Friday, November 14, 2014

Worthy is the Lamb That Was Slain

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, and hath redeemed us to God by his
blood, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour,
and glory, and blessing. Blessing and honour, glory and power, be unto
Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever.
(Revelation 5:12-14)

Pleasures forevermore!

("Solitude Sweetened" by James Meikle, 1730-1799)

Alas! with what desperate madness are those chargeable--who are taken up with transitory trifles, and neglect the realities of the everlasting world? When I consider the vanity of all earthly greatness, I cannot help concluding, that such as pursue after it are intoxicated with poison. But even if the pleasures of this world were real and solid, yet they are so transient--that they are not worthy our pursuit!

O how wise they are for earthly trifles--but how foolish for eternal realities!

Once a great king made a vast feast for his nobles for a hundred and eighty days; nothing less than a royal treasury could support the expense of such an entertainment.

But the King of kings shall feast and satiate all His mighty angels, and all His chosen people on His own undiminished fullness through eternity itself! Here is . . .
bliss without ceasing,
abundance beyond all bounds,
and possession without end!

"In Your presence is fullness of joy! In Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore!" (Psalm 16:11)

Addition Dr. Morris:

We live in a world of absolute lunacy, lunatics making the decisions, very low people ruling in very high places. 

Is there any child who would celebrate parents of the same sex... regardless of what they call themselves. Over the years, I have employed many young people to work for me... many businesses, MY many opportunities to have some effect on young lives. Perhaps the most mixed up-messed up young man I ever knew was raised by two lesbians who claimed to be married. He despised both of them... what they had done to his life. There is an old song, be it ever so humble, there's no place like home AND, what made it home was a father and mother, and the children remembering the struggles of their parents. 

This writer was raised on the land, in the community where his parents, grandparents, great-grandparents etc., had farmed and lived for many generations. They were land owners but just hard working people. Their homes-houses had survived the Civil War. They never owned slaves... never owned any human beings, just farm livestock. And, their livestock was treated well. I still remember that my father always put the hard-working mule teams into the pasture so they could graze on Sunday, the day the family was in church and resting. I don't know how many times I used the psalm above in public speaking and public prayers. If I could only get that message across, "in thy presence is fullness of joy, in thy right hand, pleasures evermore."

Most church members I have known want a checklist Christianity, a bomb shelter faith, a bellhop God. We want to live very much like the rest of the world except when we need our religion. If we do not get a thrill from hearing someone sing that wonderful hymn, "Worthy Is The Lamb", if you do not get a thrill from hearing God's word anywhere at anytime, if you do not get joy from the security of your faith, then something is wrong. Family members-cousins etc., who returned to our old family homes, to our old family church, were always choked up with emotions... often would weep openly at the church because they knew that it was the struggles-faith-grace-power-mercy, not anything they could gain by working-buying-acquiring that made the joy of their home and church possible.

If a person could actually earn points, in some way buy, study for degrees of attainment in order to gain Heaven, most would be busy doing so. Perhaps some of the degree work secretive-fraternal groups have attempted this (You know I speak of the Masons and to some extent, civic groups) always, without fail, the nearer I got to the top of any ladder I was climbing, in any organization, spiritual, political, military, civic, the more I realized the compromises necessary to get there. It is in the salvation provided all of us chosen-drawn-called by God that we find attainment simply because of His mercy. There is nothing we can do, it is a free gift. One man told me that if he could keep his family and friends out of Hell, he would crawl on his hands and knees across the continent. Once in Tibet, once in Canada, this world traveler saw pilgrims crawling up mountainsides in an effort to please their God.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Known But To God

12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

In these radical times, when history can be wiped out without notice with a worldwide nuclear conflagration OR, more slowly by engineered viruses, the living-breathing member of genus Homo who knows he has a soul, will take a few moments to think about his identity. Those who dance to the tune of the New World Order believe that Christians are spiritual lunatics-patriots are political extremists. God chooses many of us to deny self, bear His cross, be transformed by His eternal truth. He draws us, and the call by God on a person's life makes him or her different, if not different, there is something very wrong with your identity (I Peter 2:11). Our citizenship is in Heaven, we are just passing through (Philippians 3:20). In modern times, among Madison Ave. trained church workers, Christianity is based on what you can get by with, not the absolutes of right and wrong. How quickly we learn that life is a wrestling match, warfare against powerful forces in high places (Ephesians 6:11-12). 

