Friday, May 31, 2013

Bog of Cash

"Every time it rains, it rains pennies from heaven
Don'tcha know each cloud contains pennies from heaven?
(You'll find your fortune fallin' all over town)
(Be sure that your umbrella)
Is upside down"

Pennies From Heaven, Bing Crosby

            In talking with today's young people. I find that most have only one ambition. "To make lots of money".  There is nothing wrong with money.  This writer has been very poor, and is now, because of frugal living and hard work, is considered rich.  Rich is better.  BUT,  God don't let me forget the the hole of the pit whence ye are digged. (Isaiah 51:1).

            Every day of my life, and this has kept me a frugal-tight liver, I think of the hard work (working in green tobacco) the poverty of working in an eastern NC tobacco farm.  Hot sun, dirtiest work in the world, to make $1.00 for one days work.  Not just me, but my precious mother, sister, brothers, working all day long to make $1.00.  Every time I pay what I pay to get a haircut, I think of my father, standing on his feet all day long, cutting hair for .10 cents a head.  One of the many preachers at his funeral reminded the congregation of that.  You see, life was not always a bed of roses: cell phones, beautiful cars, beautiful convenient homes.

            And yet, the same filthy dollars (the fiat money contains all the germs known to man) are grabbed at just as much today as ever in history.  Everyone wants a BAG OF CASH.  Few realize true wealth.  Think of the addicts, dope dealers, people who put garbage in the temple (I speak of food garbage in your body, the temple).  The lazy and indifferent, who want their fellow man to take care of them, working the system made so easy by a welfare government. 

            Forty-nine percent of the American population receive a government check of some sort. 4,300,000 Americans are on welfare.  In the military, government employees (county, state, federal) , corporations, academia, and even religious groups: the main interest of perspective employees is retirement, vacation time and holidays off from work.  No where in God's book do we find anything about retirement or vacations.  In my youth, 80 years ago, no one never heard of vacations.  No worker ever spoke of retirement.

            Because of retirements, military, silver service, social security, etc., the nation is in the throes of economic suicide.  We are 17 trillion dollars in debt and, considering the entitlement mentality of every area of life, the nation is obligated to one hundred trillion in payouts.  There is no way the national debt can be paid and it will not be paid.

            NEXT, the nationalization of all pension, retirement, private funds with which the government is entangled with a tax deduction of any sort: 401K, IRA's...all pension funds from all legal groups such as workers on the nations railroads-highways-airways.  School systems supported by taxes, the U.S. Government treasury department has its hands in all these funds and is ready to usurp these billions for it's own use. America decided it wanted communism and it is going to get communism.

            It started at the school house and most of you did not understand what was going on.  Public education became public entertainment, indoctrination.  It takes at least 2 years for a child in public school to learn to read and write, whereas a home-schooled child learns the same in a few months.  It is in the public school where psychotropic drugs become addictive.  The poisons of vaccinations and every other form of enslavement becomes fully accepted.  Who is going to question these things?"  The media is under the thumb of the government.  You do not get elected "dog catcher" unless you are politically correct.  It is the bag of cash that buys the election, pays off the posters, those working at the voting places.  Do you actually think that the voting booth is private?  Just as storms are manipulated, so are elections.

            When John F. Kennedy was inaugurated as president, Eleanor Roosevelt refused to attend because she would not sit on the same platform as Joseph Kennedy.  Joseph Kennedy was well known as a shyster-womanizer-buyer of politicians.  Joseph Kennedy, father of JFK and RFK, said "There are three rules for winning elections. The first is money, the second rule is money.  The third rule is more money".  Only Americans who have been poor, only people throughout the world who have seen their homes destroyed by earthquakes, tornados and hurricanes, know true wealth.  Men who have destroyed their bodies seeking wealth, then spent their wealth trying to regain health, know the folly-fallacy of the bag of cash. God only had to say it once: "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." - 1 Timothy 6:10

            On this day, May 30, 1431, Joan of Ark was burned at the stake because of her political and religious beliefs.  She said, "It was for this, that I was born".  Her last word before the flame totally engulfed her was "Jesus".  Those who know Jesus, know true wealth.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

A World of Make Believe

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes by Cinderella

A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling thru
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true

The most beautiful gift God has given to His chosen, those who believe in Him, is the gift of discernment, being able to grasp and comprehend that which appears obscure to most people.  Jesus desires to be with us, guide us; to keep us from falling into the ditch of worldly fraud and clamor.

            In writer C. S. Lewis' book 'Screw Tape Letters' the old Uncle demon, coaching his nephew demon, said "They do not even comprehend what is happening to them."

