Monday, October 4, 2010


“The thrill is gone
The thrill is gone away
The thrill is gone baby
The thrill is gone away “
The Thrill Is Gone – Ray Henderson

Lyrics first published in 1931, sung by many artists over many years, including Ella Fitzgerald. So many times, when the secretness, the vicarious thrill of a sinful act is taken away, the thrill is gone. As one gay man told me, “the thrill of the gay lifestyle has been taken away since the gays have come out of the closet. When we had to slip around, cruise one another with eye contact, meet one another in extraneous places, there was 'a rush' about gay activity. Now, the gay lifestyle is almost as dull as the straight lifestyle.”

Homosexual attraction is still a mystery to heterosexuals, as one of my aunts said, “they are all mixed up in their plumbing.” It is more than that, having talked with several gays, I am convinced that it is more than sex. Just as a CIA or FBI agent gets a neurological 'high' from danger, people of the same sex get a neurological high from just the fact that they are doing something totally unnatural, totally against accepted moral practices, defying parents and friends, showing that they can dance to the tune of the world, the flesh, the devil.

Young, innocent, green I honestly did not know what the students at the university were talking about when they discussed gays and queers. I did hear one say, “you can tell one by his shoes, if he wears saddle shoes, you can know.” I had worked real hard to get a pair of brown and white saddle shoes...what I thought was accepted footwear at the university, I immediately threw away this good pair of shoes.

This weekend, on the grounds of Rutgers University, memorial services were held for an 18-year-old who was filmed with some wireless mechanism, by his roommate having a sexual encounter. The student, Tyler Clementi, was very religious, played the violin at his church, he could not stand “the outing”, the humiliation, so, as has often been the case, the easiest way out was to end it all. He jumped off the George Washington bridge. Students at Rutgers have planned a “black Friday” event to memorialize the student, who behind closed doors, was having a private daliance with a person of the same sex, not bothering anyone else, a matter of curiosity and voyeurism to his roommate.

Most people, straight, gay, indifferent, are voyeurs at heart, they really want to know what goes on behind closed doors. Your government is the biggest voyeur known to man, they want to know what is in your refrigerator, your medicine cabinet, your bank account, your retirement funds. You neighbors wants to know what goes on behind your closed doors, through these insidious, hateful, nosy home owners associations, they already try to regulate what goes on outside and inside your house. I have traveled through every communist country of any significance in the world, nothing in communism, nothing in communist laws, are as invasive as the American homeowner's association.

It may not be obvious, but they really have curiosity in the locker room, in the sex-porno theaters, why do you think the best sellers are the worst smellers? Why are R-rated movies so popular? Why are key clubs so popular in the best country clubs, the most affluent urban communities. (A key club, a group of accepted, influential, high-income couples, swingers who get together for a party, after being well-lubricated with alcohol, they throw their car keys into a pile, and become matched up as odd couples, exchanging mates for sexual perversion) Let me assure you that I have never participated in such, but this is my understanding. So, gays have come out of the closet, straights have come out of the closet, politicians have come out of the closet, wall street has come out of the closet, the mortgage business has come out of the closet, automobile manufacturers have come out of the closet, bankers have come out of the closet, and into the closet went pastors, along with their churches. Into the closet went teachers, along with their schools. Out of the closet came the Druids, who in England are now recognized on the same religious level as the Christians, out of the closet has come the CIA and FBI, now proved to have put the Christmas bomber on a plane.

Out of the closets comes Mr. Obama who proclaimed the Iraq war, bad, the Afghanistan war, “smart”. (He is now bombing more than Bush, more military committed than Bush, more drones than Bush, even bombing Pakistanis while they are underwater from a flood) In a few days, the midterm vote, like people drowning in an ocean, “captain Obama” is tossing broom straw in the water toward his drowning Democrats. So anxious he is for them to grab at anything that will help keep him, and the democrat party afloat.

Mr. Obama promised change, not business as usual in Washington, it has been a change for the worst, the usual business as usual...50,000 non-combat troops in Iraq, more contract-civilians now than troops removed...Blackwater and such, has become the “American foreign legions” The embassy in Iraq is larger than the Vatican.

The news media can only cover what the government says they can cover, it is no long political correctness, but Obama correctness. In this time of economic inclusion, anyone who says that Obama blames Bush, or is following the Bush doctrine should be drug tested. The question now, the real outing, what do you do with your revolution once you have it? We expect the Republicans to win in this midterm election, we have not forgotten what a miserable job they did during their last reign, controlling the White House, the Senate, the Congress. Bush 43, neither a Christian, nor conservative, controlled nothing. The Republicans, sent by taxpaying, god-fearing, hard-working citizens went on spending spree. We are in the mess we are in because RINO McCain was little better than Sunni Muslim Obama.

Those of us weary of “outed “, corrupt, “Big I, little u” politicians, like the 1965 song, are singing, “hang on sloopy, hang on.” We are tired of hanging on to the American idea that the cream rises to the top, if we fail this time, to elect integrity, we are much like the sign at Niagara Falls ,”pass on, then you are gone.”

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