Born into the poverty of an Eastern N.C. tobacco farm, on a dirt road without power-phone-water lines, I just knew the integrity and sweat of my parents and ancestors. From a small country school, thirteen in my graduating class, life became a matter of destination at the University. World War II had just ended, my father and other relatives were returning to the farm-jobs-communities. One of my uncles, wounded in the South Pacific, said, "Let's take a walk." A neurological mess until he died, constant spasms of his body, he said, "My best friend killed next to me and in pieces, I thought I was dying and realized that no one knew my true identity. That I was 'known only to God'. But, I did not die and regained life in a hospital." This uncle, married to my mothers sister, went on to raise a wonderful family, marvelous job with the state prison system, mayor of his town and family members said they had never seen so many dark blue suits file into one funeral... when he did die. Character determines destination and we are not all biological robots. His words to me that day, "Don't forget who you are, where you came from."

It was necessary for me to work my way through eight years of professional education, first at Chapel Hill, then at Tennessee. My first job at Chapel Hill, working at Lenoir Hall, the student eating center. We hauled food for cooking from a warehouse. The place was totally infested with rats. Rats running all over the food containers. Even though rats, in their genome, are within a few percentage points of human beings, the rat does not control his excretion, is one of the most dangerous disease carriers alive. As a British Ambassador said to me in Africa one time, "Rats cause more disease in Africa than anything else." BUT, when I said something to UNC Food Management about the rats, I lost my job at this prestigious learning institution (UNC-Chapel Hill, first state-supported University).  North Carolina's first student at its University was Hinton James, from this town where I live, who walked all the way to Chapel Hill-200 miles in order to get a college education. It did not take long for this poor farm boy, working his way through college (at that time, no grants-loans or other government largess) to learn that the large, elitist state universities were intended for rich families, that the sons of legislators-judges-wealthy were coddled and coached by special university advisers. I did not care then or now, my objective there and elsewhere was an education. I had the assurance of a protector-defender-provider. 

5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. - Hebrews 13:5 (KJV)

For eight summers, I covered every PIG-PATH in North Carolina selling bibles door to door. Not only making money but learning the value of a dollar and the most important value of the personhood of real people. In Memphis, living in student poverty, I depended on the "10 Cent Row" of a poor neighborhood grocery store for my food, I sold cemetery property on weekends, and as a young Doctor worked at Millington Veteran's Center helping care for four veterans without arms or legs. Even before my own military service, I have seen what is known to God. On the staff of one army hospital, nearest to Red Stone Arsenal, former Nazi doctors staffing a U.S Army Hospital.

God wanted me to sense the world, sightless. At the Pakistan border with Afghanistan, I saw refugees with all their worldly possessions in bags on backs, their children barefoot on ice. In the bottomless ocean of knowledge, surely mankind deserves better.

Owning-maintaining an apartment near the United Nations in New York, in Manhattan, at an elitist party, a drunk Russian learned of my recent trip across the Gobi desert and China. I told him about making photographs with my telescopic lens, under blankets, which his Russians did not capture. In order to get the film, this Russian diplomat told me about the capture and enslavement of the Americans on the South Korean airline shot down (KAL 007). He said all the passengers are alive and slaves near Vladivostok. When I talked to the South Korean embassy, just across the street from me on Beekman Place, the ambassador said, "Korea nor the USA will start a Third World War over some slaves." (I have written all about this in another article.)