            From the church pew to the judicial bench, lost-atheist minds are incapable of understanding the forces of darkness in control of the world. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."  Ephesians 6:12

            The average unsaved person is so anxious to be happy about anything.  Are you so dense that you have not noticed television or radio programs where people will laugh and clap about anything, whether it is amusing or not?  Are you so dense that you have not noticed how even church congregations, and a world sinking in sin, will laugh and clap about anything AND the diabetic gushing sugar preacher in the pulpit is much more interested in having laughter and clapping than a congregation facing the reality of the wrath of the Almighty God.  Do you think God has changed?  The children of Israel at Mt. Sinai, presence of God in the mountain, were told they would die if they or one of their animals even touched the mountain.  "And thou shalt set bounds unto the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves, that ye go not up into the mount, or touch the border of it: whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely put to death:  There shall not an hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned, or shot through; whether it be beast or man, it shall not live: when the trumpet soundeth long, they shall come up to the mount."  Exodus 19:12-13
            In these last days, we live in a world of make believe; everyone wanting everything to be happy: "Get over it, just move on", "Things happen", "Don't be negative".
            This writer-doctor gets physically ill when he thinks of how little your government thinks of you. Yet, millions of American citizens think the government is on their side.  Your government loves you like a vulture loves road-kill.  Every time I think of big medicine and big Pharma, only pushing meds which bring great profit to them.  How well I remember as a small child in a country school, before the time of power lines and refrigeration when food stuff so easily spoiled;  Children being so sick in school...vomitting, soiled clothing.  It was not until I was on the staff of an army hospital in the emergency room that I learned the value of activated charcoal. Even the monkeys on the south pacific islands know about the value of charcoal for an upset stomach.  They steal the ash from camp fires because they eat this ash when they have an upset stomach.  YET, this very cheap method of treating gut problems, to this day, is known to very few people. (If I were on a deserted island and could have only one remedy, it would be activated charcoal...a method of detoxifying my system, keeping me free from natures germs).
            Our minds wrought by storms, empathy for those in the paths of storms.  When will we learn that most storms are manipulated?  Millions of dollars were made from Hurricane Katrina, which was forecast while still in the Atlantic, to hit the Gulf coast.  Tornadoes and hurricanes are stronger now than at any other time in history.  No foreign power could occupy America BUT the laws of electrical grids, armed germ warfare, manipulated storms, can wipe us out.  Last year, we had a long winter. It's still cold here in eastern North Carolina.  How will corn crops produce when they require so much heat?  As my farming parents said, "Crops do not grow until the ground is warm". 
            The greatest tragedy in the world of make believe is the wasting of valuable time.  The atheist does not care. He has no future...needs to laugh and dream about something.  The Christian should never be bored, lonely or unhappy about anything.  "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31.  The Christian does not live in a world of make believe. Christianity is fact, not feeling.  Catholics, Baptists and most large denominations have lost their young people to the world, flesh and devil because they did not receive from their church, parents, the nurturing and admonition needed to face the trials and traumas of this present age.  Young people reared in Christian homes do not want to be different, and are attracted to satanic coercion.  Early, lives of children in Christian homes, lives of those reached by the gospel. "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." 1 John 2:15           

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Betrayal and Ballast Stone

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

2 Corinthians 9:7

            I was asked to give the eulogy at his funeral. I am trying to remember what I said because over the years, so many people have pilfered through my things I have lost the actual words.

            Anyway, in my long life of meeting unusual people all over the world, he remains a giant.  Born on a creek in the mountains-poverty of West Virginia, to a coal miner and a "coal miner's daughter", he attended a one room school.  God marks special people. Julian was marked by a speech impediment (stutterer).

            Someone, somehow, recognizing his quick mind and yet impossible chances for advancement, suggested that he go to Martha Berry College in Rome, Georgia, a college famous for taking in poor students and allowing them to work their way through by working in the farm fields.  Graduating from Martha Berry, having remarkable skills in the fields, he came to eastern North Carolina because one couple he met there had a special place in their hearts for him.

            Honest, reliable, he found  a job working in a feed store.  The owner of the feed store, among many other properties, owned a small house on a acre of land just outside the city limits.  He told him that he could live in that house, have the advantages of gardening, etc., for as long as he wanted to...and then it would revert back to his estate.  In the mean time, Julian had made friends at a local church.  Men in the church helped him refurbish the house.  Women in the church with the help of the Salvation Army and others, helped him furnish the four room house.  Julian was known for his garden, his chicken yard.  He had a list of people in town; shut-ins, disabled, widows, mothers raising children alone, (regardless of religion or skin color) to whom he carried produce from the garden and eggs from the chicken house.  He never owned a car, and never drove a car.  He walked everywhere.  Another employee of the feed store would pick him up each morning for work.  He said that in all those years he would stand by the road, rain or shine, ready to go.  He was loved by his employer, other employees and customers, who said that he was always helpful and kind.

