is the big city thing to do. The very worst decision most country living reared citizens have made was the move into city life where they are enslaved by every form of taxation, license, permit, extraneous charges known to men.

The urbanization of America, the decision of intelligent, responsible citizens to desert the fresh air and sunshine of the countryside with its smaller, more capable schools, its holistic, still reputable churches, neighbors of concern rather then “stay on” tourist who you do not know and who are just passing through on their way to somewhere else, is the reason so many young, ambitious, still relevant parents, are making their way back to the countryside. They want their children to have some of the values that made this country great, that not only made this country great but made this country good. “ By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honour, and life.” (Proverbs 22:4)

FDR, in his famous address at the beginning of the Great Depression, I remember the speech as well as the Great Depression. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Believe me, your greatest fear is the survival of you and your children in a country which has its values totally confused. The people who had the most to fear during the Great Depression, were those in the city, where the unemployment rate from the beginning of FDR's reign until the beginning WWII was 18%.

You will never be able to retreat from your decision to stay in an urban madhouse, send your children to a government school where forty years ago police patrols in the hallways replaced prayer in the school room, where on January 23, 1973, all the liberal news commentators in the news headline that night said, “The supreme court has settled the matter of abortion.” Thirty-four years later, we find the slaughter of the most innocent of life as repugnant as then even though the largest evangelical denomination, the southern Baptist, supported abortion then and now. Thank God, the Catholic church has continued its fight for life in spite of the Democrat party, Obama, Sebelius, Napolitano, Pelosi. Biden, Brownback (republican senator from Kansas), and all the other pretenders in the Christian church.

It is in the city life, particularly the inner city life, that we find the crime that fills our jails, the drug pushers, the abortion clinics, the strongholds of political corruption. Satan is a much better psychologist then our founders ever theorized. When our cities were established along the rivers, on natural harbors and bays, in places of commercial importance and convenience, the builders of the great churches, cathedrals, schools, commercial enterprises in these remarkable cities, did not have any idea that city life would become one large snake pit.

Upside Down

For many years, I owned a Manhattan apartment near the United Nations building, knew many people who worked at the UN, and because of my extensive travels all over the world, was invited by UN friends to certain receptions. I know more than I even wanted to know about the United Nations. It is a useless group. Just a party place for the international jet set. In front of the UN secretary building, is the Dag Hammarskjold boulevard. Dag Hammarskjold Swedish diplomat was secretary general of the UN. He was killed in a plane crash on his way to Moise Tshombe in 1961. In his Bible were found these words written by him, “If you are a Christian, you can always face death when it comes.”

A story which we have all heard, involves one of the worlds greatest warriors, Alexander the Great. A soldier was brought to him for some infraction, Alexander the Great asked him his name, it just so happens that the soldiers name was Alexander. Alexander the great said, “either change your name or change your way of living.”

Once in Northern Greece, I was at a historical event where supposedly was located the home of Alexander the Great. It was all so near there that a farmer plowing in a field discovered the sculpture of 'Nike” the Greek goddess of victory. Most of you have heard of athletic shoes by that name but if the sculpture was standing when Alexander the great was living there he probably grew up thinking about victory, and the thinking of victory always leads to victory whatever the task. In speaking to the minister of music at a local baptist church, he expressed his disdain of the liberalism of the church and said, “You will never hear “Victory in Jesus” at the church.”

And so it is in this upside down world, and it has been turned upside down in my lifetime, we do not think of victory anymore in anything, anywhere. We do not considered “victory in Jesus” anymore then we consider victory in some teenage, ragtag, uncivilized pirates molesting the world's greatest naval powers.

This is an age when bad is called good and good is called bad. A person is born healthy, physically and mentally, parents spend hard earned money to give this child the very best specialized care, nutritious food, designer clothes, and yet will send this child to a totally broken education system where the child is exposed to more decadence in one hour than the goodness and decency can be instilled in the child in many hours.

If a foreign power had come to this country and installed the insane education system, which we endure, we would declare war on that foreign power for having destroyed the education system and the future progress of our nation. If a foreign power, had come to this country and jeopardized our health care system with toxic chemicals in pharmaceuticals easily purchased over the counter and even more toxic chemicals in the pharmaceuticals for which the FDA is responsible, we would declare war on that foreign power.

If a foreign power, had come to this country, taken over the entertainment industry with the forfeiture of every decent story, replacing it instead with the slimiest features a depraved mind could imagine, we would declare war on this power. If a foreign power had come to this country, published the most decadent comic book characters, the most intrusive pornography including nudity and perversion, we would declare war on that country. If a foreign power had come to this country, had declared bacteriological warfare on our foods, while they were being processed, while we were watching, we would not be withdrawing many more from the shelves than we are at present and we would declare war on that country.

Albert Einstein, mathematical genius, said, “The most incomprehensible thing about our universe is that it is comprehensible.” Millions of our tax dollars will be spent by atheists in the fields of science and astronomy, trying to prove the “big bang”, trying to find the “black hole”, and even trying to find “antimatter”. Aristotle said, “Politics is nothing more then three people trying to reach a decision about “common welfare” without one intimidating the others. There are 1,189 chapters, 31,300 verses of scriptures in the Bible, but if all the precious words of God were destroyed except John 3:16 this is sufficient to save your soul. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Dwight L Moody, who only had an eighth grade education but became one of the worlds greatest evangelist, founder of the Moody Bible institute, memorialized at the Moody church in Chicago, used John 3:16 in every sermon he preached. In the public square, in the pulpits of the nation's churches, in the homes where children are being reared to the glory of God, this verse should become a matter of our soul's existence as we become more embattled by Satan's demons who have “almost” successfully turned the world upside down.

Perversion has replaced the peace of God.

Political correctness has replaced patriotic Christianity.

Greed has replaced grace.

Filth has replaced faith.

Same-sex marriage has replaced security of the family.

Government checks has replaced dependence on God's mercy.

Lies and deceit have replaced love and decency.

And, this could go on and on, you have your own list. It is past time to choose sides, who's side are you on? I believe that 90% of faith is just raw courage, it takes a lot of faith for this old blind man to face everyday in darkness as he has done for over 40 years. Those of you who do not have faith and even those of you who have given up, you need to get your brain in “gear”, your soul replenished, start using the backbone which God gave you.

