Monday, October 10, 2011

Ancient of Days

As one ages, younger think of you as being ancient. Speaking of the Depression of the Great Depression, even those of moderate means cannot imagine “What it could have been.” The IMF, and even England's Federal Reserve headed since 1973 by Sir Gordon Richardson, have said that we are headed into a Global Depression.

Even the prophet Isaiah, living around 800BC referred to olden times when the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea (1400 BC) as ancient times. (Isaiah 46:10)

Remarkable, the book of Isaiah, 66 Chapters, closely paralleling the 66 books of the Bible.

From Old Testament Isaiah, to the New Testament, about 600 years, the “so called” dumb years, when God did not reveal Himself to the world.

From Romans to Philemon, we have a message to the church. Perplexity and complexity of many, toward the Bible, the mixing of law with the redemption and grace, of Jesus Christ. Perhaps Paul, shown as a short, unattractive but brilliant Jew, was miserable in his explaining the Christian's relationship with the law as found in the seventh chapter of Romans... even more so in the book of Hebrews. Through, salvation, through Jesus Christ, freedom from the law, still trying to keep the law... Saturday, Sabbath, etc. Entire denominations, claiming Christ as their savior (Seventh Day Adventists). Employees telling me, that they will not answer a phone from 5pm on Friday afternoon until 5pm on Saturday afternoon. Much like visiting Israel, Jewish hotels, which serve cold food on their Sabbath. I have known women in Baptist churches who would not cook, on Sunday, the Lord's Day.

The very foundation of our knowing right from wrong, the Jewish law, on which all law is based, yet fulfillment by Christ of that law, giving us freedom.

Confusion comes in not understanding the difference in law and grace. The law of gravity, laws of motion, laws of sowing and reaping, were as fundamental in ancient times as modern times. Essential that we learn that God is all wise, Sovereign in everything, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.

Anyone can count low hanging apples on an apple tree, the seed inside one apple. We have not learned to “roll our burdens” onto God. (Psalm 37) We have not learned that God can determine all the apple trees from one seed, all wise God. 500 billion stars – He named them all. If your students, you send to college, were sufficiently indoctrinated by you about the wisdom of Ancient of Days, they would not fall so quickly prey to the wisdom of college professors (Romans 7:24) For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. (Romans 7:15) The important word in this seventh chapter is the word concupiscence (Romans 7:8) Sin is like a virus. The DNA of a virus leads to multiplication, supposed to multiply themselves, just as sin increases. You in Christ and Christ in you, redeems you from such.

Faith is a verb, “action based on belief, sustained by confidence.” We have the confidence of forgiveness. Sins of the past, present, and future.

Many of us are confused in the keeping of many laws, certainly not ceremonial law. But, the tithe is the Lord's, whether we give it or not. All my life, I have heard preachers and teachers who are supposed to know better, speak of giving your money as a tithe. We own nothing, all belongs to Him. We return His tithes to Him, along with our offerings.

The apostle Peter is the best example I can think of in his and our special relationship with Christ. Peter did not lie before Pilate, rather before servants. To whom do we lie? We have acts of faith everyday, valleys of weeping throughout life (Psalm 84) No room for compromise, just go through these valleys, prove Him, do not hesitate with tithes, offerings. (Malachi 3:10) (Although Peter denied Christ three times, on resurrection morning, Christ specifically asked that Peter be notified.) (Mark16:7)

We cannot reduce God to our performance. The Holy Spirit of God dwelling within the real Christian replaces the spirit of law and death.

It is time for men to put on the whole armor of God. Ancient Athenian warriors, going to war for Athens, returned from battle either walking or laying dead on their shield.

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