            His was a simple life.  He worked in the garden so he could give produce to his friends, taking care of his chickens so he could give eggs to his friends.  He never had but one suit; that black suit which he wore every Sunday to church.  He was always there, even though he walked.  Sunday, mid-week prayer services and all special events.  There did not have to be a special evangelists, special singers or special program for him to be at worship and prayer services.  The money he earned was mostly given away except for dire personal needs.  He said to this writer, eulogist at his funeral "I feel that I have betrayed God. One born with empty hands, unless I leave this world with empty hands." God has supplied every need and I cheerfully give everything back to Him."  One person in his church said that he probably gave more money to the church than many of its wealthier members.

            not included in the eulogy, before his death at age 75 he had become ill.  Two of his male friends who had lost their wives, moved into his house to care for him.  He had made friends with the black undertaker in town and had asked him to bury him...cheapest way in a cheap graveyard.  This was done, as he wished.  Probably, his funeral at his church would have filled the church and run over but, at the small private service for just his two friends who had cared for him, his immediate neighbors living close to him, the employees who had worked with him, he was buried in the only suit he had ever owned, the cheapest casket available.  He left nothing except a good reputation; Christian testimony. 

            In his garden, the garden which had fed so many people, he had dug up a ballast stone (a ballast stone is the stone in the bottom of a ship to stabilize it.  Constant motion on the sea causes the stones to become smooth).  His ballast stone was used as the marker on his grave, in that remote, poor, black cemetery.

            Mortal man always thinks he is going to get by with something.  No one gets away with anything.  God has the very hairs on your head numbered. (Matthew 10:30)  The more I am around today's young people, the more I realize just how lost they are.  They think that celebrity/success lies in what they possess, not what they profess.  They will find just how much they have been betrayed by the promises of the world/flesh/devil.  Veterans have learned how they have been betrayed.  In 1968, a Broadway play 'Promises, Promises', the world, particularly the American government, is good at making promises.  So few are actually fulfilled.  Most citizens never learn that it is the greedy, not the needy, who betray every principle of God's book and the American Constitution.  Even your grocery store betrays you.  Your grocery store items, 90% GMO.  Your healthcare system betrays you - 50% of all x-rays are completely unreliable (mammograms, etc.). 

            At oxford University, Cambridge, England, The Future of Humanity Institute, academics are attempting to determine just how quickly mankind will destroy itself through technology, armed bacteria, robots, drones.   Calibrated risks determine how quickly population control can be obtained.  It started years ago with John Foster-Dulles and John D. Rockefeller; traveling the world, seeing the poverty of the world, determining that poor populations must be controlled.  Margret Sanger called these black producers of population "weeds".  Six of the ten fastest growing nations are in Africa.  Population control proponents propose to cut the population from 7 billion to 2 billion.

            Exactly 60 years ago today, May 29, 1953, the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth of England.  On that same day word came that Edmund Hillary, a bee keeper from New Zealand, became the first man to look out and across the Himalayas as he reached the peak of Mount Everest.  Sir Edmund Hilary died in 2008.  Many have climbed Everest since.  His camp sent back the message "All is well".  The only way any one, any nation can say "All is well" to know what Julian knew.  Do not betray your Creator.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

All In the Mind

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men"

~Philippians 2:5-7

            The torture of the born again, saved by grace, Christian of today's world.  The great percentage of the worlds population who still, 2,000 years on this side of the cross, know nothing of grace and faith.  Even more bewildering are those in a nation like America, at one time considered a Christian nation, a totally lackadaisical, wistful, attitude towards the precious promises of God.  Each year, more and more Americans profess an unbelief in God.  This is the peril of prosperity.

            This world traveler, having seen the false religions of the world...Hindu temples, Buddhists temples throughout most of the world. Muslim Masque, now increasing in once Christian countries; Forms of religion which have little basis of credulity, nothing for the future.  Mohammad is dead, Buddha is dead, yet you find in the followers of these religions, the most exacting worship that the human mind can imagine.  Over and over, in India, Nepal, and other places, I saw the Brahmas anointing the foreheads of the followers.  They had nothing to offer except activity.  There is nothing in these strange religions that give any comfort during life, absolutely nothing after death.  Yet, they have their committed followers.  It is all a matter of ritual.  Man made obedience...crawling up mountainsides reciting creeds and prayers...throwing babies off temples as in  the state of Maharashtra,  in western India, to please a false god.  It reminds me of the warnings God gave the children of Israel upon entering the promised land.  The seven groups there upon their entrance were totally heathen, throwing their babies into fire to please their false Gods.  God told the children of Israel to kill them all but they refused to do so and we still suffer for their disobedience until this very day.  Heathenism is nothing new to God.  He gave man a chance to be sin free and sickness free; there was no sin or sickness in the garden. Adam and Eve chose a sin leading to sickness and death instead of eternal life.  So, until this very day, not only in pagan countries where abortion, killing of the aged and infirmed is a matter of record.  Probably, as before Noah's flood, when there was nothing but a spirit of evil in the minds of men, we have the killing of innocent babies and old people, the destruction of the God-wrought family (same sex marriage, gay agenda taking over civilization) even in the Judeo-Christian world.