To have faith is to defy logic. It takes faith to think positively. It takes faith to believe that there is a loving God who cares deeply about our pain. To believe in life, the universe, or yourself after numerous failures is to have courage. Faith is an act of courage. It is choosing to get up in the morning and face our fears and believe that God will help us. Faith is choosing to believe that even though we may have failed one hundred times before that we can succeed the next time.


Just one of God's great gifts to the world, the inquiring minds of children. All children like stories, pity the child who does not have an adult in his life who takes the time to sharpen that child's ability to learn, to soak up knowledge, by telling the child stories. Some of the first stories most children learn, dating back to Greece (~600 B.C.) are Aesop's Fables, stories about characters and things, such as The Tortoise and the Hare.

I well remember my first grade schoolteacher's ability to make these fables come alive, I well remember my first Sunday school teacher, those small Sunday school cards with Bible story pictures. This is the way the education of children should begin, they will have plenty of time later on to establish their Christian ideals, their ideals gleaned from stories or fables. The great newspaper writer/editor Horace Greeley said, “you cannot enslave a Bible reading people.” The enslavement of people, entire nations, has come about where the Bible is not read...communist countries such as Russia, China, North Korea.

When you visit the 48 Islamic countries of the world, countries where the predominant religion is Islam, you soon find out what a philosophy of hatred and terrorism can do to a people. It's like going back several centuries: living standards from tribal traditions, satanic rules in the culture, women and children little more than slaves. Often, when I talk about the conditions in these countries, people who are uninformed think I am telling fables. It is no fable that these Islamic religionists, victims of the Koran, even when on a form of public conveyance (bus, taxi, etc), the driver will take his prayer rug out, put it on the ground outside the vehicle and pray. It is no fable for me to tell you that women on the street, are totally covered, peeking through veils, much like lace curtains, as they try to walk on the streets. It is no fable that there are never women working in stores, restaurants, that children, regardless of weather, are usually barefoot.

Now, Minister. Farrakhan's followers adapt to their surroundings. Because of the conflict in India between Hindus and Muslims, the Muslims fled to inability of these two religions, as well as the Buddhist, to survive together when there are such a tremendous differences in worship, dress, diet and other lifestyles. There cannot be a reconciliation between many things, constant conflicts involving children, and particularly young people. America will learn, it is no fable that there are some things that cannot be compromised, reconciled, such as the amalgamation of races, racial traditions. The sexual perversion involved in the homosexual agenda cannot be reconciled with that of the Christian church, one will change. The homosexuals will become Christians or the church will become indolent, anti-Christ. No more than you can reconcile and compromise disease and health, you must be able to distinguish evil from good.

When the church, in the name of political correctness, in the absurd testimony of blending, loving evil, trying to get to the evil-doer, the church became powerless. Most churches today are a poor replica of a civic club. The lost modernist infiltrated minister/theologian, has assumed the role of potentate instead of pastor. To itching ears, it is easier and more popular to talk about actual and assumed fables, than the agony, an august word of God, sin's ruin and Christ's redemption.

From the very pits of hell itself, Satan has convinced the world to believe in certain fables, the fable of evolution, the fable of population control, the fable of climate control, the fable of acceptable human behavior. Satan would have all females tattooed, pierced, acting talking, smelling more like common prostitutes than feminine emblems of God's glory. When I was young, women wore gloves, women had delicate voices, not the rasping, narcotic type you hear today. When I was young, women were delicately modest...not loud, not addicted to smoking materials, unhealthy foods. You never heard of a woman who would take a drink; today, there are more women alcoholics than alcoholic men, more suicides among young females. When a man looks for a wife, if he is smart, and most men are at least that smart, he is not looking for a woman who looks, acts, and smells like trash from the street.

Much can be said for arranged marriages, as practiced in many parts of the world, as still practiced by many members of the Jewish race. One hundred years ago, a boy asked a father for the hand of his daughter in marriage. He was a man, he was asking for a father's most precious possession. A father, if he has any sense at all, should be concerned with whom his daughter leaves home, with whom his daughter leaves a college dormitory. I do not know of a father, one on either side of the tracks, a father in a rental house, or a father in a mansion overlooking the city, who should not be concerned about his daughter's welfare. Do not feel strange if you do not fit in the category of the basic male, don't feel strange if you do not have exceptional athletic ability, if you practice good hygiene, like good music, appreciate good books, have ambition to “set the world on fire”, because, you are an exceptional male.

Even if Africa's dark Congo, at a university where I was speaking, I met some young men who do not fit into the pattern of the “subhuman” African male. The male who does not care about how he looks, what he says, how he asks. Years ago, in the Congo, a new society was started of exceptional males, called Dandies, males who although poor, like to dress in an elegant way. They had to work hard, deny themselves many things in order to buy elegant clothes, but you could always spot them: elegantly dressed, elegantly dressed for success. Recently, a young man was on the porch of my beach house, having arrived to talk business with me, he said, “you are always dressed so well, always a jacket and tie.” I said, “this is me, you always see the real me. From the time I was a young person, I dressed for success.” It is no fable that you will get no higher than your aspirations. It is true that you can put lipstick on a hog, and it will still be a hog. But, God's chief creation, the men and women of this world are not hogs, the male and female gender of this world have the duty, the responsibility to dress elegantly and to act decently, honoring those around them in respect to their parents and ancestors, and in obedience to a sovereign God who wants them as a favorite not a fable. You are what you think you are, you are not a fable.

You who have dreams, if you act they will come true.
To turn your dreams to a fact, it's up to you.
If you have the soul and the spirit,
Never fear it, you'll see it thru,
Hearts can inspire, other hearts with their fire,
For the strong obey when a strong man shows them the way.
Give me some men who are stout-hearted men,
Who will fight, for the right they adore,
Stout Hearted Men - Romberg


It was just four years ago, this week, October 2, 2006, and in the flurry of news flashes each day, horror stories from every direction, it is hard for any of us to remember anything. In an Amish community in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania called “Nickel Mines”, a one-roomed Amish school, the horror story of a man named Carl Roberts, who killed 10 Amish girls (ages 6 – 13), most of us just remember the funerals. I could not see the activity, but could hear the horses feet as they moved the carriages along the street to the graveyards.