For 6,000 years, Man has known that he is just a squatter on this planet specially designed by God. I know that I was chosen by God before the very creation of the Universe and I know that I have my identity with him, in spite of the world, flesh, devil. When God heard people cry, "Crucify Him," about his own son, he knew then, as now, who is in charge of everything. This writer has known and seen many insignificant people around the world, every continent. Darkness, not light, has become romanticized. With 600,000 young men in prison for drugs, drug activity has also become romanticized-sanitized-"cool." "How shall we escape (Hebrews 2:3)": Before American soldiers arrived in Afghanistan, even the times I was there before the war, Afghanistan produced 7% of the world's Heroin market. Today, after a warfare covering many years, Afghanistan is producing 93% of the world's heroin supply. Nations, like individuals, are responsible for their identity AND, as with Sodom and Gomorrah, known to God. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014



Some enchanted evening
You may see a stranger,
you may see a stranger
Across a crowded room
And somehow you know,
You know even then
That somewhere you'll see her
Again and again.

God has good sense, he knows that Satan can imitate everything. As a child, I never could understand my grandmother referring to store bought loaves of bread as lite-bread. My ancestors, landing on the shores of America in 1677, like those primitive cooks before them, knew only "heavy" bread. In my lifetime, changes in everything, from the heavy to the light... now referred to as lite... lite beer, lite milk, lite clothing, lite bedding etc. Vehicles are much lighter, housing less bulky, lifestyles much, much easier. To cure diseases, not just treatment, such as diabetes and cancer, we must learn to hate the foods we like, like the foods we hate. Scientists, even your own doctor, will not tell you this, but sugar nourishes-encourages-spreads cancer. Sugar is the most addictive substance known to man. Have you noticed how addictive fast foods are when you eat in some restaurants? In 1900, only 3 of 100 people had cancer. Today, 50 out of 100 people have cancer, and the number is growing. Cancer and diabetes were rare diseases when I was in school, just seventy years ago. Many people cannot accept the diagnosis... some states, example Oregon, provide suicide packets for citizens (Brittany Maynard). Flies do not cause garbage. God has provided clean-up crews for a human being, prize your immune system. Let bacteria do its work.

In a world of deceit, a world of political correctness, as we have lightened up-depreciated everything else, so we have made a "CHEAPNESS" of our spiritual and political beliefs. The liberty we find in Christianity came at such a tremendous cost both spiritually and politically (the ugliness of death on a cross). If I were to have a tombstone, I would want the words "Work in Progress" inscribed on it.("Thy word is forever settled in heaven." Psalm 119:89) Chosen, by God, for life, life is eternal. The word Koinonia means fellowship-encouragement. A greater blight on my life than blindness, so little encouragement. Think of what Moses' life could have been with encouragement. He witnessed the redemption of three million Jewish slaves from Egypt, through the Red Sea, witnessed God's attention to them, yet, the stiff-necked people, even his own sister and brothers were a heavy burden on his life and Moses was kept from entering the Promised Land, UNTIL he appeared with Jesus and Elijah there on the Mount of Transfiguration. I believe Martin Luther realized the burden-heaviness of God's word. For hundreds of years, the Catholic church taught wrongness instead of rightness, just think, years of God's message with just books of law then scarce manuscripts. Think of the enlightenment when the printed page allowed any person to discover the Grace of God. Whether spiritual or political it is all a matter of message. This nation, its churches, built on message, but, nothing excuses the watering down-weakness of the message. We have had several generations of westerners who think the spiritual message is simply a matter of actions, citizenship is a matter of actions...a checklist Christianity, a bellhop God of national security, available when needed. 