            It is torture to the Christian believer, real church members who have a doctrine such as Baptists and Catholics.  Why should the unbelieving-heathen-liberal element of the world take over the places and programs honoring God?  Such as what happened last week when a tried-and-true, God and country honoring club such as The Boy Scouts of America were taken over, as has been so many churches and schools, by the gay agenda.

            It has happened in my lifetime; the hatred of Christianity, hatred of the family, hatred of men.  The conservatives in politics, the conservatives in churches have not had the good sense to see what is happening.  The destruction of the moral compass and morality can only have the foundation of the word of God, can be traced directly to the failure of the church...the cancer of sin from a diabetic congregation, too much sugar from the pulpit.  Nothing could make Satan happier than this attitude of political correctness and spiritual as well as political life..  95% of all church members do not know that we are at war with Satan; powers of darkness in the air (Ephesians 6).  We are not willing to wrestle against these powers, rather, so convenient to turn the other cheek, "Go along to get along".
            The all sufficient grace of God is always available to those who trust Him.  The evil world with it's false religions, communist attitude of "the end justifies the means" has never understood that the same power which through the stars into space, raised Lazarus from the dead, is available to us...those who trust in Him.  Like plugging in to a socket with power, the current flows. "Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world" 1 John 4:4.  When you put on the whole armor of God, you have everything you need for warfare.  Don't back up one inch; never turn your back on the enemy.  Your back is not protected.  The twentieth century church turned its back on the enemy, made a beggar of God, believed the mind of the world's satanic culture and it is a matter of record what has happened.

            Even though we do not deserve His grace, his grace shown us by putting our sins on Christ.  God trusting in such unworthy vessels, regenerated depending on His mercy, because of His grace the church can still overcome anything the world throws at us.  You see, the perverted, prostituted, profiteering, pagan mind has no idea of the enemy he has encountered when he decides to take on those who trust God, insult the bride of Christ, his church.

            The same law that holds our feet to the ground (law of gravity), is the same law which must be overcome by evil.  The world, flesh, devil, has never understood the attitude of the Christian believer in being able to separate what we have from what we will eventually receive.  The world has never understood those who have held on to their faith in spite of everything.  "They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth."  Hebrews 11:37-38.

            WHEN the real Christian, born again, washed in his blood, child of God, understands the price tag of Christianity.  He will understand why the unsaved so despise hypocrisy, can so easily recognize and run from false religions.  It is all in the mind.

Friday, May 24, 2013

A Memorial Day Unction

And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.

~Ezekiel 34:26~

            On this Memorial Day Weekend, when public minds are bombarded with everything except remembering veterans (sales at stores, cookouts, picnics, special entertainment events) this old veteran wants to give unction to the real reason for Memorial Day...a day when we remember those who gave the last measure of their devotion.  This soldier, Army Medical Officer -  just as when he went to college; just as when he joined civic-secular groups,  took his faith with him in uniform.  The other officers in the B.O.Q. saw me go to regular religious services.  Since the military congregates from all areas of the country upon separation from service, you seldom come in contact with those with whom you are so close.

            Once, a medical officer with whom I was very close as a friend and colleague in the service, came by to see me at my home here in North Carolina.  David and I were the very same age, having been born on the very same day.  Anytime I had pressed him about spiritual things, he would say, "I am atheist".  That particular day, in my home, about to leave (and I have never seen him again since) he said to me, "Tom, don't change.  You are the only hope I have."  I believe he wanted to impress upon me that he trusted in my faith.

            Our forefathers, who landed on the shores of this uncivilized hunk of real estate, were already accustomed to the hardships of their native lands.  They came to America for opportunity.  They were willing to undergo the rigors of harsh climate and hard work.  They were not scary-cats; real men and real women.  These real men protected their homes, their wives, their children.  They built barns, houses, the church house, the school house.  Working together, they built the roads in their communities.  Most of the villages did not have a jail.  Everyone was expected to behave and if not, they handled things themselves.