Thankfully, the news media and inquiring public was kept away from the funeral of these private, grief-stricken, deeply religious people. The news media would like the glitter of a Princess Diana, or Michael Jackson's funeral, they will never understand Amish people, their religious customs, their Christian faithfulness, nor their Christian forgiveness, extended to the family of the killer who committed suicide and even to the killer himself.

The talk is cheap, but the walk is difficult. Only when we see forgiveness such as with this Amish community can we understand forgiveness. only when we recognize our own forgiveness from the supreme God of the universe, can we realize the necessity of forgiving those around us, why should we not forgive when so much has been forgiven? We have all heard, to err is human, to forgive is divine. Forgiveness is absolutely the most difficult act of human thought, it much easier to hold grudges, to seek revenge.

Usually, it is a waste of time to even talk to the offended or offender about forgiveness. Unless of the same mindset, unless some level of mutual understanding, unless God is in the action, there is not a conscious, inner soul involved, it must be left up to God to do the work. With an enabling media, an egocentric academic school system, we have become desensitized to murder, rape, robbery, and even warfare in which millions of innocent people are killed. We carefully select our altruistic thought process, which does not usually include forgiveness.

The Koran says nothing of original sin, its Shira law fastidious towards punishment, we find little mercy in Islamic fundamentalism, rather harsh punishments, killings. Can one even comprehend the cutting off of a hand for robbery, stoning for infidelity? From Abraham, two sons; it is from Isaac, Judaism, that we find forgiveness, it is from Ishmael, Islam, that we find vengeance. The Jewish male was circumcised as a sign that he was elected of God, the male was baptized, giving an ark of salvation to his entire family...a cloak of forgiveness. It was not until after Christ, that women were baptized into the church...the church follows Christ's resurrection, and the Christian redemption experience through the Holy Spirit.

Paul, both to the Jews and Gentiles, preached forgiveness, forgiveness is not a selective process, as hard as it is to understand the idea, the Bavarian Paperhanger. A Corporal in WWI, Adolf Hitler, who put millions of people to death, would and could be forgiven, he knew about Christ, he was a Catholic alter boy. Joseph Stalin, a 5 foot 4 inch dictator who put a reported 56 million Russian peasants to death in his communist revolution, who, according to his daughter was shaking his fist at God as he died, was, in his youth, a seminary student. He knew about forgiveness and could have been forgiven.

“If gold rusts, what do you expect iron to do?” 50% of Protestant ministers are divorced, there are groups in almost every church of divorced people, groups of single mothers in every church, who were never married to their child's father. The phoney bologna, air conditioned, carpeted and cushioned, bells and smells, protestant church of Jimmy Carter, Rick Warren, Bill Clinton, Brian McLaren, even some seminaries and Bible colleges, are just playing around with the sanctity of forgiveness. Do we have any idea of the forgiveness of God? God, before the very foundation of the world, placing on his only son, every sin, every sickness, every evil act of mankind, all ask of us, faith in the atonement of Christ. Like giving, the supreme act of worship, becoming a Christian has become so easy, smiling as we walk the aisle to sign a card, no confession of belief to anyone, no repentance. When we as Christians realize the cost of our forgiveness, we are more willing to forgive others.

I have relatives, neighbors, former close friends with whom I have little or no contact, I sometimes realize from one reason or another, that they are upset about something.

Something I do not even remember, even important things, even if I were real nasty or offensive about something, please give a reason and right to ask for forgiveness. The unforgiving spirit, the spirit of not asking forgiveness, is the spirit which will keep many people from a good life here on earth, as well as eternal life. Earthly prisons are filled with human beings, who, in every thought, desire forgiveness. I have often thought how many visitors I would have if I were in prison: family, friends, neighbors, Christians, certainly was on the mind of Christ. It did not take long for his followers to desert him.

Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. (Matthew 25:34-40)

Cowards (2009)

Southern politicians have always been a source of contempt as historians have tried to explain the incomprehensible stupidity of their support and their supporters. The first governor I remember as a small child, was Governor Clyde Hoey, a crooked lawyer who always wore a carnation in his lapel. Known mostly for quoting scripture, he had a following among the country club crowd for his graft and the church going crowd for his gourmet appetite for fried chicken and sweet potato pie. We all know about the paper bags full of money, in the Scott administrations, father and son, the partying abilities of Cherry and Moore, but NC politicians fade compares to those from Louisiana.

The most sensational Louisianan politician was “King fish” Huey Long, governor from 1928 to 1932, and senator from 1932 to 1935, like the “King fish” Obama, Long's chief exploit was to bring the people of America out of the Great Depression by the spending of money. He created a “share the wealth program” and declared every man a king. Before he was shot, he was accused of trying to control every phase of state government.

One of the more interesting stories of the Huey Long fiasco, like present day politicians, he liked to make promises. He told the people of one Louisiana town that he would make sure a four lane highway went right by the town. The highway did not happen. A delegation went to his office, inquiring about the highway. They always got a typical democrat answer, “Its on the way, change is coming.” The last time the delegation went to his office his assistant asked, “What should I tell them?” Perhaps the only honest thing “king fish” Huey Long ever said, “Tell them I lied.”

There is no doubt in my mind, thank God, that there are still real Christians in America concerned about the direction this country is going in these days of the Obama holocaust and his demons (Sebelius, Napolitano, Geitner, Pelosi, Kennedy, Clinton) and many others, all of whom are either Catholic or Jewish and, if informed at all should know that God has told us it is better for a rock to be tied around your neck and be thrown into the deepest waters then to murder innocent children. There are enough Catholics in the congress, particularly the senate, to deny Obama any support in his genocide, same-sex marriage, American terrorist lists (which includes my name as a veteran, a pro-life writer and anti-gay marriage Christian).

What is wrong with these cowards in the congress, but more importantly, why did the Catholic population, (Catholics call themselves Christian and are the largest religious denomination in the country) always with a vote in plurality in the northern states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, etc. What is wrong with the Catholic bishops, the Catholic Pope, that they will not speak out about a Muslim, socialist, US president wearing a doctoral robe with a Christian cross, giving the commencement address at Notre Dame University.

Dr. Alan Keyes, PhD Harvard, ambassador in the Reagan administration, political candidate, black Catholic, one of the most eloquent speakers in this nation has joined millions of alumni students, faculty members, in protesting this catholic recognition for this presidential disaster.