History has been marked by God dealing with a man, not a committee... the right man, at the right place, at the right time, for example, a David Livingston or Dwight L. Moody. In the summer, this old blind veteran sleeps with his window open at night. The flight patterns going to the local airport pass right over my house. Looking into the sky, a sighted person cannot see it, but I can hear a plane cutting through it... the underpinnings of God's magnificent design of support to the plane. Just as he is caretaker of the planets. Have you ever wondered why some people are attracted to you and others, seemingly, are repulsed by you? Again, it is a matter of message. The apostle Paul told us long ago, "Christ in you, the hope of glory." Colossians 1:27. If one does not like you, rejoice, you are in good company because they would not like my Blessed Lord either. The great mystery of my lifetime, everyone-everything made lighter. From the White House, to the State House, to the Courthouse, to the School House, even to the Church House, and perhaps even to your house, whether decency and morality in government, values-absolutes defended-fought-preached we have seen what happens to a 'flimsy" world physically, politically, spiritually.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Elections and Liberty

Matthew writes that Jesus "healed their sick." Not some of their sick. Not the righteous among the sick. Not the deserving among the sick. But "the sick." - Max Lucado

"Fools make a mock at sin!" Proverbs 14:9 

Sin is a foolish thing. What greater foolishness is there, than to gratify an enemy! Sin gratifies Satan. When lust or anger burn in the soul--Satan warms himself at the fire! Men's sins feast the devil. 

Samson was called out to amuse the Philistines. Likewise the sinner amuses the devil! Nothing more satisfies him--than to see men sin. How he laughs to see them hazarding their souls for the world--as if one would trade diamonds for straws; or would fish for gudgeons with golden hooks! 

Every wicked man shall be indicted as a fool, at the day of judgment. "But God said to him--You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you!" Luke 12:20

Addition Dr. Morris:

On this November 3rd, 2014, America is gearing up to vote tomorrow in its midterm elections. America is too far down the drain, tomorrow's elections will not make any difference. Like our ancestors, Adam and Eve, we have chosen the spirit of death instead of the spirit of life. I am so tired of the political advertisements, lies and deceit. I have lived through the presidencies and congresses of FDR, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Bush #41, Bill Clinton, Bush #43, and now, worst of all, sunni-muslim golfer B. Obama. It would be hard to say what a masquerade party we've had with both political parties. Satan surely is laughing. Satan's only concern is that there is a remnant, God's chosen, still believing in liberty, liberty which does not come with political changes but only in the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.

Until Jesus came, women were little more than slaves (democrats, women's movements, would have you believe otherwise. But, if they actually believed they could do something for women, women's lives would be different in Muslim countries). Until Jesus came, children were expendable. Mannaseh, longest reigning king in Israel, burned both of his sons to satisfy a heathen god. In the early days of the Roman Empire, newborn babies were placed at the edge of the street so they could be crushed by horses. Today, and most democrats support this, babies before birth are killed. Has anything actually improved? Except, that now we have certain political people, in repudiation to everything scientific and spiritual, supporting same-sex marriage. Satan takes no satisfaction in seeing sinners sin, he already has them under his control. He gleefully laughs when he sees those who claim the name of Christ sin in their living as well as in the voting booth. Satan knows the pleasure of knowing that most church members think their responsibility to God is only on a short time, Sunday morning. The Christian's liberty is Christ and Jesus came to give us liberty, (John 8:32- "And you will know the truth and the truth will make you free") came from the realization that the christian responsibility extends to every day, every moment of his life. Truth is truth whether either political party believes it or not.

President William Clinton told us that he would do what he thought was right... not what IS right but what he THOUGHT was right. He thought what he did in the oval office with an intern was right, the women and children killed in Waco, TX was right. Over my lifetime, it has been impossible for anyone to vote for a true Christian president. Some were better than others, some better pretenders than others, for instance, Jimmy Carter. The Christian patriot is responsible for what he knows and into the voting booth he takes with him what he knows and his best knowledge is asking God to help him mark his ballot.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Contempt for Contentment

Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight
Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm;
In celestial strains it unceasingly falls
O’er my soul like an infinite calm.