            The early defenders of this republic, in uniform and out, would never have thought of putting women on front lines.  The thought would never have occurred to our early ancestors to kill babies; that such an abomination as same sex marriage could enter the mind of man. 

            My own ancestors landed on the shores of New Jersey in 1677, off the good ship Kent.  They founded Morristown, NJ and then my immediate antecedents (the poor side of the family), hard working farmers, moved south, bringing their work ethic and religious principals with them.  My great grandfathers were just boys during the Civil War, but were around to rebuild.  Several cousins were killed during that bloodiest conflict (600,000 were killed during the Civil War).  This writer was raised in a house which survived that war.  The house in which my mother was raised, my father was raised, are still standing.

            The church in which I was raised, built on family land, was built just after the Civil War since the original one was destroyed (1874).  I gave the message at the 100th anniversary.  How well I remembered during WWII the large red and white flag at the front of the church; a blue star on the flag for each son from the church in battle.  I still remember how those old folks would go to the pulpit each Sunday morning, praying for those in service.  At the end of the war, there was not one gold star on the flag.  All had survived and come home.

            My mother's only brother was in the south pacific.  On the day of his funeral (he died at age 80), sitting next to his wife, Sarah, she said to me, "He never missed a day where he did not go and spend time with his mother.  He said, during those bleak days of war, 'I always knew my mother was at home praying for me' ".

            Since WWII, and this writer was in the military during the Korean era, because of our political correctness,  war becoming a money-making matter for big industry and big Pharma (each vaccination to a serviceman costs $5,000), think of the worlds wealth spent on drones, bombs...the insanity of war, we have been unable to WIN ONE WAR.  Our forces have been taken over by political correctness, the gay agenda, feminism.  Most politicians have never known war (Clinton, Obama, Biden and other members of the present cabinet).  They have never witnessed young men and women, fresh from loving homes: emasculated, vaccinated with poisons, homesick and scared.  Only the medical officers and a few regular officers know the horrors of military service. 

            Survivors,  those who are fortunate enough to return from indescribable horrors of war, returning to a nation that cares nothing for them.  They were used-abused, like clinics (tissue) now, ready to be thrown away.  Perhaps this is the reason one veteran commits suicide every day.

            The government never considered for one minute, what this veteran went through to get his education.  And yet, although blind, never given a white cane. 

            Some of us have seen the military cemeteries across the world where veterans are buried (the 18,000 graves in Manila, Philippines).  The 126,000 buried on foreign soil were not buried in a satin-lined casket; just wrapped in the flag which they served.  Metals, pensions and monuments cannot make up to those who only had one life, too. 

            Only those who know Christ understand the sacrifice.  Jesus, our kinsman redeemer, died willingly for all the sin-disease of the world.  His blood poured out to cover our sins and sicknesses.   The Passover is still observed, the death angel seeing the blood.  Our first parents, Adam and Eve, chose the spirit of death instead of life.  There was no sickness or sin in the garden, they chose such.  God gave us Jesus to redeem those who would believe in Him...simple as that.  Next to Jesus shedding his blood, the greatest act of mercy is soldiers shedding theirs for their country.

            In this writers youth, one man in the community was known for having "Gone over the hill", deserted the army during WWI.  He came home after the war but no one ever had any respect for him.

            Truth is truth whether anyone believes it or not.  The acts of the apostles, Paul, Barnabas, Silas and other New Testament characters were known for proclaiming and defending the truth.  We may not believe in the truth of "exploitive" warfare (many people getting rich from war).  We know it is the sons and daughters of the poor who go to war.  On this day, Memorial Day, we honor those who gave the last measure of their devotion in spite of everything.  They thought they were doing what is right and honorable.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Memorial Day, 2013

#1554 Message for Memorial Day, 2013

            My English guide and I were at the St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cemetery, North London. We had become friends and he wanted to help me find one of my favorite poets, Francis Thompson's grave... best known for his famous line, “[love] is a many-splendored thing” from his poem The Kingdom of God. At that time, I had a shadow of vision in my left eye.

            He said to me, “you will not believe what I see coming down the walk.” A cemetery employee was pulling a small three-wheeled cart on which was a coffin covered with a tattered American flag. Walking behind the cart was a Catholic priest, along with a very frail woman in a wheelchair, being pushed by the driver of the vehicle which had brought them there. This was the extent of the funeral cortege.

            Earlier, we had almost walked into a freshly dug grave, and I spoke of the danger of such for a blind person. They stopped at the open grave and two other cemetery workers put the casket in the ground and began to fill the grave with dirt. The priest was saying some words as we walked up, he turned to us and said, “she is not very cognitive, but will appreciate your being here.” She looked at me and reached out a gloved hand, which I squeezed. I told her that I was American. She handed me the folded American flag.