I do not expect better from most Protestants and certainly not Baptist, they have all sold their souls, as Demas, “Having loved this present world.” ( 2 Timothy 4:10) With the love God has professed for His church, the bride of His own precious Son, the incomprehensible belief that a marriage can consist of the union of two or more people of the same sex, when the entire creation science involves a male and female in marriage. How can God forgive the acceptance of same-sex marriage by Lutherans, Methodist, Episcopalians, etc. GOD DOES NOT NEED COWARDS TO CARRY HIS CROSS.

The inspired word of God is written in words that children can understand. The plan of salvation, the creation of the world and everything in it, the people, the prophets, the parables, are given to us for our blessing, not a diabolical buffet for unbelievers. Dr. B. B. Warfield last great professor of Presbyterian Princeton Seminary, once said, “God is still in control.”

On this national day of prayer (every president having observed this day from Harry Truman to George W. Bush, not observed by Obama), we have that perfect knowledge that the same God who was in charge of our yesterdays will be in charge of our tomorrows. He knew the beginning as well as the ending. God was around when king Herod the Great killed the babies, when Nero burned babies at the stake, when Tyndal was burned at the stake for giving us God's word in English. God was around when the Aztecs killed their children on the pyramids in the Yucatan. God was around when the children were killed at Columbine, we just need to trust Him.

We do not need to bring the cowardice in our homes, where 75% of our young people when they go off to college never go back to church. He knows the cowardice in our churches where 55% of church young people never go back to church. He knows the cowardice of the Christian college where you cannot tell the Christian student from the non-Christian student. He knows the cowardice of the Christian seminary where many of the graduates, supposed to be preachers of the gospel, do not believe in the inerrancy of God's word. He knows the cowardice of the American citizens, many of whom call themselves patriots when the last poll tells us that 49% prefer socialism. He know about the cowardice in our own lives when we do not stand up for Him in our every action. “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15)

I have never been fortunate enough to meet a perfect person but, I have never forgotten to tell any group to whom I was speaking, “I have failed him many times, but he has never failed me.”

Mindset (2009)

Dr. Karl Menninger, founder of the Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas, died in 1990 (July 22, 1893 – July 18, 1990) at the age of 97. Menninger was probably one of the moving forces in psychiatric education in the United States. In the opening of Pandora's Box, with all the human debris which escaped and causes trouble, the last thing left in the box was hope. Menninger said, “Hope is a necessity for normal life and the major weapon against the suicide impulse.” In the famous love chapter of the Bible, (1 Corinthians 13) we are told about faith, hope, and charity. As important as it is for the human psyche to employ faith and love in our daily living I do not see how anyone can live without hope.

The launching pad for almost every human endeavor is hope. No matter how poor you are, you have hope for wealth. No matter how sick you are, you have hope for getting well. No matter how many times you attempt something, you have hope for success. Thomas Edison, with only a 6th grade education, gave to the world about 1000 inventions. Someone asked him, why he kept trying something which had failed so many times. He said, “At least I know those attempts will not succeed.”

The most fascinating study in the world is the development of children. At Purdue University as well as other educational facilities around the world, we find that a child is born a 23000 genome organism ready to soak up knowledge. The DNA molecule in the cell of every child (There are 14 billion cells in the human brain alone.) have thousands of pages of information involving the genetics of this one individual person.

In 1953, when I was a young student studying Cytology and the other subjects of the medical areas and Watson and Crick published their findings which I still think is the greatest discovery of the 20th century. I believed that many of the mysteries of learning skills, and certainly the myth of evolution, had been solved. It is only by learning through study and observation that we know what Aristotle knew hundreds of years before Christ, “The mind is a vast cosmos”

The mind that can imagine and put on paper a bestseller, the mind that can imagine and develop nuclear energy, the mind that can imagine and draw the plans for the Taj Mahal or the Eiffel Tower, the mind that can imagine and draw the blueprints for a 747 plane or space vehicle, such a mind lives with the warps and woof of daily family, financial, entertainment, or simple or complicated entanglements.

Most learning comes through vision. A child's eyes are not fully developed until the age of five, not ready for the complex activity of reading, but it is truly amazing how much a child learns by sight before the reading skills. When the Holy Spirit of God controls the mind, when Christ lives within this temple called the human body, our mind is different from that of a non-believer. We do what we do because we believe what we believe.

I hope the time will come, in my life, when the pretenders are weeded out and when if one professes Christianity he possesses Christ. One who possesses Christ, in mind and spirit, does the things that Christ would do. Christ would not vote for a Muslim, socialist, liberal extremist, the greatest promoter of child slaughter in the world today. Christ would not have in His cabinet a Sebelius, or a Napolitano, nor would he support a system of government headed by such atheists as a Pelosi or Kennedy. Christ would not have in His church a Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or Adam Clayton Powell.

Many think this old blind doctor is extreme, but please prove to me that we do not have an epidemic of illegal drugs, pornography, the homosexual agenda of same-sex marriage, and pursuit of pleasure which has brought the very demons of hell into every living room of America where the idols of Hollywood are bowed down to by you and your children, not for just a little while but for hours at a time.

The financial world has been turned upside down, bankers, Wall street, economist in government actually believe that when you are completely broke “you can spend your way into prosperity.” The tried and true system of economics which made this country great, wealth which has eased the poverty all over the world as well as preserve liberty for most of the worlds citizens has been debunked.

Those of us, who worked for a living (in spite of disability, limited education, the shame of bigotry) believed in paying our way. When we wanted something we worked until we had the money to pay for it, whether a pair of shoes or an automobile. I did not see my first credit card until 1960. Last year, I received 59 credit card applications. Satan, and these satanic powers of government has enslaved us all and in our stupor of ignorance to the knowledge of God's word and the sanity purchased by our freedom on battlefields around the world we have totally lost our minds.

Thank God, I was raised at a time and in a home where we knew the honor of hard work, where we only bought things we could afford, where we knew the dignity of doing without. Where we had the ambition for wealth and things, but had the integrity to acquire them righteously. For eight years, I worked honorable, honest jobs at night and went to classes at the university during the day. I did not have the clothing, go to the parties, have the popularity of the elitist students. But, I graduated with my honorable degrees, commissioned as a medical officer for YOUR military service and gave my eyes for YOUR country. (My eyeballs are empty, there is no retina, nerves or anything) I returned home, decorated, and went to work doing what I could do in my condition. At 79, I have never stopped.