Peace, peace, wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above!
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
In fathomless billows of love!

Christian contentment

(Jeremiah Burroughs, 1600-1646)

"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances!" Philippians 4:11

Christian contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God's wise and fatherly disposal in every condition.

"Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that!" 1 Timothy 6:6-8

"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said: Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you!" Hebrews 13:5

Addition Dr. Morris:

This writer owned and maintained a home right in the middle of Manhattan, New York City, for many years. I used it when I was there, a pied-a-terre away from my usual homestead. It was an excellent launching pad for my world travels. Of course, sightless, I missed the body language so important for evaluating people, but I could hear the rushing tenseness, even anger, in the hordes of people, streets, buses, subways in their workday of survival. I would walk through the garment district and hear men with loaded carts in pursuit of another day's pay, and I'm sure the same mental activity-anguish went on in the great banks, even Wall Street. Every day of my life when I shower-shave in the comfort of my home, I think of my ancestors, who up until my parents generation, never enjoyed any of the comforts of life... never had a good bath. Most only had two pairs of shoes, Sunday shoes and work shoes... most men owned only one suit. Some of my female ancestors probably never had a store bought-ready made dress. Beginning in the twentieth century, industry, movement from the farm into the city, the individual lost much of the joys of living. Governments find it is much easier to control people in large urban areas. Madison Avenue finds it is easy to keep people in stress about the things they do not have. Radio-television-internet advertising keeps people constantly wanting something additional or different. It has become a science aimed at certain age groups, most disgusting, marketing towards children, so, each generation becomes more dissatisfied with their lives than the last. We all want to live like the "rich and famous." Home has become just a filling station-changing room. Everyone is on the go. 

One pastor visited one of his members' homes. A young boy answered the door, upon inquiry, the boy told the pastor that his father was on the golf course, his mother, either at the gym or shopping. His sister either had a dancing class or fencing class or soccer practice. The preacher said, "What are you doing?" "I have our old, large tomcat in our freezer turning him into a polar bear," replied the boy. 

Bring back the time when we had time to look at the flowers which we had time to plant. Bring back the time when the family could enjoy a meal at a table. Bring back the time when students could enjoy a book just for the pleasure of reading. Bring back the time when families and neighbors visited. In my lifetime, I saw front porches emptied where, before air conditioning, they used to be crowded with people laughing and talking. There was a time when the doctors office didn't limit you to a seven minute visit or a lawyer could practice curbstone law (time to talk with you about a problem on the street).

I have been to Communist China three times since it reopened... amazed that those people are more like robots than robots. Your life is controlled by the government from cradle to grave. I was in the so-called "children's palaces" where all children are raised by government workers... the parents, unless hospitalized, are at work at government jobs. All young men are pressed into military service... you see them constantly exercising. All young girls are working in factories turning out stuff for Wal-Mart. I asked one supervising guide, "What would happen if one of these girls actually had an artistic thought and made something different from the others." She said, "We would destroy it." Everything is done according to standard operating procedures (SOP). Every time I go to a Wal-Mart or another of the mega-stores, I think I'm in Communist China, where piles of clothing are just there for purchase, never any displays. There was a time in America when you could window shop... do you remember mannequins? Even in Chinese restaurants, everything tastes the same, same portions, same decor. The first time I was in China, everyone wore the same uniform, men and women, same haircuts, same bicycles. It was almost that way in Russia, when I crossed the entire continent on the Trans-Siberian Railroad.

America, having been brain-washed, mentally tarnished and tainted by government media, is in the process of losing so quickly that which our ancestors worked so long and hard to establish. From the White House, to the State House, to the court house-school house-church house, we have purchased hook, line and sinker, mal-contentment with the values of our wonderful past.

I have often said, why should we be surprised when sinners act like sinners. Faith is 90% raw courage. Those of us who bear the name of Christ should be the most content, joyful people in the world and should have the courage to esteem it.