            The priest said they were in separate nursing homes, but had been married 50 years, he was an American veteran. You note that I said to her, “I am American.” It is like saying, “I believe God.” Many say, “I am an American” like those who say, “I believe in God.” All sorts of people believe in God, even the devil; many American citizens, traitors, say “I am an American”, but when you say “I am American”, you believe this country, just as you believe God. When you believe this country, you believe all the history, the patriots who made this country.

            I sold that old, tattered flag many years ago, along with several other 48-star flags I owned. I do remember that on the hoist edge of the flag was written these words, “Battle Flag, December 1944”. This flag was possibly flown during the Battle of the Bulge. You will note that there was nothing pertaining to veterans or the military at this grave service. Like so many WWII veterans, they had probably met in London after the war, and he stayed there. But, he probably wanted his casket covered with the American flag, it still meant something to him (and her).

            On this Memorial Day, we think of the 126,000 buried on foreign soil (not in a casket, just wrapped in an American flag), the thousands buried in Arlington and other national cemeteries. They believed America and would be dumbfounded to see what has happened to their country. Until Korea, most of the fallen were buried on foreign soil. I stood at the great national cemetery in Manila where 18,000 are buried, and on the 25th anniversary of D-Day, I stood at Normandy at that great cemetery there. What a waste! What a expenditure of life: 50,000 in Korea, frozen bodies stacked like cord wood; 58,000 killed in Vietnam.

            I was still in the hospital from the Korean era, when the Vietnam tragedy was going on, I still remember the screams of the woman across the street from me when her son's casket was brought into her home on his “return” from Vietnam. We have a tendency to forget the civilian tragedy of war, on both sides. Even today, while several wars are going on, drones overhead dropping bombs, missiles being fired from oceans as well as from “the enemy's” not forget the children who will never recover from the sights and sounds of warfare, children on both sides, in the clutches of man's inhumanity to man.

            Never forget that many prosper from the greed of war, fortunes have been made from war. The veteran caught in the dilemma of warfare, the one who survives...blind, crippled, sown back together, is the blessed survivor; those in the soil are the heroes. Many of us worked very hard, while others were having a good time, to get the schooling necessary to sufficiently serve our country...doctors, engineers, weapons/utilities experts. Disabled, we give up everything, accept the patriot's zeal.

The tumult and the shouting dies—
The Captains and the Kings depart—
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!

Recessional – Rudyard Kipling (1897)

The Obama administration and the Republican Interim Benghazi report claim no one in government denied any emergency assistance to help Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty and Sean Smith, before they were killed in the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. The Obama-Clinton regime also adamantly refuted the charge that anyone issued “stand-down” orders. However, last Tuesday, a disguised Benghazi whistleblower, a military special ops member, who watched the attack unfold in Benghazi, appeared on Fox News in a report: Special forces could’ve responded to Benghazi attack, claimed otherwise. On Friday Foreign Policy magazine quickly came out in an article entitled, Benghazi (II): A military analysis of the Fox mystery man’s fantasy rescue plan, and tried to discredit the whistleblower and called him a clown. Now add my Benghazi insider to that growing list of people who refute the “official” Benghazi narrative, blessed by the Republican Interim report (page 15), and the argument made in Foreign Policy magazine. In interviews with me held over the last several days, the Benghazi insider backs up the Benghazi whistleblower.
To add some critical context to Benghazi, Tyrone Woods, a former Navy SEALs was a CIA asset and a GRS—Global Response Staff. The GRS is a secret global security force that serves as armed guards for the agency’s spies in high-risk outposts. It was created after the September 11, 2001 terrorists attack in New York and Washington. Woods’ job became all about protecting Ambassador Christopher Stevens—also a CIA asset the minute the trouble started. Protecting an ambassador is equivalent to protecting a Four Star General. GRS is the elite, of the elite, of the elite forces. Former Navy SEALs and Special Forces are recruited to join but not everyone makes the cut. That’s how tough and risky it is. As the Washington Post reported, the GRS’s emerging status is one of the “CIA’s most dangerous assignments.”
“CIA veterans said that GRS teams have become a critical component of conventional espionage, providing protection for case officers whose counterterrorism assignments carry a level of risk that rarely accompanied the cloak-and-dagger encounters of the Cold War.”
When a GRS issues a call for assistance, other assets currently assisting somewhere else—even during a lifesaving operation for other forces, stop what they are doing to help the GRS. The level of importance of a GRS cannot be over emphasized here.
This is who received no help, despite requesting assistance from the Obama-Clinton regime. This is who a writer, a U.S. Marine, at Foreign Policy mocked, when he claimed that no help could be sent in time to make a difference.
Recall from the start the Obama-Clinton regime has said that there were no forces available to assist Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans (two GRS’s) in Benghazi.
The Republican Benghazi Interim report (page 15), agreed with the Obama-Clinton regime, stating: “The House Armed Services Committee conducted a review of air assets available to respond to Benghazi. No U.S. government element refused or denied requests for emergency assistance during the crisis,” contradicting the explosive allegation reported about a month after the Benghazi attack, Jennifer Griffin’s Fox News “Exclusive: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say.”
However, in the latest FOX News exclusive by Adam Housley, a Benghazi whistleblower came forward and backed up the original whistleblowers’ accounts reported by Fox News and said: Special forces could’ve responded to Benghazi attack because the U.S. had highly trained forces just a few hours away in Croatia. He also said that he and others feel the government betrayed the four men who died in the attack.
Next, Foreign Policy was quick to discredit the whistleblower as a “clown,” inA military analysis of the Fox mystery man’s fantasy rescue plan.In short, the author, Billy Birdzell, who served as a “U.S. Marine Corp infantry officer and special operations team leader from 2001 to 2009, and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in security studies at Georgetown University,” claimed that had a plane been sent from Croatia it would not have gotten there in time to make a difference.