In these days of multi-million dollar homes which people cannot afford, my first house, a simple duplex, cost 9,000 dollars. I lived on the one side and let the rent from the other side pay for it. Then, I bought another, then another, etc. You can get a copy of my biographical information, it has been published in several magazines, written by the university, in which I described how I have saved 50 cents of every dollar I have ever made investing this money in the stock market and real estate. Saving, investing, living frugally, is a mindset. Most of you would not do it. Just as most of you went to the polls and voted for a Holocaust, a national financial dilemma, politicians who do not have the morals of an alley cat, politicians who vote to end the most precious creation of God's imagination the marriage of a man and woman and their production of a family. Those of you who would vote for people who put out a manual stating that the terrorist of this country (associating us with members from the KKK, black Panthers) are veterans who have fought for this country, preachers of the gospel, (those who are anti-abortion and those who are opposed to same-sex marriage).

I have friends and relatives who will probably never speak to me again because I have told them, in no uncertain words, that it is not for me to judge them but God has already judged them and will hold them accountable for supporting and voting for such decadence. “Before the LORD; for he cometh to judge the earth: with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity.” (Psalm 98:9)

On this day of national prayer, which since 1952, has been observed by every president except this Muslim president for which many of you voted. The only hope I can offer you is the hope found in the redemption of Jesus Christ. It is all a mindset, the mindset of the politician, to get re-elected and squeeze every advantage, monetary and otherwise, out of his election. The mindset of the liberal pastor, TV evangelist, so-called Christian educator to compromise and rationalize every Christian principle to ensure him a good life, the mindset of the pagan, eat drink be merry, lie cheat and steal, there are more of us than them, and our only fear is getting caught here on earth.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Our Waterloo

Aristotle writes about the Ancient city state of Agrigentum, where, as in Sicily and Rome, perjurers and other corrupts government officials were thrown off cliffs, as well as suffering other tortures. If in 21st century America, corrupt political perjurers were thrown from cliffs, there would be piles of bodies at Washington (District of Criminals), most state capitals, and certainly local courthouses.

In 1815, French emperor Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo by a coalition of forces led by England's Duke of Wellington. Napoleon, a tyrant of the worst sort was only 5 foot, 7 inches tall, 2 inches taller than Joesph Stalin. Hitler was also a small man, 25 inch waist line. History amazes history with the accounts of the slaughter of people by such small people.

From then until now, every defeat is known as a “Waterloo”, America's Waterloo started in 1920 with the formation of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Until then, American free enterprise, work ethic, Judeo-Christian religious foundation was making this country the world's ideal, a true democratic republic. Roger Baldwin, who headed the ACLU until 1950, made the following statement at its founding, “I am for socialism, disarmament and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is, of course, the goal.”

Since the founding of ACLU, until this very day, like cutting slices off a roll of bologna, our freedoms have been lost, our libertarian way of life has been taken over one slice at time, without one enemy soldier landing on our shores, one bullet being fired.

Firstly, the Waterloo of loss of liberty and control started with public education. Even sixty years ago, when I was a university student, academia was not entirely communist, the public schools had not been taken over by sociology. The school, college or elementary, was a place of education, not entertainment and indoctrination. Today, 44% of our students never graduate. Nikolai Lenin, founder of modern Communism, told us long ago, “give me your children for four years, and the seed I plant will never be uprooted.” Propped up and sustained by a liberal media, our schools have been dumbed down, students have bought the communist line “hook, line, and sinker”. 50% of all students now prefer the communist system to free enterprise. 50% of the American population pay no income tax, content to just ride in the wagon pulled by the other 50%. Children have a desire to learn, they just soak up knowledge, the tragedy of this country, we have thrown money and educators at the schools, and the public schools are a total failure. The children who are being educated, go to private schools, or are schooled at home. 90% of all academic professors, in colleges of every type, including Christian, are liberal. It only takes one generation of liberal, atheist, pagan parents, teachers and preachers to turn out future generations of enslaved people, slaves to totalitarianism, collectivism, controlled by the state.

Secondly, the Waterloo of the loss of a spiritual relationship between individuals and their God, the church, started with the ACLU and its chief target, people of religion. Until permeated by liberals of the world, the church, standing on the absolutes of God's laws, had nothing to fear from the communist ideology, liberal enticements of the ACLU. Using the well-worn hypocrisy, “separation of church and state”, not mixing the secular with the temporal, not involving the church and politics, not “judging” one another, giving unto “Caesar what is Caesar's”, the ACLU, along with such lawyers as Madeline Mary O'Hare, Dr. Michael Newdow, the unbelievers found in such modernist denominations as Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, has made the spiritual climate of the country a cauldron of doubts and deception. Mr. Obama, standing in front of a Muslim symbol, making sure that every Christian symbol is covered, refers to America as a country of Christians, Muslims and unbelievers. He brings out “unbelievers” every time he speaks, perhaps this is because he and everyone he knows are unbelievers or are pretenders, impostors of some sort.

From 1799 until 1892, even the Supreme Court of the United States declared this a Christian nation. It was our Christian ancestors, who fought the world, the flesh, the devil to establish the religious holiness of this nation, with all its flaws, Indian wars, civil wars, slavery, greed of a few, the deception of many by politically correct politicians and media. There has been no culture, no society in history that has contributed as much to the welfare of mankind...a lifestyle which is the envy of the world. What has happened in this country is almost the same as building a beautiful home, full of every technical convenience, then taking a blow torch to it and burning it to the ground.