However, according to my Benghazi insider with direct information: “When Tyrone Woods, a GRS, made the call for assistance, no one knew what the outcome would be. The attack in Benghazi could have turned into a hostage situation that lasted for days, weeks. It could have spread out beyond the annex. Anything was possible. Nobody knew at that time what the outcome would be, unless it was pre-determined—and if that is what the author in Foreign Policy is saying, he needs to come forward now with what he knows.
When Woods issued the call sign for assistance that involves the name of a bird and some numbers, the second that call sign was issued, everything becomes available to help the Ambassador. A GRS doesn’t cry wolf. When a GRS issued the call sign everything was in play.
Remember at that moment, they didn’t know where the Ambassador was, they didn’t know his condition. If anyone says that they knew, then there are new details that must be revealed.
The point is for people on the ground is to start moving options. There were forces in Croatia who were armed and ready to go. They were trained to come up with a solution. They are there to provide options. Think about it this way; it’s like when firemen receive a call, with sirens blaring, they go to see what the problem is. How many times have the sirens been turned off when the problem has been solved by the time they got there or somebody else got there first? But if the problem is not solved, they are there to help—options.
When forces leave the ground, they may not know exactly where they are going or what they are going to do but as they are in the air and moving information is updated. These people needed to be put in motion, that’s the first deception. They were never put in motion. The Obama administration did not lift a pinky finger to put options in play. Sounds to me like CYA. The whole point was they did not give these guys an option—and that in itself is a failure of command at every level.
And by the way, as McCain [Sen. John McCain R-Ariz.] said, he was shocked to find out that there were no land forces available on the ground to support Benghazi—on 9/11 of all days. That’s because the less people who knew what Stevens was really doing in Benghazi the better. The administration did not want anyone to know about Stevens meeting with the Turkish Consul General [Ali Sait Akin] and what that was about.
The administration is playing political footsie. The entire point is a failure of leadership that resulted in lost lives. Options were not provided to the decision makers—that alone guaranteed a bad outcome. That is unacceptable, that is un-American that is not how we treat our forces.”
Indeed by not providing options the Obama-Clinton regime guaranteed a death sentence for four Americans in Benghazi.
Moreover, the local protection forces that the State Department hired and paid to protect Benghazi were an al-Qaida-linked group called the February 17th Martyrs Brigade “to serve as a quick reaction force. The February 17 Martyrs Brigade was one of the militias that fought for Gadhafi’s overthrow.” Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton conceded during her Benghazi testimony before the Foreign Services Committee that it was typical to hire locals, however, in addition to failing to mention the al-Qaida connection, Hillary omitted acknowledging that “on September 8, 2012, just days before Ambassador Stevens arrived in Benghazi, the February 17 Martyrs Brigade told State Department officials that the group would no longer support U.S. movements in the city, including the Ambassador’s visit,” as documented in an email in the Republican Benghazi report (page 7). Hillary’s State Department left them (GRS’s) completely on their own to prevent people from finding out what Stevens was doing.
Seven months later we still don’t know publicly what Ambassador Stevens was doing in Benghazi and despite President Obama’s and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s promises that the perpetrators would be brought to justice—nobody has been brought to justice.
By their fruits you shall know them.
So what was Ambassador Christopher Stevens doing? According to my Benghazi insider they were shutting down Libya and prepping guys to go into Syria. Benghazi was all about moving arms from Libya into Syria via Turkey and elsewhere to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the next stop, after Egypt and Libya that has put the Muslim Brotherhood in power. Obviously there are several actors who are not happy with what the U.S. is doing with Saudi Arabia. “If President Obama didn’t know that then that means he’s not really in charge and somebody else is running the operation,” the Benghazi insider source added.
Why is the Benghazi insider speaking out now? As the insider said, “The only thing you get to take with you, the only thing you keep forever is your integrity. Whatever you do, don’t let anyone buy it, steal it, borrow it. You’ve got to own it if you don’t have your brain turned on in the morning.”
It is worth noting how both the CIA and FBI declined my Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on Ambassador Christopher Stevens and Turkish Consul General Ali Sait Akin here and here. The U.S. army did not have any information to provide me with.
There are people in America’s armed forces who believe, “You either get them out alive or you die trying. If you didn’t die trying, you didn’t try hard enough.” And then there are America’s leaders who abandon them and leave them for dead. The end justifies the means.
Stay tuned, soon I will report what the State Department said to me when I contacted them about the $40 million then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave Libya shortly after Col. Muammar Gaddafi was toppled in what is known as the “buy back’ weapons program, or as the State Department prefers to call it, the interagency MANPAD task force “to assist Libya’s efforts to secure and recover its weapons stockpiles.” We are in a back and forth and I’m waiting for an additional response to my follow up after my initial inquiry.
-Courtesy of