Thirdly, the Waterloo of the loss of our national financial structure, industry and the small farm, willingness to transfer offshore the very commerce which made America great (automobile manufacturing, technology manufacturing, food supplies). There is not one cell phone manufactured in America. Through NAFTA and CAFTA, many American jobs are now the job opportunities of foreigners in their own countries. One of the largest producers of computers, Dell, plans to spend $100 billion producing computers in China, their North Carolina operation closed, employees out of work joining the almost 20% unemployment rate in the nation. US taxpayers, funds paid the government by hard-working, god-fearing citizens, used in the Obama bailout for General Motors and Chrysler, plants being built in other countries, other nationalities getting those jobs. The very essence of American entrepreneurship, provider of most private jobs, the small business man, slowly eradicated by big business, at the behest of big government. New jobs are all government jobs, government jobs, best pay of all jobs, depending on the taxes of private employers, it takes all the taxes provided by working Americans, and only 50% pay taxes, to pay medicare, medicaid and social security. All other expenses of government: entitlements, war, grants, etc, borrowed, mostly from China and other enemies. If you dance, you must pay the fiddler, Americans are enslaved to their enemies.

Fourthly, our Waterloo of undisciplined lives, school, streets. Last year, there were 134 suicides in the military, the suicide rate in the military has gone up over 200% since 2004, simply because of our senseless military excursions. Our young people recognizing our senseless political and justice hypocrisy. Pledging allegiance to the flag, even waving the flag, was one time considered a great event in America. Young people, and this is the real tragedy, no longer have allegiance to America because of the hypocrisy of the judiciary, the greed of business, the deception in every area of American life, one time considered non-negotiable.

Are we serious? Can we raise a phoenix from the ash heap of our Waterloo? Do we really believe, are we confident, that the following promise of the creator of the universe applies to us? If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Sunday, September 26, 2010


As a child, and on into manhood, living on a farm, one of our greatest blessings was that of rainfall.  I saw my parents, grandparents, neighbors in the community, spend so much time and hard work preparing the land putting in the expensive commercial fertilizer and seed and then waiting for rainfall, the most essential gift of God next to sunlight in crop production.  Often, weeks would go by into months without rainfall, the crops would just suffer unto death in the dry, sun parched land.  And then, many times at night, as you lay in the bed you could here a rumble of thunder in the distance and you would have the thrill of knowing as the thunder grew closer most of the time accompanied by lighting that rainfall was on the way.  And then you would hear the great trees swaying in the wind and you would hear the first drops of rainfall and by morning the entire surface of the earth was soaked with water.  It would appear that all life, animal and plant, were rejoicing in the rainfall.  You would notice that the chickens, the pigs, the cows, even the birds were singing more melodiously.  God always kept His promise, He would always send the rain in time and the crops would grow and mature.  The garden vegetables, the flowers in the yard, everything would respond to the blessings which usually started with Gods message of thunder. 

As I grew older, went other directions other than farm life, I have noticed that God still sends a message ahead of time concerning everything in living.  When in Rangoon, Burma, where the smell from dirt and unclean facilities everywhere, as in most communist countries, where there are not detergents or people having the will to clean, there is a constant nauseating smell.  You have probably noticed such in certain urban cities where the people do not have the desire and decency for cleanliness.  Also in Burma, 130,000 people along the coast were surviving in makeshift shelters of straw from the ravages of cyclones.  The communist government, as is usually the case with all totalitarian governments, keep the people in absolute slavery including not allowing any humanitarian help. 

The same type attitude was encountered in Russia where a professor at the University of Moscow told me that the women were so reluctant to bring a child into communist misery that most Russian women of child bearing age have had an average of 11 abortions. 

Perhaps the first symbolic thunder, I ever heard, and which I will never forget, happened on a photography safari in Botswana, Africa.  We were in a remote area of the African bush and my driver said, “We must get out of here, I don’t want you to hear what is about to happen.”  He had seen ahead that some poachers had been caught and arrested by the army.  The trial of poachers in Africa consists of the army looking into their bags to see if they have ivory. If so, they are executed on the spot.  These poachers, knowing the were about to be shot, facing eternal death, were screaming and begging, but after some shots, everything was quiet. 

One can not read God's word without hearing the sounds of thunder, an absolute falling away, the takeover of Satan and these sinful practices which the world loves. 

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;”

“And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” (2 Timothy 4:3-4) 

Satan’s followers, those who worship the devil, have no discernment at all about the “signs” of our Lord to return and the deliverance of His followers from this world of corruption and unbelief.  As Bill Bright said long ago, “They see the handwriting on the wall just as those at the Belshazaar feast and it means nothing to them.”  (Bill Bright graduate of Fuller Theological seminary, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, which currently has 27,000 full-time staff and over 225,000 trained volunteer staff in 190 countries.)  God alone knows how many people have heard Bill Bright’s warnings before he died in 2003.  But, my friend Bill’s work still goes on. 

How anyone, with the intelligence of a flee cannot understand or comprehend the thunder of warnings taking place all over the world. Three ex-presidents of South Korea have gone to prison for corruption.  Just think of the scheming and stealing taking place in your country as we speak.  Two automobile manufacturing companies are broke.  California, the wealthiest state has been bailed out with 79 billion of your tax dollars.  The politicians, for whom many of you voted, believe you can get out of debt by going deeper into debt.   An administration, for whom many of you voted, believes that there is nothing wrong in the slaughter of thousands of the most innocent children everyday (3,500 abortion each day, 1,400 black babies).  Many of you, have pastors for whom you voted, who just entertain you.  The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not.  It is long past time for the pastors and the patriots of this country to stand up for the truth.  Can you not hear the thunder? 

“Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.”
(Psalm 119:165)


The human animal is a social being. Young parents can hardly wait to hear their first child talk. Then it becomes a matter of keeping the child quiet. This is the teacher's greatest problem in the school room. We all love to talk and it is clearly shown, I am told, everywhere you look by people talking on cell phones. My drivers tell me it is seldom you see the driver of another vehicle who is not talking on the phone. And, we are very curious about what others are saying. Once, as guest in a large nightclub, someone said, “everyone is talking.” I replied, “About what? Most of them don't know anything.”

Many years ago, as an Army officer assigned on the staff of the Army Hospital in Alabama, I went to the great Baptist Tabernacle on Peach Tree Street, a place I had longed to visit. The great hundred voice choir came out, never used a piece of music, everything perfected. The only problem about the entire service, which ruined the experience for me, was the noise from conversation never stopped. Before the service began, it was like the noise in a stadium. It quieted some for the worship service, but still, conversations everywhere.

When the children of Israel entered the promised land, first to be conquered was the great fortress, walled city of Jericho, present day sixteen miles from Jerusalem. God gave strict rules, which he expected to be obeyed. He wanted these two and half million former slaves to march around that great city once each day for a week, then seven times on the seventh day. He gave strict orders that not one word was to be spoken. Can you imagine two and a half million Jews marching around anything and not talking, as much as Jews like to talk. I feel sure God had his ear right down above the crowd, listening.

Many times we overhear conversations which we will never forget. Should we really move from an area to keep from hearing private conversations? Years ago, I was working in my yard. A friend, a member of a civic club to which I belonged, lived in his beautiful home right across the street from me. A wealthy man, he had lost his wife some years before. On his screen porch, I heard his son-in-law tell him in no uncertain terms his displeasure about his pending remarriage... that his wife, my friend's daughter, was supposed to inherit everything, and that this woman he's about to marry is marrying him for his money. It went on and on and became very bitter. By the way, he did remarry. We all had the misfortune of staying in a hotel or motel with thin walls. Men, and women for that matter, should be very aware that their conversations and other activities can be heard through walls.

Many books have been written about overhearing conversations (loose lips sink ships). In a time of war, the intrigue of spies, bugging devices, we all remember the American embassy in Moscow, so bug infected by the Soviets. On my second trip to the Giza Plateau, Cairo Egypt, where the Great Pyramid are located, I was put in a suite at the very top of the Meno House Hotel. The rooms had been built on top of the hotel years previous for a visit to the site by the queen of Romania. Strange they would put a blind man there with such a view. When the young man operating the elevator brought my suitcase into the room, he pulled me outside the door, pointed to the ceiling, and said, “careful, bugged.” This let me know that the room was bugged and that anything could be overheard.

I asked my guide about that later. He said, “Oh, that must be the room where the Egyptian diplomat and his girlfriend were murdered.” We know that in these Muslim countries there is little time for trials or intrigue. As an example of their justice system, if a homosexual is arrested, he goes to prison, and is never heard from again.

As a child, and I readily admit it, I had very inquisitive ears. Even to this day, because I listen to several radios at the same time, and, because of blindness my hearing has been greatly increased, I can go into any situation and hear everything that is going on, regardless of how many are talking. I never had time for cheap, useless conversation. I cared nothing for the perverted love life of stars found in Hollywood magazines, I cared nothing about the batting averages of millionaire ball players, but I thrived on history, geography, science, and ancestral stories. One night, with the window up, I overheard my mother and one of her friends talking about my mother, as a very young girl, having delivered her youngest sister. My mother, oldest child of eight, was my grandmother's assistant in raising her sisters and brother. My mother was sixteen, she did not marry my father until she was nineteen, still at home when her youngest sister was born. Everyone in this isolated community was away. My grandmother, going into unexpected labor, sent my mother to her friend, one half mile away to assist. Like everyone else, she was not at home either. So, it was up to my mother, following the directions of her mother, to deliver the child. Evidently, no one else in the family ever knew this.

The last time I saw this aunt, she is now deceased, I told her my mother her oldest sister had delivered her. She did not believe one word I said. At another time, I told another one of my mother's sisters that I had dreamed about my grandmother, my mother, and other relatives in heaven. You see, as with church, as with prayer, as with patriotism, as even with healthcare-medical advice, most people want to believe just what they want to believe. Even overheard conversations. Even admonitions from God are passed through a filter of unbelief. One of my biggest problems with Christianity now, as always, has been Christians. If the only Christ I know, were the Christ I have seen in so-called Christians, there would be no beauty that I would desire him. I have often said, I wonder how my Christian family and Christian friends would have treated me if I had gone to jail. Their Christianity is more pretending than posture, since they have treated me so shabbily in living the life I have lived. Out of sight, out of mind. I asked one of my long time drivers, in driving me to family functions, have you ever heard one of my family members speak of my military services or my many successes in any area.

Most people, most family members, had rather tear someone down than build someone up. It was the poor, lowly people, who so looked up to Christ. God made his announcement of the birth of Christ to the poorest of all humanity – shepherds. Shepards were not even allowed to go to the temple, could not give testimony in court. The Pharasses, even Christ's own family, seems to have had little regard for him. There's no record that his brother James, who wrote one book of the Bible, ever followed Christ while he was alive. Even Peter, one of the most interesting characters of the bible, had trouble comprehending. It is wonderful, magnificence beyond compare, that God has allowed us to overhear, eavesdrop on Christ, his followers, his sovereignty.

God gives us five verbs whereby we know we are his. He tells us we are called, predestinated, justified, glorified, and elected. It is essential, with joy, to know that you have this and it really does not matter what others think. If Christ were glorified by Christians, there would be no time to gossip about others, Christian or non Christian. God is interested in overhearing and eavesdropping on Christians whom he has elected, called, predestinated, to glorify, his only son. Of necessity, there must be communication, as far as we know, the only way human beings excel above the lower animals. We use communication in everything involving life. It is so essential that our conversations be filtered and purified because they can be overheard by anyone. The greatest power, the greatest comfort, to know that God's hearing is good, anxious to overhear us talking to him and talking to others about him.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


“Sabotage” was a riveting and almost romantic word in the years following WWII. One of Hitchcock's great movies was called “Sabotage.” Saboteurs, those who executed sabotage, were colorful, often benign, characters. I knew one man who disarmed bombs. A bomb would be found and he was called upon to disarm it. I said to him, “you must have nerves of steal.” He said, “No. As long as there are colored wires and I keep my sense about me, it is worth the money. If I were intelligent, I would be doing something else.” You would never have suspected this man to be an arms expert. Now, the Islamic fanatics have made sabotage, its romantic aspects, a cheapened thing of the past. Having studied the suicide bomber, I know that those who volunteer and are trained to carry out these missions are not required to know anything about their explosives, just be in a drugged stupor... a process of neural intoxication with drugs and a psychosis of brainwashing, so that as a zombie, with the prepared bombs strapped to them, they have no hesitancy about the accomplishment of their mission, just enough sense to pull a trigger. The finesse of a saboteur, the courage of the saboteur, is unneeded in today's warfare. Both were and are a terrible methods of killing, but shows the difference fifty years can make. The tragedy, in this time in history, sabotage everywhere.