Walking Wounded

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

            After thousands of years; world history; from smoke signals to cell phones. We think we are so smart.  Technology has improved the living conditions in the world but human nature has not changed at all.  We think we understand the forces of nature.  Many think they understand God (who would worship a God you can understand?) and a few bright people think they actually understand the neurology of man and man's reactions.

            Every time God speaks to us through a hurricane, earthquake, drought, flood or ferocious tornado, we hear him talking but refuse to understand.  Such, the language of the horrific tornadoes that struck Oklahoma this week.  The walking wounded of that disaster, like the survivors of all disasters ask, "Why me?".  This totally blind, 100% disabled service connected veteran has asked that question a thousand times, as I have stumbled around in perpetual darkness: "Why me?"  I asked the same question when both of my parents were on their deathbed.  Both dying from the riggors of cancer.  They were two hard working, God fearing parents who had served God their entire lives.  Early in my life, as a farm boy, I asked why the night our barn burned.  I asked the same question as a father when my wife left with my child.  The loss of a child is great any time.  Perhaps not as great as in death, but I often wonder if bereft parents understand what they are doing in separating loved children from their parents; the psycholgical problems involved.  Divorce is often the excess baggage which the walking wounded children must carry around for the rest of their life.  Just think, 50% of all marriages end in divorce, resulting in the trauma of daycare for children.  Family animosity towards opposing parents; surely, if a couple loved one another enough to marry and have children, they could love the children enough not to become enemies.  Children who live with the DNA of ancestors of many generations.

There are so many walking wounded.  This world traveler talked with many survivors of wars.  Theirs is a story of loss; loss of loved homes and of prized possessions.  Many of the walking wounded of  political doctrines and spiritual intrigue.

            In other articles I have described in detail my three trips to communist China since it's re-opening. (Re-opened after the visit of President Nixon).  I was one of those on the first plane load of Americans there.  The Godless communist system; manufacturers of walking wounded. One of my guides told me about his sister, the communist one child policy.  His sister so wanted children, yet her husband would strangle any newborn female.  In every communist country; in every country ruled by religion (India, Iran, Iraq, Nepal, etc.) the walking wounded, whose very lives are controlled by the legalism-fanaticism of their religious belief system.

            You give your wounds to God.  Often, from ashes you start over.  The writer C. S. Lewis says "We never know what the devil has drudged up down the road for us."  We never know what we might forgive.  If God can forgive us after what we did to his Son, those wounded must be able to forgive...pain, poverty, political decadence, even the imprisonment of disease.  Christianity is not complicated, just tough.  Christ has given us liberty.

            It is so easy, in our wounds-disappoints-despair, to question or even blame God.  When you see the beautiful church house building, it's stained glass windows, which committed members saved and prayed to bill laying in ruins, you have reason to ask why.  Then think of the destroyed school house with loved children, and again you have reason to ask why.  The agnostics-unbelievers do not like "God talk" at a time of disaster or sorrow. We will never understand, on this side of eternity, why the wicked prosper or why the White House has become a party house for Barack and Michelle Obama. Why agencies which are tax supported are used to torture us (IRS, etc).  We rejoice in the knowledge that we trust God in bad times as well as good times.