Food scientists, through genetic manipulation, are sabotaging the world's food supply. This week, scientific saboteurs talked of the genetic modification of salmon. It was learned many years ago that incubation can hasten the hatching of eggs. With the rapid hatching and rapid growth of salmon, the supply of this fish will be increased. This will be the same with the production of trout and other fish. This will give the world more seafood, but the question, as is the question with genetically modified corn and other grains, will the food be healthier for human consumption? We know that genetically modified corn makes people sick. Fructose, coming from corn, is now used in an increasing amount of processed food. Since 50% of the American population is diabetic and 80% are overweight, there is a need, as never before, if government has any function at all, to warn the population about nutrition. The fact of the matter, for energy, for life, the body requires nutrition, which it is not getting from today's depleted food sources. We stay hungry because the body needs nutrition, but the foods we eat are not healthy and we just put on weight. It costs to eat healthy. Through the sabotage of fast food, junk foods, and eating on the go, “garbage in and garbage out.” With essential nutrition leading to healthy internal organs, the object of remedial toxicity from expensive, exotic, chemical big pharma. When food is plentiful, we do not think about famine.

As one with degrees in science, I am embarrassed by the saboteurs in science. I was a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and read their publications for many years from cover to cover. There was intrigue in scientific development, experiments, new discoveries and procedures. Today's scientists are concerned with one thing, and one thing only, the next government research grant, largess from government or corporation largess leading to higher salaries, bigger buildings, and better political recognition. The best example of this is the carbon malarky, cap and trade, and the selling of carbon footprints.

With the Obama healthcare fiasco, homeland security fiasco, saboteurs are now seeking to destroy the family farm and small business. Tremendous fines will be imposed on the resale of tomatoes in your backyard to a neighbors house or the bartering of some chickens or some eggs from a farm to your house for something of value that you have. A projected fine of $5,000 will be imposed on any small farmer who does not have a government imposed number for each animal. Large commercial farms like Monsanto and Tyson will pay for a large commercial license. The small farm, the roadside market, the organic farm, was and is, the essence of American ingenuity. The small entrepreneur, business or agriculture, built American free enterprise. It is the control, collectivist, totalitarian state which has equalized everything in failed communist society, the saboteurs of freewill, free enterprise, and enjoyment from one's own work.

It is the saboteurs of what was once the greatest education system in the world, the American public school system, that has driven parents who love their children to keep them at home and educate them there. Politically correct educators are so intent on pleasing everyone that they educate no one. It is more a matter of entertainment and indoctrination than education. If a mother who never went to college can educate her children at home and prepare them with excellence in every endeavor, prepare them for college entrance, it is a shame that with the money involved in the education of teachers involved, the dancing of education officials to every tune played by unions (NEA et cetera), that one-third of all children who enter school do not graduate, and those who need it most, black males, 50% do not graduate. Could this account for the fact the 75% of all prison inmates are black males? Could this account for the fact that almost 50% of all black males leaving prison leave as Muslims. The most rewarding thing about black male followers of Islam, or any follower of Islam, they do not abort children, do not use alcohol, other abusive drugs or smoke anything. As minister Louis Farrakan said, “We are trained to eat and to prepare the best of foods for the longevity of life, without the use of alcohol, smoking and substance abuse which endangers the ethics of healthy living.”

The God of the womb is the same as the God of the cross. The greatest sabotage of the world has been those who have been the saboteurs of the cross. Even though God has used damaged, whited cisterns, such as Saul, Christian allegiance is not cheap. The government gets the “first fruits” of our paycheck, FICA taxes, internal revenue gets the rewards of our labor, but we are content to let God wait if he gets anything at all, time, talent or treasure. The saboteurs of the church house, like the saboteurs of the court house, and the white house, are content to just play games with our emotions. Even the greatest event in the history of the world, the birth of Christ, with a wink of the church, we spend more on useless ornaments, senseless trees, pathetic greetings, than we give for God's eternal work. In my community, one home, so covered with outdoor Christmas lights, that neighbors objected to the brilliance. There was a boat parked in the yard, it too was covered in Christmas lights. I asked one of the neighbors, “these people spent all this money on lights, how much do they give to their church.” She replied, “they do not belong to a church. They do not know Christ, only how to decorate for his birthday, paying thousands of dollars in light bulbs, thousands of dollars in increased electricity.”

Someone said, recently, “One slice of bologna at a time, until the bologna is gone.” One slice of our American heritage at a time, through homeland security (body scanning at airports, politicizing illegals, controls of everything), Obama's abomination healthcare controls (reporting every expenditure of $600 or more, microchips in every American containing all healthcare information), panels to control healthcare and even life and death situations. Yesterday, my assistant, took his dog to the veterinarian. The vet said, “your dog is old and has cancer. Spending much money and much effort, she still will not live long. I recommend euthanasia.” He and his wife returned home without their dog, now dead. I said to him, “This is exactly what will happen, in your lifetime, with human beings, perhaps you parents, in your country.” In 1963, an innocuous twenty-two word prayer and the saboteurs took prayer out of the school and replaced with police in the halls. In 1973, Roe v. Wade, abortion legalized and 53 million babies have been killed on demand. In 1993, before a joint session of Congress, President George H.W. Bush, recommended globalism and a “new world order.” Look it up, read his words. We had heard of such from the Bilderbergers, the President said such before the Congress. Through sabotage, American industry has moved overseas (China now produces more cars than any other country). Through sabotage, the bailout of housing, insurance, banking, and joblessness, America is rapidly becoming a third world nation

At a feast at his palace in Babylon, King Bellshauzzer, son of King Nebuchadnezzar, having befouled the golden vessels of Solomon's temple, having 650,000 Jews in captivity, in his stunned amazement, saw the writing on the banquet hall walls “mina, mina, shekel, half-mina.” This is the interpretation of the matter: mina, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; shekel, you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting; half-mina, your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.

Surely you recognize the sabotage of your country, not done with bombs or poisons, rather, saboteurs of industry, education, healthcare, finance, churches, and even family life. This very day in Afghanistan and Pakistan, innocent babies, small children, scared women and old people, are being killed by bombs from American drones (unmanned aircraft). Without our enemies, and we have many of them, dropping one bomb, saboteurs have conquered this democratic republic. President Abraham Lincoln, governing at a time of great decision, said, “I do not worry about America being conquered from the outside, but American being conquered from within.”